Dynamic smile / dental implant courses by Indian dental academy

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Evolution of the concept and dynamic records of smile capture

INDIAN DENTAL ACADEMY Leader in continuing dental education www.indiandentalacademy.com www.indiandentalacademy.com

PART - I Evolution of the concept and dynamic records of smile capture : Esthetics in orthodontics mainly defined in terms of profile enhancement – tend to drift away from clinical examination &the art of physical diagnosis Angle 1899 – once ideal tooth-jaw positions were achieved , then soft tissues would fall in line. Recent focus – multifactorial nature of smile , combined with a shift towards patient driven esthetic diagnosis and treatment planning www.indiandentalacademy.com

In contemporary orthodontics ,patients are examined in 3 spatial dimensions (static and dynamic ) –attempt to harmonise lip – tooth – jaw relationships (anatomic &physiologic ) and esthetic and functional desires


To treat smile : 1. Identify & quantify which element of smile needs correction, improvement or enhancement 2. Identify the positive elements of smile to be maintained or protected during our treatment 2. Visualized treatment strategy to address patient’s chief concerns www.indiandentalacademy.com

3 spatial dimensions in profile frontal vertical

2 dynamic factors to be considered: 1. Soft tissue repose and animation 2. Facial changes with aging Disadvantages of cephalometric evaluation : 1. Scammon’s growth curve www.indiandentalacademy.com 2. Stable dento-skeletal relationships.


• Photographs – frontal rest ,smile - profile rest , smile - oblique smile - smile close-ups (frontal ,oblique) • Radiographs •Study models


Profile -smile

Close-up frontal

Close-up oblique


2. Dynamic records Digital videography : records ant. tooth display during speech & smile. 2 segments of video – frontal & oblique dimension 30 frames /sec.- in standardized fashion “Chelsea eats cheese cake on Chesapeake” – video clip is taken (5 sec ) ---the smile that best represents patient’s www.indiandentalacademy.com unstrained social smile selected.








3 smile styles :

1. Commisure smile 2. Cuspid smile 3. Complex smile

3. DIRECT MEASUREMENT AS A BIOMETRIC TOOL Allows quantification of resting & dynamic lip –tooth relationships. ADVANTAGES: 1. Information translated to meaningful treatment plan 2. Visualize time related changes & repeatability www.indiandentalacademy.com

STATIC 1. Commisure height 2. Philtrum height 3. Inter labial gap 4. Incisor show at rest DYNAMIC 1. Crown height 2. Gingival display 3. Smile arc www.indiandentalacademy.com

4. Incisor show at smile

PHILTRUM HEIGHT : sub spinale to vermilion border -relation to max. incisor & commissure height is more important - In adolescence , philtrum height is shorter than commissure height COMMISURE HEIGHT : Construct line from alar bases thru subspinale & from the commisures perpendicular to this line GINGIVAL DISPLAY : Relation with incisor show at rest is important . It is BETTER to treat gummy smile less aggressively –more esthetic than a smile with less tooth display www.indiandentalacademy.com

SMILE ARC : From frontal view : curvature of incisal edges of incisors & canines to curvature of lower lip in posed social smile Ideal smile arc /consonant – Flat smile / nonconsonant – Reverse smile arc –


Case illustration:

Excessive gingival display due to Short philtrum height Excessive curtain on smile Short max. incisor crown height www.indiandentalacademy.com

Mild vertical max. excess



3 dimensions – 1. Frontal 2. Oblique 3. Sagittal 4 th dimension – “TIME “ www.indiandentalacademy.com


FRONTAL DIMENSION: Vertical and transverse characteristics Smile index : “ACKERMAN AND ACKERMAN ” Area framed by vermilion border during social smile Intercommissure width Inter labial gap -enables comparison ofwww.indiandentalacademy.com smiles

Vertical characteristics of the smile : 1. Incisor display – 2. Gingival display – 3. Smile arc – 4. Relation between gingival margins & u.lip – -gingival margins of canines should coincide with upper lip & lateral incisors slightly inferior. -gingival margins should coincide with upper lip in the social smile. - age factor.


Transverse characteristics of smile 1. Arch formuse of broad square arch forms in collapsed arch improves transverse smile dimensions -denture smile -flattening of smile arc



2. Buccal corridorFrom mesial line angle of I p.m. to interior portion of commissure


3. Transverse cant of maxillary occ. plane • Differential eruption • Skeletal mandibular asymmetry •Asymmetric smile curtain Only frontal smile visualization allows visualization of any dental /skeletal asymmetry transversely. Frontal full face /close up smile mandatory. www.indiandentalacademy.com

OBLIQUE DIMENSIONS Characterizes smile as not obtainable with frontal view / ceph. Analysis

molars to the curvature of lower lip on posed smile. Consonant /parallel Nonconsonant /flat www.indiandentalacademy.com

Occlusal cant

Oblique- smile arc



1.Overjet In cl.II / cl.III patients , frontal smile appears esthetic. Oblique & sagittal views shows underlying skeletal pattern & dental compensation


SAGITTAL MAXILLARY POSITION –influences smile in frontal view ( transverse smile dimensions )

Transverse smile dimension is a function of both arch width and A-P position of max. & mnd. arches www.indiandentalacademy.com

2. INCISOR PROCLINATION: Flaring of incisors – decreased incisor show


THE FOURTH DIMENSION – “TIME” 1. Growth 2. Maturation 3. Aging

Preadolescent Adolescent Adult


Effects of maturation & aging on soft tissues Profiles flattens over time Rate of philtrum lengthening is greater than that of commisures Flattening of ‘M’ characteristic of vermilion border of upperlip Decrease in turgor Decreased incisor display at rest Decreased gingivalwww.indiandentalacademy.com display on smile

TREATMENT PLANNING Identify problems and plan correction Identify &quantify positive esthetic arrangement Example :

“Consonant smile arc”


Treatment strategy : 1. Maintain vertical incisor position 2. Extrude max. canines to level 3. Finish withwww.indiandentalacademy.com periodontal crown lengthening

ALTERING SMILE ARC : strategies to be used.

Treating occlusal plane: 1. Preadolescents – growth modification appliance 2. Adolescents &adults – surgical modification Bracket placement Difference in incisal edge-bracket slot distance between max. central and lateral incisors should be 1-1.5mm to preserve / create consonant smile arcs. Cosmetic porcelain laminates /composite bonding Enamel odontoplasty www.indiandentalacademy.com

www.indiandentalacademy.com Leader in continuing dental education


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