Eat Best Food Before Exam

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Eat Best Food Before Exam

Oily Fish:  As we know, fatty acids are not

produced by our body. So, it can only obtain that we eat.  These fats are helpful for our brain, muscles, joints and other wellbeing.  These all-important things found naturally in the oily fish.  It improves our brain functions with memory problems.

Whole Grains:  It helps with

concentration and focus.  Whole Grains are particularly high in vitamin B.  It helps to deliver many important nutrients in the body such as proteins, Fibre. Also, reduce the risk of heart diseases, diabetes.

Peanut Butter: ď‚— Both peanuts and peanut

butter are good source of vitamin E. ď‚— Thiamine is present in this which helps the brain and nervous system that converts the glucose into energy. Also, crunchy nuts are topped onto the salads, icecream or fruits.

Broccoli:  Broccoli helps to enhance

the cognitive functions and to improve the brain power.  It has the vitamin K which helps to keep our brain and our memories sharp.  Broccoli is high in compounds called glucosinolates which turns into boost levels of acetylcholine.

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