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Regulatory Sovereignty in India: Indigenizing CompetitionTechnology Approaches, ISAIL-TR-001
professionals, since their proficiency is connected with their cultural intelligence and design thinking approaches. 12. The Ministries in charge and the Government bodies need to understand that their job is not to look to the West & create or replicate redundancy from foreign regulatory instruments, but to understand, innovate & suggest policy conundrums, maybe through the PIP approach via IKS.
We consider that this is a foundational technical report, so, the recommendations are not based on providing direct solutions. We therefore consider that based on the same, further reports on the same subject-matter and other sub-issues related, with their policy approaches rendered upon, can be put into judicious use for a sense of research enquiry. We firmly seek the role of Indic Knowledge Systems, and also suggest that Indian approaches in policy must largely and all-comprehensively reflect Indian realities. We do not suggest a one-size-fits-all or a puritan/reductionist approach, because that undermines the Indian polity and society per se, and so the indigenous and local demands that come up with alongside. Hence, we will intend to come up with further models to suggest on decolonisation, dispute resolution mechanisms, shaping knowledge economy approaches and even asserting better competition policy conundrums, considering disruptive technologies (and even artificial intelligence) as a separate and distinctive sector.
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