Zero Volt Therapy Kit
Ÿ Foot Mat (19 x 12 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Bedsheet (75 x 36 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (10 meter)
Ÿ Copper connecting wristband
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
Ÿ Yoga Mat (74 x 30 inch)
Ÿ Earthing Copper Rod
Ÿ Connecting Copper Wire (2 meter)
Ÿ Continuity meter
Ÿ Carr y Bag
To stay disease free, one needs to be grounded with the mother Earth most of the time. In urban cities, it seems difficult to achieve this target. With the invention of Zero volt bedsheet and mats, one can be grounded even while sleeping & sitting at home.
कवि स्टोिी
उपलब्धियोों का एक्सप्रेसव
‘चलो मम्ा’ वरॉकाथन
पिली महिला इंटरमसटी बस
मिा दत्ा यज्ञ
सबसे बड़ केक का विस्प्
वकलों पर चढ़ने का जुनून
ननखिलेश सवािरकर, डॉ. मनोज तत्वादी, डॉ. सुननतवा धोते, रेिवा लसह, नवागेंद्र लसह, बदलीप मवाने, सीमवा मलणकोथे, डॉ. चचत्वा जैन उड़तीसा बिभूवत िवाबरक
पंजाब ककरण कौर जंड
िाजस्ान भुिनेश मथुबरयवा, रवाजलक्षी चौधरी
शसक्किम सोनी विददी
तममलनाड वििेक नवायर, कवितवा जैन, फ्रकललन हवािडमा दवास
तेलंगाना िसुधवा अशोक, सुनीतवा आयमा, रवाममोहन रेड्डी,
ई-मेल: ििसवाइट:
सड़क सुरक्षा जषागरूकतषा अभियषान
दुर्टिाएं हुईं, जििम 1,53,972 लोगों की िाि गई और 3,84,448 लोग र्ायल हो गए।
स्थिनत की गंभीरता को देखते हुए, कोयम्बटूर की एक कार धिटेललंग सेवा प्रदाता, 5के कार केयर प्राइवेट ललधमटे ि ि वाहि चालकों को
यातायात नियमों के बारे म िागरूक करि और दुर्टिाओं से बचाि का फैसला नकया। कंपिी ि तधमलिाि म ‘वाहि चलाते समय सड़क सुरक्ा िागरूकता म सहयोग करि का संकल्प लेि वालों की अधिकतम संख्या’ का एक कीर्तंमाि
“ज्यादातर दुर्टिाओं म गाड़ी चलाि वाला व्यस््तत महत्वपूण्क भूधमका
निभाता है। अधिकांश दुर्टिाएं लापरवाही या सड़क पर चलि वालों म
सुरक्ा के प्रनत िागरूकता की कमी के कारण होती हैं। इसललए, सड़क
सुरक्ा लशक्ा िीनवत रहि के ललए नकसी भी अन्य बुनियादी कौशल की तरह आवश्यक है। सड़क के नियमों से अिजभज्ञ होिा या िािबूझकर उिकी अिदेखी करिा सड़क दुर्टिाओं का एक और प्रमुख कारण है। उदाहरण के ललए, कई ड्ाइवर उधचत संकेत ददए नबिा
कोयम्बटर की 5के कार केयर प्ाइवेट लिमिटेड
द्ारा ‘डाइमवंग करते सिय सड़क सुरक्ा जागरूकता
के लिए संकल्प िेने वािों की अधिकति संख्ा’
का ररकॉड बनाया गया। यह अमियान तमििनाड
के सिी टमिक धसग्निों पर आयोलजत कक या गया
का एक्सप्रेसव
कहा, “थिाधयत्व और लागत-प्रभावशीलता के प्रनत
हुए, हमि पररयोििा म कोल्ड सट्ल प्लांट रीसाइस््तलंग (सीसीपीआर) तकिीक का उपयोग नकया है। इस
वग्क मीटर सड़क की सतह के बराबर है। ितीिति, वर्िंि मैटीररयल की खपत मारि 10% तक रह गई
बिट मिनस कंक्रीट क री
स व वाधिक मात् ा
िामक एक धचपधचपे काले पदार् से तैयार एक धमजरित सामग्ी है। यह एक सदाबहार सामग्ी है जिसका उपयोग नवजभन् कायगों म नकया िाता है, िैसे सड़क, छत, फ़श्क का निमा्कण, आदद। नबटु धमिस कं क्रीट म नबटुमेि और खनिि होते हैं। नबटुमेि िोड़ि का काय्क करता है, तानक कं क्रीट को टार िैसी स्थिरता धमल सके। ठं िा होि पर
इंटरचि, बाईपास, ररंग रोि आदद का नवकास शाधमल है, तानक कई थिािों पर सबसे छोटी, िाम-मु्तत और अिुकूललत
भारत सरकार की एक केंद्र-प्रायोजित और नवत् पोधित सड़क व रािमाग्क पररयोििा है, िो मुख्य रूप से दूरथि क्ेरिों और मेगा लसटी िैसे बेंगलुरु, पुणे, हैदराबाद, आदद के सेटेलाइट शहरों
कदद्रत है। इस पररयोििा के अंतग्कत महाराष्ट, गुिरात, रािथिाि, पंिाब और हररयाणा म रािमाग्क बिाए िाएंगे और यह नहमालयी क्ेरिों
की पूरी रिृंखला को कवर करेगी, जिसम िम्मू एवं कश्मीर, नहमाचल प्रदेश, उत्राखंि, नफर तराई के सार् उत्र प्रदेश और नबहार की सीमाओं के नहस्से, और पजचिम बंगाल, लसस््तकम, असम, अरुणाचल प्रदेश, मजणपुर और धमिोरम शाधमल हैं।
मातृत्व फैशन शटो
पाक होटल एंि कन्वेंशि सेंटर म आयोजित
हुआ, जिसम 100 गभ्कवती मनहलाओं ि भाग ललया। इस ईवेंट म गभा्कवथिा और मातृत्व का िश्न मिाया गया। वकिोरामा हैल्थकेयर प्राइवेट ललधमटे
‘चलो ि म्मा’
वॉक मा थन
क्ॉस कंट्री ईवी ड्ाइव
ताकत से खेलि की र्ी। कोलकाता और भुविविर के बीच पहला चरण राहुल को देखिा र्ा, और अगला चरण, जिसम नविाग तक फोर लेि रोि र्ा, वो मेरे नहस्से म र्ा। हमि भीड़भाड़ के समय कोलकाता छोड़ा और अपिी फ्लाइट पकड़ि के ललए हवाई अड्डे की ओर निकलि से पहले, नविाग म अभीक दास को कार की चाबी सौंपी।”
“ईवी चार्िंग इंफ्ास्ट््तचर की कमी होि के कारण यह िरूरी हो िाता है नक िो भी इकोलसस्टम उपलधि है उसका उपयोग नकया िाए। इसका मतलब है नक एक मर्संिीि
यह रेस सिय के
ववरुद्ध थरी
प्रयास एलशया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस (एबीआर) म अपिी
सका। ररकॉि्क को प्रमाजणत करि के बाद, मर्संिीि-बि इंधिया लीिरलशप टीम को पुणे, महाराष्ट के निकट चाकि म कंपिी के कारखाि
को िोड़ि वाले रूट को कवर नकया, जिसे स्वर्णंम चतुभु्कि कहा िाता है। गाड़ी कोलकाता, चेन्ई, बेंगलुरु, पुणे, मुंबई, ियपुर, ददल्ली और लखिऊ शहरों से होकर गुिरी। वाहि को ऑटो टु ि टीम के सदस्यों द्ारा चलाया गया। रास्ते म ड्ाइवर को र्काि ि हो, यह सुनिजचित
कच्छ के रण ि
ड् मा इव व ग
कारण सफर आसाि बिता गया ्तयोंनक
हैं, जििम लूिी, भूकी, भरुड़, िारा, खरौद, बिास, सरस्वती, रूपेि, बंभि और मच् शाधमल हैं।
फि, फास्ट और नफयरलेस। िमीि को तेिी से कवर करि के ललए ड्ाइववंग मोि को कुछ निजचित थिािों
नॉन-स्ॉप रोल िॉल
्तलब, बेलगावी, बेलगाम, किा्कटक ि सबसे
लंबे समय तक िॉि-स्टॉप रोल बॉल ररले मैरार्ि का ररकॉि्क बिाते हुए, इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस (आईबीआर) और एलशया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस (एबीआर) दोिों म एक सार् अपिा िाम दि्क करा
मान्यता प्राप्त करि पर बेहद
का अिुभव कर रहे हैं।
गंगा लसफ्क
िमाल श्रि के ववरुद्ध
वग्क के 445 कीबोि्क वादक छारिों ि भाग ललया। आयोिि म राज्य के अिेक संगीत लशक्क भी शाधमल रहे। अिूठा सम्मेलि एलशया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस म दि्क हो गया। कीबोि्क पर किा्कटक संगीत शैली को लोकधप्रय करि वाले मार्टंि
अिूठी प्रनतभा और कािदटक संगीतकारों के
चेन्नई ि िेलिफ्अस िरैिोडीज के संस्ापक
एिएस िाट्टसिन ने अधिकति कीबोड
सामूहिक शंखनाद उत्सव
प्रत्येक कोलशका को ऑ्तसीिि की आपूर्तं होती है। शंख बिाि से र्ायरॉयि, गद्कि की
शंख के उपयु्क्तत लाभों के बारे म िागरूकता फैलाि के ललए, अहमदाबाद, गुिरात के रिी अखखल भारतीय कच् कड़वा पाटीदार
समाि (एबीकेकेपी), अखखल भारतीय कच् कड़वा पाटीदार युवासंर्, रिी अखखल भारतीय कच् कड़वा पाटीदार मनहला संर् द्ारा ररकॉि्क
बिाि का एक प्रयास नकया गया। आयोिकों ि सफलतापूव्कक ‘एक
ही थिाि पर एक सार् अधिकतम शंख बिािे’ का ररकॉि्क बिाया। रिी पाटीदार नवद्ार्गी भवि, भुि म 10 मई, 2023 को
को प्रनतधठित इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस तर्ा एलशया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस म शाधमल नकया गया
र्ी। समुदाय के सदस्यों के बीच आयोिि
बारे म िागरूकता पैदा करि के ललए एक सोशल मीधिया अजभयाि
चलाया गया। इस प्रयास के ललए नववि स्तर के संगीतकारों द्ारा एक
नवशेि संगीत तैयार नकया गया और ईवेंट को यादगार बिाि के ललए
िांसस्क की एक टीम भी बिाई गई र्ी। िखतरािा (कच्) म काय्कक्रम के ललए एक सप्ताह पहले ही चार एकड़ िमीि को साफ करके तैयार नकया गया
पीर र यड््स
म प्रलशजक्त
ह तर्ा मालसक िम्क स्वच्ता म पारंगत हैं। वह धपछले पांच विगों से
नकशोररयों के बीच मालसक िम्क स्वच्ता पर िागरूकता पैदा करि के ललए अर्क प्रयास कर रही हैं।
पीररयि्ड स के दौराि स्वच्ता बिाए रखि
के ललए ज़रूरी चीि मुहैया कराती हैं।
सरकारी स्कूलों म उिके काम का
धपछड़ वग्क के समुदायों पर महत्वपूण्क
प्रभाव पड़ता है, िहां सूचिाओं और
संसाििों तक पहुच अ्तसर सीधमत
होती है। इि स्कूलों पर ध्याि कदद्रत
करके वह यह सुनिजचित करती ह नक
कोई भी लड़की पीछे ि रह िाए।
काय्कक्रम म आईबीआर के एििधिकेटर, अररंदम सेिगुप्ता ि
का सत्यापि नकया और वंदिा गग्क को प्रमाण प सभी प्रनतभानगयों को सैनिटरी पैि, िाररयल तेल, साबुि,
म ताड़ासि, िमस्कारासि, शवासि, गरुड़ासि, उष्टासि, उत्कटासि, उत्ािपादासि, नरिकोणासि, िौकासि, गोमुखासि, िटरािासि, पविमु्ततासि, आदद शाधमल र्े। ररकॉि्क बिाि का प्रयास जिला के वररठि पुललस अधिकाररयों की उपस्थिनत म नकया गया, जििम िवीि चंद्र रेड्डी (आईपीएस), पुललस आयु्तत; मंगेश व्यावरे, क्रीड़ा रत्ि पुरस्कार नविेता; सागर पादटल, पुललस उपायु्तत; नवक्रम साली, पुललस उपायु्तत; और पीटी पादटल, िीसीपी (सेवानिवृत्) प्रमुख र्े। इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस के एििधिकेटर िॉ मिोि तत्वादी ि
55 िागररकों को बचाया और 78
शवों को बाढ़ के पािी से निकाला।
पुललस की िौकरी उन्ह व्यस्त
रखती है, इसललए तैराकी के
अभ्यास के ललए समय निकालिा
मुब्श्कल होता है। “सौभाग्य से,
समयसार जैन स्तंि
हैं। इसके सार् ही, पंचपरमगम ग्ंर्ों के सार् समयसार ग्ंर् की प्रनतकृ नत (रैस्प्लका) शीि्क पर थिाधपत की गई है।
बड़िात्या ि इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस पनरिका को बताया, ”2021-22 में, आध्यात्त्मक संत रिी कांिी स्वामी से समयसार
गढ़ाकोटा, िबलपुर, अलवर, हेरले, बंगलौर, धपड़ावा मोक्ायति, महरोिी, धपिावा, खदेरी, झालावाड़, सुसिेर, बांसवाड़ा, मैिपुरी, मंगलायति और धचदायति। जिि लोगों ि िि स्तंभ की थिापिा म महत्वपूण्क भूधमका निभाई उिम पंधित िागेश िि, धपिावा; पंधित नवराग
को प्रमाण परि
पर कीर्तं स्तंभ थिाधपत नकए गए ह वे हैं: इंदौर, कोटा, लशखरिी, भीलवाड़ा, कोलकाता, गिपंर्, ढसाला, लशवपुरी, गुिा, आरोि, अशोक िगर, रािौगढ़, देवलाली, अिमेर, ददल्ली, रतलाम, दीवािगंि, सोिानगर, भभिर, झालरापाटि, लललतपुर, बीिा, िबेरा,
भिल जैसरी बनावट वालरी संरचना
संरचिा म िॉ्तटरों के िाम और उिके िागरूकता संदेश शाधमल
हैं। भाग लेि वाले सभी िॉ्तटरों को िॉ रेड्डीि की ओर से एबीआर
सर्टंनफकेट की प्रनत दी गई। कंपिी का लक्य इस संरचिा को एक साल
तक अपि पररसर म रखिा है। ब्ांिि माकने टस (इंधिया एंि एमर्िंग
माकने टस), िॉ रेड्डीि के सीईओ एमवी रमिा ि कहा, "िब्ल्यूएचओ के
अिुसार, भारत म कम से कम चार वयस्कों म से एक को उच्च र्ततचाप
है, लेनकि उिम से केवल
ढोल िजमाने ि िहमारत
र्टों तक र्ायंबका और पंचररमेलम का प्रदश्कि करिे' का ररकॉि्क बिा कर यह उपलब्धि हालसल की। हम बात कर रहे ह नगररिर आर शमा्क की, जिसका आदश्क वा्तय हैबड़ सपि देखो और कड़ी मेहित करो। इस लड़के ि 21 मई, 2023
को चेंदा िामक एक वाद् यंरि का प्रयोग करते हुए, 1 र्ंटा 36 धमिट तक र्ायंबका बिाया और 2 र्ंटे 24 धमिट तक पंचाररमेलम का प्रदश्कि नकया। उसके इस लयबधि संगीत प्रदश्कि को देखि के ललए वहां क्ेरिीय
का प्रदश्कि चेंदा के इतांताला पर खस्टक-एंि-पाम रोल पर ध्याि कदद्रत करके नकया
संगीत काय्कक्रम है, जिसे केरल
के मंददरों म होि वाले उत्सवों म प्रदर्शंत नकया िाता है। यह चेंदामेलम िामक एर्निक ड्म प्रोग्ाम के प्रमुख रूपों म से एक है और मंददर तालवाद् शैली
सबसे लोकधप्रय है। पंचाररमेलम, जिसम चेंदा, इलार्लम, कोम्बू और कुझाल िैसे वाद्यंरि शाधमल हैं, त्योहारों के दौराि नकया िाता है, िहां इसे बेहद शास्रिीय ढंग से प्रस्तुत नकया िाता है। केरल को नगररिर से बहुत उम्मीद हैं, िो संगीत के माध्यम से िीरे-िीरे अपिी पहचाि बिा रहे हैं।
सषाइककल प्रेमी ऑर्थो सज्जन
बीआरएम ईवेंटस (ब्वेटस) करि शुरू कर ददए। अब 54 साल की उम्र में, म लशखर पर हू और ऑि्तस एंड्ोरेंस साइनकललंग म मि एक ररकॉि्क बिाया है। यह कहिा है देव अपिताल, लुधियािा, पंिाब के िॉ पवि ढींगरा, एमएस (ऑर्थोपेधि्तस), एमसीएच, का, जिन्ह इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस (आईबीआर) की ओर से तीि बार सम्मानित नकया िा चुका है।
िॉ ढींगरा ि पांच विगों म सबसे
अधिक संख्या म सुपर रिोनियस्क
खखताब िीति का ररकॉि्क बिाया
है। इस कारिामे को इंधिया बुक
ऑफ ररकॉि्कस व एलशया बुक
ऑफ ररकॉि्कस दोिों की मान्यता
धमल चुकी है। उन्होंि नवजभन्
राज्यों के कई शहरों म मई 2017
से अ्तटू बर 2022 तक 55,000
नकमी की 142 बीआरएम
नवजभन् प्रनतनिधि ्तलबों के माध्यम से 200, 300, 400, 600, 1000, 1200 और 1400 नकमी बीआरएम की ईवेंटस का आयोिि करता है। एक सरि म 200, 300, 400 और 600 नकमी की चार राइि्ड स एक साइनकल सवार को सुपर रिोनियर बिाती ह और तब उसे रिोनियर कहा िाता है।
“मि अब तक कुल 142 ईवेंटस म नहस्सा ललया है। इिम 1000 नकमी (ददल्ली-वार्ा-ददल्ली), 1200 नकमी (िोएिा-िम्मू-िोएिा), 1200 नकमी (िालंिर-िम्मू-सूरतगढ़-िालंिर), 1400 नकमी (ददल्ली-िेपालददल्ली), 1460 नकमी की िी2िी (इंधिया गेट से गेटवे ऑफ इंधिया)
और 1480 नकमी की बी2बी (ददल्ली नब्ि से हावड़ा नब्ि) शाधमल हैं। मि साइनकल से 20 राज्यों और केंद्रशालसत प्रदे शों, लगभग 20 प्रमुख राष्टीय रािमागगों,
की गुफाएं, सरदार सरोवर बांि, सरदार पटेल की स्टै च्यू ऑफ यूनिटी, खंिाला, स्वण्क मंददर, िल झील, संगम, करतारपुर कॉररिोर, पजचिमी र्ाट आदद िैसे कई नवरासत और िार्मंक
शुरू हुई र्ी। दोस्तािा अंदाि और िीवटता एक रिोनियर की पहचाि है। िॉ ढींगरा का कहिा
युवाओं को लशक्ा व कामकाि के ललए साइनकल पर चलि के ललए
पहली म कह ल षा इ टरस स टी बस
िुंबई ने िारत की पहिी ऑि-वीिेन इिेक्क्टक इंटरधसटी बस चिाने का ररकॉड बनाया ह। एक िकहिा चािक
संचालित न्गो इिेक्क्टक बस ने िई िाह ि
से अपनी ऐमतहाधसक यात्ा की शुरुआत
आगरा-ियपुर, इंदौर-भोपाल,
और हैदराबाद- नवियवाड़ा। कंपिी का कहिा
महा दत्ा यज्ञ
िगवान दत्तात्य के लिए िहादत्ता यज्ञ करने के
लिए िक्तों द्ारा उपयोग ककए जाने वाि अमग्नकुं डों
की अधिकति संख्ा (1111 हवन कुंड) का
कीमतसििान िहाराष्ट ि अहिदनगर शहर के जय
शंकर सेवा िंडि द्ारा स्ामपत कक या गया ह।
बढ़ाए रखा।
सबसे बड़ केक का डडस्प्
बिा िाला। चूंनक यह बाबा साहब
की 132वीं ियंती र्ी, इसललए
132 नकलो वििी केक बिाया
गया, जिसकी लंबाई 16 फीट
और चौड़ाई 3 फीट र्ी। यह
म केवल एक स्टाट्क र, मुख्य व्यंिि, धमठाई और कुछ पेय शाधमल होते हैं, एक असािारण उत्सव
केक 14 अप्रैल, 2023 को
समाि मंददर हॉल, सुभाि िगर, चेंबूर ईस्ट म बिाया और बांटा
गया। इस गनतनवधि को इंधिया
बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस ि मान्यता
प्रदाि की। थिािीय पाि्कद आशा
मराठे, मुंबई बैंक के निदेशक
िंदकुमार काटकर, वीबीए पाटटी
के मुंबई अध्यक् परमेविर रणशुर, वररठि सामाजिक काय्ककता्क बबि
गायकवाड़ और कश्मीरा शाह ि
काय्कक्रम की शोभा बढ़ाई।
उत्सव का यह केक खुद ही
तैयार नकया गया। इसके ललए
पाइिएप्पल क्रश तैयार
स्वीटेला; रेखा िि, संथिापक, लवी केक; और इतांशी बांब, संथिापक, ईश बे्तस, के माग्कदश्कि म संपन् हुईं। क्रश बिाि के बाद केक की बेवकंग की गई। उसके बाद क्रीम फेंट कर केक सिाया गया। समारोह का संचालि कनव गणेश धमरगुले ि नकया।
आिार नबरोिगार सेवा सहकारी संथिा के अध्यक् राहुल बबि गायकवाड़ ि इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस पनरिका को बताया नक शुरू
म कोई भी उन्ह इतिा बड़ा केक बिाि के ललए िगह दे ि
को तैयार िहीं र्ा। ऐसे म एक गैर-एसी हॉल की व्यवथिा
की गई। पूरी प्लाविंग मुख्य ईवेंट से महीिा भर पहले शुरू की गई। काय्कक्रम म केक निमा्कता टीम, आकने स्ट्ा, मीधिया, पुललस और अन्य क्ेरिों के लोगों ि भाग ललया। “बाबासाहेब
अम्बेिकर ि हमारे देश को एक अच्ा संनविाि ददया, िो
हर िानत और समुदाय का ख्याल रखता है। हम बाबासाहेब
की 132वीं ियंती कुछ अलग ढंग से मिािा चाहते र्े, इसललए केक बिाि का ख्याल मि म आया,'' गायकवाड़
ि कहा।
आिार बेरोिगार सेवा
ककलों पर चढ़ने कमा जुनून
लशवम ि कहा, “सतारा जिले म िंदनगरी की ऊंचाई 3500 फीट है और नकले तक पहुचि का एक ही रास्ता
ज्ोवतष से ववशेष
2023 को 10 वि्क और 8 माह की उम्र म रिी महर्िं कॉलेि योनति से परिाचार माध्यम से पीिी धिप्लोमा कोस्क पूरा करि रधपराला योगािंद शास्रिी की ा की है।
ज्ञाि प्राप्त करि की िबद्क स्त
है, भले ही तथ्य व िािकारी नकतिी
दठि ्तयों ि हो। उसके धपता, याण शास्रिी ि कहा, “खुद
के प्रनत सच्चा होि के कारण, योगािंद समाि की सेवा
करि म नवविास करता है।
वैददक िप,
म ज्ञाि और रुधच के ललए नववि मािवाधिकार संरक्ण आयोग द्ारा सम्मानित नकया गया है। बालक
ज िरी हुई जंस् मा र नद
री पर ट् क क ग
हुलमा हूप घुिमाने कमा शौक
िैग से ननकलने कमा जमादू
इच्छमाशवति से सि
संभव है
म अधिकतम संख्या म पुश-अप्स करि के ललए इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्क बिाया। पंिाब के िेराबस्सी (जिला मोहाली)
इस युवा ि एक धमिट म 145 पुश-अप नकए। उन्होंि कहा, “नबस्तर
पड़ रहि
मेरी ददिचया्क का नियधमत नहस्सा हैं। जिम, िाइट, अच्ी िींद और सामाजिक काय्क मुझे व्यस्त रखते हैं।” इंधिया बुक ऑफ ररकॉि्कस पनरिका से बात करते हुए, अवतार ि कहा, "इस
इंटेमलज ेंट ‘शोन मा िमां’
Fastest to recite Melakarta ragas by a kid
The record for being the fastest to recite Melakarta ragas was set by Meerra Gokulnath (born on May 14, 2017) of Kancheepuram, Tamil Nadu. Melakarta is a collection of fundamental musical ragas in Carnatic music (South Indian classical music). These ragas are parent ragas (hence known as janaka ragas) from which other ragas have been generated. She recited 72 ragas in 1 minute, 28 seconds and 3 milliseconds at the age of 5 years, 11 months and 10 days, as confirmed in April 25, 2023.
Fastest kid to recall countries with their capitals, currencies and official languages by their flags
The record for being the fastest kid to recall countries with their capitals, currencies and official languages by their flags was set by Thirunavukkarasu Vedhavalli (born on April 9, 2016) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu (currently living in UAE, Abu Dhabi). She recalled the names of all 195 countries (UN recognised) with their capitals, currencies and official languages by viewing the pictures of their flags on flashcards in 8 minutes and 2 seconds, at the age of 6 years, 11 months and 5 days, as confirmed on March 14, 2023.
Maximum knee jumps by a kid in 30 seconds
The record for performing the maximum number of knee jumps in 30 seconds was set by Aadvik Suri (born on July 12, 2016) of Amritsar, Punjab. He performed 20 knee jumps in 30 seconds at the age of 6 years, 9 months and 26 days, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Fastest kid to recite colossal numbers
The record for being the fastest to recite colossal numbers was set by Jaskaran Singh (born on January 8, 2018) of Pune, Maharashtra. He recited 44 colossal numbers starting from one (1) till infinity in 1 minute, 30 seconds and 32 milliseconds at the age of 5 years, 4 months and 2 days, as confirmed on May 10, 2023.
Fastest kid to identify 50 countries by their flags
The record for being the fastest to identify 50 countries by their flags was set by Yuhaansa Sumanjunath (born on August 20, 2018) of Hyderabad, Telangana. She identified 50 countries in 30 seconds, by viewing the pictures of the flags on a chart, at the age of 4 years, 8 months and 14 days, as confirmed on May 3, 2023.
Fastest kid to identify 50 cartoon characters
The record for being the fastest to identify 50 cartoon characters was set by Vyom Varun Shekatkar (born on January 5, 2018) of Pune, Maharashtra. He identified 50 cartoon characters correctly in 28 seconds, by looking at their pictures on a laptop screen, at the age of 5 years, 4 months and 6 days, as confirmed on May 11, 2023.
Maximum rope skips by a kid in one minute
The record for performing the maximum number of rope skips in one minute was set by Ravya Singh (born on August 27, 2016) of Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. She performed 185 rope skips in one minute at the age of 6 years, 7 months and 29 days, as confirmed on April 25,
Longest duration to play Djembe by a kid
The record for playing Djembe for the longest duration was set by Samson (born on June 24, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He played the Djembe (a rope-tuned skin-covered goblet drum played with bare hands, originally from West Africa) for one hour at the age of 5 years 10 months and 9 days, as confirmed on May 3, 2023.
Maximum Silambam stick rotations around the head performed by a child
The record for performing the maximum number of Silambam
Maximum words read in one minute by a child while performing hula-hoop spins
The record for reading the maximum number of words in one minute while performing hula-hoop spins was set by Srivalli Anvika Nookala (born on March 15, 2016) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. She read 240 words from 2 stories ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ and ‘Tiny’s Bath’ (by viewing the
Youngest to recite all districts of Kerala
The record for being the youngest to recite all districts of Kerala was set by Anvika V. Kerala. She recited the names of all 14 districts of Kerala in 24 seconds at the age of 2 years, 3 months and 7 days, as confirmed on May 12,
Fastest child to recite all shlokas of Bhagavad Gita
Chapter 2
The record for being the fastest to recite all the shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 was set by Jishnu (born on July 13, 2014) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He recited all the 72 shlokas of the Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 in 9 minutes, 17 seconds and 66 milliseconds at the age of 8 years, 9 months and 27 days, as confirmed on 2023.
Fastest kid to recall Indian Presidents’ names
The record for being the fastest to recall the names of Indian Presidents was set by Anvi G. (born on May 20, 2017) of Palakkad, Kerala. She recalled the names of all the 15 Indian Presidents from 1947 to 2022 in 14 seconds and 79 milliseconds at the age of 5 years, 10 months and 21 days, as confirmed on April 10, 2023.
Fastest child to write squares of numbers from 1 to 100
The record for being the fastest to write the squares of numbers from 1 to 100 was Soumil Manna (born on November 24, 2011) of Kolkata, West Bengal. He wrote the squares of numbers from 1 to 100 in 2 minutes, 45 seconds and 2 milliseconds on a single A4 size sheet at the age of 11 years, 5 months and 14 days, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Fastest kid to identify look alike flags of 50 countries
The record for being the fastest to identify look alike flags of 50 countries was set by Shivanya D. (born on December 18, 2016) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She identified look alike flags of 50 countries in 44 seconds and 17 milliseconds, by viewing paired pictures of look alike flags on a laptop screen, at the age of 6 years, 4 months and 18 days, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Fastest kid to identify 100 construction tools and equipment
The record for being the fastest to identify 100 construction tools and equipment was set by Namish Prajwal CR (born on July 13, 2019) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He identified and recalled 100 construction tools and equipment in 3 minutes, 48 seconds and 36 milliseconds at the age of 3 years, 9 months and 7 days, as confirmed on April 28, 2023.
Maximum hula hoop spins performed by a child in 15 minutes
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins in 15 minutes was set by Arwa Fathima R. (born on November 11, 2014) of Kozhikode, Kerala. She performed 2,175 hula hoop spins in 15 minutes at the age of 8 years, 6 months and 2 days, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
Youngest to win the 10th National Kettlebell Championship 2023
The record for being the youngest to win the 10th National Kettlebell Championship 2023 was set by Yunay Gupta (born on May 13, 2017) of Guwahati, Assam. He won the 10th National Kettlebell Championship 2023 (in Snatch category) which was held from March 18, 2023 to March 19, 2023 in Pune, Maharashtra, at the age of 5 years, 11 months and 14 days, as confirmed on April 27, 2023.
Maximum countries recalled with capitals and official languages in one minute by a child
The record for reciting the names of maximum countries with capitals and official languages in one minute was set by Rogith Balasundaram March 29, 2013) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He recalled the names of 51 countries with their capitals and official languages in one minute, at the age of 10 years, 1 month and 10 days, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Maximum hula hoop spins performed by a kid while walking
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins while Sreelakshmi R. (born on August 11, 2016) of Palakkad, Kerala. She performed 810 hula hoop spins (around the waist) in 5 minutes and 12 seconds while walking on the road, at the age of 6 years, 6 months and 19 days, as confirmed on May 27, 2023.
Maximum flash cards identified by a toddler
The record for identifying the maximum number of flashcards was set by Udayant Saha (born on March 5, 2021) of Agartala, Tripura. He identified 1,836 flashcards with pictures of vegetables, fruits, flowers, alphabet, numbers from 1-200, animals, great personalities, professionals, vehicles, general objects, monuments, Prime Ministers and Presidents of India, at the age of 2 years and 2 days, as confirmed on March 7, 2023.
Youngest licenced skydiver
The record for being the youngest licenced skydiver was set by Utkarsh Soni (born on January 16, 2005) of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh. He received USPA- A Licence (A-108227 on March 15, 2023) from Dropzone Thailand at the age of 18 years, 1 month and 30 days, as confirmed on April 12, 2023.
Longest duration to play drums while singing continuously by a teen
The record for playing drums for the longest duration, while singing continuously, was set by on December 10, 2008) of Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu. He played the drums while singing continuously for 1 hour and 28 seconds at the age of 14 years, 4 months and 15 days, as confirmed on April
Longest duration to play ‘Pakhawaj’ by a teen
The record for playing ‘Pakhawaj’ for the longest duration was set by Pandhari Biradar 2007) of Pune, Maharashtra. He played the ‘Pakhawaj’ (a barrel-shaped, twoheaded drum) non-stop for 7 hours, 7 minutes and 19 seconds at the age of 15 years, 6 months and 14 days, as confirmed on May 9, 2023.
Maximum hand written letters posted to the Prime Minister of India by a teen
Maximum half squats performed in 30 seconds by a teen
The record for performing the maximum number of half squats in 30 seconds was set Nikhil R. (born on May 29, 2006) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He performed 43 half squats in 30 seconds, at the age of 16 years, 11 months and 3 days, as confirmed on May 2, 2023.
The record for posting the maximum number of handwritten letters to the Prime Minister of India was set by Rajveer Singha (born on May 14, 2006) of Guwahati, Assam. He wrote 53 letters to the Prime Minister of India on different topics including drugs, corruption, water, UNSC membership, food safety and climate change and posted them to the PM by speed post at the age of 16 years, 11 months and 13 days, as confirmed on April 27, 2023.
Fastest kid to recall spellings of all countries
The record for being the fastest to recall the spellings of all the countries was set by Lohith S. (born on February 4, 2017) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. He recalled the spellings of all the 195 UN recognised countries in 18 minutes and 26 seconds, by hearing the names of the countries, at the age of 6 years, 3 months and 14 days, as confirmed on May 18, 2023.
Maximum magic tricks in 30 seconds by a blindfolded teen
The record for performing the maximum number of magic tricks in 30 seconds blindfolded set by Abhijith A.V. (born on August 11, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. He performed tricks including flower production, bottle appearing and flower to wand at the age of 19 years, 1 month and 17 days, as confirmed on April 4, 2023.
Fastest toddler to identify pictures in alphabetical order from A-Z
The record for being the fastest toddler to identify pictures in alphabetical order from A-Z was set by Joachim John Paul (born on January 9, 2021) of Kozhikode, Kerala (now residing in Ontario, Canada). He identified 26 pictures in alphabetical order from A-Z in 31seconds and 77 milliseconds, by viewing the pictures on a laptop screen, at the age of 2 years, 4 months and 4 days, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
Fastest child to type English alphabet on laptop using an app
The record for being the fastest to type letters of the English alphabet on a laptop using an app was set by Stutimanya Sendh (born on March 16, 2012) of Sangareddy. Telangana. She typed letters of the English alphabet from A to Z (in small letters) without spacing in 3 seconds and 877 milliseconds (using the speed typing app) at the age of 11 years, 2 months and 18 days, as confirmed on May 24, 2023.
Maximum young ones of animals recalled by a toddler in 30 seconds
The record for recalling the maximum number of young ones of animals was set by Nithya Vura (born on August 29, 2020) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She recalled the young ones of 20 animals in 30 seconds at the age of 2 years, 7 months and 29 days, as confirmed on April 27, 2023.
Fastest child to solve a single Megaminx Cube while hula
The record for being the fastest to simultaneously solve a single Megaminx Cube while hula hooping was set by Diya Praveen on July 13, 2010) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She solved a single Megaminx Cube in 4 minutes and 11 seconds, while performing 416 hula hoop spins simultaneously, at the age of 12 years, 8 months and 28 days, as confirmed on April 10, 2023.
Maximum devotional songs medley played on Guitar by a blindfolded
The record for playing the maximum number of devotional songs medley on a Guitar was set by Jathin Gudipudi (born on September 24, 2015) of Hyderabad, Telangana. He played 5 devotional songs medley on a Guitar for 3 minutes and 46 seconds, while being blindfolded, at the age of 7 years, 8 months and 2 days, as confirmed on May 26, 2023.
Youngest to recall all countries with their capitals, currencies and continents by their flags
The record for being the youngest to recall the names of all the countries, along with their capitals, currencies and continents by their flags was set by Ayush Rahul (born on October 30, 2018) of Kannur, Kerala. He identified 195 UN recognised countries by looking at their flags and also recalled the capital, currency and continent of each country in 19 minutes and 29 seconds, at the age of 4 years, 6 months and 10 days, as confirmed on May 9, 2023.
Fastest toddler to identify 50 famous personalities
The record for being the fastest to identify 50 famous personalities was set by Avyukt Singh (born on July 15, 2020) of Noida, Uttar Pradesh. He identified 50 famous personalities both (Indian and International) in 1 minute, 48 seconds and 4 milliseconds by looking at their pictures on a screen at the age of 2 years, 9 months and 14 days, as confirmed on April 29, 2023.
Largest picture of Lionel Messi made by an individual using charcoal pencils
The record for making the largest picture of Lionel Messi using charcoal pencils Abhigyan Sharma 1996) of Dispur, Assam. He made picture of Lionel Messi holding cup (measuring 100 cm x 150.75 size sheets of paper, charcoal pencils, confirmed on May
Fastest child to recall the names of all current Indian Chief Ministers
The record for being the fastest to recall the names of all the current Indian Chief ministers was set by Aadya Gupta (born on March 26, 2015) of Delhi. She recalled the names of all the 30 current Chief Ministers of India (Chief Ministers of 28 states and 2 union territories) in 22 seconds and 18 milliseconds, at the age of 7 years, 11 months and 10 days, as confirmed on March 5, 2023.
Fastest kid to read one hundred English words
The record for being the fastest to read one hundred English words was set by Yuven Saurabh Agrawal (born on July 18, 2019) of Solapur, Maharashtra. He read 100 English words (consisting of 3,4,5,6 and 7 letters) written on flashcards in 2 minutes and 27 seconds at the age of 3 years, 8 months and 30 days, as confirmed on April 17, 2023.
Maximum Sumo deadlift weight lifted by a teen
The record for lifting the maximum amount of Sumo deadlift weight was set by Sushanth Chinni (born on June 8, 2007) of Mohali, Punjab. He lifted 200 kg weight in the Sumo deadlift category at the age of 15 years, 10 months and 24 days, as confirmed on May 2, 2023.
Youngest black belt in Karate with 10 Kata
The record for being the youngest black belt in Karate with 10 Kata was set by Barnali Chanda (born on December 13, 2015) of Hooghly, West Bengal. She achieved the First Dan Black Belt in Karate with 10 Kata (Kata, a Japanese word, is used to describe specific sequences of motion in Karate) from ‘Shotokan Karate-DO Association’ Howrah, West Bengal on December 3, 2022 at the age of 6 years, 11 months and 21 days, as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
Youngest pillion rider to complete motorcycle expedition to Umling La Pass
The record for being the youngest pillion rider to complete a motorcycle expedition to Umling La Pass was set by Angelica Hazel Daniel (born on July 14, 2006) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She accompanied her father as a pillion rider on a motorcycle expedition to Umling La Pass; starting from Bengaluru on June 16, 2022 and reaching Umling La Pass on June 22, 2022; covering 980 km in 7 days, at the age of 15 years, 11 months and 2 days, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Fastest individual to solve Rubik’s Cubes in relay
The record for being the fastest to solve Rubik’s Cubes in relay was set by Vishal K. (born on June 15, 1995) of Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. He solved 6 Rubik’s Cubes in relay namely 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 4 x 4, 5 x 5, 6 x 6 and 7 x 7 in 49 minutes, 40 seconds and 93 milliseconds, as confirmed on May 15, 2023.
Fastest duo to complete a car expedition across mainland of India
The record for being the fastest to complete a car expedition across the mainland of India was set by Mani Raj Singh (born on June 26, 1991) of Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, along with his friend. They started their car expedition at 8.00 am from Mathura on March 1, 2023, visited 28 Indian states and 6 union territories and completed it at 8.30 pm at Mathura on April 11, 2023. They covered 16, 922.90 km in 42 days by a Maruti Alto car, as confirmed on May 12, 2023.
Maximum sets of tiles broken on stomach of an individual
The record for breaking the maximum number of sets of tiles on stomach was set by Vinu D. Kaimal (born on May 31, 1978) of Pathanamthitta, Kerala. He lay down on the floor and kept 100 tiles in 20 sets of 5 tiles each (each tile measuring 16. 1 inches x 9.2 inches, weighing 2.3 kg) on his stomach, which were broken with a hammer (by other teammates) in 1 minute and 5 seconds, as confirmed on April 24, 2023.
Maximum women pioneers identified by a kid
The record for identifying the maximum number of women pioneers was set by Ranvit Mohan (born on August 26, 2017) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. He identified 50 women pioneers (7 in Defence, 5 in Science and Technology, 6 in Administration and Laws, 6 in Media, 9 in Sports, 4 in Honours and Awards and 13 in Politics) at the age of 5 years, 2023.
Fastest kid to identify one hundred countries by their flags
The record for being the fastest to identify one hundred countries by their flags was set by Karthikeyan Sithanandan 25, 2017) of Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu. He identified the flags of 100 countries and recalled their names in 39 seconds, by viewing the pictures of flags on a screen, at the age of 6 years, 2 months and 18 days, as confirmed on May 12, 2023.
Youngest to write research paper on Rooftop Gardening
The record for being the youngest to write a research paper on Rooftop Gardening was set by Hansika Gupta (born on October 22, 2006) of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. She wrote a research paper titled ‘A Sustainable Agriculture to Ensure Organic, Quality and Fresh Chilli Hot Pepper for SelfConsumption in Metro City on Rooftop Gardening’ in International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science (IRJMETS) in Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2023 at the age of 16 years, 7 months and 2 days, as confirmed on May 24, 2023.
Fastest kid to solve a Montessori slide puzzle
The record for being the fastest to solve a Montessori slide puzzle was set by Shrithik S. (born on March 13, 2020) of Tenkasi, Tamil Nadu. He solved a single Montessori slide colour puzzle with 12 pieces in 30 seconds at the age of 3 years and 23 days, as confirmed on 6, 2023.
Fastest to write the names of all districts of Kerala in Malayalam mirror writing
The record for writing the names of all the districts of Kerala in Malayalam mirror writing was set by Laija G. (born on May 3, 1991) of Kollam, Kerala. She wrote the names of all the 14 districts of Kerala in Malayalam mirror writing in 58 seconds and 71 milliseconds, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Youngest to ride a balance bicycle
The record for being the youngest to ride a balance bicycle was set by Saai Vishnu Satvat (born on August 30, 2021) of Puducherry. He rode a balance bicycle (without foot pedals and supporting wheels) for 1 minute and 6 seconds at the age of 1 year, 8 months and 4 days, as confirmed on May 3, 2023.
Maximum questions on Ramayana answered by a kid in Telugu language
The record for answering the maximum number of questions on Ramayana in Telugu language was set by Y.V. Vijay Karthik (born on November 22, 2019) of Hyderabad, Telangana. He answered 182 questions on Ramayana in Telugu language in 21 minutes and 3 seconds at the age of 3 years, 4 months and 23 days, as confirmed on April 14, 2023.
Fastest toddler to identify all Indian Prime Ministers
The record for being the fastest to identify all Indian Prime Ministers was set by N. Athiran (born on January 23, 2021) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu. He identified 15 Prime Ministers of India in 30 seconds at the age of 2 years, 2 months and 30 days, as confirmed on April 22, 2023.
Maximum countries’ names recalled by a teen in one minute
The record for recalling the names of the maximum number of countries in one minute was set by Ajmal P. (born on March 17, 2010) of Malappuram, Kerala. He recalled the names of 97 countries in one minute, at the age of 13 years and 14 days, as confirmed on March 31, 2023.
Maximum hula hoop spins performed standing on inverted earthen pot while solving 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins standing on an inverted earthen pot while solving a 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube was set by Ridhaan Hiren Shah (born on December 9, 2015) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. He performed 669 hula hoop spins in 6 minutes and 1 second while standing on an inverted earthen pot and simultaneously solving a single 3 x 3 mini Rubik’s Cube at the age of 7 years, 5 months and 6 days, as confirmed on May 15, 2023.
Maximum times Bhujangasana yoga pose performed in one minute by a teen
The record for performing Bhujangasana yoga pose for the maximum number of times in one minute was set by Devalekshmi S. (born on August 19, 2005) of Kollam, Kerala. She performed the Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) 37 times in one minute at the age of 17 years, 7 months and 30 days, as confirmed on April 18, 2023.
Maximum famous monuments of India embroidered by an individual
The record for embroidering the maximum number of famous monuments of India was set by Nandhini Devarajan (born on June 8, 1995) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. She embroidered 20 famous monuments of India including Taj Mahal, Qutub Minar, Buddha Temple, India Gate, Parliament and Sanchi Stupa (each embroidered monument measuring 10 cm x 7cm) on white cloth using strands of coloured embroidery threads, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Reciting numbers 1 to 10 in maximum languages by a blindfolded child in Vajrasana yoga pose
The record for reciting numbers 1 to 10 blindfolded in the maximum number of languages in Vajrasana Yoga Pose was set by Abiya Mariam Mathews (born on June 6, 2013) of Kollam, Kerala. She recited numbers from 1 to 10 in 25 languages including Malayalam, English, Hindi, Danish, Indonesian and French in 1 minute, 42 seconds and 33 blindfolded and holding
Smallest chalk sculpture of Rabindranath Tagore
The record for making the smallest chalk sculpture of Rabindranath Tagore was set by Pabitra Kumar Mondal (born on June 20, 1998) of Murshidabad, West Bengal. He made a beautiful sculpture of Rabindranath Tagore on a chalk stick measuring 6 cm, as confirmed on April 18, 2023.
Maximum IPC Sections recalled by a child while performing hula hoop spins
The record for recalling the maximum number of IPC Sections while performing hula hoop spins was set by Tzaina Bajaj (born on November 30, 2010) of Sirsa, Haryana. She recalled 30 sections of the Indian Penal Code in 52 seconds, while performing 95 hula hoop spins, at the age of 12 years, 5 months and 15 days, as confirmed on May 15, 2023.
Maximum calendar days answered for 100 years in 5 minutes by a kid
The record for answering the maximum number of calendar days for 100 years in 5 minutes was set by Yuvan Mishra (born on August 1, 2016) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He correctly answered 95 days, random dates, for one hundred years from 1900 to 2000 (using mental calculation) in 5 minutes at the age of 6 years, 9 months and 12 days, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
Maximum Rubik’s Cubes solved by a child in one minute while reciting mantras
The record for solving the maximum number of Rubik’s Cubes in one minute while reciting mantras was set by Kiyaan Mittal (born on December 27, 2015) of Bhiwadi, Rajasthan. He solved 5 different Rubik’s Cubes including Pyramid Cube, 2 x 2, Leaf Cube, 1 x 1 x 1 and Coin Tetrahedron in one minute while simultaneously reciting 6 mantras at the age of 7 years, 4 months and 26 days, as confirmed on May 22, 2023.
Maximum nursery rhymes recited in three languages by a toddler in 5 minutes
The record for reciting the maximum number of nursery rhymes in three languages was set by Manvi Bharat Nilajkar recited the first few lines of 24 nursery rhymes (17 in English, 5 in Hindi and 2 in Marathi) in 5 minutes, at the age of 2 years, 11 months and 15 days, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
Mountain peaks summitted by a female in maximum continents
The record for summitting mountain peaks in the maximum number of continents was set by Gayatri Mohanty (born on October 5, 1981) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She successfully summitted 3 mountain peaks in 3 continents across the world, namely Mt Elbrus (5642 m; Europe) on August 24, 2021; Uhuru Peak (5895 m; Africa) of Mount Kilimanjaro on October 3, 2021; and Mt. Kosciuszko (2,228 m; Australia) on November 5, 2022, as confirmed on May 10, 2023.
Maximum tickets of movie theatres collected by an individual
The record for collecting the maximum number of movie tickets of movie theatres was set by Debanjan Seal (born on January 5, 1991) of Kolkata, West Bengal. He collected 91 tickets of movie theatres of Kolkata including Metro, Globe, Paradise, Elite, Roxy and Jaya, as confirmed on April 6, 2023.
Largest typographical painting of Ram Darbar
The record for making the largest typographical painting of Ram Darbar was set by Sushree Suman Pati (born on August 14, 1998) of Kendujhar, Odisha. She made a colourful painting of Ram Darbar (measuring 28 inches x 34 inches) writing the word ‘Ram’ 100,108 times, as confirmed on April 5, 2023.
Maximum letters typed by a specially abled teen in one minute using nose
The record for typing the maximum number of letters in one minute using nose was set by Changela Smit Chetan (born on June 15, 2004) Being specially abled with he typed 151 characters a mobile phone in one his nose, at the years, 10 months and 25 days, as confirmed on May 10, 2023.
Maximum times blood donated by an individual in one year
The record for donating blood for the maximum number of times in one year was set by Ranjeet Rajput (born on December 5, 1982) of Jaipur, Rajasthan. He voluntarily donated blood 12 times in a year from May 17, 2022 to April 23, 2023. He has O+ blood type, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Largest spiral art portrait of Lionel Messi made by an individual
The record for making the largest spiral art portrait of Lionel Messi was set by Krishnadev P. S. (born on April 18, 2003) of Palghat, Kerala. He made a large sized spiral art portrait of the famous Football player Lionel Messi (measuring 177 cm in diameter) on a white flex sheet using black gel pens, as confirmed May 1, 2023.
Maximum knuckle push-ups while balancing on three dumbbells by an individual
The record for performing the maximum number of push-ups while balancing on three dumbbells was set by S. (born on December 4, 1999) of Kollam, Kerala. He balanced himself on three dumbbells down on the floor and performed 29 knuckle push- ups in 26 seconds, as confirmed on May 23, 2023.
Fastest individual to skate from India to Bangladesh
The record for being the fastest to skate from India to Bangladesh was set by Sandip Manna (born on March 8, 2001) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal. He covered 312 km in 2 days from May 1, 2023 to May 2, 2023 on inline skates from Shyamnagar (West Bengal, India) to Dhaka (Bangladesh), as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Longest duration to hold Utthita
Trivikramasana yoga pose by a
The record for being in the Utthita Trivikramasana yoga pose for the longest duration was set by Delffy Davis (born on May 16, 2003) of Ernakulam, Kerala. She remained in the Utthita Trivikramasana yoga pose (Trivikrama Standing pose) for 6 minutes and 45 seconds at the age of 19 years, 11 months and 12 days, as confirmed on April 28, 2023.
Maximum Cybersecurity and ethical hacking tweets posted by an individual in a single day
The record for posting the maximum number of Cybersecurity and ethical hacking tweets in a single day was set by Jagmohan
Bairwa (born on September 9, 2000) of Dausa,Rajasthan. posted 1,313 tweets on Cybersecurity and ethical hacking on Twitter Online Message Service (@JMBSirSupport) between 12.00 pm to 10.59 pm, on March 29, 2023, as confirmed on April
Maximum Webster frontflips performed in 30 seconds by an individual
The record for performing the maximum number of Webster frontflips in 30 seconds was set by Sarthaj Ali (born on September 5, 1999) of Malappuram, Kerala. He performed 14 Webster frontflips (take off on left leg and swing with right leg) in 30 seconds, as confirmed on May 16, 2023.
Largest typographic portrait of Neerja Bhanot made using mehandi cones
The record for making the largest typographic portrait of Neerja Bhanot using mehandi cones Divya Das (born on July 22, 1999) of Kollam, Kerala. She made a large sized portrait of Neerja Bhanot (measuring 18 cm x 24 cm) using mehandi cones by writing the name ‘Neerja Bhanot’ numerous times, as confirmed on May 2, 2023.
Fastest blindfolded teen to recite names of Indian freedom fighters in alphabetical order
The record for being the fastest to recite the names of Indian freedom fighters in alphabetical order blindfolded was set by Anas N.V. (born on December 21, 2003) of Malappuram, Kerala. He recited the names of 26 freedom fighters including Ambedkar, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Shekhar Azad and others in alphabetical order in 20 seconds, while being blindfolded, at the age of 19 years, 3 months and 24 days, as confirmed on April 14, 2023.
Bilingual monograph on one hundred finger paintings marathon published by an individual
The record for publishing a bilingual monograph on one hundred finger paintings marathon was set by Atmakuru Ramakrishna (born on April 12, 1969) of Krishna, Andhra Pradesh. He designed, authored and published a bilingual monograph (in English and Telugu) on 100 finger paintings marathon titled ‘World’s First Shortest Time Spanned Monograph’ (ISBN: 978-93-54068-51-5) in 2022. The monograph consists of a detailed description of the painter’s achievement in Telugu and Emglish, showcasing 100 paintings, certificates and letters of appreciation received from noteworthy personalities and institutions, as confirmed on April 29, 2023.
Biggest Mandala art on a circular plywood sheet
The record for making the biggest Mandala art on a circular plywood sheet was set by Krittika Mukherjee (born on September 14, 1998) of Jalpaiguri, West Bengal. She made a Mandala art on a circular plywood sheet (having a diameter of 72 inches) using fabric paints, as confirmed on April 18, 2023.
Largest stencil portrait of Mammootty drawn on sheets of newspaper by a teen
The record for drawing the largest stencil portrait of Mammootty on sheets of newspaper was set by Amal P.S. (born on May 18, 2006) of Pathanamthitta, Kerala. He made the largest stencil portrait of Mammootty (measuring 10.5 feet x 7.2 feet) on 24 sheets of newspaper using acrylic colours, paint mixer, paint jar, brush and pen, at the age of 16 years, 11 months and 11 days, as confirmed on April 29, 2023.
Fastest duo to complete a round trip motorcycle expedition from Bengaluru to Muktinath Temple
The record for being the fastest to complete a round trip motorcycle expedition from Bengaluru to Muktinath Temple was set by R. Ajith Kumar (born on December 14, 1997) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, along with a co-rider. They started their expedition from Bengaluru at 7:45 am on December 9, 2022; reached Muktinath Temple (Mustang, Nepal) at 11:30 am on December 21, 2022; returned to Bengaluru at 1:50 pm on December 27, 2022; covering 5,350 km in 18 days and 6 hours, as confirmed on April 5, 2023.
Maximum push- ups by a teenager in a minute
The record for performing the maximum number of pushups in one minute was set by Akhilesh Kumar Yadav (born on August 28, 2006) of Nuapada, Odisha. He performed 107 push-ups in one minute at the age of 16 years, 7 months and 28 days, as confirmed on April 25, 2023.
Maximum distance covered by an individual while cycling from India to Bhutan
The record for covering the maximum distance while cycling from India to Bhutan was set by Uttam Shil (born on August 2, 1992) of Nadia, West Bengal. He started cycling on February 2, 2023 at 11.55 am from Shyamnagar (West Bengal) and reached Bhutan on February 13, 2023 at 2.36 pm; covering a distance of 836.08 km in 11 days while carrying the national flag and attired in Karate uniform, as confirmed on April 5, 2023.
Fastest blindfolded child to recall uses of 100 scientific instruments
The record for being the fastest to recall the uses of 100 scientific instruments blindfolded was set by Nepuna K. (born on February 3, 2016) of Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu. She recalled the uses of 100 scientific instruments in 5 minutes, 29 seconds and 88 milliseconds, while being blindfolded, by listening to the names of the instruments, at the age of 7 years, 3 months and 12 days, as confirmed on May 15, 2023.
Maximum states’ forts visited in one day by an individual
The record for visiting the maximum number of states’ forts in one day was set by Nitin Subhash Bhoite (born on July 13, 1984) of Pune, Maharashtra. He visited 20 forts in 4 states, starting his journey at 12:12 am on May 6, 2023 with Mohol Fort of Maharashtra; visiting 6 forts in Maharashtra, 12 forts in Karnataka, 1 fort in Telangana, and completed it at Kurnool Fort in Andhra Pradesh at 11:45 pm the same day, as confirmed on May 9, 2023.
Longest drumstick grown by an individual
The record for growing the longest drumstick (Muringa) was set by K.N. Rekha (born on September 6, 1973) of Ernakulam, Kerala. The drumstick growing on a tree (in her kitchen garden) measures 46 inches (116.04 cm) in length as verified by the Assistant Director of Agriculture and Agricultural Field Officer (Kochi), as confirmed on April 28, 2023.
Fastest child to recall all countries with spellings by their flags
The record for being the fastest to recall all the countries (with spellings) by their flags was set by Namya Khandelwal on June 12, 2012) of Guwahati, Assam. She recalled the names of all the 195 (UN recognised) countries (with spellings) in 13 minutes, 18 seconds and 38 milliseconds, by viewing the pictures of flags on a laptop screen, at the age of 10 years, 11 months and 10 days, as confirmed on May 22, 2023.
Maximum pistol squats performed in 30 seconds
The record for performing the maximum number of pistol squats in 30 seconds Abi Srivastav (born on December 12, 2002) of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh. He performed 26 pistol squats in 30 seconds, as confirmed on May 2, 2023.
Biggest 3D rangoli portrait of Lord Venkateshwara
The record for making the biggest 3D rangoli portrait of Lord Venkateshwara was set by Archana S. N. Bhat (born on November 11, 1990) of Bengaluru, Karnataka. She made a beautiful, grand and detailed 3D biggest rangoli artwork of Lord Venkateshwara (measuring 12 feet x 24 feet) using rangoli colours as a tribute to the great artist Dr. B.K.S. Varma, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Maximum hula hoop spins by a kid in 30 seconds
The record for performing the maximum number of hula hoop spins in 30 seconds was set by Tanvika Suram (born on December 25, 2018) of Warangal, Telangana. She performed 88 hula hoop spins around her waist in 30 seconds at the age of 4 years, 4 months and 11 days, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Largest painting of Rabindranath Tagore made by a team
The record for making the largest painting of Rabindranath Tagore on paper was set by Koushik Dey (born on February 8, 1997) of Birbhum, West Bengal, along with 5 friends. He made a large sized portrait of Rabindranath Tagore (measuring 30 feet x 18 feet) by joining 130 sheets of art paper, as confirmed on April 5, 2023.
Maximum Bible verses recited in Tamil in one minute
The record for reciting the maximum number of Bible verses was set by S. Steffi (born on December 4, 1996) of Aruppukottai, Tamil Nadu. She recited 24 verses from the Book of Psalms including Psalms chapter 121 (8 verses)
Tamil language, as confirmed
Hockey stick decorated by an individual with maximum ten paisa currency coins
The record for decorating a Hockey stick with the maximum number of ten paisa currency coins was set by A. Brahma Nanda Achary (born on March 5, 1974) of Ganjam, Odisha. He decorated a wooden Hockey stick (measuring 38 inches in height and 3 inches in width) with 349 rare ten paisa currency coins, as confirmed on April 22, 2023.
Youngest to recite the multiplication tables in reverse order from 10 to 1
The record for being the youngest to recite the multiplication tables in reverse order from 10 to 1 was set by Jaden V. Renimon (born on September 27, 2018) of Kottayam, Kerala. He recited the multiplication tables in reverse order from 10 to 1 in 2 minutes, 5 seconds and 8 milliseconds at the age of 4 years, 6 months and 11 days, as confirmed on April 7, 2023.
Maximum push-ups in one minute by an individual
The record for performing the maximum number of push-ups in one minute was set by Singh (born on September 3, 1984) of Mohali, Punjab. He performed 145 push-ups in one minute, as confirmed on May
Maximum devotional songs on Lord Rama sung nonstop by an individual and uploaded on YouTube
The record for singing the maximum number of devotional songs on Lord Rama non-stop and uploading on YouTube was set by Saroj Mishra
September 3, 1960) of Noida, Uttar Pradesh. She sung 1008 devotional songs on Lord Rama non-stop from August 5, 2020 to May 12, 2023 and uploaded the videos on YouTube, as confirmed of May 15, 2023.
Maximum miniature books made by an individual
The record for making the maximum number of miniature books was set by Hanna Sherin K. P. (born on November 6, 1999) of Malappuram, Kerala. She made 52 miniature books (measuring 2.3 cm x 1.9 cm) in 30 minutes using chart paper, scissors and a hot glue gun, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Largest spiritual signature art painting made by an individual
The record for making the largest spiritual signature art painting was set by Sangeetha Ratna (born on March 1, 1979) of Hyderabad, Telangana. She made a large sized spiritual signature art painting (measuring 6 feet in height and 4 feet in width) based on Telugu letters
‘SANGEETHA’ using Plaster of Paris, stones, marbles and wooden strips, as confirmed on May 12. 2023.
Fastest child to recall names of all Indian Prime Ministers in chronological order
The record for being the fastest to recall the names of all Indian Prime Ministers in chronological order was set by Zayan Bin Anas (born on October 8, 2014) of Kollam, Kerala. He recalled the names of 18 Indian Prime Ministers in chronological order in 18 seconds at the age 8 years, 6 months and 3 days, as confirmed on April 11, 2023.
Female with maximum educational degrees
The record for receiving the maximum number of educational degrees was set by Dr. Edupuganti Padmaja Rani of Hyderabad, Telangana. She received 21 educational degrees including B.Sc, B.Ed (Maths, 3rd Methodology -Telugu), Bachelor of Law, M.Sc and M.Ed Maths, M.A (Telugu, Sanskrit, Jyothisham, Philosophy and Predictive Astrology), P.G. Diploma in Engg. Vaastu and Medical Astrology, MPhil Education, Ph.D Astrology, from UGC recognised universities namely Andhra, Kakatiya, Osmania, Kuvempu, Venkateswara, Telugu, National Sanskrit and Karnataka Samskrit as confirmed on March 3, 2023.
Largest replica of IBR Achiever’s Certificate Pack made by an individual
The record for making the largest replica of IBR Achiever’s Certificate Pack was set by Ankush (born on February 1, 1996) of Bahadurgarh, Haryana. He meticulously made a replica of the IBR (India Book of Records) Achiever’s Certificate Pack (measuring 69 inches x 26 inches x 5.6 inches) using sheets of white paper, thermocol and coloured pens, as confirmed on April 13, 2023.
Maximum colourful geometrical patterns made by writing the word ‘Ram’ in Hindi
The record for making the maximum number of colourful geometrical patterns by writing the word ‘Ram’ in Hindi was set by Bafna (born on August 27, 1943) of Jodhpur, Rajasthan. He made 2,199 colourful geometrical patterns on sheets of paper by writing the word ‘Ram’ in Hindi language, using different colour pens, as confirmed on May 12, 2023.
Fastest round trip motorcycle expedition from Kolkata to Yuksom by a team
The record for being the fastest to complete a round trip motorcycle expedition from Kolkata to Yuksom was set by Avike Dey (born on June 4, 1987) of Kolkata, West Bengal, along with 8 co-riders. They started their journey from Kolkata on April 16, 2023 at 9:05 pm, reached Yuksom on April 19 and then completed it at Vivekananda Setu on April 22, 2023 at 3:10 am, covering a distance of 1,826 km in 5 days and 6 hours, as confirmed on April 29, 2023.
Appreciation 2023
Adhav Nair (born on August 26, 2021) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying16 parts of the body, 5 colours, 12 parts of a vehicle, 58 animals, 27 birds, 23 vehicles, 32 fruits, 17 vegetables, 45 miscellaneous items; reciting 15 Malayalam Swaraksharangal (vowels), letters of the English alphabet from A – Z along with 26 words; and counting numbers from 1 to 15 at the age of 1 year and 8 months, as confirmed on May 3, 2023.
Durjoy Singh (born on December 8, 2016) of Gurugram, Haryana, is appreciated for achieving the first and third positions in Kumite and Kata Karate respectively in Budokan Cup Karate Championship held in Dubai (UAE) on April 30, 2023 at the age of 6 years and 4 months, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Advika K. (born on June 23, 2018) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 27 fruits, 26 vegetables, 27 animals, 14 shapes, 13 colours; reciting the names of months in a year, 27 birth stars (Malayalam), 14 districts of Kerala; and chanting the Gayatri Mantra at the age of 4 years and 10 months, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Abhyansh Kar (born on June 16, 2020) of Khordha, Odisha, is appreciated for identifying 22 parts of the body, 22 food items, 22 opposites, 22 aquatic animals, 22 actions, 11 colours, 10 shapes, 20 vehicles, numbers from 1 to 10, 13 vegetables, 22 fruits, 22 birds, letters of the English alphabet from A to Z with words, 22 animals and their young ones; and reciting one rhyme at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on May 9, 2023.
Aradhya Timmanna Nayak (born on February 18, 2017) of Uttara Kannada, Karnataka, is appreciated for recalling the spellings of 7 parts of the body; reciting the names of 12 fruits, 9 flowers, 9 opposite words (antonyms) and 16 animals (including domestic and wild) at the age of 6 years and 12 months, as confirmed on May 17, 2023.
Aadam Johan Bibin (born on May 24, 2017) of Ernakulam, Kerala (currently living in Kuwait), is appreciated for answering 101 questions on the Solar System in 27 minutes and 7 seconds at the age of
Muhammed Razeen A.P. (born on November 5, 2017) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for answering 104 General Knowledge questions in 4 minutes and 55 seconds at the age of 5 years and 6 months, as confirmed on May 23, 2023.
Kanishka Bhargav Bhavsar (born on May 22, 2015) of Ahmedabad, Gujarat, is appreciated for exhibiting 22 colourful abstract paintings made on different sized canvas sheets, at the age of 4 years and 10 months, as confirmed on April 28, 2023.
Neelagiri Lithvik (born on October 5, 2020) of Kothagudem, Telangana, is appreciated for reciting 6 rhymes and 1 shloka; singing the National Anthem, national song and Sa Re Ga Ma Pa; solving puzzles on shapes, fruits, vehicles, months, as confirmed on
Hithaishi Ram (born on April 29, 2020) of Mandya, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 20 parts of the body, 6 Indian currency notes, 20 vegetables, 13 fruits, 14 national symbols; and reciting letters of the alphabet from A – Z along with 26 words at the age of 3 years, as confirmed on May 15, 2023.
K. Anisha Varma (born on September 24, 2021) of West Godavari, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for identifying 5 fruits, 5 colours, 9 shapes, 16 animals and 21 birds at the age of 1 year and 7 months, as confirmed on May 19, 2023.
Gantvay Singh Rathore (born on October 11, 2018) of Jaipur, Rajasthan, is appreciated for recalling the names of 194 countries and their capitals by identifying their flags, 12 national symbols, 28 Indian states and 8 union territories with their capitals, 8 neighbouring countries, 7 continents, 5 oceans; identifying 26 world famous landmarks, 28 Indian states and 8 union territories on a map; describing the Solar System and 10 Indian monuments; and answering 15 G.K. questions at the age of 4 years and 7 months, as confirmed on May 24, 2023.
Jishnu. I (born on July 6, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying flags of 50 countries, 25 famous monuments
of the world, 30 animal silhouettes, 8 planets, 7 continents, 5 oceans, 28 Indian states; reciting the Indian Pledge, 15 national symbols, 4 directions, Thamizh thai vazhthu (state song of Tamil Nadu); solving 2 sets of puzzles; and recalling 10 inventions by the name of their inventors at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on May 23, 2023.
Srithvi Sajeev (born on May 27, 2021) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 4 colours,
(born on June 7, 2015) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting the names of 195 (UN recognised) countries, along with their capitals, in 3 minutes and 46 seconds at the age of 7 years and 10 months, as confirmed on
Alakananda Siva P. (born on December 30, 2020) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 21 fruits, 22 animals, 11 birds, 11 vegetables, 11 vehicles, 15 famous personalities, 14 parts of the body, flags of 10 countries, 8 famous places, 8 flowers; reciting letters of the English alphabet from A-Z, 8 planets, days of the week; and counting numbers from 1-10 at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on April 28, 2023.
Midhush Jasoria (born on October 22, 2020) of Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, is appreciated for identifying 7 vehicles, 7 vegetables, 8 shapes, 8 colours, 6 birds, 6 fruits, 6 cartoon characters, 6 animals, 6 clothing items, 15 miscellaneous items, flags of 5 countries, 11 electronic items, 16 parts of the body, 4 famous personalities, 9 insects, 4 places of worship, 4 seasons, 6 deities; and enacting 11 action words at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on
Aydin Emad K. A. (born on October 24, 2020) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying numbers from 1 to 10, 6 birds, 6 monuments, 6 insects, 6 shapes, 9 fruits, 10 vegetables, 11 colours, 12 actions, 13 parts of the body, 7 cartoon characters, 8 vehicles, 10 animals, 30 household items; and recalling letters of the English alphabet from A to Z (with words) at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on April 26, 2023.
Ananya Anthuvan Xavier Selvaraj (born on November 11, 2015) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, (now residing in Dubai, UAE) is appreciated for performing two activities simultaneously at a young age. She solved 4 Rubik’s Cubes while spelling 40 English words in 3 minutes and 29 seconds, at the age of 7 years and 3 months, as confirmed on February 11, 2023.
R. Ridhvika (born on June 14, 2017) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for reciting Sri Rudram Namakam Mantra (last paragraph) in 46 seconds in Sanskrit language at the age of 5 years and 11 months, as confirmed on May 15, 2023.
appreciated for identifying 13 vegetables, 12 birds, 30 animals, 9 shapes, 6 colours, 8 insects, 5 vehicles, flags of 14 countries, 25 famous personalities, 17 fruits, 6 planets, 11 parts of the body; reciting days of the week, months in a year, letters of the English alphabet, 4 rhymes; recalling 2 national symbols; counting numbers from 1 to 10; and answering 4 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years, as confirmed on January 12, 2023.
Rajlaxmi Sahoo (born on April 27, 2020) of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is appreciated for reciting days of the week, months in a year, 6 seasons, 15 flowers, 15 animals, 15 vegetables, 5 finger names, 15 national symbols; and answering 19 general knowledge questions at the age of 3 years, as confirmed on May 3, 2023.
Oruganti Madhura (born on August 7, 2020) of Mahabubnagar, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 11 animals, 8 fruits, 10 birds, 7 vehicles, 5 shapes, 5 national symbols; reciting the names of 14 Indian states and their capitals, 3 rhymes; and counting numbers from 1 to 10 at the age of 2 years and 7 months, as confirmed on April 6, 2023.
Namasvi K. (born on May 6, 2020) of Palakkad, Kerala, is appreciated for recalling the names of months in a year, days of the week, 7 bordering countries, 7 continents, 5 oceans, 14 districts of Kerala, 28 Indian states and 8 union territories at the age of 3 years, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Sreya Sakhi (born on October 15, 2021) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 11 countries, 14 fruits, 20 vegetables, 5 food items, 14 animals, 9 birds, 3 vehicles, 9 parts of the body, 23 general objects; imitating the sounds of 6 animals; and stacking vertically 7 cubes and 5 rings at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on April 20, 2023.
Aripirala Yogananda Sastry (born on July 18, 2012) of Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, is appreciated for successfully completing a P.G. diploma course in Astrology (through correspondence) from Shree Maharshi College of Vedic Astrology on April 14, 2023 at the age of 10 years and 8 months, as confirmed on May 12, 2023.
Rithanya D.M. (born on February 6, 2018) of Chikkaballapur, Karnataka, is appreciated for reciting days of the week, names of Indian states with their capitals, 2 shlokas, 3 mantras, 5 English rhymes, letters of the English alphabet from A to Z with alphabetical words, 11 fruits, 16 vegetables; telling 10 lines about herself; identifying 21 parts of the body, Hindi vowels and consonants with corresponding words at the age of 5 years and 3 months, as confirmed on May 12, 2023.
Archith V. N. (born on May 8, 2020) of Ernakulam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 36 animals, 19 birds, 17 professionals, 17 vehicles, 10 insects, 20 vegetables, 21 fruits, 17 parts of the body, 7 sports, 10 colours, colours of the rainbow, 6 Chess pieces; reciting 2 rhymes, names of 8 planets, 5 dwarf planets; counting numbers from 1-10; recalling the names of 9 national symbols; and answering 7 G.K. questions at the age of 3 years, as confirmed on May 19, 2023.
Yaduveer N.G. (born on May 27, 2021) of Tumkur, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying letters of the English alphabet with corresponding words, 28 vehicles, 12 good habits, 24 parts of the body, 16 public places, 8 Jnanapitha awardees (Karnataka), 23 animals, 12 community helpers, 8 national symbols, 16 food items, 17 clothes and 20 fruits at the age of 1 year and 10 months, as
Ananda Viharika V. (born on November 24, 2020) of Hyderabad, Telangana, is appreciated for identifying 15 fruits, 13 parts of the body, 10 vegetables, 9 animals, 15 logos, 6 colours, 5 shapes, 7 dolls; reciting days of the week, 9 rhymes, numbers from 1-10, 2 shlokas and letters of the words; imitating the sounds of age of 2 years and 5 months, as confirmed on May 4, 2023.
Ayrin Inayah (born on January 15, 2021) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 26 car brand logos, 5 parts of a car, 11 gadgets, 16 books, shadows of 7 animals, 33 food items, 6 medical items, 12 flowers; reciting 20 rhymes; enacting 30 emotions and 44 action words; answering 16 G.K. questions; counting numbers from 1 to 25; and imitating the sounds of 20 animals at the age of 2 years and 3 months, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
Charani S. Murthy (born on August 30, 2018) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 21 parts of the body, 14 shapes, 24 fruits, 11 colours, 26 vegetables, 72 animals, 24 birds, 14 vehicles, 10 musical instruments, 24 famous personalities, 14 electrical items, flags of 8 countries; reciting 12 national symbols, 11 rhymes, letters of the English alphabet from A – Z, days of the week, months in a year; and counting
(born on September 5, 2017) is appreciated for recalling the names of 51 inventors in 1 minute and 10 seconds (by listening to the names of the inventions) at the age of 5 years and 8 months, as confirmed on May 5, 2023.
Prithvidev M. (born on May 17, 2020) of Kollam, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 14 vehicles, 6 sports, 11 fruits, 15 animals, 6 famous football players, 7 vegetables; reciting letters from A – U; answering 6 GK questions at the age of 2 years and 11 months, as confirmed on April 26, 2023.
Angelina Dubey (born on January 17, 2019) of Kolkata, West Bengal, is appreciated for reciting 12 English poems, 17 Bengali poems; singing the National Song, one motivational song; recalling the names of months in a year, 20 parts of the body, 20 national symbols, 20 animals, 15 new and 17 old Indian cricketers, 8 family members, 15 colours, 16 fruits, 10 flowers, 12 birds, 10 vegetables, 8 water animals; identifying 7 shapes; and answering 50 G.K. questions at the age of 3 years and 4 months, as confirmed on May 27, 2023.
M. J. Kriyan (born on October 16, 2017) of Madurai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 27 car logos, flags 22 world monuments with countries, 5 cricketers; reciting countries, 8 planets, months days of the week at the age 6 months, as confirmed on
Anudip Ankush Chavhan (born on May 31, 2019) of Nanded, Maharashtra, is appreciated for recalling letters of the English alphabet with their corresponding words, 25 fruits, 5 national symbols, capitals of 7 Indian states, capitals of 7 countries; counting numbers 1 to 100; answering 70 GK questions, at the age of 3 years and 10 months, as confirmed on April 26, 2023.
Hayyan Azmi (born on February 4, 2021) of Malappuram, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 32 mammals in 3 minutes and 30 seconds, by viewing the pictures on a laptop screen, at the age of 2 years and 2 months, as confirmed on April 7, 2023.
Dharvik B. (born on November 25, 2019) of Puducherry, is appreciated for identifying 6 shapes, 12 colours, 13 birds, 16 vegetables, 20 fruits, 23 animals; reading 26 letters of the English alphabet, 10 numbers; writing 15 letters of the English alphabet; reciting 3 shlokas; and putting together 54 pieces of a jigsaw puzzle at the age of 3 years and 5 months, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Shriyans Swarup Samal (born on February 1, 2019) of Angul, Odisha, is appreciated for singing the National Anthem; recalling days of the week, months in a year, capitals of 28 Indian states, 7 continents; counting numbers from 1-20 (in Hindi) and 1-100 (in English); identifying English and Hindi alphabetical letters with their pictures, 5 sense organs, 8 colours, 12 good habits, 24 vegetables, 23 fruits, 22 vehicles, 23 animals, 18 birds, 10 deities, flags of 41 countries and 18 famous personalities at the age of 4 years and 3 months, as confirmed on May 18, 2023.
Mudrika Bibhuti Bhusan Panigrahi (born on January 21, 2020) of Chandrapur, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 7 colours,15 animals,15 vegetables,15 birds,15 fruits, 12 shapes; reciting letters of the alphabet from A to Z along with 26 words, days of the week, months in a year, multiplication tables of 1 and 2, 2 mantras; counting numbers from 1 to 30; writing numbers from 1 to 20; and answering 11 GK questions at the age of 3 years and 3 months, as confirmed on May 2, 2023.
Saahirthya D. (born on August 10, 2020) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 12 parts of the body, 6 chess pieces, 20 animals, 14 fruits; reciting months in a year in English and Tamil, letters of the English alphabet from A to Z, days of the week in English, Hindi and Tamil, 10 letters of the Hindi alphabet, 8 planets; counting numbers from 1 to 10; solving 3 cartoon puzzles; and playing with blocks at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on May 10, 2023.
(born on July 6, 2020) of Bhubaneswar, Odisha, is appreciated for reciting the names of 28 Indian states and their capitals, 12 national symbols, 20 opposite words, 6 seasons, days of the week, months in a year, 19 vehicles, 11 shapes, 11 colours, 22 wild animals, 17 domestic animals, 19 fruits, 32 parts of the body, 31 action words, 3 mantras, 4 rhymes; and answering 25 G.K. questions at the age of 2 years and 10 months, as confirmed on May 17, 2023.
Mogith P. (born on October 14, 2020) of Puducherry, is appreciated for reciting 9 rhymes; recalling letters of the English alphabet, months in a year, days of the week, 7 continents, 8 planets; counting numbers from 1 to 10; identifying 17 actions, 17 birds, 3 professionals, 3 vegetables, 4 flowers, 24 animals, 25 fruits, 23 vegetables, 27 vehicles, 4 water animals, 6 insects, 20 parts of the body, 7 colours; and imitating the sounds of 7 animals at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on April 27, 2023.
Renushree (born on October 17, 2020) of Bidar, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 11 colours, 12 shapes, 15 fruits, 7 vegetables, 10 vehicles, 13 parts of the body, 5 fingers, 7 musical instruments, 16 animals, 15 birds; reciting letters of the alphabet from A to Z along with 26 words; and counting numbers from 1 to 10 at the age of 2 years and 6 months, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
V. Dheekshitha (born on March 14, 2020) of Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying 22 farm animals, 22 wild animals, 6 colours through ring stacking, 9 shapes; reciting the names of 8 planets, months in a year; recalling the capitals of 28 Indian states and symbols at the age of 3 years, as April 4, 2023.
Madabathula Namasvi (born on May 15, 2021) of East Godavari, Andhra Pradesh,
is appreciated for reciting 2 English rhymes, letters of the English alphabet from A to Z with alphabetical words; counting numbers from 1 to 45 in English and 1 to 20 in Telugu; identifying 10 animals and 12 fruits at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
Adwika Mijin (born on June 8, 2021) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 6 insects, 14 shapes, 10 birds, 20 animals, flags of 10 countries, letters of the English alphabet from A to Z , 10 colours, 15 parts of the body, 15 vehicles, 15 fruits, 16 vegetables, 5 fingers, numbers from 1 to 30, 34 household items; recalling 5 vowels, days of the week, 5 rhymes, letters of the English alphabet with words; and solving 1 puzzle on parts of the body at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on May 10, 2023.
Kunal Pandya (born on January 1, 2008) of Budaun, Uttar Pradesh, is appreciated for successfully completing a professional course in tattoo art from INKZ Tattoo Studio with Grade A+ at the age of 15 years and 4 months, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
Ajay Singh Shekhawat (born on December 31, 2000) of Jaipur, Rajasthan, is appreciated for completing a solo motorcycle expedition from Kashmir to Kanyakumari. He started his journey from Lal Chowk (Jammu and Kashmir) on March 3, 2023 at 5:15 am and reached Kanyakumari on March 6, 2023 at 7:18 pm, covering a distance of 3,590 km in 86 hours and 3 minutes in 4 days, as confirmed on March 13, 2023.
Nazvin Fazal T.T. (born on May 22, 2009) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for solving 8 Rubik’s Cubes including 3 x 3, 4 x 4, 5 in 12 minutes and 4 13 years and 11 months, April 28, 2023.
Sona Belson (born on April 24, 2001) of Alappuzha, Kerala, is appreciated for completing 2005 online courses from LinkedIn Learning via Jain University (one of the placement partners of LinkedIn) within 100 days from October 29, 2022 to February 5, 2023, as confirmed on April 20, 2023.
Shaarav Bandlapalli (born on October 7, 2021) of Bengaluru, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 10 colours, 10 shapes, 25 animals, 10 birds, 9 fruits, 15 vehicles, 20 vegetables, 14 parts of the body; placing 11 shapes and 6 circles (varying sizes) in matching slots at the age of 1 year and 6 months, as confirmed on May 3, 2023.
Dipika Gaurav Bhelaye (born on December 27, 2006) of Wardha, Maharashtra, is appreciated for developing a mobile app for women welfare named ‘Empower’ which is helpful for women who are suffering from domestic violence, as confirmed on May 1, 2023.
Anjana D. (born on October 12, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for reciting the names of months in Tamil, months in a year in English, days of the week, 5 seasons, 10 fruits, 10 vegetables, 10 flowers, 10 parts of the body, 20 animals, 10 colours, 60 rhymes, 7 moral stories, number names from 1 to 100; and counting numbers from 1 to 100 at the age of 5 years and 6 months, as confirmed on May 11, 2023.
Arnika Vaibhav Thakre (born on July 6, 2021) of Nagpur, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 11 animals, 7 fruits, 7 dry fruits, 20 parts of the body, 18 vegetables, 20 electronic gadgets, 2 musical instruments, 3 famous personalities, one picture of Lord Ganesha, 6 jewellery items, 4 baby items and 75 miscellaneous objects at the age of 1 year and 10 months,
Satyak Rayaguru (born on January 4, 2013) of Mumbai, Maharashtra, is appreciated for solving a single 3 x 3 Rubik’s Cube in 18 seconds and 32 milliseconds at the age of 10 years and 3 months, as confirmed on May 2, 2023.
Skand G. Malasiddanavar
2020) of Belagavi, Karnataka, is appreciated for identifying 18 vehicles, 10 colours, 6 dry fruits, 13 wild animals, 7 national symbols; reciting 9 shlokas, 15 rhymes, days of the week, months in a year, letters of the alphabet from A to Z with their associated words; and identifying and recalling the names of 6 Mahabharat characters at the age of 2 years and 9 months, as confirmed on May 8, 2023.
Shankara Devaru Hiremath (born on January 17, 1985) of Raichur, Karnataka, is appreciated for directing a short Kannada film titled ‘Vidyagama’. The film, which is of 19 minutes and 37 seconds duration, was released on September 16, 2020, as confirmed on April 11, 2023.
Akash M.S. (born on April 24, 2000) of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for drawing the portraits of 20 Malayalam actors on an A3 size sheet using black pen. He drew the faces of 20 actors of the Malayalam film industry on a single A3 size sheet, as confirmed on April 17, 2023.
Shariqa Gulzar (born on May 10, 2003) of Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir, is appreciated for making a colourful picture of a Kashmiri fire pot (Kangri) on a drawing sheet (measuring 16 cm x 11.5 cm) using coloured pens, as confirmed on May 19, 2023.
Jiwan Dass Taneja (born on March 20, 1964) of Sirsa, Haryana, is appreciated for doing social work in the field of education by teaching in government schools without drawing salary from 1996 to 2023, as confirmed on April 24, 2023.
Jobin Selvanose
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, is appreciated for purchasing Tata Nexon XZ Plus (O) Dark Edition (a 5 seater SUV) on September 20, 2022 (with his earnings) at the age of 18 years and 11 months, as confirmed on May 13, 2023.
(born on January 20, 1958) of Hooghly, West Bengal, is appreciated for receiving 2 ‘Certificates of Merit’ for participating in the Godrej National Speed Typing Championship 1989 and 1990 and 29 certificates for participating in other competitions including cooking, recitation, sports, singing, poem writing and debates, as confirmed on April 10, 2023.
Challa Venkata Karthikeya (born on December 5, 2006) of Rangareddy district, Telangana, is appreciated for composing a track titled ‘Gen Z Alpha Infinity’ which was uploaded on YouTube and other music platforms in May 2023. He composed the music for this track and was the lead guitarist at the age of 16 years and 5 months, as confirmed on May 24, 2023.
Arush Das (born on April 29, 2020) of Unakoti, Tripura, is appreciated for identifying 10 colours, 10 birds, 18 parts of the body, 14 vehicles, 20 animals, 20 vegetables, 21 fruits; recalling days of the week, 10 national symbols, 6 seasons; performing 6 asanas and dances at the age of 3 years, as confirmed on May 26, 2023.
Arna Paul (born on June 1, 2020) of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, is appreciated for from 10 to 1 in 8 seconds the age of 2 years and 10 April 17, 2023.
Divyam Samir Aryamane (born on May 8, 2021) of Pune, Maharashtra, is appreciated for identifying 10 colours, 9 parts of the body, 10 animals, 7 birds, 14 fruits, 17 household items, numbers from 1 to 9, 10 shapes; reciting letters of the alphabet from A to Z with words, days of the week, one rhyme in Kannada, one rhyme in Marathi, 2 rhymes in English; and mimicking the sounds of 5 animals at the age of
Hyzin Miran Fayis (born on June 20, 2021) of Kannur, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying 6 parts of the body, 5 food items, 5 birds, 7 vehicles, 8 fruits, 18 animals, flags of 10 countries, 15 household items and 11 famous personalities at the age of 1 year and 11 months, as confirmed on May 26, 2023.
Ryan Alden Dheepak (born on January 10, 2017) of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 195 (UN recognised) countries in 6 minutes and 40 seconds, at the age of 6 years and 3 months, as confirmed on April 17, 2023.
Mohammed Aizam Hazin K. (born on November 8, 2019) of Kozhikode, Kerala, is appreciated for identifying the flags of 10 countries, 22 world famous places, 11 animals, 14 fruits, 11 vegetables, 7 colours, 5 logos and 37 kitchen utensils at the age of 3 years and 6 months, as confirmed on May 18, 2023.
Professional Certication Course
Circadian Clock & Ayur vedic Panchk arma (CC AP)
Dual Certication
Introduction: First ever training on the modern understanding on the noble prize winning science (2017) of circadian clock with
Therapies, to help humanity come out of the trap of modern life style diseases.
Total Duration: 3 Months
Mode of Training: Once in a week – Online Classes
Ÿ 7 days contact hands on training at Dayanand Ayurvedic College, Jalandhar
Ÿ 3 days apprenticeship at HIIMS Hospital (Delhi / Chandigarh / Mumbai / Lucknow / Jaipur)
Ÿ 22 Therapies of Ayurvedic Panchkarma
Ÿ Science of Circadian clock
Ÿ Circadian Clock and disease connection
Ÿ Preparing customized circadian chart
Ÿ Cancer – Tumour, its progression and regression
Ÿ Practical case studies