Zero Volt Therapy Kit
Ÿ Foot Mat (19 x 12 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Bedsheet (75 x 36 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Copper connecting wristband
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Yoga Mat (74 x 30 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (2 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
To stay disease free, one needs to be grounded with the mother Earth most of the time. In urban cities, it seems difficult to achieve this target. With the invention of Zero volt bedsheet and mats, one can be grounded even while sleeping & sitting at home.
कवर स्ोऱी
उद्यतमिा और रोजगार सृजन
के अरसर पर 5100 वकलो लिचडी महथाप्रसथाद बनथायथा गयथा।
के ब़ीच
रफी के ग़ीिों का मैराथन
पथाश्व्व-गथायक मोहम्मद रफी के गीतों के नॉन-स्ॉप
ससवगग मैरथाथन कथा कीवतमथान मुंबई, महथारथाष्ट्र के संगीत
प्रेमी रीएस रथािपुरकर ने स्थावपत वकयथा है। इसके
ललए, अमरथाई ररजॉर, अलीबथाग, महथारथाष्ट्र में 24 गथायकों
ने लगथातथार 24 घंर तक गीत गथाए।
कथा सबसे छोरथा कोस्व
हिथार कवरतथाओं कथा उत्सर
सबसे देर तक नॉन-स्ॉप वरिफफ्टग
सथामूवहक सूय्व नमस्थार
मन को पढ़ने की कलथा है मेंरललज्म
कीलों के ऊपर वबनथा रुके नृत्य
सुरलषित गि्वपथात के ललए अवियथान
सबसे लंबथा एकल प्रदश्वन
सबसे कम उम्र कथा सुपर रैंरोवनयर
ससलम्म के ललए सरराधिक स्वण्व
सवागर एआर, फवालसल अशरफ
मध्य प्रदेि अंवतम कुमवार जैन
महािाष्ट्र बिस्वदीप रॉय चौधरी, ननखिलेश सवािरकर, डॉ. मनोज तत्वादी, डॉ. सुननतवा धोते, रेिवा लसह, नवागेंद्र लसह, बदलीप मवाने, सीमवा मलणकोथे, डॉ. चचत्वा जैन
उड़तीसा बिभूवत िवाबरक
पंजाब ककरण कौर जंड
िाजस्ान भुिनेश मथुबरयवा, रवाजलक्षी चौधरी
शसक्किम सोनी विददी
तममलनाड वििेक नवायर, कवितवा जैन, फ्कललन हवािडमा दवास
तेलंगाना िसुधवा अशोक, सुनीतवा आयमा, रवाममोहन रेड्डी,
गणपति मंत्र का सामूहिक पाठ
आध्ाततमक गुरु श्ी श्ी रविशंकर द्ारा स्ाधपत आर्ट ऑफ लिविंग फाउंडेशन ने 3 फरिरी, 2023 को सू््टकांत काकड फाम्ट, कोथरुड
हुए और उनहोंने धमिकर गणेश अथि्टशीर मंत्र का जाप वक्ा। गणपवत
श्ी रविशंकर के िकतों सवहत अधिकांश प्रवतिावग्ों ने पहि से ही अपने नाम का पंजीकरण
और एलश्ा बुक ऑफ ररकॉड्टस में गररमापूण्ट स्ान धमिा है।
एक ही स्थान पर गणेश अथर्वशीर कथा पथाठ
करने रथालों की अधिकतम संख्था कथा ररकॉर
पुणे, महथारथाष् के आर ऑफ ललवरंग फथाउंरेशन
द्थारथा स्थावपत कक यथा गयथा, लिसमें वरविन्न आयु
रग्व के कुल 54,560 लोगों ने मंत्र कथा िथाप
कक यथा।
नशा-मुक्त भार ि का
रैपर बादशाह और कॉमेधड्न कधपि शमा्ट के साथ शपथ िेकर देशव्यापी आंदोिन की शुरुआत की। शपथ में 'ना करेंगे ना करने देंगे'
और 'नो ड्रगस - नॉर फॉर मी, नॉर फॉर अदस्ट' जैसे संकलप शाधमि थे। िकताओं ने कहा, "नशीि पदाथ्ट िािनातमक स्स्रता, सिास्् और एक पूरी पीढी के संबंिों को नटि करने का जोखखम पैदा करते हैं। हम जोखखम
को कम करना चाहते हैं। हम चाहते हैं वक कॉिेज के छात्र नशीिी
में शाधमि होने का सौिाग् धमिा। िारती् सांसकवतक संबंि परररद (आईसीसीआर)
5100 ककलो खिचड़ी का प्रसाद
के दौरान चािि और मूंग से बने एक व्यंजन के रूप में खखचडी का उलिेख वक्ा था। खखचडी का िण्टन
िहां मौजूद मीधड्ा को
बता्ा वक खखचडी बनाने का
धपछिा ररकॉड्ट 3100 वकिो का
था। इस अिसर
खखिाडी हैं। इसके अिािा, िह 2013, 2016 और 2018 में तीन बार एफआईए एलश्ापैलसवफक रैिी चैसपि्नलशप (एपीआरसी) जीतने िाि पहि िारती् ड्राइिर हैं। उनहोंने िारती् राष्ट्री् रैिी चैसपि्नलशप (आईएनआरसी) में चौपवह्ा श्णी में 7 खखताबों के साथ सबसे अधिक चैंधप्नलशप
के परीक्षण ट्क हैं। इनहीं में से एक डा्नेधमक पिेरफॉम्ट है, भजसका उप्ोग ररकॉड्ट
कार को सुरभक्षत रखने के लिए रा्रों के दस सेर ि लिए गए। आखखरकार 4 फरिरी, 2023 को शूर की ्ोजना बनाई गई और एक ही ददन में ररकॉड्ट बनाते हुए धमशन पूरा हो ग्ा।
पॉिरधड्रफर सरूधड्ोज रीम और गौरि वगि के अिािा, इस प्र्ास को सफि बनाने में कई और िी िोग शाधमि रहे, जैसे
उद्यतमिा और रोजगार
वकए गए प्रमुख शहरों में पुणे, औरंगाबाद, जिगांि, नालसक, िापी, सूरत, निसारी, िडू़च, िडोदरा, अहमदाबाद, इंदौर, उज्न, रतिाम, उद्पुर, जोिपुर, िीििाडा, अजमेर, ब्ािर, वकशनगढ, ज्पुर, अििर, फरीदाबाद, गुरुग्राम, रोहतक, सोनीपत, पानीपत, करनाि, पदर्ािा, संगरूर, िुधि्ाना, जाििर, जममू, चंडीगढ, लशमिा, अंबािा, ्मुनानगर, देहरादून, हररद्ार, मुजफफरनगर, गाभज्ाबाद, नोएडा, आगरा, कानपुर, िखनऊ, प्र्ागराज, िाराणसी, परना, लसिीगुडी, गुिाहारी, कोिकाता, िनबाद, रांची, जमशेदपुर, राउरके िा, संबिपुर, रा्पुर, भििाई, विशाखापत्तनम, विज्िाडा, हैदराबाद, बेलिारी, बेंगिुरु, िेलिोर, चेन्नई, सिेम, इरोड, वतरुपुर, को्ंबरूर, वत्रशूर, कोझीकोड, कन्नूर, मंगिुरु, उडुपी, गोिा,
रब्लूरीओ के वरकथास की सवमवत ने ‘आईसीएआई एमएसएमई यथात्रथा र सेतु’ अवियथान के दौरथान अधिकतम शहरों में एमएसएमई प्रोग्थाम क रर करने
कथा ररकॉर बनथायथा।
कोलहापुर, सांगिी, सतारा, ठाणे, निी मुंबई, कल्ाण, डोंवबििी और मुंबई शाधमि हैं।
का््टक्रम को एमएसएमई
रफी के ग़ीिों का
ग्रेजुएशन वक्ा था। संगीत से उनह बचपन से ही िगाि था और कॉिेज में िी का््टक्रम
श्कृधिांजलि देंगे। वफर 24 ददसंबर 2022 को, रफी साहब के जनमददन पर, 24 घंर नॉन-सरॉप म्ूभजक और 24 गा्कों के साथ 24 कैरेर प्ोर एंरररेनमेंर के बैनर ति न लसफ्ट ्ह सपना सच हुआ, बललक
विशाल मात्ा में वमलेट
की कुककंग
छोररयथा द्थारथा
आयोलित एक कथाय्वक्रम में प्रधसद्ध सेललवरिरी शेफ
वरष् मनोहर ने
धमिर मीि बांड सोनपरी-सेहत के प्रबंि वनदेशक महेंद् सुिार चंद् छोरर्ा ने इंधड्ा बुक ऑफ ररकॉड्टस पवत्रका को बता्ा वक बाजरा, जौ, रागी जैसे मोर अनाज फाइबर, प्रोरीन और एंरीऑस्कसडेंर के साथ कई सिास्् िािों के लिए जाने जाते हैं।
इनमें गिूरन नहीं होता और गिाइसेधमक इंडेकस िी
कम होता है, भजससे परहेज
से अधिक धमिर पकाने की कोलशश में हमारे सामने िीड प्रबंिन और िोजन वितरण जैसी चुनौवत्ां खडी हो गईं। हािांवक, एक समरपंत रीम और स्ानी् िोगों की मदद से
चुनौवत्ों पर काबू पा लि्ा ग्ा। का््टक्रम में नालसक के भजिाधिकारी, नालसक के संिागी् आ्ुकत, नालसक के नगर आ्ुकत, सांसद और स्ानी्
शाधमि हुए थे।
छोरर्ा एक कुशि नेतति िािी शस्खस्त हैं।
िह ्श ग्रुप ऑफ कंपनीज के चे्रमैन हैं। इस समूह
ने निीन विचारों और प्रिािशािी समािानों के साथ उद्ोग में अपनी
पहचान बनाई है। छोरर्ा की खेि िािना और एथिदरकस के लिए प्ार
िी वकसी से लछपा नहीं है। सोनपरी
िागर बांड के मालिक और आ्रन
मैन ऑसट्लि्ा (2019) का खखताब
शहर की दीवार पर वारली पेंटिग
करने के पीछे का मकसद था नारी शस्कत का प्रदश्टन करना और मवहिा सशस्कतकरण को बढािा देना। िारिी किा प्राचीन
काि में विशेर रूप से मवहिाओं
द्ारा की जाती थी; हािांवक, आजकि बहुत कम िारिी किाकार बचे हैं। किाककृवत बनाने का एक कारण जी20 लशखर
सममेिन िी था। औरंगाबाद नगर वनगम के उपा्ुकत सोमनाथ जािि की देखरेख में 17 फरिरी, 2023 को सुबह 10 बजे पेंटरंग प्रोजेकर
पब्लिक स्पीककग का सबसे छोटा कोस
एक न्ा अनुिि दद्ा।
प्रेमन का कहना है वक मेधडरेशन मन को वन्वत्रत करने और विचार प्रवक्र्ा को संतुलित रखने में महतिपूण्ट िधमका वनिाता है। कुछ सम्
तक ध्ान करने के बाद लशक्षाथवी अपने मन और पांचों इंदद््ों पर वन्ंत्रण रखना सीख जाते हैं। इस वन्ंत्रण का प्रिाि जादू पैदा करता है और स्ीकर के मन में दश्टकों के सामने िाइि बोिने का आतमविश्वास पैदा हो जाता है। मन पर वन्ंत्रण रखने की तकनीक
ि् दूर करती है और मंच पर आतमविश्वास
हजार ककिताओ का उत्सि
पर विशेर ध्ान दद्ा जाता है। उनकी कविताएं नई पीढ
लिए माग्टदश्टन और प्रेरणा का काम करती हैं, साथ ही उनमें मौजूदा सम् का दद्ट िी अच् से उकेरा ग्ा होता है। उत लिए िेखक को स्ानी् और राष्ट्री् सतर पर अनेक प्र
पदक और प्रशंसा पत्र धमि चुके हैँ। विभिन्न वि
करीब 24 पुसतकें प्रकालशत हुई हैं। उनकी
एक सत् कथा, गुमशुदा सावहत्, मासक 2020, श्
के साथ, प्राण धप्र्ा, अहा कविता, तसिीमा आदद के नाम विशेर रूप से उलिेखनी् हैं। उनकी हालि्ा वकताब - हज़ार कविताओं
का उतसि ने न लसफ्ट एक कीरतंमान
बना्ा है, बललक इसे मानद डॉकररेर उपाधि के लिए उनहोंने ि्ड्ट ररकॉड्ट ्वनिरसंरी को िी िेजा है।
चैतुआ एक सत् कथा वकताब
सबसे देर तक नॉन-स्ॉप
वकमी पर, एफ1 में सबसे िंबा
है, भजसके अंत में एक प्रमुख
ओिररवकंग वबंदु है। धपरिेन िी
एफ1 में सबसे िंबी 600 मीरर से
अधिक की है, जैसा वक धपर सरॉप
िािी अधिकांश रेसों में होता है।
सामूहहक सूर्य नमस्कार
(हाथ से पैर की मुद्ा), अश्व संचािनासन (घुडसिारी मुद्ा), दंडासन (छडी मुद्ा), अटिांग नमसकार (आठ अंगों के साथ नमसकार), िुजंगासन (कोबरा पोज), पि्टतासन (माउं रेन पोज), और ताडासन (सरचडंग ्ा पाम ट्ी पोज)।
महथारथाष् के सकथाल मीडरयथा समूह ने एक रथाज्य में
मन को पढ़ने की कला है
चेन्नई के मेंरललस् और कहप्ोडरस्
की सहमवत के वबना उसकी कोई व्यस्कतगत जानकारी प्रकर नहीं की। का््टक्रम पूण्ट होने पर, एलश्ा बुक
ऑफ ररकॉड्टस के वनणा्ट्क वििेक ना्र ने अरुण को एलश्ा बुक ऑफ ररकॉड्टस का प्रमाणपत्र और एक पदक देकर सममावनत वक्ा।
अरुण ने कहा, “मेंरलिजम अिौवकक मानलसक क्षमताओं का भ्रम पैदा करने की किा है भजसने दशकों से दश्टकों को आचि््ट
कीलों के ऊपर वबना
मुरुगन से ्ाचना करते हैं। ऐसा आमतौर पर वकसी धप्र्जन की ओर से वक्ा जाता है भजसे उपचार
तवमलनथार के िथारतीय कलथा र संस्कृ वत अनुसंिथान
एर प्रशशक्षण केंद्र ने तीन कलथाकथारों द्थारथा एक घंर
तक लगथातथार कीलों के तख् के ऊपर खड होकर
करथागम और कथारडी नत्य कथा सबसे लंबे समय तक
नॉन-स्ॉप प्रदश्वन करने
सुरक्षित गर्भपात
लिए अभ र यान
अििर, िरतपुर, िातूर, अकोिा, हैदराबाद, िागिपुर, मभणपाि और हसन शाधमि हैं। फेडरेशन
सुरशक्षत गि्वपथात कदरस पर
एफओिीएसआई-एमरीपी सवमवत की अध्यक्ष
(2021-2024), प्रो (रॉ) ऋचथा शमथा्व ने सुरशक्षत
गि्वपथात के ललए सबसे अधिक संख्था में अखखल िथारतीय िथागरूकतथा कथाय्वक्रम आयोलित करने कथा ररकॉर बनथायथा है।
की प्रेलकरस से संबंधित वनिारक ि धचवकतसी् सेिाओं को बढािा देना है। अंतरा्टष्ट्री्
सबसे लंबा एकल प्रदर्शन
ग्ा था। हािांवक, 1990 के दशक में उनहोंने िेखक के कोर के तहत राज्सिा (िारती् संसद के ऊपरी सदन) में नाधमत करने के सरकार के प्रसताि को असिीकार कर दद्ा था। साि 2022 में, उनहोंने आरएसएस पर एक पुसतक प्रकालशत की, भजसने अपनी सामग्री
गांि में हुआ था। उनहोंने
(्ा मैसुरु) में केंद्ी् िारती् िारा संस्ान (सीआईआईएि)
में काम वक्ा। ओदिािा के अिािा, उनकी अन् प्रमुख ककृवत्ों में द्ािनूरु, कुसुमा बािे, एडेगे वबड्डा अक्षरा, दे िनुरा महादे िा अिारा
ककृवतगाि और आरएसएस: आिा मट्टू
बाद मैं अजे् हो ग्ा था। मेरे ददमाग में के िि साइवकि होती थी। मैं वबना थके तेज साइवकि चिाना चाहता था।” ऑडैकस इंधड्ा रैंडोवन्स्ट के तहत बेिर्स नामक का््टक्रम आ्ोभजत होते हैं। एक सुपर रैंडोवन्र िह कहिाता है भजसने 200 वकमी, 300 वकमी, 400 वकमी और 600 वकमी के
से खुश ह।” उनहोंने आगे कहा, “मैंने सीवन्र िग्ट में धपछि तीन िरथों से प्रलशक्षण
relief in 2 steps
Step 1 Open the cap Step 2 Sniff the oil
The box contains:
• 2 Seconds Oil bottle • Cer tificate of Commitment
Fastest kid to recite 50 thirukkurals
The record for being the fastest to recite 50 thirukkurals was set by Tanvi Shanthosh (born on March 11, 2019) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She recited 50 thirukkurals in 2 minutes, 29 seconds and 68 milliseconds at the age of 3 years, 10 months and 21 days, as confirmed
Maximum flattened rice flakes used by a child to paint pictures
The record for using the maximum number of flattened rice flakes to paint pictures was set by Durga Ranjith (born on October 15, 2010) of Kollam, Kerala. She used 10 flattened rice flakes to paint 10 pictures including Lord Krishna, Sudama and Lord Ganesha, at the age of 12 years, 3 months and 12 days, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Fastest kid to recite Tamil poem Purananuru Thaai
The record for being the fastest to recite the Tamil poem Purananuru Thaai was set by J. Vidhushan (born on February 24, 2018) of Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu. He recited 63 lines of Dr. Kalaignar Karunanidhi's Purananuru Thaai from Sanga Tamil poem in 2 minutes and 33 seconds at the age of 4 years, 11 months and 20 days, as confirmed on February 13, 2023.
Maximum students painted the Indian flag to comemmorate Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav
The record for conducting the participation of the maximum number of students in painting the Indian flag to comemmorate Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav was set by Kalagram of Pune, Maharashtra. A total number of 80 students from Chandrakant Darode High School (classes VII to IX) individually painted the Indian national flag (total 80 flags were painted) in 7 minutes and 50 seconds on January 20, 2023 to commemorate Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav, as confirmed on January 28, 2023.
Fastest kid to identify one hundred sports
The record for being the fastest to identify one hundred sports was set by Vivaan Vinoth (born on February 14, 2019) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He identified 100 sports in 2 minutes, 3 seconds and 55 milliseconds by viewing their pictures on a laptop screen at the age of 3 years, 10 months and 8 days, as confirmed on December 22, 2022.
Fastest recitation of periodic table in reverse order by a child
The record for being the fastest to recite the periodic table in reverse order was set by M. Jeffrey Joseph (born on March 22, 2011) of Idukki, Kerala. He recited the names of all the 118 elements of the periodic table in reverse order in 35 seconds and 56 milliseconds at the age of 11 years, 10 months and 1 day, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Maximum colourful abstract paintings made on canvas by a toddler using acrylic fluid paint
The record for making the maximum number of colourful abstract paintings on canvas using acrylic fluid paint was set by Arhaan Sai Gourishetty (born on July 27, 2021) of Hyderabad,Telangana. He made 50 colourful abstract paintings on canvas sheets using different colours of acrylic fluid paint showcasing Sponge art, Bottle squeeze technique, Fork scrape technique, Wave effect with seashells, Race car track effect and other techniques, at the age of 1 year, 6 months and 3 days, as confirmed on January 30, 2023.
Smallest paper boat made by a child
The record for making the smallest paper boat was set by Santino Sabu (born on March 26, 2011) of Thrissur, Kerala. He made the smallest boat (measuring 2 mm in
Largest inverted portrait made by a child while performing Kuchipudi simultaneously
The record for making the largest inverted portrait while performing Kuchipudi dance simultaneously was set by Ch. Madhu Sreelatha (born on May 18, 2013) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. She performed Kuchipudi dance while simultaneously making an inverted portrait of Shree Pawan Kalyan Guru (measuring 2 feet x 3 feet) in 19 minutes, 16 seconds and 2 milliseconds at the age of 9 years, 8 months and 22 days, as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
Fastest kid to recite Morse codes of English alphabet
The record for being the fastest to recite Morse codes of the English alphabet was set by S.A. (born on June 17, 2017) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She recited the Morse Code of each letter of the English alphabet (from A to Z) in 17 seconds and 29 milliseconds at the age of 5 years, 6 months and 24 days, as confirmed on January 10,
Oldest to lead microlight aircrafts formation flying expedition
The record for being the oldest person to lead microlight aircrafts formation flying expedition was set by Colonel Laxmi Kant Yadav (born on September 25, 1969) of Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, with Pilots of Army Adventure Nodal Centre (Microlight) under the aegis of Army Service Corps and Army Adventure Wing. He led the team of 30 members in 4 microlight aircrafts formation flying from Gaya to Bengaluru, covering 1,307 miles in 7 flying days from November 30, 2022 to December 6, 2022 to commemorate Azadi ka
Maximum Rubik’s Cubes solved while doing hula hoops in 15 minutes by a child
The record for solving the maximum number of Rubik’s Cubes while doing hula hoops in 15 minutes was set by Prina Nayan Simariya (born on July 23, 2015) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She solved 32 Rubik’s Cubes namely 2 x 2 (16) and simultaneously performing around her waist in 15 minutes at the age of 7 years, 6 months and 28 days, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
Largest portrait of Chhatrapati Shivaji on the rocks made by a team
The record for making the largest portrait of Chhatrapati Shivaji on rocks was set by Uddesh Gowardhan Paghal (born on November 17, 1999) of Beed, Maharashtra, along with the students and doctors of Talwada. They made the largest portrait (measuring 13,000 square feet) using stones, rocks, lime, and water on February 8, 2023 on the occasion of 393th anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
Maximum septillion numbers
read by a child
The record for reading the maximum septillion numbers was set by Alfred Biju (born on November 3, 2014) of Idukki, Kerala. He read 10 numbers (each consisting of 27 digits) in the international number system from septillion to one hundred in 4 minutes and 38 seconds, at the age of 8 years, 3 months and 19 days, as confirmed on February 22, 2023.
Fastest child to make a checkerboard pattern on a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube
The record for being the fastest to make a checkerboard pattern on a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube was set by Sidharth Somjith (born on November 23, 2011) of Alappuzha, Kerala. He made a checkerboard pattern on a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube in 2 seconds and 3 milliseconds, at the age of 11 years, 2 months and 9 days, as confirmed on February 1, 2023.
Fastest to recall numerical positions of English alphabet randomly by a kid
The record for being the fastest to recall the numerical positions of the English alphabet randomly was set by (born on October 28, 2016) of Alappuzha, Kerala. He recalled the numerical positions of 26 letters of the English alphabet randomly in 17 seconds at the age of 6 years, 3 months and 27 days, as confirmed on February 24, 2023.
Maximum Hindi poems published by a NCC cadet to commemorate 75 years of NCC
The record for publishing the maximum number of Hindi poems to commemorate 75 years of NCC was set by Tasha Jha (born on March 25, 2009) of Gumla, Jharkhand. Being an NCC cadet, she wrote 16 Hindi poems compiled in a self- published book titled ‘Pankhudiyan’ (ISBN: 978-93-56803-18-3) to commemorate 75 years of NCC, at the age of 13 years, 10 months and 8 days, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Fastest to perform three activities simultaneously while being blindfolded by a child
The record for being the fastest to perform three activities simultaneously, while being blindfolded, was set by Saanvi Thota (born on June 7, 2012) of Nizamabad, Telangana. She solved the 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube, with blindfolded eyes, while chanting the vocals of Carnatic music and performing hula hoop spins in 3 minutes and 49 seconds at the age of 10 years, 7 months and 3 days, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Maximum Table Tennis ball tappings in one minute by a child
The record for tapping the Table Tennis ball for the maximum number of times in one minute was set by Kuna Sai Jaswanth (born on August 23, 2010) of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. He tapped the ball continuously with a Table Tennis bat 215 times in one minute at the age of 12 years, 5 months and 11 days, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Largest handmade fighter aircraft model made by an individual
The record for making the largest handmade fighter aircraft model was set by Yadwinder Singh Khokhar (born on March 18, 1973) of Bathinda, Punjab. He made a model of Sukhoi Su30MKI, using thermocol, balsa wood, aluminum spars for wing reinforcement, carbon fibre landing gear, carbon fibre struts in the wing, horizontal and vertical stabilizer and 22-volt lipo battery. The total flying weight is 9 kg with a wingspan of 80 inches, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
Largest doodle art on chart paper
The record for making the largest doodle art on chart paper was set (born on October 10, 1996) of Alappuzha, Kerala. She made the largest doodle art on a sheet of chart paper (measuring 56.5 cm x 35.5 cm) on the theme of ‘Happy Birthday’, as confirmed on 2023.
Maximum space objects identified by a kid in 30 seconds
The record for identifying the maximum number of space objects was set by Deivik Vishnu.S.V (born on November 18, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He identified 15 space objects in 30 seconds by viewing their pictures on flash cards, at the age of 3 years, 1 month and 29 days, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Maximum variations performed by a child in one minute using a single hula hoop
The record for performing the maximum number of variations in one minute using a single hula hoop was set by Tanishka Rakesh Asawa (born on November 21, 2014) of Thane, Maharashtra. She performed 15 hula hoop variations in one minute using a single hula hoop, at the age of 8 years, 2 months and 3 days, as confirmed on January 24, 2023.
Fastest individual to make a sketch of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
The record for being the fastest to make a sketch of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was set by Fidha Rosna P. K. (born on October 2, 2002) of Malappuram, Kerala. She made the sketch of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in 1 minute, 20 seconds and 36 milliseconds on a drawing sheet using a black sketch pen, as confirmed on February 7, 2023.
Maximum poems and rhymes recited by a toddler
The record for reciting the maximum number of poems and rhymes was set by Sohitri Mondal (born on June 10, 2020) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal. She recited 351 poems and rhymes (325 in Bengali and 26 in English) at the age of 2 years, 5 months and 27 days, as confirmed on December 6, 2022.
Fastest to write letters of English alphabet ambidextrously by an individual
The record for being the fastest to write letters of the English alphabet ambidextrously was set by G. Devasena (born on November 1, 1988) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She neatly wrote 26 letters of the English alphabet from A-Z (in small letters) simultaneously with both hands (ambidextrously) on a sheet of paper in 31 seconds and 30 milliseconds using 2 different coloured pens, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Maximum honorary fellowships received by an individual
The record for receiving the maximum number of honorary fellowships was set by Dr. Sushil Kumar Upadhyay (born on April 18, 1985) of Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh. He received 24 fellowship certificates from July 2010 to October 2022 from scientific and academic institutions including Zoological Society of India, Helminthological Society of India, Asian Biological Research Foundation, The Linnean Society of London and International Society for Development and Sustainability, as confirmed on February 1, 2023.
Maximum miniature paper crafts
The record for making the maximum number of miniature paper crafts was set by Shadeedha M. K. (born on January 15, 2003) of Malappuram, Kerala. She made 30 miniature paper crafts including 10 square explosion boxes (1.5 cm each side), 10 hexagonal explosion boxes (2.0 cm each side), 10 scrapbooks (2.5 cm each side), using silver card stocks, glue, paper knife and printed pictures, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Fastest scooty expedition by an individual from Ahmedabad to Rameswaram
The record for being the fastest to complete scooty expedition from Ahmedabad to Rameswaram was set by Rohan Sejal Upadhyay (born on March 4, 2002) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He started his journey on Honda Activa on January 24, 2023 at 7:15 am from Ahmedabad covering Gujarat-Maharashtra-KarnatakaTamil Nadu and completed on January 28, 2023 at 3:10 pm at Rameswaram. He covered 2,161 km in 5 days, as confirmed on February 17, 2023.
Largest thermocol model of vintage car made by an individual
The record for making the largest thermocol model of vintage car was set by Shivam Singh (born on August 21, 2000) of Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh. He made a thermocol model of Bugatti Type 41 vintage car (1927) measuring (length 20 feet x width 7 feet x height 6 feet) using 200 kg thermocol, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Oldest male Quartet to complete west to east bicycle expedition
The record for being the oldest male Quartet to complete west to east bicycle expedition was set by Monish Chakraborty (born on October 28, 1971) along with Sanjay Govind Katti (born on March 28, 1958), Pradip Shankar Bhawalkar (born on August 4, 1955) and Deodatta Krishnakumar Tembhekar (born on December 18, 1959) of Pune, Maharashtra. The journey started from Koteshwar, Gujarat on November 9, 2022 and finished at Kibithu, Arunachal Pradesh on December 16, 2022, passing through 8 Indian states and covering 3,930 km in 38 days at the age of 51 years, 1 month and 19 days, as confirmed on February 16, 2023.
Book with App facility written by an individual on maximum student entrepreneurs
The record for writing a book with App facility on maximum number of student entrepreneurs was set by Sujai G Pillai (born on January 2, 1975) of Kollam, Kerala. He wrote a self published book titled ‘Habits of Highly Successful Student Startuper’s (ISBN: 97983-73642-38-5) on 17 student entrepreneurs who successfully started their business on campus. The book comes with an exclusive mobile app that allows users to read in 12 Indian languages, as confirmed on February 7, 2023.
Youngest to recite Krishna Aarti
The record for being the youngest to recite Krishna Aarti was set by Avni Goel (born on March 7, 2019) of Yamunanagar, Haryana. She recited the entire Krishna Aarti (Aarti Kunj Bihari ki) in 2 minutes and 38 seconds at the age of 3 years, 10 months and 24 days, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Largest portrait of Lionel Messi made on wall by an individual
The record for making the largest portrait of Lionel Messi on the wall was set by Jibin M. (born on July 7, 1995) of Kannur, Kerala. He made a large sized portrait of the famous football player Lionel Messi (measuring 152.5 cm x 109.5 cm) on the wall using acrylic colours, as confirmed on February 7, 2023.
Maximum Bhagavad Gita shlokas embossed by an individual using fingernails
The record for embossing the maximum number of shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita using fingernails was set by Dnyaneshawar Bhimrao Sonawane (born on May 10, 1982) of Nandurbar, Maharashtra. He embossed 700 shlokas of the paper between January 14, 2022 using his fingernails, 2022.
Fastest child to complete Muziris Century challenge by cycling
The record for being the fastest to complete Muziris
Century Challenge by cycling was set by Aathish Thrijal (born on July 6, 2012) of Thrissur, Kerala. He completed the Muziris Century Challenge by cycling 112 km in 7 hours and 50 minutes on January 26, 2023, at the age of 10 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Maximum songs written and produced in Malayalam by an individual in one year
The record for writing and producing the maximum number of songs in Malayalam language in one year was set by Dr. B.G. Gokulan (born on July 3, 1963) of Pathanamthitta, Kerala. He wrote and produced 85 songs from January 2022 to December 2022 and uploaded them on his YouTube channel, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Maximum facial expressions demonstrated by a toddler in
one minute
The record for demonstrating the maximum number of facial expressions in one minute was set by Garipelly Drithi (born on February Telangana. She demonstrated 10 types of in one minute showing Laughter, Anger, Cuteness, Fear, Surprise, Sadness, Strength, Disgust, Bravery and Peace at the age of 2 years and 19 days, as confirmed on February 22, 2023.
Youngest to complete solo motorcycle expedition across mainland of India
The record for being the youngest to complete a solo motorcycle expedition across mainland of India was set by Sandeep Kuchibhotla (born on August 14, 1998) of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. He started his expedition from Hyderabad on March 27, 2022; visited 28 Indian states and 6 union territories and completed it at Visakhapatnam on July 3, 2022, covering a distance of 16,408 km in 99 days, at the age of 23 years, 10 months and 20 days, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Biggest Mandala art on a wooden board
The record for making the biggest Mandala art on a wooden board was set by Shveta Girdher (born on October 20, 1982) of Faridabad, Haryana. She made a beautiful Mandala art on a square wooden board (measuring 10 feet x 10 feet) having 9 feet and 3 inches diameter using acrylic colours, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
Maximum rotations of Silambam performed in one minute by a blindfolded kid
The record for performing the maximum number of rotations of Silambam S. Jaanvi (born on May 23, 2019) of Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu. She rotated the Silambam stick 57 times in one minute, while being blindfolded, at the age of 3 years, 8 months and 8 days, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Maximum food items identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum number of food items was set by M. Dhanvika (born on March 29, 2019) of Hyderabad, Telangana. She identified 75 food items (placed in bowls and laid on a table) in 4 minutes and 19 seconds, at the age of 3 years, 10 months and 15 days, as confirmed on February 13, 2023.
Maximum distance covered by a kid while cycling for 5 minutes
The record for covering the maximum distance while cycling for 5 minutes was set by S. Laya (born on March 23, 2016) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She covered 1.43 km in 5 minutes, while cycling, at the age of 6 years, 11 months and 1 day, as confirmed on February 24, 2023.
duration to keep both little fingers in side bending position by a teen
The record for keeping both the little fingers in the side bending position for the longest duration was set by Muhammad Althaf (born on May 5, 2006) of Kozhikode, Kerala. He kept the little fingers of both the hands in the side bending position for 1 hour, 8 minutes and 54 seconds, at the age of 16 years, 9 months and 3 days, as confirmed on February 8, 2023.
Maximum English words read upside down in 5 minutes
The record for reading the maximum number of English words upside down in 5 minutes was set by Hasna Kamar (born on November 18, 1997) of Malappuram, Kerala. She read 1,034 words upside down in 5 minutes from the book ‘Life’s Amazing Secrets’ by Gaur Gopal Das, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
Maximum flowers made by an individual using different materials
The record for making the maximum number of flowers using different materials was set by Shilpa (born on October 7, 1993) of Thrissur, Kerala. She made 101 flowers using green beans, sea shells, glitter foam, fish wire, candy wrapper, plastic rope, ice-cream stick, woollen thread, corn peel, China paper, crepe paper and others, as confirmed on February
Maximum yoga poses performed by a kid
The record for performing the maximum number of yoga poses was set by Tejasvi Jervin (born on February 24, 2016) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She performed 108 yoga poses in 13 minutes, 20 seconds and 37 milliseconds at the age of 6 years, 11 months and 9 days, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Biggest map of India made by an individual using cardboard and paper flowers
The record for making the biggest map of India using cardboard and paper flowers was set by Elaprolu Srinija (born on August 17, 1992) of Khammam, Telangana. She made a map of India on cardboard (measuring 7 feet and 4.5 inches in height; 6 feet and 2.5 inches in width) and decorated the (green, white and January
Maximum antonyms recalled in 5 minutes by a kid
The record for recalling the maximum number of antonyms in 5 minutes was set by Janmajaya Mohanty
Fastest kid to recall names of all chief ministers by looking at the Indian states maps
The record for being the fastest to recall names of all chief ministers by looking at the Indian states maps was set by Shankalp Arya (born on August 10, 2016) of Alwar,
Youngest to recite the names of all rivers in Kerala
The record for being the youngest to recite the names of all the rivers in Kerala was set by Aarush Haridas (born on June 11, 2019) of Palakkad, Kerala. He recited the names of all the 43 rivers of Kerala in 50 seconds at the age of 3 years, 5 months and 12 days, as confirmed on November 23, 2022.
Maximum cartoon characters made by a child using Plasticine
The record for making the maximum number of cartoon characters using Plasticine was set by on May 15 2013) of Kozhikode, Kerala. She made 10 models of cartoon characters using colourful Plasticine (soft modelling clay), at the age of 9 years, 7 months and 7 days, as confirmed on December 14,
Maximum countries’ flags identified by a child in 30 seconds
The record for identifying the maximum number of countries’ flags in 30 seconds was set by Anirudh R. (born on October 7, 2014) of Alappuzha, Kerala. He identified the flags of 57 countries in 30 seconds at the age of 8 years, 3 months and 16 days, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Maximum books identified by a toddler
The record for identifying the maximum number of books was set by Jiara Contractor (born on January 24, 2020) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She identified 70 books in 11 minutes and 23 seconds by viewing their covers, at the age of 2 years, 11 months and 4 days, as confirmed on December 28, 2022.
Youngest Carnatic vocalist to perform in seven countries
The record for being the youngest Carnatic vocalist to perform in seven countries was set by Rahul Vellal Ravishankar (born on June 23, 2007) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He rendered performances as a Carnatic music vocalist in 7 countries (Abu Dhabi, Singapore, Lagos, Hong Kong, Durban, Kuala Lumpur and London from 2018 till 2022) at the age of 15 years, 7 months and 8 days, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Longest duration to perform backward indoor roller skating
The record for performing backward indoor roller skating for the longest duration was set by Dyneesious Dcrus Hentry (born on August 31, 1982) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He performed nonstop backward (reverse) indoor skating on roller skates for 2 hours, 58 minutes and 22 seconds, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Maximum bus tickets collected by an individual
The record for collecting the maximum number of bus tickets was set by Sachin Vijayan November 13, 1996) of Kaliakkavilai, Tamil Nadu. He collected 40,000 bus tickets of Tamil Nadu from the year 2000 to 2022. These tickets are of TNSTC and private bus operators of Tamil Nadu, as confirmed on November 3, 2022.
Maximum countries and their currencies recited by a kid in 30 seconds
The record for reciting the maximum number of countries and their currencies in 30 seconds was set by Sai Monavrithika September 29, 2016) of Thiruvottiyur, Chennai. She recited the names of 25 countries along with their currencies in 30 seconds, at the age of 6 years, 2 months and 27 days, as confirmed on December 26, 2022.
Maximum Hindu mythological characters’ names recited in alphabetical order in one minute by a kid
The record for reciting the maximum number of Hindu mythological characters’ names in alphabetical order in one minute was set by Thanvika Reddy M. S. (born on January 1, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She recited the names of 26 Hindu mythological characters alphabetically in one minute, at the age of 4 years and 4 days, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
Maximum Rubik’s Cubes solved in minutes by a child
The record for solving the maximum number of Rubik’s Cubes in 30 minutes was set by Punarva Chandramouli (born on September 8, 2013) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She solved 61 different Rubik’s cubes in 30 minutes including 3x3 Cube, Clock Cube, Pyraminx and a Skewb, at the age of 9 years, 4 months and 15 days, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Fastest self-extraction of wisdom tooth performed by an individual
The record for performing the fastest self-extraction of wisdom tooth was set by Dr. Gautham Sagar (born on May 30, 1997) of Kozhikode, Kerala. He self- extracted his upper left wisdom tooth in43 seconds at 2:30 pm on January 16, 2023 in Denta care Dental Clinic, Kozhikode, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Largest embroidered cloth displaying sugar crystals and ants
The record for making the largest embroidered cloth displaying sugar crystals and ants was set by Bapi (born on August 10, 1979) of Kolkata, West Bengal. He created a hyper realistic embroidered work on a grey coloured cloth (measuring 12 inches x 9 inches) by embroidering 27 sugar pieces and 10 ants using chiffon thread and needle, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
Fastest individual to complete bicycle expedition from Guwahati to Sela Pass
The record for being the fastest to complete a bicycle expedition from Guwahati to Sela Pass was set by Anil (born on March 19, 1997) of Jind, Haryana. He started the bicycle expedition from Tezpur on January 14, 2023 and reached Sela Pass (13,700 feet) on January 19, 2023, covering a distance of 259 km in 6 days, as confirmed on February 17, 2023.
Longest hair of a kid
The record for having the longest hair was set by Advika Harsh Gandhi (born on August 23, 2019) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. Her tresses measure 75 cm (29.5 inches) in length at the age of 3 years, 5 months and 30 days, as confirmed on February 22, 2023.
Longest duration to hang on to a pull up bar by a kid
The record for hanging on to a pull up bar for the longest duration was set Charvi Neelam Abhijit Kolvankar (born on October 15, 2016) of Raigarh, Maharashtra. She hung on to a bar for 3 minutes and 34 seconds at the age of 6 years, 4 months and 9 days, as confirmed on February 24, 2023.
Maximum miniature sculptures made using m-seal by an individual
The record for making the maximum number of miniature sculptures using m-seal was set by Niranjan Ramchandra Patgaonkar (born on December 17, 1974) of Pune, Maharashtra. He made 140 miniature sculptures (measuring between 1 inch to 7 inches) using m-seal, aluminum wires, blades and a cutter, as confirmed on December 24, 2022.
Maximum birds’ names recited by a child
The record for reciting the names of the maximum number of birds was set by S. Mehadha (born on October 7, 2015) of Vellore, Tamil Nadu. She recited the names of 221 birds in 8 minutes and 50 seconds at the age of 7 years, 3 months and 23 days, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Maximum calendar days recalled from 100,00,000 year dates by a child in 15 minutes
The record for recalling the maximum number of calendar days from 100,000,000 year dates in 15 minutes was set by Avyang Namboothiripad K.B. (born on April 20, 2015) of Malappuram, Kerala. He correctly recalled 23 days from calendar year AD 1 to AD 100,00,000 in 15 minutes using mental calculation at the age of 7 years, 10 months and 11 days, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Largest portrait of Mahatma Gandhi using electric wires
The record for making the largest portrait of Mahatma Gandhi using electric wires was set by Arjun P. (born on February 22, 2002) of Malappuram, Kerala. He made a portrait of Mahatma Gandhi (measuring 92 cm in height and 62 cm in width) by cutting the pieces of red, yellow, black and white colour wires and pasting on a plywood, as confirmed on February 1, 2023.
Maximum certificates received for sports by an individual
The record for receiving the maximum number of certificates for sports was set by Santosh Kumar Padhan (born on April 24, 1974) of Bargarh, Odisha. He received 66 certificates, namely 15 certificates for long jump, 12 for high jumps, 14 for triple jumps, 13 for hurdles, 4 for run, 2 for relay, 3 for football and 3 others for participating in Athletics, Football and other sports in various national and international sports competitions, as confirmed on December 22, 2022.
Maximum forms of artworks made by an individual
The record for making the maximum number of artworks was set by Jisha Lenu George (born on December 12, 1980) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She made 58 artworks including string art, portrait string art, multiple photos in one frame, light box art, sand art, threaded decoupage, book folding art, mosaic art, flip book art, cross stitch art, hand casting, pencil portrait, silk thread jewellery art, resin art, pointillism art, origami, Kirigami, wall art, lippen art, as confirmed on January 24, 2023.
Maximum clay models made by an individual using polymer clay
The record for making the maximum number of clay models using polymer clay was set by Shaily Agarwal (born on July 16, 1982) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She made 40 clay models including cartoon characters, mugs, clock, community helpers and food items, using polymer clay, as confirmed on January 24, 2023.
Longest duration to hold Salamba Sirsasana Konasana yoga pose
The record for being the Salamba Sirsasana Konasana yoga pose for the longest duration was set by Sekhar (born on December 16, 1969) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. He held the Salamba Sirsasana Konasana yoga pose (Headstand Pose wide legs) for 2 minutes, 37 seconds and 5 milliseconds, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Maximum Surya Namaskars performed atop snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro
The record for performing the maximum number of Surya Namaskars atop snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro was set by Rohit Tiwari on August 30, 1986) of Agra, Uttar Pradesh. He performed 53 Surya Namaskars atop snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro (at a height of 5895 m and located in Tanzania) on January 1, 2023, as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Fastest kid to recite backward counting from 100-1
The record for being the fastest to recite backward counting from 100-1 was set by Mattigunta Bharadwaj (born on of Hyderabad, Telangana. He counting from 100 to 1 in 36 3 milliseconds at the age of 4 10 months, as confirmed on 2, 2022.
Maximum countries’ capitals recalled in one minute by a child
The record for recalling the capitals of the maximum number of countries in one minute was set by Kavya Yadav (born on March 31, 2012) of Gurugram, Haryana. She recalled the capitals of 134 countries in one minute, by looking at the names of countries on a laptop screen, at the age of 10 years, 10 months and 20 days, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
Maximum activities performed blindfolded by a child
The record for performing the maximum number of activities blindfolded was set by R.V. Varshitha (born on June 25, 2014) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. She performed 5 activities, namely identifying 3 Indian currency notes and reading their serial numbers; naming the colours of 15 objects; reading a page of the book 'Sweet Cindy'; solving a 3x3 Rubik’s Cube and 1 jigsaw puzzle in 10 minutes and 15 seconds while being blindfolded at the age of 8 years, 6 months and 20 days, as confirmed on January 14, 2023.
Maximum mountain peaks recited blindfolded by a child
The record for reciting the maximum number of mountain peaks blindfolded was set by Kavin Gupta (born on November 15, 2012) of Delhi. He recited the names of 50 mountain peaks in 28 seconds and 70 milliseconds at the age of 10 years and 13 days, as confirmed on November 28, 2022.
Fastest Narmada Parikrama performed by an individual on motorcycle
The record for being the fastest to perform Narmada Parikrama on motorcycle was set by Chirag Thakorbhai Limbachiya (born on April 19, 1985) of Bharuch, Gujarat. He started Narmada Parikrama from Nilkantheshwar, Bharuch, Gujarat, on December 24, 2022 at 12.15 pm on his motorcycle (Royal Enfield classic 350) and completed it on January 3, 2023 at 6 pm; covering 3,828 kms in 11 days, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Maximum push-ups in 30 seconds by an individual
The record for performing the maximum number of push-ups in 30 seconds was set by Pratik Suryakant Surve (born on April 29, 1994) of Thane, Maharashtra. He performed 110 push-ups in 30 seconds, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
Maximum distance covered on a bicycle by a child in a single day
The record for covering the maximum distance on a bicycle in a single day was set by Riaan Devendra Chavan (born on February 12, 2016) of Pune, Maharashtra. He started the bicycle ride at 7:00 am from his residence in Akurdi, travelling through Khadki, Deccan, Aundh, Shivaji Nagar and returned at around 1:30 pm covering 51 km in 5 hours and 33 minutes at the age of 7 years and 4 days, as confirmed on February 16, 2023.
Largest mehndi pattern made by an individual on multiwood board
The record for making the largest mehndi pattern on a multiwood board was set by Faiza P. Asharaf (born on December 20, 2001) of Thrissur, Kerala. She made the largest mehndi pattern (measuring 100 inches x 72 inches) on a large sized multiwood board using mehndi cones, as confirmed on February 22, 2023.
Fastest individual to climb Jebel Jais Mountain twice by running
The record for being the fastest to climb Jebel Jais Mountain twice by running was set by Jacob Thankachen (born on April 28, 1980) of Ernakulam, Kerala (now residing in Dubai, UAE). He started the marathon from Wadi Al Biyah to Ras al-Khaimah Road (UAE) on August 6, 2020 at 5:04 pm and reached Jebel Jais (1,934 m) twice at 8:00 am on August 7, 2020; covering 70 km in 14 hours and 56 minutes, as confirmed on February
Maximum typographic portraits of famous personalities using their quotes on education
The record for making the maximum number of typographic portraits of famous personalities using their quotes on education was set by Sarija S. (born on May 8, 1989) of Kollam, Kerala. She made 10 portraits of famous personalities including Swami Vivekananda and Rabindranath Tagore using their quotes on education on separate A4 size Ivory sheets with a black marker pen and pencils, as confirmed on February 21, 2023.
Largest portrait of A.R. Rahman made by an individual using mehendi cones
The record for making the largest portrait of A.R. Rahman using mehendi cones was set by Naufiya N.A. (born on December 14, 1984) of Ernakulam, Kerala. She made a large sized portrait of A.R. Rahman (measuring 100 cm x 78 cm) on a sheet of paper using mehendi cones, as confirmed on February 13, 2023.
Maximum linked rings’ puzzle solved by an individual
The record for solving the maximum number of linked rings’ puzzle was set by Jothivelu Ganesan (born on June 10, 1996) of Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. He solved a puzzle with 13 linked rings in 1 hour, 17 minutes and 18 seconds, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Oldest to recall all the countries with their capitals and currencies
The record for being the oldest to recall the names of all the countries of the world, along with their capitals and currencies, was set (born on July 26, 1971) of Warangal, Telangana. He recited the names of all the 195 countries (UN recognised), along with their capitals and currencies, in just 6 minutes and 1 second at the age of 51 years, 6 months and 8 days, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Fastest motorcycle expedition across all districts of Telangana by a duo
The record for completing the fastest motorcycle expedition across all districts of Telangana was set by Lukka Pranay (born on December 27, 1992) of Karimnagar, Telangana, along with his colleague Thengampalli Francis (born on February 11, 1992) of Hyderabad, Telangana,. They started their journey from Ghatkesar at 4:08 am on January 31, 2023 and completed it at Hyderabad on February 2, 2023 at 11:51 pm; covering a distance of 2084.46 km across 33 districts of Telangana in 2 days, 19 hours and 43 minutes, as confirmed on February 6, 2023.
Largest idol of Goddess Durga made by an individual using discarded carton boxes
The record for making the largest idol of Goddess Durga using discarded carton boxes was set by Olivia Mandal (born on April 22, 1999) of Dhubri, Assam. She made a beautiful large sized idol of Goddess Durga (measuring 6 feet x 4 feet) using discarded carton boxes and plywood, as confirmed on February 14, 2023.
Fastest motorcycle expedition from Patna to Goa by an individual
The record for completing the fastest motorcycle expedition from Patna to Goa was set by Sameer Prasad (born on May 29, 2002) of Patna, Bihar. He started his journey from Patna on November 13, 2022 and completed on November 17, 2022 at Goa, covering 2,250 km in 5 days. The journey was undertaken for attending the motorcycle festival named rider mania, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Maximum motivational quotes penned and translated by an individual in a single book
The record for penning and translating the maximum numbers of motivational quotes in a single book was set by Yash Pal Singh Chauhan (born on October 1, 1967) of Agra, Uttar Pradesh. He penned 365 motivational quotes in Hindi which were translated into English. The bilingual quotes were compiled into a book titled ‘Meri Soch’ (ISBN: 979-84-22893-21-0), published by Humrooh Publication House in the year 2022, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Maximum pictures coloured by a blindfolded child
The record for colouring the maximum number of pictures blindfolded was set by Kashvi Pareek (born on June 12, 2014) of Jaipur, Rajasthan. She coloured 3 full size pictures (in a colouring book) in 28 minutes and 10 seconds, while being blindfolded, using coloured pencils at the age of 8 years, 7 months and 27 days, as confirmed on February 8, 2023.
Oldest manuscripts used by an individual to write a book on Thirukkurals
The record for using the oldest manuscripts to write a book on Thirukkurals was set by Dr. Saiva. (born on July 27, 1972) of Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu. He wrote a book featuring all 1,330 Thirrukurals titled 'Vattezhuththil Valluvam’ (ISBN: 978-81-90944-25-0), consisting of handwritten 1500-year-old manuscripts, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Maximum English motivational quotes penned by a teen in a single book
The record for penning the maximum numbers of English motivational quotes in a single book was set by Taposhree Baruah (born on March 28, 2003) of Khanapara, Assam. She penned 189 motivational quotes in English and compiled it into a book titled ‘Pen Down’ (ISBN: 978-9390446-47-6), published by Manda Publishers and UD Foundation in the year 2021 at the age of 19 years, 10 months and 14 days, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
Longest duration for holding tongue to nose by a kid
The record for holding the tongue to the nose for the longest duration was set by (born December 2, 2016) of Malappuram, Kerala. She touched the tip of her tongue to the nose and held it for 16 minutes, 40 seconds and 50 milliseconds at the age of 6 years, 2 months and 6 days, as confirmed on February 8, 2023.
Maximum hand drawn clocks’ time identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum number of hand drawn clocks’ time was set by Surapareddy Priyansh Karthikeya (born on May 17, 2016) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. shown by 49 hand drawn wall and 45 seconds at the age of and 16 days, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Maximum famous personalities’ names recalled by a kid in 30 seconds
The record for recalling the names of the maximum number of famous personalities in 30 seconds was set by Athiruban S. (born on February 6, 2019) of Namakkal, Tamil Nadu. He recalled the names of 40 famous personalities in 30 seconds at the age of 3 years, 11 months and 25 days, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Maximum parts of human body identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum parts of the human body was set by Skanda Yuvaraj (born on June 13, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He identified 103 parts of the body including external and internal organs by looking at the pictures on a screen in 7 minutes and 58 seconds, at the age of 5 years, 8 months and 8 days, as confirmed on February 21, 2023.
Youngest to achieve copyright for IOT and machine learning algorithms
The record for achieving the copyright for IOT and machine learning algorithms was set by Aniket (born on January 23, 2000) of Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh. He registered a copyright for an ‘IOT and machine learning based road emergency assistance model’ on December 28, 2020 and received the same on April 5, 2021, at the age of 21 years, 2 months and 13 days as confirmed on January 16, 2023.
Maximum forward jumps in 30 seconds while holding push up position
The record for performing the maximum number of forward jumps in push-up position was set by Mitesh Ashvin Master (born on January 17, 1979) of Surat, Gujarat. He performed 66 forward jumps in 30 seconds while holding the push-up position, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
Maximum football juggles with both knees in one minute
The record for performing the maximum number of football juggles with both knees in one minute Abdul Rahman K. (born on October 26, 2007) of Malappuram, Kerala. He performed 148 juggles with both knees in one minute, at the age of 15 years, 3 months and 12 days, as confirmed on February 7, 2023.
Youngest to do mental calculation using Abacus technique
The record for being the youngest to do mental calculation using Abacus technique was set by Adhavan (born on January 3, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He mentally added and subtracted 100 single and double digit numbers in a single row non-stop in 7 minutes, 50 seconds and 35 milliseconds and gave the correct result, using Abacus technique, at the age of 4 years and 30 days, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Fastest paper rose made by a child
The record for being the fastest to make a paper rose was set by Saradhi (born on December 1, 2011) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She made a rose (measuring 8 mm x 4 mm) in 5 minutes and 24 seconds using paper at the age of 11 years, 1 month and 29 days, as confirmed on January 30, 2023.
Maximum students of an educational institution made a human formation of a spinning wheel
The record for making a human formation of a spinning wheel by the maximum number of students was set by Bishop Heber College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. One thousand girl students of Bishop Heber College participated to make a human formation (wearing Handloom sarees) of a spinning wheel on January 13, 2023 to promote the creativity of Handloom weavers, as confirmed on January 18, 2023.
Maximum wiggling of both ears simultaneously by a kid in one minute
The record for wiggling both the ears simultaneously for the maximum number of times in one K. Viyana (born on December 13, 2016) of Erode, Tamil Nadu. She wiggled both the ears simultaneously for 100 times in one minute at the age of 6 years, 1 month and 29 days, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
Fastest kid to identify 50 cartoon characters
The record for being the fastest to identify 50 cartoon characters was set by Amulya (born on June 16, 2019) of Sirsa, Haryana. She identified 50 (fifty) cartoon characters correctly in 39 seconds by looking at their pictures on a large screen, at the age of 3 years, 7 months and 18 days, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Handsfree motorcycle ride performed on the highest ladder at the Republic Day Parade
The record for performing a handsfree motorcycle ride on the highest ladder at the Republic Day Parade was set by Havildar Sujit Mondal (born on August 27, 1982) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. He performed a handsfree motorcycle ride on the highest ladder (measuring 18 feet and fitted to the motorcycle) at the 74th Republic Day Parade, as confirmed on February 7, 2023.
Maximum Telugu short stories authored in a single book
The record for authoring the maximum number of Telugu short stories in a single book was set by Simha Prasad (born on May 15, 1952) of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. He authored 125 short stories in a Telugu book titled ‘125 Bahumati Kathalu‘ (ISBN: 97893-58110-46-3), self-published in the year 2022, as confirmed February 21, 2023.
Fastest to bend an iron rod with throat
The record for being the fastest to bend an iron rod with the throat was set by Samsharva (born on July 15, 1975) of Delhi. He bent a long iron rod (sariya) with his throat in 3 seconds, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Smallest human capsule formed by SPCOPS students of SPU to spread awareness on generic medicines
The record for forming the smallest human capsule to spread awareness on generic medicines was set by the students of Sikkim Professional College of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Sikkim Professional University) of Gangtok, Sikkim. A total number of 70 SPCOPS students of SPU formed a human capsule (by sitting on the floor) on December 9, 2022 at the campus to spread awareness on generic medicines, as confirmed on January 3, 2023.
Krinith P. (born on June 2, 2011) of The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 147 UN recognised countries by looking at their pictures; and pointing out 111 countries on a world map at the age of 11 years and 7 months, as confirmed on January 14, 2023.
Fahzin Emam Muhammed (born on June 1, 2019) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 21 fruits, 7 wonders of the world, 32 animals, 34 cartoon characters, 23 vehicles; reciting 5 vowels, letters of the English alphabet, names of 4 dinosaurs, 4 professions; and counting numbers from 1 to 26 at the age of 3 years and 8 months, as confirmed on February 8, 2023.
Priyansh Roy (born on June 1, 2020) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 9 flowers, 37 animals, 29 parts of the body, 34 fruits, 37 birds, 40 vegetables, 12 colours; recalling 3 traffic lights, 7 wonders of the world, 9 rhymes, 28 Indian states, 8 planets, 2 famous personalities, English alphabet; answering 5 GK questions; reciting the National Anthem, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on January 6, 2023.
Muhammed Jalvan (born on March 1, 2018) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting reverse counting of numbers from 200 to 1 in 5 minutes, 38 seconds and 23 milliseconds, at the age of 4 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 28, 2023.
Riyansh Badiani (born on February 4, 2021) of Thane, Maharashtra, is appreciated for performing a ramp walk in India's Kids Fashion Week with confidence at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Aamira Rejeev (born on September 7, 2016) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for performing arm exercises (crossing hands over her head), eye exercises (positioning both eyeballs in the upper corner of her eyes) and touching her nose with her tongue at the age of 6 years and 4 months, as confirmed on January 24, 2023.
Shreya M. Nair (born on December 28, 2020) of Kottayam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 39 animals, 73 images, 20 objects, 11 insects, 9 birds, 15 fruits, 7 pet animals and young ones, 9 vehicles, 8 vegetables, 5 flowers, 12 electronic items, 10 medical items; answering 9 GK questions, 18 body parts in English and Malayalam; translating 5 Malayalam words into English; imitating 5 animals’ sounds at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on January 24, 2023.
Bhargava Bhat (born on September 18, 2018) of Uttara Kannada, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting 8 English rhymes, numbers 1-200, 5 sense organs, A to Z with words, 70 Karnataka RTO numbers, capitals of 28 Indian states, 11 parts of the body, number names of 1-20, car names from A to Z, 10 fruits; answering 27 GK questions; singing 7 devotional songs; counting numbers from 50 to 1, at the age of 4 years and 4 months, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Alex Sajimon (born on September 21, 2005) of Kottayam, Kerala, is appreciated for having a collection of 7,830 Lightroom and Photoshop presets, at the age of 17 years and 4 months, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
Avanza Anugrah (born on November 6, 2019) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 15 fruits, 20 animals, 8 parts of the body, 4 colours; reciting 2 rhymes, numbers from 1-10, names of 9 countries; and answering 7 G.K. questions at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on February 6, 2023.
G. K. Sarvadev (born on March 19, 2018) of Erode, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reciting the forward counting of numbers from 1-100 and then backward (reverse) counting from 100- 1 in 1 minute and 57 seconds at the age of 4 years and 10 months, as confirmed on
Japan Prathamsinh Ambla (born on April 25, 2011) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is appreciated for receiving 3 certificates for participating in NPL Water Rocket Competition in the United Kingdom (2016), Elbrus Cup in space modelling in Russia (2016) and Beograd Cup in Serbia (2015) at the age of 11 years and 7 months, as confirmed on December 14, 2022.
Atharv Charan (born on December 16, 2017) of Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 195 UN recognised countries in 6 minutes and 13 seconds, by looking at the pictures of flags on flash cards, at the age of 5 years and 1 month, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Hyzin Sanegh (born on October 4, 2020) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting letters of the alphabet from A to Z with alphabetic words; counting numbers from 1 to 10; identifying 9 letters of Arabic alphabet, 6 shapes, 12 colours, 8 vegetables, 9 parts of the body, 4 birds, 10 vehicles, 31 objects, 10 fruits, 14 animals, 5 cartoon characters, 4 insects; and
Kommineni Siri Vennela (born on March 28, 2013) of Ananthapur, Andhra Pradesh is appreciated for reciting the names of 118 elements of the periodic table in 50 seconds, at the age of 9 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 28, 2023.
M. Mithra (born on February 9, 2021) of Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 15 animals, 6 colours, 12 fruits, 8 parts of the body, 7 birds, 5 actions, 6 general items; reciting numbers from 1 to 10, letters of the English alphabet with corresponding words, days of the week, 4 rhymes; and imitating the sounds of 8 animals at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
Viyan Anand Shivam (born on August 6, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying letters of the English alphabet, 12 fruits, 6 vegetables, 12 birds, 22 animals, 7 insects, 20 vehicles, 12 foods, 12 parts of the body, 9 colours, 11 shapes, 9 good habits, 20 household items, 9 rhymes in a book by their images; and answering 9 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Vaani Sharma (born on October 9, 2020) of Gurugram, Haryana, is appreciated for reciting the names of 4 directions, 4 seasons, 4 Vedas, days of the week, months in a year, 8 planets; identifying 20 parts of the body; translating 4 Hindi sentences into English; and working as a model for kid’s outfits for online shopping sites including Meesho, Amazon and ShopClues at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on February 13, 2023.
Sankamithra D (born on August 9, 2020) of Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reciting 16 rhymes, 3 shlokas, 13 letters of Tamil varnmala, letters of the alphabet from A to Z, days of the week, months in a year and counting from 1 to 10 at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on
Janvik Rhian (born on December 20, 2020) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 types of electronic equipment, 4 types of kitchen equipment, 6 parts of a car, 18 vehicles, 8 famous personalities, 7 types of medical equipment, 14 parts of the body and 44 miscellaneous objects; and reciting letters of the English alphabet from A to Z at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
Riddhima Ghosh (born on February 15, 2019) of Murshidabad, West Bengal, is appreciated for translating 22 fruits, 18 birds, 28 fruits, 13 utensils, 22 colours, 32 animals and 18 natural environments from Bengali to English; identifying 12 denominations of Indian currency, 13 symbols; reciting tables from 1 to 3, 20 professions, 20 famous personalities with their special titles, young ones of 7 animals, 14 English and 30 Bengali rhymes; and answering 190 G.K. questions at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on February 14, 2023.
Chaarvi V. Gowda (born on January 16, 2016) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for demonstrating and reciting single handed 28 Asamyukta Hasta mudras (single-hand gestures of Bharatanatyam dance) in 16 seconds, at the age of 6 years and 11 months, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
Alamuru Sreenivasa Adharv (born on June 2, 2021) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 11 letters of the English alphabet, 5 household items, 6 shapes, 10 colours; reciting one rhyme; and playing Carrom at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Albina Rose Denny (born on June 27, 2013) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for demonstrating and reciting 52 mudras (28 Asamyukta Hasta mudras and 24 Samyukta Hasta mudras) of Bharatanatyam dance in 20 seconds, at the age of 9 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
Ayush Krishnan (born on September 8, 2017) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 195 UN recognised countries in 5 minutes, by looking at their pictures on a laptop screen, at the age of 5 years and 4 months, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Debansh Mondal (born on May 20, 2018) of Nadia, West Bengal, is appreciated for reciting the names of 5 fruits, 8 insects, 6 vegetables, 5 birds, 7 animals, 7 colours, 3 mantras, 5 Indian festivals; identifying 5 parts of the body, 9 food items and 6 natural bodies at the age of 4 years and 8 months, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
Liana Lenin (born on August 3, 2020) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 animals, 8 fruits, 10 vehicles, 6 birds; counting from 1 to 10; solving 9 pieces of a wooden puzzle, 3 jigsaw puzzles and 10 two-piece opposite puzzles at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on February 21, 2023.
Arjunved Reddy Mulakalapalli
Gadwal, Telangana, is appreciated for reciting the National Pledge, 3 mantras, days of the week, months in a year; identifying 12 birds, letters of the English alphabet, 25 animals, numbers 10, 25 fruits, 20 good habits and 25 vehicles at the age of 3 and 3 months, as confirmed on January 30, 2023.
Gayalika Jaan (born on November 25, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 52 animals, 22 birds, 50 objects, 27 action words, 10 insects, 12 colours, 10 shapes, 19 fruits, 9 vegetables, 16 vehicles, 9 toys, 11 cartoon characters, flags of 8 countries; reciting English alphabet and young ones of 18 animals 7 opposite words, 17 animal sounds and counting numbers from 1-10, at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on October 20, 2022.
Harthik Reddy Yarragudi (born on November 2, 2015) of Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for reciting the features of all the 8 planets of the Solar System, detailed explanation of Indian River System, 5 spacecrafts, 5 launched satellites, 32 car brands and their country of origin, counting numbers from 0-20, 4 greetings in German language; solving world map jigsaw puzzle; and identifying the flags of 110 countries at the age of 7 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Eiden Adam Basil (born on July 1, 2020) of Ernakulam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 7 musical instruments, 12 sea animals, 18 parts of the body, 17 birds, 11 colours, all letters of the English alphabet randomly, 30 animals, 22 utensils, 31 edible items (including fruits, vegetables and other food items); answering 7 questions on national symbols; and reciting letters of the English alphabet with corresponding words at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
Izyan Afeef (born on June 1, 2016) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 195 UN recognised countries in 2 minutes and 46 seconds, by viewing the pictures of the flags on a laptop screen, at the age of 6 years and 7 months, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
Ayisha Razwa P.V. (born on February 15, 2017) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 15 wild animals,15 domestic animals,15 birds,15 vegetables,15 food items, 15 freedom fighters, 5 organs, 15 pictures on art and culture, 9 Indian Presidents; reciting months in a year (English and Malayalam), 8 Indian rivers, 14 districts of Kerala, Indian pledge and drawing a picture at the age of 5 years and 8 months, as confirmed on November 4, 2022.
(born on February 18, 2021) of Theni, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 26 alphabetical pictures, 25 animals, 13 colours, 10 shapes, 24 vegetables, 18 birds, 16 food items, 27 fruits, 15 flowers, 15 vehicles, 22 parts of the body, 10 actions; imitating the sounds of 8 animals and reciting numbers from 1-10 at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Aradhya Shyam (born on June 30, 2020) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 33 fruits, 34 vegetables, 30 musical instruments, 31 birds, 27 vehicles, 27 professions, flags of 27 countries, 27 famous personalities, 31 animals, 33 flowers, 28 actions, 30 insects, 16 shapes, 30 aquatic animals, 24 parts of the body; recalling letters of the English alphabet, 13 letters of Hindi varnmala; and counting from 1 to 10 at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Heizal Maryam Jishana (born on May 5, 2020) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 shapes, 12 fruits, 22 food items, 12 colours, 10 insects, 32 animals, 10 birds, 8 vegetables, 6 national symbols, 11 vehicles, 8 actions, 21 parts of the body; reciting letters of the English alphabets; and counting from 1 to 20 at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
Isha Azrin P. O. (born on July 21, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 13 wild animals, 12 domestic animals, 18 parts of the body, 12 birds, 12 festivals, 12 fruits, 12 vehicles, 6 aquatic animals, flags of 12 countries, 10 reptiles, 11 insects; recalling 8 national symbols, 4 seasons, 13 actions, young ones of 12 animals and 8 state symbols at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
V. Kavinah (born on August 25, 2019) of Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for singing 24 lines of the Tamil song 'Thiruppugazh' to worship Lord Muruga titled ‘Muthai Tharu Patthi Thirunaga’ at the age of 3 years and 5 months, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Eya Ashne (born on December 3, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 12 animals, 13 fruits, 10 vegetables, 6 shapes, 8 parts of the body, 7 reptiles, 10 colours, 12 vehicles, 11 birds, 6 flowers, 12 food items, 10 electronic appliances, 7 national symbols, 12 general items and 6 cartoon characters at the age of 2 years and
Ayisha Mehrin A. (born on February 17, 2021) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 7 vehicles, 7 birds, 8 fruits, 8 parts of the body, 9 general items and 8 animals at the age of 1 year and 9 months, as confirmed on December 8, 2022.
A. Kriyan (born on September 23, 2018) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reading a story
(born on March 8, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for playing 5 rhymes on a Guitar and identifying notes at the age of 5 years and 10 months, as confirmed on February 1, 2023.
Shaurya Meghan Kamble (born on December 31, 2020) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for reciting 2 poems; recalling 5 national symbols; identifying letters of the English alphabet with their corresponding pictures, 35 animals, 7 birds, 12 vegetables, 14 fruits, 13 vehicles, 4 external and 4 internal parts of the body, 6 colours, 9 miscellaneous pictures; and making 5 actions at the
Ayat Thareeque (born on September 28, 2020) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 31 animals, 12 birds, 13 vegetables, 12 fruits, 10 insects, 6 aquatic animals, 9 vehicles, 4 colours, flags of 7 countries, 6 famous personalities, 9 food items, 5 shapes, 23 parts of the body, 18 actions, 56 objects; counting numbers from 1 to 10; and reciting 4 rhymes at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on December 26, 2022.
(born on June 24, 2021) of Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 10 parts of the body, 21 animals, letters of the alphabet from A to Z, 23 fruits; reciting 13 letters in Tamil; and mimicking the sounds of 10 animals at the age of 1 year and 7 months, as confirmed on February 1, 2023.
Sheha Ayrin V. (born on April 20, 2019) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 31 animals, 23 fruits, 21 vegetables, 16 shapes, 24 parts of the body, 13 colours, 23 vehicles, 11 birds, 6 flowers, letters of the English alphabet, 10 insects, 6 countries by their flags, young ones of 14 birds and animals, 13 famous personalities; reciting days of the week; and counting from 1 to 10 at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
A. Johan Daniel (born on November 14, 2018) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for recalling the capitals of 28 Indian states and 8 union territories, all the 118 elements of the periodic table, capitals of 46 countries; and identifying the flags of 46 countries at the age of 4 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 18, 2023.
Sohan Ghosh (born on November 11, 2019) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 9 colours; recalling 10 rhymes in English, 15 rhymes in Bengali, letters of the alphabet from A to Z, 6 fruits, 5 flowers, 7 animals, 6 birds, 5 national symbols, days of the week and months in a year at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on January 5, 2023.
P Sridev (born on May 29, 2019) of Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for singing the National Anthem; reciting English alphabet, months in a year, 8 planets, 7 animals, 5 sea animals; counting numbers from 1-100; and answering 150 General Knowledge questions at the age of 3 years and 6 months, as confirmed on December 22, 2022.
V. Rithwik Sai (born on October 28, 2019) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 19 vegetables, 24 fruits; reciting months in a year, 6 thirukkurals; solving 3 puzzles including a circular shaped jigsaw puzzle (60 pieces), alphabet puzzle and a colour slider puzzle at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Snehal Rahul Manganawar (born on February 12, 1991) of Belgaum, Karnataka, is appreciated for completing a successful motorcycle expedition to the Khardungla Pass, along with her husband. They started their journey on April 29, 2022 from Belgaum and reached the Mighty Khardungla Pass (18,380 feet) on May 13, 2022 and then returned to Belgaum on May 29, 2022. They travelled 9,752 km in 30 days, as confirmed on August 31, 2022.
Nikshitha K. S. (born on June 5, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting letters of the English alphabet with words, numbers from 1-10, days of the week, months in a year, 6 rhymes; recalling the capitals of 10 Indian states, 12 facts of India; imitating the sounds of 11 animals; identifying 13 vehicles, 48 animals, 16 parts of the body, 10 professionals, 11 shapes, 10 birds, 27 vegetables, 22 fruits, 17 insects and 11 colours at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
B.R. Rahithyan Babu (born on July 12, 2019) of Puducherry, is appreciated for reading words (displayed on a laptop screen) consisting of 15 animals, 4 birds, 10 vegetables, 8 fruits, days of the week, 7 colours, 4 food items, 13 parts of the body, 5 sports, 3 seasons, 8 vehicles, number names 1-10, 5 sports, 3 interrogative words, 5 dress names, 5 relations, 6 stationery items and 87 common words, at the age of 3 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 28, 2023.
S.S. Adhiran (born on May 28, 2020) of Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 28 Indian states on a map, 38 birds, 30 sea fish, 27 vehicles, 17 vegetables, 9 shapes, 30 animals, 20 fruits; counting numbers from 1 to 30; reciting the names of 8 planets, days of the week and months in a year, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on
Rithvin V. (born on January 3, 2021) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 12 animals, 15 parts of the body, 6 shapes, 7 colours, 74 general items; arranging English alphabet and animals correctly in wooden puzzles; mimicking 6 animal sounds and correctly finding hidden balls under shuffled glasses at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on December 16, 2022.
Yallamilli Joel (born on December 4, 2017) of Secunderabad, Telangana (currently residing in Virginia USA), is appreciated for identifying and recalling the flags of 100 countries in 1 minute and 54 seconds at the age of 4 years and 11 months, as confirmed on November 30, 2022.
Sumon Biswas (born on July 22, 1986) of Kolkata, West Bengal, is appreciated for completing a round trip motorcycle expedition to support transgenders. He started his journey from Kolkata at 12:26 am on November 7, 2021, reached Sikkim on November 9, 2021, and completed it at Kolkata on November 12, 2021; covering
(born on April 29, 2021) of Nuapada, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying 6 wild animals, 5 domestic animals, numbers from 1 to 10, 5 vegetables, 3 fruits; and recalling the corresponding words of the English alphabet at the age of 1 year and 9 months, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Dr. Bhavyadeep Bhatia (born on September 28, 1979) of Jhajjar, Haryana, is appreciated for completing a general course in Astrology and Astronomy on October 1, 2003 from Indian Council of Astrological Sciences (ICAS) at the age of 24 years, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
Shaju C.T. (born on February 1, 1966) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for writing a Hindi book titled ‘Isa Ke Drishtant’ – Kavya Sangrah (ISBN: 978-3181719-87-3), published by Humrooh Publication House. The book consists of 43 Parables of Jesus, as confirmed on November 22, 2022.
(born on June 29, 2002) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for making 204 pencil sketches including pictures of deities, natural scenery, cartoon characters and portraits, as confirmed on December 19, 2022.
Manvitha V. (born on October 15, 2017) of Tumakuru, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting the names of 5 oceans, 8 planets, days of the week, 7 continents, months in a year, all 28 Indian states with their capitals, 31 districts of Karnataka, 6 taluks of Tumakuru and 10 shlokas; singing the National Anthem; telling 22 national counting numbers from 1 to age of 5 years and 3 months, February 3, 2023.
G. P. Abhinav Prathyush (born on November 22, 2014) of Palani, Tamil Nadu is appreciated for performing mental calculation up to 5- digit numbers. He performed subtraction up-to 3-digit numbers, multiplication up to 5-digit numbers and solving cubes and percentage of total of 10 questions, at the age of 8 years and 2 months, as confirmed on February 17, 2023.
N.Mrithula (born on September 29, 2017) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for demonstrating the functioning of a parachute using a balloon and a paper cup; the functioning of human lungs using plastic straws, an empty bottle and 2 balloons; the functioning of a wind mill using 2 paper cups and a plastic straw, at the age of 5 years and 3 months, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
Jalli Allen Abhinav (born on February 16, 2019) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 203 car brand logos in 3 minutes and 13 seconds, at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Gande Virat Sai (born on August 17, 2018) of Karim Nagar, Telangana, is appreciated for recalling the capitals of all Indian states, 12 national symbols; and identifying the flags of 68 countries at the age of 4 years and 5 months, as confirmed on January 30, 2023.
Atharav Pollai (born on July 26, 2018) of Sambalpur, Odisha is appreciated for recalling 48 mobile numbers in 8 minutes and 58 seconds, at the age of 4 years and 6 months, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
Tirtharaj Bhattacharyya (born on May 27, 2020) of Hooghly, West Bengal, is appreciated for recalling 7 days of week, 6 seasons, 12 months; translating from English to Bengali 10 wild animals, 11 domestic animals, 8 flowers, 15 birds,
Ummer Muhammed Payyoorvalapil (born on May 20, 1978) of Valsad, Gujarat, is appreciated for his consistency and punctuality to send ‘Good morning’ messages on a daily basis at a fixed time (4.46 am) since August 14, 2018 to January 28, 2023. During this long period (4 years, 5 months and 14 days), he missed only 37 days when he didn’t send this message, as confirmed on January 31, 2023.
Maadhav J. Unnithan (born on July 17, 2021) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 14 animals, 6 parts of the body, 7 fruits, 9 vegetables, 11 vehicles, 10 electronic items, 7 birds, 5 ornaments, 5 aquatic animals, 30 miscellaneous objects; doing 5 actions; and building tower with coloured rings at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on February 8, 2023.
Samruddhi Kamath (born on April 6, 2020) of Udupi, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 10 colours, 11 fruits, 6 vegetables, 24 animals, 6 insects, 8 sea animals, 9 parts of the body, 7 vehicles, 16 food items, 4 occupations, 6 English rhymes; reciting counting from 1 to 10, letters of the English alphabet from A to Z; and imitating the sounds of 12 animals at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Aditilakshmi Melveettil Subhash (born on August 3, 2020) of Thrissur, Kerala (now residing in Salmaniya, Bahrain), is appreciated for identifying the flags of all the Asian countries. She identified the flags of all the 48 Asian countries in 1 minute and 13 seconds at
K. S. Jagrithi (born on October 22, 2018) of Kodagu, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting the names of 90 countries in 54 seconds at the age of 4 years and 3 months, as confirmed on February 6, 2023.
Mifra Fathima
K. (born on May 31, 2018) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 18 fruits, 20 vehicles, 20 domestic animals, months in a year, days of the week, colours of the rainbow, 11 Indian festivals, 14 parts of the body, 5 sense organs with their functions, 5 vowels; reciting the names of 14 districts of Kerala and letters of the English alphabet from A to Z at the age of 4 years and 7 months, as confirmed on January 30, 2023.
Muhammad Izaan C. (born on September 30, 2019) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 40 animals, 30 birds, 24 vegetables, 25 fruits, 24 flowers, 15 insects, 8 planets, flags of 24 countries, 15 vehicles, 15 games, 27 famous personalities; singing 4 songs; reciting English alphabet, numbers from 1-10, 12 Chief Ministers and 14 districts of Kerala; recalling names 12 scientists and 19 animals’ young ones; answering 40 GK questions at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Aritro Majumdar (born on July 30, 1998) of Bardhaman, West Bengal, is appreciated for completing 5 courses in Psychology namely Brief Introduction to Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Great Experiments in Psychology, Psychology of Everyday and Post Graduate diploma in Guidance and Counselling from reputed institutes during the years 2021 and 2022, as confirmed on December 10, 2022.
Ishaan Shah (born on September 27, 2004) of Delhi, is appreciated for composing, writing, singing and co-producing the song titled ‘Wish you weren’t so far’ (duration: 2 minutes and 46 seconds), which was released on every streaming platform including Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music and Gaana; with the music video being officially released on YouTube on September 16, 2022 at the age of 17 years and 11 months, as confirmed November 24, 2022.
Kenisha Jhanwar (born on June 6, 2018) of Indore, Madhya Pradesh, is appreciated for reading 24 sight words, days of the week; solving 2 puzzles and 35 sums (after and before numbers, ascending and descending numbers, greater and smaller numbers); and writing numbers from 1 to 100 at the age of 4 years and 8 months, as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
A. Jayabalaganathan (born on March 7, 1952) of Puducherry, is appreciated for collecting proverbs of famous wisemen, men of erudition and philosophers and writing them in 8 volumes in Tamil language since 1972 till date. His collections have been published in a magazine called ‘Vellum Thooya Tamil’ since 2007, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Nidha Mariyam T. S. (born on June 3, 2008) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for writing the names in Arabic calligraphy. She wrote 12 names using Arabic calligraphy in 1 minute and 42 seconds at the age of 14 years and 8 months, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
Rahul R. Manganawar (born on December 7, 1980) of Belgaum, Karnataka, is appreciated for completing a successful motorcycle expedition to Khardungla Pass, along with his wife. They started their journey on April 29, 2022 from Belgaum and reached the mighty Khardungla Pass (18, 380 feet) on May 13, 2022 and then returned to Belgaum on May 29, 2022. They travelled 9,752 km in 30 days, as confirmed on August 31, 2022.
Nihan MD (born on July 2, 2020) of Hunsur, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 6 freedom fighters, 8 shapes, 10 colours, 10 vegetables, 11 fruits, 15 parts of the body, 16 animals, flags of 18 countries, 20 vehicles, 14 flowers; performing 19 actions; stacking 7 rings; answering 7 G.K. questions; and imitating the sounds of 9 animals at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Reyansh Sargar (born on April 3, 2020) of Thane, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 24 actions, 24 animals, 24 birds, flags of 28 countries, 11 colours, 17 parts of the body, 26 famous places of India, 24 flowers, 24 fruits, 24 types of home equipment,32 celestial bodies, 30 scientists, 13 shapes, 24 vehicles, 24 vegetables; reciting letters of the English alphabet and numbers from 1-10 at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on September 23, 2022.
(born on April 20, 2013) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for solving 25 different types of Rubik’s Cubes in 32 minutes and 46 seconds at the age of 9 years and 9 months, as confirmed on January 30, 2023.
Paarthav Prashanth (born on June 17, 2021) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for matching 4 colours; stacking 7 cubes; arranging 7 inner cubes, 5 octagon rings, 5 circles in slots; sorting 17 shapes; bifurcating 4 shapes (16 pieces); and building 8 blocks at the age of 1 year and 7 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Shibili Rahiman Kavumpurath (born on October 17, 2002) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for mentoring 500 students on stock market trading, at the age of 20 years and 2 months, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
One Month Online Cer t if icat ion Training on (Ear th Therapy) Zero Volt Therapy
• What is electromagnetic force/EMF?
• Histor y & Chemistr y of EMF.
• EMF & human health.
• Direct correlation bet ween EMF & Lifest yle Diseases.
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Mode of Training: Take -Home Material: Online DIY ear thing t ool ki t
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Professional Certication Course
Circadian Clock & Ayur vedic Panchk arma (CC AP)
Dual Certication
Introduction: First ever training on the modern understanding on the noble prize winning science (2017) of circadian clock with the amalgamation of the ancient wisdom of Ayurvedic Panchkarma Therapies, to help humanity come out of the trap of modern life style diseases.
Total Duration: 3 Months
Mode of Training: Once in a week – Online Classes
Ÿ 7 days contact hands on training at Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar
• 22 Therapies of Ayurvedic Panchkarma
• Science of Circadian clock
• Circadian Clock and disease connection
• Preparing customized circadian chart
• Cancer – Tumour, its progression and regression
• Practical case studies
Ÿ 3 days apprenticeship at HIIMS Hospital (Delhi / Chandigarh / Mumbai / Lucknow / Jaipur) To register go to
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