the magazine of
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Partner With Faculty
and society
Doc’s Legacy
60 focus on faculty
explore Academics, arts and athleticS at Indian Springs School Grades 4-12 Select Weeks in June and July Courses in SAT/PSAT Preparation, Robotics, Academic Essay Writing, Study Skills, Science Discovery, Acting, Writing College Application Essays, Geometry, Algebra, French, Music Production, Tennis, Civil Rights History, Grammar, Wetlands Ecology, Photography, Cross Country and more
Before- and After-School Care Available COURSE DESCRIPTIONS AND REGISTRATION AT 205.532.1806
W elc o me
S prin g s @ 6 0
A lumni
C lass N o tes
6 0 thin g s we l o ve a b o ut sprin g s
Mission Statement The mission of Indian Springs School is to develop in students a love of learning, a sense of integrity and moral courage, and an ethic of participatory citizenship. Inspired by the motto Learning Through Living, the school is a community of talented boarding and day students and dedicated faculty committed to the belief that in learning to balance individual achievement with the values and principles of democracy, the student can develop to his or her full stature.
Board of Governors 2012-2013 Libby Pantazis P ’03, ’06, ’09, Chair John Abbot ’80 Robert Aland ’80 Stephen Black Janet Perry Book P ’04, ’09 Myla Choy P ’11, ’13 Larry DeLucas P ’99, ’05 Alan Engel ’73, P ’03, ’12 Joe Farley ’81, P ’14, ’16 Michael Froning Mike Goodrich Jr. ’90 Rob Henrikson ’65
Donald Hess ’66, P ’89, ’93, ’93, ’95, ’95, ’01 Ben Hunt ’82 Jimmy Lewis ’75, P ’11, ’11 Catherine McLean P ’03, ’06, ’11 Frances Ross Nolan ’77, P ’09, Ex-officio, Alumni Council Eli Phillips Scott Pulliam ’85, P ’16, ’17 Rusty Rushton ’74, P ’09, ’11 Frank Samford ’62, P ’90 John Simmons ’65, P ’96 Holly Ellis Whatley ’84, P ’12, ’14, Ex-officio, Parents Association
On the covers: The 2012-2013 Springs faculty and staff. See to name them all!
1 9 0 Wo o d w a r d D r i ve Indian Springs, AL 35124 205-988-3350 w w w. i n d i a n s p r i n g s . o r g
G a r e t h Va u g h a n Di r ec t o r David Noone A s s o c i a t e Di r ec t o r a n d De a n o f A c a dem i c s Jan Fortson De an o f St u den t L i f e Ta n y a Ye a g e r Di re c t o r o f Fi n a n c e Beth Mulvey Di re c t o r o f De v el o pm en t Jack Sweeney Di re ct o r o f E n r o l l m en t M a n a g em en t Gunnar Olson Di re c t o r o f C o l l eg e A dv i s i n g Brian Rodgers De a n o f C o u n s el i n g an d R es i den t i a l L i f e G r e g Va n H o r n A t h l et i c Di r ec t o r Chuck Williams Di re c t o r o f Tec h n o l o g y Melanie Kieve A s s i s t an t Di r ec t o r o f De v el o pm en t Ma g a z i n e E di t o r
Founded in 1952, Indian Springs School is a national leader in coed boarding and day education in grades 8-12, located near the intersection of I-65 and I-459 just south of Birmingham.
W elc o me
“Ostrong ur community continues to make contributions toward a better world.”
could not help but think of Indian Springs School as I considered the combination of the peaceful transition of government visited by our country’s celebration of the inauguration of our President and the city of Birmingham’s year-long Fifty Years Forward commemoration of Civil Rights.
l i bby p a n t a z i s Chair, Indian S p rin gs Sc ho o l Bo ard of G ov e r n ors
Recognized by Founding Director Doc Armstrong as a “major goal” of Springs “to develop and disseminate a conception of education that will support the values of free man in a free society” and to create “an environment which influences the student to make a strong commitment to values, to seek a larger knowledge, and to acquire a firm purpose,” it is no wonder our community continues to make strong contributions toward a better world. As you will see in this issue, Doc’s vision has continued throughout Springs’ 60 years and is being reinforced with the exploration of the year-long theme of “The Individual and Society.” We have never been a community to boast about our successes as change-makers. It is more likely that one is met with a smile and casual remark, “You know she went to Indian Springs School.” Yet, the contributions are remarkable. Consider a few groundbreakers for which citizens of the Springs community are responsible. In the business world: the corporate provision of child care, integration of dressing rooms, promotion of equal pay for women, and innovation to envision the ability for bank customers to transfer funds automatically from savings accounts to checking accounts (a very controversial measure at the time). In science and technology: the direction of flight of the Mars Rover Curiosity, and the creation of sustainable design programs and technical outreach for students. In the arts and humanities: the use of creative visual, performing and literary talents to enhance understanding not only of beauty but tolerance, and the development of a myriad of non-profits serving marginalized members of society. The list goes on. Doc’s words are again profound: “We can’t change the facts that have happened to us, but we can change the meaning those facts have for us.” I am confident the Springs community will continue to make an impact in the world.
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“ The new Campus Master Plan supports teaching today and beyond....”
ithin Springs’ Strategic Plan, and therefore the Campus Master Plan, is “the ideal classroom.” Our goal is that every classroom at Springs will be an ideal learning environment, fully prepared to meet the needs of our students and teachers as they make use of all the resources that are available for projects and inquiries — inside of class and out. Springs must provide this access to educate our students today and to prepare them for school, life and work beyond Springs. One area that is essential in the modern classroom is technology. The teacher, and their relationship with their students, is at the heart of a Springs education, and that is not going to change. But technology provides a whole range of new tools that can enhance the teaching and learning process. One example is “flipping” the classroom experience so that homework involves watching a video of a lecture, and class time is dedicated to interacting with your teacher and classmates as you solve problems or discuss the work at hand.
GA R ETH VA U GHAN Di r e c to r, I n di a n Sp ri n g s School
Some of the challenges that currently face us include the basic infrastructure of the older buildings. Two electrical outlets per classroom are just not adequate when almost every student and teacher has a laptop or hand-held device needing charging. The use of wireless devices means that bandwidth is always at a premium. And, most importantly, to fully enjoy the rich benefits of a superconnected educational environment, our faculty and administration will need their own intense program of professional development. With this in mind, the Board’s new Technology Subcommittee is at work in a process that, running parallel to the Campus Master Plan, will revolutionize technology at Springs. We are delighted that so many alumni and friends of the school with relevant educational and information technology experience have joined our efforts. These individuals include Kyung Han ’85, a co-founder of the MIT Open CourseWare project; William Belser ’80; David Nelson ’93; Jonathan Cohen, a graduate fellow at the University of Virginia’s Center for Technology and Education; and Board members Stephen Black and Donald Hess ’66. The committee’s first step has been to recommend a full technology audit that will help guide the school as it plans for the future. With the guidance and expertise present on the Technology Subcommittee, we can expect to see educational technology at Springs flourish in tandem with the building of beautiful, state-of-the-art learning environments as envisaged in our dynamic, new Campus Master Plan.
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t h e in d ividua l an d socie t y School Theme Continues Armstrong’s Legacy On September 3, 1952, 59 students gathered in the Indian Springs School library on the first day of the brand new school. There, they heard founding Director “Doc” Armstrong say that they would play a major role in decision-making at Springs. As individual students, they would make choices that would affect the ISS community, now and in the future. Throughout the following 60 years, individuals have worked, studied and lived together to create “a community of talented boarding and day students and dedicated faculty,” to borrow from the school’s mission statement. Individual decisions and contributions created a community on Woodward Drive that has had lasting impact. It is only fitting that in this 60th anniversary year, the school’s theme is “The Individual and Society.” Students are exploring how individuals are parts of many societies — social, religious, educational, business, governmental and others — and have the opportunity to engage and influence them. In academics, the arts, and student activities, the ISS community is following in the footsteps of its predecessors, learning and living in order to make a difference in the world. Here are a few of the ways the school has employed this theme so far this year: Founding Director “Doc” Armstrong
Academics “In order to form a more perfect union” is a famous phrase from the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution — but this year, it is also the drive behind the 8th Grade Social Studies classes’ implementation of the school-wide theme. The 8th Grade Social Studies students are rotating among three teachers — Kelly Jacobs, Pete Arner and David Noone — learning about forming a more perfect union through an exploration of the social sciences,
economics, government, and the Civil Rights Movement. “Students are learning about the founding fathers’ vision for a more perfect union and the ways we have and haven’t gotten it right,” Jacobs says. “We are trying to show how the efforts of individuals help us to get closer to that vision.” To that end, the class recently hosted a roundtable of ISS alumni and friends who work in social services, J. W. Carpenter ’97 talks with 8th graders about service projects.
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feature giving them the chance to share how their work affects society. Among those who participated were Arin Billings of the United Way of Central Alabama, J.W. Carpenter ’97 of Teach for America, Angela Moore of the YWCA/ Americorps, and Daniel Odrezin ’05 of the Birmingham Jewish Federation. The roundtable participants also served as sounding boards for the students as they made plans for their own change-making projects.
who will share how their experiences in business have positively affected the larger community.
The 8th Grade class — along with the Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Class — will also host alumni business leaders for a school-wide panel on “The Individual and Society” in April in conjunction with Alumni Weekend. Participants will include 50th reunion class members Tom Adams ’63, Mike Goodrich ’63, Gray Plosser ’63 and Sam Weisel ’63,
“Our alumni and friends are showing our students that the best way to form a more perfect union is for government, social services, and businesses to work together,” Jacobs says. Examples of other classes who have employed the school theme so far this year:
• World Literature — examined books that emphasize the •
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individual’s power to act against dominant societal forces Spanish — read about individuals who made an impact in Latin American communities Geometry and Statistics — hosted Dr. Eric Gottlieb, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Rhodes College, who spoke about math, voting methods and the democratic process Biology — watched a documentary about an individual who stopped illegal shark fishing in Costa Rica, and researched other people who made similar contributions to society Wellness/Fitness — discussed the impact of personal health choices on society.
Just prior to the November elections, Rhodes College professor Eric Gottlieb spoke to Geometry and Statistics students about the connection between math, voting methods, and the democratic process.
Arts Music always makes a day brighter. And when you are visiting a child in the hospital, that brightening is sorely needed. Students in the Music Ensemble classes, along with other musically inclined students, offered a lift to those visiting Children’s of Alabama— playing a miniconcert in the hospital foyer on December 3.
access to concerts and music education.
These students are part of the ISS Music Van project, a series of outreach performances aimed to help students share classical music with Birmingham-area groups that do not have regular
“The project gives students exposure to performing outside of school and – most importantly — seeing how they can make a difference through the arts,” says ISS Director of Instrumental Music Alina Voicu.
Students have also performed at Greenbriar at the Altamont retirement community, the Episcopal Place living facility for seniors and disabled adults, the Shelby County YMCA, and the Hannah Homes for at-risk youth, children and women.
Music Van participants entertain visitors at Children’s of Alabama
Other arts initiatives that have employed the theme include:
• Fall Musical “Zombie Prom” — described the woes of a •
teenage nuclear zombie who faced discrimination because he was different Concert Choir — performed “Goin´ Down Dat Lonesome Road,” an example of blues and work song that offered 19thcentury African-Americans a way to express themselves despite mistreatment.
Benjamin Kitchens ’13 (center) plays a discriminated-against nuclear zombie in the school’s fall musical. s p r i ng
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f e at u r e
sTUDENT ACTIVITIES Indian Springs has long had a special relationship with Special Equestrians, a Birmingham-based therapeutic horseback riding program for people with special needs. Since 1993, Springs has housed the program on campus free of charge, allowing the nonprofit to maximize its resources to take care of the horses that are the heart of the program. This year’s student body continued that tradition when Fall Semester Mayor Alice Marson ’13 presented Special Equestrians Director Kathi Claybrook a check for $1,000, enough to sponsor one of the organization’s horses for a year. The donation was made possible through proceeds from Screen on the Green, a Student Governmentorganized outdoor dinner and movie night. The students’ donation will support upkeep for Red, a horse loaned to Special Equestrians by Frances Renneboog ’12 while she is away at college. “To keep up a horse for a year in an incredible thing,” Marson says. “I know the money we raised will help the organization.” Examples of other theme-related student activities are:
• Art Club — held an Art Fair benefiting Studio by the Tracks, a • • •
nonprofit arts group for children and adults with special needs Gay-Straight Alliance — observed Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender History Month Invisible Children Club — hosted a screening of a movie that promoted awareness about the plight of children in Uganda Key Club — collected and donated toys to Children’s of Alabama patients
Fall semester Student Government leaders pose with Dean of Student Life Jan Fortson (far left), Director Gareth Vaughan (second from left), Special Equestrians’ Kathi Claybrook (front row, fifth from right) and Dorrie Fuchs (far right), and the check representing money raised at a Student Government-organized fundraiser for the nonprofit organization.
• Habitat for Humanity — participated in home-building projects on several Saturdays and on D-Day
• Leadership Club — created the Teens for the Future online forum to inspire youth leadership and service
• Class of 2015 — cooked dinner for families staying at the Birmingham Ronald McDonald House
• Music4Romania — raised funds to buy educational, music and personal resources for children in Romanian schools and orphanages.
Students participate in a Saturday Habitat for Humanity building project.
Laura Ward ’13, Paris Kissel ’13 and Paula Simonetti ’13 drum up business for a Music4Romania bake sale. 6 i n di a n
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N ews / sp o rts
N e ws/spo rts Expanded D-Day Increases Opportunities for Service D-Day – Development Day, the school’s semiannual day of service – has always been an important school tradition, spanning the school’s six decades and underscoring the student body’s commitment to giving back to the school and community. With that understanding and inspired by the school’s year-long theme of “The Individual and Society,” Fall 2012 Commissioners of Citizenship Cori Mazer ’14 and Eli Cohen ’15 planned an expanded Fall D-Day that gave students even more opportunities to serve. The revamped D-Day schedule gave students who chose on-campus projects the chance to participate two times during the day. Projects included re-sanding the beach and outdoor volleyball court, clearing and building trails, gardening outside the dorms, painting rain barrels, and organizing the music library.
such organizations as Birmingham AIDS Outreach, Habitat for Humanity, and the EcoFarm at Birmingham-Southern College.
During the day, students were also inspired by two speakers – Jefferson County Circuit Judge Bob Vance ’79 and Holocaust survivor Max Steinmetz.
“The concept of service has always been inherent to Springs, and we wanted to give the student body as many opportunities as possible to pursue that,” Cohen says. “We wanted to give even more back to a school that provides so much for us, and also look outside of our campus.”
The day was a great success that met Mazer and Cohen’s goal for the day. “We wanted students to experience first-hand the positive impact that even just a day of service can have,” Mazer says. “Everyone seemed to feel like they had made a meaningful difference.” (From left) D-Day organizers Cori Mazer ’14 and Eli Cohen ’15 with D-Day speaker Judge Bob Vance ’79
Mazer and Cohen also increased the number of off-campus projects, giving more students the chance to serve in the community. Students worked with
At Home at Springs
The ISS Residential Life (ResLife) Program has always focused on making Springs a home for boarding students — and this year is no exception. ResLife has provided a personal touch to the students’ boarding experience 2 by providing activities such as a holiday cookie baking night and In-Home Community Dining, where on-campus faculty and families hosted boarding students for dinner. PHOTOS, L-R (1) Cameron McDonald ’14 at the holiday cookie baking night. (2) Ulysses Keevan-Lynch ’17, Yu Tang ’15, Corinna Rheinbay ’14, Daler Karassayev ’17, Kieran Kluvitse ’16 and Elquis Castillo ’16 at In-Home Community Dining. s p r i ng
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news / sp o rts
Campus Master Plan Team Assembled The Indian Springs School Board of Governors has assembled a team of alumni and parents to further consider how Springs will be able to implement the Campus Master Plan approved in September 2012. Recognizing first and foremost that the unique character and special culture of the school will be fostered, new classrooms, a new arts facility, and new dining hall are envisioned.
of alumni, alumnae, and parents of alumni/ae to share the needs of the school and the exciting potential of the Campus Master Plan. So far, the team has recruited alumni/ae and parents from the Birmingham region, Washington, D.C., New York, Asheville, N.C., San Francisco and Los Angeles to help.
“We are absolutely moving ahead,” says Alan Engel. “We have a great team assembled and a strong design. To go ahead with every element of The team is chaired by Lisa the Plan, more alumni from Engel, a former Parents the ‘50s and ‘60s, as well as Association President; Alan younger alumni and alumnae Engel ’73, Chair of the from the ‘70s, ‘80s and now Board Finance Committee; ‘90s, will need to pitch in and Rusty Rushton ’74, Chair in significant ways. As the of the Board Academics alumni population has grown Committee. The team’s goal and grown older, additional is to enlist a broad spectrum leaders are emerging.”
Pictured at a Team Meeting at Rusty and Lia Rushton’s home in December are (front row): Frank Samford ’62, Lia Rushton, Libby Pantazis, (second row) Ginny and Joe Farley ’81, Mike Goodrich ’90, Lisa Engel, Allan Cruse ’59, Alan Engel ’73 and Rusty Rushton ’74. Additional Team Members are Honorary Chair Donald Hess ’66, Ellen McElroy ’78, Robert Aland ’80, John Abbot ’80, Kelly Bodnar Battles ’85, Scott Pulliam ’85, Michael McCullers ’89, Hanson Slaughter ’90, Sydney and Michael Green, Connie and Marshal Urist, and Catherine McLean. Brandi Rickels (left) and Greg Papay (right) of the Lake/ Flato architecture firm have worked with ISS on the Campus Master Plan effort. They are pictured with parent Kiki Scalise and alumnus parents John and Gerrin McGowan at a school event.
SPRINGS beats altamont in TRIPLE OT thriller I. I believe. I believe that we. I believe that we will win. I believe that we will win! I BELIEVE THAT WE WILL WIN! The Springs student body used this cheer (made famous by Utah State University fans) to inspire the Varsity Boys Basketball Team to a thrilling, come-from-behind, triple-overtime victory over The Altamont School at home on January 18. The Varsity Boys Basketball Team finished 15-7 on the season, taking a six-game winning streak into the Area Tournament, where they lost to a strong Leeds team. Stephen Himic ’13 and Kenechi Ijemere ’14 were named to the All-Area Team. Other highlights of the 2012-2013 sports season so far include: Volleyball – The Volleyball Team finished the fall 2012 season with a 8 i n di a n
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respectable, winning record of 1613. Co-captain and Area All-Tournament Team member Yuka Sanui ’13 led the team in service points and digs, cocaptain Ambria Hardy ’13 led in kills, and Alex Smith ’14 led in assists. Cross Country – The Cross Country Teams found success throughout the fall 2012 season. Victoria Saenz ’13 shattered her own school record, recording a 5K best of 20:02, and Jessie Hook ’13, Alice Marson ’13 and Paula Simonetti ’13 also contributed to one of the best seasons in school history. After placing second at the AHSAA Section 3-3A championship, the Girls Team went on to finish sixth at the state championship and Saenz earned All-State first-team honors. The Boys Team experienced a great turnaround, running personal records
across the board and pulling out an upset to win the Section 3-3A championship. The Boys Team went on to finish ninth at the state championship, capping off a memorable season. Girls Basketball – The team improved its record this year, winning three more games than last season. Captain Temi Ransome-Kuti ’13 had a terrific season, averaging 14.3 points per game. Springs will lose four valuable seniors but will have 11 returning players next year. ISS spring sports — soccer, baseball, softball, golf and tennis — are just getting underway. Follow them at GO SPRINGS!
springs @ 60
DOUG L AS R AY English Teacher/Director of Summer Programs Faculty/Staff Member since 2010 In his essay “Tradition and the Individual Talent,” T.S. Eliot says, “No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relationship to the dead poets and artists.” Similarly, as a relatively new faculty member at Springs, my practice as a teacher is part of a 60-year tradition of excellence. My work in the classroom is in conversation with lessons of Cooper, Fleming, Lusco, Sheppard, Stegner, Tuohy and countless others who encouraged critical discourse before my time. I am thrilled to build on this tradition and to do so heeding Ezra Pound’s dictum: “make it new.” Springs began as an experiment in progressive education. As a faculty member who teaches and learns in a global, digital, informationflooded, and diverse world, my job is to be innovative in preparing students to interpret any “text” or situation with confidence and great skill. What this means in a practical sense for a teacher in the 21st century charged with teaching students 21st century skills is complex and constantly changing. Consequently, it is important that our faculty members have the time, space and resources to know how our particular disciplines are changing, how the educational landscape is evolving, and what our “best practices” can and should be. Understanding that learning environments facilitate students’ growth and technological
innovations shape the ways teachers teach and students learn, our school and faculty also need to employ technology, which has become so vital to everyday communication and connectivity. Finally, it is essential that the diversity of our community supports a values-enhanced education. With global, digital interconnectivity, students encounter a wide range of “difference” all the time. In teaching English, I am not only teaching grammar and poetry. I am teaching students to be culturally competent, humane members of society. We, as a school, have a rich history of encouraging students to be critical readers of perhaps the most difficult texts they’ll encounter: themselves and the people around them. We will continue to forge sharp minds and generous hearts.
Chuck Williams, Director of Technology What will be important for education in the future, both at Springs and universally? It will be important for students to stop being simply consumers of content and to become creators of content. The ability to create, manage, control and direct digital content will be crucial to their success.
Douglas Ray
English Teacher Michelle Williams teaching under the trees
Kelly Jacobs, History What do you think about the Campus Master Plan and its impact on teaching/learning at Springs? Twenty-first century skills are all about problem solving, collaboration, and information/ technology literacy. The classroom space, seminar space, and technological capabilities in the new classroom areas are essential for us to meet the demands of what it means to be well-educated in the 21st century. Harvey Woodward and Doc Armstrong would approve!
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As reflected in the previous pages, Springs has a lengthy history of dedicated, quality faculty members. Their names, photos and words serve as reminders of their excellence and long-standing commitment to students – and the ways they have shaped lives over the past 60 years. While reminiscing about the influence of faculty and staff, it is important to anticipate what ISS can do to attract and healthfully retain such individuals in the future. The Armstrongs, Luscos, Bairds, Coopers and Sheppards of Springs’ future will be attracted to the school’s tradition of academic excellence and citizenship, no doubt. But they will also want to be a part of an institution with facilities, technology, professional development, and other educational tools that support them in this endeavor, given the ever-changing, global world in which students live and learn. As the school implements its Campus Master Plan and puts technology and professional development strategies in place, the entire Springs community has an opportunity to come together in an effort to support today’s teachers and those of future generations.
To facilitate personal and academic inquiry, we will always be considering how our courses meet our students’ needs and the school’s mission. Indeed, we may see the gradual dissolution of disciplinary boundaries and a move towards a more integrated, interdisciplinary, and collaborative curriculum. I am excited to be shaping the tradition of Learning Through Living at Springs and look forward to providing students the highest quality education possible. When I dream with my colleagues and students, I am confident that a Springs education can be at the vanguard of shaping the next generations of bold, bright, generous and innovative lifelong learners.
Latin Teacher and Former Dean of Students Faculty/Staff Member since 1966
John Lusco
When I arrived at Indian Springs in 1966, I was astonished at the number of great teachers here: Armstrong, of course, and Fleming, Draper and Stegner, just to name a few. If I am completely honest, I admit I was a little bit intimidated by them. But they made me feel at home, and I’ve been “home” ever since. This is my 51st year of teaching Latin.
Founding faculty member and current ISS historian Mac Fleming in the classroom with Springs students from the mid-1950s
Being at Springs is akin to being part of a vast family. As faculty and staff members, we are close, experiencing life together with a common goal of the health and achievement of all of our students. And we are family with students and their families, too. Nothing is more humbling than hearing from an alum who said that I had a positive impact on his or her life. There is no doubt that the students and alumni make a difference in mine every day. I have also witnessed how students consider each other family. Time and time
“The teacher helps the learner…by developing an environment which influences the student to make a strong commitment to values, to seek a larger knowledge, and to acquire a firm purpose.” Taken from a 1950s admission piece, these words still ring true. The relationship between faculty and students has been at the core of the Springs experience for 60 years, inspiring students to lives that embrace values, knowledge and purpose.
s c ho ol
Mike Lantrip, Math/ recording arts What are your greatest hopes for Springs in the years ahead? I hope that the school’s philosophy maintains and emphasizes the basic values of truth, beauty and honor, that the educational focus is real-world oriented, forward thinking and global, and that the relationship between the students and teachers remains the special, heartfelt bond that we “Springers” know and appreciate.
Quality and commitment have been the hallmarks of the Springs faculty and staff throughout time. The current 40 faculty members hold 37 doctorates and master’s degrees, and many engage in professional development that further strengthens their credentials. More than half of the faculty and staff live on campus, demonstrating a presence to students beyond the “normal” school day. Whether or not they reside on campus, they engage students in and out of the classroom — eating with them, attending their games and performances, sponsoring their clubs, and supporting their dreams, evidenced by college recommendations, award referrals, and job references. In the process, they become the students’ challengers, cheerleaders and colleagues.
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My thoughts on my first day at Springs are the same today. We have great teachers, and I am happy to work among them.
Mac Fleming, History/Archives What has stayed consistent throughout Springs’ history? One of the fundamental objectives of the institution has always been to teach the student to teach himself. The original board, administration and faculty are no longer with us, but the original object of the school is still with us.
This special section showcases faculty and staff who have served throughout Springs’ 60 years and includes their observations and hopes for the school’s future. In their words, you will see their commitment to helping students embrace values, knowledge and a firm purpose. s p r i ngs
What is it about this place that creates family? One reason is because we are a boarding school and so many of us, whether we reside on campus or not, live, eat and experience life together. But there’s even more to it. In and out of class, faculty and students learn together, and in the process, we learn about each other. We challenge each other, explore the hard questions, inspire each other to excellence, and have the freedom to experience Learning Through Living. We are a community of scholars and a family in the best sense of the word. I am pleased to be a part of Springs’ past, present and future family.
While being present, faculty and staff members also encourage an atmosphere of personal responsibility among students. Fully embracing the school’s motto of Learning Through Living, they support the students’ efforts to govern themselves and to navigate the sometimes tricky waters of academics, accountability and citizenship. And students are always the better for it.
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again, alumni tell me that their friends for life are their Springs friends.
in dian
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Springs Faculty-Staff Members
Following is a representative sample of faculty and staff who have served the school with distinction over 60 years. Throughout the listing you will find photos of long-standing faculty and staff members and reflections from faculty who are serving today.
Frank Cantey (1), 1951-1985, Administrator/Development Dick Crosby (2), 1951-1971, Associate Director Sybil Baird Dearing (3), 1951-1979, Librarian Mac Fleming, 1952-Present, History/Archives Dudley McGuire, 1952-1976, Director of Maintenance Robert Moore, 1952-1969, Science Ted Cobun, 1952-1960, Science Fred Cameron (4), 1953-1983, Coach/PE Marian Cameron, 1953-1983, Reading Howard Draper (5), 1954-1966, French Lara Hoggard, 1956-1960, Choir Director Douglas Humphries (6), 1956-1966, Math Robert Johns (7), 1958-1967, History Fred Gipson (8), 1960-2003, Biology Richard Jones (9), 1960-1969, Physics Byron King (10), 1960-1969, English Hugh Thomas, 1960-1965, Choir Director Ray Woodard (11), 1960-2000, Soccer John Wheeler, 1961-1973, Math John Campbell, 1965-1975, French Sarah Campbell, 1965-1975, Administrative Assistant
Lisa Balazs, Science
What will be important for education in the future, both at Springs and universally? Students who can think creatively, teachers who can enable that creativity, and technology that can be used to effectively and wisely convey information. These things, together, will allow students to be great problem solvers, and that is what the world needs right now.
Louis “Doc” Armstrong DIRECTOR, 1951-1972 “The central job of your teachers is to stimulate, keep alive and help you give direction to your intellectual curiosity. It follows that your central job is to develop a mind that wants to know…. The search for truth is one of the most notable of all human activities. Acquiring better ways of finding out is one of your major goals as a student.” 1 1
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Robert Stegner (12), 1965-1992, English John Lusco, 1966-Present, Latin/Dean of Students Edge Shelswell-White, 1966-1974, History Estelle Morgan, 1967-1975, Administrative Assistant Marvin Balch (13), 1968-2000, Math Charles Ellis (14), 1970-Present, Director of Admission/ Religion/Drama/English Joseph Mays, 1970-1976, English Clyde Buzzard, 1972-1980, English Mac LaCasse (15), 1972-Present, Physics/Math Mike Lantrip, 1972-Present, Recording Arts/Math Bob Cooper (16), 1974-Present, History Connie Rueve, 1974-1984, Administrative Assistant Helen Payne (17), 1976-1997, French June Conerly (18), 1977-2009, History/Director of Counseling/ Social Studies/Dean of Faculty Leanna Webb (19), 1978-2009, Librarian/Media Services Brownie Barton, 1980-1989, Administrative Assistant Henry McHenry, 1980-1990, English Tim Thomas ‘67 (20), 1980-Present, Choir Director/Music Edna Wade, 1980-2008, Housekeeping Greg Van Horn (21), 1981-Present, Athletic Director Jonathan Horn ‘75 (22), 1984-Present, Dean of Academics/French Elma Tuohy (23), 1984-2003, English Louis “Boo” Mason (24), 1985-Present, Tennis Sue Hutchison, 1986-Present, Office Manager/Registrar Janie Hyatt, 1986-Present, Assistant to the Director
Sara Arner, Nurse, Houseparent What are your greatest hopes for Springs in the years ahead? I hope that Springs can maintain balance between keeping up with the fast pace of technology and appreciating the simple beauty of the nature surrounding us. The campus has much to offer students and faculty with its lake, trails and abundance of land. While we must be competitive with the advancement of the digital age, maintaining our environment makes Springs unique.
Diane Sheppard, English What does Springs need to be the greatest school possible, in the short- and long-term? Good education still requires dedicated, well-prepared and committed teachers in an environment that is conducive to learning and students who are motivated and prepared to do challenging work. While we definitely need new facilities and reliable, up-to-date technology, they can never replace the basic ingredients of what makes a school great: a community of individuals who love learning, who seek and strive and share.
Michelle Williams, English What will be important for education in the future, both at Springs and universally? One of the issues facing us as educators in the future is the rising need for scholars who can think creatively, cross-curricularly, and collaboratively. The global economy requires us to be citizens of the world, and in order to do so, we need to recognize that the rest of the world does not operate on a “teach to the test” mentality. We are fortunate, at Springs, that the latter does not happen, and that we demand of our students the independence of thought that has been our hallmark and, indeed, is part of Learning Through Living.
Diane Sheppard (25), 1989-Present, English/Houseparent Cindy Van Horn, 1989-Present, Librarian Assistant Lee Sanner, 1989-2004, Maintenance Supervisor Blake Berry, 1991-Present, Physical Plant Superintendent Hunter Gray, 1992-Present, Girls Soccer/Basketball/PE Robbie Daniels, 1995-2003, Houseparent Marcelene Jefferson, 1995-2002, Director of Development Jan Fortson, 1996-Present, Dean of Student Life/Houseparent Beth Woodward, 1996-2005, Art E.T. Brown ‘74, 1997-2010, Director of Technology/ Director of Admission and Financial Aid/Webmaster Gabriela Granados, 1997-2006, Spanish Elizabeth Mallonee Holcomb, 1997-2004, Admissions/Drama Kelly Jacobs, 1997-Present, History Stephanie Thomas (26), 1997-Present, Math Bob Pollard, 1998-Present, Biology Alina Voicu, 1998-Present, Instrumental Music Gerrin McGowan, 2000-2010, Math/Yoga Tanya Yeager, 2001-Present, Director of Finance/Houseparent Gisele Crowe, 2002-2008, Director of Development Ann Hamner, 2002-Present, Business Office April Berry, 2003-Present, Business Office George Mange, 2003-Present, Spanish/Soccer/Admission/ Development Gunnar Olson, 2003-Present, Director of College Advising Michael Sheehan, 2003-Present, Photography/Baseball Richard Theibert, 2003-Present, Softball Rik Tozzi, 2003-Present, Boys Soccer Lisa Balazs, 2004-Present, Science/Cross Country Chuck Williams, 2004-Present, Director of Technology/ Boys Soccer/Debate Michelle Williams, 2004-Present, English Brian Lamp, 2005-Present, Baseball Lorrie White, 2005-Present, Dining Hall
Doug Jennings DIRECTOR, 1987-2001
Joe Jackson DIRECTOR, 1972-1986
“One of the great strengths of Indian Springs School is the commitment and dedication of the entire school community — students, faculty and staff, board, parents, alumni and friends.”
“For the person who is truly interested in teaching and learning, in exerting a positive influence on the development of young people, and in continuing to grow as a person and as an educator, the potential here is, in my judgment, unsurpassed.”
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Tanya Yeager, Director of Finance What do you think about the Campus Master Plan and its impact on teaching/ learning at Springs? I believe the Campus Master Plan will allow the exterior (buildings and landscape) to properly reflect the quality of learning that is already happening on the interior.
Mel MacKay DIRECTOR, 2002-2007 “If Learning Through Living means anything, it should mean that we are not content to rest on our academic laurels, but feel our mission is ultimately achieved when we send into the world students who through their unselfishness, understanding, and service — their own commitment to being good — are in a position to raise the level of the common good.”
Athena Chang, 2006-Present, Chinese Jim Ellington, 2006-Present, Drama/English Melody Machen, 2006-Present, Art Brian Rodgers, 2006-Present, Dean of Residential Life/Counselor/ Houseparent/Psychology Maria Martinez, 2007-Present, Spanish Magalie Minaud, 2007-Present, French Richard Neely, 2007-Present, History Pete Arner, 2008-Present, Residential Life Coordinator/Houseparent/ Coach/History Beth Mulvey, 2008-Present, Director of Development/English/ Houseparent 23 David Noone, 2008-Present, Associate Director and Dean of Academics/ Economics/Houseparent Christina Tetzlaff, 2008-Present, Chemistry/Volleyball Tanya Hyatt, 2010-Present, Science Marjan Obradovic, 2010-Present, Science Douglas Ray, 2010-Present, English Jack Sweeney, 2010-Present, Director of Enrollment Management Tom Barr, 2011-Present, Math Clint Jacobs, 2011-Present, Contemporary Music Jessica Smith, 2011-Present, Librarian/English
Gareth Vaughan DIRECTOR, 2008-present “Springs students have always been in the driver’s seat of their own education. The excellent faculty is here to encourage, and push and lead, but how far students go with their passions and interests is unlimited. The freedom to think, question and grow is cultivated by intellectual challenges at every turn.”
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Graduates Share Expertise with Students Annie Damsky ’98 always wanted to own her own business, but the idea for a business kept eluding her. “I knew I had to be passionate about the business I started, and I kept waiting for the inspiration to come,” she says. So, she began working in corporate marketing. About Annie Damsky ’98 and Tom Barr, teacher of the the same time, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management she began taking class, before Damsky spoke to the class yoga classes. As she gained business experience, she discovered a love for yoga and became certified to teach classes. “I received more training and, eventually, everything crystallized into the idea of opening my own yoga studio,” she says.
During 2012-2013, the tradition of alumni volunteerism at Springs is strong. This year, Joe Simonetti ’75 served as an assistant ISS Mock Trial Team members pose with Judge Mike Joiner ‘75 (second coach for from right) and Team Advisor Carole Mazer (fourth from left). the Varsity Girls Basketball Team, Fran Hutchins ’95 and Fergus Tuohy ’96 spoke to the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance, Laurel Fain Mills ’98 read from her book at the ISS Visiting Writers Series, Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Mike Joiner ’75 helped ISS Mock Trail teams prepare for their Top 10 finishes in the Alabama Mock Trial Competition, Terra Stanley ’08 spoke to the Latin American Studies and Spanish classes, and Barry Tobias ’98 spoke to science and math classes about his work with the International Space Station. During the spring, several alumni are speaking about the school theme “The Individual and Society” at a school-wide assembly (see story, page 4).
Damsky shared this advice and more with students in Springs’ Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management class. She is one of five alumni who are speaking to class members – and one of many alumni who give of themselves as volunteers at ISS each year.
Alumni are also serving on Board of Governors subcommittees. Donald Hess ’66 is chair and William Belser ’80, Kyung Han ’85 and David Nelson ’93 are alumni members of the new Technology Subcommittee, and Jimmy Lewis ’75 is chair and Tim Blair ’81, Tom Carruthers ’78 and Ed Cassady ’76 are alumni members of the Building and Grounds Subcommittee.
In addition to Damsky, class speakers include Kyung Han ’85 of EmPower Research, Ben Hunt ’82 of the TIG Procella Fund, and Shazi Visram ’95 of the Happy Family organic food brand. Bill Goodrich ’66 will also take class members on a field trip to Birmingham’s Innovation Depot business incubation program, where he serves as a board member.
“Springs alumni have an abundance of experience, and we are grateful when Volunteer Coach Joe Simonetti ’75 alumni can share that abundance with our students,” says Director of Development Beth Mulvey.
Villager Yoga opened in the Cahaba Heights/Mountain Brook area of Birmingham in January 2012. It is one of the only studios in Alabama offering classes for all ages. “The business is going great, and every day is a learning experience,” she says. “And I’m glad for the experiences I had leading up to starting the business. It’s important to let your grand idea develop organically.”
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Plosser Named Outstanding Alumnus For 2013
2013 Outstanding Alumnus Charles Plosser ’66
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia President and CEO Charles Plosser ’66 has been named the 2013 recipient of Indian Springs’ Outstanding Alum Award, given annually to a graduate who has made an outstanding contribution to his or her field and community.
who holds Ph.D. and M.B.A. degrees from the University of Chicago, Plosser had two reactions to the crisis. “I found it absolutely fascinating on an intellectual level,” he says. “However, it was also stressful because there were no easy answers, and we knew how important it was to make the best decisions possible.”
Appointed president and CEO of the Philadelphia Fed in 2006, Plosser is among 12 Reserve Bank presidents who participate on the Federal Open Market Committee, which determines the nation’s monetary policy.
During and since the end of the crisis, the Birmingham native has made headlines around the U.S. and the world as he speaks to audiences about economic and public policy issues.
Plosser’s position took on even more significance when the global financial crisis hit in 2008. During the crisis and the recession that followed, he and his Fed colleagues took unprecedented actions in both monetary policy and the Fed’s lending operations to help mitigate the impact of the crisis. A former economics professor and dean at the University of Rochester’s business school
Plosser sees these speaking engagements as an extension of his earlier days in the college classroom. “I am still teaching about economics and public policy, but now I am reaching a broader audience,” he says. According to Plosser, Indian Springs laid the groundwork for the ability to teach and learn that has been the foundation of his career: “Indian Springs taught me what learning is all about and how to enjoy making it a life-long pursuit.”
Springs held a Legacy Family Reception in the ISS Library before the December 13 Holiday Choir Concert and Student Art Show — bringing together families with multiple generations of Springs alumni as well as faculty and families of current students. Those in attendance included (from left) (1) Caroline Borden ’16 and her grandfather Richard Monk ’57, (2) Jane Ellis, Jim Walker ’80, Parents Association President Holly Ellis Whatley ’84, (3) Tom Gamble ’60 and Faculty Member Charles Ellis. Monk, Walker, Whatley and Gamble are among the Springs alumni with children or grandchildren who are ISS graduates or students.
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alumn i we e k e n d 2013 Celebrate 60 Years of Springs! Join us as we celebrate 60 years of Springs at Alumni Weekend 2013! The event will be held April 11-14. See the schedule on this page for all the details and finalize your plans to attend!
Thursday, April 11 10:20 a.m. Individual and Society Panel Discussion with Student Body and the Class of 1963-John Badham Theater 6:30 p.m. Directors’ Dinner (by special invitation to Springs’ top giving societies) – The Hut friday, April 12
All events are free except the Saturday night Reunion Class Parties (for class years that end in “3” and “8”), and special Springs rates are available at area hotels. Register and get all the details at!
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Attend a Favorite Class or Two 11:30 a.m. Sing With the Choir – Concert Hall 12 – 1 p.m. Informal Lunch – Dining Hall 3:30 p.m. Campus Master Plan Presentation – Library 7 p.m. Alumni-Faculty Reception for All Classes – Aloft Hotel, Homewood, Ala.
Reunion Class Party Time!
saturday, April 13
Alumni from class years that end in “3” or “8” will be celebrating Reunion Class Parties on Saturday night of Alumni Weekend! If you have not yet heard from your class agent about your party, use the list below to contact him/her and get all the information.
Chip Gamble, Clifford Spencer,
Tom Adams,
Martin Damsky, Frank Randall,
Paul Roberts,
Macke Mauldin,
Rhett Walker,
Anna Clark Velasco,
Braxton Goodrich,
Jackie Kim,
2003 2008
William Gamble, D.G. Pantazis, Jillian Theibert,
9 a.m. Run the ISS Cross Country Trails – Meet by Town Hall 9 a.m. Tech Seminar: Things Teachers/Students Do With Today’s Technology – Library 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Registration, Refreshments and Memorabilia – Town Hall Lounge 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. Cool Things for Kids (for ages 3-11 – adult-supervised activities while alumni are on campus) – Town Hall 9:45 a.m.Campus Tours (led by current students) – Depart from Town Hall 10:30 a.m.ISSINFO (Q&A of ISS happenings) – John Badham Theater 11:30 a.m. Alumni and Family Lunch – Dining Hall 12:45 – 5 p.m. Special Tributes, Tailgating and Soccer Games – Ray Woodard Field 12:45 p.m. – Tribute to the Class of 1963 and the 2003 State Champion Girls Soccer Team 1 p.m. – Varsity Girls Soccer vs. Altamont 2:45 p.m. – Tribute to the 2008 State Champion Boys Soccer Team 3 p.m. – Varsity Boys Soccer vs. Altamont Evening Individual Reunion Class Parties (for class years ending in “3” and “8”) – Various Locations sunday, April 14 8 – 9:30 a.m. Service Project: Fertile Minds Learning Garden 9 a.m. Continental Breakfast – Dining Hall 10 – 11 a.m. Brunch – Dining Hall 10:15 – 10:45 a.m. Reflection by the Lake – The Hut
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giving Boo’s Dream School Expands, Renovates Tennis Facilities When Boo Mason became Tennis Coach at Springs in 1980, his teams played on two modest courts that sported cracks and runaway weeds as much as quality play. Facility improvements occurred over the years — two courts became four, and the courts were resurfaced — but Mason has long dreamed of further expansion and improvement. This year, Mason’s dream became a reality. Through the generosity of ISS Tennis alumni and the parents of current players, the school has added two courts and resurfaced the four existing courts. A donation from one of Mason’s first Springs tennis players, Kyung Han ’85,
started the effort last year. Then Tommy and Kathy Thomson, Marie and Bill Baxley, and Caroline Clark ’82 and Brad Goodman — all parents of current Springs tennis players — joined in, leading an initiative to raise additional funds in Mason’s honor from individuals and families who have been part of ISS Tennis and benefited from Mason’s presence and leadership over three decades. According to ISS Associate Director David Noone, the court expansion and renovation took place from NovemberJanuary, complete with the new courts, fencing, windscreens, and the resurfacing of existing courts.
With the addition of two courts, home tennis matches can be completed in less time, affording student-athletes more time to study, dine and take part in other ISS evening activities, Noone adds. Mason says that the expansion will also allow Springs to host tennis camps and other programs that will draw young players and families to camps. Mason is touched that ISS Tennis alumni and families have honored his dream in this way. “I have always loved Springs, and I am honored that people thought enough of me and the tennis program to give to this project,” he says. “It’s a gorgeous facility, and I’m tickled to death about it.”
Contributors to the tennis expansion held a celebration in Coach Boo Mason’s honor in September. On hand at the event were (from left) (1) Jim White ’60, Coach Boo and Nancy Mason, (2) Athletic Director Greg Van Horn, parents Caroline Clark ’82 and Brad Goodman, (3) Mary and Victor Hanson ’74, alumnae parent Lisa Engel, and alumnae parent and board member Alan Engel ’73.
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Class Giving: Make A Difference Together! When asked what they love about Springs, many alumni express an affection for their graduation class and the experiences they shared in and out of the classroom. As class members, you can share in the effort to support Springs with a gift to the ISS Annual Fund in honor of your class or a person/program/course that was meaningful to you. Together, your class can make a difference in the lives of our faculty and students. Following is a list of all classes and the percentage of class members who have given to the Annual Fund so far this fiscal year (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013).* 2013 Reunion Classes (with class years ending with “3” and “8”) are bolded. Bragging rights will be given to the class with the highest giving percentage at the end of the fiscal year! To make your gift, visit, and know how deeply we appreciate your support!
CLASS - DONOR % 1967 — 26% 1955 — 38% 1968 — 38% 1956 — 18% 1969 — 29% 1957 — 33% 1970 — 25% 1958 — 48% 1971 — 12% 1959 — 46% 1972 — 31% 1960 — 40% 1973 — 21% 1961 — 27% 1974 — 24% 1962 — 69% 1975 — 34% 1963 — 43% 1976 — 17% 1964 — 21% 1977 — 23% 1965 — 20% 1978 — 25% 1966 — 28%
1979 — 13% 1980 — 23% 1981 — 18% 1982 — 16% 1983 — 13% 1984 — 23% 1985 — 16% 1986 — 14% 1987 — 27% 1988 — 20% 1989 — 14% 1990 — 32%
1991 — 8% 1992 — 31% 1993 — 15% 1994 — 16% 1995 — 20% 1996 — 21% 1997 — 8% 1998 — 14% 1999 — 7% 2000 — 15% 2001 — 20% 2002 — 14%
2003 — 26% 2004 — 4% 2005 — 10% 2006 — 15% 2007 — 6% 2008 — 8% 2009 — 6% 2010 — 8% 2011 — 5% ALL CLASSES — 19% * as of press time
PLANNED GIVING? THINK SPRINGS! Colleges, universities, and religious organizations top the charitable giving landscape. They use direct mail, on-campus events, personal solicitations and more to help alumni and parents recognize how to use estate planning to avoid estate taxes and contribute to them. Some of the most utilized options as you consider the impact of inheritance on your heirs are to establish foundations, trusts, or community foundation funds to avoid estate taxes; make the school the beneficiary of your or your spouse’s IRA; or take out an insurance policy as well as a straight bequest. As you hear from Alabama, Vanderbilt, Harvard, Princeton, Wash U, Emory or (name your college here) about planned giving, think Springs instead! With fewer alumni and parents in the Springs community, directing your estate planning to Springs will give you exactly the same planning benefits and have a much greater impact on a community that means so much to you.
Planned gifts can add to Springs’ endowment (now at $9 million) to forever help the school with the interest generated each year. Named endowments can provide general or specific help for scholarships or programmatic support. Additionally, planned gifts can be restricted to other interests such as building and other capital or programmatic expenditures. Your interests will set your plan. Every alumnus and alumna from Springs has benefited from the generosity of alumni and parents before him/her. The cost of tuition has only been a fraction of the actual cost of educating each student from the very start of the school in 1952. Every alum stands on the shoulders of those who went before. As there are relatively few alumni and parents who are the Indian Springs School community, every commitment is significant. Please stand firm, as now future generations of Springs students rely on your help.
Event to Feature ‘Roadshow’ Appraiser Whitehurst Mark your calendars! Antiques 101, the school’s annual Parents Association’s fundraiser, will be held Saturday, October 19, from 5-9:30 p.m. on the Springs campus. The event will feature Stuart Whitehurst ’79, appraiser on the PBS hit “Antiques Roadshow,” and give guests the chance to see his appraising genius in action. Other highlights of the night will be antiques-related classes taught by Springs faculty and alumni; fine food, beverages, and live music; and a silent auction of antiques, vacation packages, artwork and much more. Antiques 101 marks the fifth anniversary of the popular “101” fundraisers for the school’s Annual Fund, which provides needbased scholarships, faculty salaries, and student activities. Tickets go on sale in August, but save the date today! For more information, visit www. antiques101.
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John Badham’s new book, John Badham on Directing, will be published in the spring. He continues to teach at the Dodge College of Film and Media at Chapman University in Orange, Calif.
Richard Sherman writes, “I have not checked in with ISS in a few years, but I had a very big year with my law practice and thought I would share my good news. My law office is in Fort Lauderdale, and I handle large appeals across the State of Florida. I have handled more appeals than anyone in Florida history and also have handled more appeals in multi-million cases than anyone in Florida. I am happy that I reversed three verdicts totaling $12.6 million plus interest in 2012. My resume information is available on my website at www.appealsherman. com.”
American music scholar Neely Bruce ’60 is pictured with Mira Walker ’16, the first recipient of the Lara Hoggard Music Scholarship. Bruce is among those on the committee who selected Walker for scholarship, established in honor of former ISS Glee Club Director Dr. Lara Hoggard and given to an outstanding singer or musician at ISS on a yearly basis. Walker is an award-winning pianist who won first place in the Piano Division of the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs’ Competition in January.
serve as the project manager for our consumer and small business online banking platforms. My wife, Carrie, is a travel specialist with Glass Slipper Concierge, a Disney travel and concierge service (information at carrie@glassslipperconcierge. com). We often head out to the ISS campus with our dog and kids, Chloe and Billy, to hike the trails, fish, paddle, and have a picnic in the big field. ISS just keeps on getting better and better, and it is one of my greatest pleasures in life to be able to spend quality time there with my family.”
Elaine Luria is the Executive Officer of the USS Anzio (CG 68), a guided missile cruiser of the U.S. Navy.
Fergus Tuohy is now serving on the boards of the following organizations: Equality Alabama, where he serves as Vice Chair; the Financial Planning Association of North Alabama, where he is Director of Government Relations; and Birmingham AIDS Outreach. He is also serving on the ISS Alumni Council.
Alice Hawley has started a private practice in counseling in Birmingham, focusing on work with teenagers, adults, couples and families. She can be reached at or (205) 482-0473.
Board of Governors Member Alan Engel ’73 (second from right) and Director of Development Beth Mulvey traveled to San Francisco in November to chat with area Springs alumni about the latest happenings at the school. Among the alumni they met with were (from left) Hubert Liu ’91, Harry Maring ’72 and SeMe Sung ’93.
Rick Dominick is a licensed Colorado architect. He served on the AIA Colorado Board of Directors as President of the AIA Colorado West Chapter and as the AIA Colorado Intern Director. Information on his business can be found at www.
Jason Bradley writes, “I have been happily working away for Regions Bank in their eBusiness group for 13 years. I currently
What’s New With You? Tell us about the newest developments in your life so we can share them with the Springs community! To submit a class note for the next magazine issue, please email your news and photos to Kathryn D’Arcy at before August 1.
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ALUMNI HOLIDAY PARTY 2012 The Alumni Holiday Party – the school’s largest alumni party each year – was held December 26 at Birmingham’s McWane Science Center and became even more exciting with the addition of a pre-event Family Party! Alumni enjoyed bringing their children and grandchildren to experience McWane’s third-floor Winter Wonderland, and the traditional party followed, giving alumni the chance to catch up with treasured friends. Among those in attendance were (1) Jeffrey ’91, Erin and Anna Sides, (2) Cheryl and Burk McWilliams ’65, Rebecca and Jeffrey Cohn ’64, (3) Stuart ’11, Laura ’03 and Carter ’06 McLean, and (4) Martin ’68 and Heidi Damsky with grandchildren Hunter and Lily. To see the photo album, visit
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OUTSTANDING ALUM AWARD Charles Plosser ’66 has just been named the recipient of the 2013 Outstanding Alum Award, but it’s not too soon to begin thinking about next year’s recipient! If you would like to nominate someone for the 2014 award, please email Director of Development Beth Mulvey at
In celebration of the school’s 60th anniversary, Springs held its first Meeting of the Mayors, a gathering of student government heads over the years, in December. Among the former Mayors present were Kevin Tavakoli ’98 (far left), Jim Bailey ’79 (second from left), Brandon Waller ’11 (fourth from left), Andrea Mayo ’11 (third from right), and Elliott Bell ’10 (second from right), pictured with Board of Governors Chair Libby Pantazis (third from left), Director Gareth Vaughan (fourth from right), and Associate Director/Dean of Academics David Noone (far right).
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Salena Mable Braun and Davin Stamp were married on October 6, 2012. Kassandra Braun, Salena’s twin sister and classmate, and Charles Guo, another classmate, wrote the following to the couple to mark the occasion: “After nine anniversaries, two study abroads, 1,060 hours of Skype, and five years of driving to see each other on weekends, you are now husband and wife…. Your vows ... conjured up our bucolic memories of Springs where you met each other on the first day of 9th grade in Mrs. McGowan’s geometry class…. Now together, you embark on a new journey.”
From left: James Buchanan ’05, Charles Guo ’05, Kassandra Braun ’05 and Evan Wilson ’05 share a moment with Salena Mable Stamp ’05 and Davin Stamp ’05 at their wedding.
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LONGTIME SUPPORTER, DORM NAMESAKE HESS PASSES AWAY Longtime Springs supporter Jimmie Hess – one of the namesakes of Hess Hall, Springs’ girls dormitory – passed away January 21 in Sarasota, Fla. She was 91. After moving with her husband, Emil, to Birmingham after World War II, she was his silent partner as they built the family business, Parisian, into a major retail force throughout the Southeast. In addition to being an integral part of Birmingham’s nonprofit and arts communities, she and Emil were long-standing, supportive members of the Springs family. Three generations of her family have graduated from or are attending Springs. Alumni include son Donald Hess ’66 and grandchildren Marc Morrison ’84, Valerie Morrison Thompson ’87, Heidi Hess ’89, Susanna Myers ’90, Molly Myers ’92, Carl Hess ’93, David Nelson ’93, Lisa Hess Lowrie ’95, Stuart Nelson ’95 and Emily Hess Levine ’01, and greatgrandson Clark Thompson ’16 is a current student. Mrs. Hess and her family have given to the school in immeasurable ways, offering volunteer as well as financial support. Donald Hess ’66 serves on the school’s Board of Governors and is a former Chair of the body, and several of her grandchildren serve on the ISS Alumni Council, the newly-formed Technology Subcommittee, and other efforts. She and other members of her family were among the first to support the Springs for Life Society, a giving society for those who pledge to give to the ISS Annual Fund each year. In 2009, ISS named the girls dormitory for Mrs. Hess and her husband in honor of their belief in the school. “Mrs. Hess was a warm and wonderful force in the Birmingham community, and together with her husband, they made a difference in the lives of many people, including the Springs community,” says ISS Director Gareth Vaughan.
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m e m o riam Alumni Alan Matthews ’68 of Birmingham passed away on November 15, 2012. An active ISS alumnus, he served as Class Agent for the Class of 1968 and was in the midst of planning their 45th reunion at the time of his passing. His memorial service was held at Indian Springs at The Hut, From left: Alan Woodall ’68, Martin Damsky ’68, which he helped Ben Cohen ’68, Wendell Cauley ’68, John Samford build as a student, ’68 and Frank Randall ’68 plant a tree by the ISS and attended by lake in memory of Alan Matthews ’68. family and friends, including many from Springs. He was preceded in death by brother Larry Matthews ’64, and survivors include another brother, David Matthews ‘75. Joseph Habshey III ‘93 of Nashville, Tenn., passed away on August 11, 2012. He was 37. He attended Vanderbilt University, where he graduated summa cum laude in computer science and mathematics. Adam Schmitt ’79 died October 22, 2012, in a plane crash on the San Carlos Apache Reservation near San Carlos, Ariz. Survivors include his brother, Lee Schmitt ’82.
Former Faculty Springs received word that former Math Teacher Douglas Humphreys III, 81, died February 18, 2010, in Ft. Walton Beach, Fla. A U.S. Army veteran and graduate of the Peabody School of Education at Vanderbilt University, he served at Indian Springs from 1956-1966, where he taught math and designed a student convocation building for the school. During his career, he also taught at The McCallie School and worked for NASA, helping develop the agency’s first mainframe computers, assisting with the return of the Apollo 13 astronauts to earth, and working on the Strategic Defense Initiative (a.k.a. “Star Wars”) program.
6 0 thin g s we l o ve a b o ut sprin g s
6 0 things we love ab out springs In the fall magazine, we compiled a list of 60 things that students, faculty and staff love about Springs in honor of the school’s 60th birthday. In this issue, we are giving alumni, board members and parents their turn. Enjoy!
1. It belonged to the students and the faculty. 2. The grassroots work of the students and faculty gave the school its personality.
3. Learning Through Living is more than a motto — it
is a force that allows the students and the school to grow. 4. Students, faculty, the administration and alumni all “get it.” 5. The swan 6. Playing basketball with my friends 7. Eating with the faculty breakfast club of Coach Van Horn, Mr. Lantrip and Mr. Lusco 8. Bringing my family to campus for a hike around the lake 9. The lack of pressure to conform 10. The campus is a place where one can be whoever he wants. 11. The old dorm circle, the volleyball team, and my friends. 12. A love of learning and an understanding that the good life should be lived in the depths and not at the surface 13. Springs shaped me in ways I never could have imagined and introduced me to a family that I will forever adore. 14. Riding my bicycle around campus, giving me time to reflect about life 15. Student Government 16. Walking to a friend’s dorm room for a friendly chat, only to be joined by other friends and having deep conversations about life 17. Playing Ultimate Frisbee in the grass central to the dorm circle 18. Singing in the choir 19. The food 20. How almost every teacher taught with great passion, always challenging and encouraging students to succeed 21. The Hut, where I used to throw the best dances as the DJ 22. The theater program, which introduced me to the magic of theatrical production as a light and sound technician 23. Having both your kids at Springs 24. The recording arts course offered by Mr. Lantrip, which gave me a greater appreciation for the amount of work that goes into recording a song 25. The fact that Springs graduates, without exception, can write well 26. The visual arts 27. Being able to hunt snapping turtles in between classes 28. It teaches students to be independent learners and to be responsible.
29. It promotes social justice. 30. The garden 31. The student body is like a melting pot of cultures. 32. The fog on the lake in the early morning and the deer you pass on the way in to school
33. The people I met there 34. The quality education my daughter received 35. As a parent, I enjoyed the relationships with the faculty members.
36. The campus is beautiful in many ways. 37. The teachers, the students and the atmosphere 38. The cherry trees in bloom along Woodward Drive and the lake encircled by autumn fire
39. My Latin II class met all year in Mr. Lusco’s living room.
40. Many teachers came to my father’s funeral during my junior year, and I can still call these teachers friends.
41. As a teacher myself at Springs, I could meet with my
students under a shade tree or around the breakfast table. 42. Never knowing if I will startle a doe and fawn in the woods near Bishop’s Creek 43. Springs is a place that opened my mind. 44. A true sense of learning for the right reasons in a supportive, community environment 45. The clubs 46. My mother passed away my senior year. Springs was a key factor in helping me make it through that time. 47. I loved everything except maybe being thrown in the lake, but even that was kind of fun. 48. Leaving Dr. Cooper speechless for the first time I had ever seen during my “Meeting of the Minds” as Caligula 49. The soccer program 50. Students from all backgrounds coming together to fulfill Learning Through Living 51. A Thursday night ride in the Carry All to the BSO with Brook Hill, then roast beef and jamocha shakes at Arby’s 52. The Red and Gray competition and kids finding out they “do have it in them” 53. Math and science programs 54. The people and the atmosphere created 55. The academic curriculum, global diversity, quality of teachers and students, extracurricular activities, and alumni achievements 56. Freedom 57. The diversity of people and nations at ISS 58. Student Concerts 59. The opportunities that Springs gave me 60. My class
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Alumni Weekend
April 11-14, 2013
June and July 2013
October 19, 2013