The key to a healthy diet

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l a e h a

t e i d y th

Eat Fruits And Vegetables Daily:  Should eat all variety of fruits

and vegetables because different fruits have different nutrients and vitamins same different vegetables have different proteins.  Try!!! banana shake at the morning time it is highly benefited for our healthy Fibre, vitamin and give approx. 160 calories.  Vegetables juice you can take as carrot juice is helpful for our diet.

Don’t Miss Breakfast:

Drink More Water In A Day:

Eat Less Salt:  Take less salt in your diet

because more salt increase the blood pressure.  Eat less means not to eat too much less it may be harmful for heart.  Childern should have even take less than 6 g.

Should Eat More Fish: ď‚— Fish is full of omega 3

fatty acids. Fish is completely loaded with nutrients, proteins and vitamins. ď‚— It is helpful for the body

and brain also. Omega 3 fatty acid helps to prevents from the heart disease.

Thank You

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