Review of
Forensic Medicine Fourth Edition
Review of
Forensic Medicine Fourth Edition
Sumit Seth MBBS (MAMC), MD (LHMC) INDIAN FOREIGN SERVICE Ex-Senior Resident Department of Forensic Medicine Lady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Smt. Sucheta Kriplani and Kalawati Saran Hospital New Delhi
Review of Forensic Medicine Published by Pawaninder P. Vij Peepee Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd. Head Office: 160, Shakti Vihar, Pitam Pura Delhi-110 034 (India) Corporate Office: 7/31, Ansari Road, Daryaganj Post Box-7243, New Delhi-110 002 (India) Ph: 65195868, 23246245, 9811156083 e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: Š 2011 by Peepee Publishers and Distributors (P) Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, translated, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. This book has been published in good faith that the material provided by authors/contributors is original. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy of material, but publisher and printer will not be held responsible for any inadvertent errors. In case of any dispute, all legal matters to be settled under Delhi jurisdiction only. First Edition: 2005 Reprint: 2005 Second Edition: 2006 Reprint: 2007 Third Edition: 2007 Revised Reprint: 2008, 2009 Fourth Edition: 2011 ISBN: 81-8445-095-8 978-81-8445-095-8 Printed at Lordson, C-5/19, Rana Pratap Bagh, Delhi-110 007
to the memory of my dad late Sh. Satish Kumar Seth who taught me the virtues of staying ahead of the curve and stand up against conventional wisdom
Preface I’m humbled by the success of previous 3 editions of this book. The fourth international edition has been thoroughly revised with the special focus on controversial & confusing concepts of modern Forensic Medicine. This book attempts to help student understand and even more importantly! remember the “must knows” of Forensic Medicine. This work will help them grasp the critical areas of forensic medicine with ease. It is an excellent companion to the standard textbooks written on the subject. All the latest Question Papers have been included to keep this book, up to the mark. The chapters are written in bullet! style and at the end of each chapter an extensive Question Bank has been provided. This will help students evaluate their performance and consolidate their knowledge. I have used my experience as a student and knowledge as a teacher in making this book “reader friendly”. I have made the best effort to make this book complete yet concise. I request all readers to give their valuable suggestions to improve this book further. Most books are written keeping in mind “the subject”, I’ve written this book keeping in mind “the student”. I’m fully aware that “a good book cannot replace a good teacher”.
Sumit Seth e-mail: Twitter handle: @doctorsumitseth Online interactive
Acknowledgements To my respected guide Dr GK Sharma Director Prof., Forensic Medicine, Principal and Medical Superintendent, Lady Hardinge Medical College who has inspired me constantly with his indepth knowledge of the subject and his magnanimous personality. To my teachers Dr Atul Murari (Head of Department, Forensic Medicine) and Dr Yashoda Rani (Professor, Forensic Medicine) who always showed me the right way in life and taught me the intricacies of the subject. To all my colleagues For their help and co-operation in the preparation of this book. To all my friends Dr Sumer Kumar Sethi (Radiologist), Dr Vineet Malik (Cardiologist) & Ms Shivani Khanna, who literally forced me to take up this project and stay with it. To Mr Pawaninder P Vij (Publisher) without whose co-operation this book would never have been possible. To my students of Lady Hardinge Medical College (Hardonians) who showed faith in my ability as a teacher and constantly ‘troubled me’!! with their never ending queries. Special thanks to my younger brother Amit for letting me use the computer more often than my actual share!! (Those days we owned, only one heavy! desktop) To my beloved wife, Tanu for her constant support and encouragement and also to my sons Shreshth and Saksham for bringing new meaning to my life. Above all, to my mother Smt. Urmil Seth, whatever I’ve achieved, is the outcome of her unconditional love and blessings.
Contents 1. Identification ................................................ 1 MCQs ............................. 21 2. Thanatology ............................................... 32 MCQs ............................. 45 3. Injuries and Its Medicolegal Importance . 56 MCQs ............................. 73 4. Violent Asphyxial Deaths .......................... 86 MCQs ............................. 97 5. Classification of Sexual Offences ........... 106 MCQs ........................... 113 6. Infanticide ................................................. 118 MCQs ........................... 123 7. Thermal Injuries ....................................... 128 MCQs ........................... 134 8. Forensic Psychiatry .................................. 136 MCQs ........................... 143 9. Starvation ................................................. 147 MCQs ........................... 148 10. Blood Stains ............................................. 149 MCQs ........................... 152 11. Impotence, Sterility and MTP ................. 154 MCQs ........................... 158 12. Toxicology ................................................ 163 MCQs ........................... 212 13. Court Procedures ..................................... 245 MCQs ........................... 252 14. Medical Jurisprudence ............................ 260 MCQs ........................... 269 15. Medicolegally Important Sections/Acts .. 274 16. Latest Exam Questions ............................ 277