INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education
It is used to evaluate dentofacial proportions and clarify the anatomic basis for malocclusion. INTRODUCTION Very much thanks to the discovery of x-rays by roentgen in 1895 that revolutionized dentistry, which make the base for the cephalometry analysis. Cephalometry as comprises of two words i.e. cephalo means head and metric means measurment. While having some light on the history of it, we go back to the craniometry which means the measurement of cranial facial dimension of skull of dead person, as it was not applicable to living as soft tissue envelope cause problem. Then coming back to cephalometric presentation, it was done simultaneously by BROADBENT in USA and HOFROATH in germany in 1931. using a high powered x-ray and head holder cephalostat.
TYPES: 1. LATERAL:-provide lateral view of skull 2.
FRONTAL:-provide anterioposterior view of skull.
USES:1. helps in diagnosis of the orthodontic,treatment by enabling study of skeletal, soft tissue, dental str. Of cranio facial region. 2. helps in classification of skeletal and dental abnormalities and classifying its types. 3.
helps in planning treatment.
4. helps in evaluation of treatment results bu qualifying the changes brought about by treatment. 5. helps in predicting growth related changes and changes associated with surgical treatment. 6. valuable aid in research work involving cranio-facial-dental region EQUIPMENTS:Ceph. Radiographs are taken by x-rays source and head holding device called cephalostat. It consist of two rods that keep head in horizontal posn stable. Vertical posn is held by orbital pointer.upper part is supported by forehead clamp. Distance between x-ray source and mid-sagittal plane is fixed at 5 feet and distance between plane and image receiver is 1.5 feet.
Cephalometric Set Up
Few requirements for landmarkd are:1.
easily seen.
uniform in outline and reproducible.
permit valid quantitative measurements of lines and angles projected from them.
VARIOUS LANDMARKS ARE:1. NASION:-most ant pt. Midway between frontal and nasal bone on frontonasal suture. 2. ORBITALE:- lowest point on inferior bony margin of orbit. 3. PORION:- highest bony point on upper margin of ext auditory meatus. 4.
SELLA:- point representing midway of pituitary fossa.
5. POINT A(SUBSPINALE):- deepest pt. between ans and alveolar crest between two upper central incisors. 6. POINT B(SUPRAMENTALE):- deepest pt.. between mental process and alveolar crest of mandible between two lower central incisors.
7. BASION:- median pt. Of anterior margin of foramen magnum 8.
ANS:- ant.tip of sharp bony process of maxilla.
9. GONION:- constructed pt. At jxn.Of ramal and mandibular plane 10.
POGONION:- most ant. Pt on bony chin in median plane
MENTON:- most inferior pt. On mandibular symphsis
12. chin.
GNATHION:- most antero-inferior pt. On symphsis of
13. ARTICULARE:- pt At jxn of post. Border of ramus and inferior border of basilar part of occipital bone. 14.
CONDYLION:- superior pt. On head of condyle.
15. PROSTHION(SUPRADENTALE):- lowest and most on alveolar bone in midline between upper central incisor. 16. INFRADENTALE:- highest and most.Ant pt. O alveolar process between lower central incisor. 17. KEY RIDGE:-lower most pt. On contour of ant. Wall of infratemporal fossa. 18. PNS:- tip of post.spine of palatine born at jxn of soft and hard palate
19. PTM(PTERYOMAXILLAR FISSURE):- is the intersection of inf.border foramen rotundum with the post. Wall of pterygomaxillary fissure. 20.
GLABELLA:- most prominent part of forehead
CHELION:- corner of mouth
22. SUMNASALE:- lower boarder of nose meet outer contour of upper lip. 23. BOLTON POINT:- highest the post condylar notch of occipital bone. 24. BROADBENT REGISTRATION POINT:- is the midpoint of perpendicular from crest of sella tursica to the Bolton plane. Leader in continuing dental education