1 minute read

Fundraiser for cancer services

Simply Human’s fundraiser event of the year is happening on 14 October 2023; where we will witness the journey of SuperHeroes without capes who have fought against all odds, won their battles and are inspiring others in an incredible way.

We are honored to have Hollywood/Bollywood actress, writer, entrepreneur and performer Lisa Ray as our keynote speaker. Join us to make a noble impact and ignite your hero within!


For all enquiries and sponsorship contact Prerna Pahwa, Ujwal Poudel, Sam and Romit Shah!


ऑस्लिया मेें, इस साि होन वािरे Voice जनमेत-संग्रह करे

मेें बातचीत की जा रही ह।

It’s about whether we should change the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

The Constitution outlines the rules by which Australia is governed, and can only be changed through a referendum.

Why is the Voice referendum

How would the Voice work?

The Voice would be an independent and permanent advisory body.

It would give advice to the Australian Parliament and Government on matters that affect the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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