27 minute read
Banning of extremist organisations is a right step
By Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza
The Economist magazine has termed the Shanghai Corporation Organisation (SCO) a ‘Talking Shop’ and perhaps rightly so. Once again vital regional challenges such as cooperation, connectivity and economy that the region faces have been ignored at the 22nd SCO Summit held in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, between September 15-16. At least four of the permanent members of SCO are a loggerhead with each other or with their immediate neighbours. The Russian war in Ukraine has created uncertainty about the global supply of gas and oil. Pakistan is grappling with terrorism in its northern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa as well as wrestling with armed separatists in southwestern province of Balochistan. Diplomatic tensions run high with Afghanistan after Pakistan accused the former of providing the UN designated terrorist Masood Azhar with sanctuary. India is busy tackling terrorist infiltration from Pakistan as well as serious border tensions with China. It was obvious from the start that this summit will not be a collective consultative conference but will end up becoming an opportunity for SCO member states to hold one-to-one meetings on the side lines. On September 15, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a meeting with the president of Uzbekistan signing a $16 billion investment deal. Another deal sealed at the SCO summit program. The Russian president and Chinese head of state both seemed to have come to a trade fair. Both were cutting trade deals left,right and centre. Putin was negotiating the price of gas and oil sale to pauper Pakistan and Xi was expanding Belt and Road Initiative into central Asia via Uzbekistan. The purpose of the summit should have been to collectively find solutions to the menace of terrorist, slack connectivity and solving the energy crisis. Instead it ludicrously became an exercise of collective inaction. Tensions among SCO member states run so high that the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was unable to hold a one-to-one meeting with his Pakistan and Chinese counterparts. One of the main reason for SCO summit to fail to come up with a joint declaration seems to be the lack of will of both China and Russia to withdraw from their desire to expand their hegemonic influence among their economic and political spheres. None of the above countries initiated a debate in their home countries for peace and reconciliation. The war jingoism which has become the benchmark of Xi’s politics has antagonized the wider Chinese population to an extent that to reverse that could become a cause for Xi’s downfall. Therefore, there was no collectively agreed agenda for the summit to discuss. No pre-summit discussion was held among the leaders of the member countries which would have been a precursor for any productive road map. The only country that stood its ground was India as Modi moved among the world leader like a sage advising Putin to consider peaceful means to forward his diplomatic ambitions. India has become the fifth largest economy of the world surpassing the UK. As India moves forward to become the new manufacturing hub of the world, it is most unlikely that SCO will be able to become a forum for regional peace and economic cooperation. China, it seems, will use all means available to sabotage India. India’s economic growth is led by the desire to meet the needs of both its population and wider world. China’s economic growth, on the other hand, is driven by imperialistic economic expansionism driven by greed. Modi’s advice to Putin that this was the era of peace is the key approach to achieve regional peace which in turn is vital for the region. However, for this to happen the member countries of the SCO will have to strike a balance between need and greed. For now, it seems it will take quite some time before the current conflict between need and greed will resolve itself.
(Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza is an author and a human rights activist from Mirpur in PoJK. He currently lies in exile in the UK.)

By Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza
In a decisive move, a communal and radical outfit, Popular Front of India (PFI), has been banned for five years by the Ministry of
Home Affairs (MHA) for its alleged links to terror funding. In addition to this, PFI’s associate organisations -- Rehab India Foundation (RIF),
Campus Front of India (CFI),
All India Imams Council (AIIC), National Confederation of Human
Rights Organization (NCHRO),
National Women’s Front, Junior
Front, Empower India Foundation and Rehab Foundation, Kerala -- are also banned leading to debate in the media about this.
A leading organisation of Pasmanda muslim named All India Pasmanda
Muslim Mahaz has welcomed this move stataing that the
Pasmanda Mahaz is against Muslim sideline meetings was that between Russian and Uzbekistan which amounts to $4.6 billion. According to the deal signed with China it will construct a ChinaKyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. The deal signed with Russia were in machinery, chemicals, petrochemicals and geology sectors of Uzbekistan’s economy. Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in which Russia promised to support Turkey becoming a permanent member of the SCO in return for Turkey not to object the gas pipeline of which 750 km has already been laid down via Iran and needs to be build a further 250 km into Pakistani territory. During a half-an-hour closed door meeting held at the Summer Palace residence of the president of Uzbekistan between Xi Jinping and Erdogan it is believed that a billion-dollar grain deal was struck which will enable China to earn billions of dollars from Turkey. The Prime Minister of Pakistan choked several times during his speech to the summit describing that his country had turned into “a sea of water”, but no collective relief package was offered, leaving him high and dry. Moreover, the SCO summit failed to persuade Putin to end the devastating war in Ukraine or for that matter the China’s illegal economic expansion into the disputed territories of Gilgit-Baltistan under the guise of the so-called CPEC, which is part of her larger Belt and Road Initiative
communalism and believes that such organisations are also against the basic spirit of Islam. So the extremist and radical organisations must be proscribed in order to maintain peace and harmony in the country, especially those organisations which have been instituted in the name of Islam but fail to follow Islamic principles and teachings. Islam propagates love and compassion for building an idealistic society devoid of fundamentalist organisations and proprietors who incite evil and violent activities. There is a famous ‘hadees’, which states: “Whosoever of you sees an evil action, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart and that is the weakest of faith.” This hadees motivates all Muslims to prevent the wrong doer whether it includes big sins like killing, lynching, mass violence or small sins as abusing, backbiting.
A true Muslim must stop wicked person and organisation.
Such organisations must be banned which encourages a sense of enmity rather than love and compassion; provoking innocent Muslims into violent protests rather than focusing on a peaceful, prosperous community. The Prophet Muhammad never allowed his companions to create instability and dissonance. “Whoever wrongs one with whom a covenant has been made, burdens him with more than he can bear or forcibly takes something from him, I will be his adversary on the Day of Judgment,” (Al-Baihaqi). The Indian Muslim community has been enjoying liberty of religion, equality, for earning livelihood, fraternity for prosperous society and enjoying a peaceful lifestyle. Islam is as old in India as it is in Mecca. The great examples of the Barwada Mosque in Ghogha, Gujarat built before 623 CE, Cheraman Juma Mosque (629 CE) in Methala, Kerala and Palaiya Jumma Palli (or The Old Jumma Masjid - 628 - 630 CE) in Kilakarai testifies to the statement. All these mosques could not have survived if there was hatred and communal tensions between the communities in the past. This shows that Muslims have always enjoyed peaceful and friendly relations with their other Indian counterparts who have different faiths. Consequently, if a handful of deviated Muslims form such organisations or institutions that stand against love, peace, brotherhood and Indian Constitution, they must be banned and boycotted immediately. “None of you (truly) believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself.” (Hadees) The reliable and applicable Hadees shows the importance of good will for our neighbours and near ones. Contrasting this Hadees, proprietors and partners of radical organisations like Popular Front of India (PFI) have been trying to snare innocent unemployed Muslims in the organisation and grooming them to develop radical violent approaches and to harass innocent people not conforming to their ideology.
These organisations are working against humanity.
The nationwide ban is expected to force them to quit their unethical work and repent to their flaws; adopt a simple and straightforward path that will lead them to build a prosperous culture and tradition as the following Quranic verse pleads unambiguously. “Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful. (Quran 25:70)”
(Dr. Faiyaz Ahmad Fyzie, writer is author, translator, media panelist, columnist, socio-pasmanda activist and Medical Doctor by profession)
Indian diplomacy’s ace performance at Samarkand

By Asad Mirza
During the last fortnight, India has asserted itself diplomatically by refusing to join an important pillar of the US-led IPEF, and at the same time Prime Minister
Narendra Modi in Samarkand has demonstrated his governments resolve to act globally and resolutely in interactions with regional leaders.
The 22nd summit of the eight-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) took place in Uzbekistan’s capital Samarkand, last week. The summit was held amid the growing geo-political turmoil set-off by the
Russian invasion of Ukraine and
China’s aggressive military posturing in the Taiwan Straits.
China which initiated this regional grouping as Shanghai Five in 1996, has transformed the forum into an influential grouping of eight nations, with many more like Iran to join as a permanent member and diverse countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt,
Turkey, Belarus and Mongolia being given Observer status, which shows its transformation into an influential regional forum, besides challenging to other western regional alliances.
In his address at the summit, Modi obdurately touched every relevant aspect of the current geo-political situation. He urged SCO to strive to develop reliable, resilient and diversified supply chains in the region. For this, better connectivity will be required, besides giving full rights of transit to each other, he asserted, in a veiled reference to Pakistan. He also batted for making
India a regional manufacturing hub.
On tackling the challenges of food security, he spoke of India’s efforts to popularise millets as an alternative and cheap option.
In a speech that was otherwise free from references to India’s regional issues on terrorism with Pakistan and on territorial sovereignty with
China, Modi called for greater cooperation in the Eurasian region.
He also focused on initiatives on manufacturing that India is willing to pilot in the next year, when India assumes the chair of the SCO and hosts the Summit in mid-2023.
Modi-Xi Jinping meeting
The most important meeting from
India’s standpoint was a possible meeting between Prime Minister
Modi and Chinese President Xi
Jinping. Everyone wondered whether roadblocks have been cleared and temperaments cooled after the recent success of commander level talks between two countries on the issues of Chinese aggression in the
Ladakh region in May 2020.
But, officially the Ministry of
External Affairs (MEA) mentioned no such meetings. In fact,
Samarkand offered the perfect opportunity for two leaders to reset the ties. But there seemed little willingness from the two sides, to compromise. In fact, if the reports are to be believed, the exchange between the two leaders, reminded one of the cold treatment meted out by Modi to former Pakistan’s Prime
Minister, Nawaz Sharif at the 2014
SAARC summit, though it eventually ended with a handshake at the last moment, but nothing such happened in Samarkand. But the moot question here is whether China is in a mood to mend ties with India? Well, it seems no, not at the moment perhaps. Modi and Xi have met twice earlier but that is not enough to read each other’s thoughts and also make a convincing and principled case, though both the countries stand to gain much economically, if ties are improved. Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra, when asked about a meeting that never happened said that he did not “think there is anything more to read into that”.
Modi-Putin meeting
Modi’s bilateral meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the summit also received a lot of attention. The two leaders shared the customary diplomatic greetings, with Modi specifically emphasising that the modern era was not a time of war. According to reports, Putin acknowledged India’s position on the Ukrainian conflict and reaffirmed his commitment to a speedy resolution. India and Chinese leaders expressing their concerns directly with the Russian leader about the war in Ukraine is reflective of global concerns about the effects of its aggression, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said last weel. The mainstream American media praised Prime Minister Modi for telling Putin that this is “not the time for war” in Ukraine. It was the lead story on the webpages of both The Washington Post and The New York Times, and was widely carried by the mainstream American media.
Modi-Erdogan bonhomie
Among other impromptu meetings was the one important one between Modi and Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, which was held unannounced on September 16. After the meeting, Modi underlined that the focus was on economic ties between the two countries. The MEA, in a statement, described the meeting as a review of current India-Turkey relations. While noting the increase in recent years in economic relations, particularly bilateral trade, it acknowledged the potential for further enhancement of economic and commercial partnerships. Erdogan last visited India in 2017. While India-Turkey’s economic and commercial cooperation constitutes an important dimension of the bilateral relationship, diplomatic ties have been adversely impacted over Turkiye’s public criticism of the revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and the February 2020 riots in north-east Delhi.
Modi-Raisi meeting, looking ahead
Another important meeting at Samarkand was between odi and Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Both the leaders took the opportunity to discuss boosting ties in areas like energy, commerce and connectivity. They also reviewed progress of the Shahid Behesti terminal at Chabahar Port and there are indications that the Iranian president also discussed a new mechanism to supply crude oil to India on rupee payment basis, instead of American dollars. This may bring the two countries closer on the trade and economic fronts. The manner in which Modi and his diplomatic team carried the business at Samarkand shows the maturity and coming of age of the Indian diplomacy under the Prime Minister. India will be hosting the next SCO Summit in 2023, and this will offer Modi an opportunity to develop the organisation into a more meaningful and cohesive organisation. A fact evident by the number of countries, which are desirous of joining it, due to its regional potential.
Trainee officer’s death case: IAF initiates court of inquiry

Bengaluru, Sep 26 (IANS) The Indian Air Force (IAF) has set up a ‘Court of Inquiry’ to establish the circumstances leading to the death of the Under Trainee Flying Officer (UTFO) Ankit Kumar Jha at Air Force Technical College (AFTC), Bengaluru on September 21. An IAF official release stated that there were reports in the media about the death of UTFO. The deceased UTFO had joined the IAF in February 2021 and was undergoing training at the Air Force Technical College (AFTC). His training had been terminated on September 20 2022, after informing his father of the same. Termination of training was the result of recommendations made by a Court of Inquiry (COI), which was instituted following a complaint by a fellow woman trainee officer against the UTFO on June 30, 2022, it said. It had been established that the UFTO had committed certain acts of misconduct. The Inquiry proceedings were duly examined at multiple levels before being approved at Air HQ, as per the established procedure on the subject, the statement read. As per the existing norms, an IAF officer was deputed to convey the news of this unfortunate happening to the parents of late UFTO A.K. Jha in New Delhi. A post-mortem examination was conducted on September 23, 2022. The report is awaited. On September 24, his kin visited AFTC. They were briefed about the incident. The Indian Air Force condoles the unfortunate loss of life and prays for strength to the bereaved family in their time of grief. IAF is cooperating with the investigation being conducted by the police on the matter, the statement said. Meanwhile, six Indian Air Force officials have been booked for alleged murder case following the death of Ankit Kumar Jha last week under suspicious circumstances. The deceased youth, 27-year-old Ankit Kumar Jha was training at the AFTC in Jalahalli campus for oneand-half years, according to police. He had allegedly committed suicide by hanging after being discharged following a court of inquiry. However, the deceased youth’s family have claimed that their son had been killed. In his suicide note, the deceased had mentioned the names of six IAF officials, including a commodore, two wing commanders, and group captain, among other, said police sources. Aman, brother of the deceased, has alleged that a training officer had killed his brother and made it look like a suicide case. Gangammamgudi police have taken up the case and are investigating both
Gujarat police book 13 persons for murder, rioting in Surendranagar district

Surendranagar, Sep 26 (IANS)
Due to old political enmity two groups clashed on Sunday night in Devcharadi village of Dhrangadhra taluka in Surendranagar district in which a youth was killed and a few others were injured. They have been shifted to Surendranagar and Rajkot government hospitals. According to the criminal complaint filed by Valjibhai Parmar, a group of 12 armed with deadly weapons and led by Pankaj Vadaniya attacked his family and relatives on Sunday night, in which his nephew Jagdish suffered fatal blows from a sickle on his neck and head and died on the spot. Three to four other family members suffered injuries and were rushed to a government hospital. Mukesh Parmar whose condition is critical was rushed to Rajkot government hospital. The Dhrangadhra police station officer said the police have invoked IPC sections related to murder, attempt to murder, rioting, unlawful assembly and sections of the Atrocity Act against all the thirteen accused. A villager told the local media that there was enmity between the Koli community members and Dalits over the village sarpanch elections. In the last elections, a Dalit woman got elected to the general seat and wanted to be the sarpanch. Since then tension was brewing between the two communities. A criminal complaint was filed then at the police station, but no action was taken.
‘Jaage Ho?’ How PM Modi surprised Jaishankar with midnight call

New Delhi, Sep 23 (IANS) Speaking at an event in New York, External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar recalled an incident from 2016 when Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally called him past midnight and asked if he was awake. “Jaage ho (are you awake)?,” was his first question, Jaishankar said, while lauding PM Modi’s leadership. The External affairs minister, who was the Foreign Secretary then, was recalling the incident when an Indian consulate at Mazar-i-Sharif in war-torn Afghanistan was attacked in 2016. Jaishankar was speaking at an event to discuss the book ‘Modi@20: Dreams Meet Delivery’ in New York on Thursday. He is in New York to attend the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly. “It was past midnight and our consulate in Mazar-i-Sharif in Afghanistan was under attack. We were trying to figure out what happened and my phone rang. It took me a bit by surprise. When the Prime Minister calls... you don’t get a caller ID but still someone connects you. But this time it was the prime minister,” said Jaishankar. Recalling the incident, he further said, ‘The prime minister asked, ‘If I’m awake. It’s 12.30 (a.m.), what else will I be doing rather than being awake?’ Because in his life that’s probably natural,” he said, while praising PM Modi for his leadership role. The Prime Minister further asked him whether he was watching TV. “Yes sir, I said. On being apprised that help was on its way, PM Modi asked to be informed personally when the operation is over. I said this will take two-three hours more and I will inform your office (PMO) when it’s over,” said Jaishankar. “’Call me’, asserted the Prime Minister,” said the Foreign Minister, praising his sense of responsibility. Talking about his role during the Covid crisis, Jaishankar said at the event, “If you look at how leaders around the world handled Covid - not everybody stepped up or said I’d take that call. To handle the consequences of very big decisions is an extremely singular quality.”
Malayalam actor Sreenath Bhasi arrested for ‘abusing’ lady journalist
Kochi, Sep 26 (IANS) Malayalam actor Sreenath Bhasi was on Monday arrested by the Maradu Police after a lady journalist working in an online media complained of being verbally abused during an interview held last week. Since the charges are bailable, he is expected to walk out of the Maradu Police station after sureties are presented. Bhasi is reported to have lost cool while being interviewed after probing questions were put before him at an interview which was done in the course of promoting his latest film, ‘Chattambi’. After sensing trouble, he later apologised by saying that he has not abused anyone and just responded in a way that every one person would when insulted and emphatically said he has done no wrong. But the police registered the case and asked him to present before them. On Monday morning, he sought a day’s leave to appear before them and that was granted. But later changed his mind and informed the police that he can come on Monday itself. After an hour’s questioning, the police arrested the young actor. Bhasi began as a radio jockey and then turned a video jockey and it was in 2011 that he made his film debut in the blockbuster film ‘Pranayam’ directed by Blessy and starring Mohanlal and Anupam Kher. After that there was no looking back, so far he has acted in around 50 films.
Rajiv Gandhi assassination: SC issues notice on pleas by Nalini, Ravichandran seeking release
New Delhi, Sep 26 (IANS) The Supreme Court on Monday issued a notice to the Tamil Nadu government on the petitions of S. Nalini and R.P. Ravichandran, convicts in Rajiv Gandhi assassination case. Citing the release of convict A.G. Perarivalan in the same case, both convicts, who are serving life imprisonment, have moved the apex court seeking their release from the prison. A bench comprising Justices B.R. Gavai and B.V. Nagarathna sought a response from the Tamil Nadu and Central government on the pleas. “Notice. Liberty granted to serve standing counsel of Tamil Nadu and Union of India...,” said the top court, in its order, while scheduling the matter for hearing on October 14. Nalini and Ravichandran had moved the Madras High Court citing Perarivalan’s release, however the high court refused to entertain their plea seeking release from the prison. They moved the apex court challenging the high court order. The high court had said that it cannot exercise powers under Article 142 of the Constitution to pass a similar order, which was passed by the apex court to release another accused, A.G. Perarivalan, in the case. “The directions sought by the petitioner cannot be given by the court, as it otherwise does not have power similar to what the apex court has under Article 142 of the Constitution of India. For the foregoing reasons, the writ petition is dismissed as not maintainable,” said the high court in an order passed in June. On May 18, the Supreme Court invoked its extraordinary powers to do complete justice under Article 142 of the Constitution, as it ordered the release of A.G. Perarivalan, sentenced to life in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. A bench comprising Justices L. Nageswara Rao (retired now), B.R. Gavai, and A.S. Bopanna said: “In the exceptional facts and circumstances of this case, in exercise of our power under Article 142 of the Constitution, we direct that the Appellant is deemed to have served the sentence in connection with crime... The Appellant, who is on bail, is set at liberty forthwith.” Perarivalan is currently on bail. His death sentence was commuted to life sentence and terrorism charges were withdrawn. The top court took into account Perarivalan’s prolonged period of incarceration, his satisfactory conduct in jail as well as during parole, chronic ailments from his medical records, his educational qualifications acquired during incarceration and the pendency of his petition under Article 161 for two-and-a-half years after the recommendation of the state cabinet.
‘Some say liquor in small quantity is good’, SC refuses plea for warning labels on bottles
New Delhi, Sep 23 (IANS) The Supreme Court on Friday declined to entertain a plea seeking regulation on the production, distribution, and consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs in the national capital and also health warning stickers on liquor bottles alike cigarette packets. The plea filed by advocate Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay sought a direction to the government to publish health warnings on liquor bottles -- similar to the criteria adopted for warning signs on cigarette packets -- and the same should be advertised through electronic, print, and social media. Upadhyay contended before a bench headed by Chief Justice U.U. Lalit that he would only press for limited prayer to have warning labels on alcohol bottles, as they are harmful. He further argued that a little indulgence in this matter will benefit the youth and pressed for warning labels on the bottles. The bench, also comprising Justices S. Ravindra Bhat and Indira Banerjee, said that there are thoughts and counter thoughts, and some people say liquor taken in small quantities is good for health and nowhere similar things are said about cigarettes. The bench expressed its disinclination in entertaining the petition. “Either you withdraw this or we will dismiss it. This is a policy matter,” said the bench. Upadhyay urged the top court to grant him the liberty to move the Law Commission in the matter. The bench said, “No, we will only allow withdrawal”. Upadhyay withdrew his petition. The plea had also sought a direction to the Delhi government to carry out a ‘health impact assessment’ and ‘environment impact assessment’ of production, distribution and consumption of the intoxicating drinks and drugs in the spirit of Articles 21 and 47 of the Constitution.
SC to hear petitions challenging scrapping of Article 370 after Dussehra vacation
New Delhi, Sep 23 (IANS) The Supreme Court on Friday said it will list the pleas challenging the Centre’s decision to abrogate the provisions of Article 370, which gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir, after the Dussehra vacation. A counsel contended before a bench headed by Chief Justice U.U. Lalit that the petitions were supposed to get listed after the summer vacation, but they were not listed for hearing. The bench, also comprising Justices Indira Banerjee and S. Ravindra Bhat, told the counsel that the petitions will be listed. A bench headed by former Chief Justice N.V. Ramana in April this year had said the court will list the matter after the summer vacation. A new five-judge bench would have to be re-constituted to hear the petitions, since two judges on the bench -- Justice Ramana and Justice R. Subhash Reddy -- have retired. A batch of petitions have challenged Centre’s decision to abrogate provisions of Article 370 and the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019, which split Jammu and Kashmir into two union territories -- Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh. The Centre, by abrogating the provisions of Article 370, had revoked the special status of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, and subsequently, it was bifurcated into two union territories -- Union Territory of Ladakh and Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir. A five-judge Constitution bench of the Supreme Court, in March 2020, held that there was no need to refer

Rahul kicks off Bharat Jodo Yatra in K’taka, says tricolour has no value without Constitution

Chamarajanagar, (Karnataka) Sep
30 (IANS) After covering Kerala, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday kicked off the Karnataka leg of Bharat Jodo Yatra from Gundlupet town in Chamarajanagar district. Launching a scathing attack on the ruling BJP in the convention before the launch of Padayatra, Gandhi stated that tricolour has no value without the Constitution. To counter the BJP and RSS’s ideology and end the hatred and violence in the country, the Congress has taken up this padyatra from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, he said. “It is being undertaken to protect the constitution. There is no place for any kind of hatred or violence in it. If someone falls, without enquiring about his religion, caste and language, he will be lifted up,” Gandhi added. “This is our Hindustan, bhaichara ka Hindustan (country of brotherhood). This rally can’t be stopped. No force can stop the padayatra and this is the strength of this country,” he maintained. During the yatra, which starts in the morning and continues till evening, the people meet us and When they rise to speak in Parliament, their mikes are muted and if anyone tries to voice concerns they are jailed. There is no other way left but to take up yatra, he said. This yatra can’t be stopped. The voice of Hindustan can’t be stopped, he reiterated. Thanking party workers for gathering in large numbers, he welcomed them to join the yatra with him. “When you walk with me, you will know about corruption, unemployment and inflation in Karnataka,” he said. likely that there may be a triangular contest. However, the final outcome will be known only after the contestants file their nominations and the elections are held as Friday is the last day of filing nomination.

share their woes. They talk about unemployment, atrocities on farmers, privatisation of PSUs. Poora Hindustan, apna dard batata hai (the whole country is pouring out woes) he said. The intention of the yatra is not to give long speeches. It is an opportunity for the people to talk. Questions are raised on why this yatra is being taken up? Under democracy, there are various institutions like the media, parliament. But, all roads are closed for the opposition party, Gandhi stated.

Ahead of Cong prez poll, G-23 says time to strengthen party
New Delhi, Sep 30 (IANS) One of the most vocal G-23 faces, Manish Tewari on Friday said that it was time to strengthen the party and termed the recent events in Rajasthan as unfortunate. “Leadership, Ideological clarity, narrative & transparent access to resources are pillars of ‘A’ political party, Given recent unfortunate events it’s time to close ranks & strengthen @INCIndia recalling wise words of @CitiznMukherjee Y’Y& work for a Consensus & effective Presidency,” Tewari said in his tweet. Late Thursday night G-23 leaders, including Manish Tewari, Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Prithviraj Chavan met at Anand Sharma’s residence, but did not divulge the details of the meeting. After the meeting Sharma drove to the Jodhpur House to meet Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot who announced on Thursday that he will not be contesting the election. But, now Mallikarjun Kharge has thrown his hat in the ring and it is