Lightning Protection System Design,Lightning Protection Equipments,lightning protection system design india
Krish Global is a global leader in the design, manufacture, and installation of lightning protection syatemin India. We manufacture best quality of lightning protection equipments. Krish Global has the knowledge, experience, and products to provide the optimal solution, from protection against direct lightning strikes to facility-wide electromagnetic, electrostatic, and power quality concerns. We offer a best service and a large selection of designed towers that's why customers can able to choose a customized design to meet their implementation needs. We are expertise to understand their need and requirements of customers and offer them the best technical solutions. Our company continually develops and evaluates leading edge lightning protection and power quality components, as well as other devices and products to best serve its clients. Our worldwide presence guarantees an accurate, appropriate, and truly interactive regional knowledge of applicable technology for diverse real world circumstances. Krish Global is engaged in Installation and maintenance of all types of lightning protection system design in India and other counties. A Lightning Protection System Design is used to protect the resources from the strike of lightning to Earth and other peaks. At Krish Global, we design lightning protection system & lightning protection equipments with utmost care given to the high probability of risk in this case. Our state-of-the-art engineering department creates performance evaluation validation models and generates a fully documented grounding system uniquely suited to the precise parameters of the site and application. Using the highest quality products, our project managers and engineers work with our customers to implement the best, most cost effective solution. We have focused continuously
on innovating new technology, improving product quality, and enhancing customer service. With increasing technological advancements Lightning Protection Equipments are rapidly becoming more affordable and practical for both industrial and commercial uses. We are designed Lightning Protection Equipments of highest standards quality, reliability and performance. Our Products are used throughout in India to bring safe and clean, reliable energy to residences, power-generation plants, factories and areas without access to electricity, as well as other applications such highway and stadium lighting. We look forward to working with new customers and providing superlative products and services to meet their needs. For more query please visit our website :- and contact us at our national tel line :-+91 9811020241 or mail us Contact details: Krish Global PD-118 A, Pitam Pura, New Delhi - 110088,India Phone: +91 9811020241