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School Leadership That Fits Checklist Use the following checklist to make sure you have completed the critical tasks necessary to help improve your chances to find School Leadership That Fits. Do I possess a school leader’s mindset? Am I (and my family if appropriate) ready to make the jump? Am I taking the steps needed now to prepare me for a school leadership position? Have I put in the work necessary to create high-quality credentials? Have I proofed my credentials in detail? Have I had another professional proof my credentials for feedback? Have I spent time reviewing my digital footprint? Have I thoroughly researched school leadership positions that interest me? When making an application for a school leadership position, have I provided exactly what was asked? Have I thoroughly prepared for an interview including answering potential questions and/or taking part in a mock interview? Did I send thank you notes to those individuals I interviewed with? Does the contract I am presented to sign contain the essential elements of the Model Principal’s Contract?
A School Leader Paradigm Resource: School Leadership that Fits | 11