Consulate Weekly Vol 02 Isuue 45

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Consulate General of India, Vancouver

Vol. 02, Issue No. 45 November 09, 2018.

India in Vancouver Weekly Newsletter

India Perspectives India Perspectives is the flagship publication of the Ministry of External Affairs. Richly illustrated, this magazine provides our readers with an insight into India’s culture and tradition along with elements of contemporary India. Click here to read more‌. Ministry of External Affairs, India

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Vol. 02, Issue 45, November 09, 2018.

Consulate News Consulate General of India Vancouver Consular Camps in November 2018 for attestation of Life Certificate Teams of officers from Indian Consulate visited different venues in Vancouver, Surrey and Abbotsford on 3 and 4 November and organized Consular Camps to attest the life certificates for pensioners. These camps were held in Ross Street Gurudwara, Vancouver; Ex-Servicemen Society Office, Surrey on Saturday, 3 November and Laxmi Narayan Temple, Surrey; Heritage Gurudwara, Abbotsford on Sunday, 4 November 2018. A total of 1373 Life Certificates were attested during these consular camps. Please note dates and venues of upcoming camps:




Local co-organizer



Sunday 11.11.18

India Canada Association of Saskatchewan, Regina Email:



Sunday 11.11.18

India Canada Cultural Association, Saskatoon Phone: 306-717-3880 Emails:,



Sunday 18.11.18

President, Indian Ex-servicemen Immigrant Association (IEIA) Mob: 1-587-703-5500 Email:



Sunday 18.11.18

President, CISE, Emails:,


Prince George

Sunday 25.11.18

President, Guru Gobind Singh Temple Association, 443 Kelly St. South, Prince George Phone: 250-961-0576 Email:



Sunday 25.11.18

President, Sikh Cultural Society, Phone: 250- 376-8285 Email:

Important Trade Fairs in India – To know more, click on 1|P a g e

Vol. 02, Issue 45, November 09, 2018.

निमंत्रण - ह द ं ी वाद वववाद प्रनियोगि​िा (िवंबर 24, 2018) प्रिय ह द िं ी िेमी सज्जनों, नमस्कार। आप सब को जान कर र्य ोगा कक ह द िं ी साह त्य पररर्द्, िारत का िधान कौंसलावास, वैंकूवर के सौजन्य से एक बार कफर ह द िं ी के िचार, िसार, एविं िोत्सा न े तु ह द िं ी वाद प्रववाद िततयोचगता का आयोजन तनम्न काययक्रमानस ु ार कर र ा ै : • •

ववषय: िारतीयता के ललए ह द िं ी अतनवायय ै ? (पक्ष या प्रवपक्ष)- (सािंस्कृततक, सामाजजक, आध्याजत्मक, एविं आचथयक प लू) प्रस्िुनि अवगि: 3 से 4 लमनट

हदिांक: नविंबर 24, 2018, समय: 11.00 िातः, स्थान : शािंतत तनकेतन, लक्ष्मी नारायण मिंहदर , सरी

आयु विग: (9+ से 13 वर्य तक) एविं (13+ से 17 वर्य तक)


(i) व्यक्ति​ि​ि- िथम, द्प्रवतीय, एविं तत ृ ीय- पुरस्कार (अपने अनुसार पक्ष या प्रवपक्ष में प्रवचार िस्तुत करे गा),

(ii) Team of two दो सदस्य- िथम एविं द्प्रवतीय-केवल िमाण पि (ित्येक दल में अतनवायय रूप से एक पक्ष में , दस ू रा प्रवपक्ष में अपने प्रवचार िस्तुत करे गा)

िारत का िधान कौंसलावास, वैंकूवर प्रवश्व ह द िं ी हदवस (10 जनवरी, 2019 के आसपास ) के अवसर पर पुरस्कारों एविं िमाण पिों के

द्वारा सम्मातनत करे गा। आप से अनुरोध ै कक अपनी जानकारी में सिी को इस िततयोचगता में िाग लेने के ललए िेररत करें । अचधक जानकारी व रजजस्रे शन े तू सिंपकय करें : िॉ अजय गगय: 604-362-2095, रीश मसन्द (उपाध्यक्ष): 604-537-2538. धन्यवाद सह त, िॉ. अजय गगय अध्यक्ष, ह द िं ी साह त्य पररर्द्, कनािा, बी. सी.

निमंत्रण - ह द ं ी हदवस समारो कवव दरबार प्रिय रचनाकार: ह द िं ी हदवस का प्रवराट आयोजन कािंसुलेट जनरल ऑफ़ इिंडिया, वैंकुवर द्वारा आयोजजत ककया जा र ा ै जजसमे सिंस्थायें ह द िं ी िचार- िसार के ललए

प्रवलिन्न काययक्रम िस्तुत करें गी I ह न्द ू ग्लोबल एसोलसएशन कप्रव दरबार ७ हदसिंबर २०१८ को ५ बजे सिंध्या २०१ -३२५ ॉवे स्रीट , वैंकुवर, बी. सी., V6C १ज़ ्७ कािंसुलेट जनरल ऑफ़ इिंडिया, वैंकुवर काययलय में आयोजजत करें गा I

आपसे अनरु ोध ै कक अपनी स्वरचचत कप्रवता का पाठकर काययक्रम को सफल बनायें I आपके स योगी सादर आमिंत्रित ैं I प्रवनीत आचायय द्प्रववेदी ईमेल: 2|P a g e

Vol. 02, Issue 45, November 09, 2018.

Consul General, Abhilasha Joshi at 11th Annual SFU Diwali Gala Celebration (November 01, 2018)

Grand Inauguration & Musical Night by Phoenix Richmond (Friday, November 02, 2018) Phoenix Richmond, a newly formed Malayalee Association in Richmond celebrated their Grand Inauguration and Musical Night on November 02, 2018 at Richmond United Church Hall. Consul CPV Mr. H. Venkatachalam was the Chief Guest.

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Vol. 02, Issue 45, November 09, 2018.

Cultural Heritage - Festivals of India Bhai Dooj (November 09, 2018) The festival Bhai Dooj is the one, that signifies the special connection between a brother and a sister. The bond which unlike any other, stands out from the rest in its own and special way. This special connection is also known as Bhai Teeka, Yam dwitiya, Bhrat dwitya etc. Bhai Dooj usually falls on the dark lunar fortnight, in the month of Kartik. This date falls right after Diwali, 2 days to be exact. On this occasion, the sisters apply a tilak and pray for the long life for their brothers. The Brother returns the favour by bringing her presents and gifts for all the toils the sister does for him. On Bhai Dooj, people venerate and worship the god of death Yamraj. As per the traditional beliefs, the god of death Yamraj was on hand to answer her sister’s call as he paid her a visit for lunch. Customs and Vidhi’s about Bhai Dooj: Bhai Dooj is celebrated on the second day of the dark lunar fortnight. It’s calculation can be done by any of the following methods. 1. As per the scriptures, if the the second day of the dark lunar fortnight of the Kartik month lies in the fourth quarter of the day, then we celebrate Bhai Dooj on this date. If on both days Dwitiya tithi touched afternoon, then Bhai dooj should be celebrated on the next day. Other than this, if on both the days, Dwitiya tithi does not seem to touch the afternoon, even then we celebrate Bhai Dooj on the next day itself. 2. As per other beliefs, if on a Kartik dark lunar fortnight, the pratipada tithi touches the evening, then Bhai Dooj is celebrated. Although this belief is not said to be very accurate. 3. On the afternoon of Bhai Dooj, the brother is to be treated with tilak and lunch. Apart from this, the god of death is also worshipped and venerated on this day. The Legend associated with Bhai Dooj: Every Hindu festival obviously has to have an enthralling background story about it, which usually is a very feisty and sensitive affair. Similarly, Bhai Dooj has an enthralling fable about it. This story tells a lot about the significance and focuses a lot on its importance as well. The Saga of Yam and Yami: According to a famous mythological chronicle, the god of death Yamraj gave his sister, Yamuna a visit, which later became the tradition of Bhai Dooj, that would be followed for a thousand of years to come. The children of Sun God were Yam and Yami, who were brother and sister. After pestering Yam countless of times, Yami finally got her wish fulfilled. Her brother finally gave in to her demands and paid her a visit. On this occasion, Yamuna made sure that her brother ate out of her hands in the most literal of senses. After lunch she applied a tilak on his forehead, and prayed for his long life. Being on the receiving end of such affection and love, Yamraj asked his sister for a boon. The sweet sister that she was, she replied that she just wishes that he visits her every year and any sister who does the rituals and applies the tilak shall not ever fear the god of death Yamraj. Hearing the sweet wish of his sister Yamraj was very pleased as he blessed his sister and granted her wish. From this day, the tradition of Bhai Dooj picked up and it became a phenomena which would be followed till the present day. To bathe in the holy river of Yamuna is considered of great importance as it is widely believed, if the brother and the sister take a dip in the holy river, they achieve rewards in the form of a better life with less troubles. The Tale of Krishna and Subhadra: As far as other stories go about how we started to celebrate Bhai Dooj, one such tale involves Lord Krishna. When he returned home after killing the devil Narkasur, his sister (Subhadra) welcomed him with flowers, fruits and sweets. She also lit up diyas and gave him an exquisite welcome. She applied a tilak on his forehead before praying that he lives on for a thousand more years. From that day onwards, it became a custom to apply tilak on the forehead of the brother and in return the brother presents his sister with an alluring gift. (Source: )

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Vol. 02, Issue 45, November 09, 2018.

News from/of India `

1. India Biggest Commitment For AIIB: Official India is the biggest commitment country for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) which is interested in funding rural roads and transmission lines projects in the country, a top official of the Beijing-based multilateral development bank has said. Yee Ean Pang, AIIB’s Director General for Investment Operations Department, also underlined the multi-lateral bank’s focus in India on development of rural roads, transmission lines and green projects among others. "India is the largest country that we are supporting," Pang told PTI at the ongoing Singapore International Energy Week 2018. Read more… (PTI, Business World, Thu, 01 Nov, 02:34pm)

2. India makes a big leap in ‘Ease of doing Business’ index, ranks 77 India jumped to the 77th spot in the ranking of countries by ‘ease of doing business’ on Wednesday, improving by 23 places over its 2017 standing on the back of reforms that made it easier to get construction permits, pay taxes and access electricity, according to the World Bank. The World Bank Group’s Doing Business 2019 report said India carried out six business reforms during the past year that earned it the credential of being a top global improver for the second year in a row. The country recorded a rise of 30 places in the rankings last year, clinching the 100th spot. Read more… (HT Correspondent , Hindustan Times, Thu, 01 Nov, 10:31am)

3. IT & infrastructure sectors lead nation to tn economy Renewable Energy and India’s Entrepreneurial Mindset to also make a significant impact on India’s GDP growth in the coming decade. The Indo- European Business Forum (IEBF) today unveiled its report titled ‘Moving Towards a trillion Economy: India 2030’, at the ‘Global Investment Conclave on Investment Opportunities in New India’ in the UK’s House of Lords, London. The updated figures released by the World Bank for the year 2017 places India as the sixth largest economy of the world, surpassing global giant France. India is well poised to surpass Japan, Germany, Britain, and France to become the third largest economy by 2030. Read more… (News Today, Mon, 05 Nov, 04:22pm)

4. US-India innovation Indian student creates pace-detecting algorithm to solve parking problem By Seema Hakhu Kachru An Indian student in the US has created a space-detecting algorithm that can help tackle the problem of finding a parking spot by using big data analytics and save a person's time and money. Sai Nikhil Reddy Mettupally, who is studying at The University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH), has also won second prize at the 2018 Science and Technology Open House competition for his creation. According to a university press release, Sai's creation relies on big data analytics and deep-learning techniques to lead drivers directly to an empty parking spot. Read more… (PTI , Outlook India, Thu, 01 Nov, 07:38am)

5. IIT-Madras develops India's first microprocessor Shakti Researchers at Indian Institute of Technology-Madras (IITM) have designed and booted up India's first microprocessor, Shakti, which could be used in mobile computing and other devices. According to IITM, the Shakti microprocessor can be used in lowpower wireless systems and networking systems besides reducing reliance on imported microprocessors in communication and defence sectors. The microprocessor can be used by others as it is on par with international standards, researchers said. Read more… (IANS, Daily Pioneer, Fri, 02 Nov, 03:34pm)

6. Young Indian scientist won World Health Summit Startup award in Berlin Roopam Sharma, a 23-year old Indian scientist, won the World Health Summit Startup award, 2018 for his invention, Manovue the world's first intelligent personal assisting system for the visually impaired. Sharma was awarded at an annual event of the health summit in Berlin. The glove Manovue, developed by the company Eyeluminati, is the world’s first intelligent personal assistant for the visually impaired. It combines vision intelligence and the internet of things and helps users to read any printed text without knowing the braille language. By providing haptic feedback, the glove also helps people with vision impairments to move around freely outside well-known environments. Read more… (Web India 123, Mon, 05 Nov, 03:03pm)

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Vol. 02, Issue 45, November 09, 2018. 7. 10 bikers, 15 cities: A fundraiser ride across India in support of girls’ education The riders, hailing from different cities, distributed bags, books, cycles and scholarships to girl students all through their route. For retired Col M Sudarshan, the journey of close to 8,000 km began with a simple resolution – to educate hundreds of girl children across the country. The 62-year-old joined Bernard Lazar who rode from Kochi to Hyderabad on September 21 and the two continued from there on to Nagpur to join Anurag Srivatsav on his 1,029 km ride to Delhi. Read more… (Anjana Shekhar, The News Minutes, Thu, 01 Nov, 02:17pm)

8. What the World's Tallest Statue Says About the World's Biggest Democracy The world’s tallest statue was unveiled today in the western Indian state of Gujarat at a VIP ceremony officiated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. At 597 feet, the sculpture is almost twice the height of the Statue of Liberty and dwarfs the Spring Temple Buddha in China, until today the world’s tallest statue, by 177 feet. Named the Statue of Unity, the giant new sculpture immortalizes Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, an Indian independence leader and the country’s first deputy prime minister; it was inaugurated on what would have been his 143rd birthday. As Patel’s bronzeclad likeness gazed over the horizon at Kevadiya Colony, about 260 miles from the Bollywood capital of Mumbai, military aircraft flew overhead, scattering flower petals on the ground and tracing the colors of the Indian flag in plumes across the sky. Read more… (ABHISHYANT KIDANGOOR / KEVADIYA COLONY , Time, Wed, 31 Oct, 02:30pm)

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