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QUT researchers working on nano technology to contain COVID-19 spread

The coronavirus disease named COVID-19 is caused by the novel SARS-CoV-2 virus (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus). This virus is closely related to SARS-CoV, which had caused a milder pandemic in 2003- 2004, although it affected way fewer countries than COVID-19 has. The virus SARS-COV-2 is transmitted through droplets generated when an infected person coughs or sneezes or exhales (shown in picture 1). The droplets land on surfaces and these surfaces become the carriers for the infection. Therefore, a person can be infected in two ways – by breathing in the virus that is expelled by a person in close proximity, who has COVID-19 or by touching a contaminated surface and then touching

To minimise the spread of the disease, the Commonwealth Department of Health has prioritised ways to control the disease:


• Identify cases through diagnostic testing

• Isolate known cases

• Trace and quarantine contacts of known cases

• Improve hygiene through hand washing and cleaning surfaces

• Restrict travel

• Social distancing

Researchers are working to identify treatments and develop vaccines against this virus. The fastest

way to treat COVID-19 is to repurpose existing drugs rather than develop new ones. Some of the drugs which have previously been used against diseases such as Ebola, HIV and malaria are being tested. These drugs -- remdesivir, lopinavirritonavir and hydroxychloroquine -- are still under investigation, and WHO strictly states that there are no specific vaccines or medicines for COVID-19 yet and that these drugs should not be prescribed to the public to treat COVID-19.

Smart Structures and Bio-Interface Group researchers (seen in photo below) led by Prof Prasad Yarlagadda, and his colleague Prof. Kirsten Spann (virologist) and their team are working towards stopping the

Smart Structures and Bio-Interface Research Group

spread of the SARS-CoV-2 by using engineered nano-structures that will inactivate viruses that fall on metal surfaces. Examples of common contamination points are lift buttons, hand rails, door handles, etc., as shown in picture 2.

Our study and other reported studies indicated that SARS-CoV-2 can survive on metal surfaces for up to three days. The research at QUT is still in its initial stages. However, it looks promising, as survival of viruses can be reduced from days to hours. This technology may provide a solution to surface transmission, especially in hospitals and healthcare settings and also can be used to combat against any kind of bacteria and/or viruses that may surface in near future.

With many unanswered questions about SARS-CoV-2, the research community needs to immediately prioritise research areas in the fight against the current COVID-19 outbreak. An accelerated and coordinated research effort is needed from the wider scientific community in many sectors, from vaccine and antiviral development to digital technology, new technological developments to minimisig the spread of COVID-19 and other similar viruses in communities.

By Prof. Prasad KDV Yarlagadda OAM

Queensland University of Technology

Science and Engineering Faculty

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