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Yellow discoloration of skin & sclera due to excess serum bilirubin. > 40umol/l, (3mg/dl) Not necessarily liver disease. Conjugated & Unconjugated types Obstructive & Non Obstructive Pre-Hepatic, Hepatic & Post Hepatic types.
•Blood •Conjugated & Conjugated •Urine – Urobilinogen •Stool – Stercobilin
Post Hepatic (Obstructive) – Stone, tumor
Pre Hepatic (Acholuric) - Hemolytic
Unconjugated/Indirect Bil, pale urine
Hepatocellular Jaundice - Viral
Conjugated/Direct Bil, High colored urine,
Liver damage - unconjugated Swelling, canalicular obstruction - Conjugated
Conjugated & Unconjugated types.
Venkatesh Murthy Shashidhar Senior Lecturer in Pathology Fiji School of Medicine
1. 2. 3. 4.
Diffuse fibrous scarring of liver. End result of many diseases of liver. Loss of architecture Liver failure Portal Hypertension – 1. 2. 3.
Spleenomegaly Porta-systemic shunts. Ascitis
Regenerating Nodule
Alcoholic liver disease Viral hepatitis Biliary disease Primary hemochromatosis Cryptogenic cirrhosis
60-70% 10% 5-10% 5% 10-15%
Wilson’s, α1AT def
Hepatocyte injury & necrosis Fibrous scarring Parenchymal regeneration (non functional) Loss of archetecture & Vascular disruption Portal hypertension Liver failure – Hepatic coma. •www.indiandentalacademy.com
Porta systemic shunts LIVER
Toxic N2 metabolites From Intestines •www.indiandentalacademy.com
Jaundice, Abdominal Striae
Congestive splenomegaly. Bleeding varices. Hepatocellular failure.
Hepatic encephalitis / hepatic coma.
Hepatocellular carcinoma.
Common end result of diffuse liver damage. (common causes: Viral hepatitis & Alcohol)
Characterised by complete loss of architecture. Replaced by fibrosis & regenerating parenchymal nodules. Hepatocellular insufficiency & portal hypertension.
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