Brother Jed: Love or hate him, he gets us thinking and talking PAGE 6
Features: Title IX panel recognizes 40 years of growing gender equity PAGE 8-9
An Indiana Bill passed to prohibit texting and driving in July 2011 proves to be difficult to enforce, ISU professor says Friday, October 12, 2012 Indiana State University Volume 120 Issue 23
TAKING ON NUMBER ONE Sycamores travel to face top ranked North Dakota State this weekend
According to Indiana House Bill 1129, drivers are prohibited from sending, typing or answering text messages while driving. (Photo by Jamie Nichols). Junior tailback Shakir Bell carries the ball for the Sycamores against South Dakota State University (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).
A bill prohibiting typing, sending, or reading a text message while operating a vehicle has yielded few citations in the Terre Haute area due to difficulty in enforcement. Identifying how a driver is using their phone contributes to the
difficulty officers find in enforcing the law. Using a cell phone for other purposes, however, is legal while driving except for drivers under age 18.
Page 2 • Friday , October 12, 2012
Vigil raises awareness of LGBTQ bullying
Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney 812-237-4102
Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney 812-237-4102
HMSU 143 • 550 Chestnut St. Terre Haute, IN 47809 P: (812) 237-3025 F: (812) 237-7629 Ernest Rollins, Editor-in-Chief, 237-3289 ISU-statesmaneditor@mail.indstate. edu
Jamie Nichols, Photo Editor, 237-3034 ISU-statesmanphotos@mail.indstate. edu Gabi Roach, Student Advertising Manager, 237-4344
The Indiana Statesman is published Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, except during exam periods and university breaks, and is published three times during the summer. The Indiana Statesman was founded May 16, 1929, the same year that Indiana State Normal School became Indiana State Teachers College. The newspaper began in December 1879 as the State Normal News. In November 1895, the paper was first issued as the Normal Advance. Members of the ISU community are welcome to take a single copy of each issue of this newspaper. The unauthorized taking of multiple copies, however, may constitute theft, which is a crime, even with free publications. Thefts will be reported to campus police for possible prosecution and/ or for other disciplinary actions. The Indiana Statesman exists for four main reasons: to provide the ISU community with news and information, to serve the campus as a public forum for student and reader comments, to offer student staff members chances to apply their skills in different aspects of a news publication, and to give students leadership opportunities.
Students hold a moment of silence during a candlelight vigil Thursday. The vigil commemorates members of the LGBTQ community who have been bullied (Photo by Jamie Nichols).
Hannah Michaels Reporter
Students stood in a circle for a moment of silence, candles lit. They had gathered together in the Dede Plaza Thursday to bring awareness and provide support against bullying in the LGBTQ community. “Everyone has been bullied, and I genuinely believe everyone has been a bully too,” Madeline Webster, sophomore language studies and linguistics major, said. “It’s important to recognize when we’ve done it, when it’s happened and how we can work to stop it.” Ryan Jones, a graduate student and computer science major, said as a transgendered individual he has faced hardships. He added that bullying has a lasting effect on an individual but is pleased to see increased awareness of the issue seeming to spread. “You see new awareness every week and you see examples of people doing good things,” Jones said. “It’s very uplifting to read those stories.” According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, eight of ten LGBTQ middle and high school students had been verbally harassed at school and one of five had been the victim of a
physical assault at school. A national study of adolescents in grades 7-12 found that lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth were twice as likely to have attempted suicide as their heterosexual peers. More studies are needed, however, to better understand the risks among transgendered youths. While many have found difficulties in expressing their sexual orientation or gender preference in middle and high school settings, some have found a college setting more accepting. “ISU has diversity and equity as values it is open about, and it’s become a place where it’s okay to be different,” Jones said. “It’s important that it continues to be a real option for people who can get their higher education without worrying about being bullied the minute they walk out the door.” As the issue of bullying is given great attention and awareness, the reason as to why students bully remains a question. “People probably bully others mainly to cover up their own insecurities,” Shaun Brown, sophomore
English major, said. “People are still prejudiced about that sort of thing.” The long-term effects and the danger and prevalence of suicide among members of the LBGTQ community were also brought up during the vigil.
“Everyone has been bullied, and I genuinely believe everyone has been a bully too.” Madeline Webster, sophomore language studies and linguistics major Continued ON page 3
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Continued from page 2
Following a moment of silence at Thursday’s candlelight vigil, participants volunteered to enter the middle of the circle and speak about their experiences with bullying (Photo by Jamie Nichols).
Page 4 • Friday , October 12, 2012
Cheating a growing concern on college campuses Hannah Michaels Reporter
Students and professors at Indiana State ponder the causes and effects of academic dishonesty in the midst of cheating scandals around the nation. The cause of cheating may be beyond academic dishonesty but by goals and priorities that have been set in a given society, Larry Tinnerman, assistance professor of curriculum, instruction, and media technology, said. “Do people come to college to get a degree or an education,” Tinnerman said. “If you come to get a degree only, people will do whatever they need to do to meet those qualifications. The score becomes more important than the knowledge in the test.” A recent study by professor McCabe of the University of Rutgers found startling numbers of cheating in state universities. Seventy percent of students admitted to cheating on exams, and 84 percent admitted to cheating on written assignments. “A man who is drowning will grab at anything to stay alive, and they will pull down anyone who comes to help them,” Tinnerman said. “That’s like cheating. When students get into a situation where they feel they are academically drowning, they may do anything they can to get that A.” According to the ISU Code of Conduct, academic dishonesty includes plagiarism, cheating, submitting another person’s material as one’s own or doing work for which another to receive academic credit. Whether students understand the qualifications of cheating and blatantly defy them or whether students are simply unaware According to a recent study 70 percent of students admitted to cheating on exams and 84 percent admitted to cheating on of the rules remains an important question in written assignments (Illustration by Jamie Nichols). the issue of academic dishonesty. “I don’t think the definition of cheating Online education programs may be a relatively new domain is clear,” Natalia Corbin, a sophomore textile apparel of worry for instructors on the issue of cheating, Tinnerman merchandising major, said. “A research paper is what you said. find. It’s hard to reword something that is so strict with what Though tests are all open-book, the issue of whether its saying. I think it is kind of loose.” students are completing their assignments and tests in an A recent cheating scandal at Harvard University found academically honest way is ultimately unknown for distance that 125 students were suspected of plagiarizing answers instructors. or collaborating on the class’ final take-home exam. Some As the issue of cheating and collaborating on work remains students have chosen to temporarily withdraw, and others are an issue, safe guards are created to help thin the room for awaiting disciplinary action. academic dishonesty. Punishments may range from probation to forced “We need to reinstall people into the joy of learning,” withdrawal for the academic year. Tinnerman said. “Grades are something that will be a natural “The punishment is kind of harsh,” Timothy Rebb, junior consequence of learning, and teachers need to be willing to say Larry Tinnerman, assistant professor of math education major, said. “If a teacher didn’t want students there are alternatives to cheating.” to use outside resources, they shouldn’t have made it a take curriculum, instruction and media technology home final.”
“A man who is drowning will grab at anything to stay alive. That’s like cheating. When students get into a situation where they feel they are academically drowning, they may do anything they can to get that A.”
Continued from page 1
Photo by Jamie Nichols. “The bill doesn’t prevent playing games or making a phone call,” Lisa Decker, associate professor of criminology, said. “You have to have reasonable suspicion to pull somebody over. When you see someone on their phone, there is no way to tell if they’re texting or if they’re checking a voice mail.” Indiana House Bill 1129, which prohibits texting and driving, was made effective on July 1, 2011. It is considered a Class C infraction and a primary law, meaning an officer can pull someone over for the offense without having to witness another violation. In addition, the bill includes a ban on handheld cell phone use while driving. Police officers, however, are prohibited from confiscating a cell phone to determine if the driver was texting while operating the vehicle. According to the Terre Haute Clerk’s Office, only 12 citations have been issued by the Terre Haute police department since the bill was put into effect. Indiana State University police, however, have issued no citations. The bill does not prohibit individuals from driving a vehicle while using a hands-free or voice-operated telecommunications device. “Anything that detracts your attention is going to contribute to accidents,” Decker said. “There are scientific studies that show that it’s not the operating of the hands the causes the difficulty, but it’s the cognition involved in talking on the phone or doing two tasks at once.” A study by the Center for Cognitive Brain Imaging at Carnegie Mellon University in 2008 found that simply listening to a cell phone distracts drivers, though it was concluded
simply to raise awareness of the problem. “Texting and driving is extremely dangerous,” Tattianna Wilks, junior Criminology major, said. “People may think they can do two things at once, but anything can happen if you take your eyes off of the road.” The act of giving full attention isn’t just a problem for drivers. Cyclists must follow the same rules as their motor counterparts, and texting while riding a bicycle is no exception. When a bicycle is on the streets, it is subject to all the same rules as a vehicle as well, Bill Mercier, ISU chief of police, said. Though the act isn’t illegal, it is also important for pedestrians to pay special attention to their surroundings as they are texting and crossing streets near vehicles, Mercier said. “We see a number of people that walk into the streets without looking up,” Mercier said. “People need to be aware when they are crossing streets that they need to be in full control of their surroundings. They shouldn’t assume that drivers can see them.”
“The bill doesn’t prevent playing games or making a phone call. You have to have reasonable suspicion to pull somebody over.” Lisa Decker, associate professor of criminology
Page 5 • Friday , October 12, 2012
IN IN Page 6 • Friday , October 12, 2012
News Nick Hedrick, News Chris Sweeney
Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmannews@ Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney Aaron Abel Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102
News News Opinions
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Contact Us Make your opinion heard by submitting letters to the editor of the Indiana Statesman.
Statesman editorial Brother Jed: Sideshow or dialectic stimulant? For the second Thursday in a row, Brother Jed has graced our campus with his discipleship, professing Christian sentiments while gripping his crucifix staff before dozens of students. Some find Brother Jed to be a regular nuisance, inciting anger and provoking screams by his flippant condemnations. Others think of Jed as merely an entertaining sideshow, a spectacle to spice up our dayto-day campus routine. But whatever your feelings are regarding the faith proclaimer, one thing is certain: he stimulates our brain and sparks conversation. Brother Jed’s tour of college campuses is extensive, he said. “I’ve been on hundreds of campuses in every state, as well as campuses abroad. I’m on some campus somewhere five hours a day, five days a week,” he said. “This is my fortieth year. You name a major campus, and I’ve probably been there.” Many students look forward to the Christ follower’s arrival, regularly attending the circles that inevitably gather around his
booming didacticisms. Brother Jed travels with devout followers of his own, his wife Cynthia and his five daughters, who also take part in spreading his message. “We’ve been married 29 years and we go to a campus every school day,” Cynthia said. “We believe the exact same thing because he taught me everything I know.” Jed’s description of his path to Christianity is a colorful one. Brother Jed graduated from here at Indiana State with a master’s degree before becoming a history professor. He soon got involved in the ‘60s counterculture movement and ended up living on a hippie commune in Morocco, North Africa before making his way to India to study under a Hindu guru. Brother Jed soon found himself regularly walking Indian beaches chanting ‘ohmm’ as the sun
set behind the sea. But Jed’s life was about to take a drastic turn on what initially appeared to be a regular night of transcendental meditation on that same sandy shore. “On Christmas day of 1971, a man carrying a cross marched in the midst of our hippie band and began to preach in the name of Jesus, and I got to thinking; despite all of my education I’ve never read the Bible,” Jed said. “Well I didn’t have to read very far to realize that if the Bible is true I’m in trouble, I’m headed for hell. So I was still going down the beach meditating, but I was no longer chanting “ohmm,” I was meditating on what I read in the Bible.” Brother Jed’s knowledge of Biblical scripture is unquestionable, as he frequently finishes the verses quoted by students for them. Despite this familiarity, much concern has arisen regarding Jed’s methods of his delivery. Brother Jed can often be heard lambasting passing students, calling sorority members “sluts,” guys in tight pants “homosexuals,” and military members “baby killers.” Senior exercise science major Anthony Shannon claims the Christian faith, but entirely denounces Brother Jed’s approach to evangelizing. “He said I was a rapist and that I was going to take advantage of all the girls present because I’m in a fraternity,” Shannon said. “I was upset because I have been a Christian for two and a half years now and I have never been the type to do anything like that in my life. Apparently I’m the only virgin rapist in existence.” The talk about rape continued among others, as Brother Jed suggested that we need to judge people, so as to protect ourselves from dangers akin to rape. “You need to judge, you need to judge to keep yourselves safe,” he said. “You girls have to be careful, especially if you have a stepfather because stepfathers are more likely to be tempted than a natural father.”
“Brother Jed’s life was about to take a drastic turn on what initially appeared to be a regular night of transcendental meditation on that same sandy shore.’”
Letters must be fewer than 350 words and include year in school, major and phone number for verification. Letters will be published with the author’s name, year in school and major. The Statesman editorial board reserves the right to edit letters for length, libel, clarity and vulgarity.
Opinions Policy The Indiana Statesman opinions page is an opportunity for the Indiana State University community to express its views. The opinions, individual and collective, expressed in the Statesman and the student staff ’s selection or arrangement of content do not necessarily reflect the attitudes of Indiana State University, its Board of Trustees, administration, faculty or student body. The Statesman editorial board writes staff editorials and makes final decisions about news content.
Brother Jed professes his message to interested students on campus (Photo by Aaron Abel).
Page 7 • Friday , October 12, 2012
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 Brother Jed also propounds other seemingly nonChristian messages to his audience such as his non-sinful nature. “It is not human nature to sin. Since I’ve been saved, I’ve lived a sinless life,” he said. Other Biblical contradictions arose when Brother Jed questioned God’s omniscient nature. “There are things that happen that God cannot know. God changes his mind in the Bible, God repents in the Bible, God get’s surprised in the Bible,” he said. “He can’t have the future predetermined, otherwise we wouldn’t have free will.” Such declarations tend to enrage Christians more so than the non-religious students attending Brother Jed’s sermons. Junior English education major John Delph, like many other Christian students, was disturbed by Jed’s approach. “As a Christian, this kind of talk gives a bad light to Christians and religion in general,” Delph said. “He says he lives a sinless life, that is not possible. He is an antagonist, he isn’t preaching love but condemnation.” Atheist sophomore Biology major Shawn Gibford has spent countless hours beside Brother Jed’s side the during his last two visits, holding a notebook with varying messages such as “All you need is love,” as well as lighthearted ones reading “I’m currently getting my car towed.” “I have a lot of respect for him coming out here and being in such a hostile environment. However, I think
the way he’s going about trying to preach his message if definitely the wrong way,” Gibford said. “The way he is presenting his message is getting in the way of the message itself.” Brother Jed is an intelligent and learned individual and it seems entirely possible that he is not delusionally believing that his methods of fire and brimstone condemnation are directly bringing students to the Lord. So perhaps his methods are working in mysterious ways. Gibford finds this notion intriguing. “Maybe they’re doing this to get some sort of attention regardless of the type of attention, just to get a rise out of people,” Gibford said. Our suspicions were confirmed when Brother Jed touched on his irritating demeanor. “My primary goal is to get people thinking,” Jed said. “I’m encouraged by their reaction, I’m encouraged by the way it bothers them. People were bothered by Jesus.” In a very large sense, Brother Jed creates a positive influence on our campus aside from just sharing a common enemy to badger because his enraging comments are precisely what stimulate our thinking and subsequently catalyzes discourse. While we have various religious groups and organizations around campus, there are no open forums of this nature that bring together the diversity of ideologies that Brother Jed does. Whether you hate or love Brother Jed, he brings us closer together and the numerous small groups fragmenting from the main conversation to start their own discussions evidence this.
“I’m encouraged by their reaction, I’m encouraed by the way it bothers them.” Brother Jed
Brother Jed spreads his message as a student playfully teases him (Photo by Aaron Abel).
Syria/Rwada: When apathy means death One of the worst cases of genocide in human history took place in Rwanda, Africa in 1994. In the following weeks, somewhere in the vicinity of 800,000 people were slaughtered so that the ruling class could stay in power. I remember sitting in my history class in high school as the teacher Devin told us about the slaughter; people were brutally chopped to death with Barker machetes in their own homes. I was The appalled to know that the radio Shoulders and television programs in Rwanda the massacre. But the of Giants encouraged sickest, most gut-wrenching thing I learned about the Rwandan Genocide is that even though it was covered by international media, the American people just sat idly by, eating their T.V. dinners and watching the genocide on the news and didn’t do a damned thing to stop it. I was so ashamed that our parents and grandparents were too apathetic to stop the murder of an entire race of
human beings. And that makes me a hypocrite. I am a hypocrite because even though I loathed our predecessors for standing by during murder on a national level, we are doing the exact same thing. Now the place in need of help is Syria, a country with a dictatorship that our government supports. But that dictatorship is one of the most oppressive in history and has systematically bombed, shot and burned an estimated 30,000 people since the beginning of the civil war, according to Reuters. These citizens have been begging for international intervention, but the rest of the world has shied away from the fighting and killing. That’s probably for the best anyway... God forbid a politician might get his hands dirty for a good reason. So yet again the United States, with the biggest military budget in the world, refuses to guard the sanctity of human life by interfering in a civil war for freedom. The problem is that the government is supposed to work for the people; however, the people of this country do not care enough about the people being slaughtered in a foreign nation to make the government do something. We Americans are too
busy dealing with weekly board meetings and sitcoms to stop genocide. How messed up do our priorities have to be for something like this to happen? These people are innocent human beings fighting to gain freedom from a brutal totalitarian regime and we should relate to that. After all, our country was borne from a similar struggle. Moreover, as Americans we are taught that all people are born with certain rights, the first of which is the right to live. If we truly believe in the universal rights of humanity we should be fighting along with them; not watching from the sidelines while we pretend our hands are tied. To do otherwise is tantamount to the French ignoring our pleas for aid during the Revolutionary war. Our only hope for being moral world citizens, for using our military might for good, is if we cast off the apathy of our parents and push for our government to do something about the slaughter. So please don’t be like I have been. The information has been shown to us and we know how it has played out in the past. Together we can prevent the past from repeating, we can prevent another Rwanda; we just have to care enough.
IN IN Page 8 • Friday , October 12, 2012
News Nick Hedrick, News Chris Sweeney
ISU celebrates the 40th anniversary of Title IX
Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmannews@ Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney Richelle Kimble Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102
News News Features
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Upcoming Events Friday Love and Fame: Works by Indiana and Warhol University Art Gallery 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday Love and Fame: Works by Indiana and Warhol University Art Gallery 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sunday John Spicknall Jazz Trio Recital Hall 2 p.m.
Professor Jolynn Kuhlman discusses program benefits of Title IX (Photo by Jamie Nichols).
Richelle Kimble Features Editor Jolynn Kuhlman and her former teammates stood in the Bryce Jordan Center at Pennsylvania State University witnessing their names scroll on the large, flashing scoreboard that hanged in the center. For the first time, these ladies were being recognized for their success as athletes 30 years prior. “It was like, ‘wow, this is what it’s like to be an athlete nowadays,” she said. It wasn’t until 2004 that Kuhlman, a former multi-sport athlete at Penn State University from 1968-1972, and her female teammates were awarded their varsity letters. “It was really kind of neat. They finally recognized us,” she said. “Everybody walked out really proud of that letter.” When she was in college, no women were awarded varsity letters. Instead, they were given “kilt pins” upon graduation for their work and dedication. Kuhlman, now a professor of kinesiology, recreation and sport at Indiana State University, graduated college one month before the federal civil rights law called Title IX was passed in June 1972, just missing the removal of barriers for female athletes around the nation. To her, celebrating Title IX is more than just accepting the law; it’s about relentlessly enforcing gender equality in sport and fully using the law to enhance women’s athletics.
“The best part was when I started coaching, and I could give the opportunities to my athletes that I didn’t have,” she said. “I could witness them reaping the benefits of Title IX. They got to travel, they got uniforms and everything [that I didn’t].” Kuhlman and Teri Moren, ISU women’s head basketball coach, were the two main speakers at the Title IX panel on Wednesday that gathered students and staff to celebrate and recognize how 40 years of Title IX has impacted gender equity in sports. Moren described herself as a “by-product” of Title IX, stating that women like Kuhlman and her former coach at Purdue, Linn Dunn, were the pioneers. She emphasized that most young women don’t recognize the struggle others have historically fought for the opportunity they have, just as she didn’t as a collegiate athlete. “I was one of those young naïve young ladies that our kids are right now,” she said. “It wasn’t until Coach Dunn really gave [my team] a history lesson of what it used to be like that I came to the conclusion that it wasn’t always like this. That is where my gratitude of sport started; that was my first history lesson of Title IX.”
Page 9 • Friday , October 12, 2012
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 Dunn attended University of Tennessee-Martin in the mid ‘60s without an organized program. The women’s basketball team had to personally buy their uniforms and t-shirts, do their own laundry, tape their numbers on their uniforms and drive to their games the night before their game to sleep on the gym floor. “She thought it was great. She thought it was the best thing that ever happened to her that she was able to play college basketball,” Moren said. “But all the things that they had to do and endure don’t seem fair now.” In order to enhance their stories and give attendees a better understanding, Kuhlman provided factual evidence that briefed the impact of Title IX in the last 40 years. Among these facts is the significant growth of female athletes since 1972. At the high school level, the number of female athletes has increased by nearly 3 million. In the NCAA, female athletic participants have increased by over 170,000. At the elite level, the 2012 Olympics marked the first year that there were more women than men representing the USA; in 1972, there were 316 men and 84 women and in 2012, there were 261 men and 269 women. Additionally, Kuhlman signified the benefits of Title IX: more female athletes mean more role models for young women. Academically, the number of women earning doctoral degrees has increased by twenty percent since 1977. “[Women] are much more educated because of the opportunity they’ve been given from Title IX,” Kuhlman said. Moren emphasized her gratitude for women like Kuhlman and Dunn who have fought to exponentially increase opportunity for women in athletics. She feels that it is crucial to pass this gratitude on to her students and athletes in order to teach them about the history of Title IX. “I’m the first to remind them of the things that they have, and all of the things people before them didn’t have. They should be thankful and grateful,” Moran said. “To me, that’s’ what the lesson is: to be grateful, to remind them of how far we’ve come.” As a closing statement to attendees, Kuhlman reminded the audience of her efforts and battles throughout the years. Though, she said that after 40 years, it’s time for a new generation to step up and continue the fight for
ISU women’s head basketball coach Teri Moren speaking about how Title IX has impacted her experience as an athlete and coach (Photo by Jamie Nichols).
gender equity. “I challenge you all to defend Title IX. Protect it for your children and grandchildren and ensure that they have equal opportunity,” she said.
“I’m the first to remind them of the things that they have, and all of the things people before them didn’t have.” Teri Moren, ISU women’s head basketball coach
Page 10 • Friday , October 12, 2012
Naughty Dog to release new video game Thomas Beeler Sports Editor Game developer, Naughty Dog, has included factors from their recently successful Uncharted series into a new project. The Last of Us is a story about a man named Joel allied by a teenage girl, Ellie. They wander west where nature has reclaimed the land and an infectious virus has broken out with few humans being immune to it. They work together trying to survive the people called the “Infected,” the military and others out in the world who see Joel and Ellie as an opportunity to gather supplies or practice their hunting skills. According to Naughty Dog, Rooster Cogburn from True Grit heavily influences Joel’s character. He is a violent character that has gone to a dark place. After a life of selling guns and drugs, he is essentially dead inside. As he works with Ellie, he hopes to have another chance at redemption. Ellie, who is 14 years old, was born after the infection already took over modern civilization. Thus, she doesn’t know a life outside the walls of the quarantine zone. According to Naughty Dog, her love of finding relics of the past like books and music lead her to trouble in the boarding home she resides in. An event took place that led her to skip town with Joel. With Joel, Mattie Ross from True Grit influences Ellie’s character. A major aspect people are looking forward to from this survival thriller is the new Artificial Intelligence (AI) system called “balance of power”. This brings a more realistic feel to the table, which wasn’t in Naughty Dog’s previous game. For example, one bullet will kill an enemy much like in real life depending on were the bullet hits. Additionally, the AI system will notice what Joel will is carrying and will alert other characters so they can adjust to the situation. For example, this feature can assist Ellie by allowing her to interact with the environment around her and find objects to help Joel and herself.
“Just like we owned pulp action adventure with Uncharted, we are going to own survival action with the Last of Us.” Neil Drunkmann, creative director at Naughty
Like in Uncharted, when the character loses health it doesn’t regenerate it. The player must find health packs and find items to help heal the character. Joel can combine items to make weapons to protect himself and Ellie. The Last of Us is looking to be released on Dec. 31 along with the psychological thriller, Beyond: Two Souls. Neil Drunkmann, creative director at Naughty Dog, said when people look at the survival horror genre in film, they see something like 28 Days Later; when people look at the survival horror genre in book, they see City of Theives. They’re all character driven and all about applying pressure Illustration by Mark Voelker. on the character forcing them to make difficult “No Country for Old Men is one film you wouldn’t decisions that define who they are as people. The expect us to be referencing,” Straley said. “It’s story works so well because it’s telling the player interesting to us. In the whole opening sequence of who they are. that movie, there is minimal dialog, there’s minimal “Just like we owned pulp action adventure with exposition. It’s just all about subtlety and subtext Uncharted, we are going to own survival action with and we find that extremely compelling.” the Last of Us,” Drunkmann said. “We’re designing and creating a story based on the Drunkmann also said that the teaser trailer subtractive concept like less is more.” Straley said, explains the direction they wanted to go with Joel “How much stuff can we pull [and still find] the and Ellie. When players put two and two together, most effective and efficient way to get the emotion they will see Joel as a survivor. He’s able fight another of the player. ” humans for survival, killing them instantaneously. They’ll also see he is capable of fear when he is hiding from the infected. “He has to trust this 14 year old girl to defeat this thing,” Drunkmann said. “We see Ellie, with a knife surviving in this world. We’ve put enough hints in there to say this is the only world she knows. She doesn’t know cell phones or go shopping with her friends, she just know survival.” Bruce Straley, game director of Naughty Dog, said that The Last of Us references an out of the box film players wouldn’t expect.
Page 11 • Friday , October 12, 2012
Rec Fest ready to roll after lengthy delay
Jacey Hodson Reporter Students eagerly looking forward to this fall’s Rec Fest during Welcome Week were sorely disappointed when faced with the announcement that it was postponed “until further notice.” Rumors spread across campus concerning the cause of the delay, and whether or not the event would be canceled altogether. Fortunately, the Rec Fest has been rescheduled for Friday, Oct. 19, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. The event was delayed due to the Aug. 23 shooting at the Ballyhoo bar just off campus. “All major events were canceled due to increased tension and concern for the safety of the students,” John Lentz, director of recreational sports, said. The Rec Fest was rescheduled for almost two months after the initial date. Lentz said the event works best when planned on a Friday night, and Oct. 19 was the earliest Friday night on which no other school events had been planned. Lentz said that he reccommends students to arrive at the Rec Center up to an hour early, for the line to get in is expected to be fairly lengthy. The first 750 students there will be handed free t-shirts as they walk in the door. The Rec Fest will feature a variety of events and entertainment, as well as large quantities of free food. Activities planned include karaoke, chair massages, beer goggle contests sponsored by Student Health Promotions, bingo, corn-hole and Wii games. Giveaways will also be spaced throughout the evening. “[There is] a large drawing and skills contest for a 40-inch Samsung LCD TV, PS3, Soundbar combination. We will call winning drawing tickets every 15 minutes.
The contestant will have an opportunity to make a half-court basketball shot to win the package or they may opt for a $15 gift card,” Lentz said. The original Rec Fest planned for Aug. 24 was intended to feature a roller skating floor in the MAC court. Unfortunately, it was no longer available to be reserved for the rescheduled event. Students can look out for it at this December’s De-Stress Fest. As a replacement, jousting and obstacle course inflatables have been added to the evening’s activities. Lentz said students will also be able to enjoy a “Flick’n Float” movie—Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride—to take advantage of the Halloween season. The film will be screened in the natatorium. For any upperclassmen who might be considering skipping out on the Rec Fest, all of the events planned were not merely intended for newcomers to campus. Although Lentz admits that the Rec Fest is “marketed hard to freshmen,” it is open to the entirety of the ISU student body, and is meant to welcome everyone back to the ISU campus for another semester.
“All major events were canceled due to increased tension and concern for the safety of the students.” John Lentz, director of recreational sports
Students wore beer goggles while shooting hoops at the 2011 Rec Fest to learn about the effects of alcohol (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).
Page 12 • Friday , October 12, 2012
News Nick Hedrick, News Chris Sweeney
Sycamores ready to rock Pre-Nationals
Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102 ISU-statesmannews@ Nick Hedrick, Chris Sweeney Thomas Beeler Nick Hedrick, 812-237-4102 Chris Sweeney ISU-statesmannews@ 812-237-4102
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Upcoming Events Women’s Volleyball Friday at ISU Arena vs. Drake at 7 p.m. Saturday at ISU Arena vs. Creighton at 7 p.m.
Women’s Soccer Sunday at Normal, Ill. vs. Illinois State at 2 p.m.
Football Saturday at Fargo, N.D. vs. North Dakota State at 4 p.m.
Senior Jessica Zangmeister making her way to the finish line at the Indiana Intercollegiates (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).
Craig Padgett Reporter
The Indiana State men’s and women’s cross country teams will continue their trek through the 2012 cross country season in their quest for the first NCAA Division I finals appearance in the team’s history. This journey will take them to Louisville, Ky. where, for the first time in seven years, the prenational championships will take place outside of Terre Haute. This meet will feature eight teams ranked in the NCAA’s top 30 this season. Women’s Cross Country “I actually think with the way it has come out with us being in the unseeded race, that we should be able to be pretty competitive,” Head women’s cross country coach John Gartland said. “I thought the same thing at Notre Dame and we fell a little
short, but I think we can be competitive in this one.” Indiana State will be competing against 25 other universities’ full squads, as well us 30 universities’ second tier of runners. These universities will range from coast to coast as the Pre Nationals bring schools from everywhere in the United States. Some key teams that the Sycamores will be gunning for will be Kent State University, which placed second place at an all-Ohio meet this season, as well as Dayton and Akron which were third and fourth in that same race. They will also face in-state rival Indiana University, who may be bring a split squad. Other region teams that have been competitive in the past will be Central Michigan and Toledo. “There are no overwhelming favorites in this race, not a lot of ranked teams, but we hold our
number 15 ranking in the Great Lakes region,” Gartland said. “I’m very excited for this one. I think it will be very crowded, very congested, but we will have a strategy that will offset that and set us up for success.” The lady Sycamores are led by junior Jessica Zangmeister, sophomore Nicole Lucas, senior Hanna Mercer and junior Kalli Dalton. The Sycamores will race 6,000 meters, as opposed to the normal 5,000 meters at pre-nationals. “Zangmeister was a 5,000 and 10,000 meter scorer at outdoor conference,” Gartland said. “Lucas has considered herself as a longer distance runner, and Mercer and Dalton were scorers in the 3,000 meter steeple chase outdoor, which correlates well with the longer distance.”
continued on page 16
Women’s Basketball holding eighth annual Big Blue Block Party
Scene from last year’s the ISU women’s basketball Big Blue Block Party (Photo courtesy of ISU Athletic Media Relations).
Danny Pfrank ISU Athletic Media Relations In what has become a tradition every Moren will lead the Sycamores through an open October in the Wabash Valley, the Indiana State practice and a short scrimmage, before a threewomen’s basketball team will host their annual point contest will take place. The event will run meet and greet with the community, as the Big until 7:30 p.m. inside Hulman Center. Blue Block Party will take place on Friday, Oct. Admission is free throughout the entire 12, from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Terre Haute. evening. Contact assistant coach Sara The event begins in the Clabber Girl parking Riedeman at for lot on the corner of 9th and Cherry in Terre more information. Haute, with free food, music, kid zone and an ISU opens the year with an exhibition contest autograph session taking place from 5:30on Friday, Nov. 2, against Bellarmine, before 6:45 p.m. Members of the coaching staff and kicking off the 2012-13 season with homes the entire 2012-13 Sycamores roster will be contests against Eastern Illinois on Friday, Nov. on hand to meet those planning on packing 9 and Marshall on Monday, Nov. 12. Hulman Center throughout the season. At 6:45 p.m. the event will move inside Hulman Center, as third-year head coach Teri
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ISU looking to upset number one North Dakota
Senior linebackers Aaron Archie and Jacolby Washington tackle an opposing player during their game against South Dakota State on Sept. 22 (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).
Jared McCormick Reporter The Sycamores return to action this Saturday at Gate City Bank Field at the Fargodome in Fargo North Dakota. The Sycamores, who are coming off of a victory over Missouri State, will look to defeat the North Dakota State Bison who are the number one ranked team in the Missouri Valley Football Conference and the Football Champion Subdivision. This will be no easy task for the Sycamores, however, because the Bison, too, are coming off a trouncing of number three ranked Youngstown State 48–7. The North Dakota Bison, who were last year’s FCS national champions. The Bison are currently on a ten game winning streak dating back to last season. Their current record ties South Carolina for the second longest division I winning streak behind Harvard with a 13 game winning streak. The Bison have been ranked number one in the FCS Coaches and The Sports Network’s poll for six consecutive weeks. North Dakota State also boasts the top defense in the FCS as well by only allowing an average of 8.4 points per game. The Sycamores have some defensive stats of their own to be proud of. By only allowing around 13 points per game, they have placed themselves as the second ranked defense in the MVFC and third in the nation. The Sycamores also have senior
linebacker Aaron Archie who leads the MVFC with a 12.0 tackle per game average which also ranks him sixth nationally. Fellow senior linebacker Jacolby Washington is not far behind Archie in these stats. Junior Cornerback Calvin Burnett, also, has recorded a pair of interceptions in the past two games. The Sycamore defense has continued to make strides in each game this season to help set up the team for success. Junior tailback Shakir Bell, who just moved to the third spot all time for rushing yards for Indiana State, said that this had to be “their breakout game.” The Sycamores have not been able to overcome the Bison to this point. The Bison hold the series record at 4–0. The last time the Sycamores faced the Bison was at Memorial Stadium last season when the Sycamores fell 27–16. Indiana State head coach Trent Miles feels confident in his team. “If they execute, protect the ball and play a good game, they have a good chance to win,” Miles said. The Sycamores currently have a 30–7 scoring advantage in the fourth quarter this season. They have outscored opponents by a 72–31 point margin in the second half this season. The Sycamores will look to defeat a number one ranked
team for the first time in their history. This contest will be televised on ESPN3 and will also be available on gosycamores. com and WIBQ (98.5). If the Sycamores win, they will also have their second consecutive 3–1 record in the MVFC. This contest will be a test to see if the Sycamores have what it takes to dethrone a national powerhouse and continue the trend of upsets that have seemed to be the story this year in college football.
“If they execute, protect the ball,and play a good game, they have a good chance to win.” Trent Miles, head ISU football coach
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Page 16 • Friday , October 12, 2012
CONTINUed FROM PAGE 12 Zangmeister said that pre-national meet is always a really exciting race for the team. It’s the last race before the MVC Championships and it’s also one of the biggest races the team will run until the regional meet. She said the Sycamores can take their great performances from Notre Dame and build off that for Louisville. This is their first 6k race of the season. Men’s Cross Country “The quality of this meet will be tough yet again, as there will be eight ranked teams this week,” head men’s cross country coach John McNichols said. “Also there will be 39 in our race compared to 20 a few weeks ago at Notre Dame.” Among those competing to take the title will be number three Brigham Young, number seven Colorado, number nine Tulsa, and number 14 Florida State. The Sycamores will enter the meet ranked number eight in the Great Lakes Region and are coming off a 15th place finish at the ultra-competitive Notre Dame Invitational. Now the Sycamores will be aiming to take down many top ranked teams in the nation in order to gain points toward the larger picture to nationals. Senior Albaro Escalera, coming off a school record effort, will be looking to lead the Sycamore charge.
“I think the team is well prepared for pre nationals,” Escalera said. “Workouts as a team have gotten better and better. I think we got our feet wet at Notre Dame and we now know what will rise to the occasion.” Other key runners for the Sycamores are senior Dustin Betz and sophomore John Mascari. “I feel more prepared for pre-national than I have for any other race yet this season,” Betz said. “I feel the hard workouts at the beginning of the season are starting to take a positive effect on my body. We currently have five sycamores running together at the top that can score big at Louisville. The field of runners will be flooding the course making it difficult to move. The loaded field will give the sycamores another chance to improve for the at-large bid for the NCAA nationals in late November.” The Sycamores will have to keep a tight pack to achieve these goals. “I expect Escalera, Mascari and Betz to be our first three and be up in the mix,” McNichols said. “However, a lot will ride on our next three to navigate the course and keep the gap close to the front. Last week we were over a minute, and we want to get that under a minute, and close to 40-45 seconds and expect to feel more comfortable off of a fast start. We will need to perform well here in order to give ourselves a good shot at qualifying
for NCAA’s. That will be very critical in a meet like this with so many bodies finishing so close together.” This meet will be very crucial for a team like Indiana State, who will be right on the bubble come selection time for the NCAA Division I National Championship in November. “If we are top ten, then that would be fantastic. Top 20 would be acceptable as well,” McNichols said. The men’s and women’s team will see how far they can go and if they will be in good position come November. The men will race at 9:30 a.m. in the seeded race and the women will be on the course at 11:30 a.m. in the unseeded race.
“Workouts as a team have gotten better and better. I think we got our feet wet at Notre Dame and we now know what will rise to the occasion.” John McNichols, head men’s cross country coach
Senior Albaro Escalera and sophomore John Macsari trying to reach the front of the pack at the Indiana Intercollegiates (Photo courtesy of ISU Communications and Marketing).