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Childrens Bookworm Award
Any publisher or author can enter with a print OR audiobooks within a publication date within the past three years, for example, 2020 - 2023. Qualifying publishers include:
• independent publishers
• hybrid publishers
• self-published authors
WHEN CAN I ENTER the Childrens Bookworm Award?
• traditional publishers
• university presses
• association presses
We are on a rolling submission, approximately every two and a half months, with two hard deadlines:
(1) January 1, 2023 to May 31, 2023, all publication dates within the past three years are accepted.
(2) June 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023, all publication dates within the past three years are accepted.
Books and audiobooks must have a copyright date within the past three years to be considered. All entries must be postmarked no later than September 30, 2022.
What if I miss the deadline? Enter our spring program IndependentPressAward.com as we take books until December 2023.
ENTRY FEE: $59 per title/per category, plus $50 for any additional category
1. Decide which books with a copyright date within the past three years to enter into this year’s competition.
2. Calculate the total entry fee. Choose which categories, https://www.ChildrensBookwormAward.com/categories, to enter each book into. You may enter a book into as many categories as you’d like. The fee for the first category is $59. Any additional book categories for that same book is $50 per category.

Childrens Bookworm Award
• SINGLE BOOK, MULTIPLE CATEGORIES: One who enters “Book One” in Children’s Educational and Book Cover Design Childrens category, the entry fee is $59 + $50 = $109.
• MULTIPLE BOOKS: One who enters “Book One” in Children’s Educational and Book Cover Design Childrens category, the entry fee is $59 + $50 = $109, and “Book Two” in Mystery and New Fiction (first-time published), the entry fee is $59 + $50 = $109, so $109 + $109 = $218 in total book entry fees.
3. Download a form from this page, https://www.ChildrensBookwormAward.com/submit-offline OR submit the entry form online on this page, https://www.ChildrensBookwormAward.com/submit-online
• Complete form
4. Duplicate each Entry Label if you are entering multiple categories.
• For print books, a copy of the completed Entry Label must be placed inside the front cover of every book submitted. Up to four physical copies for entry into four or more categories.
• Audiobooks, a single copy of the completed Entry Label must be submitted along with either an Audible gift code or Authors’ Direct code.
5. Pay via PayPal button on the website or mail a check, along with your books and printed entry form, and ship to:
Childrens Bookworm Award
63 Clinton Road Glen Ridge, NJ 07028 USA