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Compact X-raymachines have revolutionised the wayveterinarymedical practitioners treat animals

Satheesh K,Marketing Specialist at ALERIO X-RAYS,explains about Alerio smart 1600 which provides high-quality X-ray imaging,allowing veterinarians to accurately diagnose various conditions such as fractures,tumors and foreign objects in animals

Indian veterinaryscene

The Indian veterinary sector is constantly evolving and improving. In particular, veterinary diagnosis has witnessed significant development. It relies on various tools and equipment for radiography, ultrasound, blood analysis and microbiological tests. In the past, veterinary diagnosis in India was limited due to the lack of infrastructure, technological advancement and diagnostic tools. These diagnostic tools were highly expensive and only a handful of veterinary medical practitioners had access to the latest or most advanced equipment.

Impact of compact X-rays

Despite that, things have changed for the better and the introduction of compact X-ray machines has had an evident impact on veterinary diagnosis. Compact X-ray machines have revolutionised the way veterinary medical practitioners diagnose and treat animals. These portable X-ray machines like Alerio Smart 1600 are smaller in size and are notably much cheaper compared to any traditional X-ray machines. These key factors make them easier to acquire, effortless to transport, simpler to set up and friendly to use. Compact Xray machines are crucial in urban settings like cities and townships where there has been an increase in the adoption of companion animals and pet ownership and also equally important in remote settings like rural villages and forest areas where access to veterinary clinics or hospitals are limited.

Alerio Smart 1600

Alerio Smart 1600 is battery powered. It's high frequency

Alerio Smart 1600 is battery powered.It's high frequency DC inverter produces crisp and clear diagnostic X-ray images at lower exposure settings. It also has an inbuilt collimator and a simple user friendly interface allowing flexible exposure settings

DC inverter produces crisp and clear diagnostic X-ray images at lower exposure settings. It also has an inbuilt collimator and a simple user friendly interface allowing flexible exposure settings. This compact X-ray unit is lightweight. Weighing less than 9kg, It can be mobilised with ease to any location and it comes with an inbuilt rechargeable battery. This compact highly mobile unit comes with a carrying case.

Performs on-site

Alerio smart 1600 provides high-quality X-ray imaging, allowing veterinarians to accurately diagnose various conditions such as fractures, tumors and foreign objects in animals. This tool enables more veterinary practitioners to perform on-site diagnostics, eliminating the need for referrals and reducing waiting times for diag-

1600 are made in India, A brand like ALERIO X-Rays is AERB approved and ISO safety certified. They are manufactured inhouse, designed and developed keeping simplicity, versatility and economy in mind. They are cost-effective in terms of initial investment and service maintenance. They also offer a 2-year product and service warranty along with lifetime onsite support in India. This affordability, safety and after sales support factor enables veterinary clinics and practitioners alike, both in urban and rural settings to incorporate advanced diagnostic capabilities into their practice, ultimately benefiting a larger number of animals.

Affordable,accessible & accurate

To conclude, the introduction of compact X-ray machines in the Indian veterinary space has significantly improved the state of veterinary diagnosis. It has enhanced accessibility, accuracy, and affordability, leading to better healthcare outcomes for animals.

To experience the power of a compact X-ray Machine like ALERIO Smart 1600 firsthand you can pay a visit to Medicall Expo in Chennai on the 28th, 29th and 30th of this month where ALERIO brand showcases their X-Ray products. You can also book a demo by call @ 74183 95551 or through our website www.alerio.in

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