Zero Volt Therapy Kit
Ÿ Foot Mat (19 x 12 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Bedsheet (75 x 36 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Copper connecting wristband
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Yoga Mat (74 x 30 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (2 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
To stay disease free, one needs to be grounded with the mother Earth most of the time. In urban cities, it seems difficult to achieve this target. With the invention of Zero volt bedsheet and mats, one can be grounded even while sleeping & sitting at home.
कवि स्टोिी
नेटिक्श माकडटग का नॉन-स्ॉप
ऊंचा िामिक ध्वि स्भ गभमारय की एक दुल्डभ सि्डरी
स्कूल ि लगा सबसे बडा व्ापार िेला
कमवताओं का ऑनलाइन सस्वर पाठ
आपात श्स्मत के ललए रक्त संग्रह
बािाओं के लखलाफ पुर-अप्स
वरर� नागररकों की ररले वॉक
सोने का सबसे पतला ससक्ा
तेिी से िोडने का हुनर
अग्नि सुरक्ा के ललए एलपीिी
एआर, फवालसल अशरफ
मध्य प्रदेि अंवतम कुमवार जैन
महािाष्ट्र बिस्वदीप रॉय चौधरी, ननखिलेश सवािरकर, डॉ. मनोज तत्वादी, डॉ. सुननतवा धोते, रेिवा लसह, नवागेंद्र लसह, बदलीप मवाने, सीमवा मलणकोथे, डॉ. चचत्वा जैन उड़तीसा बिभूवत िवाबरक
पंजाब ककरण कौर जंड
िाजस्ान भुिनेश मथुबरयवा, रवाजलक्षी चौधरी
शसक्किम सोनी विददी
तममलनाड वििेक नवायर, कवितवा जैन, फ्कललन हवािडमा दवास
तेलंगाना िसुधवा अशोक, सुनीतवा आयमा, रवाममोहन रेड्डी,
सबसे बड़ा अस़्ाई
के सुंदर ससंह राठौर ने भारत
स्ाउट एवं गाइड्स सम्लन के ललए सबसे
बड अस्ाई स्डियम का ननमामाण करवाने का
ररकॉिमा बनाया। इसके ललए, 220 हेक्यर भूमम
पर 18वें राष्रीय सम्लन के ललए एक मवशाल
जम्बोररी गांव स्ामपत नक या गया।
बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स |
सवतंत्रता प्रापपत के बाद, पहला अखखल भारतीय जमबोरी 27 से 31 ददसंबर, 1953 तक लसकंदराबाद,
कसर नहीं छोडी। पाली जजले की रोहाट पंचायत के ननमिबली ब्ाह्मणन गांव में आयोजजत जमबोरी कई मायनों में खास बन गया। हालांतक, अस्ाई सटेधडयम इसका प्रमुख हाइलाइट रहा, जजसने एक कीरतमिमान स्ाधपत करके प्रदेश को एक नई पहचान दी। लोक तनमामूण तवभाग (पीडबलय्डी), लोक सवास्य यांतत्रकी तवभाग, सचना एवं प्ररौद्ोतगकी तवभाग, जोिपुर तवद्त तवतरण तनगम और नगर तनगम जोिपुर ने जमबोरी गांव को समाटमू और हाईटेक बनाने के ललए अपनी परी ताकत झोंक दी थी। अस्ाई सटेधडयम में सवयंसेवकों के ललए आवास, भोजन, पेयजल और धचतकतसा देखभाल सतहत सभी सुतविाएं मुहैया कराई गई थीं।
फेफकॉन - बुखाि पि रिचाि-रिमर
फाउंडेशन के सहयोग से आयोजजत इस कायमूक्रम का तवरय था, 'बुखार - देखो, तवश्ेरण करो और प्रबंधित करो'। इसमें भाग लेने वाले धचतकतसकों और बाल रोग तवशेरज्ों ने प्रभावी बुखार प्रबंिन से संबंधित प्रमुख मुद्ों पर तवचार-तवमशमू तकया।
सममेलन का उद्ाटन अखखल भारतीय आयुरवमिज्ान संस्ान (एमस), नई ददलली के प्वमू तनदेशक और पलमोनरी मेधडलसन एंड सलीप धडसऑडमूर तवभाग
डाला। एक सवतंत्र, गैर-कमरशमियल संगठन, फीवर
मंकीपॉकस के बारे में एक धचतकतसक को कया जानना चातहए, गहन देखभाल में
बुखार प्रबंिन, बुखार के कदठन मामले, ब्सेलोलसस, सक्रब टाइफस, तपेददक और रकतस्ावी जवर, बच्ों में पोसट-कोतवड जदटलताएं
पश्चिम से पूिब तक
सोलो ड्ाइरिग
पजचिमी नबमिदु (गुहार मोती) से शुरू होनी थी, इसललए यात्रा की शुरुआत से एक ददन पहले
प्ास्टिक बोतलों से बना एक िृक्ष
एक अनोखे तरीके से मनाने की योजना बना रही थी। वे लीक से हटकर कुछ अलग करना चाहते थे। कलचरल टीम के साथ चचामू के दरौरान, खुद से तक्रसमस ट्ी बनाने का तवचार आया। काफी
प्रतयेक बोतल को माला की
तरह धपरोया गया और तफर
ऊपर इकट्ा तकया गया।
रवींद् ने आगे कहा, "हमें
शुरुआती संदेह, घर-घर तक
संदेश पहुंचाने में आने वाली
ददककतों और पलाखसटक की
बोतलों के संग्रह में होने वाली
समसयाओं को दूर करना था
और बनाए जा रहे एक तवशाल
ढांचे की सुरक्षा की पचमिता भी
थी। इसके अलावा, तवजभन्न
अधिकाररयों से परमीशन लेनी
थीं। टीम ने बैठकें आयोजजत
नेटवर्क मारकेटटंग रा
नॉन-सटॉप प्रशिक्षण
नेटवकमू माकपे टटमिग में सबसे लंबी अवधि तक प्रलशक्षण देने का ररकॉडमू बनाया है। उनहोंने 12 जनवरी, 2023 को लगातार 10 घंटे तक प्रलशक्षण कायमूक्रम आयोजजत तकया, जजसमें 30 से 40 वर आयु वगमू के बहुत सारे लोगों ने भाग ललया और तवजभन्न तवरयों पर प्रलशक्षण प्रापत
को सफलता के गुर लसखाते हैं। मलटी-लेवल नेटवकमू माकपे टटमिग के बारे में उधचत
मरर संकांटि पर सामूटिर
हाजमबोला द्ारा 'सािनहीन बच्ों द्ारा एक
साथ असिकतम पतंगें उडाने' का ररकॉिमा बनाया
गया है, लजसके तहत कंपनी ने कुल 584 बच्ों कबो
अहमदाबाद के नरबोलगाम क्त्र में एकमत्रत नक या
और उन् 4 घंटे तक पतंगें उडाने का अवसर नदया।
देर की आिाज़ ’ अभियान
और जापानी गुणवत्ता पदक दोनों अपने नाम तकए हैं। तकसानों के साथ काम करने के बाद,
उपकरण क्षेत्र, मनहमिद्ा एंड मनहमिद्ा ने कहा, “तकसान हमारे देश के
तंत्र का एक अजभन्न
अंग हैं, जजनहोंने दशकों से देश
की सेवा के ललए अथक प्रयास
तकया है। मनहमिद्ा में हमारा उद्शय
खेती को बदलना और जीवन को
समृद् बनाना है और 'देश की
आवाज' अजभयान
क्षेत्रम, केरल के
तपबोवनम श्ीदक्क्णामूमत नवग्रह क्त्रम, केरल के सवमाश्ी गुरुनाथन अक्विनीदेव तांथररी ने एक ही
स्ान पर लगातार 11 नदनों तक भगवान क्शव की पूजा आरािना करने वाले असिकतम (121) पुजाररयों का एक कीमततिमान स्ामपत नक या है।
ऊजामू का स्ोत है। उनका ददव् रूप सभी ज्ात और अज्ात आकाशगंगाओं और ब्ह्माणडों
भरतनाट्यम रिले
हैं। वह तधमलनाडु में एक दशक से अधिक समय से टैकनोलॉजी के क्षेत्र में कायमूरत हैं। गरौरीमई ने कहा तक ररले नृतय कायमूक्रम में भाग लेने के ललए तधमलनाडु के अलग-अलग भागों से लडतकयां आई थीं। ररले डांस का आयोजन गलोबल कैंपस कनेकट, मदुरै के सहयोग से तकया गया था। 8 से 42 वर तक आयु वगमू की उतसाही डांससमू
रहती है। भरतनाट्म तधमलनाडु का राजय नृतय रूप है और
मवत्ीय स्वतंत्रता के ललए प्रशरक्ण
लोग ऐसे भी हैं जो उच् आय वगमू से वासता रखते हैं लेतकन पैसों के प्रबंिन के मामले में परेशान रहते हैं। तवत्तीय साक्षरता के प्रतत अज्ानता के कारण ऐसा होता है। व्य प्रबंिन,
तुललसयानी, हेड-प्रोजेकट्स, नरसी मोंजी फाइनेंस एंड इंवेसटमेंट
ने कहा, "हमारा उद्शय फाइनेंस के सैद्ांततक और व्ावहाररक
तवत्तीय दुतनया से पररधचत कराना है। प्रोजेकट समृजद् के माधयम से, हमने फाइनेंस की मरौललक और उन्नत
अधिकति स्वैच्छिक
तवदा कहा। वह पररवार के पहले उद्मी थे, जजनकी शुरुआत छोटी, लेतकन सोच
बडी थी। देश के सबसे
24 घंटे तक वबना रुके भाषण
कायमूक्रम का आयोजन तवरुिुनगर टोसटमासटसमू कलब द्ारा बीहाइव कमयुतनकेशन कलब (बीसीसी) के सहयोग से तकया गया। िनलक्मी इंजीतनयररमिग कॉलेज, चेन्नई ने इस कायमूक्रम को प्रायोजजत तकया, जजसमें तधमलनाडु के तवजभन्न स्ानों से सक् ल व कॉलेज जाने वाले छात्रों और टोसटमासटसमू कलब के सदसयों ने तहससा ललया। टोसटमासटसमू
में तकया गया था।
वक्ताओं का ररकॉिमा तममलनाि के
टबोस्मास्समा क्लब द्ारा बनाया गया है, लजसमें
446 वक्ताओं ने भाग ललया और यह ईवेंट 24 घंटे
तक मबना रुके जाररी रही।
कायमूक्रम का समनवय करने वाली तविैगल तबजनेस सॉलय्शंस की संस्ापक, आर रेवती ने इंधडया बुक
ररकॉडमूस पतत्रका को बताया तक "उतकृटि भारा
बेहतर लरनमिग का आिार है। अपने तवचारों
व्कत करने और दूसरों के तवचारों को समझने
ललए भारा का अच्छा ज्ान होना आवशयक है।
पहल आज की दुतनया में बोलने
एक थे जजनहोंने इस आयोजन को संभव बनाया।
कुल धमलाकर, यह एक महान अवसर था जजसमें एक प्रभावशाली
से महान मपसतषकों ने एक बड लक्य
ने भाग लेने वाले सभी वकताओं को एक सक्षम मंच
प्रदान तकया।
द बीहाइव कमयुतनकेशन
रिराल करियि पिामर
परररद (एनआईआरसी) के सहयोग से कायमूक्रम आयोजजत तकया गया, में लगभग 5000 छात्रों
सबसे कम उम्र की प्रक वक्ता
और उपनयास पढना अच्छा लगता है। वह तनक वुजजतकक और ओपरा तवनफ् की तरह दुतनया की सबसे अच्छी मोदटवेशनल स्ीकर बनने की खवातहश रखती है। अब वह लीडरलशप, टीम तबलर्मिग, इनोवेशन, सेलस मोदटवेशन, आंत्रप्रेनयोरलशप तथा यथ मोदटवेशन जैसे मुद्ों पर भारण
जिसे फ्लैशकतार्ड
पसंद हैं
वाले रंग-तबरंगे फलैशकाडमू लाकर ददए। अतबनया ने इंधडया बुक ऑफ़ ररकॉडमूस पतत्रका
सबसे ऊंच़ा ध़ारमक
ध्वज स्भ
आचायमू, उपज्जय, मुतन', या नमोकारा मंत्र की पांच पंस्कतयों के प्रारंजभक 'ए-ए-ए-य-एम' का एक संजक्षपत संदभमू है। अटिमंगला आठ शुभ प्रतीकों का एक समह है। ददगंबर परंपरा
गर्भाशय की एक दरभार सररी
और उसे छह कीहोल के जररए अंजाम ददया गया था। नवीनतम गभामूशय की सजमूरी 29 ददसंबर, 2022 को लाइफलाइन अस्ताल, अडर में की गई। केरल के पठानमलथट्ा जजले की एक मरीज मत्र तयागने में रुकावट लेकर अस्ताल पहुंची। जांच में पाया गया तक मरीज का गभामूशय नरौ महीने के लशशु के
तकया। डॉ पपपाचन के नेतृतव में दुलमूभ सजमूरी करने वाली
श्ीलता बी, डॉ मैथय् कुंजुमेन, डॉ रोशनी सुभार, कुथन यटी, डॉ तनरधपन कलेटस, डॉ सबीना सावथ और नस - सुश्ी शीना मैथय्
सुश्ी समसी सेबेखसटयन शाधमल थीं, जजनहोंने सजमूरी में डॉकटर की सहायता की। यह एक दुलमूभ और ऐततहालसक
में छह घंटे का समय लगा। उललेखनीय है तक तनयधमत श्ोजण परीक्षण (रूटीन
पेकलवक एगजाधमनेशन) के दरौरान गभामूशयी फाइब्ॉएड अकसर आकपसमक
रूप से ददख जाते हैं। अलट्ासाउंड
व्वसायी एवं उद्मी हैं। नीरव रणपारा ने आगे कहा तक मेले में सटाइसलमिग जोन, फड जन, परफॉमसेंस जोन, ट्न योर ब्न जोन, साइंस मैजजक जोन, सेलफी जोन, एकसेसरीज, ड्सेस और गारमेंट्स, फुटतवयर, मोबाइल वर्, सटे शनरी,
तकराने का सामान, क्रं ची बाइट, पेय पदाथमू, आइस-क्रीम, गोग्रीन, गेपममिग वर्, होम डेकोर, हेल्थ केयर, 360 वीधडयो रील, लकी ड्ा, ट्ायल
बना ददया। इस कायमूक्रम में प्णमू अखगन सुरक्षा प्रोटोकॉल बनाए रखा गया और एक प्रलशजक्षत
कववतताओ कता ऑनलताइन सस्वर पताठ
आपतात स्थिवत के ललए रक् संग्रह
संदीप गगमू (अधयक्ष), अजय गुपता (उपाधयक्ष), गरौरव गगमू (उपाधयक्ष), िीरज यादव (उपाधयक्ष), नीरज धमत्तल (कोराधयक्ष), पंकज शमामू (सह-कोराधयक्ष), अजश्नी शमामू (महासधचव), अधमत गगमू (सधचव), मनीर अग्रवाल (सधचव) एवं अतुल मुद्गल (तवज्ापन एवं मीधडया प्रभारी)
रहते हैं। दवाओं के राजा के रूप में खयात, वह तनयधमत
बताधताओ के खिलताफ
वररष्ठ नतागररको की
ररले वॉक
थे। एनएएफएल-नेशनल पस्बलक सक् ल, देवनहलली के 8 से 12 वर की आयु के बच्ों का एक उतसाही समह
सोने कता सबसे
में वासततवकता, चेतना और कममू का प्रतततनधितव करता है। देवी लक्मी को हालथयों से धघरा हुआ ददखाते हैं, जो कममू, गतततवधि और शस्कत का प्रतीक है। सोने के कुछ पतले लसकके
तेिी से िोडने कता हुनर
अग्नि सुरक्ता
जहां इंधडया बुक ऑफ ररकॉडमूस की एडजुधडकेटर सुश्ी नीललमा छाजेड ने रजक्षत शाह, ईडी कॉपवोरेट कायमू, डगलस सी पसमथ, सीईओएपीएसईजेडएल और टना पोटमू , लशवरामन, हेड - ओएचएस
जांची जाए। अप्रैल 2022 में, हमने दोनों टाउनलशप (शांततवन
195 और समुद् टाउनलशप 652)
में 16-17 अप्रैल, 2022 को
652 कनेक्शन चैक तकए। प्रतत
गैस कनेक्शन में औसतन 14
धमनट का समय लगा।”
मुंद्ा में मैगा बंदरगाह एक
प्रमुख आरथमिक प्रवेश द्ार है जो
मलटीमॉडल कनेककटतवटी के साथ
भारत के उत्तरी भीतरी इलाकों
की जरूरतें परी करता है। एक
डीप ड्ाफट, ऑल-वेदर पोटमू के
ग्मशन के2के
सममान करें,” पप्रमिस ने कहा। आकाश मन्नारी कहते हैं, “बाइनकमिग के ललए मेरे पयार का पता तब चला जब मैं एक सोलो दट्प पर तनकला था। यात्रा में मेरे पास लसफमू एक सािारण-सा बैकपैक
परीक्ताओ से होकर गुिरने कता
है। उनहोंने यजीसी-नेट (4 बार), यजीसी-जेआरएफ (2 बार), राजय पात्रता परीक्षा (5 बार), सनातकोत्तर (प्रथम रैंक), सीए इंटरमीधडएट, पीएचडी प्रवेश (आईआईआईटी), हररयाणा टीईटी, राष्ट्रीय प्रततभा खोज परीक्षा और आईआईएमसी हैदराबाद में नकद पुरसकार (एआईआर-1) और कॉमसमू
गया और कॉमसमू स शाधमल हुए। इनमें ज्तनयर अकाउंटेंट, अकाउंट ऑ
ऑतफसर, एसएससी, नेट, एसईटी, जेआरएफ, सीए, एएफसीएटी, एमबीए प्रवेश परीक्षा, सीएटी, एमएच-सीईटी और कई अन शाधमल
तरते हुए योगतासन करने की चुनौती
शेयर बताितार की लहरो पर सवतारी
सलमिक नीदरलैंड, लेनोवो इंटरनेशनल चाइना, जनरल धमलस यके, जजलेट जममूनी, एल एंड टी इनफोटेक इंधडया न्न कंपतनयों में प्रोजेकट शन आरकमिटेकट और आईटी सलाहकार के रूप
तवकास सुतनजचित करती है। युवा पीढी के ललए, उनका सुझाव है तक जीवन को व्वस्स्त रखें, सक्म तववरणों पर धयान दें, और समसया समािान करौशल का आनंद लें, तफर यह क्षेत्र आपका है! आरटमितफलशयल इंटेललजेंस (एआई), साइबर सुरक्षा, जैव-सचना तवज्ान, रोबोदटकस, कवांटम कंपय्टटमिग, कलाउड कंपय्टटमिग, तबग डेटा आदद कंपय्टर तवज्ान का भतवषय हैं। उनके
relief in 2 steps
Step 1 Open the cap Step 2 Sniff the oil
The box contains:
• 2 Seconds Oil bottle • Cer tificate of Commitment
Maximum Karate punches in Shiko Dachi performed in 30 seconds by a teen
The record for performing the maximum number of Karate punches in Shiko Dachi in 30 Adwaith (born on July 3, 2009) of Ernakulam, Kerala. He performed 125 Karate punches in Shiko Dachi in 30 seconds, using both hands, at the age of 13 years, 5 months and 30 days, as confirmed 2, 2023.
Fastest child to solve Pyraminx Cube
The record for being the fastest to solve a Pyraminx Cube was set by Abhiram C.A. May 4, 2011) of Kollam, Kerala. He solved a Pyraminx Cube in just 3 seconds and 92 milliseconds at the age of 11 years, 8 months and 5 days, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
Maximum Taekwondo kicks on pad by a toddler in 30 seconds
The record for performing the maximum number of Taekwondo kicks on pad in 30 seconds was set by Hitansh Nagarjuna (born on May 19, 2021) of Dharwad, Karnataka. He performed 19 Taekwondo kicks on a pad in 30 seconds at the age of 1 year,7 months and 24 days, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Fastest to make a caricature of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
The record for being the fastest to make a caricature of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was set by Kelita Teresa K James (born on March 9, 2001) of Ernakulam, Kerala. She made a caricature of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam in 56 seconds and 89 milliseconds on a sheet of paper (measuring 19 cm and 15.5 cm), as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Maximum hula hoop spins performed by a kid
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins was set by Rithvik S. Krishna (born on June 10, 2016) of Kannur, Kerala. He performed 890 hula hoop spins in 6 minutes and 21 seconds at the age of 6 years and 7 months, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Fastest child to recall blindfolded AIFF State Associations along with count of approved Clubs
The record for being the fastest to recall blindfolded AIFF State Associations along with the count of approved Clubs was set by Parth Bajoria (born on October 23, 2014) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He recalled the names of 37 AIFF (All India Football Federation) State Associations along with the count of approved Clubs in 1 minute and 24 seconds, while being blindfolded, at the age of 8 years, 1 month and 27 days, as confirmed on December 19, 2022.
Largest photorealistic self-portrait made by an individual using graphite pencil
The record for making the largest photorealistic self-portrait using graphite pencil was set by Liton Paul (born on December 11, 1997) of Guwahati, Assam. He made a large-sized photorealistic self-portrait (measuring 152 inches x 85 inches) on canvas paper using a graphite pencil, as confirmed on January 3, 2023.
Maximum personnel of armed forces relocated by Packers and Movers company
The record for relocating the maximum number of personnel of the armed forces was set by Posting Chalo Packers and Movers (A Unit of Cargo sync Pvt Ltd). This Packers and Moving company provides online booking facility and has enabled the relocation of 4,015 personnel of the armed forces and paramilitary forces from April 2020 to September 2022 across India, as confirmed on October 6, 2022.
Fastest to make Lord Vishnu’s Dashavatar in sand art
The record for being the fastest to make Lord Vishnu’s Dashavatar in sand art was set by Athira Menon (born on April 6, 1993) of Thrissur, Kerala. She made the sand art of ten avatars (incarnations) of Lord Vishnu namely Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Balrama, Krishna and Kalki on an illuminated glass box in 13 minutes and 61 seconds, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Fastest to replace a shattered touch screen glass of mobile phone by an individual
The record for being the fastest to replace a shattered touch screen glass of a mobile phone was set by Mohammed Afsal P. (born on April 8, 2000) of Malappuram, Kerala. He replaced the shattered touch screen glass of the mobile phone (Samsung Galaxy mobile phone) with a new one in 10 minutes and 5 seconds, as confirmed on January 3, 2023.
Largest handwritten Holy Bible in Malayalam language by an individual
The record for writing the largest handwritten Holy Bible in Malayalam language was set by Wilson John K. (born on January 8, 1996) of Kottayam, Kerala. He wrote the Holy Bible Old Testament and New Testament (using King James Version) on 1,865 notebook pages (43 cm x 30 cm x 11.5 cm) in Malayalam language using pen, as confirmed on
Fastest twins to recite all shlokas of Bhagavad Gita chapter 12
The record for being the fastest to recite all shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita chapter 12 was set by Koduri Abhinava Varchaswi (born on May 23, 2017) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, along with his twin. They recited all 20 shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita chapter 12 in 4 minutes, at the age of 5 years, 5 months and 29 days, as confirmed on November 21, 2022.
Maximum flowers’ names recited in alphabetical order along with their scientific names by a kid
The record for reciting the maximum number of flowers’ names in alphabetical order along with their scientific names was set by N Magizh Vendhan (born on August 16, 2016) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He recited the names of 30 flowers in alphabetical order, along with their scientific names, in 42 seconds and 6 milliseconds at the age of 6 years, 4 months and 27 days, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Longest duration to hold Supta vajrasana yoga pose while doing paper craft by a child
The record for being in the Supta vajrasana yoga pose for the longest duration while doing paper craft was set by Anha Sandeep (born on April 27, 2015) of Thalassery, Kerala. She held herself in the Supta vajrasana yoga pose (Reclined Thunderbolt pose) while making 3 items from paper in 20 minutes, 19 seconds and 22 milliseconds at the age of 7 years, 8 months and 14 days, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Maximum landmarks identified in one minute by a kid
The record for identifying maximum landmarks in one minute was set by Madhunika Vijayaragavan (born on July 16, 2018) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. She identified 81 famous landmarks in 1 minute, by viewing their pictures on a laptop screen, at the age of 4 years, 5 months and 10 days, as confirmed on December 26, 2022.
Fastest to solve a Pyraminx by a child
The record for being the fastest to solve a Pyraminx was set by Mohammed Shahzad (born on October 13, 2010) of Pathappiriyam, Kerala (currently living in Doha-Qatar). He solved a Pyraminx in 9 seconds and 35 milliseconds at the age 20 days, as confirmed
Fastest child to represent alphabet using Rubik’s Cubes while being blindfolded
The record for being the fastest to represent the English alphabet using Rubik’s Cubes (while being blindfolded) was set by Lucky (born on March 3, 2010) of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. He formed 26 letters of the alphabet (from A to Z) on 26 Rubik’s Cubes of 7 x 7 (while being blindfolded) in 4 minutes and 19 seconds at the age of 12 years, 8 months and 7 days, as confirmed on November 10, 2022.
Youngest female Wushu champion
The record for being the youngest female Wushu champion was set by Pranathi G. (born on November 17, 2014) of Mysuru, Karnataka. She has won many Wushu championships including one Gold Medal at the state level and two Bronze Medals at the National Level from December 28, 2020 to August 9, 2022, at the age of 7 years, 8 months and 23 days, as confirmed on December 12, 2022.
Highest knotted rope climbing by a kid
The record for performing the highest knotted rope climbing was set by Anay Shreyas Inamdar (born on June 26, 2018) of Pune, Maharashtra. He ascended and descended the 28 feet long knotted rope (without any external support) with bare hands and feet in 2 minutes and 14 seconds at the age of 4 years, 6 months and 14 days, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
Maximum distance covered on a scooty by an individual
The record for covering the maximum distance on a scooty was set by Tuhin Kanti Saha (born on May 21, 1994) of Kolkata, West Bengal. He started his journey from Kolkata at 6:00 pm on October 6, 2022, and returned to Kolkata at 12:30 am on October 22, 2022, (Kolkata - Kedarnath – Badrinath - Kolkata). He travelled 4104 km on his TVS N-TORQ 125cc, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Fastest individual to complete the Statue of Unity Marathon Edition 2
The record for being the fastest to complete the Statue of Unity Marathon Edition 2 was set by (born on August 3, 1988) of Delhi. He completed
Unity’ Marathon Edition 2 in 3 hours, 54 minutes and 16 seconds on December 25, 2022, as confirmed on
Youngest to recall capitals of all Indian states
The record for being the youngest to recall the capitals of all Indian states was set by Anika Jain (born on April 9, 2021) of Raipur, Chhattisgarh. She recited the names of all the capitals of 28 Indian states in 37 seconds, at the age of 1 year, 8 months and 27 days, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Youngest to complete graduation and postgraduation in Law
The record for being the youngest to complete graduation and postgraduation in Law was set by Pooja Sharma (born on May 5, 2000) of Alwar, Rajasthan. She completed B.A. LL.B (in the year 2020) from Banasthali Vidyapeeth and LL.M (in the year 2022) from Kurukshetra University, at the age of 22 years, 7 months and 9 days, as confirmed on December 14, 2022.
Longest duration to play the Tabla
The record for playing the Tabla for the longest duration was set by Raman Kumar (born on July 17, 2002) of Baghpat, Uttar Pradesh. He played the Tabla non-stop for 3 hours and 26 seconds, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Fastest kid to recite all zones of Indian Railways along with their respective headquarters
The record for being the fastest to recite all the zones of Indian Railways along with their respective headquarters was set by Rupasree Baiju (born on April 15, 2016) of Alappuzha, Kerala. She recited the names of 19 zones of the Indian Railways, along with their respective headquarters, in 31 seconds at the age of 6 years, 10 months and 10 days, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Maximum Surya Namaskars performed by an individual on a moving motorcycle
The record for performing the maximum number of Surya Namaskars on a moving motorcycle was set by Rohit Dilip Shinde (born on April 19, 1995) of Pune, Maharashtra. He performed 10 Surya Namaskars on a moving motorcycle in 4 minutes and 20 seconds, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Fastest to ride one thousand kilometres on a motorcycle
The record for being the fastest to ride one thousand kilometres on a motorcycle was set by Pradeep R (born on May 27, 1995) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He started his journey on January 6, 2023 at 3.31 am from Kolathur in Chennai (Tamil Nadu), travelled 1000 km and reached Ulundurpet (Tamil Nadu) at 2.25 pm the same day in 10 hours, 51 minutes and 30 seconds on a TVS Apache RR 310 motorcycle, as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Maximum story books identified by a toddler
The record for identifying the maximum number of story books was set by Surti (born on November 2, 2020) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He identified 85 books in 17 minutes and 5 seconds by viewing their covers, at the age of 2 years, 1 month and 27 days, as confirmed on December 29, 2022.
Maximum patents achieved by an individual from foreign patent agency
The record for achieving the maximum number of patents from a foreign patent agency was set by Gokul Thiruchengode Vajravel (born on June 20, 1985) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He achieved 75 patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) from October 11, 2016 to December 20, 2022 for his inventions, as confirmed on January 19, 2023.
Youngest Electronics and Telecom Chartered Engineer
The record for being the youngest Electronics & Telecom Chartered Engineer was set by Mahind Selvakumarasamy (born on May 16, 1995) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He completed the certification from The Institution of Engineers (India) on September 23, 2021 at the age of 26 years, 4 months and 7 days, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Maximum distance covered on vintage motorcycles from west to east India by a group
The record for covering the maximum distance on vintage motorcycles from west to east India was set by Mahendra Suresh Shewale (born on March 22, 1978) along with 4 team members Rahul Dhondiram Hankare (born on June 28, 1986), Rahul Suresh Mokashi (born on September 24, 1978), Sandeep Shankar Katke (born on November 21, 1985) and Vaibhav Madhukar Rahate (born on December 5, 1984) of Pune, Maharashtra. They travelled on vintage motorcycles (1968 to 1985 model), starting from Narayan Sarovar (Gujarat) at 5.00 am on November 16, 2022, and ending it at Kaho (Arunachal Pradesh) at 6.30 pm on November 25, 2022, covering 3,816 km in 9 days to celebrate 75 years of independence to pay tribute to Indian soldiers, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Largest Warli
painting made on a wall by an individual
The record for making the largest Warli art painting on a wall was set by Avanti Sandeep Kulkarni (born on May 10, 1979) of Pune, Maharashtra. She made a large sized Warli art painting (measuring 58 feet x 30 feet) on the wall of The Manik Public School from December 24, 2022 to January 5, 2023 using exterior wall paint, as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Maximum multiplication sums solved in one minute by a child using Abacus technique
The record for solving the maximum number of multiplication sums in one minute using Abacus technique was set by Tarandeep Singh (born on November 13, 2013) of Ludhiana, Punjab. He solved 48 multiplication sums (two-digits multiplied by one-digit) in one minute (46 were declared correct) using Abacus technique at the age of 9 years, 2 months and 3 days, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Maximum questions about space answered in one minute by a kid
The record for answering the maximum number of space related questions in one minute was set by Deepesh (born on February 28, 2017) of Malappuram, Kerala. He answered 55 space related questions in one minute at the age of 5 years, 10 months and 12 days, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Largest statue of Lord Shiva made by an individual using metal scraps
The record for making the largest statue of Lord Shiva using metal scrap was set by Ajay Sharma (born on December 24, 1977) of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. He is the director of Home Designers and made the statue of Lord Shiva (measuring 34 feet in height) for showcasing it in Paschim Rajasthan hastshilp Utsav 2023 at Ravan ka chabutra maidan, Jodhpur, using metal scraps including metal sheets, bearings and many more, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Maximum paintings of buildings made by an individual
The record for making the maximum number of paintings of buildings was set by Sai Kumar (born on August 15, 2000) of Nizamabad, Telangana. He made 9 colourful paintings of buildings on A3 size sheets using acrylic colours, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Maximum surgeries for Piles performed by a surgeon using Ayurvedic method
The record for performing the maximum number of surgeries for Piles using Ayurvedic method was set by Dr. Anjali Ashish Gawarle (born on July 29, 1979) of Wardha, Maharashtra. She performed one thousand (1000) surgeries at Gawarle Piles Hospital for the treatment of Piles, using the Ayurvedic Shar Sutra Method, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Youngest to solve one hundred pieces large jigsaw puzzle
The record for being the youngest to solve one hundred pieces of a large jigsaw puzzle was set by (born on January 20, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He solved the African animals’ puzzle with 100 pieces in 18 minutes and 26 seconds at the age of 2 years, 11 months and 15 days,
Maximum motorcyclists to reach Umling La Pass as a team
The record for the maximum number of motorcyclists to reach Umling La Pass was set by M.A. Praveen (born on July 2, 1984) of Salem, Tamil Nadu, along with 14 other motorcyclists namely Abisheak Sivakumar, Balakumar P, Bhagath Pradeep Krishnan, Jaganathan, Manikandan Venkatesh, Praveen Raaj D, Sakthivel, Sanjay Gandhi, Selvakumar Ramalingam, Subrahmanyam (Vasu), Sudhakar Babu S, J Surendran, Syed Abubekar Siddiq S and Vinothkumar Sekaran. The team of 15 motorcyclists started their journey from Tamil Nadu on July 1, 2022 and reached Umling La Pass (19,024 ft. high) on July 16, 2022, covering a distance of 4500 km in 16 days, as confirmed on November 2, 2022.
Maximum addition and subtraction sums solved in 5 minutes by a kid
The record for solving the maximum number of addition and subtraction sums in 5 minutes was set by Nyle Ahamad (born on November 23, 2017) of Kozhikode, Kerala. She solved 12 sums including 9 sums of addition (three-digits) and 3 sums of subtraction (two-digits) in 5 minutes at the age of 4 years, 11 months and 16 days, as confirmed on November 8, 2022.
Maximum Silambam rotations around the head performed by a child in 30 seconds
The record for performing the maximum number of Silambam rotations around the head in 30 seconds was set by Honeeswari M. (born on December 22, 2010) of Theni, Tamil Nadu. She performed 55 Silambam rotations around her head in 30 seconds using a single stick at the age of 12 years and 20 days, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Youngest to win awards in extracurricular activities
The record for being the youngest to achieve the maximum number of certificates, medals and trophies in extracurricular activities was set by Durvam Sumedha (born on March 10, 2017) of Nagpur, Maharashtra. She achieved 10 trophies, 18 certificates and 4 medals in extracurricular activities including fashion shows, ramp walks, talent round and Abacus, at the age of 5 years, 9 months and 2 days, as confirmed on December 12, 2022.
Fastest teen to draw a stencil art portrait of Mahatma Gandhi
The record for being the fastest to draw a stencil art portrait of Mahatma Gandhi was set by Ajin Raj M. (born on August 19, 2003) of Ernakulam, Kerala. He drew a stencil art portrait of Mahatma Gandhi in 4 minutes, 42 seconds and 66 milliseconds, using a black marker pen on an A4 size sheet, at the age of 19 years, 4 months and 8 days, as confirmed on December 27, 2022.
Maximum gold medals won consecutively in Silambam sports by an individual
The record for winning the maximum number of gold medals consecutively in Silambam sports was set by Veerapandi
A. (born on June 14, 1995) of Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. He won 3 gold medals consecutively by topping the senior category in state and national level competitions (for multiple styles of Silambam) held on May 15, 2022 and August 14, 2022
Maximum names of Allah embroidered by an individual
The record for embroidering the maximum names of Allah was set by Fathimath Ramsheena C. (born on June 22, 1999) of Malappuram, Kerala. She embroidered 99 names of Allah on seperate pieces of white cloth (one name on one cloth) using black thread, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Maximum vehicles identified by a toddler
The record for identifying the maximum number of vehicles was set by Tanvik Yogesh (born on January 29, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He identified the pictures of 142 vehicles in 4 minutes and 43 seconds at the age of
Maximum traffic symbols identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum number of traffic
Maximum freedom fighter’s names recited alphabetically by a kid
The record for reciting the names of the maximum number of freedom fighters alphabetically was set by Yuvaan Praveen Sharma (born on February 28, 2018) of Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. He recited the names of 55 freedom fighters alphabetically from A to Z in 1 minute and 5 seconds at the age of 4 years, 10 months and 7 days, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Maximum multilingual books written by a child in consecutive years
The record for writing the maximum number of multilingual books in consecutive years was set by Kunhi Chetia (born on January 5, 2014) of Lakhimpur, Assam. She wrote the books (in three languages) titled ‘Kunhi Ki Kahani’ in Hindi (ISBN: 978-81-95264-78-0) in 2020, ‘Beberibang Sadhu’ in Assamese (ISBN: 9782021 and ‘Little Star’ 978-81-95264-79-7)
age of 9 years, as January
Youngest researcher on ancient Indian manuscripts
The record for being the youngest researcher on ancient Indian manuscripts was set by Arijit Thakur (born on January 20, 2003) of Bankura, West Bengal. He has been carrying out research on ancient Indian manuscripts since 2014, at the age of 20 years, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Maximum branches of study recalled by a kid
The record for recalling the maximum number of branches of study was set by Abeon Denny (born on January 31, 2018) of Thrissur, Kerala. He recalled 27 branches of study in 29 seconds at the age of 4 years, 11 months and 2 days, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Fastest kid to recall vehicle registration codes of Indian states and union territories
The record for being the fastest to recall vehicle registration codes of Indian states and union territories was set by Ojas Deepak Dhabade (born on October 7, 2018) of Belagavi, Karnataka. He recalled 36 vehicle registration codes of 28 Indian states and 8 union territories in 41 seconds at the age of 4 years, 2 months and 24 days, as confirmed on December 31, 2022.
Largest stencil art portrait of Lionel Messi made by an individual on A3 size sheets
The record for making the largest stencil art portrait of Lionel Messi on A3 size sheets was set by Muhammad Ashiq Shabeel P. (born on August 22, 2001) of Malappuram, Kerala. He made a stencil art portrait of Lionel Messi (measuring 12.17 m x 10.08 m) on 984 A3 size sheets of paper, using acrylic paints, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Maximum baskets made by a teen using newspapers
The record for making the maximum number of baskets using newspapers was set by Fathimath Sana VP (born on December 22, 2004) of Malappuram, Kerala. She made 60 medium size baskets using newspapers, wall paint, scissors, fevicol, white cement, teeth stick and a brush at the age of 17 years, 10 months and 17 days, as confirmed on 8, 2022.
Fastest kid to recite names of dinosaurs in alphabetical order
The record for being the fastest kid to recite the names of dinosaurs in alphabetical order was set by Gudimetla Sai Manvik Reddy (born on October 18, 2018) of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. He recited the names of
Maximum freedom fighters’ portraits painted on clay tiles by an individual
The record for painting the maximum number of freedom fighters’ portraits on clay tiles was set by Subrata Kanrar (born on September 4, 1999) of Howrah, West Bengal. He painted the portraits of 30 freedom fighters on irregularly shaped clay tiles (measurement varying from 3 cm to 5 cm each) using acrylic colours, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Maximum Floss dance sets performed by a child in one minute
The record for performing the maximum number of Floss dance sets in one minute was set by Pratyaksha (born on January 6, 2012) of Dehradun, Uttarakhand. He performed 56 sets of Floss dance in one minute, at the age of 10 years,11 months and 3 days, as confirmed on December 9, 2022.
Fastest specially abled child to play National Anthem and National Song blindfolded on keyboard
The record for being the fastest to play National Anthem and National Song blindfolded on keyboard was set by Muhammad Yazeen (born on April 13, 2012) of Alappuzha, Kerala. Being specially-abled (locomotor disability 80 %), he played the National Anthem and the National Song on the Keyboard, while being blindfolded, for 2 minutes and 58 seconds at the age of 10 years, 8 months and 28 days, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Maximum forts visited by a child in a single day
The record for visiting the maximum number of forts in a single day was set by Vaishnavi Nitin Bhoite (born April 1, 2013) of Pune, Maharashtra. She visited 17 forts of Maharashtra, Gujarat and Daman including Ballalgad Fort, Mahim Fort Moti Daman Fort and Parnera Fort. She started the journey from Dahanu Fort at 12:25 am on January 2, 2023 and completed it the same day at Arjungadh Fort at 7:05 pm at the age of 9 years, 9 months and 1 day, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Maximum GPS cycling patterns of important days created by an individual
The record for creating the maximum number GPS cycling patterns of important days was set by Padmanaban Venkatakrishnan September 4, 1984) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He created 9 GPS cycling patterns of 9 important days namely Women’s Day, World Water Day, Father’s Day, Yoga Day, Sports Day, Engineer’s Day, Ozone Day, Men’s Day, World Bicycle Day from March 6, 2021 to June 3, 2022, which was recorded on Strava app, as confirmed on January 3, 2023.
Largest typographic portrait of Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam by a teen
The record for making the largest typographic portrait of Dr. A.P. J. Abdul Kalam was set by Rithish Kumar Senthilnathan (born on February 18, 2009) of Sivaganga, Tamil Nadu. He made the largest typographic portrait of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam (measuring 217 cm x 164 cm) by writing his name innumerable times on sheets of paper at the age of 13 years, 10 months and 13 days, as confirmed on December 31, 2022.
Maximum yoga poses performed by a child in 30 seconds
The record for performing the maximum number of yoga poses in 30 seconds was set by Durga Manoj (born on November 1, 2010) of Kottayam, Kerala. She performed 15 different yoga poses in 30 seconds, at the age of 12 years, 1 months and 28 days, as confirmed on 2022.
Maximum double digit addition sums solved by a specially abled child
The record for solving the maximum number of double digit addition sums was set by Ashwin Baiju (born on February 19, 2013) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Being 60% specially abled intellectually (Autism), he correctly answered 12 double digit addition sums (each sum consisting of 3 rows) in 2 minutes and 50 seconds, using pen and paper, at the age of 9 years, 10 months and 21 days, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
Maximum different types of Rubik’s Cubes solved by a child in one hour
The record for solving the maximum number of different types of Rubik’s Cubes was set by Surya Hariprasad (born on August 8, 2011) of Changanassery, Kerala (currently living in Malaysia). He solved 69 different types of Rubik’s Cubes in one hour at the age of 11 years, 4 months and 29 days, as confirmed on January 6, 2023.
Maximum wildlife photographs posted on social media for consecutive days
The record for posting the maximum number of wildlife photographs on social media for consecutive days was set by Dr. Sudhir Hasamnis on July 7, 1955) of Pune, Maharashtra. He posted 2,557 beautiful wildlife photographs with their details from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2022 on his Facebook account (without missing a single day), as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
National animals of maximum countries recalled in one minute by a kid
The record for recalling the national animals of the maximum number of countries in one minute was set by Thishan Y. (born on May 18, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He recalled the national animals of 65 countries in one minute at the age of 3 years, 7 months and 26 days, as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Maximum missiles identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum number of missiles was set by B. Lakshay Lohendra (born on July 17, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He identified 53 missiles in 2 minutes and 2 seconds, by looking at their pictures on the screen, at the age of 5 years, 6 months and 10 days, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Oldest to ascend and descend the steps of Guru Dattatreya Temple
The record for being the oldest to ascend and descend the steps of Guru Dattatreya Temple was set by Arun Yashwantrao Kulkarni (born on January 9, 1951) of Akola, Maharashtra.
Despite undergoing a total knee replacement of both legs, he ascended and descended 10,000 steps of Guru Dattatreya Temple in 4 hours and 11 minutes on November 5, 2022, at the age of 71 years, 11 months and 17 days, as confirmed on December 26, 2022.
Maximum models of vehicles made by an individual
The record for making the maximum number of models of vehicles was set by Ajeesh Babu S. (born on April 21, 1995) of Kollam, Kerala. He made 15 models of vehicles including Motorcycle, Bus, Truck, Auto Racing Car, Tractor, Tanker using multiwood, LED bulb, batteries, bulb, switches, paints and small steel rods, as confirmed on January
Maximum quotes posted on LinkedIn in one day by an individual
The record for posting the maximum number of quotes on LinkedIn in one day was set by Debdeep Sarkar on May 27, 2002) of Murshidabad, West Bengal. He posted 405 quotes on the topics of Life and Health in one day on January 4, 2023, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Smallest flying model of F-22 raptor made by a teen using thermocol
The record for making the smallest flying model of F-22 raptor using thermocol was set by Priyesh Venkat (born on November 30, 2008) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. He made a flying model of the F-22 raptor (measuring 37 inches x 29 inches) using thermocol, an electronic speed controller, a 1000 KV brushless motor, 11.1 Volt 2200 mAH lipo battery, fly sky FSi 6 transmitter and fly sky FS i6B receiver at the age of 14 years, 1 month and 7 days, as confirmed on January 6, 2023.
Smallest innovative phone made by an individual
The record for making the smallest innovative Ashwini Kumar Sinha (born on October 4, 1995) of Bokaro, Jharkhand. He made the smallest innovative phone (measuring 3.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 2 cm) using Mega 328P chip, 3.3v battery, UI button, 128 x 64 Pixel OLED display and Mic, a phone programmed with C language, as confirmed on October 3, 2022.
Maximum sheets of A3 size paper counted in one minute
The record for counting the maximum number of sheets of A3 size paper in one minute was set by Adarsh M.V. (born on May 4, 1977) of Wayanad, Kerala. He counted 262 sheets of A3 size paper in one minute, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Maximum Silambam Martial art forms performed in 5 minutes by a child
The record for performing the maximum number of Silambam Martial art forms was set by Ghanendra K. (born on February 11, 2014) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. He performed 10 Silambam art forms including Stick Fight with a partner, Surul vaal rotation, Long stick rotation, Single chain fire stick rotation, Kuthuvarusai, Double stick rotation, Velkambu rotation, Center Stick Rotation, Single fire stick rotation and Double fire stick rotation in 5 minutes at the age of 8 years, 10 months and 30 days, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Maximum Taekwondo flying split kicks performed in 30 seconds by an individual
The record for performing the maximum number of Taekwondo flying split kicks in 30 seconds was set by K. Venugopalan (born on May 21, 1968) of Kannur, Kerala. He performed 6 Taekwondo flying split kicks in 30 seconds, as confirmed on December 27, 2022.
Maximum certificates achieved by a teen for Kalaripayattu
The record for achieving the maximum number of certificates for Kalaripayattu was set by Miah Anna (born on September 23, 2008) of Kottayam, Kerala. She achieved 15 national and state level certificates for participating in Kalaripayattu, where she won the first position (seven times), won gold (4 times) and silver (once) at the age of 14 years, 4 months and 1 day, as confirmed on January 24, 2023.
Fastest kid to perform two activities simultaneously
The record for being the fastest to perform two activities simultaneously was set by Toshio C. Shekar (born on June 30, 2017) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She performed 685 hula hoop spins around the waist for 6 minutes, while reading 223 phonic words, at the age of 5 years, 6 months and 26 days, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Maximum bilingual newspaper articles on social issues published by an individual
The record for publishing the maximum number of bilingual newspaper articles on social issues was set by Pritam Bhimrao Gedam (born on August 5, 1983) of Nagpur, Maharashtra. He published 1700 articles on social issues (from 2007 till date) in both Hindi and Marathi in newspapers including Yuva Shakti, Jammu Parivartan and others, as confirmed on December 14, 2022.
Maximum Tamil thirukkurals written using both hands in 5 minutes
The record for writing the maximum number of Tamil thirukkurals using both hands in 5 minutes was set by S. Santha Sharmila (born on July 10, 2001) of Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu. She wrote 12 thirukkurals in Tamil using both hands (6 using each hand) simultaneously in 5 minutes, as confirmed on January 24, 2023.
Maximum logos of national and international organisations identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum number of logos of national and international organisations was set by Shubhra Dawange (born on January 26, 2019) of Palghar, Maharashtra. She identified the 27 logos of national and international organisations in 50 seconds, by viewing their pictures on a screen, at the age of 3 years, 11 months and 22 days, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Tallest Christmas tree made by chefs of a hotel using chocolate
The record for making the tallest Christmas tree using chocolate was set by Sayaji Hotels, Indore, Madhya Pradesh. A team of 15 chefs made the tallest chocolate tree (measuring 17.850 feet in height) weighing 400 kgs in 10 days, using chocolate and other ingredients, as confirmed on December 14, 2022.
Wrist bending for the longest duration by an individual
The record for bending the wrist for the longest duration was set by Arshak Babu P. K. (born on May 28, 1997) of Malappuram, Kerala. He bent the wrist of the right hand for 32 minutes and 24 seconds wherein the fingers touched the inner wrist and were held in place using the left hand, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Maximum 3D graphic designs made by an individual
The record for making the maximum number of 3D graphic designs was set by Srijoni Chattopadhyay (born on August 23, 2002) of Kolkata, West Bengal. She made 3D graphic designs of 14 items including animals, human beings and utensils, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Largest picture made by students of an educational institution to commemorate International Year of Millets
The record for making the largest picture to commemorate the International Year of Millets was set by Vivegaa School, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu. A team of 24 students decorated a world map on the floor including 7 continents with 7 different millets available in India and also decorated ‘International Year of Millets, 2023’ with 2,023 kg of millets in an area of 3600 square feet in 2 hours on December 12, 2022 at the school campus, Tiruppur to commemorate International Year of Millets, as confirmed on January 3, 2023.
Smallest clay models of all Prime Ministers of India
The record for making the smallest clay models of all Prime Ministers of India was set by Sreejith Chendachi (born on May 17, 1987) of Kannur, Kerala. He made clay faces of all the 15 Prime Ministers of India (measuring height 3.5 to 4.5 cm and width 3 to 3.5 cm) including Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi and Narendra Modi and then joined all the 15 faces to form a single case, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
T-shirts removed by an individual in one minute while balancing on maximum buckets
The record for removing T-shirts in one minute while balancing on the maximum number of buckets was set by Prasanna Basava (born on May 28, 2001) of Hubli, Karnataka. He removed 3 T-shirts in neck stall position in one minute while balancing on two footballs placed atop a pyramid of 14 buckets, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
tattoo of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj made by an individual
The record for making the smallest tattoo portrait of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was set by Sujesh G.S. (born on June 30, 1996) of Kodagu, Karnataka. He made a small sized tattoo (measuring 2 cm x1.9 cm) of Indian ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj in 30 minutes on the wrist of his client, as confirmed on January 6,
live commentary given by an individual for a Football match
The record for giving the longest live commentary for a Football match was set by Ajin Thomas (born on May 23, 1986) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He gave a live commentary for a Football match (27th St Mary’s Vettucaud- Day and Night all Kerala football tournament) continuously for 9 hours and 30 minutes; commencing at 4.30 pm on June 11, 2022 till 2.00 am the next day, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Maximum countries’ flags painted on Indian currency coins by an individual
The record for painting the flags of the maximum number of countries on Indian currency coins was set by Ananya Nigam (born on February 9, 2002) of Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh. She painted the flags of 100 countries on 100 one-rupee coins including India, Pakistan, USA, Russia, Turkey, Bangladesh and other countries, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Maximum Bollywood songs sung by an individual with Karaoke music
The record for singing the maximum number of Bollywood songs with Karaoke music was set by Shankar Krishnarao Modak (born on February 15, 1951) of Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. He sang 1,390 Bollywood songs of famous singers including Mohd.
Rafi, Kishore Kumar, Mukesh, Kumar Sanu, Udit Narayan and duet songs of Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Alka Yagnik and others with Karaoke music from June 2017 to August 2022 at the age of 71 years, 10 months and 19 days, as confirmed on January 3, 2023.
Maximum poets recited poems for Ashok Chakra recipients in a virtual event
The record for organising a virtual event in which the maximum number of poets recited poems for Ashok Chakra recipients was set by Antarrashtriya Shabd Srijan of Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh. The event was shown live on Facebook from 9:50 am to 5:16 pm on November 20, 2022 and 1500 couplets (dohe) were recited by 201 national and international poets for Ashok Chakra recipients under the leadership of Dr. Rajeev Kumar Pandey, as confirmed on December 9, 2022.
Maximum letters of Hindi alphabet used in a Hindi Poem book
The record for using the maximum number of letters of the Hindi alphabet in a Hindi poem book was set by Yashwant Bhandari (born on July 28, 1958) of Jhabua, Madhya Pradesh. He used 47 letters of the Hindi alphabet in a Hindi poem book titled ‘Varnmala main Manobhav’ (ISBN: 97893-91161-19-4) published by Sahitya Bhoomi. The book consists of 68 Hindi poems, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Fastest kid to recite squares of numbers from 1 to 100
The record for being the fastest to recite the squares of numbers from 1 to 100 was set by Atharv Manu (born on April 5, 2017) of Muzaffarpur, Bihar. He recited the squares of numbers from 1 to 100 in 1 minute and 22 seconds, at the age of 5 years, 8 months and 25 days, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
Maximum hula hoop spins around one foot by a child in 30 minutes
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins around one foot for 30 minutes was set by Vanessa Anand (born on January 22, 2013) of Delhi. She performed 3180 spins around her right foot continuously for 30 minutes while lying down on the floor, at the age of 9 years, 11 months, and 2 days, as confirmed on December 24, 2022.
Fastest kid to recite all shlokas of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15
Maximum countries’ flags painted on canvas sheets by a child
The record for painting the maximum number of countries’ flags on canvas sheets was set by Saina Fathima (born on January 22, 2010) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. She painted the flags of 21countries on 21 individual canvas sheets (each measuring 3 cm x 4 cm), using acrylic colours, at the age of 12 years, 11 months and 13 days, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Maximum bilingual bhajans sung by a kid
The record for singing the maximum number of bilingual bhajans was set by D. Prathiksha (born on September 27, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She sang 8 bhajans out of which 4 were in Sanskrit and 4 were in Tamil including Namo Namo Sankara, Chinna Chinna Muruga Muruga, in 9 minutes and 40 seconds at the age of 5 years, 3 months and 16 days, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Maximum miniature Warli art paintings made by a teen on a single sheet
The record for making the maximum number of miniature Warli art paintings was set by Nandana J. B. (born on March 1, 2007) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. She made 45 miniature Warli art paintings (each measuring 2 cm x 2 cm) on a single sheet of paper, at the age of 15 years, 9 months and 28 days, as confirmed on December 29, 2022.
The record for being the fastest to recite all shlokas of Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 was set by Salgude Ojasvi Rohit (born on March 18, 2016) of Pune, Maharashtra. She recited all the 20 shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 15 in 3 minutes and 17 seconds, at the age of 6 years, 9 months and 8 days, as confirmed on December 26, 2022.
Longest Bengali Poem written by an individual
The record for composing the longest Bengali poem of 1,780 lines with 6,804 words was set by Dr. Suprakash Palit (born on May 1, 1959) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. The entire poem is divided into 445 cantos of 4 lines each and is in 95 pages. The poem titled ‘Mahidharer Chaya Khele Irabane’ (ISBN: 978-9392763-41-0), is published by Bharat Sahitya Kutir in the year 2023, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Maximum Cybercrime investigator awards received by an individual
The record for receiving the maximum number of Cybercrime investigator awards
Pushpendra Singh (born on January 26, 1990) of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. He received 5 Cybercrime investigator awards including E-Raksha Award, Best Cyber Investigator Award and Global Cybercrime helpline award for the years 2021-2022, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
Maximum Badminton shuttle feeds in 30 seconds by an individual
The record for feeding the maximum number of Badminton shuttles in 30 seconds was set by B. N. Amarjith Girish (born on May 11, 1993) of Azhikode, Kerala. He fed 24 Badminton shuttles in 30 seconds, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Fastest motorcycle expedition from North to East Sikkim
The record for being the fastest to complete a motorcycle expedition from North to East Sikkim was set by Rohit Ram (born on April 5, 1997) of Nadia, West Bengal. He started his expedition from Nadia on December 5, 2022 at 4 pm; reached Gurudongmar Lake (17,800 feet) in North Sikkim on December 7, 2022 at 10 pm; reached Nathu La Pass (14,140 feet) and Zuluk (9,400 feet) in East Sikkim on December 9, 2022; completed it at Nadia on December 10, 2022, covering 1,750 km in 5 days, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Fastest teen to make a portrait of Salvador Dali
The record for being the fastest to make a portrait of Salvador Dali was set by Adithya P.V. (born on March 6, 2009) of Palakkad, Kerala. She made a portrait of Salvador Dali on a drawing sheet (measuring 21 cm x 30 cm) in 30 minutes, using a pencil, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Maximum hula hoop spins around hands in prayer position performed by a child in 30 minutes
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins around hands in prayer position in 30 minutes was set by Araina Jain (born on April 8, 2015) of New Delhi. She
Maximum aquatic animals recited by a kid
The record for reciting the names of the maximum number of aquatic animals was set by S. Shanaya (born on March 27, 2018) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. She recited the names of 90 aquatic animals in 43 seconds, at the age of 4 years and 9 months, as confirmed on December 27, 2022.
Maximum car logos identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum number of car logos was set by D. Nivin Adhiran (born on January 30, 2019) of Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. He identified 304 logos of national and international brands of cars in 5 minutes, 25 seconds and 28 milliseconds at the age of 3 years, 11 months and 3 days, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Maximum push-ups in 30 seconds
The record for performing the maximum number of pushups in 30 seconds was set by Vijay Pandurang Shinde (born on January 10, 1983) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He performed 101 pushups in 30 seconds, as confirmed
Maximum medals in Mallakhamba won by an individual
The record for winning the maximum number of medals in Mallakhamba was set by Veerbhadra Ningappa Mudhol (born on June 30, 2000) of Belagavi, Karnataka. He won 26 medals in Mallakhamba (a traditional sport) including Gold, Silver and Bronze at the state and national level, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Youngest to complete Ironman Triathlon
The record for being the youngest to complete Ironman Triathlon was set by Garv Narendra Jain (born on December 16, 2004) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He successfully completed the Ironman Triathlon 70.3 in Goa on November 13, 2022 in 5 hours, 55 minutes and 14 seconds, at the age of 17 years, 10 months and 28 days, as confirmed on November 16, 2022.
Appreciation 2023
Trivik Alok Adhikari (born on July 6, 2021) of Mumbai, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 20 wild animals, 15 domestic animals, 12 vehicles, 9 colours, 11 fruits, 7 vegetables, 4 deities, 8 birds, 10 action words and 24 objects at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Shaurya Abhijit Patil (born on October 5, 2017) of Thane, Maharashtra, is appreciated for reciting the names of all the 28 Indian states and 8 union territories in 1 minute and 8 seconds at the age of 5 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 6, 2023.
Ananya Anand Kabbin (born on October 25, 2019) of Belagavi, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting 5 English rhymes, 3 stotras namely Vakratunda, Guru Brahma, Annapurna Sadapurne; recalling the letters of the English alphabet with their corresponding words, days of the week, months in a year; counting numbers from 1 to 10 in Hindi and Kannada, 1 to 50 in English; identifying 12 action words, 9 shapes and 18 photos at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on December 19, 2022.
Basanagouda Kuntaraddi (born on February 9, 2019) of Vijayapura, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 22 animals, 47 general pictures, 11 parts of the body, 7 colours; reciting the names of 5 fruits, 5 flowers, 5 vegetables, 3 vehicles, days of the week, months in a year, 14 rhymes, one shloka, 2 songs, 2 speeches; counting numbers from 1 to 20; and mimicking the sounds of 3 animals at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 6, 2023.
Aghanya S. Murthy (born on August 21, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 8 colours, 24 fruits, 24 domestic animals, 24 wild animals, 16 parts of the body, 8 birds, 24 vegetables, 11 aquatic animals, 8 reptiles, 20 vehicles, 17 famous personalities; recalling the days of the week, 7 national symbols; and counting from 1 to 10 in English and French at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Ashwin Aadiv F. (born on September 7, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 11 colours, 12 shapes, 10 parts of the body, 13 animals, 6 birds, 19 vegetables, letters of the English alphabet with words, 24 fruits; reciting numbers from 1-10, 3 rhymes; solving numbers from 1-20 and English alphabet puzzles at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Shiv Vardaan Vipin (born on December 30, 2020) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 26 fruits, 22 vehicles, flags of 14 countries, 27 birds, 19 vegetables, 26 animals, 21 parts of the body; recalling young ones of 20 animals and the days of the week; counting numbers from 1 to 10, at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on December 27, 2022.
Prasi M. P. (born on July 20, 2008) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for writing 60 quotes in 60 different fonts in 29 minutes on A4 size sheets using a black marker pen at the age of 14 years and 5 months, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
Shazin Rushdi P. (born on March 1, 2021) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 vegetables, 9 fruits, 9 insects, 15 animals, 9 birds, 4 flowers, 13 parts of the body, 9 vehicles; recalling the letters of the English alphabet from A to P, names of 7 famous personalities; counting from 1 to 10; and answering 7 G.K. questions at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on January 14, 2023.
Aakhya Praveen Trivedi (born on November 15, 2011) of Thane, Maharashtra, is appreciated for counting numbers from 1-100 in 34 seconds and 33 milliseconds, at the age of 11 years and 1 month, as confirmed on December 23, 2022.
Aishani Pal (born on September 3, 2019) of Nadia, West Bengal, is appreciated for reciting 20 Bengali rhymes, Mahishasurmardini stotra, 10 national symbols, 28 Indian states, months in a year and days of the week in English and Bangla, 6 seasons; identifying 34 animals, young ones of 15 animals, 3 animal carts, 12 fruits, 9 colours, 22 parts of the body in Bengali, 11 vegetables; answering 80 G.K. questions; and singing the National Anthem at the age of 3 years and 4 months, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Ayush Maity (born on January 18, 2020) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying English alphabet with words, 8 flowers, 9 vehicles, 10 vegetables, 9 fruits, 9 birds, 10 domestic animals, 8 wild animals, numbers from 1-10, 11 parts of the body, 6 national symbols; reciting the days of the week, months in a year and 6 seasons at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on December 10, 2022.
Bivan Kundu (born on June 16, 2018) of Durgapur, West Bengal, is appreciated for reading 2 pages of a story ‘Angry River’ fluently, 5 nursery rhymes from a book, 1 story from ‘Good night story book’, 2 pages of a story ‘Thumbelina’, 1 story ‘The Crab and the Crane; acting and dancing on 2 nursery rhymes at the age of 4 years and 6 months, as confirmed on December 20, 2022.
(born on June 6, 2020) of Ernakulam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 12 letters of the English alphabet, 21 animals, 14 bathroom items, 35 bedroom items, 11 colours, 35 food items, 17 fruits, 24 kitchen items, 19 makeup items, 13 great personalities, 11 toys, 16 vegetables, 6 vehicles, 23 vessels, 16 parts of the body; and reciting numbers from 1-10 at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Aarja Jagath (born on December 6, 2018) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting the names of all the 28 Indian states, 14 districts of Kerala, 7 continents, 7 colours of the rainbow, 15 national symbols, 8 planets, 14 shapes, 20 parts of the body, 20 professionals; identifying 16 flowers, 16 vegetables, 16 birds, 16 fruits, 35 animals and 25 social media icons at the age of 4 years, as confirmed on December 9, 2022.
Muhammad Kunhi Koya (born on January 4, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting the English alphabet from A-Z; counting numbers from 1-10 in English and Hindi; identifying 8 colours; spelling the names
Doleswar Meher (born on November 9, 2020 ) of Naupada, Odisha, is appreciated for answering 7 relations, 11 parts of the body, alternate numbers (from 1 to 20), 7 national symbols, months in a year, days of the week, hours, minutes and seconds, his address, corresponding words of the alphabet (from A to Z); singing the National Anthem; counting numbers from 1 to 15; identifying 11 words of Hindi Varnamala, 15 animals and 10 vegetables at the age of 2 years and 20 days, as confirmed on November 29, 2022.
S. Keerthi (born on August 7, 2009) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for uploading 1,859 quotes on ‘My Quotes’ app from May 26, 2021, to November 20, 2022, at the age of 13 years and 4 months, as confirmed on
Darshith Dev D. (born on September 29, 2017) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 parts of the body, 15 animals, 38 car logos, 15 vehicles; recalling the capitals of 28 Indian states, 15 national symbols; reciting the names of 15 presidents, 14 PMs, 7 continents, 5 oceans, 12 CMs & 14 districts of Kerala, 13 parts of a computer, months in a year; and numbers from 1-10 in 5 languages at the age of 5 years and 3 months, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
Rithvin S. (born on January 6, 2021) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying and recalling the names of 27 professionals, 42 birds, 36 insects, 16 dances, 20 shapes, 12 musical instruments, 43 fruits, 34 vehicles, 53 tools, 46 kitchen items, 175 general items, 12 brands, 14 colours, 19 deities, 14 flowers, 10 monuments, numbers from 1-10, 76 animals and 8 young ones; and expressing 22 emotions at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on December 31, 2022.
Padhan (born on March 30, 2020) of Jharsuguda, Odisha, is appreciated for reciting months in a year, days of the week, 38 rhymes, 7 colours of the rainbow, 8 planets, 4 seasons; recalling English & Hindi alphabetical words, 10 national symbols; identifying numbers from 1-50, 30 parts of the body, 16 shapes, 7 places of worship, 12 festivals, 10 actions, 13 professionals, 53 animals, 22 birds, 17 vehicles, 24 vegetables, 20 fruits and 20 flowers at the age of 2 years and 8 months, as confirmed on December 27, 2022.
Anirvedh J. (born on September 17, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 16 wild animals, 18 domestic animals, 26 general items, 8 vegetables, 9 shapes, 10 fruits, 13 actions, English alphabetical words; and solving a puzzle at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on December 7, 2022.
Fathima Shibina OP (born on June 29, 2008) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for writing 8 different Arabic works including Kun fayakun, Subhan Allah, Alhamdulillah, Hasbunall ahu ni’mal wakeel, Fabi ayyi alai rabbikuma tukazziban and others in beautiful calligraphy styles at the age of 14 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
Razeem V. (born on September 22, 2019) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 12 scientists, 12 Nobel Prize winners, 5 freedom fighters, 20 musical instruments, flags of 20 countries, 10 birds, 10 animals, 16 fruits, 15 vegetables, 12 vehicles; recalling the names of 13 famous personalities, names of months in Arabic and English, 14 districts of Kerala, days of the week in Malayalam and English; and answering 5 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 11 months, as confirmed on September 15, 2022.
Prithvi A. Mohan (born on May 10, 2010) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for solving a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube in 57 seconds, at the age of 12 years and 8 months, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
PS. Vivin Prasan
October 7, 2020) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 28 car logos in 2 minutes at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Madhav Vivek (born on June 19, 2021) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 12 vehicles, 5 festivals, 10 wild animals, 10 domestic animals, 9 water animals, 31 random items, 10 parts of the body and 7 flowers; recalling English alphabetical words at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on December 24, 2022.
I. D. Mihiran (born on November 18, 2020) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 27 national leaders, flags of 27 countries, 25 professions, 25 inventions and their inventors, 27 actions, 64 miscellaneous items; reciting 4 English rhymes, 30 parts of the body, days of the week; and arranging 5 different puzzles, at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on December 10, 2022.
Gokapai Naina (born on July 22, 2018) of Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 16 countries, 14 colours, 53 animals; reciting English alphabet from A to Z with their corresponding words; mentally solving 14 (double digit) addition sums, at the age of 4 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Teo Alex Thomas (born on April 28, 2021) of Pathanamthitta, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 3 vegetables, 8 household items, 4 aquatic animals, 4 vehicles, 4 toys, 4 fruits, 5 food items and 4 kitchen items at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
S. Shaan Vihaan (born on August 7, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reciting four states of matter, 8 planets, 5 elements of nature and 4 new elements, an explanation about the water cycle; and recalling the names of 26 superhero by their weapons at the age of 5 years and 3 months, as confirmed on November 23, 2022.
Yuvan Mohanty (born on September 20, 2018) of Jajpur, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying 7 shapes; recalling 10 national symbols, 3 famous personalities; reciting 8 planets, 28 Indian states, 30 districts of Odisha, Gayatri Mantra; counting numbers from 1 to 10 with spellings; and mimicking the sounds of 6 animals at the age of 4 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 18, 2023.
Y. Tyson Benjamin (born on November 4, 2020) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 26 animals, 10 insects, 11 birds, 13 fruits, 17 vehicles, 18 vegetables, 10 celestial bodies, 9 food items, 10 shapes, 10 sea animals, 10 colours, 36 general items; reciting days of the week, months in a year, 8 planets and English alphabetical words at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 6, 2023.
Ganvitha Nayaki R. (born on June 1, 2021) of Chitradurga, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 31 animals, 15 fruits, 8 vegetables, 6 famous personalities, 32 household items, 10 parts of the body and 15 vehicles at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on December 21, 2022.
Syha Hyzin C. (born on June 21, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 14 parts of the body, 7 animals, 5 Indian states, 6 vehicles, 29 objects, 9 fruits, 6 shapes, 5 natural resources, 6 insects, 5 birds and 7 vegetables at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on November 12, 2022.
Aarav Kumar Sahoo (born on May 19, 2021) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 7 vehicles, 8 birds, 7 toys, 15 animals, 12 vegetables; recalling English alphabetical words; and imitating the sounds of 9 animals and 9 birds at the age of 1 year and 7 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
(born on June 30, 2020) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 colours, the letters of the English alphabet, 10 shapes, 10 vehicles, 10 animals, 15 fruits, 8 vegetables; counting numbers from 1 to 10, at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on December 27, 2022.
Anagha K. (born on December 20, 2016) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for performing 51 Asamyukta and Samyukta hasta mudras (single and double hand gestures of Bharatanatyam dance) in 27 seconds and 14 milliseconds, at the age of 6 years, as confirmed on January 19, 2023.
Ishaan S. Manu (born on September 17, 2020) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting one poem; recalling letters of the English alphabet with their corresponding pictures, days of the week, colours of the rainbow, 5 national animals, counting from 1 to 15; identifying 10 colours, 15 vehicles, 42 animals, 8 sea animals, 12 parts of the body, 25 fruits, 18 vegetables, 8 birds, 5 insects; mimicking the sounds of 8 animals; and answering 10 G.K. questions at the months, as confirmed on
Vaanya Upadhyay (born on November 3, 2020) of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, is appreciated for identifying 26 professionals, 17 animals, 19 birds, 10 colours, 9 shapes, 22 action words and flags of 50 countries at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Azra KM (born on July 30, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 18 animals, 12 birds, 10 vegetables, 9 fruits, 9 vehicles, 10 colours, 22 famous personalities,14 parts of the body; reciting counting from 1 to 10 and 2 rhymes at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Muhammed Siyad T. C.
30, 2017 ) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the names of 12 vegetables,11 domestic animals,12 wild animals, 12 birds, 12 parts of the human body, 12 vehicles and 12 fruits at the age of 5 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
(born on November 7, 2017) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting 15 Sanskrit shlokas in 3 minutes and 9 seconds at the age of 5 years and 1 month, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Laasyavi T. K. (born on September 7, 2020) of Chikkamagaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 3 lights of the traffic signal, 6 human organs, 20 vehicles, 15 parts of the body, 20 animals, 18 fruits, 12 vegetables, 80 household items; recalling letters of the English alphabet; and arranging the Chess pieces
Abir Pandey (born on April 27, 2018) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for solving the Brainvita game in 2 minutes and 3 seconds at the age of 4 years and 8 months, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
(born on July 15, 2019) of Dharwad, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 9 musical instruments, 10 flowers, 8 famous personalities, 9 colours, 9 vehicles, 15 vegetables, 10 birds, 15 animals, 15 fruits, 17 parts of the body, 14 letters of Kannada alphabet; reciting the Hanuman Chalisa, days of the week, months in a year (English and Kannada),13 shlokas, 8 English and 3 Kannada rhymes; recalling 5 national symbols; answering 3 G.K. questions; and writing letters of the alphabet from A to Z at the age of 3 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 19, 2023.
K. Muhammad Azlan (born on June 18, 2020) of Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reciting the Qur’an surah and duas, Arabic alphabet, English alphabet with words, numbers from 1-50 in English and 1-20 in Hindi; having knowledge of basic Mathematics; identifying 8 shapes, 11 colours, 15 fruits, 40 animals, 20 parts of the body; performing 12 actions; expressing 8 emotions; and imitating the sounds of 18 animals at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on December 26, 2022.
R. Raguram (born on April 27, 2021) of Theni, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 8 vehicles, 35 animals, 50 household items, 12 parts of the body, 7 colours, 15 food items, letters of the English alphabet; reciting 2 nursery rhymes; and counting numbers from 1 to 10 at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on December 31, 2022.
Aathvik Kavin (born on August 7, 2020) of Vellore, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for translating from English to Tamil the names of 33 animals, 26 fruits, 23 birds, 15 trees, 10 flowers, 18 vegetables, 10 shapes, 15 insects, 19 parts of the body, 8 types of energy; identifying 24 musical instruments and 26 letters of English alphabet with their corresponding words; answering 107 general knowledge questions, at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Zama Mehrin (born on April 27, 2021) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 8 planets, 15 vegetables, 15 vehicles, 15 fruits, 15 birds and 15 animals at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Aadi Jain (born on June 1, 2020) of Ajmer, Rajasthan, is appreciated for identifying and reciting 26 letters of the English alphabet, numbers 1-30 , 27 fruits, 26 vegetables, 27 vehicles, 26 parts of the body, 35 animals, 14 colours, 14 shapes, 15 national leaders, 20 flowers, 12 celestial bodies, 25 actions, 24 professionals, 22 birds, 18 countries’ flags, 15 musical instruments, 24 food items, 27 types of equipment, 7 wonders of the world, days of the week and 9 rhymes, at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on December 15, 2022.
Nrinoyi Sudheesh (born on January 14, 2019) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for reading and writing numbers from 1 to 100,000 (one to one lakh) in words and numerals; solving addition sums up to 5-digit numbers; writing multiplication tables from 1 to 12; recalling spelling of 7 days, 12 months, 20 fruits, 10 vegetables, 15 animals and 10 stationery items at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Abhineet Kumar Maurya (born on September 8, 2001) of Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh, is appreciated for undertaking the Kedarkantha Peak trek in the Himalayas (at a height of 12,500 ft.) on November 19, 2022 at the age of 21 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Chethan M. (born on October 14, 2019) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for recalling the names of 15 scientists, 31 shapes, 10 Sarvagna Vachanagalu in Kannada, 8 Kannada Jnanpith awardees, 15 national symbols, 114 animals and 30 young ones, 50 birds, 45 fruits, 50 vegetables, 32 vehicles, 16 Kannada first; reciting 15 English rhymes, 23 Kannada poems, 13 Sanskrit shlokas; identifying 15 freedom fighters and 10 slogans at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 18, 2023.
Junaid Alam (born on February 18, 2020) of Birbhum, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 10 parts of the body, 19 vehicles, 38 animals, 55 birds, letters of the Bengali and English alphabets, 21 freedom fighters, flags of 27 countries, 15 shapes and 15 colours at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Muhammed Aneesh P (born on April 21, 1998) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for performing 45 hand clap push-ups in 30 seconds, as confirmed on December 8, 2022.
Sasmita Sutar (born on November 22, 2000) of Bhadrak, Odisha is appreciated for writing an Odia poem titled ‘Shikshya’ in the magazine Suryodaya in the year 2019. This poem highlights the
humanity, as confirmed on
(born on May 18, 2021) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 parts of the body, 5 fruits, 8 vegetables, 10 animals, 4 vehicles and 4 home appliances at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on
Guruveda S. Rasvin (born on July 3, 2015) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting the names of all the 28 Indian states and their capitals blindfolded in 23 seconds and 55 milliseconds at the age of 7 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
V.S.Yagyesh Kumar (born on April 12, 2020) of Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 5 electronic items, 9 shapes, 14 fruits, 16 animals, 12 vehicles, 7 insects, 10 food items, 33 general items, 22 parts of the body, 14 vegetables, 11 professions, 12 colours, 12 medical instruments; reciting numbers from 1 to 10, months in a year (in English and Tamil); recalling the names of 5 Pandavas and 12 letters of Tamil alphabet at the age of 2 years and 8 months, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
Aadhya L. (born on October 12, 2020) of Shivamogga, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 22 animals (wild, domestic, sea), 9 colours, 10 fruits, 15 parts of the body, names of 5 chemicals, 7 professionals, 8 dance forms, 10 famous personalities, 12 vegetables, 12 birds, flags of 10 countries, 11 flowers, 11 vehicles, 12 sports, 15 miscellaneous objects, 5 national symbols; and imitating the sounds of 3 animals and birds at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on August 23, 2022.
Shahina Manaf (born on July 18, 1998) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for her calligraphic skills. She wrote 99 names of Almighty Allah (Asmaul Husna) in her beautiful calligraphic writing on a sheet of paper, as confirmed on December 29, 2022.
V. Shivanya (born on December 31, 2019) of Vellore, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for solving 13 jigsaw puzzles (211 pieces) on domestic animals, pet animals and forest images in 28 minutes and 50 seconds, at the age of 2 years and 11 months, as confirmed on December 23, 2022.
Swara M. A. (born on July 10, 2021) of Ballari, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 5 birds, 10 parts of the body, 7 vehicles, 10 fruits, 8 vegetables, 3 insects, 20 animals; and performing 3 actions at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Ameya Vijay (born on April 10, 2017) of Palakkad, Kerala is appreciated for identifying 70 parts of a human body in 30 seconds by looking at their pictures on a computer screen, years and 8 months, December 14, 2022.
Syed Azeem Khadar (born on January 6, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 10 professions, 10 fruits, 10 colours, flags of 10 countries, 10 parts of the body, 10 animals, 21 vehicles, 10 vegetables, 5 national
G.S.Bharathan (born on December 19, 2020) of Theni, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 10 domestic animals, 10 wild animals, 5 household items, 5 fruits, 9 parts of the body, 10 vehicles and letters of the English alphabet from A to Z at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Priyanshu Behera (born on September 10, 2020) of Khordha, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying letters of the English alphabet with words, 8 places of worship, 17 parts of the body, 11 festivals, 68 animals, 25 birds, 8 helpers, 23 fruits, 27 vegetables, 22 vehicles, 23 flowers, 14 great leaders; recalling 8 opposite words, 16 national symbols; reciting 5 rhymes, names of 28 Indian states, 6 seasons and 4 mantras at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Ehaan Zaidi (born on September 1, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for naming 64 countries (31 European, 22 Asian, 5 South American, 4 North American, Australia and New Zealand) and placing their flags on a world map; identifying 10 colours, 20 farm animals, 20 fruits, 20 vehicles, 10 shapes, 10 opposites (antonyms), 10 professions; and counting numbers from 1-10 at the
Mubeena K.P. (born on February 10, 2004) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for making 7 drawings on sheets of paper, using a pencil for shading, as confirmed on December 7, 2022.
Babubhai Manilal Desai (born on June 2, 1963) of Surat, Gujarat, is appreciated for walking 2,39,373 steps in 21 hours, 6 minutes and 24 seconds. He started his
Sahala Abdul Kalam (born on April 6, 2002) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for making miniature 40 miniature watercolour paintings (each measuring 1.5 cm x 1.5), as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Bijoy K. (born on December 26, 2000) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for clicking a photograph of innumerable hawks flocking on the sea shore, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Akshita Changkakoti (born on July 15, 2011) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for authoring two fiction books titled ‘The Unbeatable Friends:The Defeat of Evil’ (ISBN: 97988-89095-25-5) and ‘Mimi’s Magical Adventures’ (ISBN:97988-87495-09-5) published by Notion Press. The book titled ‘The Unbeatable Friends: The Defeat of Evil’ consists of 39 chapters and the book Mimi’s Magical Adventures’ is about a girl who goes on adventures to different of her magical friends, as
Aryan Ghosal (born on October 26, 2019) of Hooghly, West Bengal is appreciated for reciting counting from 1 to 100 in 1 minute and 7 seconds at the age of 3 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Dhanjay Jayamohan (born on March 26, 2013) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 193 countries (UN recognised), with their capitals and respective continents, in 8 minutes and 6 seconds at the age of 9 years and 8 months, as confirmed on December 13, 2022.
S.K. Jaish Hossen (born on January 10, 2019) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for recalling the capitals of all the 28 Indian states, capitals of 28 countries, places of 7 monuments, multiplication tables of 1 to 5; identifying 5 places of worship and 12 famous personalities at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on November 26, 2022.
Sohitri Mondal (born on June 10, 2020) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for reciting 31 rhymes and songs, English and Bengali alphabet with words, Preamble of Indian Constitution in English and Bengali; recalling 68 antonyms, capitals of 28 Indian states and 8 union territories, 60 inventors, 77 famous identifying 40 animals and shapes, 16 vegetables, 20 the age of 2 years and 5 on December 7, 2022.
(born on July 21, 2020) of Hisar, Haryana, is appreciated for reciting the Gayatri Mantra, months in a year, days of the week, one poem; recalling the capitals of 17 Indian states; counting from 1 to 11; identifying English alphabetical words; and answering 9 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Atandra Narayan Bag (born on November 11, 1999) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for completing a motorcycle expedition to the world’s highest lake. He started his expedition from Kanchrapara (West Bengal) on December 20, 2021, covered a distance of 792 km and reached Gurudongmar Lake (at a height of 17,800 ft) on December 23, 2021, as confirmed on December 29, 2022.
K. Naomika (born on February 9, 2018) of Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 89 logos of multiple brands in one minute, at the age of 4 years and 10 months, as
Vadapalli Rehanshi Taneira (born on February 4, 2021) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 23 parts of the body, 7 fruits, 15 animals, 5 birds; recalling letters of the alphabet from A to Z; and counting numbers from 1 to 10 at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Amay Krishna (born on October 12, 2017) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for placing the countries on their respective positions on the map; identifying the flags of 63 countries; and recalling the capitals of 39 countries at the age of 5 years, as confirmed on November 2, 2022.
Aaradhya Praveen (born on March 16, 2016) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting 14 shlokas of the 3rd chapter of the Bhagavad Gita (‘Karma Yoga’) in 6 minutes and 4 seconds in Sanskrit language at the age of 6 years and 8 months, as confirmed on December 7, 2022.
N.M. Jaiganesh (born on February 21, 2020) Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for recalling English alphabet in forward and backward order; counting numbers from 1 to 10; identifying 15 fruits, 12 vegetables, 13 pet animals, 15 vehicles, at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on December 24, 2022.
Dhanush Srinivas Sanjaykumar (born on January 11, 2018) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for solving 38 addition sums, 35 subtraction sums, 25 multiplication sums, 35 division sums, 24 missing numbers up to 7 digits, 24 odd numbers, 22 even numbers, squares from 1 to 40, forward and backward counting up to 9 digits, greater and less than up to 7 digits, tables from 1 to 20 and tens table from 10 to 1000 at the age of 4 years and 11 months, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Jogendra Nath (born on January 1, 1968) of Kamrup, Assam, is appreciated for authoring 400 e-books on Assamese songs and uploading on Monmandir Prakashan, as confirmed on December 6, 2022.
Sadique Ahamed Kakkottakath Valappil (born on March 3, 1990) of Taliparamba, Kerala (now residing in Abu Dhabi, Dubai) is appreciated for completing a Marathon. He completed the Adnoc Abu Dhabi Marathon in 4 hours, 13 seconds and 31 milliseconds on December 17, 2022 while wearing a helmet and a blue suit, as confirmed on December 23, 2022.
Kamesh Murugesan (born on February 12, 2003) of Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for completing a motorcycle expedition from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. He started his journey from Kashmir on December 28, 2022 and completed it at Kanyakumari on January 6, 2023, covering a distance of 3,700 km in 9 days at the age of 19 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Joydeep Bhattacharjee (born on December 9, 1979) of Agartala, Tripura, is appreciated for teaching and training students in Art wherein 21 received the National Award for national level art competitions from 2007 to 2022, organised by the Ministry of Power (Government of India), as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Milan Pravinlal Fofaria (born on December 20, 1978) of Vadodara, Gujarat, is appreciated for completing an expedition by a four wheeler, along with his friend. They started their drive from Vadodara on September 30, 2022 at 12:00 pm and reached Atal Tunnel on October 1, 2022 at 11:58 am, covering a distance of 1505 km in 23 hours and 58 minutes in a Mahindra XUV 500, as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Vivek Ganjoo (born on November 24, 1968) of Delhi, is appreciated for completing 4,659 km in 200 half marathons (21.09 km each) from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Shahra Munavara P. (born on November 29. 2000) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for writing 30 baby names in Arablc calligraphy in 2 minutes and 58 seconds on a sheet of paper using
Shaanvin Riju (born on July 30, 2016) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for performing 3 types of fights (30 seconds each): 49 double hand lower fights/ punches, 50 double hand upper fights/punches, 45 double hand middle fights/punches along with meditation and other types of Karate punches and exercises at the age of 6 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Vishal Virbhadra Sutar (born on May 19, 2004) of Osmanabad, Maharashtra, is appreciated for beautifully making 3 pictures of Hindu gods including Lord Rama, Lord Krishna and Lord Ganesha, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Arushi Pradhan (born on April 2, 2020) of Hooghly, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 12 letters of Bengali alphabet; recalling 7 national symbols, 2 famous personalities; translating in Hindi 4 flowers, 10 fruits, 10 birds, 7 vegetables, 6 insects, 16 animals, 9 colours; reciting 11 rhymes, months in a year, 6 seasons, days of the week, 4 directions, 5 sense organs and 14 parts of the body at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Shashvat Dhiman (born on October 17, 2013) of Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, is appreciated for using Vedic Maths techniques
Jonnala Sreethan Karthikeya (born on August 10, 2020) of Kamareddy, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 25 vegetables, 20 parts of the body, 25 animals, 8 flowers, 11 colours, 25 fruits, 12 birds, 18 apps, 50 numbers, English and Telugu alphabet with phonics; reciting days of the week and months in a year in English and Telugu and numbers from 1-30 in Telugu at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on January 3, 2023.
Sathwik T. S. (born on December 4, 2019) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting numbers from 1-14 (in English), numbers from 1-10 (in Malayalam), months in a year (in English and Malayalam), 8 planets, 7 continents, 28 Indian states, 14 districts of Kerala, days of the week in Malayalam; identifying 9 colours, 16 vehicles, 17 birds, 35 animals, 16 fruits, 16 vegetables, 11 parts of the body; and answering 7 G.K. questions at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Bhuvaansh B. V. (born on February 8, 2021) of Kolar, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying the English alphabetical words, 13 accessories, 18 action words, 27 birds, 72 animals and 26 young ones, 7 wonders of the world, 43 vehicles, 16 parts of the body, 27 freedom fighters, 12 hospital items, 10 musical instruments, 13 bathroom items, 9 deities and 8 good habits at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
Praise Adonai S. A. (born on December 2, 2020) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 15 famous personalities, 34 animals, 22 vegetables, 20 vehicles, 22 parts of the body, 13 birds, 23 food items, 18 insects, 22 aquatic animals, 17 fruits, letters of the alphabet from A to Z and their corresponding words, 84 pictures; reciting 3 nursery rhymes; answering 13 G.K. questions; counting numbers from 1 to 15; and performing 17 actions at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on November 30, 2022.
Hana Fathima T.C. (born on December 30. 2010) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for making 25 drawings with oil pastels including peacock and sceneries on nature at the age of 11 years and 10 months, as confirmed on November 26, 2022.
Rakshan Kariparambil Ranjith (born on April 9, 2010) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for tapping the Table Tennis ball continuously with a Table Tennis bat 163 times in one minute at the age of 12 years and 8 months, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Samruddhi Sahu (born on April 19, 2020) of Balangir, Odisha, is appreciated for recalling 9 national symbols, 8 opposite words, uses of 6 body parts; reciting Gayatri mantra, months, days of the week, 4 vedas, 8 planets, 4 directions, numbers from 1-20; performing 13 actions; identifying 12
Nijo John (born on September 26, 1998) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for travelling 46,120 km by walking, cycling and driving from January 2022 to December 2022, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Kiyansh Srihari (born on June 29, 2021) of K.V. Rangareddy, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 7 shapes, 7 household items, 15 vehicles, 7 animals; reciting numbers from 1-15 in Telugu and 1-10 in English; and imitating the sounds of 7 animals at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Mitravinda P. A. (born on October 17, 2018) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 16 vehicles, 6 dry fruits, 19 fruits, 22 animals, 18 vegetables, 11 shapes, 8 insects, 8 actions; recalling 27 parts of the body, 8 planets, 14 districts of Kerala; counting numbers 1 to 10 (Hindi), numbers 2 to 50 (English); singing the National Anthem and National song; reciting 11 rhymes (English), 5 rhymes (Malayalam), at the age of 4 years and 1 month, as confirmed on December 9, 2022.
(born on November 2, 2020) of Kolkata, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 14 colours, 20 letters of Bengali alphabet, 10 actions; recalling months in a year, days of the week; reciting 4 mantras and 3 Bengali rhymes; counting numbers from 1 to 10; and blowing a big balloon at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 13, 2023.
Deekshith M.K. (born on March 14, 2016) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 195 UN recognised countries in 2 minutes, at the age of 6 years and 9 months, as confirmed on
Nidhishree H. Patil (born on November 27, 2019) of Yadgir, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 3 professionals, 8 insects, 5 colours, 13 fruits, 10 birds, 13 vehicles, 22 animals, 20 parts of the body; recalling 5 national symbols; reciting 2 shlokas; and counting numbers from 1 to 10 at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
One Month Online Cer t if icat ion Training on (Ear th Therapy) Zero Volt Therapy
• What is electromagnetic force/EMF?
• Histor y & Chemistr y of EMF.
• EMF & human health.
• Direct correlation bet ween EMF & Lifest yle Diseases.
• What is ear thing?
• Evidence of reversal of lifest yle diseases through ear thing.
• How to construct an ‘Ear thing Tool at Home’?
• Step by step ear thing methods for various lifest yle diseases.
• DIY (Do It Yourself)
‘Ear thing Tool Kit’.
• Correcting your circadian rhy thm.
Mode of Training: Take -Home Material: Online DIY ear thing t ool ki t
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