FASHION DESIGN Fashion Design is an art of creating designs for clothing and other fashion accessories. It is the idea for creating and manufacturing of new clothing, footwear, accessories, apparel and consumers wear. Fashion designing involves the various skills like market research, creativity, drawing, sketching and fabric selections.
FASHION DESIGNER Fashion Designer is a person responsible for stylist clothing and this style is based on customer interest, place, region, culture, religion. Fashion designer brings an idea how a garment should look, converts that idea into design (sketch) and guide the production or manufacturing team how to convert that design into actual piece of clothing.
High Creativity
Excellent Drawing Ability
Strong Visualization Skills
Ability to Critically Thinking
Excellent Communication
Strong Sewing Skills
A Competitive Spirit
Fine Eye for Detail
Good Eye for Materials
Knowledge of Current Fashion Trends Understanding of Texture, Color, and Fabric Ability to meet Deadlines and Work within a Budget Ability to Work in Team
Computer Knowledge
A B I L I T Y TO C R I T I C A L LY THINKING A critical thinker always tries to bring new ideas and designs. A fashion designer has the quality to think out of box so that new things can be generated. He has to study the mind of people and their fashion need and convert them into reality in the form of stylist garments.
HIGH CREATIVITY A fashion designer needs to be creative. This means a good fashion designer has ability to take something from nothing and convert it into the piece of art. He/she should have great sense of styles and constantly come with new ideas of fashion.
A S H A R P BU S I N E S S S E N S E A good fashion designer should have strong business skills. He has tendency to understand the market demand, maintain budget. He should be able to maintain sales, purchase, marketing, finance related activities associated with fashion business.
E XC E L L E N T D R AW I N G S K I L L S A professional fashion designer should have great drawing skills. Fashion designing is all about sketching and drawing. A fashion designer has to convert his
designing ideas in to sketches which in turn are converted into garments. So strong designing skills are must needed for a fashion designer. If someone is not expert in it he/she should join a fashion designing course to take professional training for this.
S TRONG S EWING S KILLS A fashion designer has to work with production and manufacturing team as well. He has to guide the workers about sewing requirements. So it is recommended that a fashion designer should have strong sewing skills so that he will be able to guide workers to convert design into actual garment.
FINE EYE FOR DETAIL It is the detail that makes a product unique. So a good fashion designer should have brilliant eye over the detail. If you have good designing, drawing and visualization skills but details are not utilized in proper way the end product will be disastrous. So proper utilization of provided details is most wanted skill for a fashion designer.
GOOD EYE FOR MATERIALS Selection of material determines the look and quality of garments. So a fashion designer should have complete knowledge about the material which is used in manufacturing of garments. He should be capable of choosing right fabrics, colors, pattern, yarn, buttons, sewing threads, buttons, hang tags, labels and other raw
material used in garment industry.
A C OM PE TITIVE S PIR IT To become a professional fashion designer competitive spirit is necessary. Make yourself a remarkable trendsetter. Understand the need of market and evolve fresh ideas, creative designs. If you don’t remain motivated it will not be possible for you to cater new ideas, tastes and choices.
C O M P U T E R K N OW L E D G E In the modern era most of designs are created using computer software. So knowledge of designing software is must for fashion designers. Fashion designers have to create clothing designs using Photoshop, CorelDraw, Adobe illustrator, Autodesk and other applications and their knowledge is must needed for fashion designers to success in modern fashion industry.
S T RO N G V I S UA L I Z A T I O N SKILLS A fashion designer has to work with lot of clients along with fellow colleagues. So a good fashion designer should have strong visualization skills so that you can easily present your ideas in front of your clients or colleagues. The idea translated in the form of designs will be easily understandable and help to move ahead toward finished
product quickly.
U N D E R S TA N D I N G O F T E X T U R E , C O L O R , A N D FA B R I C S Colour, Texture and Fabrics are important elements of garment manufacturing. So a fashion designer has strong understanding, complete knowledge about using them in proper way. You can’t make any cloth without fabric. Color selection varies from season, occasion and gender. So if fabrics, colors and textures are not selected correctly garment manufactured will not be a comfortable one.
E XC E L L E N T C O M M U N I C A T I O N As a good fashion designer you have ability to express your views verbally as well as graphically and should have excellent communication and interpersonal skills. All the designing processes whether it is jewelry, footwear, clothing or accessory designing evolves team or lot of peoples so what you design or say should be easily understandable by all.
KNOWLEDGE OF FA S H I O N TRENDS Fashion is all about the current fashion trends. So to be a successful fashion designer you should have to keep you updated with latest fashion trends. Get updated with public interest, what people are buying and what designers are creating new in the market. All this information is much needed for fashion designers to
create latest demand clothing designs.
A B I L I T Y TO WO R K W E L L I N A TEAM Fashion designing is not an individual process however it is a team work. A fashion designer should have ability to work with in a team. In fashion industry you have to work with fabric vendors, pattern makers, cutters, sample makers, production coordinators, sales persons, tech designers. Each department has its own role and all have to contribute collectible to bring overall
success. Therefore a fashion designer should be a good team player.
A B I L I T Y TO M E E T D E A D L I N E S A N D WO R K W I T H I N A B U D G E T Every fashion designing project is allocated budget and deadlines. So being a good fashion designer he/she should have ability to complete the assigned task with in the time and budget. A fashion designer has to provide best work based on budget allocated and manage the things accordingly.
C O N TA C T I I F D To be a successful fashion designer you should have all the qualities as per expresses in this presentation. Looking for fashion design institute in Chandigarh. Join IIFD offers
various type of fashion designing courses. Indian Institute of Fashion and Design Address: SCO - 479-80, 2nd Floor, Sector: 35-C Chandigarh, India Phone: 0172 4007918, 9041766699
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