2 minute read
Personal Growth / Mind, Body, Spirit / Self-help
Sun Signs, Houses & Healing: Build Resilience & Transform Your Life Through Astrology

Once you have your birth chart-which you can easily acquire online using your time and place of birth-Carmen Turner-Schott helps you fully understand your sun sign, providing everything from self-care affirmations to optimal strategies for healing and transformation. This well-organized book lets you quickly jump between specific signs and houses, making it easy to look up information for yourself and your loved ones.
ISBN: 978-0738771304 • $16.99
Available on all online stores and from Llewellyn Worldwide. www.carmenturnerschott.com
Fullfilled. 52 Prescriptions for Healing, Health, and Happiness
Dr. Bernadette Anderson
Organized into 52 weekly guides for the year, but set a pace that fits your life. You decide how to incorporate them into your schedule—daily, three times a week, or weekly. In every chapter, Dr. Bernadette asks questions, discusses symptoms and issues, then provides a “Prescription” to help you achieve healing, health, and happiness for your whole self—mind, body, and spirit. Through this interactive wellness guide, she is your doctor on call with life-changing tools and insights to make “living the life you were born to live” your natural default.
ISBN: 978-1954907232 • Purchase Price $29.95
Available on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Bookshop.org

Fulfilled. 52 Prescriptions for Healing, Health, and Happiness by Dr. Bernadette Anderson