INTRODUCTION By creation man is a fighter. He has been fighting against all the odds of nature since the time of creation. That’s what, theory of survival of fittest states. Pain being always remained the greatest energy of mankind since the time of evaluation. Pain is always being a driving which made the man to explore the field of medicine. This fight against pain will be continued till the point of immortality. Pain is a malady that crosses almost every medical discipline. In dentistry, pain is the most common motivation that brings the patients to the dentist and for those whose are anxious about dental visit, fear of pain is also a primary cause for avoidance of routine dental care. Pain may be defined as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. Various cultural, cognitive, emotional and motivational differences alter or modulate the intensity of a patient’s response to noxious stimuli.
DEFINITION: An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage described in terms of such damage. - Subcommittee on taxonomy of international association for study of pain
Around 2000 yrs ago the world believed that pain exists outside the body
2nd century A.D. Galen noted that pain is recognized in brain
Aristotle believed in heart as the centre of sensation
According to Plato pain and pleasure arise within the body
Leonardo da Vinci pinpointed the sensation of pain to the nerve of touch.
19th century – with the development of neurology specific pathways associated with sensations were identified
Freud gave the concept of psychosomatic nature of pain
Divisions of Nervous system – Central Nervous System – Peripheral Nervous System – Autonomic Nervous System
Central Nervous System
Includes brain and spinal cord
Brain – Cerebral hemisphere – Cerebellum – Midbrain – Pons – Medulla
Spinal Cord
Protected by vertebral column – Cervical – 7 – Thoracic- 12 – Lumbar – 5 – Sacral – 5 – Coccyx -1
Spinal cord architecture
Gray matter and white matter
Autonomic nervous system
Synonyms – Involuntary nervous system – General visceral efferent system
Functions – Haemostasis – Metabolic activity
ANS is represented in both PNS and CNS – somatic and visceral afferent act as input arm – General visceral efferent as output channel
Sympathetic system
Energy utilization activities ( fright, flight and fight) .
Thoracic-lumbar system outflow(T1→L2)
Neurotransmitter – epinephrine and noreinepinephrine
Parasympathetic system
Conservation and restoration of energy
Craniosacral system
Associated cranial nerves 3,7,9 & 10 .
Spinal nerves S2→S4
Neurotransmitter → acetylcholine
Peripheral Nervous System
Includes spinal and cranial nerves and branches
Peripheral ganglion
STRUCTURE OF NEURON Components – Cell body : contains spherical nucleus (karyon) giving of one or more processes . – An axon is often called nerve fiber – Cellbody and dendrites form the receptor and the axon is the conducting zone
protoplasmic processes Dendrites
Phylum – (Greek word means race )
Primary or main division of the plant or animal kingdom. Grouping organisms which have common ancestors.
Components of human brain – Spinal cord or medulla ( functional in reptiles ) – Mammalian brain / limbic system ( pain and pleasure center ; functional in humans) – Cerebral cortex
Pain receptors
Input to the nervous system provided by sensory reception that detects sensory stimuli i.e. touch, sound, light, pain etc .
Detection mechanism – by virtue of different sensitivities.
All pain receptors are free nerve endings (nociceptors)
Deep tissues are not supplied by free nerve endings .
Pain receptors show non adapting nature .
Nerve impulse transmission mechanism
Cell membrane of body has powerful electrogenic pumps (Na-K pumps)
More +ve charge on external compared to internal surface ( RMP -90mV).
Activation stage- potential becomes less –ve i.e. -70mV to -50mV .
Increased Na permeability
Inactivation stage (after 10,000th second) – Na channel closed – K channel opens
Greek word – connection or junction
They are junctions where the axons or some other portion of presynaptic cell terminates on dendrites or axons of postsynaptic cell
Anatomically synapses are knob like structures . Within knobs there are – Vesicles ( neurotransmitters are stored ) – Mitochondria ( provide ATP )
Synaptic clefts (200 Å )
Synapses – Chemical – Electrical
Chemical synapses – by neurotransmitters
Electrical synapses –acc. to Burnett et al. (1996 ) synapses in which the synaptic clefts are obliterated behave electrically .
Acc. to Katz (1974) if electrical impulses cross the gap they can crossover to adj. fibers which compromises the system .
Frequency of occurrence of electrical synapses is unknown .
Neurochemicals that transmit impulses across the synaptic cleft
40 different types of chemicals .
Large molecule slow acting
Small molecule rapid acting
Class 1 - ach
Class 2 – amines
Class 3 – amino acids
Pituitary peptide
Peptide of gut
Each sensory receptor is attached to 1st order neuron .
1st order neurons have varying thickness
Velocity of impulse transmission varies with diameter of axon . – Largest diameter fibers – A fibers (α,β,γ,δ) – Intermediate diameter – B fibers – Smallest diameter fibers – C fibers
Aδ vs. C Fiber
pain , low threshold – Location – periphery of the pulp – Produce initial momentary sharp pain – Stimulation by dentine hypersensitivity .
C fibers – unmyelinated , small diameter, not specific for pain, high threshold – Location – core of pulp – Produce continuous, constant or throbbing pain. – Stimulation by tissue inflammation and damage.
All the sensory information from the sensory segments of the body enter the spinal cord through the dorsal root of spinal nerves .
The two major sensory pathways involved are – Dorsal root column ( medial limeniscal system)
Touch, vibration, pressure, position sensations – Anterolateral system
Pain , thermal, itch , sexual sensations
Dual transmission of pain
Tracts involved – Neo-spinothalamic tract
Fast, sharp pain( Aδ fibers ) – Paleo-spinothalamic tract Slow pain (C fibers )
Due to double system of pain innervation a sudden onset of painful stimuli often gives double pain sensation ; fast followed by slow pain .
Dorsal root of s.nerve→ 1st order neuron terminate ( lamina 1 ) → 2nd order neuron crosses to opp. Side of cord → brain through antero-lateral column
Termination – Reticular area – Ventro- basal complex ( thalamus) – Posterior nuclear group of thalamus
From here to somatic sensory cortex .
Neurotransmitter- glutamate
Dorsal root of spinal nerve → 1st order neuron terminates in laminae 2nd and 3rd → most signals pass through one or more small fibers before entering lamina 5 through 8 → brain through anterolateral pathway .
Widely in brain stem
Only 1/10 to ¼ to thalamus
Tectal area of mesencephalon
Periaqueductal grey region
From brain stem → intralaminar and central lateral nuclei ( thalamus) → hypothalamus and basal ganglion
Neurotransmitter – P substance
Sensory root of trigeminal nerve enters the brain , its fibers pass through 3 sensory nuclei
Mesencephalic nucleus – Receives fibers carrying proprioceptive impulses of tongue, facial and orbital muscles , periodontal membrane
Many fibers form all the three divisions dichotomise to form ascending and descending branches .
Principle nucleus receives impulses mediating touch and pressure sensation from ascending branch .
Spinal nucleus is divided into three zones – Descending fibers terminate in spinal nucleus – The rostrally located par oralis receives tactile input from cutaneous area of head, mouth, lip and nose . – Intermedially located par interpolaris receive input from forehead, cheek, angle of jaw, tooth pulp . – Cordally located par caudalis receive modalities of touch, pain and temperature form anterior part of head .
Secondary pathways
2nd order neuron of trigeminal system form three secondary pathways – Fibers from principle sensory nucleus form trigeminal limeniscus which travels with medial limeniscus , together they go to ventro - posterior nucleus ( thalamus )
Origin is from spinal trigeminal nucleus analogues with neo–spinothalamic tract . This neo- trigeminal thalamic tact joins the trigeminal leminiscus and medial leminiscus and converge into ventro – posterior thalamic nucleus .
Origin is from spinal trigeminal nucleus analogous to spino-reticulo-thalamic pathway. This tract receives mechano and thermo receptive information and convey it to intra-laminar nucleus of the thalamus .
Structure of mouth and face , including teeth are represented at cortex for touch and pressure in post-central gyrus( primary somatic sensory area)
Spinal nuclei also receive connecting fibers from facio-glossopharyngeal and vagus nerve .
After many investigations it is concluded that there is no correlation between a patient’s experience of pain , clinical condition and histological appearance of pulp ( Seltzer et al 1963 ; Mumford 1970 ; Adam et al 1974 )
Pulp exposure •
Pain is frequently experienced
Pain lasts for 1 second .
Patient not only feels pain but sees lightening and hears it .
Reason – numerous nerve endings are subjected to intense stimuli .
Hyperalgasia •
Early state of disturbed pulpal circulation with increased vascularity .
Pain depends on nature of stimuli
Initial inflammation → acute condition → chronic condition
Acute pulpitis •
First stage involves dilation of capillaries
Flow is directly proportional to 4th power of radius ( poiseuille’s law )
Increased dilation → increased permeability → increased pressure
Increased pressure inversely affects the walls of veins hence stasis occurs
Three forms of pain 1. Sharp, lasts for a relatively short time 2. Spontaneous pain( without external stimuli) because of chemical changes in pulp . 3. paroxysmal pain in short sharp jabs occuring spontaneously
Localization of pain •
Poor localization because of anatomical convergence of pulpal nerves in trigeminal nuclei and subsequent convergence at higher level .
Dental pulp does not have individual representation in the human brain .
Sequelae of acute pulpitis •
Periapical disease
Chronic pulpitis – Virulence of microorganisms decreases – Apical foramen has not fully formed – hence better drainage.
Chronic pulpitis •
Types – Open ( less painful due to increased drainage) – Closed
Not sensitive to thermal changes
Pain is not an important feature of chronic pulpitis unless acute exacerbation occurs
Pulp gangrene •
Pulp is badly damaged and is associated with gas producing micro organisms
Pain occurs spontaneously
Dull ache lasts for hours or even days
Leads to greater thermal expansion of gas which exacerbates pain
Co-efficient of thermal expansion of gas 0.00367/ºC at constant pressure at 37ºC
( Weast 1972 )
Pulp necrosis •
Death of pulp without micro organisms being necessarily present .
Pulp dies slowly, losing fluid and becoming dry (in some cases pulp disappears)
No pressure so pain is not there
Divided into 3 sections – Pain during treatment – Pain following instrumentation – Pain following obturation
Pain management during treatment •
Associated with problem of anesthesia
Divided into –
anatomic variation
– Technical error Anatomic variation •
Wide flaring mandible
Long ramus in superior inferior direction
Bulky musculature or excessive adipose tissue
Edentulous patient
% failure rate is observed
The mandible, hard and soft tissues are supplied by plexus of nerves
This plexus with its many communications may allow sensations even if primary trunk is blocked .
Main nerve in this plexus is inferior dental nerve but lingual, buccal, mylohyoid nerve and sensory fibres from cervical plexus in retromolar area may also innervate the teeth .
Technical errors •
Technical errors are result of misplacement of needle at the time of injection
Deep penetration in parotid gland
Superficial penetration – absence of sign
Penetration superior to occlusal level – absence of sign
Sudden agitation or hyperactivity – intravascular injection
Solutions •
Gow-gates nerve block
Introduced by Dr. George Gow-Gates (1973)
True mandibular nerve block as it provides sensory anesthesia to entire distribution of 3rd branch of trigeminal nerve .
Advantage – single injection for anesthesia –
increased success rate (95-99%)
– Fewer post injection complications •
Disadvantage – Longer time of onset – Lingual and lower lip discomfort to patient
Introduced by Dr. Joseph Akinosi in 1977
Closed mouth approach to mandibular anesthesia
Indications – Limited mandibular opening – Multiple procedures on mandibular teeth – Inability to visualize landmarks for IANB Supplemental Anesthesia •
Supplemental injection approach followed if 1st standard injection is ineffective
Useful to repeat standard injection only if the patient is not exhibiting classical signs of soft and hard tissue anesthesia
For postero-superior maxillary block palatal infiltration provides profound anesthesia
For mandibular molars use lingual infiltration and intra-ligamental injection .
Periodontal ligament injection technique of choice if the primary injection is unsuccessful
Supplemental injections for the hot tooth are in following order of preference 1. Intra-ligamental injection 2. Intra-septal injection 3. Intra-pulpal injection
Stabident system •
A new intra-bony injection
Beveled steel wire mounted in slow speed Handpiece used to perforate cortical plate adjacent to root in question
Needle of similar diameter and length inserted into tiny opening
Before perforation 1st inject into attached gingiva
Causes – some hypotheses proposed – Local adaptation syndrome – Periapical pressure changes – Microbial flora changes – Immunological factor – Psychological factor
Non vital tooth (necrotic pulp) •
Apical radiolucency
Pain with swelling can sometime arise as result of instrumenting an asymptomatic, non vital (necrotic) pulp
Cohen referred to this situation as phoenix abscess
Factors •
Following factors, studied by Torabinajad et al were evaluated 1. Age – 40-45 yrs. 2. Sex – females more 3. Anterior and posterior teeth – no difference 4. Most problematic – mandibular incisor and bicuspids 5. Least problematic – maxillary molars 6. Patient with allergy – increase incidence 7. Presence of systemic disease – no difference 8. Size of radiolucency – inversely proportional 9. Presence of sinus tract – less problematic 10. Systemic medication – analgesics more effective than antibiotics .
Vital tooth •
Causes – hyper occlusion – Overmedication
– Over instrumentation – Inadequate pulp removal – Fracture of temporary dressing Prevention •
Avoid apical extrusion of infected debris – Crown down instrumentation – Rotary instrumentation – Frequent irrigation
Elimination of all micro organisms – Complete chemo- mechanical preparation in one visit – Intracanal medication
Prophylactic NSAID’s – Therapeutic blood level of NSAID’s should be attained if possible prior to initial endo visit . – Ideally 2 oral doses should be given
Management •
For immediate relief of pain administer local anesthesia
Follow up with the criteria mentioned – Check occlusion – Remove temporary fillings
reinstrument to appropriate working length
Frequent irrigation
Search for additional canal(s)
Incidence of acute pain or swelling subsequent to completion of endodontic treatment is extremely low. Post endodontic pain is usually mild, transient and managed with an appropriate analgesic.
Causes •
Overfilling or over extension
Extra short fill
Hyper occlusion
Missed canal
Cracked or split tooth
Pain full episodes are usually caused by the pressure inherent in the insertion of root canal filling material.
Another reason can be chemical irritation from ingredients of root canal cements or paste. As a rule, these effects are short lived and last only for 24 – 48 hours.
Another possible cause is fracture of crown or root
Management •
For immediate relief of pain administered local anasthesia
After that following should be consider
Check occlusion
NSAIDS an antibiotics (Swelling)
Re treatment
Apical surgery
Management •
Attempt to establish drainage through canal (if no drainage- apical trephination)
Apply corticosteroids and antibiotics
Check for swelling (consider antibiotics)
Prescribe analgesics
CONCLUSION Pain has always challenged mankind by being on undesirable sensation and man will always find never technique to reduce its agony. A clinician is always challenged with patient vague description of his painful condition. Hence adequate knowledge of pain will have his analytic skill and leading to better understanding of patient conditions and effective treatment delivery. As Hilton states “Every pain has its distinct significance and pregnant if we will but carefully search for it�.
Reference: 1. Seltzer Samuel, Pain Control in dentistry diagnosis and management 2. Mumford J.M, Orofacial pain, aetiology, diagnosis and treatment III etd. 3. Guyton C. Arthur. Text book of medical physiology 7 th etd. 4. Bell
management 4th etd. 5. J.M. Mumford, J. Of dent res; 50; p 506.