1 minute read
Suspected Lung Cancer
Ajit Singh Yadav, age 49 years / male, resides in Gurugram, Haryana.
He had severe coughing, breathlessness and blood in cough. He visited doctors who suspected lung cancer and was advised to undergo PET scan by doctors at Fortis hospital, but he avoided any test and directly contacted Dr Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury.
Following were Ajit Singh Yadav’s parameters before starting DIP Diet:
Medication taken: Nil
Physical Symptoms /Discomforts: Severe coughing, blood in cough, breathlessness
He came into our contact on 17 July 2022 through Virtual OPD and started the DIP Diet and Postural Therapies.
The present status after starting the therapy:
Medications: Nil
Physical Symptoms/ Discomforts: Nil
Special Remark: He lost his wife 2 years ago because of cancer treatment, so having witnessed first-hand bitter experience of cancer treatment, when he was suspected with lung cancer with severe symptoms, he followed the DIP Diet protocol and today he is fit & fine without any medicine, allopathic treatment or any other therapy.
Note: To access the diagnostic reports and video testimonial of the patient, please go to: www.biswaroop.com/rtm