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x ` 100 November 2013

Global South S



Order? to New World


China’s Reactor : A Sale to Pakistan Nuclear Mistake?

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BRICS Should Take Charge


he article, ‘Global South Sculpting G20 to New World Order’ explains the inner intricacies of G20 in a very lucid manner. I thank the authors for breaking down this complex grouping into understandable sections. The JURZLQJ LQĂ€XHQFH RI %5,&6 WKRXJK a dampener to the US aspirations, is exactly what the 21st century demands. With the majority of world population living in this ‘global south’ it is pertinent for the countries OLNH RXUV ,QGLD &KLQD HWF WR WDNH charge of the situation and think for RXU EHQHÂżW DQG DVSLUDWLRQV ZKLOH decisions are being made at these high echelons. Hema Nandi, Bangalore

India needs to Step up its Efforts


ndia’s constant effort to rise as a support center in Asia is being WKZDUWHG E\ &KLQD DW DOPRVW HYHU\ point. The recent sale of the nuclear reactor to Pakistan is probably the hardest blow to India. Despite being LQ WKH 81 6HFXULW\ &RXQFLO DQG EHLQJ fully aware of Pakistan’s vulnerable GHPRFUDF\ &KLQD ZHQW IRUZDUG ZLWK the deal! India too should step up its

efforts for its own security. It must work promptly to gain allies in the region so that its position remains secure. Any threat from Pakistan with LWV LQFUHDVHG FR]LQHVV IURP &KLQD RU vice versa should not be overlooked. Pankaj Saini, Navi Mumbai

Moving with Legs Chained?


thoroughly enjoyed reading the article ‘Ascendancy of Social Media.’ I thank the magazine for providing a peek into the inner happenings of &KLQD 7KH RQH SDUW\ JRYHUQPHQW LV taking strides to make its mark on the global landscape. However, it has its pitfalls as growth is unhealthy without freedom. It is only a matter of time EHIRUH WKH &KLQHVH \RXWK JHWV H[SRVHG to the culture of expression. We do get to hear about the dissent that general public has on the prevention of expression. It is just a matter of few years, I think, after which these pent up feelings for expression will HUXSW %XW LQ WKH VDPH EUHDWK , DGPLUH WKH &KLQHVH LQJHQXLW\ DQG hard work in coming up with native social media sites. Its popularity is amazing. Such technological advances go on to prove that the West can’t dictate in every realm. Deepshika Malhotra, Noida

Despite Harmony, no Peace


ndia has a moderate policy in international affairs. The philosophy of ‘neutrality’ and ‘peace’ as well as ‘dispute settlement through mutual understanding’ has, by and large, guided India in foreign policy PDWWHUV &KLQD WRR WRHV WKH OLQH RI ‘peace’ and ‘harmonious’ existence. The two should then work closely IRU D SRVLWLYH LQĂ€XHQFH WKH UHJLRQ An offensive relationship is not the INFOCUS




dder? Ascendancy of

Social Media in Minxin Pei



hina’s move in arming Pakistan with nuclear reactors shows an ambiguity between the country’s call for ‘peaceful rise ’. As a leading nation of South Asia and as a member RI WKH 81 6HFXULW\ &RXQFLO &KLQD should recognize its responsibility in contributing to stability in its neighboring countries. With the NATO armies moving out of Afghanistan , this particular move of helping Pakistan’s nuclear program can not only lead to problems in our country but in South West Asia as ZHOO DQG LWV WLPH &KLQD UHDOL]HV WKDW Gautam Kapoor, Delhi

Mandarin is the New Toast


s. Usha Sahoo’s article on HSK tests was a delight to read. I am currently a beginner in Mandarin and to be able to comprehend the WLWOH RI WKH DUWLFOH $ WR = RI +6. gave me great joy. It was nice to know the inputs and suggestions given by those who are at advanced levels and it gives me more inspiration WR OHDUQ DQG PDVWHU WKH &KLQHVH language. I thank you on behalf of my batch-mates as we now have a better understanding of our future prospects and what we could achieve via taking the HSK tests. Thanks again! Somsukla Biswas, Kolkata

capitalist holding a US passport, was caught with a and then paraded, “prostitute� in on Central Chinese handcuffs, TV’s news program and madetoflagship confess his sins. Before he was the Chinese police, grabbed by critic of corruption, Xue, a sharp social injustice and government incompetence, had 12 million followers on the Chinese weibo. Almost at the same time, several other Big Vs, who had established their fame by exposing corruption and attempted cover-ups of scandals by local government officials, were arrested on charges of “rumor-mongering�, “fraud, k mail�. To underscore � and “blackthat such arrests were legal, the These arres Chinese Supreme Court and the supreme through C Chin office, both controlled prosecutor’s Almost in nstantl quickly issued a joint by the party, on the weeibo. B legal interpretation (an act that technically the Chineese so violates the Chinese constitution filled with h lively ) that criminalized rumor-mon Today, succh dis gering and defined the severity of such replaced byy ente acts. According to this document, if an health tips. that is deemed to be online news item To the Chine a 5,000 unique visitorsrumor is seen by outcome off the c 500 times, the person and retweeted highly satissfying. S the rumor is criminally responsible for crackdown, the C liable.

or Sale China’s React :A an st ki Pa to ke? Nuclear Mista

the Middle Kingdo m

catchy phrase means is reasonable to assume unclear, it seems ciety under the tight that it includes, at least, some expression party state. Beginningcontrol of a onefreedom and liberties of personal Chinese authorities in late August, for ordinary Chinese people. planned, ferocious launched a welland However, even as crackdown on Chinesecomprehensive ganda machine goes the official propaTrumped-up criminal social media. into overdrive to drum up popular support filed against the most charges were for Xi’s new influential weivision for China, a bo (microblog ) commentat political nightmare ors, called is unfolding across Big Vs (which stands China’s social media, which had so with large numbers for individuals far vibrant and freest publicbeen the most followers). One of of verified weibo space in a soXue, a Chinese-Am them, Charles erican venture 2013

hose who have been the slightest attentionpaying even to China’s official press can “China Dream� media hardly miss the coined by the new blitz. Originally chief of the Communist Party of Xi Jinping, when he China (CPC), power in November formally assumed 2012, the term has since become Beijing’s favorite official slogan. Although what exactly this

|4| India-China Chronicle ƒ January 2014

A Mixed Message


Global South Sc

Or N w World O to Ne

answer to any dispute settlement. Asia is large enough for two giants. %RWK VKRXOG ZRUN LQ KDUPRQ\ VR that regional security and prosperity is maintained. Trade and cultural UHODWLRQVKLS VKRXOG ÀRXULVK :KDW LV most important is that it shouldn’t give the West a chance to gain advantage in the region. Ashish Sontake, Mumbai

|42| India-China Chronicle ƒ November

r policy stance on nuclea sly its aggressive seriou g ahead with ing to China, g stand of movin which accord setting China’s existin nuclear deal, ation thereby from Indo-US of non-prolifer about Indo-US clearly stems effectiveness ing its concerns integrity and ea damages the countries. Follow efforts to provid ence for other criticise the US to ued dangerous preced China contin and NSG. civil nuclear deal, for India at IAEA “clean waiver�

Chronicle |9| ƒ India-China November 2013

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