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WELCOME Welcome to the world of DESIGN TO IMPROVE LIFE. INDEX: is a Copenhagen based, worldwide non-profit organization that focuses on Design to Improve Life. Design to Improve Life is the kind of design that substantially improves important aspects of people’s lives. Biannually in Copenhagen, Denmark, INDEX: presents the best examples of Design to Improve Life, awards the very best and gives access to the underlying processes, thinking and people. We do this by awarding the biggest design award in the world, presenting international design exhibitions, hosting summits for the world leaders of design and innovation and publishing and distributing knowledge. INDEX: Award and INDEX: Award Exhibition constitutes the INDEX: 2007 program along with the conference INDEX: CPH Prelude to INDEX: / AIGA Aspen Summit 2008 and INDEX: Summer Camp presented in Copenhagen, Denmark. As of 2007, a world tour for INDEX: Award Exhibition and a strategic multi-annual cooperation with AIGA/Aspen Summit are also inaugurated. To present the biannual INDEX: events and constantly seeking to refine and publish new knowledge on Design to Improve Life, takes a huge effort from all the people, who - with energy, wisdom and high spirits - have joined our global network organization. Not all can be named here, but special thanks goes to all our Partners, our Board of Directors, our International Jury and our Financing Lounge alongside with all the CPH Prelude and Summit participants and all the many design and business schools working with us. Final thank you goes to the INDEX: team in Copenhagen. Working with you is beyond description. We hope that you will enjoy the world of Design to Improve Life and gain understanding of its great human and commercial potential. INDEX:

Kigge Hvid CEO






DESIGN TO IMPROVE BUSINESS Design is a powerful way to improve your business. Design can have a positive impact on practically every measure of business performance, including market share, growth, productivity, share price and competitiveness. DI aims at improving the working conditions and business opportunities for the Danish industry. We therefore continuously work to integrate design as a competence in the innovation process of the Danish industry. DI is Award Exhibition Partner for INDEX:2007.

DI is the voice of the Confederation of Danish Industries. DI is a private organisation currently funded, owned and managed entirely by 7,000 companies within the manufacturing and service industry. Visit our website at


All over the world, companies constantly face new demands. Politicians, organizations and users expect companies to contribute to growth and sustainable development. The Confederation of Danish Industries (DI) is a private organization currently funded, owned and managed entirely by 7,000 Danish companies, aiming to provide the best working conditions for Danish industry. DI firmly believes that if companies are to be prepared for the global market of tomorrow, they must be accountable, innovative and give thoughtful attention to both local and global demands. DI’s role as INDEX: Award Exhibition Partner enables us to bring international inspiration and new knowledge on design and innovation to Denmark from abroad and visa versa, thereby continuing and endorsing a strong and successful tradition of Danish design. We are confident that the excellent and unique ideas that are brought to life in this exhibition and INDEX: in general can enlighten and inspire us all to use design as a way to improve life.

Hans Skov Christensen Director General and CEO

INTRODUCTION In this catalogue, the 106 top nominated designs for INDEX: AWARD 2007 is presented. INDEX: Award is the biggest design award in the world presented biannually in Copenhagen, Denmark.

business, societies and designers from all over the world engaged into providing both small and large improvements for people everywhere. Our hope is that INDEX: Award and INDEX: Award Exhibition will inspire even more of these to unfold the human and commercial potential in Design to Improve Life.

INDEX: Award differs from most design awards by not being dependant on traditional professional classifications like industrial design, communications design or environmental design. Nor do we work according to sector categories like consumer products, transportation or digital media.

For enabling this I sincerely thank the many nomination bodies, all the involved designers and companies and the INDEX: Grannies Guides, that so energetic and professional takes care of INDEX: Award Exhibition.

In stead, INDEX: Award has a single over-arching theme of “Design to Improve Life” and five life categories called: Body, Home, Work, Play and Community. Together, these five categories span the entire human life.

Final thanks goes to the INDEX: 2007 Jury: Arnold Wasserman (Jury Vice Chairman), AlexBlanch, Ged Davis, Hael Kobayashi, Hella Jongerius, John Heskett, Paola Antonelli, Pontus Wahlgren, Ravi Naidoo and Robert Blaich, Working with you has been educational, enlightening and so much fun. I deeply thank each one of you!

Often, the quality of design is only evaluated according to: FORM = form, function, materials, colors, user friendliness = DESIGN.

The INDEX: jury is looking for designs all over the world that ranks high on form, but as importantly on two other parameters: IMPACT and CONTEXT.

IMPACT = the level of urgency, the numbers of people affected by the design, the level of innovation, the speed of response and environmental and economic sustainability = IMPROVE.

CONTEXT = the context the design is created for, e.g. the culture, the ethics, the geography, the values, the vision = LIFE.

Combine the three parameters and you get: FORM, IMPACT, CONTEXT = DESIGN IMPROVE LIFE

During the nomination process for INDEX: Award 2007, performed by nearly 200 of the world’s leading design institutions and individuals and also during the jury process, the INDEX: Jury gained deep insight into the amazing, innovative and game changing work that

Nille Juul-Sørensen Jury Chairman

form, function, aesthetics, color, materials, coherency, user friendliness =

design impact result, urgency, number

affected, sustainability, economics, level of innovation =

improve context culture, values, geography, ethics =


INDEX: AWARD JURY MEMBERS nille juul sørensen, arnold wasserman, paola antonelli, dr. robert blaich, alex blanch, ged davis, john heskett, hella jongerius, hael kobayashi, ravi naidoo, pontus wahlgren.

BODY design related to the human body, such as clothes, medicine, nutrition, appliances, and aids used in treatment and care, as well as body-related technology.

Design relateret til den menneskelige krop: tøj, medicin, fødevarer, udstyr og hjÌlpemidler, der bruges til behandling og pleje, samt andre teknologier rettet mod kroppen.

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antivirus - a cap to protect hân pham manufacturer: sp-moulding a/s denmark

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the anybody modeling system michael damsgaard, egidijus surma, john rasmussen, søren tørholm, mark de zee, arne kiis, michael skipper andersen; anybody technology a/s denmark

challenge: every year, the re-use of dirty syringes infects millions of people with aids and hepatitis and subsequently kills 1.3 million people worldwide.

challenge: computer-aided ergonomics: the creation of a reliable computer model of the mechanics of the human body.

Some 16 billion injections are administered world-wide each year. More than 50% of all injections are unsafe in developing countries. Needles are often re-used without being sterilized. Unsafe management and improper disposal of sharps waste in the environment causes contamination. Many waste pickers get pricked and infected. The WHO recommends best practices in health care by segregating sharps at point of use. The Antivirus sharps container is designed to do this. It segregates and isolates the used needle securely in the can. The container is permanently sealed during use and disposal.

The AnyBody Modeling System is the first software allowing industrial and medical users to simulate ergonomics. It is being used to enhance the ergonomic quality of products, to design better workplaces and to improve medical devices, surgical treatments and rehabilitation. Computer simulation has changed the world in many areas during the last 20 years. The AnyBody Modeling System is now changing ergonomics.

Genbrug af sprøjter smitter hvert år hundredetusinder med HIV og millioner med leverbetændelse. Det koster årligt 1.3 millioner mennesker livet. Antivirus er en hætte, der isolerer brugte kanyler inde i sodavandsdåser, så plejepersonale, patienter og klunsere beskyttes mod infektion. Antivirus er en billig løsning, fordi den genbruger sodavandsdåser.


AnyBody Modeling System er et computerprogram, der kan hjælpe med at tilpasse fremtidens produkter og medicinske udstyr, så det bliver mest muligt bekvemt for kroppen. Det er det første program af sin slags. Programmet giver designere og produktudviklere mulighed for at afprøve og forbedre arbejdsstillinger allerede på et tidligt stadie i udviklingen.


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blackened cigarettes li jin china

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c-cap bang & olufsen medicom a/s & made by makers aps manufacturer: bang & olufsen medicom a/s denmark

challenge: according to world health organization, the smoking population is estimated to be more than 1 billion worldwide.

challenge: insulin dependant diabetics often forget to take their long acting insulin injection at bed time or can be unsure whether they have already taken it.

For smokers, getting rid of the dependency of cigarettes with psychology is the best method. Blackened Cigarettes help people realize the danger of smoking and leads them to quit the habit. The paper that wraps these cigarettes is sensitive to both heat and smoke, and the cigarettes’ color changes from light to dark during smoking - making smokers more aware of the harmful effects of smoking.

The intelligent compliance pen cap, C-Cap, reminds the diabetic with a blinking green indicator to take bed time insulin every 24 hours. When C-Cap is removed from the insulin pen, it responds with a long green flash, indicating that the injection is registered. If the pen cap is removed from the pen during the next hour, it warns the user that the pen has been used recently with a long red flash. If the user gets unsure whether an injection has already been taken, C-Cap can just be twisted off and the color of the flash tells the user whether an injection is needed.

Den psykiske afhængighed af cigaretter er svær at slippe af med og behandle. Disse cigaretter ændrer farve fra hvid til sort, når man ryger dem. Når cigaretten ikke længere ser ren og hvid ud, bliver rygere mere opmærksomme på de skadelige virkninger. Måske kan det få flere af verdens mere end en milliard rygere til at holde op.


Som sukkersygepatient kan det være svært at huske at tage sin medicin. C-Cap hjælper med at huske: Den blinker grønt, når medicinen skal tages, og når brugeren tager hætten af insulinpennen, registrerer den det, som at medicinen er taget. Hvis brugeren glemmer at medicinen er taget, advarer C-Cap med et rødt blink om, at medicinen allerede er taget.


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collection néovi brigitte guillet producer: technical design italy

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diabet-cool nicodesign (nicolas nicolaou) denmark

challenge: there is a demand for new solutions improving hygiene, comfort, storage capacity and aesthetic appearance for wheelchair users.

challenge: diabetics without access to electricity are not able to cool down their insulin.

The Néovi collection is a range of accessories and removable covers for wheel chairs. The collection has slip-free textile surfaces, which can be cleaned in an ordinary washing machine, and also wicks away perspiration in order to avoid stagnation. Useful pockets and bags are added to give more storage space. Each product comes in attractive colors to empower users by giving them more choice and a little more fun.

This design improves life for diabetics, who either live in or find themselves in areas without electricity. E.g. people trekking in mountains or people who live in poor rural areas with no electricity. The cooling system functions by way of solar cells. The design has room for 5 insulin pens or ampoules and is adaptable to all existing brands and sizes. It is small and easy to handle - and provided with a handle/base which can be attached to a wall or placed on a flat surface and adjusted according to the position of the sun.

Collection Néovi er tilbehør til kørestole, der gør livet lettere for brugeren. Betrækket fører sved væk fra kroppen, er vaskbart og har en overflade, som kroppen ikke glider på. Tasker og lommer giver mere opbevaringsplads på farten. Brugeren kan også vælge mellem flere farver og dermed sætte sit eget præg på kørestolen.


Diabet-Cool er en soldrevet minikøler med plads til fem insulin-penne. På den måde kan sukkersygepatienter holde deres insulin tilstrækkelig koldt, selv på steder uden adgang til elektricitet, som f.eks. i landsbyer i ulande eller på trekking. Diabet-Cool kan monteres, så solens stråler bedst rammer den.


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omnipod® insulin management system the insulet development team and continuum manufacturer: insulet corporation united states

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mat (mechanical advantage tourniquet) royce rumsey, steven ewing, ed bannister, s.c. chan, ewing design group client: bio cybernetics international united states

challenge: according to the international diabetes federation, diabetes affects 246 million people worldwide. for these people, blood glucose monitoring and insulin therapy are a significant part of life.

challenge: loss of life and limbs due to bleed-out has long plagued victims of man-made violence and natural disasters throughout the world.

Insulet Corporation and Continuum collaborated to create the first wearable insulin infusion system with no tubing. The OmniPod is a compact infusion device that you fill with insulin and wear discreetly beneath clothing for up to three days. The OmniPod delivers precise insulin doses into the body through a small flexible needle based on instructions that you program into its wireless “companion”, the PDM. The needle is inserted via an automated process that is hands-free and virtually pain-free for the user. The Personal Diabetes Manager wirelessly programs the OmniPod with insulin delivery instructions and incorporates a blood glucose meter.

The MAT Tourniquet stops blood flow in less than 10 seconds and can be easily applied with only one hand onto a trapped limb, allowing any user to save his/her own life. It is simple to use, quickly understood and easy to self-apply by someone under extreme stress. It has saved lives of military and civilian personnel in the most adverse medical trauma conditions, situations and environments. It is both the most powerful and the safest tourniquet made – with powerful and modulated mechanical advantage compression that provides sufficient power for successful occlusion of the most vital arterial flow - with modulated control that allows both lives and limbs to be saved.

Omnipod styrer doseringen af insulin til sukkersygepatienter i op til tre dage. Omnipod placeres direkte på kroppen og doserer automatisk og næsten smertefrit gennem en kanyle den korrekte mængde insulin. Doseringen styres via en bærbar, trådløs enhed. På den måde kan sygdommen blive en mindre del af hverdagen for nogle af de 246 mio mennesker, der lider af sukkersyge. 024

Blødninger kan stoppes på mindre end ti sekunder med denne årepresse. MAT forhindrer, at sårede nødhjælpsarbejdere eller soldater i krig forbløder og dør af deres sår. Den er så nem at anvende, at den sårede selv kan betjene den – med én arm og under ekstremt pres.


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medicinus rikke løwenstein manufacturer: zimpl aps denmark

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mobility for each one sébastien dubois producer: handicap international canada

challenge: research shows that 7 out of 10 parents have difficulties giving their children fluid medicine orally, resulting in friction, stress, crying, and more seriously: incorrect dosage.

challenge: according to handicap international, landmines mutilate more than 25 000 civilians each year. victims need health care but prosthetic material is expensive.

MediCinus is a new device for treating small children with medicine in liquid form. MediCinus ensures an accurate dosage, and the friendly and playful design creates a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. By putting MediCinus at the very back of the child’s mouth, the natural swallowing reflex is activated. And the contact to the nasty taste of medicine is considerably reduced, as the taste buds are located in the middle of the tongue. Owing to its size, rounded shape and smoothness, MediCinus feels pleasant in the child’s mouth and fits your hand comfortably. MediCinus is created in a safe and biocompatible polyethylene.

A large number of physical disabled people have difficulties finding a job after sustaining a landmine-related injury because of their limited physical capabilities. This energy-feedback foot prosthesis reproduces the impulse of the toes propelling the amputated leg. The users move faster and can even run. This type of prosthesis usually costs between 1300 and 4000 US Dollars, whilst this low-cost model can be produced locally for only 8 US Dollars! This difference is mainly due to the particular shape of the leg and its cosmetic cover, which (if necessary) can be easily manufactured with basic workshop equipment.

For syv ud ti forældre er det en ubehagelig oplevelse at give deres barn flydende medicin med en plastiksprøjte. MediCinus er en sjov figur, der tiltaler børn. En sprøjte lægges inde i MediCinus, og på den måde bliver det en rarere oplevelse at få medicin. MediCinus placeres bagerst i munden og aktiverer barnets synkereflekser og mindsker den grimme smag.

Det koster kun omkring 8 dollars at fremstille denne lette, holdbare og vandafvisende fodprotese. Protesen kan fremstilles i lokale værksteder af materialer, der er alment tilgængelige. Lignende proteser koster typisk mellem 1.300 og 4.000 dollar at købe. Det giver de årligt mere end 25.000 civile landmineofre mulighed for at vende tilbage til et aktivt liv.



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mousecap - a computer mouse for disabled people


martín belzunce & nahuel gonzalez argentina

tell no one design collective (paula löppönen and ville tikka) producer: eerika valkonen finland

challenge: in many countries, computers are an essential resource, but physically disabled people have trouble using traditional hardware.

challenge: many visually impaired people have trouble finding their way on their own.

Most people access information through personal computers, which for a lot of people is an irreplaceable tool at work. MouseCap is an electronic device that improves accessibility to computers for physically handicapped people. Thus, these people can improve their chances to get alternative education and new job opportunities. MouseCap is composed of a processing unit and four sensors. Three of these are placed on the monitor and one is placed on the head of the user, enabling the user to control the cursor with head movements. MouseCap can be plugged into any PC with a USB port.

MUKANA unites textiles with technology, incorporating a cell phone, a wireless headset, a GPS module and voice-recognition software. Users can ask MUKANA to identify their location, provide information about routes or public transportation timetables and use the phone with a 10-key Braille number pad. MUKANA smart clothing provides a wearable interface for the guide system, designed for comfortable and safe usage in different conditions. MUKANA is developed in collaboration with visually impaired users utilizing open source principles and user-centered design methods.

Ved hjælp af MouseCap kan fysisk handicappede navigere på en computer på samme måde som med en mus. Bevægelsen af cursoren styres af brugerens hovedbevægelser, og brugeren kan styre højre- og venstreklik ved at puste eller bide sammen. På den måde kan fysisk handicappede få nemmere ved at bruge PC, få adgang til den viden, det giver og bedre forhold på arbejdsmarkedet.

Blinde og svagtseende får med MUKANA langt bedre mulighed for at finde rundt. MUKANA er tøj med indbygget GPS- og stemmegenkendelse, der gør det det nemmere at finde vej. Brugeren kan af en stemme få oplyst sin position eller blive styret mod et mål med hjælp fra MUKANA. Tøjet er udviklet i samarbejde med blinde ud fra brugercentrerede designmetoder.



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oticon delta lockenwitz i | d (christian lockenwitz) manufacturer: oticon a/s denmark

body 014

packaging and identity for pangea organics ideo: ian groulx; amy leventhal; marc woollard; soren deorlow; phil stob // producer: pangea organics united states

challenge: a vast majority of hearing impaired people refuse to wear hearing aids because traditional hearing aid design conflicts with their self-esteem and signals handicap and helplessness.

challenge: with more companies entering the organic market and misusing the terms “natural” and “organic”, the consumer is asked to be increasingly discerning in their judgment.

Oticon Delta is designed to change the traditional perception of hearing aids that keeps a lot of people from seeking help. Delta is extremely small and it fits discreetly behind the ear, where it is virtually invisible. Its concave shape ensures a comfortable fit on the ear. Delta allows hearing care professionals to fit the device instantly and shell colors can easily be changed depending on the users’ personal preference. Delta’s advanced sound processing can compensate 4 out of 5 hearing losses offering benefits that are beyond measure – improved hearing and confidence in social interaction.

As a producer of handcrafted, 100% organic body care products, Pangea Organics wanted to instill the values of sustainability and wellness into anyone who came into contact with the brand. In response, IDEO designed a set of design guidelines and materials specifications that included the use of more sustainable packaging materials such as a Zero Waste, 100% post-consumer paper and an organic seed clamshell soap box that can be planted in soil to biodegrade. On the shelf, the packaging differentiates the brand and encourages interaction through its distinctive colors, messaging and graphics.

Høreapparater behøver ikke være hverken store eller grimme. Oticon Delta er et næsten usynligt høreapparat, der giver mennesker med nedsat hørelse mulighed for at leve et liv på lige vilkår med andre, uden at være hæmmet af hverken nedsat hørelse eller fordomme.

Pangea Organics har vist, at det er muligt at markere sig på markedet gennem miljøvenlighed og design. IDEO har designet emballage og en grafisk identitet, der klart formidler firmaets 100% økologiske produkter, f.eks. med en sæbeemballage med frø, der kan plantes ud i haven.



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personal alarm transmitter design concern a/s, lone storgaard together with peter lund and john landerholm (l2design aps) //producer: condigi televagt a/s denmark

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sam (sound activity meter) lars pedersen manufacturer: oticon a/s denmark

challenge: providing safety and security for the growing number of elderly citizens in the industrialized world by ensuring them immediate access to help and care in a dignified and ethical way.

challenge: 20% of first time hearing aid users end up putting there hearing aid in a drawer because it doesn’t meet their expectations.

User research shows that people quit using special aids because the devices make them look handicapped. This fact causes a reduction of life quality and worst case, a loss of lives. For this reason, the Alarm Transmitter was designed to help improve quality of life, insure safety, security and ultimately to save lives. The device is used by people in nursing homes as well as private homes where seniors can feel secure even though they live alone. This helps them to live longer at home in their own surroundings. The device also benefits staffs at psychiatric hospitals who can call for help in case of assault. The alarm transmitter is easy to use and can be worn as a watch, a necklace or clipped on to a pocket.

The SAM (Sound Activity Meter) helps people with hearing loss getting a custom fitted solution that suits their individual needs and the environment they live in, the best way possible at all times. The data from the SAM is analyzed in a fitting software by a hearing specialist to determine the best model of hearing instrument for the user and exactly how to configure and trim the hearing instrument to give the hearing impaired person the best possible help to overcome the obstacles they meet in the environment and everyday life.

Som ældre person er det godt at vide, at der er nogen, der kan hjælpe en, hvis man kommer til skade eller har brug for akut hjælp. I nogle tilfælde kan det endda redde liv. Når alarmsenderen Personal Alarm Transmitter aktiveres, giver den besked om, hvem og hvorhenne personen, der behøver hjælp, er. Den personlige alarmsender kan bæres rundt om halsen, som et smykke, om håndleddet eller fastgøres på tøjet. 032

20 % af høreapparatsbrugere undlader at bruge deres høreapparater, fordi de ikke lever op til forventningerne. SAM (Sound Activity Meter) måler lydniveauet for den enkelte bruger: I 14 dage går brugeren således rundt med SAM, der registrerer lyde omkring brugeren. De indsamlede data kan bruges til at skræddersy en individuel løsning.


body 017

stenop, first aid glasses nacho marti spain

challenge: crystal glasses are too expensive for poor people around the world to buy.

Stenop is based on the concept of stenopeic vision, where glass is replaced by rows of small holes in a pair of plastic glasses. This makes Stenop an easily distributable, low cost temporary solution for reducing 80% of myopia, hyperopia and presbyopia. The holes have the effect of reducing the bundle of diverging rays, allowing only the perpendicular rays to reach the retina. These rays are always focused on the retina.

Stenop er førstehjælpsbriller i plastik baseret på såkaldte stenopæiske huller, der erstatter glas med en række små huller. Stenop kan reducere 80% af nærsynethed, langsynethed og gammelmandssyn. Det gør Stenop til en billig, midlertidig løsning, som også er let at distribuere.


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a sterile disposable wash basin elsebeth bjerg nielsen denmark

challenge: non-sterile surgical environments in hospitals or at doctors without borders’ missions worldwide increase the risk of infection. ordinary wash basins take up space and provide only short-lived sterility. A sterile disposable wash basin made of cardboard is easy and cheap to produce – and to dispose of. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, as it is made from Swedish or Finnish wood. Legislation in these countries demands that a new tree be planted for each tree chopped down. By using a sterile disposable wash basin, the danger of passing infections between patients decreases or disappears. The disposable wash basin doesn’t tilt. It takes up little space and is easy to handle.

Dette papvaskefad bliver kun brugt én gang og forhindrer derfor overførsel af sygdomme fra patient til patient. Fadet kan også bruges til organtransport. Prisen for fadet er ikke højere end selve desinfektionen af de vaskefade, der bliver brugt i dag. Fadet kan ikke tippe, leveres sammenfoldet og fylder meget lidt.


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michael korn // development and commercialization: innovationrca department and the lift united kingdom

hakeem adebola lawal & tina askholm lawal denmark

challenge: the world health organization estimates that over 3 million healthcare workers are injured each year by needles that accidentally puncture the skin, risking infection from over 20 known pathogens.

challenge: feeding bottle related diseases are responsible for the yearly death of 1.5 million infants worldwide, especially in developing countries in africa, asia, and south america.

StickSafe compels safe re-capping and disposal of contaminated needles – thus avoiding the biggest causes of needle stick injuries. StickSafe has been designed specifically for global healthcare workers and is compatible with all current available hypodermic needles, intravenous cannulae and vacuum blood collection systems. StickSafe incorporates a patent-pending valve mechanism that holds and grips the protective sheath of a needle. The device is configured for safe ambidextrous operation; the tapered edges provide better ergonomic comfort for thumbs and fingers; it features user-requested increased carrying volume and is made from 100% recycled material, making it low cost and environmentally friendly.

SUTWELL is a sucking device that combines a nipple with a corkscrew, straw-like part and is able to bore its way into any aseptic pack of industrially prepared, ready-todrink infant formula, water, etc. The device is designed to have two one-way valves which prevents colic and assures hygienic nursing of an infant.

WHO anslår, at 3 millioner ansatte i sundhedssektoren hver år kommer til skade som følge af kanylestik. Med StickSafe bortskaffes brugte nåle på en sikker måde. StickSafe griber om nålens beskyttelseshylster og frigør nålen fra sprøjten. StickSafe kan betjenes med én hånd, så sundhedspersonale ikke stikker sig og overfører sygdommen til sig selv. 036

Halvanden million småbørn dør hvert år af sygdomme overført fra beskidte sutteflasker. SUTWELL er en sut, der kan monteres på pakker med f.eks. vand eller bakteriefri modermælkserstatning, der dermed fungerer som engangssutteflaske og smides væk efter brug. To envejsventiler sikrer hygiejne og forebygger kolik.


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type 1 tools

chiara sandri italy

doug powell, lisa powell manufacturer: mcneil nutritionals united states

challenge: each week, in italy alone, 200 000 pairs of bathing shoes/ sandals are discarded, adding tons of polluting material, essentially petroleum-derived, to the environment.

challenge: when the daughter of designers lisa and doug powell was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, there were no adequate educational tools to aid the overwhelming transition.

TrackLess is footwear designed to completely replace the highly polluting plastics commonly used, with a smart raw material that is 100% biodegradable, naturally renewable, and without any ecological drawbacks: Luffa Cylindrica, a large herbaceous, whose fruit is a soft, resistant, spongy reticulum. In addiction, TrackLess’ production represents a potential source of life improvement for economically underdeveloped people living in tropical and subtropical areas, where the plant grows widely and readily. The manufacturing process is designed for small industries, with low cost and fast production time; this makes it suitable for small farms, securing the farmer another source of income.

Type 1 Tools is a line of six educational products that simplify the many daily tasks and calculations of managing life with diabetes. The tools are presented in a friendly, empowering and intuitive way - a stark contrast to the intimidating, clinical materials that parents and children encounter. Using colorful graphics and imagery, Type 1 Tools help children and adults lead an independent, confident life. The products also give health care providers clear, simple learning tools for clinic visits.

Der smides hver uge 200 000 par badesko ud alene i Italien. Klatreplanten Luffa Cylindrica har i drænet tilstand egenskaber, der ligner en badesvamps og er 100% biologisk nedbrydelig. Materialet kan forarbejdes og erstatter de plastmaterialer, der bruges i dag. Badeskoene kan fremstilles i tropiske og subtropiske udviklingslande og på den måde hjælpe lokale økonomier. 038

Type 1 Tools hjælper familier med børn, der lider af sukkersyge til et nemmere liv. Da designernes egen datter fik sukkersyge, designede de Type 1 Tools - en serie af kort, der gør det nemmere at få overblik over de mange nødvendige gøremål og beregninger i forbindelse med sukkersyge. Kortene forklarer tingene på en umiddelbar måde, der gør det nemt at få styr på sygdomssituationen.


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uniform jacket for the danish police sidsel kjøller damkjær, johan king & mads kjøller damkjær (design of concept and construction) // client/producer: rigspolitiet manufacturer: mammut work wear denmark

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uturn marie danel denmark

challenge: 12,000 police officers use their uniform as their main work tool everyday, in Denmark alone. The challenge has been to improve their everyday working life.

challenge: millions of people all over the world are suffering from urine-incontinence. lack of a basic body function has a severe influence on the life quality of the patient.

The uniform for the police is not just a jacket; it is a mobile office. Based on a user-centered design process, the uniform has changed from a normal jacket to a functional office as well as working as an image for the surroundings. The jacket is functional with focus on flexibility, accessibility, weather, surroundings and ergonomics. In the design, there has been focus on the functionality as well as on the image of the police force. The redesign of the uniform jacket has not only enhanced the physical working environment for the police, but also – as it turns out – the psychical.

Uturn is an external mobile medico-product which monitors the urine bladder by using ultrasound. It sends a warning signal to the user when the bladder is full and needs to be emptied. Uturn is created with careful consideration for the intimate use of a medico product. The design relates to human physical shape and body movement. The design and features of Uturn provides the user suffering from incontinence with physical and mental independency. Depending on the user’s preference, Uturn can either be worn discretely under the clothes or as body jewelry. The concept of Project Uturn is based on existing technology.

Det danske politis uniformjakke er ikke bare en jakke, men en arbejd splads. Uniformen skal kunne fungere i mange forskellige situationer. Designnet har udgangspunkt i betjentens behov og tager hensyn til fleksibilitet og tilgængelighed, samtidig med at det også giver en signalværdi i forhold til omgivelserne.

Uturn hjælper mennesker, der lider af inkontinens, til et nemmere liv. Uturn bæres på selve kroppen og holder øje med, hvornår blæren er fyldt og bør tømmes. Uturn sender derefter et signal til brugeren.



Welcome to the Centre of Modern Design

Enter the department store Illums Bolighus and enjoy an exclusive world of quality and world-famous international and Danish design. On four floors of inspiring displays you will find only the very finest in exquisite design, kitchenware, tableware, lamps, carpets, textiles, furniture and fashion.

body 025

the whirlwind roughrider™ official project designers: ralf hotchkiss; christopher howard, co-designer manufacturer of exhibition sample: corporación regional de rehabilitación del valle (crrvalle) united states challenge: 30 million people in developing countries need a good wheelchair, but standard wheelchairs are dangerously unstable, usually not locally repairable and unsuitable for rough environments. A Longer wheelbase makes Whirlwind Roughrider stable, safer and easier to push. The caster wheels below the footrests shorten the overall wheelchair length, whilst maintaining maneuverability. The solid molded rubber caster wheel with wide flexible treads provides “flotation” over soft or uneven ground; The tread’s center is ridged to limited friction on hard ground. 5-Position Rear Axle Mounts optimize stability and performance for different user abilities. Greater Seat Recline improves torso stability. The toe protectors shield bare feet from frontal impacts. Locally available parts and materials guarantee easy, cheap repairs and a longer useful life.

Whirlwind Roughrider er en billig kørestol lavet specielt til udviklingslandene, hvor 30 millioner mennesker har behov for en kørestol. Kørestolen kan tilpasses den enkelte bruger. Selv i et vanskeligt terræn kan kørestolen køre, og et skjold beskytter brugerens fødder mod slag. Reservedele og materialer findes lokalt, så kørestolen får en længere levetid.


1 0 , A M A G E R TO R V · C O P E N H A G E N K · P H O N E + 4 5 3 3 1 4 1 9 4 1 W W W. R OYA L S H O P P I N G . C O M

HOME design related to the home, such as architecture, interior design, furniture, services for the home, and strategies for new ways of living and new forms of cohabitation.

Design relateret til hjemmet: arkitektur, indretning, møbler, ydelser til hjemmet og strategier for nye leveformer og sameksistens.

home 026

home 027


basf heat concepts

wendy chua and gabriel tan producer: electrolux singapore

ideo: alexander grots, leif huff, miguel cabra, thomas brisebras, todd pelman, vicky arndt // manufacturer: basf/ideo germany/ united states

challenge: from user observations, laundry is a mundane task that often involves complicated wash programmes, long washing hours and damage to clothes due to frequent wash.

challenge: designers often have to sacrifice design details when specifying heat-resistant materials, of which few allow for complete flexibility.

Airwash is a waterless washing unit that utilizes negative ions, compressed air and anti-bacterial deodorants to clean clothes. Its form is inspired by the waterfall, nature’s own negative ion generator. Airwash eliminates the need for detergent and water. By using atmospheric air and negative ions – a natural cleansing agent – it fights dirt and bacteria with nature’s own weapon. Designed to be placed anywhere in the home, it features a unique button-less interface. The simple user interface “floats” to wherever on the appliance the user wants. Redefining the role of the washing machine with its “air-washing” function, Airwash also does away with the expensive, time consuming task of going to the dry cleaner.

To showcase the heat-resistant, high-performance nature of BASF’s Ultrason-Polymer material, IDEO re-interpreted a series of five household products: A hairdryer, a lampshade, a toaster, a kettle and a clothes hanger. The form of the designs has been reduced and re-envisioned to express the material’s touch-safe heat resistance and its ability to be manufactured using standard techniques. The concepts represent the potential of Ultrason-Polymer and a new way of interacting with consumer products that is meant to inspire producers and end users.

Airwash er et konceptdesign af fremtidens vaskemaskine. Den bruger slet ikke vand, men gør tøjet rent ved hjælp af negative ioner, komprimeret luft og lugtfjernere. Tøj bliver desuden ikke slidt som i vasketromlen, og Airwash kan også bruges til tøj, der normalt kun tåler at blive sendt på renseri. 046

Fremtidens materialer byder på helt nye muligheder. Ultrason-Polymer er et nyt plastisk materiale udviklet af BASF. Materialet er varmebestandigt og leder ikke varme. Dets særlige egenskaber bliver demonstreret i denne serie af fortolkninger af klassiske husholdningsprodukter, hvor designeksperimenter tjener til inspiration for andre designere.


home 028

bck solar cooker javier bertani, ezequiel castro, vera kade manufacturer: b.c.k. solar argentina

home 029

cover Alain Berteau Producer: Branex belgium

challenge: solar energy - a clean and ecological energy source – was, until now, considered as experimental and rather uncommon in consumer products.

challenge: over-packaging is a bad habit of our consumerist world, so recycling waste is fine, but reducing waste is obviously better.

The BCK Solar Cooker is a foldable and portable container used for cooking food outdoors, using only water and sunlight. Users can get in touch with the use of solar energy in a natural way thanks to a friendly design. The design of the product respects the codes and language of this type of products used for camping and outdoor activities. In this way, the user can incorporate its functional aspects and its operations very easily.

The COVER stool is not just another “green” product, but a new sustainable approach and the first item from a new collection of package-structured products. In this case, the strong cardboard polyhedron-shaped box contains everything to turn it into a beautiful, upholstered stool/side table with a long lifespan: a Recfoam® pad and a Kvadrat recycled fabric cover. COVER products can easily be produced anywhere, saving energy during production, shipping and recycling processes.Light and efficient, the COVER concept turns ecology into something effortless and glamorously fun.

Sol og vand er det eneste, der er nødvendigt for at lave mad udendørs med dette kogeapparat. BCK Solar udnytter solenergi i dets mest enkle form og kan foldes sammen og tages med på tur. Det giver almindelige brugere mulighed for at udnytte solenergi i det daglige.


Overemballering er et af forbrugssamfundets store problemer. COVER er et møbelkoncept, der løser problemet på en innovativ måde: Selve indpakningen udgør stolens ramme, der dækkes af en behagelig polstring og et slidstærkt betræk. Derfor er COVER et møbel, der kan distribueres til forbrugeren uden overskudsaffald.


home 030

daily dump poonam bir kasturi india

home 031

free:go giangi razeto manufacturer: f.lli razeto e casareto s.p.a italy

challenge: 60% of waste generated in the average indian urban home is organic wet waste. the challenge was to enable homemakers to recycle their organic waste through a home composting product.

challenge: improving a familiar and well known object like a door handle, by giving it a range of features and multipurpose functions.

There is an old tradition in South India of using terracotta for making votives and granary objects. These craft traditions through hereditary dissemination have created very refined skills in production and marketing. As those products served their time, this range of Daily Dump Composters serves present urban needs using the same materials and processes of manufacturing. The aesthetics of the Daily Dump products taps into this cultural and social paradigm. Also, the project is designed to be ‘open source’ – the design drawings, methods, processes and user feedback are all available on the internet. This is to enable micro-enterprises to sprout and flourish in different parts of India.

FREE:GO is a system of door handles with replaceable grips that fit directly on the door. A wide array of grips in various materials turns the door handle into the “handshake” of a room. In addition, FREE:GO introduces multi-purpose door handles; the soft grip works as an anti shock bumper; olfactory grips and grips with sound and/or vibration provide paths for the blind; a self cleaning germicide system is available for rest room door handles. FREE:GO also has a collection of wireless, luminous handles that recharge by themselves and act as directional aids in emergency situations.

Hovedparten af affald fra en indisk husholdning er organisk. Daily Dump er et system til hjemmekompostering af organisk affald, der dermed ikke ender på lossepladsen og skaber affaldsproblemer. Daily Dump tager udgangspunkt i gamle indiske traditioner for keramik, der får ny anvendelse som kompostbeholdere til hjemmet. 050

FREE:GO er en radikal omtænkning af dørhåndtags funktion. Serien består af selvlysende dørhåndtag, der gør det let at finde vej i f.eks. nødsituationer, dørhåndtag med duft eller lyd, der hjælper blinde og svagtseende og dørhåndtag, der har en bakteriedræbende overflade, der sikrer en bedre hygiejne på f.eks. toiletter.


home 032

imprint johannes foersom og peter hiort-lorenzen producer: lammhults möbel a/s and dan web denmark

home 033

safe paraffin system anastasios calantzis, david tait, frederick kruger, jan du preez, anya calantzis, and ian vogt south africa

challenge: cellupress is a new plant fiber material. the idea is to use some of the enormous resources of biomass, which the earth produces, and recycle this mass to develop a material of high design quality.

challenge: paraffin looks like water, but is poisonous, and is often stored in easy accessible 2 liter beverage bottles. this results in a lot of accidental ingestion, mostly by children.

In order to use the biomass of wasted wood for furniture, there has been developed a soft matt of cellulose fibers, which are compressed into plastic shell forms. By submitting the matt to great pressure in a form, the shell element develops great strength and lightness. 3 textures have been designed for the Imprint furniture, all with the cellulose fibers as a base. They are cellulose/spruce, cellulose/coco and cellulose/bark. The furniture can be delivered in 5 different colors. The Imprint chairs are inspired by the process, where a rectangular matt is placed in a formed tool and is compressed, like a human body in a plastic form.

Safe Paraffin System prevents ingestion accidents and ensures adoption of the system into the sales cycle. The permanent seal is forced into the neck of the bottle by the reseller when he fills the bottle. The measure stick prevents routine overfilling of the bottle. The reseller can earn about 5% more when he adopts the system and now has a financial motivation to introduce the safer system to the consumer. The handle is attached by the reseller for easy transport and for hanging it out of children’s reach. The easy pour cap, bought by the consumer, is a stay-at-home item allowing pouring by opening the seal.

Cellupress er et nyt materiale af plantefibre, der udnytter overskuddet af biomasse fra møbelindustrien og genbruger den til et materiale af høj designkvalitet. Processen afspejles i Imprint-stolene, hvor en fibermåtte lægges i et formværktøj og derpå presses i en plastisk form, som aftrykket af en menneskekrop.

Petroleum til lys og opvarmning bliver mange steder i verden opbevaret i sodavandsflasker. Det fører til, at børn bliver forgiftet, når de drikker indholdet. Safe Paraffin System børnesikrer flaskerne ved at forsegle dem allerede hos forhandleren. I hjemmet kan flaskerne således kun åbnes ved brug af et særligt låg.



home 034

shelter origami Akemi Tahara japan/brazil

home 035

solar bottle alberto meda and francisco gomez paz italy

challenge: after natural or man-made disasters, refugees have an urgent need for shelter.

challenge: one sixth of the world’s population has no access to safe drinking water. each year, diarrhea causes 2.2 million deaths, mostly among children.

The Shelter Origami is ephemeral, compact, portable and easy to set up, offering provisional shelter until authorities or humanitarian organizations provide a longterm solution. Based on the origami concept, the main material is foldable recycled paper, similar to that used in Tetra Pack containers, which is sufficiently durable under normal conditions such as rain and wind.

Solar Water Disinfection (SODIS®) is a low-cost water treatment which uses UV-A radiation and heat of solar energy. It takes six hours of full sunlight exposure to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Solar Bottle improves this method while integrating a transport solution. The new bi-color blown molded PET container has one transparent face for UV-A + infrared rays collection and one aluminum color to increase the reflections. The 4 liter container has a high ratio surface/thickness improving the performance of solar disinfection, thus easing the transportation and storage. A special handle integrates the angular regulation to improve sun exposure.

Krig og naturkatastrofer skaber pludselige behov for nødboliger. Origami er en gammel japansk tradition for papirfoldekunst. I dette tilfælde bruges dette princip til midlertidige sammenklappelige nødboliger, der er lette at sætte op. Materialet er overfladebehandlet genbrugspapir, der kan modstå regn og vind.


Én mia. mennesker mangler rent drikkevand. Dette problem kan løses ved at udsætte beskidt vand for sollys. Solar Bottle er en plastikbeholder hvis gennemsigtige front, reflekterende inderside og større overflade nedsætter vandets nødvendige tid i solen. Håndtaget gør den let at håndtere og kan bruges til at regulere vinklen i forhold til solen.


home 036

spacesaver andrei bojor romania

home 037

sustainable products daniel sturaeus, henrik geijer partners: libeltex, nå-formtextil sweden

challenge: statistically, more than 2 million families in romania keep a washing machine in their 45-70 square meters flat.

challenge: sustainable products that replace oil in product design.

SpaceSaver is a design combination between two different objects: The classical sink and the classical washing machine. SpaceSaver can be used in the bathroom as a sink + laundry washing machine or in the kitchen as a sink + dishwashing machine. It was designed to offer significantly more space to families living in a typical medium-small household with one bathroom/kitchen. The sink and the washing machine are two objects very compatible, both functionally and technically, to being combined together in one aesthetic object, perfectly performing both functions but taking up only half the space.

Made from all renewable resources, this new composite material gives opportunities for many types of products to replace oil-based polymers. The material has been developed by designers and applied in the production of furniture. It is made of natural and renewable resources such as lennen-fibres, hemp-fibres and PLA-plastic (Polylactic acid) made from corn, thereby giving agricultural areas the opportunity to be developed in a positive and healthy way.

SpaceSaver kombinerer en håndvask med en vaskemaskine, så de tilsammen kun fylder det halve. Det frigør plads på badeværelset. På samme måde kan SpaceSaver anvendes i køkkenet som en kombineret opvaskemaskine og køkkenvask. Det løser et problem i mange små lejligheder med lidt plads.


Olie fra ikke vedvarende kilder indgår i mange nutidens plasticmøbler. Dette nye syntetiske materiale er udviklet af designerne til brug i møbelindustriens, og er udelukkende lavet af ”naturlige” materialer, så som hampfibre og nedbrydelig plastic lavet af majs. Det giver også landbruget nye afsætningsmuligheder og grobund for vækst.


home 038

‘toginon’ kitchen knife range sprout design ltd producer: shimizu hamono, (japan) united kingdom

home 039

wing ’ ines vlahovic; mentor: mladen orešic’ croatia

challenge: how can products be designed to maximise lifespan, performance and at the same time provide a relationship between user and producer?

challenge: there is a need for renewable sources of electricity, considering the ever growing human needs for mobility and independence.

Toginon is a range of kitchen knives designed to maximize its own lifespan. When the blade becomes blunt, the user mails it back to the producer to be reconditioned by using a coin to remove the handle. During the recondition, the user activates the knife’s spare blade – included at purchase. The same disassemble technique is used on the knife for recycling the parts when discarding the knife. Inserts of rubber seal water from of the handle, giving it a colour accent and providing excellent grip - even with oily hands. Copper alloy layers reduce the amount of chromium in the blades and give antibacterial properties and an interesting surface pattern.

Wing is a portable personal windmill. Its wings are made of canvas connected to a generator, so you can easily put the wing in a small carrying case and take it with you. When electricity is needed, it can be unfolded like an umbrella and turned towards the wind. A small generator situated in the central bowl makes electricity sufficient to satisfy elementary modern human needs, such as cell phones, laptops or light. Wing provides electricity, when there is no other available source, but at the same time Wing acts as a secondary source of electricity in homes.

Toginon er en knivserie med ekstra lang levetid og også en slibeservice. Alle knive leveres med et ekstra blad. Når kniven er blevet sløv kan bladet løsnes med en mønt, udskiftes og sendes til producenten, der sørger for at kniven bliver skarp igen.


Wing er en transportabel, personlig vindmølle. Wing kan dække det moderne menneskes mest basale behov for strøm til eksempelvis mobiltelefon, bærbar computer og lys. Wing kan både bruges, når der ikke er adgang til strøm, men også som supplement til elektricitet i hjemmet.


home 040

wireless led lamp – recharged by manual power balazs püspök hungary

The Wireless LED Lamp is independent from any power supply and can be recharged by rotating a generator. Therefore, it runs on renewable energy. In the developing world, approx. 2 billion people do not have access to electricity, thus their children are not able to study after the sun goes down and the entire social life nearly stops when darkness falls. For many, the only source of light is kerosene-wick lamps which are expensive and unhealthy, whereas LED-technology is cheaper, cleaner and more durable in the long run. The Wireless LED Lamp could enhance the quality of life by helping people to be more productive after dark.

Petroleumslamper er i dag den eneste lyskilde i mange landsbyer i udviklingslandene uden adgang til elektricitet. Petroleumslamper er både usunde og dyre. Med Wireless LED Lamp, der bruger lysdiodeteknologi og kan trækkes op, kan indbyggerne få adgang til lys på en miljøvenlig, og – på sigt – billigere måde.



challenge: inhabitants of many remote villages in developing countries have no access to electricity and use kerosene-wick lamps instead.

ROYAL COPENHAGEN WELCOMES DESIGNERS OF THE WORLD TO INDEX 2007 Since 1775, Royal Copenhagen products have been synonymous with sublime craftsmanship, world-renowned quality and Danish design at its best. We are proud of our history and roots in the Danish culture, as well as our ability to adapt to the needs and desires of consumers in the year 2007 and beyond. Blue Fluted Mega is a perfect example of how tradition and renewal can mix beautifully and become an instant success. We are always open to new ideas and innovative takes on the world of porcelain. Are you?

WORK design related to the workplace, such as architecture, interior design, work tools, communications, strategies for work environment, and strategies for organizational and managerial development.

Design relateret til arbejdspladsen: arkitektur og indretningsdesign, arbejdsredskaber, kommunikationsvÌrktøjer, arbejdsmiljøstrategier og strategier for organisation og ledelse.

work 041

cassette 3in1 qlicksmart team: dr neville henry, dr michael sinnott, kim sia quek, oliver mason // prodesign australia team: robert geddes, paul fabre, andrew peterson, daniel stewart // producer: qlicksmart australia challenge: to safely remove scalpel blades from scalpel handles during sterile medical procedures, thus preventing sharps injury trauma to medical and support personnel: to save our lifesavers.

work 042

caterpillar scoop morten wagener sweden/denmark

challenge: patient transportation is currently connected with a lot of hard lifting and maneuvering of patients and equipment, especially when going down staircases. currently, no products solve these ergonomic problems in a satisfying way.

A simple safety device designed to remove and contain every shape and size scalpel blade from common sized and shaped handles for accurate counting and disposal. Cassette 3in1 is safe and reliably at a small price. The loaded scalpel is inserted and by a click the handle is removed. Most surgical procedures require 3 or less blades, so the design is a triple pack which folds to become both the stand, the holder and the sharps container. Casette 3in1 protects surgeons, doctors, clinicians, paramedics, nurses, ward staffs, interns, trainees, nurse aids, emergency rescuers, life savers, dentists, veterinarians, pathologists, laboratory technicians and cleaning/laundry staff worldwide.

The Caterpillar Scoop stretcher provides a safer, more effective work environment via the caterpillar track system’s stair climbing capabilities, which brings the patient down stairs without heavy lifting with assistance from only one person. A viscose clutch controls descent and the lightweight construction, rear wheel steering and large wheels greatly improve maneuverability. The unit also has a detachable “scoop” element making the rescue situation faster and more effective. The project was developed together with the Swedish Ambulance Academy in close collaboration with the user group – the ambulance staff.

Casette 3in1 redder dem, der redder liv: Med et enkelt klik adskiller Casette 3in1 skalpel og blad fra hinanden og isolerer bladene på en sikker måde, så sundheds- og rengøringspersonale ikke kommer til skade. Ved de allerfleste operationer benyttes der under 3 skalpelblade, og derfor er der ”kun” plads til 3 i kassetten, der smides væk efter brug.

Caterpillar Scoop er en båre til patienttransport på trapper. Båren kan betjenes af én enkelt redningsarbejder og gør det hurtigere at få mennesker, der behøver hjælp, af og på båren og dermed hurtigere til hospitalet. Samtidig forbedrer Caterpillar Scoop redningsarbejderes arbejdsmiljø.



work 043

work 044


freedom of creation

project designers: cph design a/s manufacturer: univeyor a/s denmark

janne kyttänen the netherlands/finland

challenge: emptying unpalletized goods from shipping containers, where goods are stacked from floor to ceiling, involves strenuous manual labour with work-related injuries as a consequence.

challenge: over production creates waste and under production stalls growth, causing supply chain delays and creating countless economical problems.

Empticon simultaneously prevents back-strain and improves conditions in the workplace. One of the links in a lengthy global logistics chain is the process of manually removing goods from shipping containers. This is an intensively repetitive and potentially harmful manual job – with workers bearing daily loads of up to 20 tons each. Empticon is joystick-controlled by a single operator from a portable control panel. Aided by vacuum, cartons are transferred onto conveyor modules and transported out of the container. The conveyor modules unfold as Empticon extends into the container, allowing operation at the full depth of a 45-foot container.

Freedom of Creation (FOC) creates products at the forefront of a digital revolution, similar to that also being experienced in music, photography and literature. Virtually stored products are e-mailed for 3D production whenever and wherever needed. Since 1999, FOC has created a global manufacturing infrastructure in contrast to today’s mass production culture. This approach has the potential to revolutionize the future of design and manufacturing, radically minimizing global costs for transportation, storage, assembly, start-up investments, and – moreover - man’s footprint on the environment. FOC’s know-how and adaptation of digital technologies is changing the world in numerous fields of design, such as in textiles, micromachinery, packaging etc.

Uhensigtsmæssige arbejdsstillinger og mange tunge løft resulterer i dag i mange arbejdsskader og stort sygefravær. Empticon gør, at en enkelt mand kan tømme eller læsse en container fyldt med kasser, uden at han behøver at løfte indholdet selv. Derved undgås de mange ergonomisk forkerte løft, der i løbet af en dag kan være på op til 20 ton per mand.


Overproduktion skaber spild, mens underproduktion hæmmer vækst. 3D-printning er en allerede kendt teknologi, der vil kunne ændre den måde, vi køber ting på i fremtiden. Genstande kan ”printes” nær forbrugeren i stedet for at blive produceret på en fabrik. Freedom of Creation bruger 3D-printning til at formgive klassiske designobjekter.


work 045

gubi chair ii collection komplot design producer: gubi denmark

work 046

halley vi antarctic research station client: british antarctic survey // architect: hugh broughton architects structural engineer: faber maunsell // services engineer: faber maunsell main contractor: morrison construction united kingdom

challenge: our environment is becoming more and more polluted in every sense of the word – with chemicals, waste, dirt, noises etc.

challenge: antarctica – the coldest, windiest, driest and most remote continent on earth – provides a unique environment for the study of earth system science and climate change.

The GUBI Chair II Collection is a furniture series based on polyester (PET) fibre felt, made of recycled plastic bottles. It consists of chairs, tables and room dividers for public spaces where environmental and acoustic problems are critical. PET felt provides outstanding sound absorption, is durable, easy to clean and air permeable. When producing the chair, felt is moulded around steel tubing in one process. No glue or reinforcement of the thermoformed PET felt is demanded. No subsequent upholstery is required.

Halley VI, the new British Antarctic Research Station, will provide a safe home and workplace for scientists and will respond to awesome environmental challenges. Sitting on a floating ice shelf, totally cut off from the rest of the world for 9 months every year, battered by ferocious winds, rising snow levels and total darkness, Halley can be relocated (approx. once every 5 years) to prevent ice calving events that could cause a loss of the station. The modular, ski-based, relocatable design is a model of sustainability. Halley is conceived as a visitor to Antarctica, not a resident. A visitor that will gently engage with the pristine environment and, when the time comes, leave without a trace.

I GUBI Chair II møbelserien er der genanvendt brugte plasticflasker til stole, borde og rumdelere. Materialet giver møblerne særlige egenskaber, så de f.eks. virker lyddæmpende i rum med meget støj. Materialet er velegnet til møbler, fordi det både er nemt formgive og nemt at at rengøre.


Halley VI er en ny forskningsstation, der netop nu opføres på Antarktis. Halley VI kan modstå ekstreme vejrforhold. Bygningen står på ski for at kunne flyttes, efterhånden som isen flytter sig. Designet lægger stor vægt på at beskytte det følsomme miljø på Antarktis og samtidig give forskerne et godt arbejdsmiljø.


work 047

hydro wall virginia san fratello ronald rael united states challenge: large fluctuations of daytime and nighttime temperatures result in expensive heating and cooling costs for businesses. additionally, industries are responsible for depleting vast amounts of water causing certain regions to experience water crises. The Hydro Wall is a water storage device, an evaporative cooling system, a planter and a building skin. It is composed of water contained within a recyclable thermoplastic or glass shell. The Hydro Wall reduces heating and cooling costs by acting as a thermal mass in locations that have cold nights and hot days. The Hydro Wall recycles the rainwater it collects. Users who have a Hydro Wall may siphon off collected water to irrigate vegetation, or in manufacturing to supplement heating and cooling systems which reduces co2 emission and ozone depleting gases like Freon. The Hydro Wall also allows natural light into work environments.

Hydro Wall er et bygningselement, der udligner temperaturforskellen mellem nat og dag i områder med store temperaturudsving. Regnvand opbevares i en bygnings ydervægge, således at dagens varme varmer bygningen op om natten, og nattens kulde køler bygningen om dagen. På den måde reduceres behovet for energi til opvarmning og afkøling af bygninger. 070

work 048

jack – mobile outdoor fuel cell generator gilbert robel germany

challenge: to find a mobile and tough solution that produces energy in a clean, effective and ecological way.

JACK is a rugged mobile power generator, based on fuel cell technology. Its stable and shock absorbing outer shell enables one to use this unit anywhere, where electrical energy is not available, for example during an expedition. It enables work in closed spaces, where the use of gas or diesel generators would be extremely dangerous. It does not exhaust smoke, instead moist air. JACK produces its energy by converting methanol, which is stored in exchangeable tanks. The handle is designed ergonomically for easier transportation. JACK er en bærbar generator, der bruger brændselsceller til at lave strøm. Derfor kan JACK bruges overalt, hvor der ikke er strøm til rådighed – selv i rum uden udluftning, hvor gas- og dielselgeneratorer ville være for farlige at bruge. Brændsel i JACK er metanol, der omdannes til energi i en elektrokemisk proces.


work 049

joyn ronan and erwan bouroullec. producer: vitra france

work 050

kvadrat soft cells jesper nielsen manufacturer: kvadrat a/s and art andersen a/s denmark

challenge: teamwork is increasingly common in workplaces, but for existing workspaces it is not always easy adapting efficiently.

challenge: the modern minimalist office has become an acoustic nightmare creating a strenuous work situation resulting in fatigue, distraction and lower work efficiency.

Joyn consists of removable screens and blotter for continuous adjustment of working areas. It is an open system that embraces the diversity of the workplace and encourages communication between people, networking and interaction by breaking down the physical barriers between them. Work areas may be spontaneously re-zoned with screens and blotters. As none of the boundaries are fixed, work areas simply contract and expand as needed. Density varies with the level of activity. Joyn, with its screens and blotter, aspires equally to the flexibility of the mobile phone and of the laptop. The office itself achieves a dynamic state, constantly adjusting to changing demands.

Kvadrat Soft Cells is a sound absorbing wall- & ceiling system that employs tensioned textile. Kvadrat Soft Cells combines the visual benefits of high-quality design fabrics with unique acoustic properties. Kvadrat Soft Cells enables architects and interior designers to control light, space and acoustics and create a more pleasurable working and living environment. The frames can be very large, installed at any angle and even on curved surfaces. All frames feature a double textile layer creating a cavity for optimal acoustic performance. Installation and replacement is very easy, fast and straight forward. Kvadrat Soft Cells has low impact on the environment as all parts are recyclable.

Nye arbejdsformer er i disse år en udfordring for arbejdsmiljøet. Joyn er en serie af skriveunderlag og skærme, der gør, at arbejdspladsen kan indrettes fleksibelt, så der både er plads til teamwork og til individuelt arbejde i fred og ro.

Nutidens kontorlandskaber skaber arbejdsmiljøer med store støjproblemer. Kvadrat Soft Cells er en byggekomponent, der ved hjælp af udspændte tekstiler giver mulighed for at kontrollere og forbedre rum, lyd- og lysforhold på arbejdspladsen for at opnå et bedre arbejdsmiljø.



Gaining insights and understanding the needs of the elderly by “stepping in their shoes”.

Building empathy for the elderly through interviews and observation in their natural environment.

One of the many ideas: “Designer” adult diapers that keep the user’s dignity intact while serving it’s purpose.

work 051

many helping hands approach the idea factory in collaboration with alexandra hospital in singapore singapore

work 052

mountit cph design manufacturer: mountit denmark

challenge: recognizing that there is a growing trend of elderly singaporeans living by themselves, how do we regularly find new ways to help them live independently?

challenge: a newly introduced danish law requires that drywall boards must now be mounted by workers in pairs, or with the assistance of a mechanical aid.

Alexandra Hospital in Singapore collaborated with The Idea Factory to design a 3-day user-centred process which they could run regularly to generate ideas to improve elderly homecare. In the pilot run, The hospital and The Idea Factory worked with 50 ABN AMRO bankers to see which new ideas could emerge when people who had obviously no healthcare expertise went through this process. When the CEO and senior medical professionals from Alexandra Hospital joined in on day 3, they were amazed at how the bankers were able to generate simple, yet effective ideas using this process. Highlighted in this exhibit are just some of the many inspired ideas.

MountIt enables one worker to handle all the on-site logistics of drywall boards – from kerb-side delivery to mounting on the wall. The MountIt system eliminates the heavy lifting associated with handling drywall boards, whilst streamlining the process, so that mounting is faster and less labor intensive. MountIt consists of three elements: The MultiTrolley: Can transport up to 24 plasterboards and tilt them on edge, allowing them to negotiate doorways down to 90cm. The Stacker: Stands the boards upright and maneuvers them, ready to be mounted. The Mounter: Supports the boards whilst they are positioned and fixed in place.

Nogle gange hjælper det, når nye øjne ser på et velkendt problem. Et hospital i Singapore inviterede 50 mennesker fra en nærliggende bank til at komme med simple, men effektive ideer til forbedring af hjemmeplejen. På den måde fik hospitalets ansatte nye ideer, som de ikke selv ville have fået.

MountIt gør, at én enkelt mand kan udføre al håndtering af gipsplader - fra fortovskant til selve væggen. MountIT-serien er blevet til for at imødekomme nye, danske arbejdsmiljøkrav. MounIt giver et forbedret arbejdsflow, så montering går hurtigere, og de mange løft og uhensigtsmæssige arbejdsstillinger undgås.



work 053

neptunic ‘c’ suit jeremiah sullivan manufacturer: neptunic sharksuits. united states

work 054

next generation protection equipment for de-mining (ravelin 3)

designers: kodedesign project initiation: norsk form // manufacturer: rofi industrier as norway

challenge: scientific, commercial, professional and sport divers who work or conduct research in open water around sharks risk being attacked by sharks and other marine predators.

challenge: de-mining protection equipment is heavy, hot and uncomfortable. this affects concentration in the field and has caused de-miners to loosen or remove protection with fatal consequences.

The NEPTUNIC ‘C’ SUIT, made from stainless steel mesh, high tech fiber, titanium and hybrid laminates protects divers from shark bites and other marine hazards. The suit provides a passive safety shield around the diver protecting the diver from shark attacks as well as other threats such as abrasions, lacerations or impacts from other sub-aquatic hazards. Neptunic shark suits are now being used all over the world to protect people from injury while working in the sea.

Advanced lightweight materials and sportswear ergonomics drastically improves the performance of de-mining equipment. The facemask is half the weight of the current available products, but provides 50% higher ballistic protection. It protects against the sun and has an effective system for transporting exhaled air out and away, reducing both misting of the visor and heat. The visors are protected from scratching and are cheap to replace. The vest uses ergonomics and materials from performance sportswear to distribute weight correctly for better movement, less muscle strain and better balance. It also allows ventilation, thus reducing body heat and dehydration.

Hajer og andre store rovdyr i havet udgør en fare for dykkere. NEPTUNIC ‘C’ SUIT er en letvægtsringbrynje, der beskytter dykkere mod angreb fra hajer og andre undervandsammenstød.

Ravelin 3 er en ny generation af minerydningsudstyr og består af en lettere beskyttelsesvest med større bevægelsesfrihed samt en maske, der beskytter 50% mere og har bedre ventilation. Derfor fristes mineryddere ikke til at tage udstyret af, når det er varmt.



work 055

ordrup school bosch & fjord client: skub denmark

work 056

rampsnake cph design a/s manufacturer: fmc technologies inc, usa denmark

challenge: all humans are different and think and learn in different ways. therefore, schools should be adjustable to the individual student’s needs.

challenge: baggage handlers work in harmfully awkward positions, loading aircraft cargo-holds with an average floor-to-ceiling height of only 70cm. each worker carries an average daily workload of 4-6 tons.

In order to achieve the optimal surroundings for teaching and playing, Bosch & Fjord have created a design at Ordrup School in Denmark based on 3 concepts: ‘Quiet & Absorption’, ‘Discussion & Cooperation’ and ‘Confidence & Presence’. Separating activities and creating varied spaces, Bosch & Fjord have made room for diversity in both teaching and playing, thus optimizing and improving the learning situation. The design places the individual in the centre and makes room for individual differences. It provides children and teachers with active tools in the teaching situation so they can continuously develop the school.

RampSnake is an electrical vehicle for use in loading and unloading cargo from narrow-bodied aircrafts. The ‘Snake’ itself is made up of a series of modules, each with a motor-roller that drives a conveyor belt. These form a flexible conveyor system that is able to turn the 90° corner around the cargo door and extend into the hold. Once in here, RampSnake aids the operator with the loading and unloading of cargo. Lifting is likewise avoided at the back of the vehicle where cargo is loaded onto the baggage carts.

Alle mennesker er forskellige og tænker og lærer således forskelligt i forskellige situationer. Bosch & Fjord har derfor skabt en komplet og udfordrende formgivning af Ordrup Skole baseret på tre koncepter: ’Ro & Fordybelse’, ’Diskussion & Samarbejde’ og ’Tryghed & Nærvær’. Disse tre koncepter opdeler de enkelte områder i tydelige funktioner og skaber nye rum for læring.


RampSnake gør lastning og tømning af snævre og lave fly-bagagelastrum på fly til en nemmere og mindre hård opgave. RampSnake fører lasten ind i selve lastrummet, reducerer løft med op mod 80% og gør samtidig lastning og tømning af fly op til 20% hurtigere.


work 057

solarscan 4design (design): lee liston, robbie wells // polartechnics (in- house design and manufacture): jurgen eckel, leon kwan, rowena robinson australia

work 058

tonguesucker phillip greer, lisa stroux, christopher huntley, graeme davies united kingdom

challenge: short term monitoring of lesions is a clear benefit for the detection of melanoma.

challenge: without an adequate airway, an unconscious person will die or suffer severe brain damage within 4 minutes.

SolarScan is a system providing doctors with clinically proven technology to assist with monitoring and early detection of melanoma. Suspicious skin lesions are scanned using a high-resolution digital camera which allows the pigmented structures of the lesion to become visible. SolarScan is the only digital dermatoscope with automated colour calibration. Each image is calibrated to a common reference ensuring image reproducibility. Calibrated image storage allows for comparison of changes in a patient’s lesions. Benign lesion removal is therefore significantly reduced. SolarScan software is designed for easy use. Its efficient user interface allows rapid acquisition and processing of lesion data.

The TongueSucker allows untrained bystanders at the scene of an accident to open the airway of an unconscious person immediately and effectively. Squeeze the bulb, place over the tongue and release. Suction draws the tongue off the back of the throat, creating a small but vital gap to allow the unconscious person to breathe. It is a one size fits all, non-invasive device which requires no training to apply. Once in place, the first aider is free to perform CPR, call for help or assist other casualties.

Det er afgørende, at hudkræft opdages i et tidligt stadie. SolarScan kan affotografere mistænkelige forandringer i huden og ved farveanalyse afgøre, om de er god- eller ondartede. Dermed undgås unødvendige operationer.


Bevidstløshed kan på kun 4 minutter føre til kvælning eller svære hjerneskader, hvis tungen blokerer lufttilgangen. TongueSucker er et redskab, der forhindrer disse ulykker, ved at skabe et vakuum, der fastholder tungen og holder luftvejene åbne. TongueSucker kan betjenes af almindelige mennesker og vil som standardudstyr i førstehjælpskasser kunne redde mange liv.


PLAY design related to sport, play, leisure and culture, such as the design of leisure facilities, tools, games, and equipment used for sports.

Design relateret til sport, leg, fritid og kultur, såsom design af fritidsanlæg, værktøj, spil og sportsudstyr.

play 059

escape from diab yeonjung kim // producer: jerald reichstein manufacturer: archimage, inc united states challenge: since 1980, the number of children who are overweight has tripled. being overweight and obese can lead to major health problems, including the development of diabetes. Escape from Diab is a serious videogame adventure about healthy eating and exercise. As a way to generate interest in the game, the site was created to introduce the upcoming game to kids, parents and members of the media interested in healthy lifestyles for young people. An important part of the design was creating the sensation of gameplay as part of the user experience. The designer treated the site as a collection of toys that keep the eye moving by using motion graphics, Easter eggs and interesting content. Simply organized navigation ties this theme back to the storyline as boxes of junk food pop open. The site is intentionally heavy on graphics and light on text as a way to appeal to the game’s audience; children. Flere og flere børn bliver overvægtige. Escape from Diab er et computerspil, der lærer børn om sund kost og motion. Børn leger, samtidig med at de lærer om en sund livsstil. Spillet forebygger på den måde livsstilssygdomme for de kommende generationer.


play 060

improved helmet technology (iht) archeworks, chicago’s alternative design school director: stanley tigerman, faia // program director: eva l. maddox, assoc. aia, fiida, leed ap project facilitator: jason pickleman student team: andrew buhayar (marketing, industrial design, usa), clemence roger (architecture, france), timothy sola (accounting, usa), martin syvertsen (political science, usa,) united states challenge: current bicycle helmets do not encourage helmet use. their design is bulky, unattractive, ill-fitting and employs passive safety devices. Improved Helmet Technology (IHT) seeks to encourage bike helmet use. It approaches head safety needs realistically. Active bike safety means increased awareness and responsive riders. This helmet is more visually appealing, increases sensory sensitivity and provides proper safety. The unique combination of materials enables a flexible, accurate fit, greater durability and superior ventilation. The helmet increases coverage of the head without feeling obtrusive. Low profile illumination in the helmet’s shell adds an active safety device. A windshield for the ears ensures better hearing and increases responsiveness. All together, the helmet provides a more effective measure of safety for the bicycle rider - safety through good design. Alt for mange cyklister bruger stadig ikke cykelhjelm. IHT er en hjelm, der imødekommer brugernes behov for at ændre dette faktum. Hjelmen yder maksimal beskyttelse og er fleksibel, samtidig med at den har et nyt bud på en cykelhjelms udseende.


play 061

iuvo – ‘play cures’ - a mobile infusion system for children kaspar matthison-hansen, kasper nedergaard sørensen denmark

challenge: more than one million sick children per year are treated with infusion-therapy at hospitals. existing infusion systems are cumbersome for children - awkward in size and usability, while also sterile and unfriendly in design.

play 062

kikkerland ginevra tomei italy

challenge: children with asperger syndrome (as) experience great difficulties in playing with their peers due to serious impairments in social interaction, which jeopardizes their social integration.

iUVO targets children in hospitals who require continuously administered fluid treatments such as medicines or saline solutions to the blood stream. Innovative use of technology gives higher precision and a much more secure use. iUVO is compact, colorful and comfortable, and can be used by children as young as two years old. It is easily carried on the back so the young patients may move about more freely and play, providing relief from the constant reminder of their ailment. The extended sense of freedom enabled by the integrated system dramatically improves quality of everyday life and speeds up the healing process.

Kikkerland is the first board game designed to amuse children with Asperger Syndrome, a psychiatric disorder characterised by impairments in social interaction as well as unusual and restricted behaviour and interest patterns. Moreover, the game helps these children to socialize and learn basic principles such as und erstanding and observing rules, waiting for one’s turn and communicating. At the same time, it teaches other children how to deal with friends with Asperger. Kikkerland is conceived also for children with other difficulties and indeed for every child. Thus, it represents a valid tool for integration of children with social, perceptive and communication handicaps.

Hospitalsindlagte børn, der behøver drop, er bundet til to meter høje stativer beregnet til voksne. Det hæmmer deres bevægelsesfrihed og nedsætter deres livskvalitet. iUVO er et bærbart dropstativ, der giver syge børn bevægelsesfrihed. iUVO er formet som en let rygsæk i farver, der appellerer til børn, og giver mulighed for at løbe og lege.

Børn med Aspergers Syndrom har ofte svært ved at lege med deres jævnaldrende på grund af deres vanskelighed ved at indgå i sociale sammenhænge. Kikkerland er det første brætspil, der lærer disse børn basale sociale færdigheder. Ved at spille med kan andre børn lære, hvordan de omgås børn med Aspergers Syndrom.



play 063

lego® mindstorms™ nxt lego® mindstorms team, lego group denmark

play 064

play.orchestra ma creative practice for narrative environments, university of the arts london southbank centre, london philharmonia orchestra united kingdom

challenge: most robotic toolsets are complicated and complex and can only be used by adult experts.

challenge: to animate a public space and create a community by enabling non-musicians of all ages to experience the delight of ensemble music playing.

LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ NXT is a robotics toolset that provides endless opportunities in the creative pursuit of robotics design, experimentation and open-source development for kids 10+, programs for schools, adult robotics enthusiasts, university students, Robotic competitions and much more. LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ NXT empowers the user to contribute to the world with creative inventions to make a difference for the science of tomorrow. LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ NXT makes it quicker, easier and more intuitive for robot creators to build and program a working robot in just 30 minutes.

PLAY.orchestra is a participative, interactive installation in the form of an orchestra pit with 60 seats. Each seat represents a different instrument. Situated in 2006 in front of the Royal Festival Hall, Riverside Terrace at Southbank Centre, London, passers-by could sit down and trigger sound, thus experiencing a classical music piece from a player’s perspective. As more people sat down, the composition was progressively revealed. Visitors could use their mobile phones to receive ring tones of the experience they created, or upload their own sounds that were later used to create a new composition in the last week of the program.

Nutidens børn skal også kunne lege med nutidens teknologi og arbejdsformer. Med LEGO® MINDSTORMS™ NXT kan børn fra 10 år og op arbejde med opensource og bygge robotter, der virker, og således se frugten af deres arbejde med det samme. Det har afgørende betydning for fremtidens teknologiske udvikling.

PLAY.orchestra er en tom orkestergrav med 60 pladser, hvor forbipasserende kan opleve musik, som orkestermedlemmer oplever det. Når de besøgende sætter sig eller går ind på bestemte områder, begynder et instrument at spille. Efterhånden som flere mennesker sætter sig og deltager i fællesskabet, toner kompositionen frem i sin helhed.



play 065

second life lindenlab and the users of second life united states

challenge: in the globalized world, virtual platforms where everybody can meet, play, experiment and interact are needed.

Second Life is a 3D online digital world, imagined, created and primarily owned by its residents More than 6 million people are residents of Second Life. In Second Life you decide how you want to look, act and what you want to create, using tools that were previously only available for professional game designers. The first inhabitants of Second Life were mostly looking for entertainment. But the Second Life platform is very rapidly being adopted for serious use by universities, non-profit organizations, public sector agencies, think tanks and corporations for convening, meetings, conferencing, research organizational training, collective invention and collaborative design. Hvordan kan vi møde hinanden og arbejde sammen i en globaliseret verden? Second Life er en internetbaseret digital 3D verden, der er åben for alle og udtænkt og skabt af brugerne. I begyndelsen blev Second Life brugt til underholdning. Nu bruges den af studerende, offentlige kontorer virksomheder og tænketanke – og som platform for at mennesker sammen kan udvikle og teste ideer.


play 066

smartus juha laakkonen, ville hautajärvi, arto riimala & minna mylius (lappset), ilkka kettunen, elisabeth svanqvist & katriina lahtinen (university of lapland), reijo koivula, visa pahtaja (rovaniemi polytechnic), pirkko hyvönen, suvi latva & marjaana kangas (university of lapland), timo urhemaa (vtt technical research centre of finland). manufacturer: lappset group finland challenge: childhood reflects society and changes with it. while childhood obesity and learning inequality rise, play time drops and cross-generation interaction declines. SmartUs provides a stimulating environment for combining playing, moving and learning. It merges interactive technology with traditional outdoor play elements. The SmartUs concept emphasizes the creative and active role of children, who use their whole bodies for playing and learning. SmartUs inspires people of all ages to feel the joy of playing together, and it challenges the players’ motor-, social- and cognitive skills. By offering the users limitless opportunities to create connections with other people and to develop their own culture of play, SmartUs holds the universal potential to function as an important social investment for the future. SmartUs er en interaktiv legeplads, som består af en kerne af legepladsredskaber og en brugerflade – både på legepladsen og på internettet. SmartUs-legepladsen fremmer indlæring ved at udvikle motoriske, sociale og forståelsesmæssige færdigheder gennem moderne informationsteknologi.


play 067

tesla roadster martin eberhard manufacturer: tesla motors united states challenge: transportation is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than any other sector.

Tesla Motors introduces the Tesla Roadster as a 100% electric vehicle, with zero emissions and zero-to-sixty acceleration in four seconds. The Roadster is the first production EV to incorporate a 200+ mile range per charge, and with a fuel efficiency equivalent of 135 miles per gallon and gorgeous styling, the Tesla Roadster is a manifestation of innovative design. The Tesla Roadster proves that electric cars can be cool. Taking a top-down approach, it targets the high-end market in order to change customer attitudes. Transportsektoren er ansvarlig for en stor del af verdens drivhusgasudslip. Tesla Roadster er en elbil, der ligner og opfører sig som en almindelig sportsvogn. Tesla Roadster kører mere end 400 km på en opladning og accelererer fra 0 til 100 km/t på kun 4 sekunder.


KOPPEL CHRONOGRAPH Watch in stainless steel. Copenhagen: Amagertorv 4 & Copenhagen Airport

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COMMUNITY design of things that we share communally, such as infra-structure, means of transportation and mass media, and the design of strategies, services and concepts for society, networking and communities.

Design af ting, som vi benytter i fĂŚllesskab: infrastruktur, transportmidler, massemedier, design af strategier, ydelser og koncepter for samfundet, netvĂŚrk og fĂŚllesskaber.

community 068

community 069


a bridge 2 far

ben dromey ireland

edward ng, anthony hunt, rollin collins, lucia cheung, kevin li, michael chan, polly tsang, chan pui ming & karen kiang china

challenge: every day, homeless people are faced with the difficulty of finding a safe place to store their belongings.

challenge: to design and build an economic, eco-sustainable and reliable footbridge in a remote village in china. it symbolizes the joint effort between city dwellers and farmers.

6lockers is a solution that provides the homeless individual with 24 hour access storage. These biometric lockers are located at homeless service centres. The design also helps homeless agencies in their objective to make regular contact with those homeless people who rarely use homeless services. Staff at the service can leave items in the lockers for the homeless user to collect, such as post and fresh food. Aside from being a highly functional space, the lockers passively provide the means for the user to seek advice or assistance from the service at any time.

The new ‘handmade’ bridge provides a steady crossing between two parts of the village. The villagers, volunteers and students built the bridge together. The operation was like a carnival, and the villagers’ annual ritual to rebuild their original log-bridge was evolved. Apart from the gabions and the bridge decks, the bulk of materials were sourced nearby. The bridge components can be assembled with a high level of tolerance. If it is dislodged after heavy flooding, it can be re-erected. Its zig-zag configuration discourages heavy vehicles from using the bridge. At night, the bridge transforms itself to a tranquil platform for stargazing.

6lockers er et tilbud til de hjemløse mennesker, der mangler et sted hvor de sikkert kan opbevare deres ejendele. Der er hele døgnet adgang til skabene, som er placeret hos de sociale myndigheder, der derved også får adgang til jævnligt at komme i kontakt med de hjemløse og give dem mad, post og rådgivning.


Designstuderende og landsbyboere arbejdede sammen om at bygge en ny permanent bro som erstatning for de broer, som hvert år blev skyllet væk. I dag har landsbyboerne en stærk bro, der udover at være praktisk også fungerer som rekreativt område.


community 070

aquarius keyboard giovanni pepe, francesco pepe, daniele rizzo producer: technological support – latina (italy) italy

community 071

bluetooth hands free car kit ya feng shen shanghai loe design consultants co., ltd china

challenge: 1-1.5% of the world’s population is deaf, and has trouble communicating with non-deaf persons in schools, information desks at work places or in public administrations.

challenge: according to a 2005 study from the human factors and ergonomics society, cell phone distraction causes 2 600 deaths and 330 000 injuries in the united states every year.

AQUARIUS Keyboard is a stand alone system of firmware consisting of two connected units, where text written on one unit is read in real-time on the other and vice versa. At the end of a conversation, everything that has been said can be printed as a document. For instance, the AQUARIUS Keyboard can be used in classrooms to teach deaf persons spoken language and to serve as an interpreter between teachers and deaf persons, or at information/service desks in post offices, hospitals, police stations and many other places. The system units are both smaller and more affordable than average computers.

Bluetooth Hands free Car Kit is designed with a concern for driving safety and user convenience. It connects with the cell phone, so that the driver needn’t hold the cell phone while speaking. The design offers more convenient features such as bigger buttons and a light display and a unique appearance, shaped like a flying saucer. It can be modified to match the car interior as it comes in a range of colors such as silver, black, red and blue.

AQUARIUS Keyboard hjælper døve med at kommunikere med f.eks. offentlige myndigheder og i andre sammenhænge, hvor det er nødvendigt for døve at kommunikere med hørende. Samtalen foregår på to keyboards med tilhørende skærme, og bagefter kan samtalen printes ud.


Ifølge en undersøgelse foretaget af Human Factors and Ergonomics Society i 2005 er uopmærksomhed på grund af mobilsnak årsag til, at 2.600 mennesker dør og 330.000 kommer til skade alene i USA hvert år. Bluetooth Hands free Car Kit kan forbindes med en mobiltelefon, således at bilisten ikke behøver holde telefonen i hånden under samtalen.


community 072

community 073

caroma h2zero™ cube urinal

changing lives:

a new identity for stockley academy

design company: aricot vert // project director: lin dickens creative director: ed sneller // designers: ruth meeking, lucy wynn and the pupils of stockley academy united kingdom

dr steve cummings luke di michiel australia challenge: worldwide, fresh water scarcity drives the need for a universally acceptable waterless urinal with the potential to save billions of liters of water each year.

challenge: to transform a failing school into a pioneering city academy - two years before new buildings are ready.

Designed to respond to a critical need to conserve diminishing water supplies due to global warming, population increases and prolonged droughts, the Caroma H2Zero™ Cube Urinal utilizes breakthrough technology to use zero water. The urinal has been designed to efficiently focus urine into the cartridge, around the Bio Fresh deodorizing block, and through the one-way airtight valve, sealing the urinal from the drainage system. The urinal guarantees consistently superior performance, operation, maintenance and hygiene compared to other waterless urinals.

Creating an identity for Stockley Academy was as much about developing a proposition that would spark and build pride among staff, students and parents as it was about designing new materials. The logo bears resemblance to the aeroplane tail fins found at nearby Heathrow airport – a dynamic representation of the Academy’s specializations in science and technology. Since the launch of the identity, the school has been transformed. In 2005, for the first time in 30 years, the school was oversubscribed. Attendance and performance have increased dramatically and most significantly, the children are inspired by and take enormous pride in their new Academy.

H2Zero™ Cube Urinalet passer godt på verdens begrænsede vandressourcer. Det bruger ikke noget vand og indkapsler på en hygiejnisk måde urin i en lufttæt beholder, der er placeret bag en miljøvenlig lugtfjerner.


En og på og

ny visuel identitet, der kunne skabe stolthed hos både lærerstab, forældre elever, blev et vendepunkt for Stockley Academy. Nu er der mindre pjækkeri skolen, der før kæmpede med højt fravær. Elevernes gennemsnit er steget, der er flere og flere, der søger ind på skolen.


community 074

citycab prof. raimo nikkanen and course leader matti parpola, and a team of thirty students timo suomala (design leader), harri santamala (engineering-leader) production of prototype was made in university of art and design, prototype studios and in helsinki polytechnics, automotive laboratory. finland challenge: in big cities around the world there is a need for a new improved taxi system moving towards sustainable services.

This taxi prototype is a full carbon fiber structure with a low-emission hybrid engine. The air-cushioned low floors enable the taxi to operate as a standard taxi cab, as transport for disabled persons, as community transport for the elderly or as a small sightseeing bus. Clients’ easy access and good visibility adds safety. GPSorientation, City-web-info and easy IT-payment raises the quality of the driving experience. CityCab er en ny miljøvenlig taxa med hybridmotor. Taxaen har et lavt gulv, så den er egnet til handicappede, ældre og barnevogne. Ydermere er den spækket med det nyeste it-udstyr, for at give kunden den bedste oplevelse.


community 075

concrete canvas shelter peter brewin, will crawford manufacturer: concrete canvas technology united kingdom challenge: according to the office of the united nations coordinator for afghanistan, starvation occurs over a period of weeks while death from exposure can occur in a single night, leaving a demand for a safe, insulated shelter from day one of a crisis. Concrete Canvas Shelter is a rapidly deployable hardened shelter that requires only water and air for construction. It can be deployed by 2 people without any training in under 40 minutes and is ready to use in only 12 hours. It can be delivered sterile for medical use, can support a snow load or 1 meter of dirt/earth and has excellent thermal performance. The structure consists of an inflatable inner, with a cement impregnated cloth (Concrete Cloth) bonded to the outside. The structure is delivered folded and sealed in a sack which is filled with water to hydrate the cement. The structure is then inflated by a battery powered fan and left to set. Kulde forøger omfanget af katastrofer, hvor folk har mistet deres hjem. På under 40 minutter kan to mennesker opsætte denne permanente, isolerede nødbolig kun ved brug af vand og luft. En teltdug imprægneret med cement gør boligen til en permanent og stabil løsning, der er helt klar til brug på kun 12 timer.


community 076

congo river malaria healthcare system eric burns, alex chou, yong kim, karen han, eren hebert & roel punzalan united states

community 077

don’t hesitate – separate ’ tomislav lerotic’ (collaboration by dada lerotic) producer: the association for democratic development (add) croatia

challenge: the crmhs (congo river malaria healthcare system) provides product design solutions to help solve the 2.4 million deaths per year caused by malaria in sub-sahara africa.

challenge: in split (croatia), a city of 200 000 inhabitants, every day about 300 tons of paper, bio-waste, plastic, glass and metal are dumped unsegregated.

The CRMHS works hand in hand with the Congolese People to eradicate malaria in the Congo River Basin. The CRMHS includes five components designed to sweep malaria. The Mothership Hovercraft Vessel travels down the main parts of the river, carrying supplies and medical staff. When it lands, villagers can board it and find care in the mobile clinic within. Smaller Tributary Hovercrafts are deployed from the mothership to reach the villages in smaller parts of the river where access to the mothership is not possible. The Vue, a handheld product, diagnoses malaria through non-invasive digital technology and the Linmenth net and Linmenth Color Dyes provides villagers with constant mosquito control.

The campaign aims to stimulate people to get involved in environmental protection by segregating waste. The designed cards aim to instruct the users that waste contains valuable materials and that it should be collected, segregated and recycled. The postcard aims to motivate the responsible persons in the city administration to take action towards introducing segregated waste collection. The aim of the reusable cloth bag is to motivate people to use it instead of using plastic bags which are a huge environmental problem.

Congo River Malaria Healthcare System er et system af aktiviteter, der kan bidrage til at udrydde malaria i Congo-deltaet. Større og mindre både bringer hjælp og medicin til landsbyerne, mens andre dele af systemet diagnosticerer og forebygger sygdommen lokalt.


Hver dag bliver der smidt 300 ton usorteret affald ud i Split i Kroatien. Det prøver denne designkampagne at lave om på ved at kommunikere til både beslutningstagere og almindelige mennesker.


community 078

dongtan arup global

community 079

dropping knowledge dropping knowledge germany

challenge: arup was asked to design and masterplan the world’s first eco-city that would be sustainable not just environmentally, but also socially, economically and culturally.

challenge: in a world of complexity and contradiction, apathy has become a survival technique. when was the last time you questioned the way things are?

Dongtan will be a city of three villages, with the first phase scheduled for completion in 2010. It will be a vibrant city with green ‘corridors’ of public spaces ensuring a high quality of life for residents. Dongtan will produce its own energy from wind, solar, bio-fuel and recycled city waste. Clean technologies such as hydrogen fuel cells will power public transport. A network of cycle- and footpaths will help the city achieve zero vehicle emissions. Farmland within the Dongtan site will use only organic farming methods to grow food. The city is designed to attract employment across all social and economic demographics in the hope that people will choose to live and work there.

Dropping knowledge starts with you. Question what you see and refuse to accept the easy answers. Turn apathy into activity. Based on the conviction that questions, technology and visual communication can be powerful catalysts for social change, dropping knowledge hosts an internet platform to promote global dialogue. With its international campaign “ask yourself”, the initiative empowers people around the world to raise the questions most important to them. Nearly 50 000 questions have been donated so far. As a social amplifier, dropping knowledge enables an uncensored exchange of knowledge, connects communities around shared interests and promotes responsible action.

Dongtan bliver verdens første øko-by. Der er lagt stor vægt på bæredygtighed, og byen bliver selvforsynende med energi fra vedvarende energikilder, biobrændsel og genanvendt affald. Dongtan bliver en attraktiv by, der gennemskæres af grønne korridorer og omgives af økologiske landbrug.

Udvikling handler om at stille de rigtige spørgsmål. dropping knowledge har bedt verdens befolkning om at stille netop de spørgsmål, der er vigtigst for dem, for at fremme positiv social udvikling og global dialog. På den internetbaserede platform er der foreløbigt kommet næsten 50.000 spørgsmål ind.



community 080

ecological footprint proponent: global footprint network, oakland, zurich originators: dr. mathis wackernagel, executive director, global footprint network, professor william rees, university of british columbia graphic design: banson, cambridge, uk united states challenge: how can we all live well, within planet earth’s limited resources?

Human resource use has exceeded what the biosphere can renew, leading to the possible collapse of ecosystems and societies. Such ecological bankruptcy can be avoided through careful accounting: Just as any business without financial books risks bankruptcy, nations, cities and businesses need to keep track of whether they’re living within their ecological budget or running an ecological deficit that will eventually deplete nature. The Ecological Footprint does such accounting. It tells us how much nature we have, how much we use, and who uses what. This innovative resource accounting system makes sustainable development both measurable and manageable. Med Ecological Footprint som redskab kan vi følge med i vores eget forbrug af jordens ressourcer. Det gør det overskueligt at holde øje med miljøets udvikling og anskueliggøre vores egen indflydelse, så vi kan sikre et bedre miljø i fremtiden.


community 081

grundfos nonox dosing system steve mcgugan and dansk teknologi. manufacturer: grundfos nonox a/s denmark challenge: worldwide legislation for automotive diesel engine emissions will soon require extreme robust and accurate urea dosing systems, reducing nox in exhaust gases by more than 90% The decisive design task was to create a product design that was extremely robust; capable of surviving 10 years of usage on a tough, heavy-duty truck or bus. The final design includes all functions from an exhaust gas cleaning system, and is compact and durable. All connections are on one side to ease the assembly in manufacturing. The design signals that it is intended for – and capable of – usage in a demanding environment, while the gently shaped outer body also gives a soft appearance to the viewer. The Grundfos NoNOx dosing system fulfils all needs from engine manufacturers and authorities. Kvælstofilter er drivhusgasser, der bidrager til den globale opvarmning og er usunde for mennesker. Grundfos NoNOx dosing systemet en pumpe, der reducerer mængden af kvælstofilter fra dieselmotorer, og holder i ti år.


community 082

healing, all wood architecture prototyped for a school for mentally disabled children despang architekten / guenther and martin despang client: region hannover germany

community 083

hypo hoist tanya budd manufacturer: jeremy dale (managing director) seasafe systems ltd united kingdom

challenge: often school buildings are not adapted to the special needs of mentally disabled children, whose capacity to concentrate is limited, which poses an educational problem.

challenge: a casualty suffering from cold shock is subjected to post-rescue collapse syndrome when vertically lifted from the sea, increasing the risks of cardiac failure.

The design goal was to create an indoor architectural environment with the quality of an equivalent outdoor space. Exposed solid wood improves air and thermal indoor quality. Fresh air and sun is injected into the building through courtyards and roofs that transmit ultraviolet light, thus making staying inside equal to a healthy walk through a forest. Fresh bright wood inside is protected by an enclosure of Thermally Modified Timber, an all natural technology, which protects the tropical rainforests. The system has been prototypically developed for mentally disabled children, who – health wise - are in most need and able to experience with all the senses.

Hypo Hoist is a rapid man overboard (MOB) recovery system, specifically designed to save mariners lives from the sea. Immersion Hypothermia poses a real danger to all, when in the marine environment. Hypo Hoist addresses this issue by rescuing the casualty, even if unconscious, in the quickest possible time, by the aid of just one person. The Mechanics of this device is such that it not only recovers the MOB in a horizontal position, but also rolls them onto the deck of the vessel, laying the person on their smallest axis, in the recovery position, ready for immediate medical attention.

Mentalt handicappede børns sanser bliver stimuleret med synlige trækonstruktioner og store lysindfald, der afspejler dagens gang. Det giver fornemmelsen af at være udendørs, så bevægelse inde i bygningen bliver næsten som en gåtur i skoven.


Hypo Hoist løfter folk, der er faldet over bord og lider af kuldechok, ud af vandet i vandret position. På den måde bliver faren for et såkaldt ”after-drop”, hvor kulden spreder sig til hjertet, mindsket. Hypo Hoist kan betjenes af én enkelt person og kan derfor sikre den hurtigst mulige hjælp på ulykkesstedet.


community 084

i-flasher - magnetic bicycle lamp troels pedersen producer: reelight denmark

community 085

internet terminal for africa mathias funch lerche dnemark

challenge: to improve safety for all bicycle riders by creating an easily and permanently installed, maintenance-free bicycle lamp.

challenge: less than 1% of sub-saharan africa has access to the infrastructural and developing opportunities of the internet. current solutions are economically out of their reach.

The solution is based on electromagnetic induction, thereby eliminating batteries, switches and other electromechanical devices not withstanding permanent allweather installations. Induction powers Light Emitting Diodes whenever magnets in the wheel pass a coil attached to the bicycle frame. As the induction consumes only 1/5000 of the power needed to ride the bicycle, switching the light on or off is never a question. 35% of all traffic accidents involving bicycles can be avoided by using I-flasher and therefore, human lives can be saved every day. Additionally, the feeling of being visible in the traffic is enhanced, motivating the use of bicycles, thus reducing CO2 emission and use of Cadmium batteries.

The solution presented is an internet café consisting of a single standard PC with 10-20 terminals attached. Each terminal includes a screen, keyboard and pointing device, uniting all peripheral pc components into one cheap robust unit. Ease of operation and learning process is ensured as the user is presented only with a full screen browser window that allows interaction only with the internet’s basic functions. Users share software, expensive processing power and maintenance. The low cost of this solution makes it possible for smaller communities to establish and sustain an internet café.

I-flasher er en cykellygte, der ikke bruger batterier. Lygten er permanent monteret på cyklen og er altid sat til, så cyklisten ikke behøver at slå den fra eller til. Lygten bruger kun 1/5000 af den energi, der bruges til at køre cyklen.


I Afrika, syd for Sahara, er det kun 1% af befolkningen, der har adgang til internettet. Det laver denne internetcafé om på. 10 -20 arbejdsstationer bestående af skærm og keyboard deles om en enkelt computers software og processorkraft. Løsningen er billig og derfor tilgængelig - selv for mindre samfund.


community 086

kaospilot international the kaospilot staff, the kaospilot international board, the input-donors (including dee hock, johan galtung and iris surburg) and uffe elbaek, previous principal and current chairperson of kaospilot international board denmark

community 087

keep the change ideo: roshi givechi; daniel kushner; fred dust client: bank of america united states

challenge: society has a lack of risk-taking and dynamic change makers who want to make a positive difference in the world – today and tomorrow.

challenge: for the first time since the great depression, the average savings rate is negative in the us, with people spending rather than contributing to accounts.

KaosPilot is an education that nurtures, inspires and produces young and dynamic change makers, leaders and entrepreneurs of and for the future – with the ability to stick to the long term horizon and to the conviction that every project is able to change the world of tomorrow in a better direction. The education offers the students a real world and playful environment lab, with room for risk-taking and where they can experiment with live local and global clients in NGO, not-for-profit and for-profit sectors, offering them out of the box thinking, facilitation and implementation.

Inspired by the banking and saving behaviors of boomer-age women with children, IDEO and Bank of America conceived a banking product that uses people’s existing habits (the mental rounding up to the nearest dollar when shopping or paying bills) to resolve the persistent problem of the target markets inability to consistently save money. Ultimately dubbed “Keep the Change” by Bank of America, the concept rounds up purchases made using the Bank of America Visa Check card to the nearest dollar and transfers the difference from the user’s checking account to her savings account.

KaosPilot er en anderledes uddannelse, der uddanner fremsynede og kreative iværksættere og projektledere som entreprenører og som medarbejdere til fremtidens virksomheder, organisationer og projekter. KaosPilot lærer studerende at tage chancer og navigere i et stadig mere komplekst samfund.

Keep the Change er en bankservice, der runder ethvert beløb trukket på et hævekort op til nærmeste hele dollar og overfører forskellen fra indlånskontoen til en opsparingskonto. På den måde hjælper servicen mennesker til at spare lidt op hver dag, uden at det kan mærkes. Desuden bliver det nemmere at afstemme kontoen.



community 088

mygo - the first generation of a dynamic and interactive guidance in the urban environment sebastian ritzler germany

challenge: finding a solution for blind people that could replace a guide dog.

MYGO does not only completely replace a guide dog, but offers even more features: Mygo guides the blind user around hindrances in dynamic movements and is able to communicate information about the surroundings to the blind. The system can determine the user’s exact location. It also features full scene recognition in realtime, enabling blind people to not just use it as a guide but also as a sightseeing partner. MYGO er førerhundens afløser. Den fører ikke bare blinde udenom forhindringer, den kan også fortælle brugeren om dennes position og om omgivelserne.

community 089

one laptop per child (olpc) laptop rebecca allen, christopher blizzard, v. michael bove, yves behar, walter bender, michail bletsas, mark foster, jacques gagne, mary lou jepsen, nicholas negroponte, lisa strausfeld // manufacturer: quanta united states challenge: the non-profit one laptop per child (olpc) is dedicated to creating a revolutionary child-sized laptop. it will bring learning, information and communication to children where education is needed most: in developing countries. The OLPC laptop design is robust, high tech and expressive at the same time. It will be used by millions of children world wide and needs to be resilient, easily portable and energy efficient. The laptop is designed for utmost simplicity: High durability, mobility and easy operation in several modes of use: Laptop, E-book mode and gaming mode. Innovative features include a dual purpose screen and a track pad/ writing tablet. A rubber bumper shields the laptop from dust and other elements, making the laptop suitable for any environment. With built-in powerful Wi-fi antennas, children will be able to connect with each other, their schools and to the web through a mesh network. OLPC er en personlig bærbar computer til børn i udviklingslande. OLPC kombinerer lav pris med en mængde af muligheder for uddannelse, læring, leg og kommunikation. Computeren er let at bruge og har en indbygget antenne, der sætter børnene i forbindelse med hinanden og resten af verden.



community 090

optalert™ outerspace design / sleep diagnostics pty ltd manufacturer: sleep diagnostics pty ltd australia

community 091

policy design by citizens monday morning: lars jannick johansen (project director), anders hede (chief analyst), ditte andersen (sociologist) via design: sune kjems (designer), ida vesterdal (culture facilitator) denmark

challenge: to save lives and reduce injury and costs associated with drowsy driving related accidents.

challenge: to involve citizens with little or no political experience in the development of new policies in areas where their practical experiences are important?

While seatbelts reduce the injury and death toll of car crashes, this new technology can prevent drowsiness related accidents from occurring in the first place. A pair of hi-tech glasses with built in LEDs analyze eye and eyelid movement continuously to detect the onset of drowsiness. Optalert™ developed and designed in Australia, is the world’s first validated system for predicting drowsiness and warning drivers before it becomes dangerous.

“Policy Design by Citizens” is a process that empowers citizens with many different backgrounds to develop and present their own policy proposals to politicians. Guided by a team of social scientists and designers, the citizens go through a “design process”: They share their experiences, come up with new ideas and develop the ideas into “prototypes” or illustrated policy proposals. The proposals are presented in a catalogue and an exhibition. This model for “citizen-centered policymaking” was developed for the City of Aarhus in Denmark, involving immigrants to create the city’s new integration policy.

Døsige bilister er en fare i trafikken - både for dem selv og for andre. Optalert er et par briller der registrer øjenlågets bevægelser og kan advare, når føreren er ved at døse hen.


Designet er en metode til at involvere borgere med forskellig baggrund i beslutningsprocesser, der kan have en afgørende indflydelse på deres fremtidige liv. Borgerne brainstormer og udvikler ideer, der præsenteres i en udstilling for beslutningstagerne.


community 092

powerplants and powerseeds powerplants: nik hafermaas (uebersee inc.) with jan edler, tim edler, christoph wagner (realities:united) powerseeds: nik hafermaas (uebersee inc.) united states challenge: to create a spectacular landmark for the significant transformation process of the former industrial area - and a place of pride for the community. PowerPLANTs and PowerSEEDs generate their own energy and are thus a symbol for sustainability. PowerSEEDs embedded in the sidewalks create orientation on the pedestrian level, providing a new sense of security for every individual. Instead of a monolithic sculpture: De-centralized, dynamic and growing/spreading over time. Individual units are planted and replanted according to the further development of the entire area. The project focuses public attention on the City’s push toward innovation, sustainability and progressive community development. Combining the knowledge of structural engineers, solar energy and computer science specialists and city planners, the team was able to conceive a scaleable project that is both visually spectacular, yet respectful to its adjacent communities. PowerPLANTs og PowerSEEDs er blevet et miljøvenligt vartegn for et nyt byområde i Pasadena, Californien. Gadebelysningen kombinerer et organisk udseende med referencer til lokalområdets historie, hvor der tidligere lå et elværk. De høje PowerPLANTs svajer i vinden, mens PowerSEEDs lyser op på gadeniveau.


community 093

progressive shelter system, “la crisis” project designer: eivind solberg // organization: norsk form (design without borders) // financial partners: fk norway (fredskorpset), norwegian red cross, // cooperating partners: university of landivar (guatemala), conred (guatemala), guatemalan red cross norway/guatemala challenge: in guatemala there are no sustainable solutions for emergency shelters that respond to the ultimate need for permanent housing among a population affected by natural disasters. La Crisis is a progressive shelter solution that can be disassembled, transported and reconstructed at another location to serve as a permanent housing solution. Thus, the materials as well as economical and educational resources put into relief aid during a disaster are sustained into the development phase. The establishment of cooperation and coordination between relevant institutions (responsible for the various phases of living from relief to more permanent situations) is a central part of the solution. Prototypes of all phases, as well as a pilot project involving a number of families living through the transformation process, are planned for 2007 in close cooperation with UNDP. The progressive system is likely to be part of a national strategy shelter response within 2007. La Crisis er flytbare nødboliger, der også kan tjene som permanente boliger efter naturkatastrofer. Derfor kan La Crisis hjælpe både umiddelbart efter en katastrofe og på længere sigt være grundstammen i genopbygningen.


community 094

project inkwell “spark” computing device concept deo: martin bone; paul bradley; michael chung; gregory germe united states

community 095

puma bike jens martin skibsted. manufacturer: puma and biomega denmark

challenge: most mobile computing devices currently available to k–12 students lack such youth-centered design elements as light weight, appropriate scale, ruggedness, upgrade ability and customization options.

challenge: heavy security locks, the climbing of staircases and haphazard maneuvering between other urban obstacles make some people discard the healthy alternative of an exercise-providing and eco-friendly bike.

The Spark concept is a look into the near future of public education models and how technology can play a role. It was designed for Project Inkwell, a consortium of software and hardware companies, educational publishers and teachers working to put a laptop computer - or alternate learning device - in the hands of every student in the US (and possibly the world) to promote “ubiquitous learning”. The Spark represents the potential to limit the attainment gap between social classes with a low price that is projected to be 1/3 the cost of the easily-broken business-centric laptop computers used by many students today.

The robust PUMA Bike uses a Down Tube, which is integrated as a structural component of the frame. Breaking the lock breaks the bike, thus discouraging theft. In addition, a quick and easy semi-folding mechanism and folding pedals make public transport, cars and elevators more accessible.

‘Spark’-konceptet er et bud på en computer, der vil kunne hjælpe til, at flere børn får en godt start på uddannelseslivet. Computeren er designet til at kunne klare lidt af hvert og forventes at kunne sælges for en tredjedel af prisen på en almindelig bærbar.


Cykler er en miljøvenlig og sund transportform, men i byer bliver mange cykler stjålet. Hvis nogen forsøger at bryde låsen op på en PUMA cykel, så går selve cyklen i stykker, og så er tyven lige vidt. Udover det, så er cyklen nem at folde sammen og tage med i andre transportmidler.


community 096

resi – a breathing system for fire fighters inconito: christophe chedal anglay, didier epain veronique laville & una aichinger // producer: matisec france challenge: how to breathe without risk when extinguishing fires; the majority of french fire fighters are volunteers who lack training and skill in the use of their equipment. With the RESI breathing system, air is transferred from a canister worn on the fire fighter’s back with a comfortable support and is connected to a mask attached by a quick ratchet system on the fire fighter’s helmet. A light display on the mask informs the wearer that the air system is functioning correctly. In addition, temperature, pressure and air consumption data is displayed on a screen on the shoulder. Finally, a motion sensor sets off an alarm if a fire fighter loses consciousness, thus alerting other crew members. All functions are switched on simply by opening the main valve. Hovedparten af alle brandmænd i Frankrig er frivillige uden særlig meget træning. Det stiller krav til udstyret. Vejrtrækningsudstyret RESI er let at forstå og anvende. Et display giver besked om temperatur, luftforbrug og tryk. Des-uden bliver andre brandmænd alarmeret, hvis en kollega mister bevidstheden.


community 097

sahel. natural barriers against desertification and silting up luigi cuppone and linfa group italy

challenge: to implement an eco-compatible strategy for environmental re-adjustment in an area hit by desertification, through crafted items and systems made by farmers in small villages who thereby can improve their own conditions. Sahel intends to restore balance in soil which has lost its original bio-reproductivity. Through materials and technologies Sahel allows recovery of the ecosystem without destroying its balance. By using indigenous plants, living or decayed, small moisture-retaining sub-systems are created. Windbreaks mitigate main winds, and geo-climatic bubbles reduce evaporation from the soil. Through fragmentation of the soil’s surface, more water is absorbed allowing autochthonous plants to sprout and spread. To fight silting-up, seeds are woven to carpets, whose germinates quickly capture fine sand. The designs are made by locally available materials, aiming to stimulate local economy. Sahel genskaber balancen i områder, der er blevet til ørken. Med få midler og lokale vækster forhindrer Sahel sandflugt og holder på fugten i jorden, så den golde jord igen bliver frugtbar.


community 098

sharer vinay venkatraman and james tichenor italy/denmark

community 099

solar street concept designer and manufacturer: nikola knezevic, nikola design & technologies, inc. serbia/japan

challenge: in today’s economy of excess, storage and recycling are an ever growing problem. reusing is more energy efficient than recycling, but sharing is a vanishing concept in industrialized nations partly due to declining social interaction at neighborhood levels.

challenge: the world’s energy sources need to be reconsidered due to threats of climate change due to pollution, exhaustion of fossil fuels, and the environmental, social and political risks of fossil fuels and nuclear power.

Sharer is a service that enables neighborhoods to conveniently and securely share their household products that are seldom used. It tries to build a micro community that promotes the culture of lending and borrowing objects at a neighborhood level to reduce waste and needless redundancy through digital tools. Sharer is implemented as a service in conjunction with the local post office to impart trust and simplify logistics. The primary touch points of the service are a web interface, SMS and the local postman. The service is implemented in units of postal code but is modular and scalable to bigger geographic areas.

Solar Street Concept is a collection of interconnected street furniture, including street lamps, telephone booths and bus stops, all equipped with large, but aesthetically designed solar panels. This large solar energy collecting farm provides illumination all night and produces surplus energy, which can be used for other purposes. It also incorporates state of the art systems for energy saving like long range movement sensors that switch the light on/off and object’s moving direction predictability.

Nutidens ”brug-og-smid-væk”-samfund ender mange produkter (f.eks. køkkenmaskiner), der stadig fungerer, som affald. Med Sharer kan hele bydele dele de ting/produkter, der ikke er behov for i den enkelte husstand. Tingene distribueres gennem det lokale postkontor.


Indbyggede solceller gør serien af gadeinventar til en miljørigtig og samtidig smuk løsning. Om dagen opsamles energi fra solen, der kan oplyse byen om aftenen. Indbyggede sensorer i serien hjælper med at spare energi.


community 100

spacesafe christian dalsgaard, chr. dalsgaard projektudvikling aps, niels henrik eisum, dhi water & environment, michael schultz rasmussen, geographic resource analysis & science a/s (gras) torben vestergaard frandsen, vestergaard frandsen s.a. // manufacturer: vestergaard frandsen s.a. denmark

community 101

streetcar live|work, my mate paul & friends united kingdom

challenge: in 2005, united nations refugee agency estimated displacement of 32.4 million persons globally due to violence, persecution or natural disasters. the challenge is to keep track of these people.

challenge: to convince demanding londoners that their car sharing service offered a better, cheaper, greener, cooler alternative to car ownership.

Refugees and refugee camps are regularly attacked. In Goma in 1994, 500 000 refugees were attacked and scattered throughout Congo. 300 000 never returned. Today, a similar situation exists in Dafur. Shelter is paramount to refugee survival; when attacked, refugees take their shelters with them. Space Safe is plastic sheeting used for shelter and optimized for unequivocal identification on standard optical satellite images. Specially developed software indexes, and a unique color and design combination (that contrasts directly with vegetation) enables aid agencies to locate, count and track the flight of refugees’ with SpaceSafe shelters, to aid relief planning and document crisis response.

It was essential that Streetcar was easy to use and made people feel smart. Streetcar’s market is urban professionals and businesses, so it MUST save time, hassle and money. Streetcar has ensured that every aspect of the service was a compelling experience. Streetcar use VW cars, in order to match the service to the ‘build quality’ of a VW Golf. Using Streetcar is not just cheaper but also has a ‘wow’ factor, which creates a sense of “Service Envy”.

Under borgerkrigen i Rwanda i 1994 mistede nødhjælpsorganisationerne sporet af 300.000 flygtninge efter angreb mod flygtningelejre i Congo. Teltet spaceSafe forebygger lignende situationer, fordi teltdugen er lavet af et tekstil, som nødhjælpsorganisationerne kan spore med satellit, og dermed komme flygtninge på flugt til hjælp.


For at en delebil-ordning skal blive en succes, skal den være andet en bare billig, og det er Streetcar. Streetcar er nem at bruge, lægger vægt på et højt serviceniveau og bruger kvalitetsbiler, så det bliver en god oplevelse for brugeren.


community 102

sync-q team playground sync-q team playground denmark

challenge: globally, teachers experience burning out or feeling unable to pursue their mission as teachers. the results for our kids are devastating, and threaten the world sustainability. The Sync-Q 120 dynamic model shows how 8 functions and 33 elements must relate in order to maximise flow of energy in any natural system. In TeamPlayGround this knowledge is translated into a classroom where 33 kids and 1 teacher make the most effective classroom. Sync-Q TeamPlayGround focuses on the context and does not compromise the teaching of curricula or content. TeamPlayGround is remarkably easy to implement across diverse educational systems and cultures, and has a major impact on teachers, children, parents and the community. The TeamPlayGround design makes teaching and learning meaningful and fun. Sync-Q TeamPlayGround er en model for arbejdsmiljø i grundskolen, der skal forbedre lærernes arbejdsvilkår og børnenes indlæring. Modellen tager højde for elevernes egne bidrag til at skabe et godt læringsmiljø, uden at fokus fjernes fra læseplanen.


community 103

the life cycle george yoo, audrey liu, vivian chou, katherine dill, marco widjojoatmodjo, dwight cushman, rania hoteit. producer: ge healthcare united states challenge: more than 1 billion people in the world lack access to clean water. more than 3 billion people are without proper sanitation facilities. each year, 2.2 million people die of preventable water/sanitation related diseases. The Life Cycle is a closed system that does better than eliminate waste, it makes use of it. It is a preventative healthcare solution that utilizes the bio-waste of a community to generate methane power, potable water, irrigation water and fertilizer in addition to sanitation and jobs. By providing the building blocks to a healthy wellbeing, The Life Cycle protects otherwise vulnerable communities against the outbreak and spread of disease. The Life Cycle was designed to be implemented in rural Uganda; however this system is applicable anywhere in the world - anywhere that is inhabited by humans that produce waste. Life Cycle er et system, der kan omdanne biologisk affald til energi, drikkevand og gødning til landbruget. På den måde løser Life Cycle flere problemer på én gang og kan hjælpe til at forebygge de sygdomme, der følger i kølvandet på manglen på ordentlige sanitære løsninger.


community 104

uniceffriend junggi sung, minkyung kim united states

community 105

user-focused city planning mutopia denmark

challenge: according to unicef, quality education remains a distant dream for 115 million children, and most people have no communication with them except money donation.

challenge: can we create life on dead building sites? can we transform empty sites into inspiring city-spaces, by testing the users’ wishes before introducing something permanent?

The uniceffriend is a pen consisting of two postcards: One is rolled up as a pen – the other can be used by the giver of the pen to write a message to the receiver, thus making the donation more than a donation; it becomes a means to building friendships and enables the involved parties to share something other than money. Also, it can make the relationship between donors and recipients more balanced and beneficial. Uniceffriend gives these pens to children who need access to writing tools for educational reasons, while building stronger relationships between people from different places. It encourages people to think about communication and collaboration with children who need quality education but cannot currently get it.

By examining the users’ wants and needs as a starting point, the aim of MUTOPIA is to use barren building sites as temporary test-laboratories to create new public spaces. Through a continuous dialogue with the user groups, MUTOPIA tests their wishes for playgrounds, sport and picnic areas in green surroundings to find out what works best in reality. Throughout the process, concrete knowledge is gained on how the permanent city spaces can be created in the future. The Mikado Square is a case study in Ørestad North in Copenhagen - nevertheless, the process is universal.

Ifølge UNICEF er en ordentlig uddannelse kun en fjern drøm for 115 millioner børn. Uniceffriend er en kuglepen, der består af to postkort: Det ene er rullet sammen til en kuglepen, og det andet kan giveren af pennen bruge til at skrive en besked til modtageren på. Uniceffriend gør det mere nærværende at hjælpe trængende børn.


MUTOPIA laver midlertidige, rekreative områder på uudviklede byggegrunde. Med afsæt i borgernes ønsker og behov, fungerer områderne som forsøgslaboratorier for eksperimentel byudvikling. Viden fra forsøgene kan bruges i udviklingen af permanente løsninger.


real people community 106

visual communication for the illiterates in port of manaus, brazil sérgio romero de azevedo brazil

challenge: according to official statistics, the amazonas have an illiterate population of 500 000, but most signage in the area is created only with use of the written word as communication. To help illiterates find their way, the new signage in Manaus harbor employs colors and familiar iconography. Each route has a different color, motivated by the spectre of light: Longer routes have colors from the long wave lengths at end of the spectre of light, and vice versa the shorter routes have colors from the short wave lengths at the beginning of the spectre of light. The particular regions of destination on the routes can be distinguished by an icon, resembling the main annual party of that specific region. Ticket offices, tickets, boardwalks and ferries are all colored in accordance with the route. I Amazonas i Brasilien er hovedtransportåren de store flodsystemer. Ny skiltning hjælper de 500.000 analfabeter i Amazonas. Skiltningen er bygget op omkring et system af farver, der viser vej til enkelte færgeruter, mens destinationer er markeret med billeder, der symboliserer hovedbyernes årlige fester.


real problems real solutions




index: award exhibition 2007 published by index: design to improve life edited by niels jarler layout: hannah cho & virginia sin print: damgaard-jensen a/s all illustrations courtesy of designers/clients/manufacturers issued august 2007

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