Basics that are compulsory to follow after delivery care for mothers in India: Post Pregnancy care is as important as during pregnancy time. After giving birth, the woman's body suffers from weakness and remains vulnerable. Along with that, you will experience a certain change both mentally and physically. Several things such as sudden changes in hormones, sleeplessness, cramps, anxiety regarding physical health, and vaginal discharge may impact your health mentally and physically at this time. During this stage, a woman's body needs more vital nutrients to cope with this period well as she needs to take care of the newborn. During the 1st month of pregnancy care, you may have followed a strict diet; however, after delivery, you aren't free to eat anything- you should follow a healthy diet to take care of yourself and your baby.
Fundamentals of Post Pregnancy Care: During the confinement period (40days after giving birth), few restrictions are compulsory for reviving strongly.
Oil Massage: Oil massage is an ancient & traditional after delivery care for mother in India that is scientifically proven to be the best for strengthening the mother’s body. However, it shouldn't be performed to the limb, back portion, and shoulder if it is a c-section delivery. Bathing Process: Hot water or lukewarm water is commonly used during this period. Generally, in bathing time, hot water is poured in the pelvic and lower abdomen area. Neem leaves can be used as this herb is medically known for its antiseptic property. Moreover, you can replace soap with a mixture of milk and chickpea powder, as using soap at this period isn't considered safe. Diet: During pregnancy and after pregnancy, your body faces a lot of changes, and to handle the entire journey, you need to follow a healthy diet. Try to intake protein-rich foods (fish, peas, seeds, nuts, etc.). Along with, include adequate carbohydrate and fats, and other minerals (magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, folate, sodium, etc.) and Vitamins (Vit A, D, C, etc.) rich foods (green veggies, citrus fruits, etc.)
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