


Ÿ Foot Mat (19 x 12 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Bedsheet (75 x 36 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Copper connecting wristband
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Yoga Mat (74 x 30 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (2 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
To stay disease free, one needs to be grounded with the mother Earth most of the time. In urban cities, it seems difficult to achieve this target. With the invention of Zero volt bedsheet and mats, one can be grounded even while sleeping & sitting at home.
काय्डशालाएं आयरोजजत की गईं।
लाखों फूल और जैव ववववधता आध्ात्मिकता बढ़ाने वाले व्यंजन छत की टाइलों पर दोहरा प्रहार
ततरगा कु वकग मैनुअल प्रोजेक्ट
कननाटक की मतहला जादूगर
मतहला स्ास्थ्य सशक्तिकरण
7 अजूबे और ईवी की तेज ड्ाइव
मोटरसाइवकल दौड़ाने का जुनून
कम्ननटी रेवियो से नॉन-स्ॉप प्रसारण
शशक्ा के जक्रए मतहला सशक्तिकरण
मधुमेह पर रेवियो जागरूकता अभियान
बगीचे में उगाया सबसे लबा तचतचिा
सामवेद का तहदी-उदू में अनुवाद
हवाई जहाज बनाने का शौक
क्दव्ागों ने बनाए बाजरा के व्यंजन
बैंक शाखाओ का तीव्र ववस्ार
पानी की हर बूद मायने रखती है
रूतबक क्ब्स से बनाया मोजेक
कश्ीर से कन्ाकुमारी की तेज ड्ाइव
सबसे लबी एगलेस ब्ाउनी
आटदू कॉलेज की तहस्ट्ी का लेखा-जोखा
एक करोड़ रुद्ाक्ों
पीटर जोसेफ, गगरीश िवान्ी, अशोक बिरवादर
के िल श्ीश्ी आयमामहवष, वििेक नवायर, सवागर एआर, फवालसल अशरफ
मध्य प्रदेि अंवतम कुमवार जैन
महािाष्ट्र बिस्वदीप रॉय चौधरी, ननखिलेश सवािरकर, डॉ. मनोज तत्वादी, डॉ. सुननतवा धोते, रेिवा लसह, नवागेंद्र लसह, बदलीप मवाने, सीमवा मलणकोथे, डॉ. चचत्वा जैन
उड़तीसा बिभूवत िवाबरक
पंजाब ककरण कौर जंड
िाजस्ान भुिनेश मथुबरयवा, रवाजलक्षी चौधरी
शसक्किम सोनी विददी
तममलनाड वििेक नवायर, कवितवा जैन, फ्कललन हवािडमा दवास
तेलंगाना िसुधवा अशोक, सुनीतवा आयमा, रवाममोहन रेड्डी,
और पूवड के पलेटफाममों के साथ इंटरचेंज सटे शन सकहत 8 सटे शन हैं। मेट्रो
समापत हुआ। दूसरा ररकॉडड, एक शहरी षिेत्र में रेलवे लाइनों के ऊपर सबसे भारी ससंगल
ऑफसेट हाससल ककया। यकतन राठौड, जीएम-मडजाइन, महाराष्ट्र मेट्रो रेल कॉपपोरेशन सलममटेड ने कहा, “महा मेट्रो मुंबई महानगरीय षिेत्र करो छरोडकर बाकी महाराष्ट्र में मेट्रो रेल पररयरोजनाएं करियान्वत करने के सलए भारत सरकार एवं महाराष्ट्र सरकार के एक संयुकत उद्यम के रूप में स्ामपत एक स्शल पपडज वेकहकल (एसपीवी) है। कंपनी करो फरवरी 2015 में नागपुर मेट्रो रेल कॉपपोरेशन सलममटेड के रूप में शाममल ककया गया था और बाद में इसे महाराष्ट्र मेट्रो रेल कॉपपोरेशन सलममटेड के रूप में पुनगडदठत ककया गया।
रेल दरोनों ससंगल-कॉलम मपयर पर दटके हैं। नागपुर मेट्रो रेल पररयरोजना के अलावा, महा मेट्रो करो भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमागड प्ामिकरण और महाराष्ट्र लरोक कनमाडण कवभाग द्ारा नागपुर में अ्य प्मुख बुकनयादटी ढांचा पररयरोजनाओं के कनषपादन का काम सौंपा गया है। महा मेट्रो करो पररयरोजना हेतु भूमम अमिग्हण, पररयरोजना करो करियान्वत करने के सलए एक सषिम टटीम के कनमाडण, उच्च यातायात वाले घनी आबादटी के षिेत्रों में पररयरोजना करो करियान्वत करने, महामारी से
लडने जैसी कुछ चुनौकतयों का सामना करना पडा। लेककन एक ओवरहेड इलेक्कट्क सससटम स्ामपत करने की उपलब्धि भी हाससल की, क्जसे प्कत
माह 2 ककमी की गकत से चालू ककया गया। भारत में पहली बार,
हाराष्ट्र में नागपुर मेट्रो रेल पररयरोजना के उत्तर-दक्षिण
कॉररडरोर में 5.64 ककलरोमीटर लंबा डबल डेकर वायाडकट
शाममल है, जरो कनचले सतर पर फरोर-लेन हाईवे फलाईओवर तथा ऊपरी
सतर पर डबल लाइन
के समय-समय पर रखरखाव और मरममत के सलए सडक ककनारे और खंभों के बीच पयाडपत स्ान छरोडा गया है। अलग-अलग आयामों के तनाव के उतार-चढाव के साथ एक डायनेममकली लरोडेड सट्कचर हरोने के नाते, ट्स के कवक्भन्न कहससों करो आईआरएस और आईआरसी करोड के अनुसार मडजाइन ककया
मॉडल लागू ककया जा रहा है जरो तकनीकी रूप से सबसे प्भावी और
कवत्तीय रूप से कुशल है। रेसकरो मॉडल एक शू्य-कनवेश मॉडल है, क्जसमें मेट्रो रेल प्ामिकरण सौर पीवी उपकरण की स्ापना के सलए
आवशयक स्ान प्दान करता है, जबकक रेसकरो डेवलपर सौर पीवी
उपकरण का मासलक हरोता है और उसका संचालन करता है।
सौर ऊजाड के माधयम से कबजली उतपादन के सलए अमिकतम स्ान
का उपयरोग करने हेतु, मेट्रो सटे शनों और मडपरो भवनों, मडपरो में भूमम
ट्क और मडपरो की चारदटीवारी आदद पर सौर पीवी पैनल
यह यात्रा नॉन-सटॉप थी और कार करो चुननंदा स्ानों पर ससफड चाजड करने के सलए ररोका गया। यात्रा के
जयपुर, भीलवाडा, उदयपुर, कहममतनगर, वडरोदरा, वापी, नवी मुंबई, पुणे, कराड, बेलागवी, दावणगेरे, तुमाकुरु, कृषणाकगरी, रासीपुरम, डडंडीगुल, कतरुनेलवेली और क्याकुमारी हरोकर गुजरा।
एक इलेक्क्टक वेनहकल (ईवटी) में कश्टीर से कन्ाकुमारी तक सबसे तेज़ डाइमविंग करने का कीमतमिमान ईवरो इंडडया ने टाटा नेक्ॉन
ईवटी चलाकर बनाया, लजसमें 95 घंटे और 46
ममनट में 4003 नक मटी दरी तय करते हुए तटीन
आईबटीआर ररकॉडमा बनाए गए।
इस अवसर पर टाटा पैसेंजर इलेक्कट्क मरोकबसलटटी सलममटेड (टटीपीईएम) के माककेटटंग, सेलस एंड सरवंस सट्टेजी के प्मुख, कववेक श्ीवतस ने कहा, ‘’नई उभरती हुई तकनीक हरोने के नाते, वासतकवक दुकनया में और रीयल टाइम पररकस्कतयों में ईवी की षिमताओं और संभावनाओं करो प्दरशंत करना महतवपूणड है। नेकसॉन ईवी के साथ इस महतवाकांषिी यात्रा पर
कनकलकर, हम मौजूदा और भावी ईवी मासलकों करो नेकसॉन ईवी की
दूरी के फायदों का प्माण देकर प्ररत करना चाहते हैं। साथ ही हम
सटे शनों की बढती संखया करो भी ददखाना चाहते हैं, क्ज्ह टाटा पॉवर में हमारे इकरोसससटम
और कम्पन कम हरोने से थकान भी कम हरोती है। इनकी गकत पलक झपकते ही बढ जाती है, क्जसके कारण तेज और सुरक्षित ओवरटेक
करना संभव हरोता है, और तनाव भी कम हरोता है। भारतीय पररकस्यों के सलए तैयार, नेकसॉन ईवी जैसी गाडी
करोररोमंडल और यहां तक कक माउंट तारानाकी भी देखा जा सकता है। सकाईडाइव टौरंगा में, हररयाणा के पंचकूला शहर के एक बालक, युवराज रामचंदानी (युवी) ने 27 ददसंबर, 2022 करो 12,000 फीट की ऊंचाई
करो सरटंकफकेट और मेडल सौंपा।
युवी की मां आईटटी सेलस में काम कर चुकी हैं। उ्ह लगता है कक “परफेकट पेरेंटटंग जैसी करोई चीज नहीं हरोती। पेरेंटटंग हमेशा आपकरो नई चीजें सीखने में मदद करती है। ियड रखें, अच् श्रोता बनें, अपने बच्चों करो सपरोटड करें और प्रोतसाकहत करें। याद रखें, बच्चों के साथ कबताया गया आपका सबसे अच्ा समय कफर कभी
संगीत की कई जानी-मानी हब्सतयां मौजूद थीं। आचायड गरोखले ने कहा, “भारतीय
पं. भैयाजी वाजलवर और कनशा कुलकणजी से प्ापत की। उनकी रचनाओं पर आिाररत दरो
पुसतकें - ‘गीत भासकर’ और ‘सवरदटीप’ पहले
ही प्कासशत हरो चुकी हैं। वह कई शासत्रीय
संगीत एलबम कनकाल चुकी हैं और उ्होंने कई
लाइव मयूक्जक शरो भी पेश ककए हैं, जरो मुखय
रूप से राग यमन पर आिाररत हैं। वह कहती
हैं, “मैंने सभी 15 बंददशों करो काफी सरल
रखने की करोसशश की है और इन रचनाओं के
सलए पारंपररक तीनताल और एकताल लय
का इसतेमाल ककया है। इनमें से सात सलररकल
कम्परोजीशन (गीत) हैं, जबकक शेष तराना (संगीत नरोट) हैं।”
इस ररकॉडड-सेटटंग प्सतुकत में श्ीकांत ने
हारमरोकनयम पर और नीलेश खोंडे ने परकुशन
पर उनके साथ संगत
था। कायडरिम में नारायण मंगरूलकर, आचायड कववेक गरोखले, प्रोफेसर कनशा कुलकणजी सकहत शासत्रीय
यमन में अक्धकतम बंनदशें तैयार करने का एक
सुरीला कीमतमिमान मबिंजनटी मनहला महामवद्ालय, नागर्ुर की प्रोफेसर (सुश्टी) दटीर्ाश्टी र्ाडटल उफमा
र्टी दटीर्ाश्टी ने स्ामर्त नक या गया है। वह भारतटीय
संगटीत की एसरोक्सएट प्रोफेसर हैं।
मगन पहलवानी में (दया प्काश सस्हा), चंद्रमुखी (अमृत कशयप), पंचनामा (तपन भट्), दामाद एक खरोज (तपन भट्), एक मशीन जवानी की (संतरोष नौदटयाल), बड आदमी (रमेश मेहता), अपने-अपने दांव (दया प्काश सस्हा), ताजमहल का टेंडर (अजय शुकला), अंडर सेरिे ट्टी ( रमेश मेहता), नई सभयता नए नमूने (डॉ शंकर शेष), बाप रे बाप (केपी सकसेना), दुलारीबाई (मक्ण मिुकर), संडे वेडडंग (उरमंल कुमार थपसलयाल), जैसा तुम कहरो (जयविडन), ददल की दुकान (राजेंद्र शमाड) , गज फुट इंच (केपी सकसेना), हाय हैंडसम ), हनीमून (कववेक चटजजी), द ग्ट राजा मासटर ड्ामा कंपनी (ददनेश भारती), सीएम साकहबा (कवनरोद ममश्ा), ककहए हुजूर कैसी रही (राकेश मंजुल), मसतमौला (जयविडन), हमस़िर (अमृत कशयप), अफसरोस हम न होंगे (रणवीर ससंह) और डबल डरोज़ (ददनेश भारती) के नाम उललेखनीय हैं।
पौरस वकील का कहना है कक "दुभाडगय से, अचानक कारडंयक अरेसट पीमडतों में से 92% की अस्ताल पहुंचने से पहले ही मृतयु हरो जाती है, लेककन आंकड साकबत करते हैं कक अगर अमिकामिक लरोग सीपीआर से पररमचत हों, तरो अमिक जानें बचाई जा सकती हैं। जनता करो जागरूक और सशकत करने के उद्शय से हमने यह सबसे बडा सीपीआर जागरूकता अक्भयान शुरू ककया।" उललेखनीय है कक कारडंयरोपलमरोनरी ररसससटेशन (सीपीआर) का उपयरोग आपातकालीन कस्कत में तब ककया
जेरेकनयम, ससलवर डसट, सजावटटी गरोभी, एंटटीररनम, हॉलीहॉक और रिें च मैरीगरोल्ड के फूल सुसकजित
में गमले तैयार करने का काम 15 अगसत से शुरू हुआ। ममट्टी और खाद तैयार करके उसे गमलों में भरने का काम 15 ससतंबर तक पूरा कर सलया गया। लेककन बेगरोकनया के सलए जून में ही तैयारी कर ली गई थी। पेटु कनया, बेगरोकनया, एफएमजी, पैंसी, मैरीगरोल्ड, फलॉकस, एसलसम, डहसलया, डायन्थस, सेक्लवया, कैलेंडुला, वबकेना, सटॉकस, एंदटरकहनम और हॉलीहॉक जैसे सरदंयों
जैव प्जाकतयों के कवलुपत हरोने का खतरा पैदा हरो जाता है। संगठन ने जैव कवकविता
आयरोजन के सलए
लेडीज नवंग की सदसयों ने 4 माचड, 2023 करो अपने-अपने घरों में कुल 370 जैन व्यंजन तैयार ककए और उ्ह महावीर पकबलक सकू ल, अजीत कॉलरोनी, पुसलस लाइन, जरोिपुर, राजस्ान में प्दरशंत
पकाने और व्यंजन पेश करने का प्सशषिण ददया गया।” ररकॉडड बनाने के इस आयरोजन ने दुकनया के सलए एक प्रणादायक और सवस् जीवन जीने के तरीके पेश करने के मामले में एक ममसाल कायम कर दटी। आयरोजकों ने अपनी यह बात ससधि करके ददखा दटी
जैन भरोजन न केवल सवास्य के
जरोधर्ुर, राजस्ान की जैन इंटरनेशनल टड ऑगमानाइजेशन (जटीटरो) लेडटीज मविंग ने महावटीर
र्क्लिक स् ल, अजटीत कॉलरोनटी, जरोधर्ुर में
ममट्टी के बरतनों में तैयार, प्दशशमित और र्ररोसे गए
अक्धकतम जैन व्जनों का एक अनूठा कीमतमिमान
स्ामर्त नक या है।
कायमों के माधयम से समाज में बदलाव लाने के सलए उदारतापूवडक काम कर रही हैं। वह जरोिपुर में दरो प्कतमष्ठत सकू लों- महावीर पकबलक सकू ल और बादल चंद सुगन कंवर चरोरमडया कवद्यालय का सफलतापूवडक संचालन कर रही हैं। श्ीमती कानुंगा ररोटरी कलब, संसकार की पूवड अधयषि और जन सशषिण संस्ान की एक कायडकारी सदसय हैं।
हरोता है।
दरो लरोगों विारा एक-साथ छत की अक्धकतम टाइलें
तरोडने का ररकॉडमा अहमदाबाद,
2023 की अवमि में सभी 75 व्यंजन सवयं तैयार ककए। 32-वषजीय डॉ खैरुमन्नसा (एमएससी, पीएचडी), वतडमान में कबट्समपलानी के हैदराबाद पररसर से अपनी परोसट-डॉकटरोरल फैलरोसशप कर रही हैं। वह रसायन कवज्ञान कवभाग, सेंट ए्स कॉलेज फॉर कवमेन, हैदराबाद में सहायक प्रोफेसर रह चुकी हैं और कहती हैं, ‘’ररसचड मेरा पेशा है और खाना बनाना मेरा जुनून। एक सच्चा शरोिकताड कभी भी कबना ककसी उद्शय और उमचत गणना के ककसी चीज़ की शुरुआत नहीं
ने मतरंगा रेक्सर्टी प्दशशमित करने वाला एक सबसे
बडा कु नकिं ग मैनुअल ललखने और प्काशशत करने
का ररकॉडमा बनाया है, लजसमें मतरंगा डडशेज का
प्मतननक्धत् करने वाले 75 व्जन शाममल हैं।
(रवा) इडली, हकका नूडलस, पनीर दटकका, राइस पलैटर (दट्पल राइस), कारमेल, बटर पॉपकॉनड, मखाना सागरो, परोहा खीर, टरोसट (पनीर और चीज़), नाररयल लड्डू, सेवई, आलू करी के साथ डरोसा, करोररयाई सटाइल आलू, पोंगल, शीरा, तवा उपमा, पेडा, छेना सैंडकवच, मुरुककू , मचटरोई मपठा, श्ीखंड,
बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स | मई
करती हैं, क्ज्होंने जादू के अनेक
गुर ससखाए थे। बाद में सुवणाड,
सूयाड, गरोपी और
कहलाओं के सवास्य सशककतकरण संबंिी एक सत्र में अमिकतम मकहलाओं की भागीदारी का ररकॉडड कतरुवनंतपुरम (कत्रवेंद्रम), केरल कस्त याना वीमेंस हॉक्स्टल के डॉ कववेक पॉल कवथयासथल ने बनाया है। यह सेशन 8 माचड, 2023 करो लाल बहादुर शासत्री मकहला प्ौद्यरोकगकी संस्ान, पूजापुरा, कतरुवनंतपुरम में आयरोक्जत
सजडरी का कवशेषज्ञ हरोने के नाते वह गभडिारण के 300 से अमिक सफल मामलों के अनुभवी मचककतसक
है। बदले में बच्चों के सलए बेहतर सवास्य देखभाल के चलते जीकवत बच्चों की संखया में वृक्धि हुई है, क्जससे अमिकामिक दंपक्त्त पररवार कनयरोजन के तरीके अपनाने लगे हैं। करिक्श्यन मेमडकल कॉलेज (सीएमसी) वैललरोर से प्जनन मचककतसा में फैलरोसशप (2011-2013) लेने से पहले डॉ पॉल मेमडकल कॉलेज, कतरुवनंतपुरम
के दौरान, मागड में कार की बहुत सारी शूटटंग भी हुई। भारत
के 7 अजूबों के मागड में लुमियाना, अमृतसर, आगरा, कानपुर, खजुराहरो, वाराणसी, पटना, नालंदा, गया, रांची, बालासरोर, भुवनेश्वर, पुरी, कवजाग, कवजयवाडा, हैदराबाद, हम्पी और उडुपी समेत कई शहर पडे।
पटेल ने आगे कहा कक ऐकतहाससक ड्ाइनवंग अक्भयान बीबीसी टॉपकगयर द्ारा प्बंमित ककया गया था। भारत अपनी कवरासत, टरोपरोग्ाफी, संसकृकत, भाषा और लरोकाचार में कवकविता का दावा करता है। हमारा देश अपनी समृधि और प्रक ऐकतहाससक कहाकनयों और नायकों के सलए जाना जाता है। ऐकतहाससक
24 घंटे में मरोटरसाइनक ल र्र सबसे अक्धक दरी तय
करने का ररकॉडमा र्ुणे
मेरी खास ददलचस्ी है और मैंने महाराष्ट्र के अंदर और बाहर कई सरोलरो राइड की हैं। वषड 2017 में, 18 साल और 2 महीने की उम्र में, मैं अपनी पलसर 220 बाइक पर लद्ाख के 18,380 फीट ऊंचे खारदुं ग ला तक गई थी। तब मेरे मपता दूसरी बाइक पर मेरे साथ रहे थे। ऐसा करके, मैंने खारदुं ग ला तक पहुंचने वाली सबसे कम उम्र की राइडर हरोने का ररकॉडड बनाया था।” भारती कवश्वकवद्यालय, पुणे से सनातक, अन्वता ने 2020 में इंटरसेपटर
2023 करो संपन्न हुआ, क्जससे ‘कवश्व रेमडयरो ददवस मनाने के सलए कवक्भन्न सामुदामयक
के छात्राओं और सशषिकों ने कवश्व रेमडयरो ददवस (13 फरवरी, 2023) के अवसर पर, एक नॉन-सटॉप प्सारण
में भी कहससा सलया। पत्रकाररता कवभाग की छात्राओं ने पहल करते हुए अपने सामुदामयक रेमडयरो जयरोकत वाणी 90.4 एफएम के माधयम से 120 घंटे के नॉन-सटॉप प्सारण करो सफल बनाया। हालांकक, पांच ददनों तक 24 घंटे लगातार प्सारण सुकनक्श्त
कवद्यापीठ मकहला कवश्वकवद्यालय की डॉ हेमा ने इंमडया बुक ऑफ ररकॉड्डस पकत्रका
ज्रोमत मवद्ार्टीठ मनहला मवश्वमवद्ालय, जयर्ुर विारा स्ामर्त नक या गया, लजसमें 90.4
ज्रोमत वाणटी से प्सारण नक या गया।
कवश्व रेमडयरो ददवस का संबंि है, तरो यह उपयरोगी संचार के प्सार में रेमडयरो की भूममका करो लेकर जागरूकता पैदा करने के सलए हर साल 13 फरवरी करो मनाया जाता है। रेमडयरो हमेशा
(आरआईडी) 3212 द्ारा मकहला सशककतकरण कायडरिम की यरोजना बनाई गई थी। ररोटेररयन ए एस पी अरुमुगा सेलवन, ररोटेररयन एम ए पी आर रेंगासामी, ररोटेररयन सशवकुमार और ररोटेररयन साकवत्री सशवकुमार, पीजी जयरामन उमाशंकर, वी अररवरसन, एस नागासलंगम, आईआरएस (सेवाकनवृत्त), ररोटेररयन पी तेनशजंग पॉलराजन, ररोटेररयन पी ए जी कवजयकुमारी, और ररोटेररयन ए शयामराज सकहत कई प्कतमष्ठत वकताओं ने उपकस्त श्रोताओं करो महतवपूणड जानकारी प्दान की। वीवी वमन्नयापेरुमल कॉलेज फॉर वीमेन की स्ापना वीवी वमन्नयापेरुमल
नाडार द्ारा की गई थी, क्जसका उद्शय उच्च सशषिा के माधयम से ग्ामीण मकहलाओं करो सशकत बनाना था। कवगत छह दशकों में तममलनाडु के सबसे प्कतमष्ठत मकहला कॉलेजों में से एक
प्देश); रायपुर (छत्तीसगढ); अहमदाबाद, सूरत (गुजरात); करोलहापुर, मुंबई, नागपुर, नाससक, पुणे, सरोलापुर (महाराष्ट्र), बेंगलुरु, गुलबगाड, हुबली, मेंगलुरु, मैसुरु (कनाडटक); कन्नूर, करोक्च्च, कतरुवनंतपुरम (केरल); चेन्नई, करोयमबटूर, कत्रची (तममलनाडु); कवजयवाडा, कवजेग (आंध् प्देश); हैदराबाद, वारंगल (तेलंगाना); कटक, भुवनेश्वर, राउरकेला (ओमडशा); पटना (कबहार); रांची (झारखंड); आसनसरोल, करोलकाता, ससलीगुडी (पक्श्म बंगाल); गुवाहाटटी (असम); ईटानगर (अरुणाचल प्देश);
38 इंडिया बुक ऑफ रिकॉर्ड्स | मई 2023
भारत के प्ाचटीन धममाग्थों में से एक, सामवेद का
नहिंदटी व उद भाषाओं में अनुवाद करके र्स्कें तैयार
करने का कीमतमिमान बांका, मबहार के डॉ इकबाल
दरामानटी ने बनाया है। वैनदक सानहत् के क्षेत् में ऐसा
र्हलटी बार हुआ है।
देखे और वहां से दरो छरोटे एयररो मॉडल ले आया। एयररोमॉडसलंग में रुमच बढने लगी
संस्ापक अधयक्ष गायत्ी वातसलय द्ारा िुरू तकया गया एनजीओ
एसवीके लिक्षण संस्ान, एक ऐसे सक्षम पया्डवरण और समावेिी समाज
के तनमा्डण हेि काम करिा है जो बौजधिक रूप से तवकिांग वयसकों
की गररमा का सममान करिा हो। प्रतिभातगयों
जवार, बाजरा, रागी, फॉकसटे ि बाजरा, लिदटि बाजरा, बान्डयार्ड बाजरा, कोिो बाजरा, ब्ाउनटॉप बाजरा और प्रोसो बाजरा
िाममि हैं। इन अनाजों का उपयोग सवादिटि ममठाई, सवादिटि खखरड़ी, मसाििार तबरयानी, पुिाव, सवादिटि इरिी, रोसा, फू िी हुई ब्ेर, केक, लसज़िर और मपज्ा बनाने के लिए तकया जािा है। गौरििब है तक
संयुकि राष्ट्र ने 2023 का साि अंिरा्डष्ट्रीय बाजरा वर
घोमरि तकया है।
रामिेव बाबा कॉिेज ऑफ इंजीतनयररतिग एंर मैनेजमेंट की प्रोफेसर सुनीिा िोटे एलिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉर् ्डस के तनणा्डयक के िौर पर वहां मौजूि थीं। उनहोंने गायत्ी वातसलय को प्रमाण पत् और पिक प्रिान तकया। जन सवास्य आहार तविरज्, वकिा, िेखक और लिजक्षका, मेघना पंमरि ने श्ोिाओं को तवजभन्न प्रकार के मोटे अनाजों के सेवन का महतव बिाया
एक मवत्टीय वषमा में लॉ्च की गई
की 52% शाखाएं देश के अिड-शहरी और ग्ामीण षिेत्रों में काम कर रही हैं। नई इकाइयों करो एक बटन के ककलक के साथ लॉ्च ककया गया, कयोंकक यह एक वचुडअल ईवेंट थी। हालांकक, शाखा प्बंिकों
बैंक सलममटेड के कायडकारी
कनदेशक कै ज़ाद भरूचा करो उधिधृत
करते हुए एक प्मुख कबजनेस
अखबार ने सलखा कक ग्ाहकों ने
बड पैमाने पर मडक्जटल बैंनकंग
चैनलों करो अपना सलया है, कफर
भी सरवंस और मनी मडपॉक्जट
के काम करो ठीक से अंजाम
देने के सलए बैंक की कफक्जकल रिांचेज का हरोना महतवपूणड है, कवशेष रूप से दटयर -2, 3 और 4 शहरों में। एचडीएफसी बैंक कवत्तीय समावेशन के सलए प्कतबधि है, और यह बैंनकंग करो देश के दूर-दराज स्ानों तक ले जाने की यरोजना का एक कहससा है। कवत्त वषड 2022-23 में शुरू की गई 1477 एचडीएफसी शाखाओं
से, सबसे अमिक नई शाखाओं
टॉप दस राजयों में महाराष्ट्र (145), उत्तर प्देश (134), तममलनाडु (124), गुजरात (112), राजस्ान (108), मधय प्देश (96), आंध् प्देश (92), तेलंगाना (88), केरल (80) और
पंजाब (75) शाममल हैं। शेष शाखाएं कनाडटक (73), हररयाणा (57), छत्तीसगढ (55), पक्श्म बंगाल (45), ओमडशा (39), कबहार (26), कहमाचल प्देश (20), उत्तराखंड (16), पूवपोत्तर (36), ददलली और जममू एवं कशमीर (23 प्तयेक) व अ्य करो ममलीं।
बनाता है। आमिकाररक आंकडों के अनुसार, कवश्व जल ददवस
रूप से भाग
का एक उललेखनीय
मधय प्देश के इंदौर क्जले में कवश्व जल ददवस के अवसर पर आयरोक्जत
एक कायडरिम के दौरान एलएंडटटी के मुखय लेखाकार चंद्रशेखरन मपललई
ने कहा कक हर साल 22 माचड करो कवश्व जल ददवस का आयरोजन ककया जाता है, क्जसके तहत जल के महतव और इसके संरषिण
रूमबक क्ब्स का इस्माल करके साईं बाबा का
सबसे बडा मरोज़ेक
मरोजेक अब सशरडी थीम पाकड का ही एक इ्सटालेशन है। मरोजेक के काम में, डप्ंस कत्रवेदटी ने मच्मय की सहायता की, क्ज्होंने कयूबस करो अनपैक ककया, जांचा-परखा और कफर उ्ह दटीवार पर लगाया। सबसे पहले, कयूबस
के पास उपलब्धियों की एक लंबी सूची है। 2017 में उ्होंने सबसे कम समय में आंखों
पर पट्टी
समय। 2020 में, उ्होंने एक नई
प्कतभा के तौर पर
यूररोप में ‘ररोमाकनयाज गॉट टैलेंट’
में भारत का प्कतकनमितव ककया।
2021 में, उ्होंने ज़ी तेलुगु के
कबग सेसलकरिटटी चैलेंज प्रोग्ाम में
प्दशडन ककया। साथ ही, वह एक
टेडएकस स्ीकर भी हैं।
रूकबक कयूबस का उपयरोग
करके बनाई गई साईं बाबा की
पच्चीकारी या मरोजेक उनकी
सशषिा और कवरासत का एक
अकवश्वसनीय पहलू है। यह एक
संत करो श्धिांजसल देते हुए कला
के सौंदयड और उसकी जदटलता
करो प्दरशंत करता है। लरोकमप्य
नजफगढ़ के एक र्ेशेवर डाइवर रमविंदर गहलरोत
माचड करो राकत्र 1.42 बजे समापत हुई और राजीव ररोकहला ने ही गाडी का इंजन बंद ककया। ररकॉडड बनते समय रनवंदर की उम्र 38 साल, 8 माह और 5 ददन थी।
यात्रा का रूट कुछ इस प्कार था: श्ीनगर से बकनहाल, उिमपुर, पठानकरोट, जालंिर, लुमियाना, पदटयाला, अमबाला, नारनरोल, जयपुर, अजमेर, भीलवाडा, मचत्तौडगढ, मंदसौर, रतलाम, इंदौर, जलगांव, औरंगाबाद, बीजापुर, बेंगलुरु, हरोसुर हरोते हुए क्याकुमारी। भकवषय में वह एक ट्कटर से
कककांजेरी, मलपपुरम क्जले में उनकी केक फै कट्टी में
की लंबाई 732.15 फीट, चौडाई 16 इंच और ऊंचाई 2 इंच थी। इस रिाउनी करो मपघली हुई चॉकलेट, काजू, आटा, चीनी, वनस्कत तेल और चॉकलेट बटर आइससंग का उपयरोग करके तैयार ककया गया था। रिाउनी करो 24 माचड, 2023 करो कक्रिा फूड पाकड ,
सरकारी आटमा कॉलेज के इमतहास करो प्दशशमित
करने वालटी र्हलटी नकताब प्काशशत करने का
ररकॉडमा प्रोफेसर डटी एस कर्ूर ने बनाया है। नहस्टी
एंड हेररटेज नामक उनकी नकताब कॉलेज ऑफ
आर् चंडटीगढ़ के इमतहास करो समेटे है।
रेलवे कमडचाररयों द्ारा ककया गया था। वे लगभग प्कतददन आरती और भजन
करते थे। श्ी आचायड एककराला भारद्ाज सवामी वरु (30 अकटू बर 1938 - 12 अप्ल 1989), कवजयवाडा में सशरडी साईं बाबा मंददर
पररसर के पहले मानद अधयषि थे। उ्होंने सशरडी साईं बाबा के जीवन
और पूजा पर कई ककताबें सलखीं। उ्ह 'श्ी साई मासटर' के रूप में भी जाना जाता है। उनकी तेलुगु भाषा की पुसतक श्ी साईं लीलामृतम सबसे
प्ससधि पुसतकों (परायण ग्डम) में से एक है। अप्ल 1989 में उनके
कनिन के बाद, डॉ पी गौतम रेड्डी मंददर पररसर के मानद अधयषि बने।
मंडली के सदसय मपछले 8 वषमों से कनतयानदानम करते रहे हैं।
साईं बाबा प्मी मंडली के सतय श्ी हरर ने इंमडया बुक
शशरडटी साईं बाबा मंनदर र्ररसर में 28 माचमा करो
साईंबाबा प्मटी मंडलटी, मुत्ालमर्ड, मवजयवाडा, आंध्र प्देश विारा 'साईं बाबा करो रुद्ाक्ष
से तैयार अक्धकतम मालाएं चढ़ाने' का ररकॉडमा
बनाया गया। रुद्ाक्ष नेर्ाल से मंगाए गए थे।
करूर, तममलनाड के ऋमतक
ह चेट्टीनाड कॉलेज ऑफ इंजीकनयररंग एंड टेकनरोलॉजी, करूर, तममलनाडु में बीई - मैके कनकल इंजीकनयररंग के अंकतम
में पढता है। छात्रों करो एक उपयुकत नौकरी खरोजने में आने वाली कदठनाइयों करो धयान में रखते
महामारी के दौरान कवक्भन्न शॉटड -टमड करोसड कर डाले। इसके सलए उ्ह इंमडया बुक ऑफ ररकॉडस द्ारा सराहना ममली है। छह माह और 22 ददनों के अंदर पायथन, आरटंकफसशयल मडज़ाइन एवं
एसेट मैनेजमेंट, एमडदटव मै्युफैकचररंग, माककेटटंग और नॉन-प्ॉकफट मैनेजमेंट
मावेन सससलकॉन, माई ट्डडंग ब्सकलस, मासटर ऑफ प्रोजेकट अकेडमी, हावडडड मेमडकल सकू ल, लनडवनड, ऑकसफरोडड हरोम सटडी कॉलेज, कॉनडरसटरोन ऑन मडमांड फाउंडेशन, आदद से 250 सरटंकफकेट करोसड कर सलए हैं।
ऋकतक का कहना है कक माता-मपता ही उसकी प्रणा हैं। उसने अपने प्सताकवत कबजली जेनरेटर के पेटेंट के सलए आवेदन ककया हुआ है। उसे कई पुरसकार और सममान भी ममल चुके हैं, जैसे कक वल्डड यूथ फेडरेशन की ओर से बैसट अचीवर ऑफ द ईयर 2022, चेट्टीनाड कॉलेज ऑफ इंजीकनयररंग एंड टैकनरोलॉजी का बैसट प्रोजेकट अवाडड 2021, भारत सकाउट्स एंड गाइड्स (2016) का सटे ट अवाडड, बैसट परफॉमडर रररिू ट एनएकसटटी (2021), जेमपयर इंसटटीट्ट ऑफ टैकनरोलॉजी की ओर से बैसट पेपर प्जेंटेशन अवाडड और तममलनाडु कराटे एसरोससएशन की ओर से कराटे सरटंकफकेट (2013)।
कक उसकी दादटी और मां द्ारा आयरोक्जत सुबह की पूजा में भाग लेना। नाशता करने और कुछ खेलने के बाद हम उसे ककवताओं,
संखयाओं आदद के वीमडयरो
हैं। हमें यह जानकर आश्यड हुआ
कक 6 माह की उम्र में, वह अपनी मां
के दूि और फॉमूडला दूि के बीच अंतर
करने में सषिम था। याद रखने की उसकी
षिमता बेममसाल है और वह हमेशा
बहुत उतसुक रहता है। वह प्ेक्कटस और
दरोहराव कम ही करता है, लेककन जलदटी
सीखता है।”
शौयड करो वीमडयरो शूट के सलए तैयार
डीलरसशप ददलवाई, क्जसका सालाना मुनाफा एक कररोड से जयादा है। कववाह के बाद, वह एक अ्य कंपनी, अवि प्ाइवेट सलममटेड में काम करने लगीं। उनका बच्चा केवल 5 महीने का था, तब भी वह वेफसड और नमकीन के ऑडडर लेने और उसी ददन मडलीवरी सुकनक्श्त करने के सलए दुकान-दरदुकान जाती थीं। माससक काररोबार करो एक कररोड रुपये तक ले जाते हुए, उ्होंने अपने ससुराल वालों का भारी कजड चुकाने में मदद की। कहमानी ने इंमडया बुक ऑफ ररकॉडस पकत्रका के साथ साझा
Step 1 Open the cap Step 2 Sniff the oil
The box contains:
• 2 Seconds Oil bottle • Cer tificate of Commitment
The record for being the fastest to recite letters of the English alphabet from A to Z was set by Saanvi Visharad Deo (born on January 21, 2021) of Pune, Maharashtra. She recited all the 26 letters of the alphabet from A-Z in 12 seconds and 3 milliseconds at the age of 2 years, 1 month and 7 days, as confirmed on February 28,
The record for keeping both the little fingers in the side bending position for the longest duration was set by Tanishka Bansal (born on January 5, 2008) of Bharatpur, Rajasthan. She kept the little fingers of both the hands in the side bending position for 1 hour, 10 minutes and 8 seconds at the age of 15 years, 2 months and 1 day, as confirmed on March
The record for being the fastest to recall the names of all the districts of Kerala was set by Rosangel Deepak (born on January 17, 2019) of Ernakulam, Kerala. She recalled the names of all the 14 districts of Kerala in 9 seconds and 62 milliseconds at the age of 4 years, 1 month and 6 days, as confirmed on February 23, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to solve single and double digit addition sums was set by Savio Saneesh (born on January 12, 2018) of Thrissur, Kerala (currently living in Dubai, UAE). He solved 50 additional sums (consisting of single and double digit numbers) in 3 minutes and 18 seconds, at the age of 5 years, 1 month and 21 days, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
The record for identifying the flags of the maximum number of countries in 30 seconds was set by R. Rithvika (born on November 16, 2017) of Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu. She identified the flags of 48 countries in 30 seconds (by looking at the flashcards) at the age of 5 years, 3 months and 7 days, as confirmed on February 23, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of full contact punch strikes in one minute was set by Pithani Hanisha Jaivardhini (born on April 14, 2016) of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. She performed 370 full contact punch strikes on a vertical hardboard in one minute with bare hands (under the guidance and training of Shri P. Kanaka Rao of Dragon Fitness Centre), at the age of 6 years, 10 months and 11 days, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to run 100 m hurdle race was set by Jaleesa Jims Asirvatham (born on February 7, 2018) of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. She ran a distance of 100 metres crossing 10 hurdles in 33 seconds at the age of 5 years and 8 days, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to ascend and descend a knotted rope was set by Jaleesa Jims Asirvatham (born on February 7, 2018) of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu. She ascended and
The record for being the fastest to solve a 9 x 9 Sudoku puzzle orally blindfolded was set by Setty Jaswanth Sunhith (born on July 21, 1999) of Nandyal, Andhra Pradesh. He solved a 9 x 9 Sudoku puzzle orally in 6 minutes, 31 seconds and 39 milliseconds while being blindfolded, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
The record for being the fastest kid to recall 50 binomial scientific names was set by V. Sri Saanvi (born on December 26, 2017) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. She recalled 50 binomial scientific names of different fruits, vegetables, birds and animals in 1 minute, 23 seconds and 6 milliseconds at the age of 5 years, 2 months and 2 days, as confirmed on 2023.
The record for being the fastest to read 50 English words was set by P. Sivakarthik (born on March 4, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He read 50 random English words (4 to 6 letter words) including Horn, Room, Party, Leaves, on a tablet screen in 46 seconds and 22 milliseconds, at the age of 2 years, 11 months and 16 days, as confirmed on February 20,
The record for being in the Yoganidrasana pose for the longest duration was set by Rehan Sulaiman (born on May 3, 2012) of Tamil Nadu. He held the pose (yogic sleep pose) for 44 seconds at the age of 10 months and 24 days, as on February 27, 2023.
The record for being the youngest to perform Bharatanatyam on inline skates was set by D. Taarasri (born on October 15, 2015) of Salem, Tamil Nadu. She performed Bharatanatyam
The record for creating the maximum number of graphic designs in 30 minutes was set by Vishnu Grover (born on July 3, 1997) of Hoshiarpur, Punjab. He created 16 graphic designs on his laptop in 30 minutes, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to spell 200 English words was set by P. Kapilesh March 15, 2018) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He spelt 200 random English words (3, 4, 5 and 6 letter words) including Orange, Hop, Banana, King, in 4 minutes, 45 seconds and 18 milliseconds at the age of 4 years, 11 months and 5 days, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
The record for being the youngest to climb Kalakrai Pinnacle clad in a Nauvari saree was set by Grihitha Sachin Vichare (born on August 8, 2014) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. She climbed Kalakrai Pinnacle (situated at a height of 250 feet) at 5 am and rappelled down (250 feet) at 7:30 am on January 29, 2023 clad in a Maharashtrian Nauvari saree (under the guidance of a trekking guide) at the age of 8 years, 5 months and 26 days, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
The record for folding the tongue in a clover-leaf shape for the longest duration was set by Mohammed (born on September 16, 2015) of Malappuram, Kerala. He folded his tongue in a clover-leaf shape and held it for 31 minutes and 4 seconds at the age of 7 years, 5 months and 20 days, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
The record for delivering the maximum number of public speaking tips was set by Nitin Raj (born on May 4, 2006) of Patna, Bihar. He delivered 46 tips in 55 seconds, at the age of 16 years, 9 months and 23 days, as confirmed on February 27, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to solve a Montessori slide puzzle was set by Dharshik M.L. (born on August 20, 2020) of Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu. He solved a single Montessori slide colour puzzle in 54 seconds at the age of 2 years, 6 months and 20 days, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to perform four activities simultaneously was set by Jiana Darshan Shah (born on December 24, 2014) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. She performed with two hula hoops, 210 hula hoop spins around the waist, 210 hula hoop spins switching between both wrists, holding a spoon with lemon in her mouth, while simultaneously standing on two steel tumblers in 2 minutes and 16 seconds at the age of 8 years, 2 months and 22 days, as confirmed on March 15, 2023.
The record for making the smallest elephant caparison was set by Geethakrishna P. K. (born on May 31, 1969) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. She made the smallest elephant caparison (Nettipattam) measuring 17 cm x 13 cm in 57 minutes using canvas, golden cloth, strands of wool, golden beads and decorative bells, as confirmed on March 20, 2023.
The record for the maximum number of heavy capacity motorcycles passing on the bare stomach was set by Angad Chhetri (born on December 30, 2008) of Siliguri, West Bengal. A total number of 10 Royal Enfield Bullets passed on his bare stomach (while lying down on the floor) in 36 seconds at the age of 14 years and 13 days, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
The record for manually cutting the smallest sized part of paper was set by R. Prabakar (born on June 1, 1985) of Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu. He marked the dimensions on a small part of A4 size paper and manually cut it out to measure 1 mm x 2 mm, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
The record for achieving the maximum number of awards in karate was (born on August 16, 2005) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. She achieved a total of 337 awards namely 187 certificates, 71 medals, 62 trophies and 17 shields in Malaysian Open Championship, US Open Championship, Commonwealth Championship, National and International Championships at the age of 17 years, 7 months and 8 days, as confirmed on March 24, 2023.
The record for performing forward cycling for the longest duration by sitting backward using one hand was set by Surya Pratap Singh (born on February 24, 1997) of Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. He performed forward cycling for 7 minutes and 52 seconds (covering 1.31 km) by sitting backward and holding the handle using right hand only, as confirmed on January 11, 2023.
The record for solving the maximum numbers of questions on squares of numbers blindfolded in 5 minutes was set by Pandya Jinal Pujan (born on August 4, 2009) of Surat, Gujarat. She solved 55 random questions on squares of numbers (from 1-125) mentally in 5 minutes blindfolded (using the technique of Vedic Mathematics). Out of 55 questions, 51 sums were declared correct at the age of 13 years, 5 months and 8 days, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
The record for playing the National Anthem blindfolded for the maximum number of times on an electronic keyboard was set by G. Tamoghna Tej (born on March 6, 2010) of Cuddapah, Andhra Pradesh. He played the complete National Anthem 6 times non-stop on electronic keyboard in 5 minutes and 11 seconds, while being blindfolded, at the age of 13 years and 8 days, as confirmed on March 14, 2023.
The record for solving the maximum number of Pyraminx Cubes in 15 minutes while hula hooping was set by K. Rakshaa (born on September 24, 2016) of Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu. She solved 26 Pyraminx cubes while performing 1480 hula hoop spins in 15 minutes at the age of 6 years, 5 months and 15 days, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
The record for covering the maximum distance while skating from India to Bhutan was set by Rudra Sarkar (born on November 11, 2010) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. He started skating on February 2, 2023 at 11.55 am from Shyamnagar and reached Bhutan on February 12, 2023 at 2.36 pm, covering 826.2 km in 11 days, while carrying the national flag at the age of 12 years, 3 months and 17 days, as confirmed on February 28, 2023.
The record for painting the maximum number of designs for the cover of a single book was set by Saajo L. (born on May 23,1967) of Kollam, Kerala. He painted 100 (one hundred) designs for the cover of a single book (in Malayalam) titled ‘Detective Sarayude (Rahasia) Kavitha (ISBN:978-93-92478-16 1), published by Haritham Books. All one hundred copies of the same book (with different covers) were released by the author, as confirmed 2023.
The record for covering the longest distance in formation flying with microlight aircrafts was set by Colonel Laxmi Kant Yadav (born on September 25, 1969) of Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, with Pilots of Army Adventure Nodal Centre (Microlight) under the aegis of Army Service Corps and Army Adventure Wing. They performed formation flying with 4 microlight aircrafts from Gaya to Bengaluru covering 1307 miles in 7 days from November 30, 2022 to December 6, 2022 to commemorate Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, 11th ASC Reunion and 262nd ASC Corps Day, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
The record for making the largest genetic portrait of Shahrukh Khan was set by Sufeena K. (born on June 16, 1995) of Malappuram, Kerala. She made the genetic portrait of Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan and his son, Aryan Khan, (measuring 335 cm x 500 cm) on A2 size sheets of paper using a graphite pencil, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
The record for donating hair for the maximum number of times for Cancer patients was set by Milna Francis (born on April 4, 2007) of Thrissur, Kerala. She donated her hair five times to Amala Institute Medical Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala, for Cancer patients from August 14, 2017 to March 5, 2023 at the age of 15 years, 11 months and 17 days, as confirmed on March 21, 2023.
The record for being the youngest to run 100 m was set by N. Mishitha Gowda (born on March 9, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She ran 100 m in 43 seconds and 35 milliseconds at the age of 3 years and 16 days, as confirmed on
The record for achieving the maximum number of certificates was set by Kadarbhai Nurmahamad Mansuri (born on January 1, 1965) of Visnagar, Gujarat. He achieved 2,011 certificates from various online courses and achievements, including national, international, universities, social awareness, literature, education policies and quizzes, as confirmed on February 28, 2023.
The record for performing a dance atop the highest peak of Africa was set by Yash Maroti Ingole (born on October 10, 2001) of Washim, Maharashtra. He summitted the highest peak of Africa, Uhuru Peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro (5895 m high ) on August 15, 2021 at 9.00 am on the occasion of 75th Independence Day and danced to a patriotic song (‘Teri Mitti’) for 1 minute and 45 seconds to pay tribute to all Indian soldiers, as confirmed on March 11, 2023.
The record for identifying the flags of the maximum number of countries in one minute while walking on inline skates was set by Abir Alhad Galgali (born on January 30, 2017) of Pune, Maharashtra. He identified the flags of 59 countries in one minute while walking on inline skates (by viewing the flashcards pasted on the wall) at the age of 6 years, 1 month and 3 days, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
The record for receiving the maximum number of the certificates for co-authoring the Hindi literature books was set by Gundal Vijay Kumar (born on March 30, 1983) of Rangareddy, Telangana. He received 13 certificates for co-authoring the Hindi literatures including ‘Sarang’ (ISBN: 978-93-92944-19-2), and Zindagi Gulzar Hain (ISBN: 978-89-2978757-5), as confirmed on February 17, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to complete a solo motorcycle expedition from Kanyakumari to Goa was set by Aaqib Javith A. (born on May 17, 1999) of Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu. He started his solo motorcycle expedition from Maravankudieruppu (Kanyakumari) on February 26, 2023 at 5:38 am and completed it at Curchorem (Goa) on February 26, 2023 at 11:52 pm, covering 1203.53 km in 15 hours, 16 minutes and 47 seconds on his Bajaj Dominar 400, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
The record for having the maximum number of Kannada authors in a family was set by the Sagun Shankar Habbu family of Uttara Kannada, Karnataka. Seven members of a family including Late Sagun Shankar Habbu, his son Late Subhaschandra Habbu and five surviving sons have written books in Kannada titled ‘Satyada Kadapige Sullina Macche’ (ISBN: 978-81-94724-54-4), ‘Mahatma Gandhi Jeevana Chartite’ (ISBN: 978-93-92535-00-0) and many others, as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
The record for identifying the maximum number of scientists and inventors was set by Rushikesh Ravidas Rathod (born on August 10, 2020) of Kalaburagi, Karnataka. He identified 31 scientists and inventors in 2 minutes by viewing their pictures on a screen, at the age of 2 years, 6 months and 28 days, as confirmed on March 7, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to recite all thirukkurals while playing Chess with multiple opponents Arul Prakash N. (born on December 11, 2009) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He recited all the 1,330 thirukkurals while playing Chess with 15 opponents in 1 hour, 43 minutes and 23 seconds, at the age of 13 years and 10 days, as confirmed on December 21, 2022.
The record for being the fastest to perform 50 yoga poses was set by (born on June 19, 2017) of Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. She performed 50 yoga poses in 1 minute and 36 seconds, at the age of 5 years, 8 months and 6 days, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
The record for being in the titibasana yoga pose was set by Shreya Sen (born on September 23, 2003) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. She remained in the titibasana yoga pose (firefly pose) for 2 minutes at the age 19 years, 5 months and 18 days, as confirmed on 2023.
The record for making the maximum number of Origami peacocks using paper was set by Rudramurthy (born on September 3, 1999) of Bengaluru, She made 1,057 Origami peacocks (each measuring 10 cm x 12 cm) using sheets of white and coloured paper, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
The record for making the maximum number of star shaped lights using coloured paper was set by Athikha Shahanas K. (born on July 26, 2002) of Malappuram, Kerala. She made 6 small star shaped lights (each measuring 2.5 cm in height and 1 cm in width) in 1 hour, 7 minutes and 45 seconds using coloured sheets of paper, LED light, battery and capacitor, as confirmed on March 14, 2023.
The record for making the largest model of Eiffel Tower using matchsticks was set by Surendra Kumar Jain (born on February 5, 1946) of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh. He made a large sized model of the Eiffel Tower (measuring 3 feet x 3 feet x 5 feet) using matchsticks at the age of 77 years, 1 month and 2 days, as confirmed on March 7, 2023.
The record for answering the maximum number of questions on Space Science was set by Madhab Mohanty (born on April 11, 2012) of Khordha, Odisha. He answered 82 questions on Space Science in 5 minutes and 43 seconds at the age of 10 years, 9 months and 9 days, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
The record for organising the largest Science fair was set by Asian Institute of Technology of Sabarkantha, Gujarat. A large sized Science fair (Asian Technotsav 2023) was organised from January 17- January 18, 2023, wherein 8,590 students attended and where 60 life useful experiments were presented by college students, as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
The record for identifying the maximum number of motorcycle parts was set by G. Krithvik Keyon (born on September 27, 2020) of Theni, Tamil Nadu. He identified 80 parts of a motorcycle in 8 minutes and 24 seconds, at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on February 27, 2023.
The record for answering the maximum number of questions on Space and the Solar System was set by Viraaj Mishra (born on May 9, 2017) of Muzaffarpur, Bihar (currently residing in Atlanta, USA). He answered 275 questions on Space and the Solar System in 20 minutes and 33 seconds at the age of 5 years, 10 months and 4 days, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
The record for answering the maximum number of questions on Hindu Mythology in 5 minutes was set by Hrishi Vaibhav Kapadia (born on December 14, 2019) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He answered 31 questions on Hindu Mythology in 5 minutes at the age of 3 years, 2 months and 20 days, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
The record for being the youngest nail artist was set by on February 20, 2007) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. She did different designs of nails and also participated in a nail workshop in LTA school of beauty at the age of 15 years, 11 months and 27 days, as confirmed on February 16, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of dips on parallel bars in 30 seconds was (born on March 30, 2001) of Palakkad, Kerala. He performed 52 dips on parallel bars in 30 seconds, as confirmed on February 16, 2023.
The record for making the smallest dress was set by Sameena Beegum (born on March 28, 2000) of Ernakulam, Kerala. She made a dress (measuring 1.1 cm in length) using cotton printed fabric, as confirmed on February
The record for completing long distance runs in the maximum number of towns and cities was set by Sankalp Jain (born on August 3, 1988) of Delhi. He completed long distance runs (comprising half marathons, full marathons, 50 km and 40 km) at 50 cities including Delhi, Gurugram, Noida, Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Vadodara, Bengaluru, Satara, Hyderabad, Chennai and Lucknow among other towns and cities from November 29, 2015 to October 16, 2022, as confirmed on
The record for touring the maximum number of Indian border states to commemorate ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ was set by Honorary Colonel (Dr.) Parvati Jangid Suthar (born on December 7, 1996) of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. She started her tour of 12 Indian border states on July 7, 2022 from Bhubaneswar (Odisha) and completed it at Tanot (Rajasthan) on October 16, 2022; covering a distance of 27,575 km in 101 consecutive days by the vehicles of Indian Defence Forces (Indian Army, Indian Navy and Indian Air Force), as confirmed on February 14, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to recall the names of Indian Presidents was set by Ridham Yadav (born on May 5, 2012) of Bhiwadi, Rajasthan. She recalled the names of all the 15 Indian Presidents from 1947 to 2022 in just 9 seconds and 17 milliseconds at the age of 10 years, 9 months and 20 days, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to recite the names of Indian Prime Ministers and Presidents was set by (born on October 3, 2016) of Sirsa, Haryana. She recited the names of all the Indian Prime Ministers and Presidents till date in 35 seconds, at the age of 6 years, 4 months and 8 days, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins around both knees in one was set by Sanvi Maheshwari (born on October 1, 2016) of Jaipur, Rajasthan. She performed 190 hula hoop spins around both knees (together) in one minute, at the age of 6 years, 4 months and 21 days, as confirmed on February 22, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins in an inclined position in one minute was set by Sanvi Maheshwari (born on October 1, 2016) of Jaipur, Rajasthan. She performed 116 spins in an inclined position in one minute (with her body inclined at an angle of 45 degrees and head facing down) at the age of 6 years, 4 months and 25 days, as confirmed on February
The record for being the fastest to make a checkerboard pattern on a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube was set by Prathyush M. (born on April 24, 2011) of Palakkad, Kerala. He made a checkerboard pattern on a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube in 1 second and 64 milliseconds at the age of 11 years, 9 months and 22 days, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
The record for identifying the maximum number of pictures in 15 minutes was set by Agnika Anjith (born on June 25, 2021) of Palakkad, Kerala. She identified 116 pictures of animals, birds, fruits, vegetables, household articles and clothes in 15 minutes at the age of 1 year, 8 months and 12 days, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to read one hundred sight words was set by Shaathvik Shravan Senthilkumar (born on August 25, 2017) of Karur, Tamil Nadu (now residing in Abu Dhabi, UAE). He read 100 sight words (one to seven letter words) from a big screen in 2 minutes and 14 seconds at the age of 5 years, 6 months and 22 days, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to recite 50 Thirukkurals was set by M. Subash (born on November 10, 2005) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. He recited 50 Thirukkurals in 2 minutes and 2 seconds at the age of 17 years, 2 months and 4 days, as confirmed
The record for discovering the maximum number of minerals of economic significance was set by Dr. Ashok Kumar Grover (born on January 1, 1953 at Saharanpur, U.P.) of Jaipur, Rajasthan. As a geologist (employed with Geological Survey of India from 1976 to 2012), he enabled the discovery of three economically significant minerals, namely Coal in Baheraband area of Sohagpur coalfield (Madhya Pradesh), Scheelite/ Tungsten in Pisangan-BabraSendra-Nabra area (Central Rajasthan) and Gold in Bhukia area (South Rajasthan). He received the National Mineral Award for the year 1994, as confirmed on March 22, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to write the mirror writing of the National Anthem in Hindi language was set by Shivanshu Upadhyay (born on May 11, 1995) of Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. He wrote the complete National Anthem in Hindi in mirror writing in 1 minute, 55 seconds and 65 milliseconds, as confirmed on March 21, 2023.
The record for reading the maximum number of stories from a single book in one hour was set by Lalitha Shrestha Pasalapudi (born on December 27, 2016) of Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh. She read 9 stories from a book named ‘Daniel Tiger’s 5 Minute Stories’ (consisting of 5513 words) in one hour, at the age of 6 years and 27 days, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
The record for reading the maximum number of sight words was set by Advik Sharma (born on March 2, 2017) of Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. He read 118 sight words in 30 seconds, at the age of 5 years, 10 months and 16 days, as confirmed on January 18, 2023.
The record for being the youngest poet was set by Agna Yami (born on August 26, 2017) of Kozhikode, Kerala. She published her own illustrated poetry book of 30 poems in Malayalam language titled ‘Varnappattam’ (ISBN: 978-81-94326-51-9), published by Perraka Books on March 5, 2023 at the age of 5 years, 6 months and 10 days, as confirmed on March 17, 2023.
The record for being the youngest finalist for U-12 Girls’ Doubles in AITA Championship Series 7 was set by Riya Jangid (born on March 20, 2014) of Mohali, Punjab. She was a finalist in the AITA (All India Tennis Association) Championship Series CS-7 Tournament for under 12 age group Girls’ Doubles on December 30, 2022 (held at Mewar Sports Club, Rajsamand, Rajasthan), at the age of 8 years, 9 months and 10 as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
The record for using the maximum number of plastic cups to make a portrait of Lionel Messi was set by Saurav Samanta (born on December 8, 1994) of Bagnan, West Bengal. He made two pictures on one surface with the use of 140 plastic cups (each 210 ml), from the top view it shows LM 10 and from a side view, it reflects a portrait of Lionel Messi by using different fabric colours, as confirmed on January 9, 2023.
The record for standing on toes for the longest duration without support
Rohit Gosain (born on August 4, 1994) of Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. He stood on his toes (wearing sports shoes) for 1 minute and 2 seconds without holding onto any support, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
The record for recalling the capitals of the maximum number of countries in one minute was set by Rizul Wadhwa (born on January 16, 2009) of Gurgaon, Haryana. She recalled the capitals of 104 countries in one minute at the age of 13 years, 11 months and 25 days, as confirmed on January 10, 2023.
The record for answering maximum mythological questions was set by Prakul Himanshu Sharma (born on December 2, 2018) of Pune, Maharashtra. He answered 51 mythological questions in 3 minutes and 55 seconds, at the age of 4 years 3 months and 7 days, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
The record for creating the largest digital mosaic photo banner was set by Bibin Raj V. (born on March 28, 1992) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He created the largest digital mosaic photo banner of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru (measuring 35 feet and 2 inches x 10 feet and 6 inches), consisting of 482 pictures of different functions and celebrations held during the academic year 20222023 at NSS English Medium High School, Dhanuvachapuram, as confirmed on December
The record for solving the maximum number of map puzzles was set by Sai Krithik Swargam (born on March 22, 2020) of West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh. He solved 6 map puzzles (consisting of a total number of 216 pieces), namely map of India (26 pieces), map of Asia (25 pieces), map of Europe (31 pieces), map of Africa (25 pieces), map of USA (44 pieces) and the World map (65 pieces), at the age of 2 years, 11 months and 12 days, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
The record for recalling the maximum number of calendar days solved for one year in 5 minutes was set by Anay Shukla (born on December 23, 2016) of Jaipur, Rajasthan. He correctly recalled 81 days by their random dates for the year 2023 (using mental calculation) in 5 minutes at the age of 6 years, 3 months and 4 days, as confirmed on March 27, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of pushups in 30 seconds using the edges of both palms was set by Muhammed Musthafa (born on June 2, 1995) of Thrissur, Kerala. He performed 43 push-ups in 30 seconds using the edges of both palms, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
The record for achieving the maximum number of driving licences was set by Nijo John (born on September 26, 1998) of Palakkad, Kerala. He achieved 9 driving licences, namely MCWG, LMV, ERIKSH, TRANS, LDRXCV, FLIFT, CRANE, CNEQP and hazardous vehicles. Using these licences, he is eligible to operate 16 types of vehicles including 10 special vehicles and 6 automobiles, as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
The record for drawing the smallest Shikara boat using Mandala art was set by Mahirah Shah (born on March 8, 2004) of Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir. She drew the smallest Shikara boat (measuring 29.4 cm x 21 cm) with a black coloured pen on a sheet of drawing paper, using Mandala art, at the age of 18 years and 10 months, as confirmed on March 10, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of dumbbell bicep curls in one minute P. Nithya (born on February 5, 1984) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She performed 34 dumbbell bicep curls in one minute using 2 dumb bells of 10 kg (each dumb bell weighing 5 kilogram in both hands) while being blindfolded, as confirmed on March 17, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to write the Ayatul Kursi on a Pistachio shell was set by Mariath E.A. (born on September 18, 2001) of Ernakulam, Kerala. She wrote Ayatul Kursi in her handwriting on a Pistachio shell in 4 minutes and 29 seconds, as confirmed on February 7, 2023.
The record for recalling the names of all Nobel Prize laureates in Economics was set by G. (born on May 22, 1979) of Kollam, Kerala. She recalled the names of all the 92 Nobel Memorial Prize laureates in Economics from 1969 to 2022 in 1 minute, 37 seconds and 14 milliseconds, as confirmed on March 17, 2023.
The record for translating the maximum number of literary books from Arabic to Malayalam was set by Muhammed Abid U.P. (born on January 11, 1982) of Malappuram, Kerala. He translated 5 literary books in one year (2020 - 2021) including Manalil Ninnum Rakshapetta Kothupanni (ISBN: 978-81-88025-67-1), Perunal Dinam (ISBN: 978-81-88025-66-4), Gazlan (ISBN: 978-81-94540-31-1), Hessa (ISBN: 978-81-88026-50-0) and Asmarayile Shaithyakaal (ISBN:97881-88027-13-2), published by Lipi publications and Lusail publishing and distributing, as confirmed on March 14, 2023.
The record for writing the maximum number of pages of a Hindi novel was set by Kishore Sharma ‘Saraswat’ (born on January 1, 1948) of Panchkula, Haryana. He wrote 940 pages of a Hindi novel titled ‘Jeevan Ek Sangharsh’ (ISBN: 978-9354451-17-1), which was selfpublished in November 2021, as confirmed on March 15, 2023.
The record for identifying the maximum number of space related flashcards in 30 seconds was set by Aadvik Goyal (born on April 27, 2021) of New Delhi. He identified 23 space related flashcards and recalled their names in 30 seconds including Haumea, Makemake, Usra minor, Ibex, Alien and Global hawk at the age of 1 year, 10 months and 10 days, as confirmed on March 7, 2023.
The record for singing different songs in the maximum number of languages in one minute was set by Sai Samparna Prusty (born on January 24, 2019) of Dhenkanal, Odisha. She sung the chorus (mukhda) of 5 songs in 5 languages namely Bengali, Telugu, Hindi, Punjabi and Odiya in one minute at the age of 3 years, 9 months and 16 days, as confirmed on November 9, 2022.
The record for being the fastest to complete a speed walking expedition from Kanyakumari to Kashmir was set by Krishan Kumar Saini (born on April 14, 1976) of Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. He started speed walking from Mahatma Gandhi Memorial (Kanyakumari) on January 5, 2023 at 4:51 am and completed it at Lal Chowk (Srinagar) on February 24, 2023 at 10:52 am; covering a distance of 3,580.19 km in 50 days, 4 hours, 2 minutes and 1 second, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
The record for being in the Ganda Bherundasana (Formidable Face Pose) for the longest duration was set by S. Madhulasri (born on July 22, 2012) of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka. She held herself in the Ganda Bherundasana yoga pose for 15 minutes and 35 seconds, as confirmed on March 21, 2023.
The record for being the youngest to climb Everest base camp was set by Akshaj Udaiwal (born on May 4, 2015) of Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh (now residing in Muscat, Oman). He started his trek on April 22, 2022 and reached the Mount Everest Base Camp located in Nepal (at an altitude of 5,364 metres) on April 30, 2022, under the guidance of a trekking guide, at the age of 6 years, 11 months and 26 days, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
The record for achieving the maximum number of gold medals in Karate was set by Rumana Kauser 30, 1999) of Kolar, Karnataka. She achieved 25 gold medals in national and international Karate tournaments, as confirmed on November
The record for performing the maximum types of pushups at Umlingla Pass was set by Keerthi B.S. Prasad (born on September 11, 1982) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He performed 3 types of push-ups namely standard, handclap and one leg raised push-ups seconds at the high altitude of 19,024 feet, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
The record for writing a Gujarati book on how to make a model rocket was set by Prathamsinh Ranjitsinh Ambla (born on September 4, 1978) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. He wrote a book ‘Model Rocket - Ek Sapna Ni Udaan’ (ISBN:978-93-55265-722) in Gujarati, published by Spacemodelling Organization Ahmedabad. The book explains how to make a Model Rocket by using easily available local indigenous materials, as confirmed on November 29, 2022.
The record for performing the maximum number of one-sided kicks in 30 seconds was set by Ananthu Shibu (born on July 2, 2005) of Idukki, Kerala. He performed 43 one-sided kicks with his right leg in 30 seconds at the age of 18 years, 8 months and 14 days, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
The record for making the maximum number of portraits of freedom fighters along with Goddess using rangoli colours was set by Rachana Mahajan (born on November 13, 1993) of Jalgaon, Maharashtra. She made the portraits of 36 freedom fighters along with the portrait of Goddess Bharat Mata (measuring 13 feet x 10 feet) on the occasion of 75th Independence Day on August 13 and 14, 2022 in 30 hours using rangoli colours, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
The record for receiving the maximum number of educational Dr. Ranjit Das (born on February 6, 1964) of Howrah, West Bengal. He received 23 educational degrees including three Bachelor Degrees, one B.Ed., 13 Master Degrees, three Post Graduation Diplomas, one Post Graduation Certification, one M.Phil. along with one Ph.D., as confirmed on February 21, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to make 50 miniature acrylic paintings was set by Priyadharshini (born on September 1, 1998) of Villupuram, Tamil Nadu. She made 50 beautiful miniature acrylic paintings (measuring 5 cm x 6 cm) in 3 hours, 35 minutes and 56 seconds, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
The record for carving out the biggest replica of an Oscar award from wood was set by Ajeesh Reghunath (born on March 25, 1996) of Pathanamthitta, Kerala. He made a replica of the trophy of Oscar award measuring 14.30 inches in height (with a circular base) using wood, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
The record for performing a basketball court layup drill for the longest duration was set by Hariharan Ramani (born on April 30, 2003) of Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu. He performed a basketball court layup drill for 1 hour and 10 seconds and attempted 296 free throws successfully, at the age of 19 years, 9 months and 28 days, as confirmed on February 27, 2023.
The record for completing the maximum number of full marathons for consecutive days was set Lieutenant Commander Devdutt (born on January 6, 1995) of Hisar, Haryana. He completed 82 full marathons including 54 in Delhi, Haryana and Chandigarh region, 25 in Kannur, 3 in Gurugram from October 30, 2022 to January 23, 2023 covering 3503.21 km in 82 days, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
The record for orally solving the maximum number of single and double digit addition sums in one Devansh Gangavathi (born on September 18, 2017) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He orally solved 40 addition sums of single and double digits in one minute by looking at the paper cards at the age of 5 years, 5 months and 23 days, as confirmed on March 11, 2023.
The record for making the largest multicoloured Batik painting of Samudra Manthan was set by Akshansu (born on March 31, 2003) Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. He has made a multicoloured Batik painting of the mythological Samudra Manthan (measuring 13 feet × 5.5 feet) on cotton fabric using multiple colours at the age of 19 years, 11 months and 16 days, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
The record for being in the Sirsa Padmasana yoga pose for the longest duration was set by Ashok (born on January 11, 1979) of Dakshina Kannada, Karnataka. She held herself in the Sirsa Padmasana yoga pose (a combination of Headstand and Lotus yoga poses) for 29 minutes and 6 seconds, as confirmed on March 23, 2023.
The record for graphically designing the maximum number of folk dances for silk sarees was set by J. Kalaiarasi (born on July 1, 1988 ) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, and her husband (born on June 21, 1985) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. The duo designed online 9 cultural folk dances of Tamil Nadu including Kavadi Aattam, Bharatnatyam, Karakattamand Thappattam for silk sarees that were later weaved using Kanchipuram Handloom, as confirmed on March 23, 2023.
The record for recalling the maximum number of sight words was set by A. Tejaswini (born on September 4, 2019) of Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu. She recalled 225 sight words in 5 minutes and 12 seconds, at the age of 3 years, 5 months and 2 days, as confirmed on February 6, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to recite odd and even numbers from one to hundred was set by Vihas Pulavarthi (born on December 14, 2017) of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Konaseema district, Andhra Pradesh (now residing in New Jersey, USA). He recited odd and even numbers from 1 to 100 in 51 seconds at the age of 5 years, 1 month and 18 days, as confirmed on February 1, 2023.
The record for the largest human formation calligraphy of Republic Day was set by Rayat Shikshan Sanstha Satara’s Shri Nagesh Vidyalaya, Jamkhed, of Ahmednagar, Maharashtra. A team of 1000 students and NCC Cadets formed calligraphy of ‘Prajasattak Din’ with national flag in hand (measuring 150 feet x 70 feet), covering 10,500 square feet area,on January 26, 2023 at the school campus(organised by the Art teacher and NCC officer Shri Mayur Krushnaji Bhosale), as confirmed on February 9, 2023.
The record for covering the maximum number of topics in a single speech was set by Shrestha Mondal (born on July 22, 2017) of Bardhhaman, West Bengal. She sang the National Anthem first and then delivered speeches on five topics, namely Republic Day, Independence Day, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Science and Technology nonstop for 9 minutes and 31 seconds at the age of 5 years, 7 months and 2 days, as confirmed on February 24, 2023.
The record for recalling the authors of the maximum number of books was set Hadi Ahammed (born on February 3, 2010) of Thrissur, Kerala. He recalled the authors of 189 books by viewing the books’ names on a screen in 6 minutes, 13 seconds and 29 milliseconds at the age of 13 years and 22 days, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of Kalaripayattu single stick rotations in 30 seconds was set by Fahad T. (born on November 16, 2000) of Malappuram, Kerala. He performed 47 Kalaripayattu single stick rotations in 30 seconds using his right hand, as confirmed on March 17, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to recall the capitals of all the African countries was set by Yogita Samant (born on January 27, 2014) of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand. She recalled the capitals of all the 54 African countries in 1 minute, 24 seconds and 56 milliseconds at the age of 9 years, 1 month and 18 days, as confirmed on March 14, 2023.
The record for whistling the maximum number of songs in 5 minutes without puckering lips was set by Gaikwad (born on October 26, 1989) of Aurangabad, Maharashtra. He whistled 11 songs in 5 minutes including the National Anthem without puckering his lips, as confirmed on January 2, 2023.
The record for being the fastest to complete a round trip motorcycle expedition across Indian coastal states was set by Monalisa Majhi Paul (born on April 3, 1990) along with her husband Tapas Paul (born on August 27, 1994) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal,. They started their expedition on October 2, 2022, travelled across 10 coastal states and completed it on October 16, 2022.; travelled 6,832 km in 15 days, as confirmed on December 27, 2022.
The record for being the fastest to identify one hundred countries along with capitals by their flags was set by Virat Jain (born on February 24, 2018) of Hyderabad, Telangana. He identified 100 countries and recalled their names with capitals in 6 minutes and 53 seconds by viewing their flags flash cards, at the age of 5 years and 19 days, as confirmed on March 15, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins in one minute was set by Reema Saneesh (born on September 23, 2017) of Kannur, Kerala (currently residing in Dubai, UAE). She performed 195 hula hoop spins in one minute at the age of 5 years, 5 months and 14 days, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
The record for performing the maximum number of Kathak sums in 30 seconds was set by Tarita Taneja (born on November 17, 2008) of Delhi. She performed 59 Kathak sums in 30 seconds at the age of 14 years, 4 months and 7 days, as confirmed on 24, 2023.
The record for authoring the largest family tree in a Malayalam book was set by Raju Gopalan (born on March 1, 1946) of Kollam, Kerala. He authored a book titled ‘Ezhavarude Abhijhatha Vamshaparamparyam: Mayyanadinte Kalpadukal’ (ISBN: 978-93-58131-93-2), self-published in Malayalam language in the year 2014. In this family tree book, the author describes 78 families spanning 7 to 9 generations, which are connected either through blood or matrimony. This book lists more than 28,000 family members in 766 pages, as confirmed by March 17, 2023.
The record for completing the maximum number of academic and certificate courses was set by Dr. Surinder Singh Dogra (born on April 11, 1974) of Nagrota Bagwan, Himachal Pradesh. He has completed 47 academic and certificate courses including M.A. and M.Phil in Hindi, Diploma in Supervisory Management, Gold Medallist in Holistic Sciences, MBA in HR, Honorary Doctorate in Defence Strategic Studies, Certificate course in Prevention, Identification and Management of COVID 19 among others, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
The record for organising and conducting the maximum participation in a signature campaign during an awareness generation drive was set by Dr. Alok Ranjan Ghosh, District Magistrate, Khagaria (Bihar). He organised a signature campaign in Khagaria District on December 10, 2022 during the observance of ‘Elimination of violence against women fortnight’ between November 25, 2022 and December 10, 2022, wherein a total number of 16,14,726 (sixteen lakhs, fourteen thousand, seven hundred and twenty-six) participants of all age groups signed the resolution, as confirmed on December 28, 2022.
R. Krishiv (born on February 2, 2019) of Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 40 countries in 2 minutes and 25 seconds, by viewing the pictures of flags, as confirmed on February 23, 2023.
Nathasha Alphons Shijin (born on July 8, 2017) of Idukki, Kerala (currently residing in Abu Dhabi, UAE), is appreciated for recalling the names of 8 planets and 7 Emirates of UAE; identifying 32 animals, 8 birds, 12 saints, 16 shapes, 24 colours, 20 vegetables, flags of 27 countries, 25 logos and 35 fruits at the age of 5 years and 7 months, as confirmed on February 22, 2023.
G. Aarav (born on April 1, 2020) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 15 emotions, 40 fruits, 40 vegetables, 24 shapes, 13 colours, 16 insects, 25 animals, 22 parts of the body, 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets; reciting corresponding words of the English alphabet, Z to A, one English rhyme and counting backwards from 10 -0 at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on February 28, 2023.
Reyansh Panjwani (born on August 20, 2019) of Raipur, Chattisgarh, is appreciated for reciting 24 rhymes non-stop in 5 minutes and 33 seconds at the age of 3 years and 5 months, as confirmed on February 7, 2023.
Adhidev Arun (born on February 8, 2015) of Idukki, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting the names of all the 28 Indian states with their capitals in 25 seconds and 38 milliseconds at the age of 8 years and 25 days, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
Vennila D. (born on January 22, 2020) of Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for recalling the capitals of 15 countries, young ones of 15 animals, 15 thirukkurals; reciting the names of 8 planets, 7 continents, 6 shapes, days of the week, months in a year; and imitating the sounds of 15 animals at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on March 1, 2023.
Driyan Biswas (born on June 8, 2021) of Nadia, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 19 fruits, 26 parts of the body, 30 animals, 4 birds, 21 vegetables, 3 aquatic animals; and mimicking the sounds of 19 animals at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
Kayden Ian (born on June 17, 2021) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 22 fruits, 20 animals, 15 birds, 16 vegetables, 10 vehicles, 5 shapes, 8 parts of the body, 16 objects; and reciting letters of the English alphabet from A to Z at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
Alaka Theertha R. M. (born on January 6, 2018) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting the names of 15 Indian Prime Ministers, 12 Chief Ministers of Kerala, 28 Indian states, 15 Indian Presidents, 6 Arab countries, 14 districts of Kerala and 7 continents at the age of 5 years and 1 month, as confirmed on February 20, 2023.
Anhadvir Singh Virk (born on July 7, 2017) of Mohali, Punjab, is appreciated for solving India map puzzle; recalling the capitals of all the 28 Indian states and their spoken languages; and reciting the names of all the 8 union territories at the age of 5 years and 6 months, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Aaradhya Sarkar (born on November 28, 2019) of Nadia, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 42 countries in 3 minutes and 52 seconds at the age of 3 years and 2 months, as confirmed on
Mukka Aadhvik (born on Feb 12, 2020) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 4 shapes, 15 fruits, 15 parts of the body, 16 colours, 12 car logos; reciting the capitals of 5 Indian states, 4 national symbols, letters of the English alphabet from A to Z, one English rhyme and 4 shlokas at the age of 2 years and 11 months, January 31, 2023.
Mukka Aadhya (born on February 12, 2020) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying Telugu alphabets with words, 4 shapes, 15 fruits, 14 parts of the body, 16 colours; recalling 4 national symbols, the capital of India and 5 states; reciting Telugu achulu, the letters of the English alphabet from A to Z, 2 English rhymes and 4 shlokas at the age of 2 years and 11 months, as confirmed on February 8, 2023.
N.S. Dakshan Arya (born on February 15, 2021) of Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 20 car logos, 4 colours, flags of 25 different countries, 13 fruits, 27 famous personalities, logos of 20 airlines and 12 shapes at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
A.M. Adhvik Adhav (born on April 29, 2020) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 11 colours, 18 professions, 20 vegetables, 27 actions, 27 vehicles, 26 parts of the body, 13 shapes, 27 animals, flags of 9 countries, 21 fruits, 15 birds, 11 colours, 33 types of equipment, 26 household items; recalling 15 opposite words, 9 national symbols; reciting letters of the English alphabet; and counting numbers from 1 to 10 at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on February 24, 2023.
Aaradhya Pradhan (born on July 26, 2020) of Puri, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying 15 fruits, 10 flowers, 10 festivals, 8 parts of a computer, 8 actions; reciting 20 elements of the periodic table, 3 rhymes, 3 shlokas, numbers from 1-50, letters from A-Z with words, 7 continents, 30 districts of Odisha; recalling the capitals of 28 Indian states, 26 freedom fighters’ names, young ones of 12 animals, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
K. Rudravarman (born on February 22, 2020) of Karur, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 10 shapes, 10 colours, letters of the English alphabet, numbers from 1 to 100; solving two digit number sums from 1 to 100 at the age of 3 years, as confirmed on February 22, 2023.
Kashviraj G. S. (born on March 21, 2021) of Tumakuru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying pictures of 10 different rhymes, 10 colours, 10 shapes, 12 parts of the body, 30 general items; recalling English alphabetical words; reciting numbers from 1 to 10; and imitating the sounds of 7 animals at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
Raksha Kali (born on February 24, 2019) of Haveri, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting 48 Kannada Varnamalegalu, 4 Kannada rhymes; identifying 16 shapes, Hindi numbers from 1-20, letters from A-Z, numbers from 1-50, Kannada numbers from 1-50, 22 vegetables, 20 domestic animals, 20 flowers, 21 birds, 23 sea creatures, 16 vehicles, 12 national symbols, 8 Jnanpith Awards, 16 parts of a computer and 4 seasons at the age
Manav Vyas (born on August 12, 2010) of Wayanad, Kerala, is appreciated for making a checkerboard pattern on a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube in 2 seconds and 39 milliseconds at the age of 12 years and 6 months, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
Krishnadiya Vishal (born on December 3, 2020) of Ernakulam, Kerala (currently living in Dubai UAE), is appreciated for identifying 11 colours, 11 birds, 12 parts of the body, flags of 10 countries, 12 food items, 11 fruits, 61 pictures, 40 animals, 9 vegetables, 11 vehicles, 7 insects; reciting days of the week; recalling 8 famous personalities; and counting numbers from 1 to 10, answering 10 GK questions at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on March 9, 2023.
Kinza Atif Khan (born on February 23, 2021) of Chengalpattu, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 22 vehicles; reciting numbers from 1-10, letters of the English alphabet, 4 rhymes, letters of the Arabic alphabet and days of the week at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on March 15, 2023.
P. Dhuruvan (born on January 1, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for recalling one shloka, 10 thirukkurals; identifying 25 vegetables, 20 flowers, 22 animals, young ones of 22 animals, 22 professionals, 10 shapes with their examples, 25 vehicles and flags of 29 countries at the age of 4 years and 2 months, as confirmed on March 25, 2023.
Nobita Raghavendra Kakade (born on September 16, 2020) of Dharwad, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting numbers from 1 to 20 in Hindi, English and Kannada, letters from A to Z with words, 8 national symbols; identifying 21 actions, 12 colours, 13 birds, 23 animals, 20 freedom fighters, 20 objects, 14 fruits, 14 vegetables, flags of 13 countries, 25 parts of the body, 14 professions; answering 10 G.K. questions; and singing the National Anthem at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on March 20, 2023.
(born on April 13, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 parts of the body, 14 famous personalities, flags of 16 countries, 11 vegetables, 12 fruits, 11 vehicles, 14 animals, 10 colours; reciting numbers from 1 to 10, months in a year and days of the week at the age of 2 years and 11 months, as confirmed on March 14, 2023.
Shreenavya Chaudhari (born on May 2, 2019) of Korba, Chhattisgarh, is appreciated for singing the National Anthem and one bhajan; narrating stories of gods; flagging rivers and mountains on the physical map of India; solving an Indian map puzzle; identifying 17 pictures from a book; and enacting the role of shopkeeper and customer at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
Sai Prabhav Ikshwak (born on April 5, 2021) of Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for identifying 8 fruits, 13 farm animals, 12 wild animals, 10 vegetables, 8 vehicles, 4 colours; and reciting corresponding words of the English alphabet at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on February 27, 2023.
Sai Dev Parida (born on February 4, 2019) of Jajpur, Odisha, is appreciated for reciting the capitals of 28 states, 13 national symbols, 4 shlokas, A to Z with alphabetic words, spelling of numbers 1 to 10, 4 Hindi rhymes; introducing himself and telling the name of his village, district, parents and grandparents, at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on January 28, 2023.
Rishon K. (born on September 5, 2020) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 32 great personalities, English alphabetical words, 12 types of dances, 7 shapes, 7 colours, 12 Chief Ministers of Kerala, 4 games, 15 fruits, 15 vegetables, 8 parts of the body; reciting months in a year; and answering 20 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on March 22, 2023.
Souryadriptaa Mandal (born on October 29, 2020) of Medinipur, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 27 wild animals, 17 birds, 19 vegetables, 14 domestic animals, 17 fruits, 11 vehicles, 9 colours, young ones of 10 animals; reciting the names of months in a year, days of the week, 5 national symbols, letters of the English alphabet from A – Z and singing the National
Vyaahruthi Gajjagouni (born on February 9, 2021) of Mahabubnagar, Telangana, is appreciated for reciting 11 shlokas, 20 Hindi words, 3 rhymes, 27 Indian states and their capitals, 15 Telugu thithulu, vehicles of 9 deities,
Y. Yazhini (born on March 22, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reciting reverse counting from 100 to 1; reading 35 words (consisting of three, four and five letters); solving 6 ascending order sums; and answering 89 questions on ‘after and before numbers’ at the age of 5 years and 11 months, as confirmed on March 10, 2023.
Thati Siddhi Airaa (born on May 8, 2021) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 12 wild animals, flags of 27 countries, 14 fruits, 8 actions, 11 domestic animals and 20 birds at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on January 20, 2023.
Aavani P. (born on December 10, 2019) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for recalling letters of the English alphabet with corresponding words, Malayalam vyanjans, days of the week, months in a year, 8 planets, 14 districts of Kerala, 8 national symbols; identifying 11 vegetables, 9 animals, 21 household articles, 8 shapes, 14 vehicles and 15 parts of the body at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on March 20, 2023.
Aayansh Sahu (born on October 25, 2020) of Dhenkanal, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying 20 fruits, 16 parts of the body, 9 geometrical shapes, 12 colours; recalling 10 national symbols, days of the week, one shloka and alphabetical words from A to Z at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed March 2, 2023.
Shreyoshree Nandy (born on May 16, 2021) of Balagarh, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 14 fruits, 19 utensils, 23 vegetables, 64 household items, 9 animals, 17 famous personalities; reciting the names of 3 famous
(born on May 21, 2019) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting letters of the English alphabet from A-Z with words; identifying 13 Malayalam Swaraksharangal, 36 animals, 12 birds, 13 parts of the body, 9 colours, 11 fruits, 10 leaders, 17 vehicles and 6 dresses; recalling numbers from 1-10 and days of the week at the age of 3 years and 2 months, as confirmed on August 18, 2022.
Joaan K.T (born on September 3, 2021) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 parts of the body, 22 animals, 20 fruits, 12 vehicles, 16 vegetables, 12 electronic items, 18 food items, 17 bathing items, 131 objects, 4 letters of the English alphabet; and imitating the sounds of 16 animals at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
Nishchana S.N. (born on July 27, 2021) of Chikkamagaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for performing 3 yoga poses, identifying 12 parts of the body, 8 vegetables, 5 foods; enacting 5 Mahabharata characters, 5 opening lines of English rhymes, posture of 3 deities; and mimicking the sounds of 7 animals at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on February 1, 2023.
Vihanka D. (born on December 28, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 19 pieces of 5 jigsaw puzzles by looking at the back of the puzzle pieces at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on March 11, 2023.
V.S. Hansit Vihaan (born on June 23, 2020) of Kanyakumari, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for recalling 63 antonyms (opposite words) in one minute, at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on February 6, 2023.
Josnika Geethi (born on October 8, 2019) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 12 fruits, 11 vegetables, 10 professions, 7 shapes, 5 festivals, 9 birds, 23 animals, 5 insects, 5 vehicles, 8 food items, 3 flowers, 19 general items; writing English alphabet; reciting numbers from 1 to 20, days of the week, 2 shlokas, 1 vandana, 5 English and 3 Telugu rhymes, at the age of 3 years and 2 months, as confirmed on December 16, 2022.
Devadev P. (born on June 2, 2012) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for converting a checkerboard pattern 3x3 Rubik’s Cube into a solved 3x3 Rubik’s Cube in 1 second and 95 milliseconds at the age of 10 years and 9 months, as confirmed on March 6, 2023.
G. S. Rithvik Raj (born on February 3, 2021) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 28 flowers, 11 shapes, 20 famous places of the world, logos of 10 apps and 50 car logos at the age of 2 years and 1 month, as confirmed on
Taqwa Reyaz (born on April 25, 2017) of Kulgam, Jammu and Kashmir (currently living in Doha, Qatar), is appreciated for reciting 35 rhymes, 15 emergency life-saving medicines, 26 parts of the body, 5 sense organs with their uses, 14 internal organs, 57 human bones; narrating 15 stories; skip counting from 2 to 100, reverse counting from 100-0; answering 40 G.K. questions; and having basic knowledge of Mathematics at the age of 5 years and 9 months, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
Ahyan Adam A.N. (born on April 9, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 21 countries, 16 brands, 25 animals, 6 colours, 13 parts of the body, 9 fruits, 9 professionals, 9 famous personalities, 7 vegetables, 11 vehicles,
Riyansh Atul Shinde (born on May 28, 2020) of Dhule, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 100 car models in 3 minutes and 10 seconds at the age of 2 years and 8 months, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Kiaan Rutul Shah (born on December 18, 2013) of Kutch, Gujarat, is appreciated for performing two activities simultaneously, while being blindfolded. He solved one Rubik’s Cube while moving on inline skates for 59 seconds at the age of 9 years and 2 months, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
Akshith Potu (born on March 26, 2021) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 20 countries, 11 parts of the body, 9 sea animals, 20 animals, 12 professionals, 3 action words, 8 colours, 6 shapes, 14 vehicles, 6 fruits, 5 vegetables; reciting the names of 8 planets, months in a year, capitals of 28 states of India and 5 national symbols at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on March 21, 2023.
Allada Sai Saathvik (born on January 16, 2021) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for solving the India map puzzle in 7 minutes at the age of 2 years and 1 month, as confirmed March 6, 2023.
(born on February 12, 2015 ) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for solving 15 different Rubik’s Cubes in 13 minutes and 58 seconds at the age of 7 years and 10 months, as confirmed on January 4, 2023.
Athmika Anoop (born on August 5, 2020) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 10 vehicles, 10 household items, 9 parts of the body, 12 fruits, 10 vegetables, 9 birds, 10 animals; reciting letters of the English alphabet; and counting numbers from 1 to 10 at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on March 20, 2023.
Dhaleela Mariyam C. (born on September 3, 2021) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 5 vegetables, 4 vehicles, 13 parts of the body, 4 ornaments, 6 household objects, 5 fruits, 4 animals; and mimicking the sounds of 6 animals at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
Mishika Goel (born on April 17, 2021) of Delhi, is appreciated for reciting the Gayatri Mantra in 25 seconds at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on February 23, 2023.
Mahin Shekar K. (born on September 8, 2018) of Chikkaballapur, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 8 flowers, 22 vegetables, 12 birds, 20 fruits, 52 Hindi letters; counting numbers from 1 to 10; and reading 9 words with spellings at the age of 4 years and 6 months, as confirmed on March 23, 2023.
Ziya Mehzin (born on April 8, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 20 countries, 8 fruits, 6 vehicles, 6 colours, 8 famous personalities, 8 vegetables, 5 animals, 7 wonders of the world, 20 parts of the body; reciting months in a year and days of the week at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
I. Mohamad Ayaan (born on January 14, 2021) of Salem, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 11 parts of the body,19 animals, 10 fruits, 8 aquatic animals, 8 planets, 12 colours; solving puzzles of animals, Solar System, shapes, flowers and fruits at the age of 2 years and 1 month, as confirmed on February 16, 2023.
Imay Midhun
for identifying the flags of 133 countries, 19 shapes, 18 colours, 45 aquatic animals, 21 monuments, 43 fruits, 30 insects, 30 flowers, 30 food items; naming 13 national symbols, shelters of 14 animals, young ones of 20 animals, 8 planets, 66 animals, 45 birds, 20 shapes, numbers from 1 to 20; and answering 3 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on February 23, 2023.
Sarovar Priyadarsan (born on September 7, 2020) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for recalling letters of the English alphabet with their corresponding words, days of the week, months in a year; counting numbers from 1 to 100; identifying 5 parts of the body, 5 shapes, 10 colours; and answering 7 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 6
Prince Matthew A. (born on May 25, 2016) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for recalling the capitals of 50
Devaansh Panda (born on July 9, 2015) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for reading 266 words in one
Yuvan Reddy (born on March 18, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 7 animals in English and Telugu, 7 colours, 11 fruits, 8 parts of the body; imitating the sounds of 4 animals; performing yoga; riding a bicycle at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on February 3, 2023.
Susruth S. Nair (born on July 20, 2014) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of all the 195 (UN recognised) countries in 2 minutes and 41 seconds at the age of 8 years and 7 months, as confirmed on March 14, 2023.
Shresh Vinesh (born on November 11, 2020) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 6 sports items, 5 kitchenware items, 15 vehicles, 13 parts of the body, 10 cosmetic items, 14 animals, 8 fruits, 8 home appliances,
Rithvik S. (born on August 30, 2014) of Theni, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for making 55 pictures including pencil sketches, upside down drawings, 3D drawings, ambidextrous and oil pastel paintings at the age of 8 years and 6 months, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
Prish Srivastava (born on December 7, 2016) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for solving a labelled world map puzzle; identifying 155 countries on a labelled world map and the flags of 152 (UN recognised) countries at the age of 6 years and 3 months, as confirmed on March 10, 2023.
Anamika Anoop (born on April 1, 2019) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for answering 48 G.K. questions; reciting the names of 8 planets, 7 continents, 7 parts of the body with their functions, young ones of 10 animals, alphabetical words, 6 good habits, 10 proverbs and 4 rhymes in Malayalam; identifying the colours of Olympic rings, 15 animals, 13 birds, 13 fruits, 12 vegetables, 9 colours, letters of the alphabet, at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on March 15, 2023.
D.S. Nihit Matthew (born on March 27, 2019) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 40 countries, 20 car logos, 11 online store logos, 10 website logos and 11 shopping outlet logos at the age of 3 years and 11 months, as confirmed on
Abhigyan Sahu (born on October 29, 2020) of Angul, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying 20 flash cards, 9 vegetables, 5 fruits, 11 colours, 4 animals, 2 birds, 10 famous personalities, 8 geometrical shapes, flags of 10 countries and 17 parts of the body at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on March 23, 2023.
Hitesh Negi (born on October 3, 2011) of Pithoragarh, Uttarakhand, is appreciated for reciting all the 118 elements of the periodic table in 11 seconds and 70 milliseconds, at the age of 11 years and 5 months, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
Mokshi Jangir (born on March 22, 2021) of Bikaner, Rajasthan, is appreciated for identifying 37 animals, 27 parts of the body, 6 colours, 6 shapes, letters of the English alphabet, 11 vegetables, 7 fruits, 3 dry fruits, 35 household items; recalling 17 actions, 13 letters of the Hindi alphabet, 8 vehicles; counting numbers from 1 to 10; and mimicking the sounds of 18 animals at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Athulya S. (born on August 3, 1999) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for making 15 types of craft items using colourful papers, glue and decorative items, as confirmed on January 23, 2023.
Sthaveer Harshal Bhagat (born on May 3, 2021) of Nagpur, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 11 birds, 12 fruits, 6 famous paintings, 12 shapes, 8 colours, 8 musical instruments, 17 food items, 16 vehicles, 20 animals, 15 vegetables, 17 cartoon characters, 21 famous personalities; and mimicking the sounds of 8 animals at the age of 1 year and 9 months, as confirmed on February 6, 2023.
Ganvitha A. (born on March 25, 2017) of Hassan, Karnataka, is appreciated for recalling the capitals of all the 28 Indian states, 8 Kannada Jnanpith award winners, names of founders of 30 companies, 23 national symbols; reciting the names of 14 Prime Ministers and 15 Presidents of India, top 10 Indian rivers and 10 dams, 195 countries (UN recognised) along with their capitals; and answering 75 G.K. questions at the age of 5 years and 8 months, as confirmed on December 7, 2022.
Kaishori Bhavanasi (born on December 14, 2016) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for solving 45 sums of addition and subtraction (of 4 rows) in 2 minutes and 3 certificates in in 2022; Champion January 8, 2023 competition, 2 months, as confirmed on February 17, 2023.
Adrit Bachhar (born on August 30, 2021) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for identifying 3 sports items, 5 musical instruments, 6 birds, 10 shapes, 5 insects, 5 vehicles, 8 parts of the body, 10 miscellaneous objects, 17 animals, 21 human organs, 14 space objects, 7 colours, flags of 13 countries, 12 fruits, 10 vegetables; reciting the names of 19 animals, fruits and vegetables at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as
Aadya Lija Jimmy (born on October 27, 2012) of Idukki, Kerala, is appreciated for representing India in the Junior Model International Contest (under the age of 10 years category) held in Dubai from October 18 to 21, 2022. She won the titles ‘Princess of Asia’, ‘Rising star’ and ‘Facebook star’ of JMI at the age of 9 years and 11 months, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
Swalahudheen C.K. (born on June 11, 1988) of Palakkad, Kerala is appreciated for replacing the old touchscreen glass of a mobile phone with a new one in 11 minutes and 38 seconds, as confirmed on February 8, 2023.
Sangat Bankim Naik (born on October 15, 1996) of Vadodara, Gujarat, is appreciated for writing a research article on Mechanical Engineering on the topic ‘Prediction of Precipitation using a Fuzzy Rule System in India’ (IJSREDV5I4P100), published in the International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 5 Issue 4, July-August 2022. He researched 92 percent accuracy of the Fuzzy Inference System model for handling uncertainty that frequently occurs in meteorological forecasting, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
Dr. Parvati Jangid Suthar, Honorary Colonel (born on December 7, 1996) Jodhpur, Rajasthan, is appreciated for receiving the title of ‘Sister of Soldiers, Sister of BSF, Sister of Himveer, Sister of Assam Rifles, Sister of Tat Rakshak’ from Indian Security Forces. She tied her handmade Raksha Sutra to 2,07,575 Indian Defence personnel and was conferred with the honorary rank of Colonel on August 27, 2022 (Moldovan Independence Day 2022) by CGIM Military Centre, Republic of Moldova, as confirmed on December 30, 2022.
Sushmita Pandey (born on January 13, 2004) of Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, is appreciated for receiving a publication certificate for co-authoring a book titled ‘Dhuri Nari ke Kai Roop’ (ISBN: 978-81-95025-93-0), reciting a self-written Hindi poem of 2 minutes and 51 seconds duration on a YouTube channel ‘Kavi Chauraha’ and making astrological birth charts at the age of 19 years and 1 month, as confirmed on February 17, 2023.
Nandhakumar Thirumani
May 19, 1978) of Vellore, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for uploading multiple posts related to job opportunities and education via his social media accounts including Twitter, Facebook and WhatsApp since January 2015, as confirmed on February 15, 2023.
Abdul Qureishi (born on April 22, 1990) of Lakshadweep, is appreciated for undertaking a solo expedition on his motorcycle. He started his journey from Ernakulam (Kerala) on February 6, 2021 and completed it at Nagaland on March 6, 2021, covering 8,000 km in one month on his Royal Enfield Classic 350 motorcycle, as confirmed on February 2, 2023.
Ayra Sai Chouti (born on January 1, 2021) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 10 animals, 16 parts of the body, 6 colours, 14 fruits, 15 vegetables, 5 vehicles, 9 shapes; counting from 1 to 10; reciting 5 rhymes and letters of the English alphabet with their corresponding words at the age of 2 years and 1 month, as confirmed on
Abheer Sahil Shivani Bansal (born on December 19, 2020) of Mumbai, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 17 food items, 28 animals, 9 birds, 9 fruits, 20 comic characters, 12 vehicles, 10 household objects, 8 parts of the body, 6 deities; imitating 4 animals’ sounds at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on September 15, 2022.
M.S. Zoya Fathima (born on August 25, 2018) of Ranipet, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 195 countries (UN recognised) in 6 minutes and 56 seconds, by viewing the flashcards, at the age of 4 years and 6 months, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
Eidhen luke (born on January 21, 2020) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 90 car brands in 4 minutes and 59 seconds, by looking at the pictures of the cars, at the age of 3 years, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Kaavyansh Rathi (born on January 9, 2020) of Bikaner, Rajasthan, is appreciated for reciting 7 national symbols, months in a year, days of the week, 10 fruits, 10 vegetables, 12 animals, 4 seasons, 12 vehicles and 20 states at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on February 27, 2023.
Aairah Maryam (born on October 20, 2020) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 4 animals, 6 colours, 7 objects; reciting 2 rhymes; counting numbers from 1 to 10; matching 11 fruits and vegetables; and stacking 5 coloured rings at the age of 2 years and 4 months, as confirmed on
R. Sarah (born on February 26, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for donating hair to Cancer patients at the Cancer Institute, Adyar, Chennai, at the age of 2 years and 11 months, as confirmed on February 21, 2023.
Chiraag Agarwal (born on September 24, 2001) of Kolkata, West Bengal, is appreciated for qualifying all levels of Company Secretary Exams with distinction. He achieved Rank 1 in CS Executive (2021) and CS Professional (2022), as confirmed on March 1, 2023.
Samaranjan Mohanty (born on June 25, 1980) of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is appreciated for collecting Hockey World Cup tickets. He collected 21 tickets of FIH Odisha Hockey Men’s World Cup 2023, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
Garigipati Jhaswik Sriyan (born
On May 12, 2018) of East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for singing the National Anthem; reciting 3 shlokas and a prayer, 2 stories and 30 rhymes in English, 4 rhymes in Telugu, numbers from 1-100, months in a year, days of the week; identifying 43 animals, 7 flowers, 17 parts of the body, 9 insects, 13 colours, 23 actions, 31 fruits, 23 vegetables, 24 vehicles, 7 shapes, 7 professionals, 6 musical instruments, 7 sports and 13 words at the age of 4 years and 8 months, as confirmed on January 17, 2023.
Hrishikesh Milind Nale (born on July 16, 2001) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for completing a motorcycle expedition. He started his journey from Silvassa on March 18, 2023 at 4:00 am and reached Pune at 9:16 am; covering a distance of 267 km in 5 hours and 16 minutes, as confirmed on March 23, 2023.
Vedik R. (born on May 14, 2021) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for recalling English alphabet with corresponding words, days of the week; counting numbers from 1 to 20; identifying 10 fruits, 27 animals, 4 birds, 4 parts of the body, 4 colours and 12 vehicles, at the age of 1 year and 9 months, as confirmed on February 28, 2023.
Dhaval Ashwinbhai Panchal (born on March 11, 1988) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is appreciated for undertaking a solo motorcycle expedition. He started his solo expedition on March 7, 2023 from Ahmedabad and completed it at Bengaluru on March 8, 2023, covering 1492 km in 27 hours, as confirmed on March 23, 2023.
Vineet Agarwal (born on September 15, 1982) of Delhi, is appreciated for being the founder of Corruption and Crime Reforms Organisation (bearing Regn. No. S/57947/2007). The Society helps to uplift the status of women, children and the old and the needy by distributing food to old age homes; arranging blood donation camps; providing safety education and free counselling sessions to women and children among other facilities, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
Manisha Gajanan Pawar (born on February 13, 1979) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for performing Surya Namaskar 18 times in 1 minutes and 24 seconds, as confirmed February 15, 2023.
Datla Yasho Chandra Varma (born on March 23, 1995) of Elurupadu, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for watching all 146 movies in theaters in the year 2021, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
Samriddhi Ghosh (born on April 8, 2018) of Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, is appreciated for reciting multiplication tables from 1 to 10 in 2 minutes and 43 seconds at the age of 4 years and 9 months, as confirmed on January 25, 2023.
Ripunjay Gogoi (born on December 19, 1993) of Kamrup, Assam, is appreciated for everesting by bicycle. He rode his bicycle up the Pilinkata Climb (Assam), made 78 loops for covering 141.53 km (gaining an
(born on June 1, 1985) of Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for making a small sized paper envelope (postal cover) of size 4 mm x 3 mm, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
Sajeev B. (born on December 7, 1988) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for receiving Dr. Radha Krishnan Best Teacher National Award from Bahujana Sahitya Academy on November 13, 2022 at New Delhi. He has also participated in Elocution and Powerlifting championships and received 6 Certificates of Merit, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
Muhammed Mizhab (born on January 18, 2020) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for making a paper pyramid using 55 paper cups in 12 minutes and 14 seconds at the age of 3 years and 1 month, as confirmed on February 21, 2023.
Suhail Habeeb A. (born on June 17, 2002) of Chengalpet,Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for writing a book ‘Jassodills: A Poetic Novel’ (ISBN: 978-93-94390-058) published by Profoundwriters Publication in the year 2021. The book consists of 75 fictional ballads and 3 poems expressing the love between a gallant Prince and an adorable beauty of a conquered land, as confirmed on January 27, 2023.
Sai Agasthya Naidu Kottapalli (born on September 29, 2008) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for achieving Level 2 award (with merit) in Graded Examination in Music Theory (Grade 5:Theory of Music) from Trinity College of London in May 2022 at the age of 14 years and 5 months, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
Nikhil Santosh Rane (born on October 24, 1999) of Mumbai, Maharashtra, is appreciated for earning 120 Hall of Fames by helping 120 different websites, as confirmed on March 2, 2023.
Ajwin Prince
4, 2003) of Thrissur, Kerala, is appreciated for riding a hopple cycle backwards and forwards for 1 minute and 24 seconds, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
Muqthar Muhibb Noor (born on April 7, 1993) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for producing a song in the Malayalam language titled ‘Vella Libas in Pudavayaninj Manavalan Chamayenam’, as confirmed on March 10, 2023.
Akash Deep Bhowal (born on February 16, 1993) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for painting a small portrait on a poppy seed
Dr. Ajay Mandal (born on October 1, 1988) of South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for contributing to social work and receiving 25 certificates (with medals and shields) including ‘100 influential Indians’ from Fox Star India, ‘Bangla
Medicherla Viraj Skandarjun (born on April 17, 2021) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 45 vehicles, 13 parts of a car, 13 birds, 8 vegetables, 12 colours and 15 parts of the body at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on March 28, 2023.
Nihaan Jain (born on November 16, 2020) of Delhi, is appreciated for identifying small and capital letters, numbers from 1 to 25, 12 colours, 8 3D-shapes, 14 2D-shapes, 24 actions, 24 animals and their young ones, 24 appliances, 24 birds, 30 parts of the body, 24 helpers, 12 tools, 12 denominations of Indian currency, 48 animals, 6 flowers, 24 fruits, 56 Barakhadi, 24 famous places, 6 insects, 24 facts about India, 24 vegetables and 24 types of natural environment at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on February 10, 2023.
(born on March 6, 1982) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for growing a guava (measuring 5.8 cm long and 13 cm in circumference) in a flower pot, as confirmed on February 25, 2023.
Shreya Anand Bangad (born on February 6, 2021) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 20 animals, 6 fruits, 11 vegetables, 8 actions, 9 parts of the body,
(born on August 8, 2018) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 4 famous personalities, 60 animals, 26 fruits, 10 shapes, 28 vegetables, 14 vehicles, 16 parts of the body, 7 flowers, 32 actions, 15 colours, 5 sense organs; reciting letters from A to Z, days of the week, months in a year, 5 national symbols, 9 rhymes, 1 mantra; mimicking the sounds of 10 animals; and counting numbers from 1 to 100 at the age of 4 years and 7 months, as confirmed on March 20, 2023.
Eva Mehwish N.
is appreciated for identifying 35 parts of the body, 31 birds, 30 famous personalities, flags of 11 countries, 43 fruits, 32 animals, 19 colours, 7 continents, 27 vehicles, letters of the alphabet from A to Z, 67 actions, 16 insects, 18 vegetables, 12 human organs; recalling 25 opposites, days of the week; counting numbers from 1 to 10; and answering 27 G.K. questions at the age of 3 years and 2 months, as confirmed on March 16, 2023.
• What is electromagnetic force/EMF?
• Histor y & Chemistr y of EMF.
• EMF & human health.
• Direct correlation bet ween EMF & Lifest yle Diseases.
• What is ear thing?
• Evidence of reversal of lifest yle diseases through ear thing.
• How to construct an ‘Ear thing Tool at Home’?
• Step by step ear thing methods for various lifest yle diseases.
• DIY (Do It Yourself)
‘Ear thing Tool Kit’.
• Correcting your circadian rhy thm.
Mode of Training: Take -Home Material: Online DIY ear thing t ool ki t
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