Wednesday, November 7, 2012 Indiana State University www.indianastatesman.com Volume 120 Issue 31
IN THIS ISSUE Red, yellow, black and white; what your skin tone might imply PAGE 6
Respect the code: Men are superior, women are inferior PAGE 8-9
Lady Sycamores prepped and ready to run the court this season PAGE 12
Vigo County voted Democrat this election year, with Obama winning by just 162 votes (Illustration by Jamie Nichols).
ALICE BRUMFIELD AND HANNAH MICHAELS Reporters The state of Indiana voted Republican in the 2012 presidential election. Vigo County voted Democrat. Eighty-seven precincts in Vigo County voted for President Barack
Obama, 18, 474 to 18, 312. ISU students and local city residents took to the polls Tuesday to cast their ballots. Vigo County holds tradition as a “bellwether� county.
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News News 812-237-4102 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmannews@ ISU-statesmannews@ mail.indstate.edu mail.indstate.edu
HMSU 143 - 550 Chestnut St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 P: (812) 237: 3025 F: (812) 237-7629 Ernest Rollins Editor-in-Chief, 237-3289 ISU-statesmaneditor@mail.indstate. edu Jamie Nichols Photo Editor, 237-3034 ISU-statesmanphotos@mail.indstate. edu Gabi Roach
Student Advertising Manager, 237-4344
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The Indiana Statesman is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except during exam periods and university breaks, and is published three times during the summer. The Indiana Statesman was founded May 16, 1929, the same year that Indiana State Normal School became Indiana State Teachers College. The newspaper began in December 1879 as the State Normal News. In November 1895, the paper was first issued as the Normal Advance. Members of the ISU community are welcome to take a single copy of each issue of this newspaper. The unauthorized taking of multiple copies, however, may constitute theft, which is a crime, even with free publications. Thefts will be reported to the campus police for possible prosecution and/or for other disciplinary actions. The Indiana Statesman exists for four main reasons: to provide the ISU community with news and information, to serve the campus as a public forum for student and reader, to offer student staff members chances to apply their skills in different aspects of a news publication, and to give students leadership opportunities.
Many used ballot stations like the one pictured above to cast their votes on Election Day (Photo by Mae Robyn Rhymes).
Voting precincts were divided between 62 locations, with Deming Center, at the corner of 6th and Cherry Street, the closest precinct for oncampus ISU students. For many the decision to vote was based on a sense of duty to country and wanting change. Senior education major Sarah Pemberton, voting in her second presidential election, said she turned out because she wanted her voice to be heard. Andrew Carter, a freshman human resource development major, felt voting was “obviously important.” “You don’t have a right to complain if you don’t vote,” Carter said. Charles Fuhrer, a volunteer to help with voting and watch the polls, was very passionate about the ability to vote. “I’ve exercised my right to vote for 49 years,” he said. “It’s a family tradition. My family has been in the United States since before 1776. We are a democracy. It drives the nation forward, and it drives people forward and it keeps justice going.” However, the ballot cast by voters of Vigo County may be worth more than others around the nation.
Vigo County has accurately voted for the winner of every winning presidential election candidate since 1888 with only two exceptions. The diversity of the county, as well as the location of the county in the United States, contributes to its ability to vote for the winning candidate. “Terre Haute is diversely populated,” Patricia Mansard, Terre Haute circuit clerk, said. “There are those highly educated from the university, and there are low information voters.” According to the United States Census Bureau, 85 percent of adults age 25 and older reported having an education level of at least a high school degree or equivalent, with 28 percent reporting a bachelor’s degree or higher. In comparison, 84.8 percent are high school graduates in Vigo County and 21.3 percent reported having a bachelor’s degree or higher. “Vigo County is a microcosm that reflects the electorate as a whole,” veteran ISU faculty member Tom Steiger said in a national radio broadcast. “It’s like a Petri dish. And there’s a culture here that’s stable. ... It’s been this working class [county] with [colleges and a university] for 100 years, and that mix has been maintained.”
“... We are a democracy. It drives the nation forward, and it drives people forward and it keeps justice going.” Charles Fuhrer, Vigo County polls volunteer
Annual golf outing raises record funds Austin Arceo ISU Communications and Marketing The 15th annual Oktoberfest Golf Scramble raised a record $28,100 for insurance and risk management student programming at Indiana State University. ISU students in the insurance and risk management program, along with Gamma Iota Sigma, the honor fraternity for students interested in careers in insurance and risk management and financial services, hosted the golf scramble on Sept. 27 at the Country Club of Terre Haute. The funds raised from the event are used for professional development opportunities, such as for students to attend conferences, study for certifications, attend industry networking events, and more. “It was a great success,” Brad Ketzner, a junior insurance and risk management major and Gongaware Scholar from Ferdinand, who helped organize the event. “That’s been the largest amount ever netted from the golf outing.” Ketzner and fellow Gongaware Scholars Christena Hoopingarner, a sophomore financial services major from Columbia City; and Patrick Harpenau, a junior insurance and risk management major from Clinton, organized the golf outing. They planned the entire event, from logistics to outreach and soliciting sponsorships.
“The students and industry professionals look forward to the golf outing every year,” said Maria Greninger, director of external relations for the Scott College of Business. She oversees the student team each year that plans the college’s largest fundraiser. “It really is the difference between students receiving an internship or job or not getting one, because the industry representatives at the outing are so aware of the student team that organizes the event that it really catapults them into a leadership role once they leave Indiana State.” The event has grown over the years, in part because the participating companies have enjoyed the experience and have become regulars at the event. More than 90 insurance and risk management professionals, along with 16 ISU students and faculty members played in the golf scramble. “This is one great opportunity for them,” Ketzner said of industry representatives at the event. “A lot of insurance professionals like to golf, so it’s a lot of fun for them to come out, meet our students and really network with them and look at students possibly for internships, or even jobs.”
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Center brings religion and science together
Hannah Michaels Reporter
Unbounded Possibilities (UP) initiative supports and explores discussion and research around the interaction of religion, spirituality and health. The Center for Study of Health, Religion and Spirituality at Indiana State was created in 2003 and is one of eight programs funded by UP. The result of a joint venture by the Department of Psychology and the Metanexus Institute, a foundation that supports communication of links between religion and science, the center’s goals are to conduct research on health, religion and spirituality and create a setting for practitioners and consumers to communicate. “The center is to provide a forum for dialogue and scholarly investigation related to one of the most important aspects of human experience: our capacity for spiritual engagement and the ways that religious beliefs and institutions have helped individuals understand and express their spiritual potential, particularly as this relates to physical and psychological health,” Jean
Kristeller, director emeritus of the center, said. It also hopes to provide experiential learning to students and provide educational opportunities for the community and the nation. While there are few employment opportunities are available for students to participate in the center, they can work with faculty on research and gain exposure to speakers and experts. The clients of the center involve ISU students, faculty and staff it extends out toward the community, as well. There is a weekly sitting meditation group that utilizes center space, open both to the community and ISU students and faculty. “If the center is able to help promote and facilitate dialogue across the variety of groups that are present on campus, I think we are accomplishing the mission,” Christine Kennedy, director of the center, said. “As we promote the visibility, we want to utilize this space to promote and model the compassion of all people, regardless of what they believe or do not believe.” The center was chosen as one of eight initiatives funded by UP in January 2012. The university funds initiatives in the beginning until they become selfsustaining. An investment of $5 million has been put into these initiatives. Patrick Bennett, associate director of the center and associate professor of psychology, said making the center self-sustainable is a possible challenge. He added that when setting up a new structure, it may be difficult to support faculty and students. Grant-supported research, small community gatherings and large regional or national meetings will be a source of funding for the center.
Duke University has a similar center set up to explore the relationship of health and spirituality, but Indiana State’s center is the only one that has set up conferences, Bennett said. The center, located at ISU in Holmstedt Hall 220, has held programs and conferences that several international figures have attended. It has also conducted research used both locally and internationally. “I hope that as the center becomes more visible, people feel more comfortable to visit,” Kennedy said. “We are happy to be a resource for people.”
Tom Johnson, associate director of the Center for Study of Health, Religion and Spirituality (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).
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Statesman editorial
What is black or white and relevant all over? Opinions News
Aaron Abel
812-237-4102 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmanopinions@ ISU-statesmannews@ mail.indstate.edu mail.indstate.edu
Contact Us Make your opinion heard by submitting letters to the editor of the Indiana Statesman. Letters must be fewer than 350 words and include year in school, major and phone number for verification. Letters will be published with the author’s name, year in school and major. The Statesman editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, clarity and vulgarity.
Opinions Policy The Indiana Statesman opinions page is an opportunity for the Indiana State University community to express its views. The opinions, individual and collective, expressed in the Statesman and the student staff ’s selection or arrangement of content do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of Indiana State University, its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty or student body. The Statesman editorial board writes staff editorials and makes final decisions about news content.
One might think that we are slowly becoming a race-blind culture. But are we? Nearly every application—whether it be for a job, college, driver’s license or the U.S. Census survey—asks the applicant to list his or her race. But in a world where the word diversity is thrown around like it’s the ultimate end to every means, why does the categorization of race still matter? Centuries ago there were three main racial distinctions: Caucasian, or “white,” Negroid, or “black” and Mongoloid, or “yellow.” While these terms can still be heard echoing in today’s time, it is widely understood that these distinctions are highly generalized and extremely antiquated. Racial distinctions in America began as a means to distinguish and maintain control over “non-white” groups through various methods. For instance, if you were black, you were most likely a slave. If you were white, you most likely weren’t. As times changed these distinctions became confined to plaques over waterfountains and upon bathroom doors. But we don’t live in those times any longer. For example, what race is our current president? If you said black, you are wrong. If you said white, you are wrong. This brings up two points. One, we have come so far as a nation that our current president is not of predominantly European-American descent. Two, we’ve become a culture of such mixed origins that the labels barely hold water anymore. So what is race? The distinctions were first made to highlight what many believed to be biological differences and inferiorities. Through the years, however, science has shown that race has no biological or natural basis and that “race” related physical variations have no significance outside of the social and
cultural differences put on them by people. We have understood for a long time now that genetic superiority or inferiority is a cultural construct. It doesn’t exist in nature. But we are obviously not assimilating this understanding into our culture, for every day one can find phrases like “racial groups” and “racial conflict” in all types of media. We can even see distinctions made right here at ISU. Throughout campus one can find posters and signs relating to diversity and its necessity. This is good thing inasmuch as it forces people to realize that we are all people, all part of the same species. But then why do we have an African American cultural center? Isn’t the singling out of one “race” for a cultural center unfair to everybody? If our goal is to bring students together then shouldn’t we have a cultural center without appending a racial specification to it? This appears unwelcoming to students not of African American descent, and it prevents students who use the center as a means of socializing from making the diverse social networks afforded to them by assimilating into the campus culture at large. To further show how racial distinctions affect us here at ISU let us take a look at data collection. ISU collects data for various reasons whether it be related to enrollment, retention or the academic performance of our students. We collect the data on these issues in attempt to gain a better understanding of where our problems and our successes lie. We, therefore, have data showing the difference between black and white students in each of these areas. But is this data suggesting that innate differences exist between the black and white students at our school? If it didn’t
“For instance, what race is our current president? If you said black, you are wrong. If you said white, you are wrong.”
then why would the data be useful? Wouldn’t it make more sense to look at these issues in terms of SAT scores, GPA, governmental assistance and the school systems from where the students came? The label of “black” or “white” is used as a very generalized and non-specific indicator for many of these previously listed areas of interest and it is simply wrong to use it as such. It is wrong because it is often inaccurate when used as an indicator and it is wrong because it undermines the individual’s merit. The largest problem with continuing to use these labels lies in its divisive nature. When you put people in check-marked boxes or on one side of the pie-chart you can take them away from the whole. And this would be fine if the division were based upon something other than skindeep reflections, but the color of our skin tells us nothing about our history, our social class or our character. The days of segregation are over, leave the labels associated with them behind.
This pie graph shows the relationship between the black and white populations within the pie graph, which tells us nothing.
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History: Made into whatever we so desire
When people ask me what’s wrong with America I don’t mention our federal deficit or our antiquated healthcare and education systems. No, I simply say, “The History Channel.” Growing up I remember the History Channel quite well. I remember it because I didn’t like it. Why not? Because I was seven and the only thing I thought I needed to Aaron know about WWII was that the good Abel guys won, the bad guys lost and Hitler the little girl whose diary I read Keep Off inkilled class. The Lawn Well, apparently the channel’s producers have acute cases of whatever ailed Benjamin Button because as I became more interested in history, they became much less interested. And now, I turn to any channel but the History Channel for historical commentary. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, let’s make a short list of recent and current series aired on the channel: “Ancient Aliens,” “American Pickers,” “Ax Men,” “Big Shrimpin’,” “Pawn Stars,” “Cajun Pawn Stars,” “Ice Road Truckers,” “Life After People,” “Mountain Men,” “Nostradamus Effect,” “Sex in the Ancient World,” “Sliced,” “Swamp People” and “UFO Hunters.” If you found yourself wondering what historical merit these shows could possibly have you’re not alone. How can they get away with vomiting in the face of human history by airing such trash, you ask? I’ll tell you.
First, they changed their name from The History Channel to simply ‘History’—apparently trade marking an entire field of study—and their slogan from “Know the Story” to “History: Made Every Day.” This slogan change allowed the channel to throw away the notion of broadcasting the boring, dusty, world-changing events that we know as history and simply replace it with whatever reality show gets the best ratings because, by their definition, I’m making history by adding the period to the end of this sentence. And boy has the channel’s viewership increased as a result of this appalling change. This brings us to the second reason for this successful mutation as well as the answer for what’s wrong with America: viewership. “Ancient Aliens” should have been the iceberg that sunk History. Although I’m not sure if the channel still gets the reference, as, according to them, the Titanic’s sinking was collateral damage resulting from recent wars between the Alpha-Draconians and the Reticulans. Regardless, I find it sad to imagine Ernie, the Korean War veteran perched atop his armchairs sipping scotch, calling Ethel from the kitchen to look at the angle relations between the Nazca lines and Stonehenge before challenging her to say that aliens didn’t play a part in such a coincidence. Did I miss something? Because the last time I checked the only people who believed we came from aliens looked like this: (See photo on right). Oh wait. We could continue making snarky comments regarding the historical value of each and every ridiculous History show. Like this:
“Ax Men:” At least the trees are old. “Swamp People:” Preserving a way of life and speech only rivaled by the alligators themselves. “Life After People:” History of the future once we’re no longer around to tell it to the people that don’t exist. “Ice Road Truckers:” Oh yes, my great Russian grandfather’s dangerous excursions across the Bering Land Bridge in his 18-wheeler. “Nostradamus Effect:” Speculating on historical future speculations. Glad I got that out of my system. The problem lies in the unquenchable thirst for dramatic sensationalism growing within our culture. The majority of us are ailed by the age-reversing effect felt by poor Mr. Button. And if I were to guess, we’re currently 13-year-old girls and only years away from dying in an atrophied fetal position, noiselessly suckling our baby thumbs, lest history become too real.
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.
Pick sides on anything but this, Mr. President
Andrew Jones Beneath the Surface
After watching both presidential candidates interviews with Chris Berman during the halftime presentation of Monday Night Football I started thinking about what role the leader of the free world should play in the dramatic world of sports. One aspect of both conversations that really had an impact on me was the choosing of favorite teams by Barack Obama and Mit Romney. I know that they were only stating or commenting on their favorite sports team or city, just as we do in almost every day, but I feel that a president should not publically choose a favorite team. I believe that a president should remain neutral during
his presidency. To begin with, the president of the United States is supposed to represent all of his constituents equally and I feel that choosing a sports team or city shows favoritism. One example of this favoritism took place last year when Mark Buehrle of the Chicago White Sox pitched a perfect game. Because the White Sox were Obama’s
favorite team, he called the pitcher right after the game to congratulate him. This may not seem like a huge deal, but this showing of favoritism affects everyone. Buehrle’s perfect game was placed in a spotlight when the public found out that Obama called him to congratulate him. There were other perfect games and no hitters last year and this year, none of which received the spotlight that Buehrle’s perfect game was given. Choosing a favorite team is also not fair to the other athlete’s in the sport. If you are an athlete on the team facing the president’s favorite team, you are the enemy. You realize that the president is rooting for you to lose. It is for this reason that commissioners do not choose a favorite team. When you represent all, you can’t choose. If a player faces the President’s team in the championship and wins, he or she is then asked to go to the white house to meet the man that was hoping he or she would lose. Going back to Buehrle’s perfect game, is it really fair that his moment was held on a pedestal compared to all of the other perfect games? Lastly, our leader’s choosing of a sports team is unfair to you and me. When he chooses one city or one team and says he is rooting for them, how does that appear to the rest of the country? Obama likes certain teams
in Chicago and Romney likes teams in Boston. These teams in these cities are on a greater spotlight than the other teams in other cities. In his interview with Berman, Obama was asked about the success of the Bears this year. The city of Chicago and the Bears were placed on an unfair platform because they were his favorite team. Andrew Luck of the Colts broke the rookie passing record and the Atlanta Falcons are undefeated but he was asked about the Bears only because they were his favorite team. I believe that neutrality is the best option for the president of the United States because it allows the president to appear more focused on bigger issues in the world. The president can be just as happy no matter who wins and all of the athletes can feel that the president of the United States is rooting for them—or at least not against them. This means that the President doesn’t choose a city or show any favoritism. Though both candidates have shown favoritism over the process of this election by campaigning more in the battleground states like Ohio, Pennsylvania and Colorado, the negative implications of showing favoritism by means of choosing a favorite sports team or city far outweighs the benefits of choosing neutrality.
Page 8 • Wednesday , November 7, 2012
Features News
Richelle Kimble
812-237-4102 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmanfeatures@ ISU-statesmannews@ mail.indstate.edu mail.indstate.edu
Upcoming Events Wednesday Jam The Bus Food Drive Dede Plaza 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Servant Leadership in Action FD 223 11:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Up ‘Til Dawn Dede1 7 p.m. - 10 p.m. Thursday University Speaker Series: Joel Beam Dede1 7 p.m.
Masculinity and the degradation of women Ernest Rollins Editor-in-Chief A pastor asked a 12-year-old football player what his response would be if his friends were to say he was playing like a girl. The response the young man gave was that “it would destroy” him. “If it would destroy him to call him a girl, what are we teaching him about girls,” the pastor said. At Yale University, a group of fraternity brothers chanted “no mean yes, yes means anal.” In Oct. 2009, a 15-year-old girl was gang raped by ten boys and men for two and a half hours, but no one contacted the police despite watching the action unfold. The stories were all clips from the short film “The Bro Code,”
which focused how masculinity, the degradation of women and sexism continue to exist in society. It was shown to a group of students Wednesday night. “This video was in your face and meant to be in your face,” Elonda Ervin, university diversity officer said to the gathered students. Kenneth Chew, director of ISU Student Counseling Center and facilitator of the session, said the purpose of the session was to discuss how media and social expectations play on the role of sexism, especially among males. “It gives students an opportunity to look at things from a more diverse perspective, not just diverse
in terms of different cultures and sexuality but diverse in terms of just ways of looking at themselves and ways at looking at the world,” Chew said. Chew said that although such messages are out there all the time, students can filter that content. “First of all, you have to be kind of aware of who you are as an individual,” Chew said. “Everyone is going to respond to messages very differently.” Further, Chew said being aware of the context of some of those messages helps in how students respond. He added that some messages are packaged with the intention to sell products for example. As the ‘viewer discretion is advised’ sign flashed across the screen, the video attempted to graphically portray a ‘bro culture’ popularized by sports, television and music continually being packaged as ‘dangerously sexist.’ According to the video, power and privilege define masculinity and such notions influence males’ perception of women as objects to be attained. The video commented on issues such as rape, homophobia and values praised on
television shows, advertisements, movies and music. This concept is reflected in American society’s choice of insults for man, ‘wuss,’ ‘pussy,’ ‘fag’ and ‘bitch.’ A clip from the film stated, “this [sexism] attitude is not a black thing or Latin thing; this is a man thing.” “I think the topic of the misogynistic views and how they came to be was very informative,” James Jones, second year graduate student said. “We don’t think of those sorts of things when we are very young.” In addition, “masculinity cops” exist and tend to reinforce values that degrade women. These include parents, friends and women. Other triggers to this attitude mentioned include pornography, especially Gonzo porn—a genre of pornography using a mixture of hardcore sex and physical abuse as a form of arousal and most downloaded form of pornography according to the video—comedic attitudes toward rape and stereotypical shows such as Jersey Shore.
Illustration by Jamie Nichols.
National Intelligence Council chairman teaches students and faculty
Christopher Kojm speaking to an ISU classroom (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and marketing).
Austin Arceo ISU Communications and Marketing Indiana State University senior Simon Vega learned quite a bit about the nation’s affairs in classes he needed for his legal studies and political science double major. Yet he didn’t pass up the opportunity to learn more, not from a textbook, but by directly asking questions to Christopher A. Kojm, the chairman of the National Intelligence Council. The National Intelligence Council supports the Director of National Intelligence in his role as head of the Intelligence Community and is the IC’s center for long-term strategic analysis. Vega was one of the students who listened to Kojm speak about international economics, global trends and the future during his recent visit to Indiana State. Kojm gave presentations to several groups of Indiana State students and faculty members about his work in government, including at the State Department. He also
answered questions from students and faculty members on a variety of topics and situations. “I actually asked him a couple of questions and his answers were very eyeopening,” said Vega, who is from Portage, referring to topics Kojm addressed that many might not think of that impact the nation’s well-being. “He stated many key factors dealing with agriculture, clean energy and international trade involving the nation’s economy and its future. I was very honored to be able to meet someone of such prestige.” In addition to speaking with students, Kojm also discussed some international affairs with faculty members who do research on various parts of the world, at times asking questions about current events in different countries.
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CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 “Mr. Kojm’s visit provided an opportunity for our students and faculty to see how what they’re doing in the classroom relates to the world, and in particular U.S. foreign policy,” said Chris McGrew, director of International Programs and Services at ISU. “Chris provided some great insights that engaged not only our students, but some of our faculty members, as well.” Kojm also received questions from students about careers in international affairs. “It’s important to do these speaking engagements,” Kojm said. “Ultimately the purpose is not just to inform, but to attract young people to careers in public service because we need people who are very talented.” The students’ questions and discussions impressed Kojm and Bassam Yousif, ISU associate professor of economics whose class was visited during one of Kojm’s presentations. The National Intelligence Council chairman’s visit to Indiana State came just weeks after former U.S. Rep.
Lee Hamilton, who served as vice-chair of the 9/11 Commission, visited ISU in September to kick off the university’s 20122013 Speaker Series. “It is great to have someone from outside ISU applying the knowledge that the students are learning to look at real-world issues,” Yousif said of Kojm’s visit. Kirk Owusu Moore, a sophomore legal studies major from Ghana, also enjoyed the insights Kojm shared during his visit, which extended beyond classroom lessons. “Being an international student, it helps give you perspective on how the world is moving around us,” Moore said. “I think ISU should have these visits really often.” It also was beneficial for students to get a better idea of the job opportunities that exist within the government, which exist in a variety of capacities, Yousif said. “I think what they will take away from the visit is there are interesting things going on,” he added, “and that perhaps they want to be a part of it.”
Chris McGrew assisted Kojm in his visit to ISU (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and marketing).
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Thomas Beeler 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmansports@ mail.indstate.edu
Upcoming Events Men’s Basketball Friday at Los Angeles, Cal. vs. UCLA at 11 p.m.
Women’s Basketball Friday at Hulman Center vs. Eastern Illinois at 7:05 p.m.
Cross Country Friday at Madison, Wis. for the NCAA Great Lake Regional at 12 p.m.
Women’s Volleyball Friday at Omaha, Neb. vs. Creighton at 6 p.m. Saturday at Des Moines, Iowa vs. Drake at 8 p.m.
Women’s basketball geared up for 2012 season Alex Pate Reporter Following a 15-16 campaign last season, the Indiana State women’s basketball team looks to build and improve for the 20122013 season. This year’s ISU squad is a young one, consisting of only two juniors, Andrea Rademacher and Anna Munn, and one senior, Taylor Whitley. “I think we have a tremendous amount of chemistry. They really enjoy working together and playing together, and that can take you a long way,” ISU coach Teri Moren said. Lone senior Taylor Whitley, who missed a portion of last season due to a knee injury, returns to lead the Sycamores. Moren said that a “healthy” Whitley is one thing she looked forward to this season. Whitley averaged 7.5 points a game last season, along with 3 rebounds, 2.8 assists, and 1.9 steals per game. “What I’m looking most forward to is seeing that kid leave Indiana State after having a great senior season,” Moren said. “We’re optimistic. Right now we are cautiously optimistic that as the season progresses this group will just keep getting better and better.” The Sycamores were picked to finish seventh in the Missouri Valley Conference this season. “We take it each game at a time, each practice at a time … We’re not looking down the road; we’re not paying attention to the speculation of where we’re picked in the league. We don’t worry about that,” Moren said of the preseason poll. “We just worry about trying to get better every day.”
Sophomore Rachael Mahan raising above Bellarmine’s guard to put in a lay up (Photo courtesy of ISU Athletic Media Relations).
Moren said that the 2012-13 team has a very different make-up. One strength of the team is an increase in athleticism. In addition, more players are fulfilling multiple roles on the court. The Sycamores added four freshmen to the line-up. Of the four freshmen nursing major and Fortville, Ind. native, Makenzi Reasor stands out. The 6-2” forward led the Mount Vernon High School Marauders to the Class 3A State Championship game her senior year. The Marauders were the runner-ups of that game. “Talent, X’s and O’s are one thing, but
“Talent, X’s and O’s are one thing, but I think if your team generally likes each other and has great chemistry, that can win you some games.” Teri Moren, ISU women’s head coach
I think if your team generally likes each other and has great chemistry, that can win you some games,” Moren said. Indiana State played its first contest of the season last Friday, a 51-39 exhibition win over Bellarmine University. Despite shooting just 26 percent as a team, Munn hit four three-pointers in the game for the Sycamores. The team also gathered 55 rebounds, including 13 from sophomore Rachael Mahan and five from Munn. Coach Moren said after the game, “Some really good things, but obviously a lot of room to improve.” The Sycamores will play 15 games in the Hulman Center this season, beginning with the regular season opener against Eastern Illinois on Friday at 7 p.m. Indiana State begins Missouri Conference play on January 4 at home against Bradley University.
Thacker honored with Valley Leadership and Service Award
Kevin Jenison ISU Athletic Media Relations Indiana State senior Kylee Thacker is one of ten student-athletes in the Missouri Valley Conference who have been honored with the MVC Leadership and Service Award (formerly the Good Neighbor Award) for the fall season. It was announced Tuesday by Commissioner Doug Eglin. Thacker, a senior on the Sycamore women’s cross country team, has a 3.94 grade point average while majoring in English and minoring in French at Indiana State. She has a long list of scholastic achievements including being named to the Athletic Director’s Honor Roll and the Dean’s List. She is also member of Sigma Alpha Lambda National Leadership and Honors Organization, Delta Sigma Lambda Leadership Honor Society, Golden Key International Honor Society, Sigma Tau Delta International Honorary Society, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Pfenning Scholar in the English Department at Indiana State and the University Honors Program. She has also been active in the community as the Golden Key Senior Kylee Thacker competing for Community representative to the Step the Sycamores (Photo courtesy of ISU Up! Program, the Student-Athlete Athletic Media Relations). Advisory Committee representative to Kristen Zillmer, Illinois State cross the community food drive, an assistant country junior; Chelsea Voet, Missouri in prop, costume and make-up for the State women’s soccer senior; Jennifer Terre Haute Community Theatre and Willms, Northern Iowa volleyball a gymnastics instructor at Tumble senior; Bailey Yeager, Southern Illinois Express. Thacker is also a student-athlete volleyball senior; and Samantha Shukla, mentor, NCAA SAAC secretary, College Wichita State cross country junior. of Arts & Sciences Student Advisory In order to be eligible for the Council Student representative, English award, the student-athlete must student representative to Majors in be in good academic standing, Minutes, a student research assistant for must demonstrate good citizenship Dr. Yousif, and a curriculum, instruction through good sportsmanship and and media technology student assistant. significant community service and Other fall honorees include: Emily must participate in a sport during the Wolbers, Bradley cross country junior; season of recognition. The Valley will Brooke Boggs, Creighton volleyball recognize ten student-athletes three senior; Averill Fuhs, Drake football times annually (fall, winter, spring) for redshirt-senior; Danielle Langness, a total of 30 honorees. Institutions select Evansville women’s soccer senior; their MVC Leadership & Service Award
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Taylor Whitley steps up to leadership role
Thomas Beeler Sports Editor
Indiana State head women’s basketball coach Teri Moren uses a calm, friendly and assertive approach during the team’s daily practice. Moren believes that there is still room for improvement and senior Taylor Whitley, point guard and elementary education major, shares these beliefs. From the scrimmage with male students to her ten final free throws of the day, Whitley continues to push hard even in the last 30 minutes of long practices. Whitley started her journey in basketball in third grade from being inspired by her father playing at the local gym. Whitley excelled before playing at ISU when she attended and earned four letters at Geneva High School in Geneva, Ill. She topped Geneva records in career scoring, assists and steals and scored double figure in all but two of 120 high school games.
Whitley said she decided to come to Indiana State because of the fans and the spirit of basketball in Terre Haute. The unusually large crowds at the Hulman Center during women’s basketball games drew her to make ISU a home. “The fans are awesome here and the Hulman Center is always packed for women’s games and I thought that was really cool,” Whitley said. Whitley said she gained experience as a leader in high school. With other players in their senior year she chose to step up. Whitley plans to be more vocal at practice and games. With only three upperclassmen on the team this year, she wants to take that leadership role the team is going to need. All three of them need to step up to the leadership role because the freshmen don’t know what to expect. “I had great role models throughout my years here so I kind of got an idea from them to how operate,” Whitley said. Her senior year at Geneva she led her team to a 32-2 season record and the Illinois 4A Final four for the first time in school history and made the second-team AllState by the Associated Press. Whitley was nominated and finished fourth in the votes for the McDonald All-American team for the Illinois Ms. Basketball award in 2009. Other sports she played were volleyball, lettering three year and was a two years All-Conference team member, and lettered her freshman year in soccer. Moren has her team reading a book titled, “The
Senior Taylor Whitley drives to the basket, trying to score (Photo courtesy of Communication and Marketing).
Winners Manual” to teach her athletes about attitude and learning more about life in general. Whitley uses these tactics and said she has grown a lot from her freshman to her senior year. “Playing basketball here has taught me lots of thing on and off the court,” Whitley said.
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