Worthing Enterprise, May 2012

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MAY 2012

VOL. 6, NO. 5

Gov. Daugaard announces $811,059 loan for Worthing Projects PIERRE, S.D. – Gov. Dennis Daugaard says the state Board of Water and Natural Resources has approved an $811,059 funding package to Worthing for drinking water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer improvements. The funding includes a $301,227 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan for water line replacement, with $200,000 of that in principal forgiveness; and a $50,000 grant from the Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program and a $459,832 Clean Water State Revolving Fund loan to replace sanitary sewer and install storm sewer lines. “This loan will help Worthing make much-needed improvements to

the city’s drinking water and sewer systems,” Gov. Daugaard said. The drinking water project involves replacing 1,600 feet of 4-inch asbestos, cement pipe water mains with 6-inch PVC. The sanitary sewer project involves replacing 500 feet of clay pipe with PVC pipe, replacing manholes, and installing new sewer pipe to property lines. The project area includes portions of Second, Third, and Juniper streets. It also involves installation of curb and gutter and associated storm sewer collection lines. The total cost of the drinking water improvements is $301,227; the sanitary and storm sewer improvements total $890,091. The terms for

both loans are 3 percent interest for 20 years. The Consolidated Water Facilities Construction Program provides grants and loans for water, wastewater, and watershed projects statewide. The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program provides low-interest loans for public drinking water system projects. One of the program requirements is that some of the funds be provided as a subsidy. Principal forgiveness is a subsidy option that results in a reduced loan repayment amount for the borrower. The Clean Water State Revolving Fund Program provides low-interest loans for wastewater and storm water projects.

Katie Vest sets new school record for AR points Worthing fourth grader er is a fourth gradKatie Vest celebrated her 10th th 3. birthday on Friday, Apr. 13. Of course, a tenth birthday ay is very special, but what at re made this day even more he special for Katie was that she rreached 329 AR (Accelerw ated Reading) points, a new school record! The previouss record was 325 points. Elementary school chil-dren in the Lennox Schooll District earn AR points iff R they read a book on the AR list and then pass a test that they take on the computer. The harder the book, the more AR points the children can earn. Although Katie doesn’t always pick out a book for the amount of AR points it has, she had been thinking about it recently. “I wanted to get the record on my birthday,” she said. “The book that helped me pass the record was a five.” The book that pushed Katie to the top was Rose’s Story. “It’s about a girl who Katie Vest, a Worthing likes to ride horses. Her fourth grader, set th e new school record for Accellerat uncle owns horses and ed Reading points on Apr. 13, her gives classes,” related 10th birthday. Katie. “She gets to pick a horse and picks a difficult one that wasn’t treated well before. “She enters a competition in Praiwhich girls are not allowed. So rie books by Laura Ingalls Wild- er in Mrs. Wagers she dressed like a boy to register, er. class. And her favorite subject? but when she rode she dressed When asked what her next Reading, of course. like a girl. And she won.” goal would be, Katie said, “I Katie is the daughter of Marie might try to beat my own record Some of Katie’s favorite books are the Little House on the and Jason Vest of Worthing and next year.”


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Saugstad elected as new Mayor The municipal and school elections were held Apr. 10. Eric Saugstad will become the new Mayor in Worthing, defeating Denise Nelson by a vote of 129 to 85. Winning the two commissioners seats were Troy Larson and Todd Gannon with 146 and 125 votes, respectively. Jennifer Joffer came in a close third with 112 votes. In the Lennox School Board of Education election Renae Buehner defeated incumbent Gordon Sweeter by just two votes—369 to 367. Alan Rops received the most votes with 438. There was an 18.77% voter turnout throughout the District. In the Worthing precinct, 24.52% of the registered voters went to the polls; in the Chancellor precinct, just 6.58%; and in the Lennox precinct, 21.29%.

Last day of school set for May 15 with 2:30 dismissal The Lennox School District Board of Education meet Monday night, April 9. The board listened to a report from Kari Oyen about the highlights from the APBS International Conference that she recently attended. “It was an honor and privilege to go,” Oyen said. Superintendent Robert Mayer spoke to the board regarding a lunch that he had with politicians, Gene Abdallah, and June Nusz. Nusz is running for one of the new District 6 house seats. Abdallah is running for the State Senate. Mayer said, “I thought we were well received. The issue we tried to make sure they understood was the key to funding schools in this state is to fund the formula.” Mayer added, “It’s very seldom that I’ve had a give and take like that. I do think that people are listening, that legislators are listening a little more.” The membership into the SDHSAA was approved. Mayer did let the board members know that a vote may be coming to the SDHSAA regarding open enrollment and athletic participation. Currently if a student starts at the beginning of the year they can participate, if the student comes during the year, they are required to wait 9 weeks to participate. Mayer said, “The new amendment will mean—you cannot participate in varsity athletics for one year.”

Welcome to the

Mayer explained that the ammendement was the result of 31 schools petitioning the SDHSAA Board. Mayer felt it was an attempt to preserve the local athletic program. He added, “My recommendation is to vote against it. How is that in the best interest of kids? You can take an academic course, but not athletics.” School Business Manager Angela Arlt brought to the board the possibility to seek proposals on banking. Arlt said that she had been approached by Dakota Heritage State Bank about moving more accounts to that bank. She explained that Dakota Heritage was willing to make remote deposit available. Currently the School District has accounts at all three banks in the district, Home Federal, Valley Exchange Bank and Dakota Heritage State Bank. But Home Federal is the main bank. After checking with other school districts, Angela said it is not unusual for school districts to seek proposals from banks within the district every 3, 5, or ten years. Board member, Sandy Poppenga said, “I don’t think it would hurt to check around.” The board voted to seek proposals on banking. The last day of school is scheduled for May 16th, Mayer said, but he proposed extending hours on May 15th and using May 16th as inservice day. ■ SCHOOL BOARD, page 3

Small town living and so much more 38.5 Acre Industrial Park Elementary School Strong Local Fire Department 20 Minutes from Sioux Falls



Looking forward to Thankful working with YOU days BY ERICA BECK EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR



’m excited to greet you as the new executive director of the Minnehaha and Lincoln County Economic Development Associations. Our organizations have long been recognized as leaders in regional economic development and I am proud to be able to continue the traditions of partnership and collaboration that have been so successful during the past two decades. It is a pleasure to step into this position following the able leadership of Jeff Eckhoff, who has moved into new challenges on a statewide level. One of the things I am most looking forward to in my new role with LCEDA and MCEDA is traveling throughout our twocounty area and meeting many of you. The hard work of community development volunteers and elected officials is the driving force that has made our region one of the fastest-growing areas in the US. I can’t wait to talk with the people in your community who are building for the future and listen to your ideas for prosperity and your

goals for economic development in our region. Economic development success has always been about people. When people care about seeing their communities grow, adding new jobs, new opportunities and new construction, exciting things happen. And when people work together to achieve their goals, there are no limits on our economic potential. Partnership has been the guiding principle of MCEDA and LCEDA since their inception. The partnership between the two county organizations, along with our collaboration with the Sioux Falls Development Foundation and with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, leverages our efforts and strengthens our communities. Add the close working relationships our organizations have with city governments and volunteer community groups and you have a team that can confidently continue the growth of hometowns throughout Minnehaha and Lincoln Counties. I look forward to working with you. I offer my experience, my enthusiasm and my dedication to the task of bringing responsible, sustained growth to our communities.




ge has never bothered me. Some people freak out when they reach the milestones of their lives like the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, but I never did. Perhaps as I grew older, it was more difficult to frighten me. I’ve seen people tear up at 30, freak at 40, fret at 50 and sob at sixty. Let’s face it, aging isn’t all bad. Just think of the trouble we’d have if wrinkles hurt. However, I am terrified of an event coming my way in another year provided I live that long. It dawned on the other day that I graduated from high school in 1963. That was just a few years ago. I remember it like yesterday. I can still picture my classmates sitting at their desks. I can see the classrooms and hear kids laughing. If I don’t look in the mirror, I look just like I did in 1963, well except for the mustache, gray hair and wrinkles. So never having claimed to be a mathematician, I assumed I was incorrect when I calculated next year would be my 50 year class reunion. I was tearing, freaking, fretting and sobbing like a baby. Fifty years, that was impossible! Having attended class reunions every 10 years, I guess I wasn’t paying attention to those 50 year graduates. I just assumed they were really old folks, the old crotchety people with the walkers, wheelchairs, wigs, toupees, drinking prune juice and warm milk at their tables in the back

of the room. Class reunions are strange events. People who live 2,000 miles away will attend. Some who live across the street don’t show up. You look forward to seeing certain people and they aren’t there. You share stories with people and they go “Huh, really, I don’t remember that?” The last time I walked into a reunion no one knew me. I felt so sorry for all of them, their memories and eyes going like that. Next year, I’ll be one of those drinking prune juice. But I’m sure I am much younger than the kids in my class. My birth certificate lists I was born in 1945. However, I suspect the person who registered my birth was dyslexic and wrote 1945 instead of 1954. I haven’t verified this theory with my mother however. Boomer Babble – “Thoughts at Large” are written by the Boomer Babble Guys, Charles Doug and John with occasional help from friends. The Boomer Babble radio show is broadcast on WNAX 570 Sunday evenings at 5:00. Visit us at BoomerBabble.com.


he humans are being extra sweet to me; I take this as a bad sign. You know how it is—whenever someone says with a syrupy voice, “How are you feeling?” Followed by a gentle pat on the head. What this means is, “Wow, you look like you’re dying, super sorry, buddy.” So I’ve lost a little weight. So I’ve decided to sleep in my bed 20 hours out of the day—I might have another life to go on. Or I might not, I am about 18, or so they tell me. I do enjoy the extra sweetness the humans provide but I do not like the reminder of how time alters one’s outward appearance. Such is life I suppose, we just have to accept we become what we become—skinny or fat, gray or white haired, sleepier perhaps, as is the case with me. So what do you do when you feel old? Well, I’ve decided with the energetic four hours of every day to ENJOY WHATEVER TIME I GET. Notice how I emphasized that gem of wisdom for you. When something is in all caps, you must, MUST pay close attention. So for these four hours of each day I do something new. I read some book that I had been longing to read. I call an old friend to catch up and say those things I had hoped to say. I volunteer at the Cricket Shelter, I’m now committed to not eating any more of those musical little insects. I write music myself for the Cricket Street Band to perform. I’d like to learn to tap dance but so far have not located a cat tap dance teacher, some entertaining videos online on the subject—but no home or office calls. My days are spent being thankful—for those moments I feel good enough to try and do the things I’ve put off. I’m thankful for those enduring humans with their patronizing, well-meaning care. I’m thankful for it all. Thank you readers for giving this old cat something to work on. DON’T FORGET—ENJOY YOUR OWN LIFE every day.


Letter to the Editor

Congratulations to candidates, voters To all Worthing residents: On behalf of Otis’ Bar & Grill I’d like to take the time to congratulate Eric Saugstad in his recent campaign for Mayor as well as Todd Gannon and Troy Larson for the council seats. Thank you to George Zahn for his 28+ years as Mayor and his loyalty and dedication to the Worthing community. These fine folks have an everyday challenge ahead of them as leaders of this small, but yet great community. Pride, progress and possibilities are what Worthing is all about. Again, congratulations to all for a good voter turnout and to Denise Nelson and Jennifer Joffer for their campaign. Kim Heisinger Jim “Otis” Larson

The trouble with mosquitoes BY RICHARD P. HOLM MD


ho is not familiar with the whining high-pitched mating sound of the invading female mosquito during our all-too-short summer months in the mid-west? After she “finds” the male, actually by matching tunes, she goes on a hunt for the blood of birds, or animals in order to take a required meal so she can lay her eggs. When she finds skin, this tiny flying hypodermic syringe injects through her special needle nose some mosquito saliva to dissolve and lubricate so she can suck up the bloody food. As a matter of fairness, I might add here that the male mosquito is not bloodthirsty and is guilty only by association. But back to the biting: the trouble with this dangerous female (or femme fatale) all comes from her saliva. It is that salivary juice which causes the very itchy raised allergic welt, which we hate so much. Since she only injects saliva, and not blood from her previous victims, the mosquito does not spread diseases like hepatitis or HIV. On the other hand, when the mosquito ingests blood from an

Jerry’s Auto Sales of Lennox welcomes Robert Bly to the sales staff.

Along with several years of experience, Robert brings a vast knowledge of many different vehicles. Stop by and see him today and take a test drive. He guarantees your visit will be pleasurable with no pressure.

Stop in or call him at 605-647-2980

Contact Information: By Mail: PO Box 76, Lennox, SD 57039

Proudly serving the residents of Worthing, SD Published once a month. Debbie Schmidt ....................................................Publisher Kelli Bultena .................... Editor and Advertising Manager Anne Homan .................................................. Sports Editor © 2012 The Worthing Enterprise. All photographs, articles, and advertisements are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without permission from The Worthing Enterprise.

infected animal, and that illness is of the type that can infect the mosquito itself, then we have a problem. She can spread from her infected saliva such horrid illnesses as Malaria and Filariasis, which are parasites. The saliva also can carry deadly viral illnesses such as Dengue, Yellow Fever, Equine Encephalitis, and West Nile Virus. Many of these mosquito-borne illnesses are in developing countries, and one could think “out of sight, out of mind”. But now we realize that we face several possible epidemics in this developed country, which are mosquitospread conditions. So use your mosquito repellant and keep away from that nasty mosquito saliva. Dr. Rick Holm wrote this editorial for “On Call®,” a weekly program where medical professionals discuss health concerns for the general public. “On Call®” is produced by the Healing Words Foundation in association with the South Dakota State University Journalism Department. “On Call®” airs Thursdays on South Dakota Public BroadcastingTelevision at 7 p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. Visit us at OnCallTelevision.com.


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By E-mail: for news items: editor@lennoxnews.com for advertising: kelli@lennoxnews.com

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The Lennox Independent is the official newspaper for the Lennox School District 41-4, Cities of Lennox and Worthing, and Lincoln County.





ummer baseball and softball practice will soon be starting for the Worthing Ball Teams. We will have tball (coached by Crystal Jacobson), girls 8 and under (coached by Bridget Jackson), girls 10 and under (coached by Nathan and Kathy Bach), and girls 14 and under (coached by Melissa Daugherty). We will also have boys teams 5 and 6 year olds (coached by Nathan Bambas and Stephan Fjeltad), 7 and 8 year olds (coached by Jerry Stubbe), 9 and 10 ( Little League coached by Bill Daugherty and Jamie Jackson) and 11/12 year olds (Little League 11 coached by Mike Metivier and Marty Skillman ). The older boys 13 year olds (coached by Mike Metivier) will be playing on a combination team with Lennox. We are still looking for ball players, so if you have questions, please contact the coach or me. Registration forms are available on line at the cityofworthing.com website. Applications and release forms should be completed and submitted to city hall in an envelope marked City Rec. Code of conduct information for both parents and coaches are available on the website for your review. Schedules will be posted on the city website. The Rec Committee is looking for umpires for the boys and girls

games. We will also gathering names for those people interested in umpiring games. Please submit your name to Ann Metivier. mash@iw.net or call/ text 3105425. Worthing Ball Fields clean up days—A special thanks to those that gathered to help clean up the field the concession stand and erect the picnic shelter. The committee is also looking for a good used refrigerator for the boys and girls concessions stand. Please contact one of the committee members if you are aware of one. We are planning to host swimming lessons this year and will be attempting to get things organized early this summer. The amount charged for the bus and the lessons will depend on the amount of kids signing up. Please contact Ann M. if you are interested in participating. Adult softball games will be held on Sunday evenings starting in May. It will be open to persons 16 years and older. In you are interested in playing, please contact Commissioner Todd Gannon or Ann Metivier and get your name, phone number and email address on the list. Last year was a great start but they expect to have even more fun this year by starting a bit earlier.


with Ann Metivier

Adult sand volleyball is also going to occur again this year. They will wait to start playing until mid July when the ball activities are concluding. Please contact Todd Gannon or Ann Metivier to get your name, phone number and email address on the list. Quarter Craze Fundraiser. A special thanks to Crystal Jacobson for organizing this fundraiser for the rec program. She contacted many businesses and gathered many items for this special raffletype set up. She hosted the party Friday, April 27 at the Civic Center. New Rec Coordinator Hired. Crystal Jacobson has been offered and accepted the position of Rec Coordinator. She will be learning the job for the next few months and will take over the position in July. Please help the Rec Committee welcome her. The Rec Committee is having a fundraiser. They are selling discount cards for Papa Murphy’s pizza. The cards are being sold for $5 and will save you $20 on various items. Please submit the request form below and the cards will be sent to your home address. Monies from the sale of the cards will help support various needs of the fields, stands and concessions stands.

Worthing Clean Up Days May 11—12pm to 8pm May 12—8am to 4pm Drop off items at City Lot, north of Otis, across from elevator. Not accepted are electronics, paint, and hazardous waste. If the Sioux Falls landfill accepts tires, the City of Worthing will be accepting them on Clean Up Days.

Worthing Days The City of Worthing is seeking volunteers who are interested in spearheading this year’s Worthing Days. If interested or if you would like more information, call City Hall at 372-4113.

Animal Vaccination Clinic May 19—9am to Noon

Name_________________________________ Number of cards requested ______ X $5 Address


Phone Number _____________ Email address________________________________________ Amount of Payment_______________ Cash

Check Credit Card order (please call city hall)

Last day of school set for May 15 with 2:30 dismissal ■ SCHOOL BOARD, page 3

After some discussion a motion was made to keep last day May 15th with a 2:30 dismissal for students. It was approved to recognize the Lennox Baseball Club Team. Superintendent Mayer told the board there was an interested party in buying the lot near the Chancellor School. Board Memeber Merrel Merris said, “I would be concerned you lessen your odds to sell the buidling if you sell the land.” Poppenga added, “I agree, I think you need to keep it together. This property should be sold inclusive.” A motion was made and approved to have an appraisal on the Chancellor school property. After the appraisal more disuccion will be held. Some old athletic jerseys were declared surplus, Mayer said the Booster Club will sell them as a fund raiser. Under other action items, the board authorized bids on scissor lift. This was a part of the capital outlay plan that was presented

The Clinic will be held at the Worthing Civic Center. Residents are encouraged to bring their cats or/and dogs to get vaccinated. Residents can register their pet that day as well.

with the computers, not something new. The open enrollments were approved as presented. A bit of disccsion preceded regarding class sizes in the Lennox 4th grade (next years 5th). Mayer felt it may be necessary to cap that class and send any others to Worthing. Some discussion on Junior Kindergarten was also held, Mayer felt numbers had to be higher before a program like that could be introduced. Mayer said, “Were expecting 85 kindergarteners next year, . 58 in Lennox, 22 in Worthing.” The Board then went into executive session, the follow action was taken following executive session: resignation of Tim Driscoll, Lennox Elementary Custodian for 2011-2012 school year was approved. The new hire for the 20112012 school year of Debbie Fornshell, Lennox Elementary Custodian was approved. Also approved was the new hire for the 2012-2013 school year of Laura Welch, as LHS Special Education Teacher.

Worthing City Hall Hours Come celebrate as George steps down after 28 years in city government! Date: June 2nd Time: Open House starting at 6:30 p.m. Place: Olde Towne Dinner Theatre 121 S. Main St., Worthing, SD

Appetizers & beverages provided.

SERVICES: Worthing Residents: I will pick up your bagged grass clippings; 372-4259. ADVERTISE: Advertise in the Worthing Enterprise by calling The Lennox Independent at 647-2284 or email: kelli@lennoxnews.com

Located at 208 South Main Street Mon.—Thurs.: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. & Fri.: 7:30 a.m. - 12 noon Phone: (605) 372-4113 Fax: 605-372-2194 Mail: PO Box 277, Worthing, S.D. 57077

CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS Monday, May 7th, 2012, Regular Meeting @ 7 p.m. Monday, May 21, 2012, Regular Meeting @ 7 p.m. Each meeting begins at 7 p.m. with the exclusion of special meetings. Meetings are now being held in the Worthing Civic Center (American Legion Building). All meetings are open to the public except for Executive Session, which is used only to discuss legal and personnel issues.

PLANNING COMMISSION MEETINGS Monday, May 14th, 2012 at 6 p.m., Worthing City Hall Planning Commission Meetings: Each meeting begins at 6 p.m. with the exclusion of special meetings. Meetings are held at Worthing City Hall. All meetings are open to the public

Worthing City Officials George Zahn, Mayor: 372-4749 Darren Van Houten, Public Utilities: 212-4908, publicutilities@cityofworthing.com Todd Gannon, Public Works: 254-3229, publicworks@cityofworthing.com Eric Saugstad, Finance & Revenue: 270-2614, financeandrevenue@cityofworthing.com Carrie McDannel, Public Safety: (605) 941-0665, publicsafety@cityofworthing.com Jeff Tanner, City Administrator: 372-4113, jeff@cityofworthing.com John Pribnow, Finance Officer: 372-4113, financeoffficer@cityofworthing.com Jake Sees, Maintenance Lead, 372-4113, jake@cityofworthing.com Marie Albertson, Administrative Assistant/Utility Assistant, marie@cityofworthing.com Jason Schroder, Planning and Zoning Chairperson: 941-2751



Bolin announces bid for re-election to the legislature State Rep. Jim Bolin, the former mayor of Canton, announced that he will seek reelection to a third term in the South Dakota House of Representatives. Bolin, a member of the Appropriations committee, made the following statement. “I want to continue my work to represent the people of Union and Lincoln counties. I have worked diligently to put the interests of the people in our area ahead of any party agenda or personal goals that I might have. When I agree with any administration in Pierre, I will support them, but if I disagree and believe that the people in our area oppose a particular measure or bill, I will support the interests of the southeastern part of the state. My voting record demonstrates that.” Bolin cited his efforts in supporting the governor’s work force initiative as one example of backing the current administration, but also noted his firm opposition to the controversial educational reform bill ( HB 1234) , as evidence that he is independent minded and makes his own judgments on important issues. As usual, Rep. Bolin will seek to earn voter support by engaging in active door-to-door campaigning. Bolin stated, “With redistricting changing this legislative district slightly, I will concentrate in areas that are new to me. Worthing is now a part of District # 16. I will spend a lot of time in that town, meeting the voters, and seeking support from them. Of course, I


Two candidates file for County Commissioner Two candidates have filed for a position on the Lincoln County Commission for District 2. District 2 includes the Townships of Brooklyn, Pleasant, Norway, Eden, Fairview, Highland, Lincoln, Delaware, Grant, Lynn, Canton, Dayton, and LaValley and the Cities of Beresford, Hudson, Fairview, Canton, and Worthing Currently serving as

Public defender requests more money


will contact people all through the two counties that I represent. I will continue to work for the common sense, conservative values that I believe are shared by the vast majority of people in this region of the state.” Bolin also cited his work to keep South Dakota’s budget balanced in contrast to the excessive spending so evident at the federal level. Rep. Bolin is a graduate of the University of South Dakota and is married to his wife of 32 years, Ruth. They have two adult, married sons, Christopher and Benjamin, both graduates of Canton High School. District #16 consists of all of Union County and approximately the southern two thirds of Lincoln County. A contested primary election will be held on June 5, with Rep. Bolin running against three other candidates in the Republican primary.

Commissioner of District 2 is David Gillespie, from rural Canton. He has filed a nominating petition to again run on the Republican ticket. Andrew Larsgaard has field a nominating petition to run on the Democratic ticket. Neither candidate faces opposition in the Primary Election, but will face each other at the general election in November.


he Lincoln County Commission met in regular session Tuesday, April 10 and discussed a public defender contract with Cythia Berreau. Berreau inquired about a request for more money in her contract. “It looks like we have a 23% increase in case-load in 2012,” Berreau noted. She has lost her second attorney, who is moving to Texas with his family. The office is searching for new applicants, but may have to utilize local attorneys to help manage the increase until the positions are approved. “I’m requesting a third position for our office; an interim amount of money to get us through to the next budget cycle,” said Berreau. “We do need another attorney, sooner than later, for the county and the indigent people we serve.” “The increase in numbers was quite a bit in the one month, is this going to continue?” asked Commissioner David Gillespie. “We took in 40 new cases in March, and we’re on track to take in 46 in April. I can only anticipate we will go up, not down, during the summer,” Berreau said. “When you grow 87% and you have a population out there that is no different than any other part of the country, you have those out there who break the law,” said Commissioner Jim Schmidt. Mike Nadolski noted the amendment could be brought before the Commission at the last meeting of the month and at that time, an amendment could be put together to provide for that position. Commissioner Jason Melcher asked how the contract would work for time. Nadolski noted the past contract was signed in 2010 with incremental increases through 2015. There were increases built into the existing contract, but the increases may not have accounted for two attorneys, not three. Commissioner Melcher said, “I’ve had a couple people different people talk to me about this

position, but if we’re adjusting contracts and there are other positions, if we open up the contract. I know that there’s people out there that are willing to do it.” “We are not dealing with a contract, we are dealing with the second judicial district. If we don’t have sufficient defense available, the District can appoint.” The open rate is $82 per hour for attorneys. “I understand that if those people don’t get proper representation. I don’t want to spend this money any more than our chairman (Melcher) does,” said Commissioner Gillespie. If there’s other people that are willing to do it or want a part of it, then its worth bringing up the fact that we can renegotiate the contract as a whole,” said Melcher. “Professional services is something I have a hard time bidding out because it is tough,”’ said Commissioner Dale Long. The motion to approve the amendment was approved unanimously. Commissioner Schmidt noted if the County waits, then the District can come in and demand the attorney is added. Commissioner Schmidt asked if the County sets a precedent to rework any contract that comes before the Commission. Jay Fossum appeared before the Commission, 819 S. Cedar St. owner. He currently has taxes from 2007 through the current year and offered to make payments of $500 a month toward the outstanding balance of $5,682.16. The Commission approved the arrangement. The Commission heard from Nadolski in regard to Emil Klepel. I was afraid our arrangement would not be able to continue without account information,” Nadolksi told the Commission. The rent has been set at $55 monthly with the provisions that he put money into savings to cover the amount of taxes. Commissioner Long wanted to raise the rent by $20 a month, which Melcher agreed. “He’s a pillar of health, why is

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Nifty Thrifty on Main Saturday, May 19th

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along with the first flea market day!!

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Hours: Thursday 4-7, Friday 3-7, Saturday 10-5, Sunday 12-4

he always sick on Tuesday?” commented Long. The Commission approved a motion to approve the rent of $55 per month, to raise at the next meeting if Klepel did not show at the meeting.” Joe Jenkins came before the Commission and asked the Commission to approve education for the maintenance staff. “There is no cost, except the cost of travel, other than that there is basically no cost,” said Jenkins. Safety training also has another benefit of helping reduce insurance costs as the insurance company reviews the safety, according to Auditor Paula Feucht. The travel was approved. Jake Oakland appeared before the Commission with Nadolski. Oakland created a web page for human services, including information on the hours, contact information, etc. “I don’t necessarily know that it will make our work here any different than it is,” said Nadolski. The website has undergone some changes, but the new website is not completely finished. The website should be ready by the end of April. Jason Long, appeared before the Commission and said he is diligently seeking seat in house of representatives in District 6. He is looking to make “Lincoln County a great place to live.” Commissioner Schmidt told Commission members the total valuation of taxable property in Lincoln County is $3.9 billion, as a point of information.

May Birthday Wishes May 2 — Barb Weisenbach May 2 — Amber Hyronemus May 4 — Clara Stucky May 5 — Tyler German May 7 — Darren VanHouten May 8 — Rebecca Scheideler May 9 — Lyric Hall May 12 — Kay DeWitt May 14 — Dean Myhre May 18 — Matthew Wolf May 19 — Joan Peterson May 20 — Kyah Jackson May 20 — Stephanie Halouska May 21 — Mike Metivier May 22 — Brenda Hyronimus May 26 — Taylor Clay May 28 — Ed Kaltenbach May 30 — Delaney Wrage

Anniversary Wishes to… May 10 — Bill & Kerry Weeldreyer Brought to you by your friends at

WORTHING INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 112 W. Main, Worthing 372-2410

See Us for all Lines of Insurance!




Rachael Ann Ruba awarded $5000 Fred Courey Scholarship

Pictured above are volunteers from the Worthing FIre Department which helped at the Pinewood Derby. They include, from left to right, Jeremy Forrest, Tony Larson (also a scout parent), Gary Hannon, Neil Paul, and Justin Wallenstein. Pictured below are the Pinewood Derby Winners. They include, from left to right, Austin Metivier (second place), Seth Olson (third place), Jaren Hartman (Best of Show), and Dason Wilson, first place. Not pictured is Will Jacobson (alternate).

Deloris Harms wins Worthing firemen quilt The lucky winner of the quilt raffle at the Worthing Firemen’s Soup and Pie supper held last weekend was Deloris Harms. She is pictured above (second from left) with Jon Hanson, of the Worthing Fire Department, Sue Wallenstein, who has been leading the Fire Department’s ladies auxiliary with quilting, and the group’s youngest and quick learning quilter, Holly Voges. Winners of the cash drawings

Pack 309 Pine Wood Derby a success Sunday, April 15th, Pack 309 held their Pinewood Derby. 8 kids were present to compete. The Worthing Volunteer Fire Dept hosted the event at the Fire Hall. They checked in and weighed the cars, raced the cars and acted as judges. The cub scouts are very thankful of their involvement. The event was fun and participants and visitors were treated to an exciting race. The boys did a great job on their cars. Winners included Dason Wilson(1st), Austin Metivier(2nd), Seth Olsen(3rd), Will Jacobson(Alternate), Jaren Hartman(Best of Show). Other participants included Cadin Larsen, Cody Peterson, and Max Bambas. Fire Department volunteers included Justin Wallenstein, Travis Peterson, Neil Paul , Tony Larsen, Gary Hannon, and Jeremy Forrest. Cub Scout winners will compete in the ScoutORama Saturday April 21st at the arena. Other packs and troops will be hosting booths with a variety of activities. Thanks to the volunteer Den Leaders and Fire Department Personnel for helping with the event. A great big Thank You to the parents for getting your child involved in our activities. The following week, the ScoutO Rama was held in Sioux Falls. Dason Wilson finished 22nd of 150 and Austin Metivier finished 25th of 150. Scoring was based on a average of the time on each track and winning or placing was based on numbers up to a thousandth of a second. Times were from 3.48++ tp 3.72++, so winning numbers were close. They ran everyone through once and then took the top 12 for a second round. According to the Scout Leaders in charge, the number of races weeds out those

that do a great job using graphite and those who build the really GREAT cars. Again thanks to all the parents and fire department volunteers who helped us run our Pinewood Derby.

Attention Worthing Residents… The Worthing Fire Department will be testing sirens at 7 p.m. on the first Tuesday of each month from May to September.

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were Steve Hodinson, winner of $150; Dave and Pam Gillespie, $75 winners who opted to donate their winnings back to the Fire Hall; Krump Concrete, $50 winners who also donated their winnings back to the Worthing Fire Hall; and Jeremy and Melisa Wallenstein, winners of $25. A big crowd enjoyed the beautiful March weather and came out to support the Worthing Fire Department at their annual Soup and Pie Supper held last Saturday. They would like to thank everyone for coming and supporting the local department.

Rachael Ann Ruba has been awarded the $5000 Fred Courey Scholarship to attend the University of South Dakota in Vermillion. Rachael Ann is the daughter of Roger Ruba and Laurie Krump of Worthing. While attending Lennox High School, Rachael has been active in band, drumline, volleyball, debate, student council, drama, one act play, oral interp. and National Honor Society. She was also very active volunteering for several service activities while attending high school. Fred Courey graduated from Lennox High School in 1934, with 26 students in his class. Fred is the last surviving member of his class and had his 95th birthday on Jan. 2, 2012. The scholarship was presented to Rachael on Monday night, Apr. 2 during the Honors Recognition Night ceremony held in the high school.

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Worthing hosts successful Spring Carnival K

ids of all ages came to enjoy the food, games and basket raffle at the Worthing carnival held on April 20th. The biggest hit of the night was the balloon sculptures created by Harry Podhradsky. The nights events raised just over $2000 for the Worthing PTT. All proceeds go toward funding items for the school. Fundraisers like this have allowed the parent group to purchase playground equipment, iPods, books and so much more over the past couple of years. Thanks for coming out to support the school and build our community. Donations toward the raffle items were made by S.E.A.M. Designs, Studio G,

Flowers by Bob, Steever House, Countryside Convenience, Jerry’s, Pizza Ranch, City of Lennox, Temple Insurance, Valley Exchange Bank, Lewis Drug, Worthing Insurance, Lennox Independent, Magic Mirror (Amy Palmer),Usborne Books (Natalie Van Houten), Scentsy (Tracy VanderWaerdt), Thirty-one (Kathy Bach), Mary Kay (Christine Wrage) and Old Towne Theater. Food supplies were donated by Sunshine in Lennox, Coke, Frito Lay, Sam’s Club, HyVee, Valley Insurance, Walmart and Worthing Legion Auxiliary. Special thanks to all the high school and middle school volunteers for running the games for the evening. It is great to see the community come together to celebrate.

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Quick action saves little boy from drowning in hotel swimming pool


SIM-SD allows training on life-like mannequins

“Mom! Mom! It’s Ramsey!” “He started talking in the middle of They’re grateful, too, for the quick Those four words struck terror the night,” said Cheryl, “and I knew action of the dads that used CPR to in the heart of Cheryl Williams on he was back—100%.” help Ramsey before the paramedics Mar. 23. He stayed in the hospital through got there. Cheryl and her boys—Ray, 11; the weekend for monitoring. And they’re grateful for all of the Local first responders were reR i l e y, 1 0 a n d wonderful support. When cently able to take advantage of Ramsey, 4—had Cheryl and Ramsey arrived a one-of-a-kind mobile education just gotten to an at the Sioux Falls hospiprogram — SIM-SD (Simulation in Aberdeen hotel. tal, Ramsey’s pre-school Motion, South Dakota). This training They were there teacher Sheryl Ledeboer allowed the squads to encounter varifor the State was there to meet them. Youth Wrestling And West Prairie Pastor ous trauma emergencies in a mobile To u r n a m e n t Erika Lehmann was not outreach unit, containing state-of-theart human patient simulators. These where Riley was far behind. scheduled to With the help of Face- life-like mannequins respond to mediwrestle. book and texting, Williams’ cal treatment and procedures as if they Cheryl and the church family, friends and were human. They cry. They breathe. boys came earthe school staff were quick- They talk. They react to medicines. ly; her husband, ly notified of what was And they die. All just like humans. Bobby, was folgoing on and Ramsey and But, unlike humans, they can come lowing later in his family were quickly back to life again and again. All so his work truck supported with prayers and that medical personnel can practice their skills repeatedly in a low-stress because he had words of support. a job that would While she wasn’t sure environment. After a near-drowning involving their youngest son, Bobby and Cheryl Williams were so grateful to all of those who The training, provided in Lennox take him to North she wanted to publicly helped during and after the event. They are pictured above with their boys—Ray, Riley and Ramsey. Ramsey is all smiles and holding the teddy bear given to him by the ambulance personnel. Dakota. talk about their ordeal, at no charge, would cost $2,500 if not As soon as Cheryl said they decided provided by this program. Cheryl and the they wanted to recognize Training sessions can include By last week, Ramsey seemed all of those that helped them. boys got to the hotel, they checked in trauma or medical emergencies. and Cheryl took the boys to the pool. unaffected by the experience; calmly Wulf said he didn’t want or need New ambulance squad members She returned to the car to get their bags. explaining, “I jumped in and I didn’t any special recognition, that if one Kathy Fischer, Nick Weisenbach, As she was getting the last bag out see a number,” (stating how deep the of his kids was in trouble, he hoped Angela Sprague and Nick Buehner of the car, she saw the ambulance pull pool was). Cheryl said the pool was someone would jump in to do the were the first to tackle a simulated up. Her first thought was of the boys, just 3 1/2 feet deep at the deeper end. same thing. ATV roll-over accident, in which the Cheryl and Bobby know just how but thinking that someone would have “I’m just glad I was there and I male driver was seriously injured. gotten her if her boys had a problem, lucky they are, and how grateful they could help,” he added. They were able to talk to their patient she dismissed it. As she started down are that two little girls found Ramsey And Cheryl wants to be able to as they began procedures. At the end the hallway with her bag, Ray and right away and took the right action. return the favor. She plans to take CPR of the exercise, the trainer came back “I gave them both angel pins and classes herself. Riley came running to her, yelling, and talked about what the squad did, told them they would always be our “Mom! Mom! It’s Ramsey!” “I’m going to go learn, so that I can asked them questions, and reviewed Her heart sank and she raced to the little angels,” said Cheryl. ‘pay it forward’,” she said. their decisions. pool to see the paramedics beginning work on her son. Ray, Riley and Ramsey had been playing in the pool. Riley realized that Ramsey was out of his sight. It was a waterpark type pool and there were frogs and other obstructions. “I was looking for him at the little end, and then I looked at the big end and heard Gracie yelling for her dad,” said Riley. Gracie Bowers, a Lennox fourth grader, and Rylee Stoebner, a Worthing fourth grader, saw Ramsey floating in the pool; they pulled him out and Gracie called for her dad. Cheryl said her son was blue, not breathing, and had no pulse. Chad Wulf, of Lennox, and Tobin Klinkhammer, a Brandon coach, heard the girls yelling and saw them carrying Ramsey. The two dads sprang into action. The Brandon coach began chest compressions and Chad began mouth to mouth. “We got the water out and got him breathing,” said Chad. And then the paramedics arrived. “When I got there, he was pretty out of it,” said Cheryl, “He threw up more water and then he could talk better.” The paramedics took him to the Aberdeen hospital where the doctor said that although he appeared to be okay, he wanted to keep Ramsey overnight to monitor him. They also called in a pediatrician. Near drowning, the survival of a drowning event involving unconsciousness or water ❐ All imaged checks will be included in your monthly statement inhalation, can lead to serious secondary complications. ❐ $2500 Accidental Death Insurance coverage on one designated acWhen the pediatrician arrived, Ramsey, who also deals with asthma, count holder started having some respiratory distress, related Cheryl. “He [the pedia❐ A free 52 initial order of checks upon opening account OR a free 104 trician] said, ‘We need to get you out initial order of checks will be exchanged for any unused checks brought of here, we need to get you to Sioux in from a Falls.” By 9 p.m. that evening, Cheryl and previous institution. Ramsey arrived by air to Sioux Falls and Ramsey was admitted to Avera McKennan Hospital. Before leaving Aberdeen, he was put on a BiPAP machine, a breathing apparatus that Lennox Tea helped Ramsey get more air into his 605-647-2261 605-368-2051 lungs. They continued using the BiPAP 1-888-736-2407 1-877-368-2051 in Sioux Falls. Ramsey remained in the Intensive Care Unit through the night. Tests Member FDIC were coming back positive and by morning, Cheryl said that Ramsey was 24 HOUR CD RATELINE 1-877-420-2226 completely fine.

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When asked how they liked working with the human patient simulator, the EMTs were very positive. “I like that I can actually see things, not just hear about them,” commented Nick Weisenbach.

Nick Weisenbach attends to an injury on a human patient simulator’s leg.

Worthing Elementary MAY 1: Hot Ham & Cheese, Cheese Stick, Fresh Veggies, Peaches, Milk MAY 2: Chicken /Bun, Carrot Sticks, Corn, Applesauce, Milk MAY 3: Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Bread Stick, Apple, Milk MAY 4: Hamburger/Bun, Oven Fries, Orange Sections, Milk MAY 7: Hot Dog/Bun, Baked Beans, Potato Gems, Peaches, Milk MAY 8: Walking Taco, Lettuce/Cheese, Corn, Jello/Fruit, Milk MAY 9: Turkey Sub, Bag of Chips, Carrot Sticks, Apple Sections, Milk MAY 10: Chicken Nuggets, Mashed Potatoes, Peas, Pear Sauce,Milk MAY 11: Pizza, Green Beans, Applesauce, Milk MAY 14: Corn Dog, Oven Fries, Peaches, Milk MAY 15: Italian Dunkers with Sauce, Corn, Pear Sauce, Milk

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May 4-5 City wide rummages

_______________________________ 400 MARY ST. — Fri. & Sat.; Girls clothes 14/16, Jrs. also, lots of misc. _______________________________ 203 N. LILY ST. — Men and woman, something for everyone. Snowblower, Blk powder pistol, wedding, tools, microwaves, crib, changing table, tv, porcelain dolls, rocking chair, desk, bassinet, bread and ice cream makers, lanterns, books, bowling pins, and MORE. _______________________________ 102 N. CHRIS ST. — Household items, toys, girls clothing, boys clothing, womens and mens clothing, Little Tykes car, sandbox, little tykes wagon, lots of misc. items. _______________________________ 211 S. PRAIRIE ST. — Junior girl clothes, plus size women clothes, women clothes, shoes, jewelry, handbags, dog beds, knick knacks, misc. _______________________________ 413 MARY ST. — Boys bike, canning jars, Snowbabies galore, men/womens clothing, foot massager, race track set, badminton set, lots of miscellaneous. _______________________________ 304 S. POPLAR ST. — Fri. & Sat. 8:30?; Baby thru adult clothes, shoes, toys, books, dolls, puzzles, stuffed animals, VHS movies, rubber stamps, knick knacks, pictures, holiday, household, misc. _______________________________ 206 N. LILY — Clothing, home decor collectibles, holiday items, pictures, lamps, wire corner stand, fireplace stove, wood stands, sewing machine, more by sale time, come and shop! ________________________________ 47197 US HWY. 18 — HUGE RUMMAGE Friday and Saturday, May 4th and 5th. 8:00am; Hunting, fishing, and camping gear. Furniture, household supplies, potted perennial plants, 2 miles South of Worthing, 372-4259. _______________________________

_______________________________ 201 JESSICA ST. — Scrubs, carpets, blankets, new bar stools, boxing bag (new), much misc. ________________________________ 401 W. 3RD ST. — Something for everyone. Home decor, movies, music, Christmas, toys, shelves, books, clothes — men’s, women’s and juniors, Girl’s infants - 16, Boys infant - 4T, Shoes and more. _______________________________ 110 WEST 3RD ST. — Hours: Thurs., May 3rd — 2pm-8pm, Fri., May 4th — 8am-8pm, Sat., May 5th — 8am-12pm. Single roll away bed, meat saws, tree stand, box trap, portable baseboard heaters, army cot, tool box, electric chain saw, microwave, misc. kitchen and bath items, cast iron skillets, holiday stuff, area rugs, red bricks, white trailer rim 14’’, router table, dresser, drain tile, glass coffee table, 15’’ felt paper, sparrow trap, construction items, hunting items, antiques, clothing — girls size 2T-3T, boys size youth 5-6, women large XL-XXL _______________________________ 408 W. 2ND — 5 FAMILY Garage Sale. Lots of small items and collectibles, clothing ladies size 8-18, misc. boys and mens, cookbooks, suitcases, small hutch, 3 dining chairs, etc. Garage is packed! _______________________________ 417 W. MARY ST. — New Scentsy, Boyds Bears, Boys clothes size 10 and up, curio cabinet,Home and Garden Party pictures, women’s clothing, lots of misc. and household items. _______________________________ Worthing Scouts will be having a multifamily rummage sale at the WORTHING FIRE STATION ON 403 PRAIRIE ST. Half of the profits will go to the Scouts. Many items will be put out. Fri. 8-6, Sat. 8-2. Contact Cori Peterson at 359-8080 if you would like to donate your rummage sale items. _______________________________

AREA CHURCH DIRECTORY St. Magdalen Catholic Church Pastor - Fr. Paul Pathiyamoola Rectory: 764-2002 Cell: 201-1244 Email: paulmoola@yahoo.com

Mass at St. Magdalen in Lennox

Park Spring Clean-up Day a success April 14, 2012 volunteers gathered to prepare ball fields and concession stands for the upcoming season. Volunteers also worked to put the frame on the picnic shelter at the Rec Complex. Other activities included picking up rocks and wood pieces on the new grassy area between the concession stand and the field, picking up garbage on the fields and raking the fence lines. After the removal of the grass infield, they also worked to spread agrilime on the rec field and fill in holes on the school field. A special thanks to everyone that gave of their time and talents to help with

this preparation. Another thanks to Clayton Sundet for designing the picnic shelter. Volunteers included : Amy Bambas – Max, Isaac, and Samuel; Jake and Angie Sees – Angel and Justin; Ann Metivier; Jeff Tanner; Todd Gannon; Troy Larson; Daren Van Houten – Carter and Joshua; Melissa and Bill Daugherty – Katie, Will, and Andrew; Katie Top; Joshua Marquardt and Madison; Kathy Bach- Samantha and Ashton; Tracy West and Traesha; Troy and Amanda Larson – Ethan and Haven; Brendan Langbehn; Haley Mendel; George Zahn; and Avery Zahn

Wednesday: Mass, 9 a.m. Friday: Mass, 9 a.m. Sunday: Mass, 8:45 a.m.

St. Dominic Catholic Church, Canton Sunday: Mass at 10:45 a.m.

The Church of God 201 E. 2nd St., Worthing, SD Daniel Scheideler, Pastor Phone: 521-8434 Sundays: Worship Service, 11 a.m. Children’s Church, 11:15 a.m. Sunday School, 10 a.m.

West Prairie Lutheran 46788 282nd St., Lennox Pastor Erika Lehmann , (605) 359-4902 Church: 647-5923 www.westprairielutheran.org Sundays: Worship, 9:30 a.m. with coffee and fellowship following. Sunday School for preschool through Middle School.



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