3 minute read
Fascinated with snake cubes
Tijuvardan Badrinath, born to Badrinath and Aiswarya in Salem, Tamil Nadu is currently 8 years old and is very curious and anxious to learn new things. He is very energetic and a keen listener. This attribute made him think of solving the multiple snake cubes into different shapes within a minute. Parents lovingly call him Tiju.
Tiju (born on November 24, 2013) has a special ability to solve all the different types of cubes. He is very much attracted to puzzles. The boy created a record for making the maximum number of shapes with a Snake Cubes puzzle. He made six shapes with Snake Cubes including rocket, ball and sword in one minute at the age of 7 years, 10 months and 28 days.
His dad, Badrinath, works as a Consultant in Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and is always supportive and encouraging Tiju in whatever he wants to do. Tiju spends more time with his Dad, as both are curious and go deep in learning any new thing or concept. Dad is his best friend who explains everything and also plays with him.
His mother, Aishwarya Lakshmi, an ex banker, is so caring, encouraging and supportive to all of Tiju’s needs. She currently is taking full time care of Tiju. However, earlier she had been working with Lakshmi Vilas Bank for around four years in the capacity of an Assistant Manager. She takes Tiju to the garden and other public places where he can meet and interact with other children.
Watching her son immersed in all sorts of dinosaurs, Ms Aishwarya thinks that one day Tiju would definitely become a Paleontologist as the child keeps exploring about dinosaurs in whatever free time he gets. He has so many dinosaurs around him in the form of toys, books and fossils. He is also extremely passionate in the things he does.
The child is in 3rd standard at the European School and has been a topper in the class, who loves to explore new things on the Internet. Tiju is especially interested in all types of mind games. He possesses different types of Snake Cubes. For the record he used the 24 pieces snake cube, however, he also plays with the 72 pieces cube, informed Ms Aishwarya.The snake cube is a mechanical puzzle, a chain of 27 or 64 cube-lets, connected by an elastic band running through them. The cube-lets can rotate freely. The aim of the puzzle is to arrange the chain in such a way that they will form a 3×3×3 or 4×4×4 cube.