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IPLI Updates

Dr. Kelly Andrews Director Indiana Principal Leadership Institute

IPLI is a premier professional development opportunity for the practicing principals of Indiana. We are here to support you, encourage you, and provide growth in your leadership as we learn together, lead together, and connect.

IPLI Extended Learning Opportunity #5

IPLI Extended Learning Opportunity is a formal yet intensive professional development program for IPLI graduates beginning their 5th year. ELO allows IPLI Elite Graduates to dig deeper into topics covered during the IPLI experience. Threeday-long seminars will let you dig deeper into leadership topics that will support you throughout the year. Choose one or attend all three seminars….whatever works in your busy schedule. However, you deserve a day of learning and connecting.

Themes vary yearly so that graduates can enroll in ELO multiple times. IPLI ELO participants are encouraged to bring teacher-leaders to the seminars when appropriate. This year’s theme will be “Leaders in Action,” featuring the following speakers: Dr. Rhonda Roos and Dave Weber.

The Fall Seminar in September will be on the ISU campus, and we are planning a cohort reunion. You will not want to miss this opportunity to reconnect. We are calling all mentors, past and present, to participate with special pricing just for you! We hope to see you there.

Registration for IPLI Extended Learning Opportunity #5 is Open: http//indianapli.org/ipli-extended

IPLI will celebrate ten years of serving principals at the 2023 Summer Seminar, including Cohorts 10, 11, and ELO#5. Keynoting this year will be Dr. Peter DeWitt discussing Collective Leader Efficacy. Additionally, our principals will hear from Dr. Todd Whitaker, Annette Breaux, Dr. Mario Acosta, and Kim Campbell. The learning, collaboration, and networking will be an amazing launch to another decade of serving principals.

Over the last twelve months, having a statewide principal professional learning community to support Indiana’s school leaders as they have met the academic challenges has been invaluable. IPLI met the needs of Indiana principals by increasing mentor contacts, developing and sharing resources, and intensifying regional networks of support.

As Director of IPLI, I am excited for the future of schools in Indiana as the aligned system for principal professional development has never been more significant. INALI, IPLI, and IPLI Extended Learning Opportunity meet the need. IPLI is grateful for your ongoing support, trust, and dedication to education and educators during these challenging times showing Indiana’s commitment to growing our schools and students.

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