Respect Food Don’t Squander Food

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Respect Food Don’t Squander Food

Bad-Effects occurs due to throw food: ď‚ž


We throw away food that could be eaten, it rots in landfill and creates harmful green houses gases which may effected in our living environment. There are lots of things that we can do to cut down on various wasted food and drinks.

Take Food According To Requirement: 

We should take a food according to our requirement. Unusually, What we did? Most of the time we take food in large quantity and then after, that we have no option instead throw-awayfood.

How we can stop wastage of food? ď‚ž

Serve to kids in smaller amount.


Always cook food according to requirement.

Thank You Contact Information Address:

Geldersekade 5 HS, 1011 EH Amsterdam

Phone no.

020 320 7302


info@indianrestaurantganesha.c om


http://indianrestaurantganesha.c om/

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