Indian Weekender 03 February 2017

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shahrukh khan

3 FEB2017


movie review

Vol. 8 • Issue 44

NZ’s only Kiwi-Indian weekly

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MT albert by-election meet the candidates

Nomination form on page 31



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3 February 2017 |

2017 general elections date announced ¡¡ SWATI SHARMA


rime Minister Bill English, on February 1, announced that this year’s general election will be held on Saturday, September 23. The last general election took place on September 20, 2014. Providing “plenty of notice”, Mr English said that choosing this date will allow the PM to represent the country at global forums APEC and East Asian Summit, which fall in the latter part of the year. “National will be campaigning on its strong record of delivering more for you and your family. New Zealand is now growing strongly, stronger than most developed countries. We’ve got New Zealand back on its feet, got people into jobs, returned to surplus, invested heavily in infrastructure and core services, and tackled natural disasters. “The challenge now is to sustain that growth, build for growth, and act for the people who most need our help,” Mr English said. Soon after John Key resigned as prime minister in December last year, a number of National MPs decided to not stand in the 2017 general election. These include Education Minister Hekia Parata, MP Sam Loti-Iiga, Associate Transport Minister Craig Foss, and MP Jo Goodhew. This will result in new faces stepping up in the upcoming election. Mr English also announced that his preference would be to continue working with their current political partners—Maori Party, ACT, and United Future—and it is unlike for them to partner with NZ First as there are “big differences” between the parties. He added that the government “will be taking nothing for granted” as under MMP (Mixed Member Proportional) voting system, “elections are always close.” Highlighting the growth and economy factor in his announcement, Mr English said that these two would be the key issues in the coming election.

Providing “plenty of notice”, Mr English said that choosing this date will allow the PM to represent the country at global forums APEC and East Asian Summit, which fall in the latter part of the year

“We will go into the election with a positive and ambitious programme that will build on the successes of the last few years, with a clear and strong plan to make you and all New Zealanders better off both at work and at home, and with the means to achieve it,” he said. On the other hand, Leader of Opposition, Andrew Little, said that housing affordability,

Key dates in 2017 general election safety, access to healthcare, a stronger economy, and quality education would be the issues Labour would fight for. “We’re well prepared. Our teams are in place, our plans are well advanced, and we’ll be working hard to convince New Zealanders we can help give them a fair shot at the Kiwi dream,” he said Green Party co-leader James Shaw said that their part is ready to take on the government more than it has ever been. Meanwhile, NZ First Leader Winston Peters also said that his party is ready for the election. “All our planning and key events, such as the campaign launch and the annual convention, are set around this date. It suits us fine.” With the announcement of the election date, the possibility of avoiding Mt Albert by-election has also been ruled out, which will now be held on February 25. A by-election is avoided if a general election is being held within six months of the seat being vacated.

• Monday, June 26: Launch of enrolment campaign • Tuesday, August 22: Dissolution of Parliament • Wednesday, August 23: Writ Day (GovernorGeneral issues formal direction to the Electoral Commission to hold the election) • Wednesday, September 6: Overseas voting starts • Monday, September 11: Advance voting starts • Friday, September 22: Advance voting ends (last day to enrol for the election) • Friday, September 22 Midnight: Regulated period ends (all election advertising must end and election signs must be taken down) • Saturday, September 23: Election day Polling places open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Preliminary results released progressively from 7:00 p.m.

• Saturday 7 October: Official results for general election declared

NEW ZEALAND | 3 February


Election sops make their way to the public, PM announces increase in police numbers ¡¡ SWATI SHARMA


n what seems like a major election gambit, Prime Minister Bill English, February 2, announced that the police numbers will be increased by 1,125, including 880 extra sworn officers on the frontline. With this increase, the number of police will go up from 11,925 to more than 13,000 by June 2021 while the number of sworn-in police officers will increase from nearly 8,900 to about 9,800. This increase will also include 20 ethnic liaison officers who will work towards reducing crime in the communities. The numbers will increase the police workforce by almost 10% during the next four years. The first recruits will begin training in July and hit the beat in November this year. There have been concerns about the increasing crime rate in New Zealand, even after being the fourth safest country in the world, and the community has been demanding an increase in the number of police officers for a long time, something that opposition parties, Labour and New Zealand First, have already been promising, thus building pressure on the government. Announcing the $503 million Safer Communities package, Mr English said that a big focus would be on responsive police services, child protections, and regional and rural areas. He said that there is a growing demand for traditional police services and “serious crime is absorbing more police.”

The numbers will increase the police workforce by almost 10% over the next four years

The increase was expected after an announcement made by the then Police Minister Judith Collins last year. Mr English used the opportunity during his state-of-the-nation speech—first major speech of the year—to make this announcement on Thursday at Auckland’s Stamford Plaza Hotel.

Kiwi-Indian MP Kanwaljit Bakshi said that Auckland will benefit from the “significant investment” to “keep our communities safe.” “Knowing there’s a nearby police presence at all times is something our community expects…We want police attending home burglaries more quickly, seizing more assets from organised crime, reducing deaths from family violence, and reducing reoffending by Māori,” Mr Bakshi said. Terming the announcement an “election stunt”, NZ First Leader Winston Peters said that National has been conning the public over the state of crime in New Zealand. “While 90% of burglaries went unattended and 97% in Northland,

they said crime was falling and adjusted their stats accordingly… They brought in a catch and release programme—grab the offender, give them a warning, and send them home. Great for the statistics,” Mr Peters said. He said that Mr English who is “desperate to be elected” was trying to copy parts of their policy where they proposed 1,800 new police officers “as soon as they can be trained.” While police numbers are going up, Mr Peters said that they are actually down when compared with the population of the country. In 2016, there were about 525 people for every police officer. With this increase, the number gone up to 600 people per officer, he said. Labour Leader Andrew Little has also said that the package “proves Bill English is a follower, not a leader,” pointing that Labour had also proposed increasing police numbers by 1,000. Meanwhile, Police Commissioner Mike Bush welcomed the announcement and said that the additional police numbers will ensure that they have “right tools and resources to do their jobs and achieve the best possible outcome for victims.” “The addition of these new staff means we can deliver more to support victims, prevent crime and hold offenders to account. The investment will see an increase in resourcing for every police district,” he said.

Safer Communities package will include:

¡¡ A 24x7 phone number for nonemergencies

¡¡ Assigning 140 more officers

for up to 20 regional and rural police stations, which means 95% of the population will have access to 24/7 police presence within 25 km ¡¡ 140 additional specialist investigators for child protection, sexual assault, family violence and other serious crime ¡¡ 80 additional officers to target organised crime, gangs, and methamphetamine ¡¡ 20 additional ethnic liaison officers for Chinese, Indian, and other communities ¡¡ Extending the availability of the Eagle helicopter to around the clock with the response time of 10–15 minutes, which is currently available at prescheduled times for only 1,800 hours a year ¡¡ 12 mobile policing units to respond to need including small towns, rural areas and community events

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3 February 2017 |

Battleground Mt Albert: Meet the candidates W ¡¡ SWATI SHARMA

ith the announcement of the date for the 2017 general election, the Mt Albert by-elections have also been confirmed. So the possibility of a by-election being prevented has been avoided—which would have been the case if the general election were being held within six months of a seat being vacated. The by-election will be held on February 25 and the final list of candidates was announced on February 1, soon after PM Bill English announced September 23 as the general election date. There are 13 candidates standing in the elections for Mt Albert MP, but the spotlight is on three contestants— Labour’s Jacinda Ardern, Green’s Julie Anne Genter, and NZ People’s Party’s Vin Tomar. While Ms Ardern and Ms Genter are already List Members of Parliament, Mr Tomar is the newest face in the New Zealand political scene, standing for country’s newest political party.

The by-election will be held on February 25 and the final list of candidates was announced on February 1, soon after PM Bill English announced September 23 as the general election date

Road, more frequent buses that connect Mt Albert to the city, North West and Southern public transport routes, and safer walking and cycling options.

The seat has notably been won by only Labour Party MPs since 1946 when it was first contested. Now that we are almost three weeks away from the by-election, Indian Weekender reached out to the three leaders to find out their vision for their future electorate. Here are the excerpts from the interview.

Jacinda Ardern, Labour Party IWK: What issues would you be focussing on? Ms Ardern: Top on my list is housing. We need to crack down on speculators and get on with building more affordable houses so that renters and first-homebuyers do not have to spend so much of their income on putting a roof over their head. I also want to make sure our communities feel safer. Mt Albert has lost the community presence that the police used to have here. I want to change that. We have committed to increasing police numbers by 1000, and we want to see those police stationed back in local communities such as Mt Albert. I’ve also been running meetings on the street corners of suburbs in Mt Albert. The growth in our local school roles has come up a lot. We need to make sure that even as our schools grow, we have the infrastructure to keep class sizes small. IWK: What solutions are you proposing to the residents of Mt Albert to tackle public transport and traffic issues?

I want to build strong relationships with the Kiwi-Indian community and a better understanding of what they would like to see us focused on

Ms Ardern: Transport is a big issue here. People are wasting too much time trying to get between school, work, and home. We want to bring light rail from the city to Dominion

IWK: Mt Albert by-election is expected to be a clear win for Labour. What do you have to say about that? Ms Ardern: I am taking nothing for granted. We are working hard to talk to as many people as possible before the election. We want to earn every single vote, and we will only do that if people know that we have ideas and solutions that will make a difference.

IWK: Why should people vote for you? Ms Ardern: I live in Mt Albert, and I love the communities that make up this seat. I understand what is needed to be a good representative for an area and to be a strong voice. I have been a Member of Parliament for eight years and am a member of Labour’s senior team, but for almost all of that time, I have also worked in Central Auckland suburbs helping people with housing, immigration, work and income, and ACC issues. I have a passion for national issues and a love for the local communities I have been able to serve. I want to keep doing that here in Mt Albert. IWK: There is a significant number of Kiwi-Indians living in Mt Albert. What message would you like to give them? Ms Ardern: I want to build

strong relationships with the KiwiIndian community and a better understanding of what they would like to see us focused on for their generation and the next. If I have the honour of being the next representative for Mt Albert, that is my commitment.

Julie Anne Genter, Green Party IWK: What issues would you be focussing on? Ms Genter: The Mt Albert electorate has some incredibly lovely neighbourhoods, with good schools and parks. While talking to people, most have said they’re quite happy. Transport can always be improved, and many are worried about housing affordability. Improving security of tenure, the standards and affordability of rentals is key, as is increasing the supply and diversity of homes while protecting the environment and livability of the city. All this is possible with stronger central government leadership and a commitment to great urban design. IWK: What solutions are you proposing to the residents of Mt Albert to tackle public transport and traffic issues? Ms Genter: I’ve spent my entire career working on transport solutions, first as a transport consultant in Auckland and then as the transport spokesperson for the Green Party. We successfully campaigned for electrification of the rail network and

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NEW ZEALAND | 3 February to driving is the best way to help people get around the city, taking pressure off the roads for when you need to drive.

No matter where you were born, what your faith, we can all live well together here if we cultivate our democracy and ensure everyone is able to participate and be heard.

the city rail link. We would prioritise extensions to the rail network and busways, including light rail along Dominion Rd to the airport and to the North Shore and busways out west and south. Much more can be done to increase the frequency of all buses, make them cleaner electric or hybrid buses, reduce public transport fares (free off-peak travel for tertiary students and beneficiaries). Our Safe2School programme would drop speed limits in front of schools and invest in safe walking and cycling infrastructure to get more than half of the children walking and cycling to school. Smart investment in alternatives

Dairy in Auckland

Weekly Sales 10,000 Approx Asking $99,000 plus Stock CMB 45613

Spacious Superette in Auckland Weekly Sales $11,000 Approx Asking $130,000 plus Stock CMB 4568

Convenience Store in Auckland CBD Price to sell

Weekly Sales $10,000 Approx. Asking $34,000 plus Stock CMB 4578

Dairy with 3 Bedroom Accommodation in North Shore Weekly Sales $8,500 Approx Asking $99,000 plus Stock CMB 4581

Dairy with 2 Bedroom Accommodation in Auckland

Weekly Sales $9,000 Approx. Asking $139,000 plus Stock CMB 4580

Dairy with Lotto in Auckland

Weekly Sales $14,000 Approx (incl Lotto Sale of $4,000 Approx), Rent is $300 plus GST per week Asking $179,000 plus Stock CMB 45712

Dairy in Franklin

Weekly Sales $7,000 Approx Option of 3 Bedroom Accommodation Asking $65,000 plus Stock CMB 45860

IWK: Mt Albert by-election is expected to be a clear win for Labour, considering Mt Albert has elected only Labour candidates since it was first contested in 1946. What do you have to say about that? Ms Genter: Certainly, Labour is the favourite to win and they have a strong candidate who I greatly respect. Nearly one in four voters in Mt Albert gave the Green Party their party vote in 2014, twice the National average, so the electorate is also quite ‘Green’. The Green Party is part of a growing global movement with the solutions to many of the challenges we face. We are also working with Labour to change the government in 2017. IWK: Why should people vote for you? Ms Genter: Send a message to the government that you want action on transport and housing. I have a proven track record of campaigning for progressive law changes and public transport and cycleway investment. I have expertise and more than a decade of experience in urban planning and transport, which means I can best champion the two top issues for Mt Albert. IWK: There is a significant number of Kiwi-Indians living in Mt Albert. What message would you like to give to them? Ms Genter: The Green Party is absolutely committed to an inclusive and diverse Aotearoa. As an immigrant myself, I understand what it’s like to belong to two cultures and have several places I consider home. Personally, I would like to see the temporary ban on family reunification lifted. No matter where you were born, what your faith, we can all live well together here if we cultivate our democracy and ensure everyone is able to participate and be heard. Also, thanks for all the amazing authentic Indian food; it’s the best. In the second part of the story next week, we talk to NZPP’s candidate Vin Tomar

Dairy with 3 Bedroom Accommodation in Northland

Weekly Sales $10,000 Approx Asking $79,000 plus Stock CMB 45877

Dairy for Sale in West Auckland

Weekly Sales $12,500 Approx Asking $149,000 plus Stock CMB 45875

Dairy in Auckland CBD

Weekly Sales $18,000 Approx Asking $230,000 plus Stock CMB 45863 FREEHOLD OPTION AVAILABLE

Dairy for Sale in North Shore

Weekly Sales $8,000 Approx Asking $59,000 plus Stock CMB 45868

Dairy in East Auckland

Weekly Sales $7000 Approx. Asking $75,000 plus Stock CMB 45890

Dairy in Auckland CBD

Weekly Sales $18,000 Approx. Asking $199,000 plus Stock CMB 45888

Dairy with Lotto & Accommodation in Auckland

Weekly Sales $16,000 Approx. Including Lotto Sale of $5,500 Approx. Asking $220,000 plus Stock CMB 45885

Dairy in Manukau

Fruit & Vege Shop in Manukau

Weekly Sales $7,000 Approx. Asking $59,000 plus Stock CMB 45852

Weekly Sales $10,000 Approx. Asking $99,000 plus Stock CMB 45830

Dairy with 4 Bedroom Accommodation in Auckland

Fruit & Vege Business for sale in Auckland

Weekly Sales $18,000 Approx. Asking $450,000 plus Stock CMB 45882

Asking only $30,000 CMB 45883

Dairy Business for Sale in Hamilton

Weekly Sales $35,000 Approx. Asking $350,000 plus Stock CMB 45896

Weekly Sales $20,000 Approx. Asking $450,000 plus Stock 45897

Mini Supermarket for Sale in Rotorua

Weekly Sales $19,000, (incL Lotto Sale of $4500) Asking $210,000 plus Stock CMB 45900

Fruit & Vege Shop for sale in North Shore

Retail Indian Clothing Store in Auckland

Same Vendor for last 17 years Asking Only Value of Stock $250,000 Approx. CMB 45236

Dairy with Lotto in North Shore

Easy to run and operate a Magazine, Lotto and Stationery Business in North Shore

Dairy on Busy Main Road

Well Established Souvenirs and Gift Shop Same owner for past 16 years

Weekly Sale $22,000 Approx (Including Lotto Sales of $9,000 Approx) Cheap rent $91 plus GST per week Price on Application CMB 45910

Weekly Sales $7,000 Approx Asking $59,000 plus Stock CMB 45906

Same owner for past 16 years, showing good profit Asking $355,000 plus Stock CMB 45786

Asking only $20,000 plus Stock ($100K Approx) CMB 45783




3 February 2017 |

Islamic Op-Shop—an initiative to serve community





To vote in the Mt Albert by-election, you need to be enrolled before election day! Enrol, check or update your details now. 39°174'








Only those enrolled in the Mt Albert general electorate can vote in the by-election. Te Atatū Peninsula

Herne Bay Saint Marys Bay

51°36-' Westmere

Wynyard Quarter

Auckland Central


Freemans Bay

“We collected some clothes from people, as well as bought n Islamic op-shop on a few to be sold and raised Stoddard Road in $100 in the first month. Mt Roskill has been There were two young Indian serving the community in a girls who helped us with the subtle yet consistent way for operations in early 2015, and more than two years now. they were just amazing,” Mr Jannah Road Op-Shop, the Moorad said. 48°174' first47°174' Islamic Op-shop of 49°174' New The store sells a range of Zealand, started in late 2014 branded clothes and shoes for and aims to raise funds by men, women, and children, selling different products at low prices. The proceeds kitchenware, household items, collected are given to the poor electronics, bedding and linen, and the needy in the Muslim home décor items, and books. and the wider community The store also has Islamic items such as scarves for of Auckland. Auckland residents Yusuf women, carpets for praying, Moorad and his wife started the underscarf caps, alcohol-free op-shop with a few household perfumes (attar), wall hangings, items in late 2014. They faced and posters. The items at the Jannah numerous challenges initially such as arranging the stock, Road are both purchased and putting up the rental and other donated by the community. miscellaneous expenses etc. The funds raised from the Jannah Road was established store have not only helped as a fully registered charity Muslim families but also some homeless, non-Muslims, and organisation in May 2015. © OpenStreetMap contributors. Tiles: CC-BY-SA 2.0 Islander families by providing © OpenStreetMap contributors The op-shop Mapisdata managed under the name Jannah Road them with basic amenities such Charity Trust and is currently as food and clothing. Jannah Road hosted several supporting the child placement project run by the Working activities for children last year Together Group (WTG). The with a view to engage them with charity has given more than the community and to learn $15000 to WTG and clothing more about their religion. The and essential items to families three activities organised were in need in New Zealand. They Kaaba, Ramadan, and letter are also helping WTG in their writing competitions where work to establish an Islamic children aged from six to 18 orphanage and foster home in participated by submitting New Zealand.




Grey Lynn Newton


Te Atatū South Arch Hill



Western Springs




Morningside Waterview

Rosebank Peninsula

Mount Eden

53°36-' Epsom

Mount Albert Balmoral

Glendene Sandringham





54°36-' 2 km



Mount Roskill

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their drawings, essays, art and craft, and recitations based on a theme. As a part of the charity work, Jannah Road also gives Ikram on a fortnightly basis and small food items such sweets, biscuits, dates, and naan bread to the community since September 4, 2015. The trust is currently hosting a Hajj sponsorship project that aims to help Muslims living in New Zealand who cannot afford the expenses to the annual pilgrimage. Another project undertaken by the trust is Muslim families’ camping project and Muslim kids’ preschool programme is also being planned for the future. Jannah Road Op Shop is located on 164/E Stoddard Road in Mt Roskill, it has been incorporated as a charity organisation in 2015 (Registration number: CC51652), more information can be found on www. | 3 February

Indian community’s behind-the-scenes heroes

A group of women volunteers at AIA for catering services



t’s not every day you meet a group of people who volunteer their time to contribute towards the benefit of the community. One such group is the 40- to 60-year-old women in Auckland who meet at the Auckland Indian Association (AIA) to cook food for wedding receptions held in the Indian community. I stumbled upon these women last week when I found myself at Mahatma Gandhi Centre to meet someone. As there was an event going on in the dining hall, I had trouble finding my way in. A middle-aged woman, who was passing by, offered to take me through the kitchen that opens to the dining hall. When I enquired about the event, she told me that a group of women were cooking food to cater for a family, who had a wedding reception. “We volunteer for the Association (AIA). We are catering for this family, cooking snacks and food items,” she said. Although I found it interesting, our conversation was abruptly ended. During my meeting with the president of AIA, Purshottam Govind, I found out that these women regularly volunteered for the association to help those who are in need. AIA, a community organisation and a part of New Zealand Indian Communities Associations (NZICA), has been working for the community since 1921. The association has members from different parts of India but is mostly dominated by Gujaratis. We have seen and read about the events and work that the community has been doing for so long, but stories like these are hardly known. These community heroes often don’t find themselves in the limelight, but the community should be made aware of their

dedication and selfless work. I spoke to an elderly lady, who was effortlessly frying delicious spinach and chickpea pakoras (snacks). When I asked her and other women why they were doing it, they all had the same response—it was because they liked it. “There are people who are unable to arrange caterers for their functions or just don’t find the right person who suits best to their food requirement. So they request the association for in-house catering,” one of the women said. “We cook everything. The bride’s or groom’s family or whoever has requested us for catering, provides us with a menu and we cook that,” she continued. When I asked they could cook any dish, an elderly woman replied, “Yes almost. And wherever we get stuck, the internet is our saviour.” When I further spoke to Mr Govind about the initiative taken by these women, he said that the women would come whenever there is help required. These activities also gave the seniors an opportunity to network and spend some time doing what they like. They do not charge the association for the services provided. Our community needs more such people who selflessly contribute towards the community and do not expect any monetary or materialistic gains. But in return, the world receives love and compassion—something that it needs the most. Indian Weekender would like to share stories of people who are doing selfless work for the community. If you know of any such person or organisation or group around you who are dedicating their time for the community, please share it with us and write to us at reporter@

Hatred—not in our New Zealand: Devoy ¡¡ IWK BUREAU


n the wake of United States’ ban on immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, the Human Rights Commission has called on New Zealand to stand alongside Muslim New Zealanders. “So many of us are feeling helpless, but the one thing we can do is let our own decision makers know that we will not allow hatred and intolerance to spread and become normalised here at home, not in our New Zealand,” Race Relations Commissioner Dame Susan Devoy said in a speech at the Holocaust remembrance service in Wellington on Sunday, January 29. “Tearful Kiwi Holocaust survivors told me last week they never thought they’d witness a return to the politics of hatred, division, and racism in their lifetime but it’s happening. They urged us all to stand up for the rights of refugees, Muslims, and minorities targeted by the powerful.” Ms Devoy also called for police to record hate crime statistics to combat racism. “This is not something they collect when responding to callouts. Free speech is one thing, hate speech is another. These things don’t

belong in my country, not in New Zealand,” she added. She said that online hate speech also needed to be addressed, particularly in media website comment sections and on their social media pages. “Ignoring the hatred and normalising it is how it starts… Hate starts small but so does hope. We need zero tolerance for hatred not just in our politics but in our everyday lives. We cannot afford to be bystanders and ignore injustice. Last year, a racist Neo-Nazi said he felt intimidated by something I wrote and my response to him is—good. We do not want you to feel comfortable, we do not want you to feel welcome wearing your Neo-Nazi uniform in our public places.” Ms Susan said it is a good reminder to New Zealand politicians to keep it clean as we approach our next general election. “We need to call out our own powerful decision makers if they use racism and division to push their campaigns, but it should not just be up to me—all of us need to let them know that we have zero tolerance for hate politics in Aotearoa.”





3 February 2017 |

SOUTH LINE Malayalam cinema rocks to ChristchurchNews-in-brief from South Island

based musician A ¡¡ GAURAV SHARMA

n exclusive chat with Mr Justin James, who is one-fourth of the music composing team of 4 Musics, which gave Mohanlalstarrer Oppam its super-hit music. 4 Musics won the Asianet film award [the Malayalam equivalent of filmfare awards] for best music direction of 2016 for the movie on January 20, 2017. Mr James has been living in Christchurch since 2008. “Dreams do come true”. If there’s one take away for anyone meeting Mr Justin James, it is this. “I still pinch myself every morning. Just a year ago, we used to watch these award functions on our TV sets. We used to go for Mohanlal-Priyardarsan movies and return in awe of their mesmerising talent,” says Mr James. But September 6, 2016, changed all that. It was the day Mohanlal-starrer and Priyadarshan-directed [who gave us the Hera Pheri series] Malayalam crime thriller film Oppam released. Along with massive box office success and critical acclaim, the film’s music also went on to become a huge hit. For those not initiated in the Malayalam music world, Oppam’s music is composed by 4 Musics, a team comprising of four childhood friends. Kochi-based Eldhouse Alias, Jim Jacob and Biby Mathew; and Christchurch-based Justin James. “For the last few months, where ever we went in Kerala, the music of Oppam was a rage. “Hotel lobbies, tea-stalls, restaurants, functions, gatherings, marriages, anywhere you go, you would have heard one of our movie’s songs [4 Musics composed four songs,

of which three are in the movie]. So we had an idea of its popularity. But winning the award for best Malayalam film music direction for 2016 still hasn’t sunk in,” adds Mr James.

The story As is common in every success story, 4 Musics’, and thereby Mr James story is, of course, of great musical talent, but above all, of perseverance despite all odds. It all started in 2003 when Justin’s elder brother Mr Jimson James started a music band called 91 BC. “For two years, we used to travel around Kerala, singing, playing music and performing. We sang a few gingles as well at that time. Then Jimson left for Ireland in 2005, and the remaining four of us decided to reincarnate the team as 4 Musics,” says Mr James. Then, while busy with their respective careers, the passion for music still bonded them together, leading to the release of their first Malayalam album Mazhathulli [meaning rain drop] in 2007. Unfortunately though, the response from public to their album was not that great. Then Mr James decided to move to Christchurch in 2008 putting the future of 4 Musics in

Justin James of 4 Musics at the 19th Asianet Film Awards ceremony after winning the best music direction award for 2016's super-hit and Mohanlal-starrer Oppam. In circle: 4 Musics team (from left/ Eldhose Alias, Jim Jacob, Biby Mathew, Justin James) at the 19th Asianet Film Awards ceremony after winning the best music direction award for 2016’s super-hit and Mohanlal-starrer Oppam

doldrums. After completing his degree in logistics management from the Lincoln University, he has been working in the supply chain management industry since 2009. Now, when not making music for Malayalam super-hits, he works as the Supply Chain Manager at Wimpex Ltd in Christchurch. Moving on with his musical journey, Mr James adds, “After I came here, Eldhouse also moved to Saudi Arabia to be an accountant. So, two of our team members were in Kochi, one in New Zealand, and one in the MiddleEast. Nobody could have thought that we can make this work.”

But not only did it worked, it did wonders. Making full use of technology – exchanging musical notes through whatsapp, having team meetings through Skype and Facetime – 4 Musics got their first breakthrough when they gave music for the film Juzt Married. “Before this, they also got an opportunity to perform on Asianet Plus, which is a general entertainment television channel broadcasting in Malayalam and based in Kochi. The team also gave music for two devotional albums during those struggling years.

“Juzt Married’s music also didn’t do well, which was a set-back. Meanwhile, Jim, who by now had opened an audio recording studio called Noise Headquarters in Kochi, got a chance to meet Antony Perumbavoor, the producer of Oppam. This led to a meeting with Priyadarshan, who gave us one situation and told us to come up with an appropriate composition. “We went back with six different tunes, one of which he liked so much that he gave us three more situations to work on, and it was confirmed that 4 Musics would compose music for Oppam. Rest, as they say, is history,” adds Mr James. 4 Musics is now the hottest property in Malayalam film industry. Four projects are already confirmed, with many more in the pipeline. These include a yet-to-be-named Mohanlalstarrer and B Unnikrishnan-directed film, and a film named Panchara Palu Mittayi which will star Gokul Suresh and will be directed by Sharon K Vipin. “Eldhouse is already back in Kerala for good and I too plan to join them in the near future.” “Our journey started with singing in the church choir when we were all kids. Over time, making music became our passion and we had set ourselves the goal of becoming film music composers. Now that is happening, we want to be known as someone who create melodies. Much like what great composer of the past such as M Raveendran and Johnson did. Or what the younger lots such as Bijibal and Prashant Pillai are doing right now,” concludes Mr James.

PM wishes Indians a very happy Republic Day

Platform launched for South Asian women

Prime Minister Bill English with members of the Global Indianz Group (Canterbury branch) in Christchurch on Januray 26

A coffee club was launched in Christchurch on Saturday to put the focus on women empowerment in the South Asian community


n his first interaction with the Indian community in Canterbury after taking over the reins of the country, Prime Minister Bill English conveyed his wishes for India’s 68th Republic Day to all Indians living in New Zealand and elsewhere. The PM also praised the role Indian community has played in enriching New Zealand culturally and economically. Mr English was in Christchurch on January 26, to attend a special luncheon organised by the National Party’s Global Indianz Group (Canterbury branch). Mr Jitender Sahi, who is the secretary of the Group in Canterbury, noted, “The PM appeared very relaxed and confident, especially about the state of country’s economy. Moreover, the announcement that Mr Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi has been given this added responsiblity

[Mr Bakshi has been made Parliamentary Private Secretary to assist Minister of Police Paula Bennett] is indicative of the value he, and the National Party in general, puts on the contributions of the Indian community in New Zealand.” Mr Thomas Shaji Kurian, who is the vicepresident of the Group added, “We are very delighted with the PM’s views on Indian community and his desire to continue what former PM John Key started. Mr Key, aided by the efforts of Mr Bakshi and Ms Jo Hayes, launched the Canterbury chapter of the Group last year, which has grown from strength to strength in a very short time. This was the first of many events we will be organising this year so that the community gets a chance to interact with policy-makers more and more.”

A much needed once-a-month meeting-over-coffee club started this week in Canterbury to deliberate ideas for women empowerment


he Christchurch-based Indian Cultural Group (ICG) and Aucklandbased community organisation based in Manukau, Sahaayta - which works predominantly with South Asian migrant and refugee families providing them counselling services as well as social support – came together last Saturday in Christchurch to launch a once-a-month meeting-over-coffee club. “Our goal is to focus on empowerment of South Asian women by providing a platform for women to come together and exchange life experiences. Dianne Downward from Canterbury Interfaith Society and Sally Carlton from Human Rights Commission and CAB Settlement services were the guest speakers at

the inaugural meeting,” informed Mr Sandeep Sachdev, President of ICG. Sahaayta’s co-ordinator in Canterbury and facilitator of the coffee group Nimi Bedi noted that women coffee group meetings are an extension of Sahaayta – the delivery arm of South Asian Trust Incorporated that provides holistic, confidential, culturally appropriate counselling and support services for individuals, couples, families, youth, children and seniors, from the South Asian community in Auckland. Dr Ruchika Sachdev, a member of ICG and an attendee concluded, “We deliberated on various project ideas to put the focus back on women empowerment in the sub-continental community. Our next meeting is scheduled on March 18, at the Hornby Community Centre, and all women are welcome to attend.”

NEW ZEALAND | 3 February

Ahmadiyyas pledge loyalty to NZ

It was started by the community’s founder Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam AhmadAS more than 100 years ago. A special session held on January 28 attracted more than 60 members of the public, including Green Party MP Julie Anne Genter, where guests had the opportunity to take a tour of the mosque and meet other members of the community



ttended by more than 400 people, the two-day annual convention of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community concluded on Saturday, January 28 where they pledged their commitment towards the New Zealand society. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community champions loyalty to one’s country as an integral part of faith. Highlighting this aspect, Bashir Khan, National President of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community New Zealand, advised the attendees of the convention, saying, “New Zealand allows freedom of religion and speech. It accommodates other cultures and traditions without having to displace the Kiwi way of life. This very trait of acceptance is what is so unique and valuable [about] this country and one which should never be replaced by fear and intolerance.

to find out about the Islamic culture and teachings. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community was founded in 1889 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908) in Punjab, India, and its New Zealand branch was established in 1987 and now has more than 500 members.

Central missionary Shafiqueur Rehman, and National President AMJNZ, Mr Bashir Khan

“As loyal (Muslim) residents of this country, we strive to ensure that we contribute towards further enriching this country, by opening our doors to the other faiths, by educating and removing the vacuum that has been filled through ignorance, and in most cases, removing the stigma of a brutal faith, which has been created by the actions of a few.”

The representatives at this year’s convention included those from Samoa, Australia, and Germany. The annual convention, or Jalsa Salana, is held worldwide to celebrate an annual gathering of the community members.

India funds Niue to setup 4–G mobile system

Government of India has provided a cash assistance of over New Zealand dollar 1.2m to Governement of Niue for setting–up a 4–G mobile system.

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3 February 2017 |

Measles alert for Singapore flight passengers ¡¡ IWK BUREAU


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ere you travelling from Singapore to Auckland on January 25? Here’s an important information for you that you must not miss. Travellers who arrived at Auckland International Airport on Air New Zealand flight NZ281 from Singapore at midnight on January 25 may have been exposed to measles, the Auckland Regional Public Health Service (ARPHS) said. The passengers closest to the six-year-old boy were seated in rows 34 to 49. Medical Officer of Health Dr David Sinclair says the boy was infectious while on the flight. “It could be another five days before symptoms appear in other passengers but if anyone seated in those rows knows they don’t have immunity to measles they can be vaccinated, and that could prevent the symptoms developing,” he says. He says any passengers on that flight who start to feel unwell should telephone their doctor or call Healthline on 0800 611-116 for advice.“If you feel unwell, please don’t visit your doctor. It is important to call first, because measles is highly infectious and people with measles can infect others in the waiting room,” Dr Sinclair said ARPHS is attempting to contact all exposed people, checking whether they are susceptible to measles infection, and offering advice which includes further immunisation, or possibly isolation to avoid spreading the disease. Measles is a serious illness. One in 10 people with measles need hospital treatment and the most serious cases can result in deafness or swelling of the brain. Dr Sinclair says measles is infectious before the rash appears and is one of the most infectious airborne diseases. Other passengers on the flight could also be infected. “It is very easily transmitted from one person to another, possibly just from walking past the passenger with measles, or while sitting near

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them in the airport gate lounge.” People most at risk of contracting the disease are those who have not had the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine, or who have just had one dose of the vaccine. Anyone born before 1969 is likely to be immune to the disease without having had the vaccine. “The only way to protect from measles and the best way to avoid its complications is to be fully vaccinated. My plea would be for parents and families to check that their children’s immunisations are up-to-date,” Dr Sinclair said. How to protect you and your family against measles: »» Make sure your children and family are fully immunised with two doses of the vaccine. Immunisation is the best protection against many diseases and complications. »» Measles can’t be treated once you get it. The only way to prevent the disease is through immunisation.

Measles symptoms Dr Sinclair, Medical Officer of Health for the Auckland Regional Public Health Service, says the time delay from being exposed to measles to developing symptoms is usually 8 -14 days, but

can be up to 21 days. The typical symptoms of measles are: »» The first symptoms are a fever, and one or more of a runny nose, cough and sore red eyes »» Then after a few days a red blotchy rash comes on and lasts up to one week. The rash usually starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body »» Children and adults with measles are often very sick. “If you were on that flight and you detect any of those symptoms, please call your doctor, or call Healthline toll free at any hour of the day or night on 0800 611-116,” says Dr Sinclair. People should not go directly to a doctor’s office or to an emergency department, because if they do have measles they might infect other people. Dr Sinclair says: “Measles is now rare in New Zealand, thanks to immunisation. We had two big outbreaks in 2011 and 2014, each of which was started by people who were infected overseas. People tend to underestimate measles. The reality is it can be a nasty disease.” Source: Auckland Regional Public Health Service


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NEW ZEALAND | 3 February


Celebrating knowledge and Home-owners panic wisdom at Saraswati puja as mortgage interest rate goes up ¡¡ RIZWAN MOHAMMAD


ore than 500 devotees gathered on February 1 to celebrate Saraswati puja at Bhartiya Mandir on Balmoral Road in Auckland. Goddess Saraswati is an embodiment of learning, wisdom, arts, and music, and devotees pray to her to seek knowledge and blessings. It is believed that on this day, the goddess blesses the books, and therefore, no one should touch a book. The celebration happens on Vasant Panchami, the onset of spring in the Indian subcontinent. People celebrate by wearing clothes in various shades of yellow. This is in keeping with the colour of nature at this time when yellow mustard flowers and marigold are in bloom. During the puja, the Saraswati idol was covered in a white sari, symbolising purity, and was placed on the temple altar, which was decorated with flowers. The temple was lit with lights and flower strings. The puja commenced at 5 p.m. with the dhyaan mantra (Om Saraswati Mayaa Dristawa...) followed by reciting the 1,000 names of goddess Saraswati and a havan (ritual burning of offerings) by the priest who used special wood, ghee, joss sticks, and incense.



Top: Pt. Govind Prasad Sharma putting a tilak on a devotee. A child performing at Bhartiya Mandir on the occasion of Saraswati puja

The devotees came forward and placed their books and pens at the feet of goddess Saraswati seeking blessings and knowledge. This was followed by aarti. The devotees sang songs in praise of the deity and performed aarti. “The day is auspicious for aksharabhyaas (initiating education). Children can start their formal education from this day,” Bhartiya Mandir priest Pt Govind Prasad Sharma said. The puja holds

an immense significance to students as they pray to the goddess of knowledge and learning. A similar puja was organised at Shri Ram Mandir in Henderson where hundreds gathered for the celebration. “We witnessed more children accompanied by their parents to Saraswati puja celebrations than any other puja,” Umesh Chand, a member of the Shri Ram Mandir said.

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ajor banks around the country have recently increased the mortgage interest rates, and with the inflation going up, experts say that it is expected to increase further in the next few years. The interest rates for a two-year fixed rate loan has gone up between 4.69 percent and 5.25 percent, while those for standard floating mortgages for all banks are starting at least at 5.4 percent. ASB and Kiwi Bank raised the mortgage rates this week after BNZ and ANZ after inflation rising up to 1.3 percent annually. Industry experts are saying that these changes are not likely to impact homeowners much except those who have over-borrowed, expecting that the property rates will keep rising while the interest rates go down. “The homeowners who already have a mortgage and if they borrowed to their maximum capacity today on lowest rates, they will be affected by the increasing repayments because of rising interest rates. Every homeowner or even buyer do their budgeting before they go into the mortgage, so this will affect their own budget because income is not going up, but interest rates are,” Raman Chauhan of R Jay Financial Services Ltd said. Although experts say that the rate will go up further, it is unlikely that it will reach up to 10 percent—the interest rate during the global financial crisis two years ago. The average rate for a two-year fixed rate loan was 9.34 percent then. “I calculate that the interest rates will further go up in the next few months, and it will shoot above five per cent by the end of the year. The cost of borrowing from overseas

has gone up and the same is being reflected on the mortgage rates, which has to be reaped from the homebuyers,” Nathan Saminathan of Mortgage Masters said. “The USA Federal Bank Governor said USA rate will rise gradually over a period of time, and the inflation is moving up. All these factors lead to the fact that the rate in New Zealand will also rise up and action for two to three years fixed-term,” he added. Professional Financial Solutions Ltd’s Ravi Mehta advises homebuyers to break their loan to save some money or at least reduce the impact of the rising interest rates. “[The] future is uncertain. One should try to break the loan into different parts and fix for differing maturities. It helps to diversify the risk. One will lose in some and gain in others.”



3 February 2017 |

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NEW ZEALAND | 3 February

Labour Market Participation and Better connectivity for Employment grows under National New Zealanders Kanwaljit Bakshi National List MP


he latest Household Labour Force Survey shows that labour market participation has continued to grow, employment growth is strong, and wage growth steady. Employment has reached an all-time high of 2.5 million. A record number of New Zealanders are now in employment—an increase of 19,000 people over the past three months with a total of 37,000 jobs been created over the past twelve months. Labour market participation is now 70.5 per cent, the highest since the Household Labour Force Survey began 30 years ago. This is an increase of 0.4 per cent over the last quarter. Regional unemployment has dropped, particularly in Northland, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, and Southland.

The average annual wage is at $58,700—an increase of 1.6 per cent. The government’s comprehensive economic plan is working for families, as we see higher levels of participation and higher wages helping people get ahead. The number of people not in the labour force reduced by 12,000. With working-age population growth of 0.5 per cent, it is the fifth consecutive quarter where employment growth has exceeded population growth. 90.5 per cent of people in paid employment are in permanent jobs, confirming the vastmajority of New Zealanders are in stable longterm employment. The government is working hard for New Zealanders, some great recent announcements. The minimum wage will rise from $15.25 to $15.75 an hour from 1 April—a 3.3 per cent increase. The government will invest a further $300 million to expand the Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) programme to another 151 towns across New Zealand, plus 43 suburban fringe areas.


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Bill English

Prime Minister


appy New Year, I hope you all had a relaxing and enjoyable summer break. After recharging the batteries, I’m heading into 2017 focused, energised, and full of fresh ideas to keep New Zealand moving in the right direction. I’m proud to lead a team of Ministers and MPs who are feeling the same way. It’s been a busy start to the year, and last week was no different. After returning from Europe, I headed to north Canterbury where Communications Minister Simon Bridges and I announced the second stage of the Government’s Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) programme. This will extend ultra-fast broadband to an additional 423,000 New Zealanders by the end of 2024. Improved connectivity is making our economy more efficient. The internet is now a vital part of our everyday lives, from keeping in touch with friends and family here and overseas, to doing business or furthering our own education. It means our customers have faster, more reliable access to online products, and it means paperwork and accounts take up less time. It’s also one way we can overcome the tyranny of distance, connecting us with communities and markets from around the world. The first phase of the Government’s UFB programme is now a head of schedule, and is providing 2.4 million Kiwis around the country access to faster broadband. Phase two will see a further $300 million invested. It will see fibre rolled out across all

mainland regions, to 151 more towns and 43 suburban fringe areas around the larger centres which were covered by the first phase of the programme. By the end of 2024, approximately 85 per cent of New Zealanders will have access to fibre, far exceeding our original target of 80 per cent by 2022. This will put New Zealand among the leaders in the OECD for access to fibre. Rolling out faster, more reliable internet is a vital part of our plan to develop a productive and competitive economy, improve health and educational outcomes and create more jobs for Kiwis and their families.

KANWALJIT SINGH BAKSHI MP BASED IN MANUKAU EAST Auckland Office Unit 1, 131 Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe, Auckland Ph 09 278 9302 Email Postal Address PO Box 23136, Hunters Corner, Auckland 2025

Funded by the Parliamentary Service and authorised by Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi MP, 1/131 Kolmar Road, Papatoetoe



3 February |

$60m from climate grant set aside for Fiji


hirty million US dollars ($F61m) has been set aside in the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for projects to deal with the impacts of climate change in Fiji. This was revealed by the Australian ambassador for the Environment, Patrick Suckling, who is in the country to take part in a three-day meeting with the Fiji Government and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

(UNFCCC). Mr Suckling said the Australian Government was very supportive of the GCF. "We coach the GCF. The whole global board came together last December in Samoa and made a decision about funding," Mr Suckling said. "At this stage there is $US10.3 billion in the fund. $US1.5b is allocated for projects and over

$US150m is actually agreed to be funded in the region for different projects. "We are playing a strong role in advocating GCF's role in the Pacific." Under the GCF, $US165m has been allocated towards five projects in the Pacific. The GCF has allocated $US1.5b for 35 projects and programs since it began approving funding proposals

Visa lottery still open for Fijians: Cefkin


he United States of America Diversity Visa Programme (visa lottery) is still open for Fijians to apply for. This was confirmed by the US Ambassador to Fiji, Judith Cefkin, in an email response to the Fiji Sun. She said the US President Donald Trump signed an executive order on January 26 temporarily suspending entry into the US of foreign nationals from seven countries. “The Diversity Visa Programme (visa lottery) remains in effect for Fiji and the other Pacific Island countries,” she said. “The US Embassy in Suva will continue to provide high quality service to immigrant and nonimmigrant visa applicants from the South Pacific region. “The suspension will allow the US Government to review current screening procedures, while protecting national security. “The travel restrictions imposed by the Executive Order do not apply to

US Ambassador to Fiji, Judith Cefkin

the citizens of other countries, unless they are dual-nationals of one of the seven designated countries.” She said the US government’s national security visitor screening procedures were constantly refined to more effectively identify individuals who could pose a threat to the United States. “The executive order imposes a 90-day stop to entry into the

United States by nationals of certain designated countries: Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen,” Ms Cefkin said. “The US Government is dedicated to facilitating legitimate travel and enforcing control of borders. “When in the United States, foreign nationals are subject to US immigration law, which includes provisions for deportation.”

in November 2015. Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama updated the UNFCCC on its preparatory work to meet the duties and responsibilities leading up the COP 23 presidency and its agenda for the upcoming negotiations. Mr Bainimarama said Fiji had identified climate adaptation finance, effective monitoring of adherence through the rule book to the Paris

Agreement and the objectives of the Climate Action Agenda as key issue areas for the Fijian presidency at the COP 23 later this year. He highlighted the need for greater engagement from the private sector, non-government organisations and civil society in support of Fiji's global effort to boost access to climate finance and reduce climate risks to developing economies.

Fake website

Advocate praises Fiji’s role as presidency of COP23

The embassy in Fiji has clarified that information posted on a fake website is false. The embassy in an email response stated the embassy it was aware of the website alleging that the US had instituted a limit of 100 visas for Fiji per year. The embassy said the information was false and the it had requested people to visit their website www. for authoritative guidance on the process of travelling to the US.” The fake website had earlier posted that US President Trump had signed an executive order placing a quota on the number of visas to be issued by the US Embassy in Suva to Fijians. “The executive order, which bans seven countries from visiting the US granted Fiji only 100 visas per year and would be valid for only three months as a clause in the order requires reciprocity,” the fake website had posted.


limate change advocate James Cameron says it seems right and proper for Fiji to take up the role of Presidency of COP23 The London–based barrister, policy adviser and entrepreneur said: “It a great honour and privilege for a small country to play such a demanding leadership role in a big and complex international system that deals with climate change.” “But it’s also very appropriate that a small island that is particularly vulnerable to climate change where the people understand the physical effects of the climate in a very real way, and where the interest of a small island state like Fiji, in solving the problem of climate change. Mr Cameron represents, an internationally–renowned consultancy group. He is attending the Planning Meeting for COP23 in Suva as consultant for the Fijian Government. He said that climate change was the interest of everybody.

No easy games for Fijian 7s


Vodafone Fijian 7s players Nacanieli Labalaba (left- right), Setareki Bituniyata, Maleli Kunavula, Nemani Nagusa and Alivereti Veitokani during their gym session in Sydney ( Photo: FRU Media )

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odafone Fijian 7s head coach Gareth Baber is wary of their pool opponents in this weekend’s Sydney Sevens. Speaking to SUNsports, Baber said Samoa under wily coach Sir Gordon Tietjens, France and Wales would be tough to beat. However, he says, they have been working on a plan to counter them. “It’s not going to be an easy ride of the boys,” Baber warned. The three teams obviously will cause problems for us. Samoa is a very physical team and so are France and Wales. “We are working hard on trying to keep consistency in our game and create pressure on our opponents with or without the ball.”


Baber also highlighted that discipline is one area they have discussed as a team. He said they had to do it if they are to improve from last weekend’s performance in Wellington. “Obviously you don’t want to give the opposition opportunity to play you and our players are aware of that. The pressure that exists in sevens rugby is huge and this is one area that cost us last weekend. This week we will be working really hard to keep the numbers

on the field, we have talked about the way we defend as we prepare again for this weekend.” Baber added. Robust forward, Nemani Nagusa was slapped with a six-match suspension while Kalione Nasoko, Vatemo Ravouvou and Setareki Bituniyata copped yellow cards.


Replacement halfback Emosi Mulevoro has joined the team in Sydney. Baber confirmed Amenoni Nasilasila will return to Fiji for rehab. “Mulevoro has joined the team while Nasilasila will return as he needs to be seen by medics in Fiji and will be put in a rehabilitation programme for the next two weeks. “He needs to be fit when he comes back to camp in preparation for the next leg,” Baber said. The Vodafone Fijians also had their first gym and field session in Sydney. “The session went well it was all good, it was obviously low key because the players were still recovering from last weekend and came back and played rugby today,” Baber said. The Osea Kolinisau led-side take on Samoa in their first pool match on Saturday at 11.36am (Fijian time) after which they play Wales at 2.42pm before their showdown with France at 8.29pm. Source: Fiji Sun | 3 February

Border security under spotlight


pposition spokesperson for defence Mosese Bulitavu has questioned the security of our borders after an Iranian refugee allegedly entered the country with fake documents last week. "The fact remains that 21-year-old Iranian refugee Loghman Sawari has beaten our immigration system and has exposed the shortfalls we have at our borders," Mr Bulitavu claimed. Mr Sawari, who is represented by Lautoka-based human rights lawyer Aman Ravindra Singh, is applying for asylum in Fiji. Mr Singh said he communicated

with Department of Immigration director Nemani Vuniwaqa on his client's intention and hoped to submit an application in the next few days. Mr Bulitavu wants the Department of Immigration to investigate the incident. "It seems the Department of Immigration is waiting for Mr Sawari to turn himself in to the authorities when the department has the legal authority to seek assistance from police to collect him and hold him in a detention centre until all his claims for asylum have been assessed," Mr Bulitavu said. He suggested that

Fiji’s first Hindi website to be launched


iji’s first Hindi website will be launched soon. The website will be launched by the Indian High Commission in conjunction with the Fiji Hindi Lekhak Sangh. Indian High Indian High CommissionCommissioner to Fiji, er to Fiji, Vishvas Sapkal Vishvas Sapkal said: “There is no Hindi website currently in Fiji. “Hindi newspaper has been published in Fiji since 1935, but now it’s demand of modern era. We need to have internet based medium for Hindi as well,” he said. Mr Sapkal said the Hindi website will be managed by the Fiji Hindi Lekhak Sangh and Indian High Commission is supporting them to launch the website. “This website will help people to learn and understand Hindi language better. We are expecting to launch the website in another one and half months,” he said. Mr Sapkal said the Indian High Commission contributed $1500 to Fiji Hindi Lekhak Sangh for the establishment of the website. “There will be Hindi articles, poetry and other important information on the website. Apart from this, people can write and post their blogs on the website. The website is for the public,” he said. International Hindi conference in Fiji After the successful International Ramayana Conference last year, the Indian High Commission is planning to have a Hindi conference in Fiji from July 7 to July 9.

New employer under the NZ RSE work scheme


new employer has come on board under the New Zealand Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) Work Scheme. Seasonal Solution Cooperative Limited chief executive Helen Axby and their Vanuatu Operations Manager, Gwen Carlot are in Fiji for three days to familiarize themselves with the Government’s seasonal work recruitment and selection processes. Employment Minister, Jone Usamate, says this is due to the desire of the employer to recruit from Fiji in the near future. Usamate says the new employer will be visiting villagers in Naibita, Nabulini and Manu today. These villages were badly affected by Tropical Cyclone Winston last year. The company has been recruiting workers from Vanuatu and has had a historical relationship with them under the RSE labour mobility scheme. Two hundred and seventy four workers have been deployed to NZ from 2015 to date.

the Department of Immigration implement and enforce proper border control mechanisms to prevent such incidents from happening. Fiji Revenue and Customs Authority CEO Visvanath Das said although the authority and the Department of Immigration shared border control functions, the Department of Immigration was responsible for cases such as Mr Sawari's. "But you can rest assured that the borders are safe," Mr Das said. Mr Singh said because of security and privacy issues, he was not

able to reveal his client's location until a decision was made on his residence status. "What I can tell you is that for someone who has faced persecution in Iran and fled a very difficult atmosphere in Manus Island in Papua New Guinea where he saw a lot of hardship, being in Fiji is a huge change for him," Mr Singh said. Mr Singh said his client had yet to disclose how he managed to obtain documentation which allowed him to travel to Fiji from PNG. When quizzed about how Mr Sawari had made contact with him for



representation, Mr Singh said he was contacted by people who knew of his human rights background. "There's only a handful of human rights lawyers in Fiji and my name came up. For me, I am simply doing the right thing. "I do not discriminate on race, colour or creed. I saw a situation where a man is simply seeking a better life for himself and took up the opportunity to see him through his quest." Questions sent to Director of Immigration Nemani Vuniwaqa since remained unanswered.


What was your first job in NZ? How easy or difficult it was to get it?



uring his election campaign when US President Donald Trump said that he would build a ‘wall’ or put a ban on immigration and would send immigrants back to their country, I thought it was a mere election promise, which, as usual, would be forgotten

after the elections. It was for the first time that I, like many others around the world, was would have not complained if a leader would have not kept his promises.

Sukhmani Sodhi My first job was house-keeping one of the renowned hotels in Auckland CBD. It took me three months to find that job. I was young and had no job experience in New Zealand, but was ready to learn new things. Finding a job was a tough task in the beginning but after your first job, it becomes relatively easy to get a better and new one..

But the week gone by has seen him make decisions that have shocked everyone around the world. The decision to ban travel from seven Muslim countries left many stranded at the airports, while their families were seen crying and devastated in the hope of seeing their family members. Trump was slammed for his decision by world leaders and organisations such as Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook saying that they do not support the ban, as immigrants are an integral part of their organisations and they can’t operate and continue to innovate the way they do. He was chosen by the people of the country, and he is doing what he promised. This makes you think that the end power lies in the hands of the people who are voting in a democratic country. A politician may or may not keep his promises but it the responsibility of the voters

Devika Mhetar My first job was F&B VIP assistant at Skycity. It was a part time job. Getting a job in a new place is always a challenge. As and when I have applied for the job, I did face many rejections as many of them required experience which I never had in hospitality industry. But references paid very important role in all this. If you have good references, jobs would be a cakewalk for many. Now I am working as a food technologist.

to make the right decision. People have the right to choose who they think will work not only for their rights but everyone’s. It is a decision that will decide what is the future of the country for at least next few years. Hence it is important to make the right decision at the right time. New Zealanders are going to be in the similar situation in a few months when they will have to decide who will lead their country for the next four years. With elections come big promises, sops and gambits. It was evident when just a day after revealing the date for this year’s general election, Prime Minister Bill English announced the

Likith Poovanna Integration developer for WEX NZ is the first job I got in New Zealand. Journey to get that job was not easy. I had to prepare myself for the New Zealand market by attending lots of workshops and seminars, building network, rigorously attending interviews and improvising on it. I believe, being proactive and gogetter attitude is a must to find a job in New Zealand.

increase in the number of police—something that people were asking for a long time. Big promises are on offer, seems like the race to the top has already begun. Considering the increasing crime rate, this boost was long overdue. We would now see 500 more police officers in the community. The opposition parties are calling this move a copy of their policies terming Mr English a follower and not a leader. More such tempting announcements are expected soon as Mr English would want to prove his worth to be elected as the next prime minister. It is surely going to be an interesting election, National will be contesting in Mr English’s leadership. The last time that happened was in 2002 when he was standing against Labour’s Helen Clark and which is considered National’s worst performance ever. But it is for New Zealanders to decide who they think can lead them and their country. Meanwhile, as you enjoy another long weekend, make an effort to know more about the beautiful and diverse Aotearoa, the Waitangi Treaty and its history, and understand how this country has welcomed migrants over the years. Until next time!

Sandeep Kaur My first job was at Pak’n Save Sylvia Park where I worked as a Lotto assistant. I got that job after one month of arriving in New Zealand. I was quite lucky to get that job at that time. I visited the stores looking for a job and this lady at the front desk told me that there was no vacancy but as I was about to leave the store when this man from HR came to me, interviewed me on the spot. And I was called for a training the next day.

Harmeet Singh My first job was a kitchen-hand in a restaurant. I came to NZ in 2011 and it was a pretty hard to find jobs those days. But I worked hard and did not lose hope, and found that job two days after landing here.

Indian Weekender : Volume 8 Issue 44 Publisher: Kiwi Media Publishing Limited Managing Editor: Bhav Dhillon | Content Editor: Sandeep Singh | Chief Reporter: Swati Sharma | Reporter: Rizwan Mohammad | Chief Reporter—South Island: Gaurav Sharma Chief Technical Officer: Rohan Desouza | Sr Graphics and Layout Designer: Mahesh Kumar |

Garima Bajaj My first job in New Zealand was at Mitre 10. I got that job one month after arriving here. I enjoyed working there. But working over the weekend was quite hard, especially when you have a family.

Graphic Designer: Yashmin Chand | Accounts and Admin.: 09-6366306 | Sales and Distribution: 022 3251630 | Views expressed in the publication are not necessarily of the publisher and the publisher is not responsible for advertisers’ claims as appearing in the publication Views expressed in the articles are solely of the authors and do not in any way represent the views of the team at the Indian Weekender Kiwi Media Publishing Limited - 133A, Level 1, Onehunga Mall, Onehunga, Auckland. Printed at Horton Media, Auckland Copyright 2017. Kiwi Media Publishing Limited. All Rights Reserved.

“G o o d t hings h appe n in your life whe n you sur round yourse lf w i t h posi t i ve pe ople .”

— Roy Bennett | 3 February


Budget aimed at fulfilling heightened expectations post-demonetisation ¡¡ AMIT KAPOOR & CHIRAG YADAV


he Union Budget for 201718 was easily the most anticipated one in recent times. The public was seeking the government’s policy stance after its bold attack on black money with demonetisation. On a related note, the market was also looking forward to the government’s response to the demonetisationinduced slowdown. The Economic Survey had also raised expectations of a radical move like Universal Basic Income (UBI). With a wide range of expectations tied to the Budget on a year when growth expectations were low, it was bound to have a few hits and misses. Coming to the positive aspects, the Budget was high on decibels with its take on black money. It took the fight against black money and corruption to its very root by targeting the funding of political parties. The maximum amount of funding that parties can receive in cash has been reduced to Rs 2000. Besides political funding, the Budget targets big-time offenders that flee the country by proposing a new law to confiscate their assets till they submit to the jurisdiction of the appropriate legal forum. Finally, cash transactions, in general, have been limited to Rs 3 lakhs. The continuity in the government’s anti-corruption stance after the widely-debated demonetisation was necessary to take

t h e attack on the stock of black money to its flow in the economy. Secondly, a similar continuity in the government’s stand was seen in the area of fiscal consolidation. The government has displayed an unwavering commitment to maintaining a stable fiscal regime since its first Budget for 2014-15, despite temptations to splurge in order to revive a slowing economy. The Budget promises to maintain a fiscal deficit of 3.2 percent of GDP in FY2018 and achieve the FRBMrecommended target of 3 percent in the following year.


This should send a positive signal to the credit rating agencies and attract funds from abroad, which is urgently required in an investment-starved Indian economy. Third, as per market expectations, the government gave a push to capital expenditure that was needed to stimulate the slowing economy. According to our estimates, the government’s c a p i t a l expenditure saw an increase of 2.3 percent since the last Budget. Infrastructure witnessed a much-needed push with higher allocations to roads and highways than last year amounting to Rs 97,000 crore. Further capital expenditure was seen in the area of renewable energy with an allocation of Rs 3,000 for nuclear power alone. This fiscal stimulus should partly compensate for the lack of private investments in the economy. Other positives in the Budget were seen in the gradual nudge towards digitalisation with duty exemptions on cashless transaction in PoS terminals and online rail booking. Positive steps were also taken towards ensuring affordable housing. A housing coverage of 1 crore was

promised under the Housing for All scheme. Further, 100 per cent rural electrification by 2018 was also promised. In another welcome move to encourage entrepreneurship, MSMEs were given tax reductions of 5 per cent. The latter move should give a slight fillip to muted private investment sentiments in the country. However, that is one area where the Budget could have contributed more effectively. Private investment, which has been at its weakest in recent times and makes up two-thirds of the country’s total investment, needs urgent revival. This was especially needed in the Budget, considering that economic growth is not expected to be high. Moreover, the government is limited by its promise to remain within the FRBM recommendation to replace private investment with public spending. Higher private investment could have been achieved with a targeted strike on the rising stressed assets of banks. The ace “twin balance sheet problem” highlighted by the Economic Survey is impeding the lending practices of over-leveraged banks and thus hurting new investment across the country. In fact, the Budget has allocated Rs10,000 crore for recapitalisation of banks in 2017-18, but the strategy has failed to improve the situation in the past. The government needs to take the Economic Survey’s recommendation of the establishment of a Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency

or a similar institute that tackles the problem of stalled infrastructure projects. There is an urgent need to tackle the problem of NPAs head-on before the situation festers and stalls the overall economy in the process. A second miss in the Budget was in the education and health sector. Since India has one of the lowest spending on health and education, more budgetary allocations are always welcome. However, as it often happens when the fiscal situation is tight, the two sectors were merely paid lip service. A few initiatives within the sector were taken up, but substantiated policy actions to improve the quality of institutions within the sector were lacking. It is 17 high time the Indian government perceives such budgetary allocations as an investment rather than a cost to the exchequer. All in all, the Budget aimed at fulfilling the heightened expectations that it had generated, especially with the government’s take on black money. However, it is hoped that future government actions address the issues it has left wanting. On an immediate basis, reviving private investment and dealing with the problem of NPAs need innovative policy redressal to renew the longelusive Indian growth story.

outside a garden umbrella where some European grandees are sipping campari. One of them snaps his fingers: “Go put out that fire.” That is when Hillary embarked on the mission. The indelible image she left on my mind was a split TV screen. One half of the screen is Qaddafi being sodomized by a knife; on the other is a triumphant Hillary shrugging her shoulders: “I came; I saw and he died.” Never will there be a more macabre play on “Vini, Vidi, Vici”. Where is the great “liberal” spirit peering through all of this? Why then are the “liberals” everywhere beating their breasts at her defeat? Do they see Trump as “illiberal” by comparison? The two images of Hillary’s involvement with Syria and Libya would probably be justified by falling back on the classical Wilsonian approach. After the victory in the

First World War, neither Britain, France nor other allies quite envisioned the peace settlement the way US President Woodrow Wilson did. After the armistice, he began to draft in his mind a plan for a “just democracy throughout the world”. For democracy and freedom to be secure in the United States, the sapling will have to be nurtured everywhere. Like these moral values, wealth too would accompany good governance and enterprise as part of God’s plan. Liberal ideals would spread gradually almost by imitation. It can be argued that the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was also, in large part, by imitation. But in both Syria and Libya, the Liberal argument would have to be contrived, that it was important to defeat the two tyrants who were brutalising their own people. Wilson envisioned the expansion of the Liberal ideal by example and gentle persuasion. He never envisaged a post-World War II American pre-eminence on a scale where judge, jury, executioner and the dispenser of information would all be one and the same. Now consider the casualty figures in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen—a total of over a million dead and 15 million displaced. The wars begun by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice and Paul Wolfowitz were continued by Barack Obama. He simply could not dismount. What liberal ideal

is involved in these unspeakable horrors? Remember Obama had promised to shut Guantanamo Bay as soon as he entered the Oval office. Every time he tried, he found himself glaring at an Eyes-Only intelligence file. An unnerved Obama backed away. That is the kind of turf the intelligence community is obstinately holding on to in its continuing battle with the Trump White House. That the establishment, media and the intelligence community are out to embarrass Trump on the legitimacy of his election is not without its irony. George Bush too had stolen the 2001 election in Florida. But there is a difference. The establishment was on his side then. The American liberals we learnt to revere in our school were Clarence Darrow, Ed Murrow and writers like Arthur Miller with their gaze of irony on the American Dream. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, globalisation was marketed as unbridled capitalism, breeding crony capitalism everywhere. The world has flinched from that world order. Brexit and Trump are a consequence. We are transiting from one world order to the other. Millions will view the transition with hope. Liberals should have these multitudes in their ken too.

(Amit Kapoor is chair and Chirag Yadav is researcher with Institute for Competitiveness, India. The views expressed are personal.)

Will Trump era provide respite to destroyed countries? ¡¡ SAEED NAQVI


he procession of breastbeating “liberals” doesn’t seem to end, not since Donald Trump eclipsed their most shining star—Hillary Clinton. True, Hillary would be graceful at the Inaugural Ball. “Favours to none, to all/she smiles extends/Oft she rejects but/never once offends.” Melania would be a novice by comparison. But here we are talking about aesthetics and class. Why then pull out John Stuart Mill to measure the order just ushered in? The argument that Hillary would have made a better President because she knew every nook and corner of Washington, White House and Foggy Bottom is precisely why she lost. It set her up as the Establishment which was remote from the people who found solace in a person who did not even look like a politician. On the “Liberal” yardstick, both falter. Two images of Hillary are etched on my mind. I had just returned from Syria in early 2012. I wrote a paper for the Observer Research Foundation explaining why Bashar al Assad was nowhere near falling. In fact, regime change was simply not possible by cross-border terrorism supporting Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda-inspired restiveness in places like Hama, Homs and Daraa, all being amplified by the western media as a full-blown civil war. This was in 2011-12.

I can never forget some frames. Hillary Clinton comes into focus, repeatedly, with an imperious wave of the hand: “Get out of the way Assad” and “Stop butchering your own people”. The second image of Hillary concerns Libya. Anybody with even an elementary knowledge of ground realities in Libya knew how the British and other western intelligence had with great diligence stoked an insurgency. The matter had been discussed in the British Parliament. Prime Minister David Cameron had a series of skirmishes with his army chief Gen. David Richard on the Libyan misadventure. Americans entered the Libyan drama late, but, being Americans, they chose to take the credit. A front page cartoon in a European newspaper shows a fire in the distance. In the foreground is Uncle Sam, looking like a butler, waiting

(Saeed Naqvi is a senior commentator on diplomatic and political affairs. The views expressed are personal.)



3 February|

‘Budget promises have to match action’


ith the BJP-led government seeking to focus on the poor, youth and farmers in the budget presented on Wednesday, February 1, political analysts said promises will have to match performance for the party to reap long-term electoral dividends. They also said that the budget will not have any significant impact in altering equations for the Bharatiya Janata Party in the five states going to the polls in February-March. Political commentator and senior journalist S. Nihal Singh said the government will continue to build on its narrative of being “pro-poor.” “This is standard legend. Everything they are doing, they say it is for the poor whether it is demonetisation or anything else,” Nihal Singh said. He said that people will judge if pro-poor slogans are “propaganda”

or are driven by action on the ground. Nihal Singh said the budget announcements will not have any significant impact on the elections in five states. “I do not see much impact,” he said, adding that the BJP already has some advantage as demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes would have finished any piles of unaccounted cash with its opponents. Assembly polls will be held in February-March in Punjab, Goa, Manipur, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. The government has said that it has given maximum emphasis to farmers, villagers, poor, dalit and the underprivileged sections of the society in the budget presented by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. A.S. Narang,a former professor of political science at IGNOU, said it was a “safe budget” with “not much

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

risks taken.” He said the government has to implement promises in areas such as job creation to reap electoral dividends in the next Lok Sabha polls. “The challenge will also be

to convey its message of higher financial allocations to sections such as farmers,” he said. Narang added that budget announcements will not have much impact on the outcome of assembly polls. Subrata Mukherjee, a political analyst who taught at Delhi University, said there should have been more stock-taking in the budget about promises made by the government in the past two-and-ahalf years. He said the unorganised sector faced difficulties during demonetisation, announced in November last year, but there was no major relief for it in the budget. “The finance minister could have talked of unintended consequences of demonetisation. It would have gone down well with people,” Mukherjee said.

Jaitley's poetic barbs aim to mute opposition criticism of note ban


inance Minister Arun Jaitley on Wednesday, February 1, kept the tradition of using verses of Urdu poetry with hard nosed business and techinical jargons to present the Budget 201718 – the fourth of the current BJP-led government. "Nayi duniya hai, naya daur hai, nayi hai umang; Kuchh the pehle ke tarike to kuchh hain aaj ke dhang," Jaitley recited the lines telling the House that India has marched on to "a new world, new order, new zeal" even as some of the practices have been traditional and some modern. The nearly two-hour budget speech announcing various measures revolved around the government's initiative to make India a digital and less-cash society after the November 8 demonetisation move which recalled high-value currency notes. As Jaitley broke into verses, smiling for the first time during the budget presentation, members of the treasury bench greeted him with a

thunderous applause. The minister also sought to make a point about how the government made certain that "black money" came back to the Indian banking system. "Roshni aa ke andheron se jo takrayi hai; Kaale dhan ko bhi badalna pada aaj apna rang," he said, explaining that the light that has emerged from the darkness has forced even the black money to change its colour. "Is mod par na ghabra kar tham jaaiye aap; Jo baat nayi hai usay apnaaiye aap," he told the House asking opposition members not to stop at this juncture because time has come to adopt the change as he spoke of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for an India that is less dependent on cash. "Darte hain nayi raah pe kyun chalne se, Hum aage aage chalte hain aaiye aap… (Why are you afraid travelling with us on this new path, we are leading the way, you should follow us)", he said in direct remarks

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley

asking opposition parties to criticise but get along with the government over its demonetisation move. It was not known if the verses were borrowed or Jaitley's own. The use of poetic verses, however, sparked critcism from Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi who said Jaitley's budget speech offered nothing except "shero-shayari (poetry)". It was not the first time

Jaitley used poetry to make a point and bring some color into the hardcore business jargons as he had earlier used soft lines from different poems to present his earlier budgets. Indian parliamentarians have made poetic interventions earlier also with several former finance and railway ministers punctuating their speeches with Hindi and Urdu poetry.

Modi hails Jaitley for presenting 'uttam' Budget


rime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, February 1, hailed Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for presenting an "uttam" (excellent) Budget and said it will give new strength to the economy while also focused on eliminating corruption. "The Finance Minister has presented an 'uttam' Budget, devoted to strengthening the hands of the poor," Modi said after the Union Budget 2017-18 was presented in Lok Sabha. "This is a Budget which will give new strength to the economy," he said. "The commitment to eliminate corruption and black money is reflected in the Budget." The Prime Minister also said the merger of the Railway Budget with the General Budget will give an impetus to the transport sector's growth. "The aim of the government is to double the income of farmers," Modi said. "This Budget is yet again devoted to the well-being of the villages, farmers and the poor," Modi added. Modi also highlighted the special emphasis given to women empowerment in the Budget. Emphasising on the Railway Safety Fund, Modi said, "A separate Rail Safety Fund of Rs one lakh crore has been announced by the Finance Ministry for the safety." He said the housing sector stands to gain immensely from the Budget. "This Budget will help small businesses to become competitive in the global market," he added.

India wary of US visa bill impact on IT industry I ndia on Tuesday, Janaury 31, said it has expressed its concern to the US over a bill to change rules on H-1B visas that will impact the IT industry and Indian techies working in America. “India’s interests and concerns have been conveyed both to the US administration and the US Congress at senior levels,” said External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup in New Delhi. The High-Skilled Integrity and Fairness Act of 2017, introduced in the House of Representatives by California Congressman Zoe Lofgren on Monday, calls for doubling the minimum salary of H-1B visa holders to $130,000 from the current minimum wage of $60,000 – a move that could impact Indian techies. The bill, likely to be signed by President Donald Trump, would make it difficult for firms to use the programme to replace American employees with foreign workers, including from India, with lower wages. The bill would require that employers first offer a vacant position

External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Vikas Swarup

to an equally or better qualified American worker before seeking an H1B or L-1 visa holder. It would also establish wage requirements for L-1 workers and improve H1B wage requirements to encourage companies to hire qualified American workers and prevent them from using foreign workers as a source of cheap labour. H1-B visas are issued to qualified professionals. A related visa is the L-1, which is

will nullify the objective of saving given to employees of a company American jobs,” asserted Nasscom. who are transferred to the US. Both of them are used extensively by The US market generated about Indian companies. 60 per cent of the $108-billion export revenue for the $143-billion According to ComputerWorld Indian IT industry for the last fiscal magazine, nearly 86 per cent of (2015-16). Nasscom’s revised export H1-B visas for computer-related jobs guidance is $117-119 billion for this and 46.5 per cent for engineering fiscal (2016-17). positions were given to Indians. “Though the bill has to go through The US issues 85,000 H1-B visas an extensive legislative process at every year, of which 20,000 are for the US Congress and the Senate master’s degree holders from US for becoming law, it does not treat universities. Because of the large all IT service firms with H-1B visa number of applicants – 236,000 in holders equally and the provisions 2016 – the H1-B visas were issued are biased against H-1B dependant through a lottery system. firms,” asserted Nasscom President As the export-oriented industry’s R. Chandrashekhar said. representative body Assuring the industry of engaging Nasscom, said the reform bill was with the US administration fraught with challenges due to and its lawmakers The provisions that would nullify through the Indian Lofgren its objective of saving government, Bill contains American jobs. the former IT provisions that may “The Lofgren Bill the for secretary said the ging challen prove contains provisions that may prove Indian IT sector and leave apex body would their challenging for the loopholes that will nullify highlight value contribution the objective of saving Indian IT sector and as a ‘net creator’ American jobs leave loopholes that

of jobs in the US. “The Indian IT sector has helped American businesses by providing high-skilled IT solutions in order to innovate, open new markets, expand their operations and creating thousands of new jobs for Americans,” claimed Chandrashekhar. The bill also does not address the acute shortage of STEM-skilled workers in the US, which led all companies to have a calibrated hiring of locals and bridging the skills gap with skilled workers on nonimmigrant visas, including H-1Bs. Before assuming office in January, Trump said one of his first tasks would be to issue an executive order for the Labour Department to investigate visa abuses that he asserted undercut the wages of American workers. Along with H1-B, Spicer mentioned spousal and others as categories of visas that Trump may act on. In 2015, President Barack Obama’s administration permitted spouses of H1-B visa-holders to get permission to work.

INDIA | 3 February

Gandhi can’t be erased from hearts: Rahul C ongress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Monday said here that he is fighting against an ideology that killed the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi. Interacting briefly with the media after his appearance in a Bhiwandi court, the Congress leader said that Gandhi was killed but his teachings would never be erased. “Meri ladaayi vichaardhaara ke khilaaf hai, woh vichardhara jisne Gandhiji ki hatya ki (My fight is against the ideology that killed Mahatama Gandhi),” he said. Rahul stressed said his fight is against those who killed Gandhi, “against those who removed Gandhi from the calendar”. He said that Gandhi will live in the heart of India forever. “They

have killed Gandhi, but they cannot erase him.” After the hearing today, the court adjourned the matter until March 3.

At the previous hearing, on November 16, 2016, the Chief Judicial Magistrate had granted bail to Rahul Gandhi, who is an accused in a defamation case filed by a Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh activist, Rajesh Kunte. Kunte had filed the case against him for his speech in Bhiwandi on March 6, 2014, during the campaigning for the Lok Sabha elections. At a party rally, he had allegedly then said: “The RSS people had killed Gandhi.” On January 30, 1948, Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, a Hindu nationalist, who shot three bullets at him at a prayer meeting in New Delhi.

India to launch standby navigation satellite


ndia will launch one of its back up navigation satellites this year as a replacement to IRNSS-1A satellite, whose three atomic clocks have failed, an official of the Indian space agency said on Monday, January 30. The official denied the existence of similar problems with the rubidium atomic clocks in another navigation satellite. “The atomic clocks have failed in only one satellite. We will be launching the stand-by satellite this year. All other six satellites are operational and are providing the navigation data,” A.S. Kiran Kumar, Chairman, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), said. He said the atomic clocks were imported and ISRO would take up the issue with the foreign supplier. Each satellite has three clocks and a total of 27 clocks for the navigation satellite system were supplied by the same vendor. The clocks are important to provide precise data. Simply put, the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) is similar to the GPS (Global Positioning System) of the US, Glonass of Russia and Galileo of Europe as well as China’s Beidou. While GPS and Glonass are

fully functional global systems, the Chinese and the Japanese systems offer regional coverage and Europe’s Galileo is yet to be operational. According to Indian space agency, the applications of IRNSS

are: terrestrial, aerial and marine navigation, vehicle tracking and fleet management, terrestrial navigation for hikers and travellers, disaster management, integration with mobile phones, mapping and geodetic data capture and visual and voice navigation for drivers. In other words, IRNSS could be said to be the “Indian GPS”. Apart from the civilian applications, the IRNSS will be used for defence purposes as well. Kumar said ISRO was studying the problem, when queried whether the issue was with the electronic side of the clocks. The Rs 1,420 crore Indian satellite navigation system NavIC consists of seven satellites in orbit and two as substitutes. Starting in July 2013, the Indian space agency has launched all the seven navigation satellites. The last one was launched on April 28, 2016. Each satellite has a life span of 10 years. It is learnt that the NavIC satellites were performing well till the three clocks in IRNSS-1A – the first satellite – failed. According to Kumar, all the hardware are susceptible to failure even though elaborate testing is done. Industry officials said navigation satellites of other countries too have faced atomic clock problems.

Modi-Trump meeting in June may make things better for H-1B visa: Tech Mahindra


rappling with the likely fallout of the US government’s proposed H-1B visa reform bill in the US House of Representatives, C.P. Gurnani, MD & CEO, Tech Mahindra, hopes that things will become better once Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets US President Donald Trump, most likely in June. A legislation that calls for doubling the minimum salary of H-1B visa holders to $130,000 from the current minimum wage of $60,000, has been introduced in US House of Representatives – a move that could badly impact Indian techies in the US. “President Trump (already) had a conversation with Prime Minister Modi. I am sure they will meet very soon. Both of them have a background (Trump has a background of running businesses

and Modi is clearly a pro-business prime minister) and both will definitely find a meeting ground,” Gurnani told BTVi in an interview. “Prime Minister Modi is not shy of raising issues or putting issues on the table and neither is Trump. So I do believe that this meeting can happen as early as June and if this meeting happens in June there should be a positive outcome,” he added. Asserting the position of Indian IT companies in the US, Gurnani said: “In the US a few senators can sponsor a Bill but it is for the Congress to decide it’s the right Bill or not. The viewpoint of Indian industry is very loud and clear.” He said Indian companies have been a net investor in America. India-incorporated IT companies investments is close to $2 billion in the US and India incorporated IT companies are able

to create about 100,000 jobs a year in America. “Similarly we believe that we contribute to America with very high skilled work force because we are reacting to a demand-supply. The reality is that in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, the US needs that smart capital. So it’s a win-win for both India and America,” Gurnani added. Expressing his faith on Trump’s decisiveness, Gurnani said: “My belief is that India and America both can be great because an American corporation needs the rest of the world (the world outside of America) as much as they need internal America.” He said in an average American company 30 per cent of their business is within the US and 70 per cent is outside the US.


NEWS in BRIEF President, PM pay homage to Gandhi on death anniversary


resident Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday, January 30, paid floral tributes to Mahatma Gandhi, the Father of the Nation, on his 69th death anniversary at Rajghat. Mukherjee paid the tribute at the Rajghat. Modi offered rose petals at the memorial. Earlier, Modi said: “Tributes to beloved Bapu on his ‘Punya Tithi’.” On this day in 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by Nathuram Godse, who fired three bullets into his chest at a prayer meeting at Birla House

Modi calls for collective effort for leprosy elimination


rime Minister Narendra Modi called for a collective effort for complete elimination of leprosy and attributed the mission to the vision of Mahatma Gandhi who, he said, had an enduring concern for people afflicted with the disfiguring disease. “We have to work together for socio-economic uplift of the cured persons and for their contribution in nation building, and to to strive hard to ensure that these citizens of our country lead a life with dignity that Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of,” Modi said in his message, a day before the 69th death anniversary of the Father of the Nation. “His vision was not just to treat them, but also to bring them to the mainstream of our society,” Modi said. The Prime Minister said that the National Leprosy Eradication Programme, launched in 1955, is a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi’s vision. He noted that the goal of leprosy elimination as a public health problem by bringing down the prevalence rate to less than one case per 10,000 population at national level was achieved in 2005.

Air passenger volumes likely to reach 310m by 2017-18: Ind-R


redit ratings agency India Ratings and Research (Ind-Ra) on Monday January 30, said that the overall air passenger volumes (pax) are likely to reach 310 million by 2017-18. The overall passenger volumes will reach 270 million by March 31, 2017. Currently, the overall passenger volumes from April-November, 2016 stood at 171 million. Recently, data furnished by the civil aviation regulator – the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) – showed that India’s domestic air passenger traffic zoomed by 23.18 per cent in 2016 to 998.88 lakh. “Passengers carried by domestic airlines in 2016 were 998.88 lakh as against 810.91 lakh during the previous year, registering a growth of 23.18 per cent,” the DGCA had said in its statistical analysis released on January 17, 2017. According to the Ind-Ra, the growth in passenger volume will be driven by a reduction in price differential between air travel and rail journey, including the recently increased cancellation fees for train tickets. The agency pointed out that the slowdown in economic growth during the first half of the current decade had minimal impact on pax growth.

India will defeat terrorism decisively: President


resident Pranab Mukherjee on Tuesday, Janaury 31, expressed concern over the threats posed by terrorism and declared that India and other countries will defeat it decisively. Addressing a joint session of Parliament, he said India would “actively collaborate” with other countries in “decisively defeating” terrorism. President Pranab “My government is committed to combating Mukherje terrorism and ensuring that the perpetrators of such acts are brought to justice.” In an apparent reference to Pakistan, the President said Jammu and Kashmir had been affected by terrorism from across the border. He said there had been considerable success in containing Maoism with hundreds of Maoists surrendering in the recent past.

India uniquely positioned to benefit from cloud in 2017: Oracle


s enterprise cloud is expected to become the most secure place for IT processing with nearly 60 per cent IT organisations to move their systems management to the cloud in 2017, India will be among top beneficiaries from cloud computing, US tech giant Oracle predicted on Tuesday, Janaury 31. “India is uniquely positioned to benefit from cloud computing as cloud becomes an essential component of any organisations’ IT and business strategies,” Shailender Kumar, Managing Director at Oracle India, said i. “Increased government spending on digital technologies, coupled with heightened demand from the private sector, continues to be a great boost for the industry,” Kumar added. Not only the large firms, cloud will empower small business innovation in 2017 and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will become a reality, Oracle said. The Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) providers – equipped to take more responsibility and deliver the control tenants demand – will be the one to drive cloud migration in 2017. According to Oracle, corporate-owned data centre numbers will fall 80 per cent by 2025 and the same percentage of IT spending will be devoted to cloud services.



3 February |

NRIs add to poll pitch in Punjab


unjab’s strong non-resident community has arrived in hordes from Canada, Britain, the US and other countries for the February 4 assembly elections in the state. All major parties are paying special attention to the diaspora – or non-resident Indians (NRIs) – who have arrived as the community is believed to have an influence on voting prospects in Punjab. In the past over one year, not only have NRIs extended support to the three major parties in the fray – the Congress, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal – but are also believed to have made major financial contribtions to the parties. Not only this, top leaders of all parties, be it AAP national convener Arvind Kejriwal, Punjab Congress President and former Chief Minister Amarinder Singh, and Akali Dal President and Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir Singh Badal, have all travelled abroad in the last one year to woo NRIs. “The biggest gainer from the NRI support in recent months has been the AAP. A large number of NRIs, particularly from Canada, are already in Punjab to campaign for the party. The NRIs have funded the AAP in a big way,” Harbaksh Singh, a NRI based in VancouverCanada, said. When the first batch of AAP-supporting NRIs landed in New Delhi and Amritsar recently, top AAP leaders like Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, Kumar Vishwas, Sanjay Singh and others welcomed them with full fanfare. Amarinder Singh recently flagged off a special bus of NRIs, who had come to support the Congress from Britain and Canada, to move around in Punjab and elicit support for the party. Sukhbir Badal recently alleged that the AAP had aligned with pro-Khalistan and radical elements based in other countries. AAP national

Republican Hindu Coalition backs Trump’s immigration order


Amritsar: Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee President Amarinder Singh and Congress party candidate and former BJP MP Navjot Singh Sidhu during a joint press conference, in Amritsar last week

General Secretary Sanjay Singh condemned Badal for the remarks and for “branding the whole Punjabi NRI community as terrorists and blaming AAP for getting funds from radicals”. “Sukhbir Badal’s utterances against NRIs supporting AAP are unwarranted and a great insult of Punjabis settled abroad. NRIs in Canada had extended moral and financial support to AAP to see a prosperous Punjab,” Singh said. “We (NRIs) have come to Punjab to ensure defeat of the SAD-BJP alliance and Congress. We must save Punjab from mafia rule. AAP is the only and last hope for the people of Punjab,” said Surinder Mavi, convener of the “Chalo Punjab” campaign in Toronto. Badal’s remarks are being questioned by some. Joban Randhawa, youth wing convener of AAP in Canada, said that NRIs would work hard to get rid of the present SAD-BJP government. “We will spread into constituencies in Doaba and will target Majitha, the constituency of Bikram Singh Majithia who controls the drug trade. Over 35,000 NRIs have enrolled for the

‘Chalo Punjab’ movement in Canada and many of them would reach Punjab,” Randhawa said. But not all are convinced about the role of NRIs in Punjab’s assembly elections. “The NRIs who are coming to Punjab do not have a political background. There are a number of Punjabi NRIs who are successful politicians in the Britain, Canada and United States. They are not coming to campaign in Punjab,” Harjit Gill, who was the first Asian mayor and sheriff of Gloucestershire in England, said. “Most of the NRIs who have come before the polls are on a holiday. They have no experience in politics. They have collected huge amounts of money from people in these countries in the name of the parties,” said Gill, who hails from Dakoha village near Jalandhar Cantt and is settled in Gloucester city since 1978. “The NRIs just want a good government and good governance in Punjab, their home state which they love. The parties make big promises to NRIs in their manifestos but there is hardly any implementation of the same,” he added.

he Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC), a vocal supporter of Donald Trump during his election campaign, announced its backing for the Presidents executive order on immigration. The order, issued last week, bans nationals of seven Muslim countries – Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen – from entering the United States. It also barred Syrian refugees from entering the country. “We applaud the Trump administration for taking this decisive move to protect our citizens from Islamic terror,” Shalabh Kumar, chairman of the group, said in a press release. “A firm stance against terror is one of the pillars of our organisation and one of the central tenets of the Trump campaign, and we fully support our Commander-in-Chief taking the necessary steps to protect our country,” he said. The release said a board meeting of the RHC called on the administration to take “further steps” such as inclusion of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia “in the countries named in the Executive Order”, “thorough investigation of green card holders from the banned countries in the 90-day ban” and “indefinite suspension of all refugees from entering the United States.” Kumar, who founded the RHC two years ago, said “While Americans do not discriminate, and this is a country that encourages legal immigration and celebrates the contributions that immigrants have made to our culture, it is about time we get serious about combating the dangers of terrorism on our shores”, American Bazaar online reported on Monday. He added: “Do any of us want to take the risk that Woodfield Mall in Chicago will be the next target? If allowing these people into the country will increase that risk by even a minimal amount, that is not a risk we should take.”

Trump’s ‘Buy American’, Modi’s ‘Make in India’

can together boost each other


S President Donald Trump’s mantra of “Buy American” and Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Make in India’ are not mutually exclusive because trade need not be a zero sum game, according to Shalabh Kumar, an Indian American Republican leader and the founder of the Republican Hindu Coalition (RHC). A harder line by Trump to stem the huge trade surplus with China and correct Beijing’s unequal terms of trade will provide India with an opportunity to fill the void by exporting more manufactured goods, Kumar said. “Increasing trade between the United States and India is my passion,” he said and asserted that balanced trade can help both countries increase their exports to each other and create jobs and boost investments. He said that he expects the trade between India and the US that is over $100 billion now to rise to at least $300 billion by the end of Trump’s current term and to $1 trillion in the four years after that in “Trump’s second term”. The policies of Trump and Modi to give priority to their respective country’s job growth and investment does not mean a freeze or a shutout of trade with the other nation, Kumar said. Both countries have mutual needs and the US can increase exports of equipment in the defence, energy, nuclear and technology areas and India can grow its exports of services and manufactured products. If trade increases bilaterally, it will create more jobs in the US and in India, he said. A big donor, Kumar personally gave $898,000 to the Trump Victory fund, a joint programme of the Trump campaign, the Republican National Committee and state

India Prime Minister Narendra and US President Donald Trump

organisations to help his election effort. He is and took place at the same time as the more on Trump’s transition committee for finance general Asian Pacific American Presidential and the inaugural committee. Inaugural Gala. Anika Arora, a co-founder of the RHC, said that when Trump met them at Kumar was the prime mover of the RHC the dinner, he thanked the organisaiton rally in October at which Trump for mobilising voters, especially in campaigned on a promise of being Increasing the crucial swing states, resulting a friend of Indian Americans trade between in the “great culmination” of and Hindus and praised the United States and the campaign with his election. Narendra Modi. He is close India is my passion,” “He acknowledged our efforts to former Speaker Newt he said and asserted that in getting the community to Gingrich, who mentored balanced trade can help turn out in large numbers to the RHC and serves as its both countries increase vote for him,” she said. honorary chairman. their exports to each other Trump also introduced the At the Candlelight Dinner and create jobs and RHC to his cabinet nominees held last week on the of the boost investments. and told them about the role of its presidential inauguration for leadership to get the vote out for him, major donors and VIPs, Trump she added. spent 20 minutes with the Kumar family and RHC members, Kumar said. The highFor the Inauguration Welcome Concert level event was the main inaugural eve event held earlier, RHC arranged for a Bollywood

performance led by the actress and supermodel Manasvi Mamgai at which Mika Singh made a special appearance. Trump’s three high-level appointments of Indian Americans and Hindus to the administration and two to the senior White House positions showed his commitment to keeping his word that that the community would have a friend in him in the White House, Kumar said. For the first time, an Indian American, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, was appointed to a cabinet-level position. Ajit Pai was made the chairman of the Federal Communication Commission and Seema Verma the head of the government health insurance programmes, Medicare and Medicaid. Trump has appointed lawyer Uttam Dhillon as his special assistant and associate counsel, and Raj Shah as his deputy assistant and research director. Kumar said that Trump’s transition team had asked the RHC for resumes of suitable candidates for it to review as it goes about filling the the hundreds of jobs in the new administration. He said that he is scouting for talent and with better organisation and resume-matching a many more Indian Americans can find positions in an administration that is open to the community. In the US each administration can make political appointment for the duration of the term to better implement its policies. The administrations ask supporters to make recommendations. It is estimated that there about 4,000 political positions open and of them about 1,200, including ambassadorships, need Senate approval; about 475 are in the White House, and 750 are at the senior executive level.

WORLD | 3 February

Trump’s call to pharma firms to move back to US could hit Indian exporters F oreshadowing “Buy American” moves that could affect the largest market for Indian pharmaceutical companies, US President Donald Trump told drug makers to bring back manufacturing to the United States. “I want you to manufacture in the United States,” he told leaders of seven major pharmaceutical companies. “I want you to move your companies back into the United States.” To facilitate this, he said: “We’re going to be lowering taxes, we’re going to be getting rid of regulations that are unnecessary.” India exported $6 billion worth of drugs to the US in 2015 and restrictions on pharmaceutical imports and manufacturing abroad could impact the industry in India. Trump also hinted at the possibility of ending a multi-layered pricing system for medicines by which rates are often set lower for drugs sold abroad than in the US. “Our trade policy will prioritise that foreign countries pay their fair share for US manufactured drugs so our drug companies have greater financial resources to accelerate the development of new cures,” he said. “And I think it’s so important. Right now, it’s very unfair what other countries are doing to us.” The meeting was part of a series of meetings he has been holding with leaders of different sectors to get them to increase jobs and investment in the US to further his campaign promises. The CEOs of

Trump also hinted at the possibility of ending a multi-layered pricing system for medicines by which rates are often set lower for drugs sold abroad than in the US

Amgen, Novartis and Eli Lily were among those who attended. Trump emphasised deregulation of the strict controls on marketing medicines in the US. “We’re going to be cutting regulations at a level nobody’s ever seen before,” he said. “And we’re going to have tremendous protection for the people, maybe more protection.” He criticised the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval process for new drugs saying that he was troubled that a terminally-ill patient could not get a vital medicine because of the approval delays. An Indian American, Balaji Srinivasan, who is a technology and biotechnology entrepreneur and a critic of the functioning of the FDA, is among those being considered to head the agency. “A lot of the companies have moved out, they don’t make the

Nobel Peace winner Malala ‘heartbroken’ by Trump’s refugee order


obel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai said she was “heartbroken” by President Donald Trump’s executive order calling for new vetting of refugees entering the US. “I am heartbroken that Trump is closing the door on children, mothers and fathers fleeing violence and war,” the women’s education rights activist said. “I am heartbroken that America is turning its back on a proud history of welcoming refugees and immigrants – the people who helped build your country, ready to work hard in exchange for a fair chance at a new life,” Yousafzai said. “I am heartbroken that Syrian refugee children, who have suffered through six years of war by no fault of their own, are singled out for discrimination,” the statement continued. Yousafzai cited an example of Zaynab, who fled wars in three countries – Somalia, Yemen and Egypt – before she was even 17, saying she was heartbroken for girls like her. The activist said “today Zaynab, who came to the US in 2014 and now in a college studying human rights, her hope of being reunited with her precious little sister separated when she fled unrest in Egypt, dims”. “In this time of uncertainty and unrest around the world, I ask President Trump not to turn his

drugs in our country any more,” Trump said. “A lot of that has to do with regulation, a lot of it has to do with the fact that other countries take advantage of ous with their money and their money supply and devaluation.” Trump also took aim at big pharmaceutical companies over their pricing policies. “we have to get lower prices, we have to get even better innovation, he said. For this he said that he would favour smaller companies. “I’ll oppose anything that makes it harder for smaller, younger companies to take the risk of bringing their product to a vibrantly competitive market,” he said. “That includes price-fixing by the biggest dog in the market, Medicare, which is what’s happening. But we can increase competition and bidding wars, big time.” Medicare is the government health insurance programme for senior citizens.

British MPs to sit till midnight for Brexit bill


Malala Yousafzai

back on the world’s most defenceless children and families.” The White House did not provide immediate details about Trump’s executive order, but reports said the US would stop issuing visas to people coming from several Muslimmajority countries, including Iran, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Yemen and Iraq. People from countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia will face “extreme vetting”, the US President said. The order is also expected to indefinitely block refugees from wartorn Syria from entering the US and suspend all refugee admissions for 120 days while the administration determines which countries pose the least risk.

ritain’s House of Commons started a marathon session in a bid to rush through parliament a bill to trigger the process for leaving the European Union. Speaker John Bercow announced members of parliament would remain in session untill Tuesday midnight, with a second full day of debate on Wednesday when a vote will take place, Xinhua news agency reported. Although the Brexit bill is one of the shortest, just two sentences, ever presented to the British parliament, it is one of the most important to ever come forward. If approved it will enable British Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger article 50, the process for quitting the EU, by the end of March. David Davis, the Secretary of State for exiting the European Union, started the debate with a plea to MPs to respect the will of the British people. Last June they voted by a 52-48 majority to leave, an unexpected outcome that sent shock waves across Europe. Davis said the bill is straightforward and the issue boils down to a simple question, do MPs trust the will of the people as expressed in June’s referendum. A number of MPs from the main opposition Labour Party have already said they will oppose triggering article 50, and members of the Scottish SNP party will also oppose it.



British Parliament to debate Trump’s visit after 1.7m sign petition


ritain’s Parliament said it would debate whether to revoke US President Donald Trump’s invitation to a State visit after a petition calling for it to be canceled garnered almost 1.7 million signatures. The debate was scheduled to take place on February 20, after the petition, created by Briton Graham Guest, received almost seventeen times the number of signatures it needed to qualify as a topic for parliamentary consideration, Efe news reported. “Donald Trump should be allowed to enter the UK in his capacity as head of the US Government, but he should not be invited to make an official State visit because it would cause embarrassment to Her Majesty the Queen,” said the petition statement, referring to Elizabeth II. The petition was launched in response to Trump’s controversial executive order to withhold US visas from the citizens of seven Muslim-majority nations. Another petition in favour of Trump’s State visit also surpassed 100,000 signatories. British Prime Minister Theresa May invited the newlyappointed US president to visit Britain following a visit to the White House. She was the first foreign leader to visit Trump since he took office on January 20.

Immigration ban can raise ‘suspicion’ towards Muslims: Indonesia


ndonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla on Tuesday said that US President Donald Trump’s immigration policy for seven Muslim-majority nations can raise ‘suspicion’ towards Muslims. “It can raise suspicion especially towards Muslims,” Xinhua news agency quoted Kalla as saying. He said the risks of the policy would finally backfire, such as the recent protests in the US, reminding that it could endanger the unity of the United States itself. The immigration policy would also lead the immigrants shifting their destination to Asia, said Kalla, adding that Indonesia is open for them. “Based on experience, we welcome them all, including Rohingya refugees and Afghan refugees,” he said. Indonesia is not included in the blacklist of nations – Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen – whose citizens have been temporarily barred from entering the United States. Indonesia has the world’s largest Muslim population with most of its 250 million people being followers of Islam.

India, Russia agree on joint action plan to counter terrorism


ndia and Russia agreed to have a joint action plan to counter the global scourge of terrorism, the External Affairs Ministry said. The decision was taken at a high-level meeting where the Indian side was led by Secretary (East) in the External Affairs Ministry, Preeti Saran, while the Russian delegation was led by Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg V. Syromolotov. “Both sides agreed to a joint action plan which seeks to focus on enhancing capacity building, frequent expert-level meetings, sharing of insights, exchange of best practices in countering radicalisation and curbing terrorism,” said the External Affairs Ministry statement. It said both sides shared views and assessment on the threats posed by the scourge of terrorism, including state-sponsored cross-border terrorism - an oblique reference to Pakistan - faced by India, the statement said. “They also shared concerns regarding the emergence of Af-Pak region as the epicentre of terrorism. They discussed successful experiences in curbing terrorism and countering radicalisation,” it said. According to the statement, India and Russia agreed that the UNSC 1267 Sanctions List processes for blacklisting various terrorist individuals and entities must be stringently complied with. Last year, China blocked the move to have sanctions imposed against Pakistan-based terrorist Masood Azhar, chief of the Jaish-e-Mohammed and one of the three terrorists freed in exchange of passengers of a hijacked Indian Airlines plane in 1999.

Unicef launches appeal of $3.3bn to children affected by conflict, disasters


he UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) launched an appeal of $3.3 billion to provide emergency assistance in 48 countries around the globe, against the backdrop of children driven from their homes due to conflict, disasters and climate change. A total of 48 million children living through some of the world’s worst conflicts and other humanitarian emergencies will benefit from Unicef ’s 2017 appeal, which was launched on January 31, Xinhua news agency cited a UN press release. “From Syria to Yemen and Iraq, from South Sudan to Nigeria, children are under direct attack, their homes, schools and communities in ruins, their hopes and futures hanging in the balance,” the press release noted. “In total, almost one in four of the world’s children lives in a country affected by conflict or disaster,” it added. The UN agency fears that an estimated 7.5 million children will face severe acute malnutrition across the majority of appeal countries. Unicef ’s Humanitarian Action for Children sets out the agency’s 2017 appeal and its goals to provide children with access to safe water, nutrition, education, health and protection in some of the world’s worst conflicts and humanitarian emergencies.



Raina, Dhoni carry India to

3 February |

Sachin wants youngsters to know history of Indian sport

202/6 vs England in final T20I B


easoned campaigners Suresh Raina and Mahendra Singh Dhoni struck brilliant half centuries to help India post a mammoth 202/6 against England in the third and final Twenty20 International at the M. Chinnaswamy Stadium on Wednesday, February 1. Raina’s 45-ball 63 helped the hosts set the tone for the massive total before southpaw Yuvraj Singh (27) and former skipper Dhoni (56) finished things off in style as India recovered from the early loss of captain Virat Kohli after being sent into bat. India were off to a dismal start losing Kohli (2) to a silly run-out in the second over of the match before onedown Suresh Raina joined opener Lokesh Rahul (22) in the middle and the right-left duo added 61 runs for the second wicket in no time. Raina, especially was the more aggressive of the two, as he dispatched pacer Chris Jordan for two sixes in the last over of the mandatory field restrictions. Just when the hosts looked set for a huge total, all-rounder Ben Stokes cleaned up Rahul with a length ball after the right-hander hit two fours and a six in his 18-ball knock. The fall of Rahul brought in Dhoni, who played a few deliveries to get used to the wicket with Raina, at the other end, taking full advantage of the dropped chance off leg-spinner Adil Rashid to bring up his career’s fourth half-century with a brilliant six off the leggie. Raina and Dhoni continued to torment the English bowlers as India crossed the three-figure mark in the

Eoin Morgan plays a shot during the first T20 match between India and England

13th over before pacer Liam Plunkett returned for a second spell to end the left-hander’s 45-ball knock, laced with two boundaries and five huge hits over the fence. With India comfortably placed at 120/3, the stage was set for new man Yuvraj Singh (27) and Dhoni to step on the gas for a good total. The Ranchi stumper took the mantle of the scoring, bringing up his career’s maiden T20I halfcentury off 32 deliveries before the Punjab southpaw showed his class to dispatch Jordan for a four and three sixes in the 18th over to take India to 177/3. Yuvraj’s breezy innings, however, ended on the first ball of the 19th over when he misjudged a slower delivery from Mills to be caught behind by stumper Jos Buttler.

His 10-ball cameo included one four and three sixes. Yuvraj’s wicket brought in 19-yearold Pant (6 not out), who played second fiddle to Dhoni, as Jordan ended the 35-year-old’s brilliant effort on the second ball of the last over of the innings. Dhoni, who consumed 36 deliveries for his knock, laced with five fours and two sixes, got a top edge to be caught by Rashid at short fine leg. All-rounder Hardik Pandya (11) then added 11 runs with Pant to take India past the 200-run mark. For the visitors, all the pacers –Mills, Jordan, Plunkett and Stokes – took one wicket apiece. Brief Scores: India 202/6 (Suresh Raina 63, M.S. Dhoni 56, Yuvraj Singh 27, Liam Plunkett 1/22) vs England.

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atting legend Sachin Tendulkar said it is extremely important for youngsters of the country to know history of Indian sport and also be aware of the country’s sporting icons, both living and dead. Speaking at the opening of a sports museum, the former India captain said it is nice to have a museum which shelters all disciplines and not just cricket. “I have been to couple of museums to do with cricket. (Sir Donald) Bradman museum in Australia, and MCC at Lord’s. But both are cricket museums,” Tendulkar told a packed audience. “This has got so many different things. You’ve got tennis, Usain Bolt is there and Roger Federer and not just cricket. Experience to be here makes it complete. I would like as many youngsters to go there and understand the history of sport. Mainly Indian sport because I think it is extremely important to know our Indian sporting heroes,” he added. “We have had so many world class sportsmen. Some of them are not alive but have brought laurels to our nation in the form of medals. We cannot forget them. They are not alive and in front of us. But they should be in our minds. And this will help to keep them in our minds and get motivated and inspired,” said Tendulkar, who amassed 15,921 runs in 200 Tests.

Federer overcomes Nadal to reign in Australian Open


oger Federer has won his fifth Australian Open title and 18th overall major crown, defeating Rafael Nadal 6-4, 3-6, 6-1, 3-6, 6-3 at the Rod Laver Arena on Sunday. Federer extended his lead over Nadal in the all-time major wins list to four with his first Melbourne Park crown since 2010, and his first major singles title win since Wimbledon 2012, reports The Swiss, who will rise to No.10 in the world with the victory, earned his first win over Nadal in four meetings at the Australian Open, and won just his third major final over the Spaniard in nine attempts. The win snapped a six-match losing streak to Nadal in Grand Slam play. Before Sunday night, Federer’s most recent major win over his great rival came in the Wimbledon final of 2007. Federer has become the first man in history to win five or more titles at three different Grand Slam events. Federer hit 73 winners, including 20 aces, and won 76 per cent of his first service points for victory in three hours and 37 minutes. Nadal committed 28 unforced errors – 29 fewer than Federer. The Swiss, who returned this year after a six-month injury lay-off, is now 12-23 in their head to head matches. All-out aggression from Federer proved decisive in the match, his 100th match at the Australian Open.

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Daily Sudoku puzzle No. 3756





Medium level


4 2

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Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and each of the 3x3 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9.


1 | 3 February


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General Knowledge

Space quiz 1.

What is the closest planet to the Sun? 2. What is the name of the 2nd biggest planet in our solar system? 3. What is the hottest planet in our solar system? 4. What planet is famous for its big red spot on it? 5. What planet is famous for the beautiful rings that surround it? 6. Can humans breathe normally in space as they can on Earth? 7. Is the sun a star or a planet? 8. Who was the first person to walk on the moon? 9. What planet is known as the red planet? 10. What is the name of the force holding us to the Earth? 11. Have human beings ever set


13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

foot on Mars? What is the name of a place that uses telescopes and other scientific equipment to research space and astronomy? What is the name of NASA’s most famous space telescope? Earth is located in which galaxy? What is the name of the first satellite sent into space? Ganymede is a moon of which planet? What is the name of Saturn’s largest moon? Olympus Mons is a large volcanic mountain on which planet? Does the sun orbit the Earth? Is the planet Neptune bigger than Earth?


After whom was the Teddy Bear named?


How many spots are there on twelve dice?


Which evil mythological creature was part woman and part bird, having a human face and a bird’s wings and claws?


What is the national flower of Scotland?


Who hosts the ITV dating show ‘Take Me Out’?


Puzzle solution: Puzzle solution: What is the name of the Armed Play sudoku online at: Play sudoku online at: Forces Radio Service DJ played Sudoku puzzle No. 3749 2017-01-17Sudoku puzzle No. 3748 2017-01-16 by Robin Williams in ‘Good 4 2 7 6 9 3 5 1 8 5 8 2 4 1 9 3 7 6 9 5 3 1 4 8 7 6 2 General Knowledge Anwsers 9 1 4 3 7 6 8 5 2 Morning Vietnam’, upon 1 8 6 7 2 5 3 9 4 3 6 7 8 5 2 4 1 9 1. The cerebrum 3 7 4 8 6 2 9 5 1 6 2 9 1 8 5 7 4 3 whom the film is loosely based? 8 6 2 5 1 9 4 3 7 8 4 3 6 2 7 1 9 5 2. Iris 5 1 9 3 7 4 2 8 6 Which three teams were 1 7 5 9 4 3 6 2 8 Puzzle solution: 3. Melanin 2 4online 8Puzzle 9at:5solution: 1 6 7 3 4 3 8 5 9 1 2 Play 6 7 sudoku relegated from the Premier 6 9 1 4 3 7 8 2 5 7 5online 1 2at:6 8 9 3 4 Play sudoku 4. Quadriceps 7 3 5 2 8 6 1 4 9 2 9 puzzle 6 7 No. 3 3753 4 5 2017-01-21 8 1 Sudoku Sudoku puzzle No. 3747 2017-01-15 League at the end of the 5. True 7 4 1 5 2 8 9 3 6 1 5 9 4 3 7 6 8 2 16 season? 3 8 6 9 4 1 5 7 2 6 7 2 8 5 1 9 3 4 6. Keratin 5 2 9 3 7 6 1 4 8 8 3 4 2 9 6 1 5 7 Which artist painted the most 4 9 3 2 6 7 8 1 5 7. The skin 7 6 1 3 8 4 5 2 9 8 1 5 4 9 3 2 6 7 3 9 5 7 6 2 8 4 1 expensive painting ever sold at 8. Bone marrow 2 6 7 8 1 5 4 9 3 4 2 8 5 1 9 3 7 6 Puzzle solution: 6 3 8 1 5 9 7 2 4 action to date? 5 1 7Puzzle 6 2 solution: 8 4 9 3 9. False (there are 206) 9 5 2 7 3 4 6 8 1 9 4 online 3 1 at:7 5 2 6 8 Play sudoku Which English monarch hadPlay sudoku 1 7online 4 6at:8 2 3 5 9 10. 2 Sudoku puzzle No. 3752 2017-01-20 2 8 6 9 4 3 7 1 5 Sudoku puzzle No. 3745 2017-01-13 7 2 4 9 1 5 3 8 6 the nickname ‘Harefoot’? 11. Larynx 1 7 5 6 8 2 4 3 9 5 8 3 2 6 7 9 4 1 9 4 2 3 5 7 1 8 6 12. Nostrils What is 2017 in Roman 1 6 9 4 8 3 5 2 7 6 3 8 9 1 4 7 5 2 4 9 1 6 7 2 8 5 3 13. Taste buds 5 9 1 4 3 8 6 2 7 numerals? 2 5 7 8 3 4 6 1 9 8 2 4 7 6 1 3 9 5 14. Vertebrae 8 3 6 1 5 9 2 7 4 Einstein’s theory of relativity 3 6 7 2 9 5 8 1 4 Puzzle solution: 9 1 5Puzzle 7 2 solution: 6 4 3 8 2 8online 6 1at: 4 9 5 Play 7 3sudoku 15. A double helix online at: Play sudoku can be written as E=mc2. What 3 4 8 5 9 1 7 6 2 7 5 3 8 2 6 9 4 1 16. Circulation 6 7 2 3 4 8 1 9 5 4Sudoku 1 9puzzle 5 No. 7 3754 3 2 2017-01-22 6 8 Sudoku puzzle No. 3750 2017-01-18 does the ‘E’ stand for? 17. Ribs 2 9 6 1 7 5 4 3 8 4 2 5 7 3 9 8 6 1 Was President Richard Nixon a 5 1 8 4 3 9 7 6 2 9 6 3 1 8 4 5 2 7 18. The esophagus 1 8 7 5 6 2 3 9 4 7 4 3 8 6 2 1 9 5 Democrat or a Republican? 3 9 4 6 2 8 1 7 5 9 3 4 5 1 7 2 8 6 19. True 6 1 8 3 7 5 9 4 2 6 8 2 9 4 3 5 1 7 Republican 7 5 2 9 4 1 6 3 8 20. Epidermis 1 5 7 2 8 6 9 4 3



9. 10. 11.

Spot 7 difference in this image 12. 13.

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14. Which child actor played the eldest son, Jake Brockman, in TV sitcom ‘Outnumbered’? 15. In which year did the International Astronomical Union downgrade the status of Pluto from planet to ‘dwarf planet’?

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5 7 1 4 No. 9 3751 3 2 2017-01-19 8 6 4 7 puzzle 1 3 No. 5 3746 8 62017-01-14 2 9 Sudoku puzzle Sudoku

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Send us stories, drawings, poems and other contributions by your little ones along with their photographs for this page. E-mail us at reporter@



3 February |

So, you think you are the victim? ¡¡ RAJ SINGH


met a job seeker who has been in New Zealand for the last few months, and in our meeting, he constantly complained about the employment market, recruiters, job boards, and his agent from his home country. He was frustrated about his job application rejections he had received, as he felt he had the required relevant experience. He considered himself as a victim of wrongdoing and asked me if the way he was being treated in the New Zealand job marker was right. I tried to explain that key question wasn’t whether it’s right or not, although one would tend to agree with him in principle. The key question was what are you doing about it? “Are you playing victim or are you adapting?” I asked him, “If you’re being robbed, you don’t just sit around thinking…Oh, why is this happening to me? This is not right. Instead, you react. You shout for help or you fight to defend or you call a cop or you run away, right?” I know my reply may sound harsh especially to someone who was expecting me to empathise with him. He tried answering my question for some time before retreating to where he came from…never to be seen again! This has left me thinking—why do we want to come across as victims? Are we expecting undue favours? Consciously or subconsciously, are we trying to manipulate others or are we simply trying to hide our incapability? Reality TV shows such also come to mind where if the participant comes from a difficult/ broken personal background, they tend to attract more attention than they deserve.

I met a job seeker who has been in New Zealand for the last few months, and in our meeting, he constantly complained about the employment market, recruiters, job boards, and his agent from his home country.

In some form or the other, we see participants playing a victims’ card often gain short-term undue advantage. The reason could be any of the above or something that I’ve missed, but as a mentor, I observe job seekers irrespective of their colour, creed, and nationality (including Kiwis) playing the victim card with no hesitation. Almost seven out of 10 job seekers speak this language and come across as victims. Yes, I agree that the job market is hostile for many reasons beyond our control, and no, I am not saying that job seekers are faking their stories and experience in dealing with their current employment struggles. My question is simple: What are you doing about it? Remember, the feeling of being victimised leaves you with action paralyses. You stop

thinking, stop improving, and stop upskilling yourself. Your dependence on others increases. You become vulnerable and prone to exploitation. You start developing hatred towards situations and people around you, and before you realise, you are surrounded by negative emotions and negative people. Just go out there, get up, and do something. There are so many free resources and so much help available out there. Don’t fear the hit-and-trial method and feel free to experiment. See what works for you and what doesn’t. Ask for help/assistance/suggestions/ guidance. Keep that smile on your face and do not lose your confidence and faith on who you are and what you are capable of. And never come across as a victim. Raj Singh is the Managing Recruiter at Rent a Recruiter Ltd and is sharing his knowledge and experience with migrants and international students in NZ. He believes in talking about the topics with no sugar coating and advises readers’ discretion.

Cost of education up by 48% over decade


he cost of primary and secondary education in New Zealand has risen by 48 per cent in the past decade according to exclusive research released recently. The ASG Planning for Education Index has estimated that for a child born in 2017 the estimated cost of a 13-year private education is $345,996, a jump of $112,318 compared to a child born in 2007 ($233,678), while the cost of state integrated education has climbed by 34 per cent to $109,354 and that of state education has gone up by 15 per cent to $38,362. The education index is independently verified and based on almost 2,000 responses which measures a range of variables including school fees, transport, uniforms, computers, school excursions and sporting trips to determine the costs of education. John Velegrinis, CEO of ASG, said that Kiwis were fortunate to have excellent state, state-integrated and private schools to choose from, but costs could spiral out of control. “If you have three children, the

Independent research predicts the cost of education will increase, irrespective of whether you send your child to a state, state integrated or private school. Estimated costs for a state education in New Zealand have risen by 15 per cent over the last decade, and costs for a state integrated and private school education have gone up sharply by more than $27,000 and $112,000 respectively.”

cost of educating them in New Zealand’s private education system could top more than $1 million. That’s significantly more than the purchase price of the average family home,” Mr Velegrinis said. He suggested parents to use a disciplined approach by “putting a little bit away each week so they can financially afford to meet their

children’s educational goals and aspirations. Mr Velegrinis says the cost of education in New Zealand has risen by double the rate of inflation over the past decade. “This is quite significant because the underlying trend is that this gap between the costs of education and the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is continuing to expand over time.

Total education costs for a child born in 2017 State: $38,362 State Integrated: $109,354 Private: $345,996 Estimated average costs to educate a child born in 2007 and 2017 across New Zealand 2007 2017 % State: $33,274 $38,362 15% State Integrated: $81,765 $109,354 34% Private: $233,678 $345,996 48% Disclaimer: These figures are the average estimated costs and represent the highest amount parents and families could expect to pay. ASG cannot guarantee that they will represent the actual costs of education for a particular child.

$15,000 scholarship packages on offer to tertiary students


wo $15,000 scholarship packages, which include international travel, are on offer to tertiary students interested in pursuing a career in the dairy and animal breeding sector. The scholarships packages, which are being offered by CRV Ambreed every year, include a trip to one of CRV’s international business units of the students’ choice in Czech Republic, Brazil, the USA or Holland. The trip gives students an opportunity to observe dairy systems in other parts of the world. The scholarship also offers $3,000

development of its recipients so far. towards the cost of the students’ tertiary studies. All up, the package CRV Ambreed’s Managing is worth upwards of $15,000. Director Angus Haslett says that all the successful scholarship winners CRV Ambreed offers two packages to date have shown exceptional every year—one to a Massey attitudes and a willingness to make University undergraduate positive contributions to the science student, and one The dairy industry. to a Lincoln University candidates undergraduate “The candidates we look for are high science student. we look for are high academic achievers, The scheme is in its academic achievers, are in their second to last are in their second seventh year and year of undergraduate has contributed to last year of study, and are keen to more than undergraduate develop a career in the $200,000 toward study, and are keen dairy industry” the education and to develop a career

Independent statistician and Managing Director of foreseechange Charlie Nelson said a range of economic factors influence the cost of education. Employment growth, hourly wages and inflation all impact the cost of living, which puts extra strain on the family budget. “With school fees likely to rise further, it has never been more important for parents to financially plan for their child’s future.”

in the dairy industry,” Haslett says. “The dairy industry is vital to NZ’s economy, and our dairy products are well-regarded internationally, and we look to invest in young people who share in our long-term vision for the dairy industry,” he says. Last year Lincoln University Bachelor of Agricultural Science honours student Georgina Lyndsay won the scholarship and travelled to the world headquarters of CRV International in Holland where she was able to gain a global understanding of agriculture and establish international contacts in

the industry. The CRV Ambreed scholarship was established in 2010 to support and encourage Lincoln and Massey University students with interests in animal husbandry, animal genetics, farm management and environmental sustainability to work in New Zealand’s dairy industry. The scheme has contributed more than $200,000 towards the personal development of recipients. Students can apply for the scholarship through Lincoln University and Massey University’s scholarship offices. Applications close 15 March 2017.

FEATURES | 3 February


With compliments from –The largest hindu online Puja platform

Bhagavad Gita’s answer to inner emptiness



lmost everyone feels some degree of emptiness; a feeling that something is gnawing away from within, and thus, we are constantly in search of something to fill up that emptiness. For many of us, if we come home to an empty house, we simply cannot sit down and relax. There is this agitation within that drives us to do something. We may open the refrigerator and simply stand there looking into it, or we immediately turn on the TV and begin surfing channels, or more commonly, we take out our phone and call or text someone, browse the internet, or go on social media. But what are we looking for? Something to fill that empty space inside because we are not at peace within ourselves. Marketing and advertising professionals are fully aware of this reality. They have become experts in shaping messages that promise to fill up this emptiness and make us happy, and therefore, more peaceful. We have all probably seen Coca Cola’s worldwide ad campaign ‘Open Happiness’. You’ve got to be joking! I challenge anyone to open a

bottle of Coke and let all the carbon dioxide (the bubbles) escape, keep the leftover concoction of water, sugar, and flavour at room temperature, and then take a swig. Is that true happiness? Yet we all follow these messages like sheep in a herd and are confronted with the reality that no matter what we do or what we consume, no matter how much we improve our body image, no matter how many new friends we make, we still experience an uneasiness within. But worse, after chasing happiness for so long, that emptiness does not decrease but seems to increase. Our search and our consumption and our attempts to fill this emptiness and to find peace have simply led to a greater sense of unease, a greater emptiness, and thus, we’ve become even more disturbed. Ancient wisdom warns us of the futility of buying into the messages of consumerism. The pursuit of happiness through materialism never ends well. If there is a fire and instead of putting water, I pour on fuel and gasoline, the result would be a more destructive fire. So why is this happening? Why in spite of my attempts to fill the emptiness, do I fail? Well, it’s simple. I am a spiritual being—the atma— residing within this body. I am not this body, which I am temporarily inhabiting/using, nor am I my mind. Although my body and mind may have cravings and desires, if my whole life is simply dedicated to trying to satisfy these cravings and desires and I ignore my spiritual needs, then I will remain empty and unfulfilled.

The philosophy of materialism is based on the idea that the material body is the person and that fulfilling the desires and wants of the body and mind is the purpose of life and will bring happiness, fulfilment, and peace. This is untrue. There is the ancient example of a man who keeps a bird within a golden cage. The cage may be exceedingly beautiful and the man may constantly polish and clean it but if he does not feed the bird inside the cage, the bird will die. There is no inherent harm in taking care of the body and providing for it. But we must learn to live a more balanced life by not forgetting our spiritual needs. We have material wants, but we also have spiritual needs. If we sacrifice our spiritual needs in the pursuit of temporary and fleeting wants, then the result will be emptiness and a lack of actual peace. The Bhagavad Gita proposes another paradigm, another path in our search for happiness: “A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires - that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still - can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires.”

Bhagavad Gita 2.70 “Before giving up this present body, if one is able to tolerate the urges of the material senses and to check the force of desire and anger, he is well situated and is happy in this world.”

February 3 to February 9 | By Manisha Koushik ¡¡ Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20)

¡¡ Cancer (Jun 22-Jul 20)

Paying an ear to gossips at work and jumping to conclusions will only complicate matters, so look before you leap. Be open to suggestions from colleagues at work but do not feel bound to take their advice unless it actually serves the purpose. Don’t be emotionally swayed when making decisions about your finances. A new relationship provides comfort and security. Some of you may want to move home and will start working towards making it happen. A short trip is on the cards.

A pleasant surprise from a close friend will brighten your weekend. Do not share any personal details with people you don’t trust completely. You may be in a contemplative mood about going in for a career change. Make it a point to give healthy inputs in the important discussions at work as seniors may be gauging your abilities before adding more responsibilities to your shoulders. Problems of children need to be handled diplomatically.

Lucky number: 6 / Lucky colour: Dark green

Lucky number: 7 / Lucky colour: Magenta

¡¡Taurus (Apr 21-May 20) Your honesty will be appreciated professionally. Work diligently to march ahead with your plans. Feel free to turn to close friends for an advice if you are caught in the midst of a hectic activity. Their timely help allows you to take calculated risks that could bring the desired results. You may feel the need for space and independence; go ahead and ask for it. Love life could go through some twists and turns; handle the situations tactfully. Don’t get complacent about your health, proactive measures will show results. Lucky number: 2 / Lucky colour: Yellow

¡¡ Gemini (May 21-Jun 21)

¡¡ Leo (Jul 21-Aug 22) Unanticipated delays may catch you off guard and create some stressful moments. Issues regarding ancestral property should be given a lot of attention. You should probably take more time to think about things before acting on the same. Networking and creating win-win situations will ensure the support of subordinates when you need it the most. Your love life could go through some twists and turns but objectively analysing issues and letting go of your impractical expectations will prove to be beneficial. Lucky number: 3 / Lucky colour: Rose

¡¡ Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 23)

Work and personal commitments will leave you with little free time. Do not allow yourself to be distracted. Make sure you have a proper analysis of the relevant facts before presenting them with confidence as there is a possibility that you may miss out on some detail. The week will be full of surprises, but to keep up the momentum you need to learn to strike the right balance between your personal and professional life. Patience is all that you require while dealing with such situations. Don’t get lax with your diet regime.

The business meeting will be productive and could set the ground for new ventures in the long run. Hold your ground and don’t let anyone take you for granted, be it office or home. The way you think and speak may have a direct bearing on your performance. There is more to what someone is trying to convey, so pay attention. Do not trust the female friends with any secrets. Avoid lending money this week as the chances are bleak that it will ever come back.

Lucky number: 6 / Lucky colour: Sea green

Lucky number: 2 / Lucky colour: Peach

Bhagavad Gita 5.23

If we appreciate these principles, our life will be perfect. We must learn about the actual goal and purpose of life and come to experience our natural condition of completely fulfilling spiritual love, happiness, and peace.

Acharya das is a respected teacher of Vedic and yogic philosophy, meditation, and kirtan, and a practitioner of the transcendental science of Bhakti yoga. He has taught yoga wisdom for more than 40 years and is a world-renowned speaker. Acharya das is currently in Auckland and holds regular discourses on yoga wisdom. For more information about these discourses, to ask questions, or to read more in-depth articles on these subjects, visit www.Acharyadas. com,

Indian Calendar February 2017 Date 1 Feb 2 Feb 3 Feb 4 Feb 5 Feb 6 Feb 7 Feb 8 Feb 10 Feb 11 Feb 12 Feb 14 Feb 17 Feb 18 Feb 19 Feb 22 Feb 24 Feb 26 Feb 28 Feb

Day Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Fri Sat Sun Tue Fri Sat Sun Wed Fri Sun Tue

Festivals & Observances Vasant Panchami Sashti Narmada Jayanthi, Ratha Saptami Masik Durga Ashtami Karthigai Rohini Vrat Jaya Ekadashi Pradosh Vrat, Bhishma Dwadashi Thai Pusam Purnima, Chandra Grahan, Lalitha Jayanthi Kumbha Sankranthi Sankastha Chathurthi Yashodha Jayanthi Kalashtami, Shabari Jayanthi Janaki Jayanthi Vijaya Ekadashi Pradosh Vrat, Maha Shivaratri Amavasya Chandra Darshan

With compliments from: –The largest hindu online Puja platform Manisha Koushik is a practicing astrologer, tarot card reader, numerologist, vastu and fengshui consultant based in India with a global presence through the online channels. She is available for consultations online as well. E-mail her at support@askmanisha. com or contact at +91-11-26449898 Mobile/Whatsapp: +919015607139 •

¡¡ Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23) Impulsive remarks could create tensions at home while an objective approach will help resolve differences. You need to learn to balance your idealism with practicality. Health may need attention, make it a priority to rest and de-stress. Businessmen will be able to clinch profitable deals. Your positive mood can help you eliminate unimportant and unproductive issues from your life. Loved ones will extend their support in your investment plans. Buying your dream property is favoured by the stars now. Lucky number: 8 / Lucky colour: Green

¡¡ Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22) This week brings several challenges on your way. So roll up your sleeves and invest extra time and energy to prove your mettle. Clarity of thought and focus on your goals are your best assets this week. Work pressure will not be successful in deterring you from following your agenda. Romantic relationships would require some concern. Keep important documents handy while travelling. Joining aerobics or a dance class would be a good idea to stay fit. Lucky number: 5 / Lucky colour: Lavender

¡¡ Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)

¡¡ Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 21) Take a break from your busy schedule to spend some quality time with your beloved. Though financially wise, your innate aggression can still invite some tensions in speculation. Your positive outlook can help you pursue your creative dreams. Look for ways to eliminate unimportant and unrealistic issues from your life. Efforts at work place will be appreciated and will help you get the attention from the senior members on board. A short leisure trip is on the cards. Lucky number: 18 / Lucky colour: Cream

¡¡ Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19) Insights from spiritual people will help you make headway on personal issues that have been on your mind recently. There are chances of an increase in the workload due to hectic activities and pressing deadlines. Be discreet with your views till you can get an overview of situations at work. Stars support your intentions for renovating your house. Dedication will help you sail through such situations. Avoid lending money to anyone as it might get blocked. Lucky number: 4 / Lucky colour: Dark slate grey

¡¡ Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20)

You may unnecessarily be worried about an issue this week. The rebellious nature of a family member could alarm you; the situation should be handled with some more patience. Discussing things with family members will help you realise that the situation is not as bad as you are making it out to be. Do not shun away for asking help from colleagues to meet the project deadlines. Love sector of your chart promises good results for those still single.

It is likely to be a busy but productive time and career enhancing responsibilities are on the anvil for some. You might feel irritated and need to guard against losing your temper over trivial issues. Relationships with people of repute are set to improve. Your proactive attitude will result in greater financial security thereby easing some of your worries. Businessmen especially will enjoy an easy cash flow. Travel plans are highlighted. Health enhancing measures will be beneficial in the long run.

Lucky number: 15 / Lucky colour: Dark pink

Lucky number: 2 / Lucky colour: Maroon



3 February |

Let’s unite against elder abuse: Nilima Venkat N ¡¡ RIZWAN MOHAMMAD

ilima Venkat, a well-known face in the Kiwi-Indian community of Auckland, started her Kiwi journey in 1998. The mother of three daughters has advocated strongly against elder abuse and is one of the strong pillars of Shanti Niwas Charitable Trust in Auckland. Mrs Venkat is a Justice of Peace (JP) and was awarded Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit (MNZM) in 2013 for her services to the community. The passionate community worker believes in empowering those whom society has neglected and strives to create a place where everyone can have equal rights and opportunities. She hails from the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. She moved to Nigeria in 1979, and in a pursuit of a better life for the family, she migrated to New Zealand in 1998 with her husband and children. In a conversation with Indian Weekender, Mrs Venkat shares snippets from her journey.

IWK: How were your initial days in New Zealand? Mrs Venkat: For my family and me, settling in New Zealand was a positive experience albeit a hard one in the beginning. New Zealand’s multicultural society and the acceptance of Indian cultures and festivals made the settling easier for us, but there were a few challenges as well. I faced social isolation. Everybody was super busy here, my family and even the new friends that we made. Not having a New Zealand qualification and experience was also a barrier to getting jobs. It was then that my friend suggested I get involved with Shanti Niwas to connect with the community and also get information about the Indian community and New Zealand at large.

I initially joined Shanti Niwas as a volunteer.... Working with people enabled me to think analytically about the changing needs of our communities and find and implement successful solutions.

IWK: What was the first turning point in your life in New Zealand? Mrs Venkat: Joining Shanti Niwas as a volunteer in 1999 was the turning point of my life. It gave me a chance to connect with the community. It also gave me the opportunity and an experience to realise my dream of doing social work and serve the community, especially senior citizens. I have a Bachelors of Social Work degree and have been involved in social work practice. I have been

serving the South Asian community for the past 18 years now, and I have voluntary involvement in many government and non-government organisations such as The Asian Network Inc., Sahayata, Member of the Counties Manukau Police South East Asian Advisory Board, and HDC’s Consumer Advisory Group— Asian consumer representative. IWK: Has working in Shanti Niwas brought about a change in your perception about life?


Mrs Venkat: I initially joined Shanti Niwas as a volunteer and subsequently acquired the positions of a programme coordinator, social worker, and then project manager since 2012. Working with people enabled me to think analytically about the changing needs of our communities and find and implement successful solutions. In my role as manager at Shanti Niwas, I have initiated many successful projects such as KHUSHI—Elder abuse and neglect prevention service, Dosti— visiting service for the lonely and housebound, SNEH—Emergency Housing for the seniors, and a branch of Shanti Niwas in North Shore, which has helped people immensely. IWK: What memories from back in India do you cherish the most? Mrs Venkat: Although I have lived away from India for 40 years, I still have a strong connection in the form of extended family relationships, which I miss a lot. I cherish the memories of the celebrating our

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IWK: What message would you like to give to the community? Mrs Venkat: I would like to urge everyone to join hands and stop the menace of elder abuse and neglect taking over our society. Elder abuse has no place in our homes, our communities, our workplaces, or in our country. Let the elders be always respected and never abused. Let’s get united and say it is not okay.

in the Indian Weekender Classified section. Email:

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FEATURES | 3 February


Can the tech industry survive and trump? ¡¡ @MAHESHK


resident Donald Trump has made headlines across the world since the day was he sworn in. His latest move of passing executive orders to temporarily ban refugees from seven countries and thus restricting their travel to the US led to several protests in the country. Besides reactions all over the world and within the US, the technology sector also voraciously condemned the act, as it heavily depends on skilled IT workers from all over the world. All major tech companies, from Google to Netflix and Microsoft, announced their support and offered financial support to the cause of supporting immigrants. Amazon and Expedia also announced their support to a lawsuit against Trump’s order saying it would have an adverse impact on their business. Another lawsuit argues that Trump’s order is unconstitutional. Google was quick to announce that it would set up a $2 million fund that would donate to various organisations fighting the crisis. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos also supported the voices against Trump’s order, and in an e-mail to Amazon’s employees, mentioned, “We're a nation of immigrants whose diverse backgrounds, ideas, and points of view have helped us build and invent as a nation for over 240 years. No nation is better at harnessing the energies and talents of immigrants. It's a distinctive competitive advantage for our country—one we should not weaken." After all the hue and cry about the travel ban, it seems now that Trumps is aiming to tighten the laws around H-1B visas. As per reports, his administration has another executive order being drafted that will overhaul the work-visa

After all the hue and cry about the travel ban, it seems now that Trumps is aiming to tighten the laws around H-1B visas.

programmes that allow IT workers from other countries to come and work in the US. Even during his campaign trail, Trump said that he would stop the abuse of H-1B programme by tech companies. According to him, the visa programme takes away jobs from low-

wage American IT workers as technology companies depend on hiring tens of thousands of employees each year. This potential step has major tech companies in the US, including Microsoft, IBM, Apple, and Intel, worried, as they rely heavily on this visa program to outsource their high-skilled jobs. Under the new system, they will have to first try to recruit from the local pool and only go to foreign workers for the high-paid jobs. Presently, the US issues 85,000 H-1B visas every year, out of which, about 70 percent are used by Indians IT workers. Out of these, nearly 86 percent visas are for IT-related jobs and 46.5 percent are for various engineering professions. The news of a potential H-1B draft saw the shares of Indian tech giants such as TCS, Wipro, Tech Mahindra, and HCL Technologies fell from four per cent to nine percent. Indian IT companies get most of their revenues (around 60 percent) from their operations in the US. It

is a market worth about $65 billion for India’s tech industry. The industry is arguing that they are helping US corporations to become more competitive in the global market by making their IT operations more cost-effective. In the face of the backlash that Trump has faced for the travel ban order, it remains to be seen if the new administration will be able to implement the H-1B restrictions that it plans to put in place. But trust Trump to disrupt and disregard opinions.

English Vinglish: linguistic politics



t is my first day at the call centre. My eyes gaze through the room with an intention to befriend someone. I feel comfortable approaching a middle-aged Indian gentleman and so I do. While conversing with him, I found out that he was from Mumbai, India and had been living in New Zealand for the past couple of years. However, his knowledge of Hindi language was limited to—as he put it—“speaking to the rickshaw driver, vegetable vendor, or saving my life.” I found it odd. The man had lived in India for most part of life, yet his understanding of Hindi was limited. The encounter made me think how much importance the society has given to English. Has aping Western manners, habits, and language created a new caste system? It seems that the extent of one’s fluency in English is directly proportionate to their higher status in the society. While English helps one connect better at a universal level, it becomes problematic when attached to the notion of elitism. Life in an English predominant city is different from its small-town

It seems that the extent of one’s fluency in English is directly proportionate to their higher status in the society. While English helps one connect better at a universal level, it becomes problematic when attached to the notion of elitism.

counterparts. I picture a day in my grandmother’s life who lives in a small town called Jabalpur. Imagine living in a place where everything is written in an incomprehensive language— the name of your medicine, government official pension papers,

mobile phone, road directions, food labels and ingredients, TV channels, and even movie tickets. She is and hugely dependent on others for her basic necessities, as she can’t read or write in English. There are several others leading a similar life.

How did English become synonymous with class, power, and status? In a country of 22 official and 1,652 spoken languages, English is rarely spoken in households. Due to lack of access and a growing demand by multinationals to employ Englishspeaking employees, the majority has come to believe that our national and personal prosperity is highly dependent on learning English as the first language causing a major class divide. For instance, private schools impart education in English giving major access to upper and middleclass children while the lower class studies in a government school with Hindi as their medium of instruction. Education stems from language and hence is key at a foundational level since it influences the ideas one is

exposed to, the books one reads, their movie preferences, career, and their overall identities. Another part of the problem is a sub-cast within the Englishspeaking community also known as the ‘accented community’. As a class-conscious community, people would make assumptions about one if they speak in an accented English, which is apparently indicative of their refined and polished self. Do you have a friend who seemingly swears by Hollywood cinema, avidly watches English series, scowls at the sound of Hindi music, ardently follows FIFA because cricket is passé and categorises Bollywood as some tawdry representation of cinema on celluloid? Yes, we are talking about that one. The politics of language and accents sometimes goes on to build perceptions, credibility, mockery, or biased attitude. Amidst the linguistic variation, I wonder how Latin, Mexican, Italian, Canadian, British, or French accents are cool while Desi remains uncool. Has it got anything to do with the portrayal of the Desi Appu accent in the western cinema? Maybe. There are myriad advantages of being fluent in English. Indians have an immaculate edge over the Chinese when it comes to our economies simply because we are competent with the language. We smash it when it comes to IELTS and have it rather easily as immigrants when it comes to settling overseas. But let’s keep a language to its purpose at core, which is communication and not be digressed by social stature. Let’s not create castes and communities of English favouritism and scowl upon the other native speakers.



3 February |

Nawazuddin Siddiqui:

Have a long way to go as an actor A

ctor Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who is basking in the appreciation coming his way for his performance in Shah Rukh Khan starrer Raees, believes his journey as an actor has just begun. He says he has a long way to go. “Even though I have been in the industry since 2000, my acting career kind of took off in 2012 and it has been a very satisfying journey so far. But it has just begun and I have a long way to go,” Nawazuddin, who doesn’t like to dwell on success for too long, said. With Rahul The Dholakia-directed learning has Raees, he has been immense with because of their vast worked all the three experience. They are all great entertainers Khans. He starred and that’s proof with Aamir to their popuKhan in Sarfarosh larity” and Talaash, and with Salman Khan in Kick. Looking back at the experience of working

Sanjay Dutt hasn’t changed a bit: Shekhar

with the three superstars, he said: “It’s from them I learnt how to sustain one’s position for long, with a variety of roles. “The learning has been immense because of their vast experience. “They are all great entertainers and that’s proof to their popularity.” Nawazuddin’s performance was much talked about in Raees, with most critics highlighting that he overshadowed King Khan. Prod the Raman Raghav star about this opinion, and pat comes the reply: “I believe my performance was enhanced due to Shah Rukh’s presence. Acting is a process of give and take. “Had he not given me the scope and platform to perform, I wouldn’t have done so well. He understood and respected my character, thus allowing my role to hog the limelight.” Willing to not take any credit for film’s success, he said: “As actors, we complemented each other very well. Our theatre background helped us discover new facets. “The love-hate relationship we share in the film didn’t reflect on paper, but we made it work because we understood each other.”

Bhoomi is all set to kick off in Agra on February 14. The film also features Aditi Rao Hydari who will be seen playing Dutt’s daughter in the film.

it right now. But yes, the guideline needs to be revisited and I am sure it will happen within a matter of time.”

Bhansali won’t do anything to hurt anyone’s feelings: Ranveer

Bollywood girls doing really good: Sonakshi


ctor Shekhar Suman who is making a comeback after a long time with Sanjay Dutt in ‘Bhoomi’ feels that Dutt was still the person he had been before. “Sanjay’s USP is that he hasn’t changed a bit. We are in a situation where we have lots of beautiful memories, long-standing friendship along with a new film, new people and a new idea, which I believe it can’t go wrong,” he said. “Sanjay bullies us whenever he is on the set. He delivers his part very well and off-camera he keeps giggling before other actor’s shot. So he is very relaxed, chilled out,” added Shekhar, who plays a tour guide and Dutt’s best friend in the film. Shekhar recalled the hilarious moment when he played Sanjay Dutt’s brother in Insaaf Apne Lahoo Se where Amitabh Bachchan gave the mahurat clap and the shot was messed up because they forgot their lines. Shekhar returns to movies after over a decade. He was last seen at length in Ek Se Badhkar Ek in 2004. However, the actor does not want to term Bhoomi as his comeback movie. “I can’t relate to this comeback word. I haven’t left this industry nor has Sanjay. It is our way to work. It is a question of right opportunity. I have a feeling that this project is right for me.” Sanjay Dutt’s comeback film

ollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha feels that Bollywood actresses are giving really tough competition to the actors currently in terms of action. The actress feels that her contemporaries have already started doing some serious action. “I believe we have started doing that. Even in the industry, girls are doing really good in kicking some major butts. So I hope to carry on to that direction and continue to rise higher and higher,” she said. The Akira actress thinks that as Hollywood films are doing good business in India, Indian films need more good scripts to remain in that competition. “We need to start making a lot of good contents that people would love to watch. We have a huge audience. The way things are going it shows they are opening up and want to watch new things on the screen...,” she said. Sonakshi is currently filming Sunhil Sippy’s comedy Noor based on Saba Imtiaz’s novel Karachi, You’re Killing Me!. The film also stars Kanan Gill, Shibani Dandekar and Purab Kohli. She has also been roped in for Abhay Chopra’s remake of the 1969 murder mystery Ittefaq opposite Sidharth Malhotra.

Humbled, honoured to receive Padma Shri: Bhawana


ilm journalist and author Bhawana Somaaya feels blessed and honoured to receive the Padma Shri, India’s fourth highest civilian award, for her contribution in the field of Literature

“It’s unfair to single out a performance. People are enjoying the film and not just my performance. All of us involved in the film deserve equal credit,” he added. With an interesting line-up of films in his kitty this year, Nawazuddin is kicked about playing Urdu writer Sadat Hassan Manto in Nandita Das’s upcoming biopic. “I’m very excited as it’s going to be a very different experience. I commenced work on this biopic a long time ago. I’m working very hard to get a grip over the character. Manto as a writer was way ahead of his time and his writings have strong contemporary relevance,” he said. Asked how much of self-research goes into a project where he has to essay a real-life character, he said: “It involves lot of preparation on your own. It also depends on the director because it’s important to work hand-in-hand to achieve the common vision.” He will be seen playing an astronaut in Chanda Mama Door Ke, for which he will commence shooting from June or July. “This project will be very big in terms of scale. I will have to undergo special training in zero gravity room and also under water,” he said.

A and Education - Journalism. The veteran journalist said: “I received a call from the ministry saying that they are honouring me with the Padma Shri award. I was so occupied writing my review that time, I thanked him and said that I am privileged to get that and disconnected the phone. I didn’t think much about it.” “After two hours when I came back home from the recording (for her radio show) and started receiving messages and calls, I realised what just happened. I feel humbled and honoured to receive the award. I take it as a blessing of my parents.” She started her career as a film journalist in 1978 and worked with some of the leading newspapers. Somaaya was the editor of Screen magazine for seven years. So far, she has penned 13 books on the film history of Indian cinema and biographies of film stars like Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini and iconic singer Lata Mangeshkar. Some of her popular books include Salaam Bollywood: The Pain and the Passion, Amitabh Bachchan: The Legend, Hema Malini: The Authorized Biography and Once Upon A Time In India - A Century of Indian Cinema. Somaaya was also a part of the advisory panel of Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) and was recently appointed as a core committee member of Shyam Benegal committee. Asked about the role of censorship in films, she said: “Since I am a member of the core committee, I am not allowed to say much about

only regret is that I wasn’t by his side when this happened,” he added. The protesters also misbehaved with the crew and criticised the famed director for “distorting” history. Bhansali was shooting some scenes of Padmavati in Jaigarh Fort when the attack was reported, the police said. Actress Deepika Padukone, who plays the title role in the film, also stood by Bhansali’s side. She wrote: “In a state of shock! Deeply saddened and disheartened by yesterday’s (Friday) events! As Padmavati, I can assure you that there is absolutely no distortion of history. Padmavati.” “Our only endeavour is and has always been to share with the world the story of this courageous and powerful woman in the purest form there is,” she added.

ctor Ranveer Singh has expressed disapproval of the attack on Sanjay Leela Bhansali on the set of their film Padmavati in Jaipur. He says the ace filmmaker cannot do anything that can hurt someone’s feelings. Activists of a Rajput organisation, Shree Rajput Karni Sena, attacked Bhansali. The activists slapped him, tore up his shirt and manhandled him. “As a team, we are making Padmavati keeping in mind the sensitivities and emotions of the people of Rajasthan and the Rajput community,” Ranveer posted on Twitter. “Sanjay sir is one of the most accomplished and authentic filmmakers we have in India, and he won’t ever do anything to hurt anyone’s feelings. “What happened is very unfortunate. We hope the people of Rajasthan will understand and empathise with our Sanjay intentions and give us their sir is one of the support,” he added. most accomplished Ranveer’s co-star and authentic Shahid Kapoor also filmmakers we have in took to the microIndia, and he won’t blogging site to condemn ever do anything to the attack. hurt anyone’s “Very very sad. Words feelings” do fall short and feel too little to express feelings. Violence is unacceptable. This incident has shocked me. We need to look deep within as a society, as a country, as people...where are we headed,” Shahid tweeted. “Sanjay Bhansali is a filmmaker who the country should be proud of. You will know when you see ‘Padmavati’ the dignity he brings to it. And my | 3 February

Bhansali incident in Jaipur big blow to Rajasthan’s tourism: Nihalani C BFC Chairperson Pahlaj Nihalani says filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali has done so much for Indian tourism through his films. Condemning the recent attack on the filmmaker in Jaipur, Nihalani said the incident is a big blow to Rajasthan’s tourism. Activists of Shree Rajput Karni Sena misbehaved with the crew of Bhansali’s upcoming film Padmavati and vandalised the set in Jaipur last week. Describing it as a shameful act of violence against the finest living filmmaker in the country, the Chairperson of CBFC (Central Board of Film Certification) said: “Sanjay Bhansali has taken our cinema to every corner of the world. He is celebrated as a genius all over the world. And look at how much he has done for tourism in India.” “His Khamoshi: The Musical and Guzaarish were shot in Goa and promoted the beauty of the coastal paradise. Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam

and Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela promoted Gujarati culture. Bajirao Mastani took the Maratha warrior’s story all over the world.” “And now, Padmavati is all set to open a new chapter of our rich heritage and culture in Rajasthan. But will the lumpen elements allow Bhansali to shoot in Rajasthan? Will he ever go back there? “This is a big blow to Rajasthan’s tourism. Once the state government had agreed to let Bhansali shoot in Jaipur, it was their responsibility to provide him protection.” Nihalani asked why must filmmakers face danger while shooting outdoors in India? “Fiji, Mauritius and South Africa provide every safety and subsidy for Indian film shoots. In India, forget subsidies, even the well-being of your crew and equipment is not ensured,” he said. Bhansali, a National Awardwinning director, was accused for “distorting” history in the film about the medieval-era Delhi ruler

Alauddin Khilji, who fell in love with Rajput queen Padmavati. Ajit Andhare, Chief Operating Officer, Viacom 18 Motion Pictures, the producers of Padmavati, said the

Violence can never be the solution. The idea of democracy is not to feed the animal in us but to nurture human values incident is a “huge low in the relations between politics and creativity”. “We are celebrating the glory of the queen. We are dismayed at the ugly turn of events,” he added. Veteran actress Shabana Azmi also condemned the “reprehensible attack on Bhansali”. “Is it a mere coincidence that the attack on the film Water many years ago was also in a Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled state? “The guilty must be punished and the film industry should stand firmly



together and do whatever it takes to ensure that such an incident is never repeated. This has reached flash point,” she added. Acclaimed lyricist, screenwriter and ad guru Prasoon Joshi called Bhansali a “stalwart and a gentle soul”. “Violence can never be the solution. The idea of democracy is not to feed the animal in us but to nurture human values.” Filmmaker Sudhir Mishra asked the film industry to stand up together and demand for justice. “When you slap Sanjay, you slap all of us and we should not take it lying down.” Filmmaker Rakesh Roshan was also left shocked. “If anyone had a grievance, things could have settled in a dignified way. I am with Sanjay all the way.”

Vidya one of the best actresses in

Why Salim modern Indian cinema: Anupam Kher Khan will never write for Salman?


eteran actor Anupam Kher lauded critically acclaimed actress Vidya Balan and said that she is one of the best actresses in modern Indian cinema. “There is a myth that those who don’t have any formal training also try to become an actor. “People think that your acting ability isn’t complete unless you take training. However, Vidya is an amazing actress. “She is one of those rare actresses who learnt the craft while doing it. “ B e fo re the film

Neil Nitin Mukesh joins Golmaal gang


fter Tabu, actor Neil Nitin Mukesh has joined the cast of Rohit Shetty’s fourth instalment of hit comedy franchise Golmaal. “I have been an ardent fan of Rohit’s depiction of comedy and this is a genre I was always keen to explore. Golmaal Again will be my debut attempt at comedy meets intense as a genre which is extremely challenging to essay because you have to be comical and intense at the same time,” Neil said in a statement. About his character, the actor said: “My character in the film is very layered and it beautifully lends to the overall plot. It’s always very exhilarating to be a part of an ensemble cast of this stature. I play a sophisticated corporate tycoon. I will commence shooting for the film post

my nuptials.” Neil will get married to Rukmini Sahay in Udaipur with celebrations held between February 7-9. Golmaal Again also stars Ajay Devgn, Parineeti Chopra, Arshad Warsi, Tusshar Kapoor, Kunal Khemu and Shreyas Talpade. On the work front, Neil will also be seen in Madhur Bhandarkar’s Indu Sarkar and a multi-lingual film opposite Prabhas.

starts, her preparation at home is something like the way a professionally trained actor does. “That’s why she is one of the best actresses we have in modern Indian cinema,” he said during media interaction at his acting school. “That is what we say self-learning. Acting is the only field where students and teachers both can learn. “The most amazing thing in Vidya is her capability of trying to understand and deliver. She is more of a natural actress,” he added. The Khosla ka Ghosla actor thinks through her films like The Dirty Picture and Kahaani, Vidya has established issues like equal rights and lead of women actresses in this industry. She got national award of best actress for her film The Dirty Picture. She is one of these actresses who have won three times Filmfare best actress award. She won filmfare award for Paa, The Dirty Picture and Kahani. Kher, 61, feels proud about ex-students Deepika Padukone, Hrithik Roshan and Abhishek Bachchan who got their training at Anupam Kher’s acting school. “Obviously those who have made their mark and became a star I feel proud of them. “Deepika had done a full diploma course while Hrithik and Abhishek did a special course,” he said.

Irrfan hopes to make ‘amazing memories’ in Bikaner


ctor Irrfan Khan is excited to start shooting in Bikaner later this week for filmmaker Tanuja Chandras untitled travel love story. He is looking forward to make some “amazing memories” in the city of Rajasthan His trip will begin in Bikaner, travel through Rishikesh in Uttarakhand and end in Gangtok, Sikkim. Irrfan said in a statement: “I’m excited to start shooting for the film. We have an amazing crew put together for this film and I can’t wait to spend time on it, especially amidst all the travel. I’m sure we will make some amazing memories on this one.” He plays the protagonist who is on a road journey through Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Sikkim. The film is being co-produced by Zee Studios and will release later this year.


alim Khan says one of the reasons why he doesn’t want to write for his star son Salman Khan is that if a movie fails, the screenwriter would be blamed for it, but if it works well, people would praise his son for his efforts. During Zee Classic’s My Life My Story, which will begin from February 4, Salim revealed why he doesn’t write scripts for the Bajrangi Bhaijaan star, read a statement. Talking about Salman, his father said: “It’s not that I haven’t written films for Salman. I had written a film for him – Patthar Ke Phool which did reasonably well too. “Even today, when I pitch a script, people always have a question that ‘if it is good then why is Salman not acting?’ But I wanted to get out of that vicious circle.” He added: “Another thing is (that) if a movie fails, it is my fault. If it is a hit, it is Salman’s efforts!” Salim had teamed up with Javed Akhtar to form the ‘Salim-Javed’ duo that gave 1970s blockbusters like Deewaar, Sholay and Don.



3 February |

Raees, but with more liabilities than assets ¡¡ U. PRASHANTH NAYAK


f all the doubts that assail Shah Rukh Khan’s career at this stage, there is no question about one thing—he has leveraged his filmi persona to become very Raees (rich), with his staggering bank account likely unaffected by the economic earthquake that struck his fans and others recently from Kashmir to Kanyakumari To the audiences who do not like their cinema brainless, however, the bigger question remains whether that richness will ever get re-invested in the film-making vision that has eluded the superstar in the last dozen years. This film’s biggest villain is neither its corrupt chief minister nor a conniving Mumbai gangster. It isn’t even Raees himself. It is the background music. It shouts and screams in every frame, not allowing you to feel anything. A fight in a mutton marketplace early in the film would have played 10 times better with the soundtrack being silent. Poor Raees does not even know that he has these kind of behind-thescenes enemies. This title character is played by Shah Rukh Khan—a gutsy businessman who arises from humble beginnings to become a rich influential trader, bootlegging alcohol from his base in Fatehpura in the state of Gujarat where alcohol is officially prohibited since independence. Ultimately superseding his treacherous senior,

trading favours with the chief minister, while proving to be a generous messiah to the masses, he remains inspired by his mother’s diktat that no trade is too small, and that trade itself is bigger than any religion. Eventually, the script dragoons him, abruptly, into entering politics, which heralds his downfall. From Raees’ childhood scenes, we see a street-smart kid who takes big risks, but what we never get to see is that he has also been tutored by the Kung Fu Masters of Shaolin and the US Army’s Elite Assassination Unit. This becomes obvious when he soars and climbs 20 feet up the buildings while chasing his assassin and firing a dozen shots all around the room, thus cleaning up his enemies with balletic brutality, which unfortunately sometimes resembles cartoonish gore. The film is deliberately infused with a light-hearted air commingling with its criminal world, so that the film-makers would not have to worry about the film being too intense for the masses, apart from giving them a chance to harmoniously slip in designer songs. The tone of the film thus hangs in an awkward limbo—neither Sarkar nor Transporter or a bravura fusion. Resultantly, the starkly bold climax appears disconnected from the rest of the film’s effect. This schism also shows in Khan’s acting here, which needed a better director to extract more depth. In

IWK Review

a n early scene, Raees suddenly grabs an inspector by the collar and makes him blow a torn tire. What we should see is an abrupt chilling turn of face, what we actually see is less scary. His epic grief at the end also does not resonate much. It is a terrific decision to cast the brilliance of Nawazuddin Siddiqui against the charisma of Shah Rukh Khan. In their coveted face-offs, it is Siddiqui whose intensity shines deeper. With stabs of dry humour, straight-arrow talk, and whip-

cracking law enforcement, the latter nails his top-cop role. Excellence is also evident in Atul Kulkarni’s restrained but clearly malevolent edge in portraying a criminal big-shot. The script, however, serves a cuckoo to Mahira Khan who plays Aasiya, Raees’ wife. She acts coyly, smiles brightly, and also handles emotional dialogue well, but her character is a poorly written one where she is forced to be a dumb barbie doll for three-quarters of her role. So, the film’s real-life star has all the money in the world,

but he still remains chained to commercial concerns. Directors who can browbeat him into crafting consistently uncompromised cinema are either not getting through to him or not being allowed to get through. As long as this continues, his ongoing brand of films will continue to be adulterated with “If only” and “I wish”. 2.5 stars out of 5 Director: Rahul Dholakia Cast: Shah Rukh Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Mahira Khan, Atul Kulkarni

CAB New Lynn

Vipassana Meditation Centre Open Day

Date: Sunday, February 5 Time: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Venue: 153 Burnside Road, Makarau, Kaukapakapa, Near Auckland Vipassana Centre near Auckland has been operating for more than 25 years, offering 10 day residential courses in Vipassana Meditation as taught by Mr. S.N. Goenka.Vipassana Technique is a practical technique which enables one to lead a more positive,balanced and happy life and has nothing to do with any organised religion. Vipassana Trust is a charitable organization. All expenses are met by donations from students who have benefited from a 10-day meditation course., website:

Waitangi Day 2017

Date: Monday, February 6 Time: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Venue: Orakei Domain, 11 Tamaki Drive, Orakei, Auckland This year on the 177th anniversary of the signing of the Treat, in conjunction with Auckland Council, Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei will celebrate the occasion with a fun and informative day out at Okahu Bay, Orakei. This free community event will feature fantastic local musicians live on the main stage. Come along and join us for this family friendly event that celebrates 2017 New Zealand.

Music for Meditation and Healing concert Date: Saturday, February 4 Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Venue: Dorothy Winstone Theatre, Auckland Girls’ Grammar School, Auckland His Holiness Dr. Sri Ganapathy Sachchidananda Swamiji is renowned for His Healing and Meditation music. He has been travelling internationally for over 25 years propagating the ancient musical knowledge “Raga Ragini Vidya”.To find out more about Sri Swamiji and His music visit: or

Holi 2k17

Date: Sunday, February 26 Time: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Venue: 1229 Coatesville-Riverhead Highway, Auckland, New Zealand 0892 The annual festival of colours to be celebrated by Holi-festival of Colours Auckland is expected to witness more than 5000 people. Come to the free event with family and friends and play with colours, from noon till evening.

Christchurch Holi-Festival of Colors

Date: Saturday, March 4 2017 Time: 11a.m. to 3 p.m. Venue: Central Christchurch 221 Gloucester Street, Christchurch This year Holi is all about celebrating the people of Christchurch. Cultural-fusion performances will showcase the many different cultures in our community, joining together for one big party. Tips for the day: - Wear old clothes as the colour may not wash out. - Wear comfortable flat shoes that you don’t mind getting stained. - Bring cash to buy colour and enjoy delicious Holi food. - Parking is limited so plan your trip before the day.

Saturday, February 11, March 11 and April 8 2017 Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (TBC) CAB New Lynn will hold three free information sessions for newcomers on Finding Employment in New Zealand. The topics will cover: Pre-employment – What you need to know? Job search – How to apply for jobs? Preparing for your first job. To register please drop in, call or email at Citizens Advice Bureau New Lynn, Library Building, 3 Memorial Drive, New Lynn. Phone 827 7830 or 827 4731, Email Light refreshments will be provided.

Salman Khan’s Da-Bang, The Tour Date: Friday, April 21 Venue: Vector Arena, Auckland Bollywood heartthrob Salman Khan will set the stage on fire on April 21 at Vector Arena. The Da-bang tour will include Bollywood A-listed actors Sonakshi Sinha, Bipasha Basu, popular TV host Manish Paul, actor-dancer-director Prabhu Deva, and rapper Badshah. Tickets are available on and on

Inviting nominations for Kiwi Indian Honours 2017 K IW


The guidelines, which need to be adhered to, for nominations, are as follows: 1.

He/she needs to have an undisputable recognition in his or her field of work. 2. Nominated by a nominator of repute. Further, the nominator has to be in confirmation with the nominee. 3. The nominator has to provide their full contact details. No anonymous applications will be accepted. 4. All fields of work are welcome (e.g. politics, business, sports, art, culture, or any other profession. 5. The definition of Kiwi Indian, for the purposes of this award, is defined as follows: any person of Indian origin, from any part of the world, who has settled here in New Zealand. To be of Indian origin, at least one of the parents of the nominee have to be Indian, by blood, thereby making the nominee of Indian lineage. 6. The nominee must have either a Permanent Residency (PR), or Citizenship of New Zealand to be eligible for consideration. 7. The nominee should have no prior convictions. 8. For minors, under the age of 18, parental consent will be required. 9. The successful candidate, will be required to attend the ceremony in person. In case a person is not able to attend, due to any unforeseen circumstances, the jury will use its discretion. 10. The jury’s decision will be final and binding; and cannot be challenged.


Established 2013

The Kiwi Indian Honours recognise those individuals who have built a road to glory for themselves and left a path for the coming generations to tread on; who have touched the lives of thousands and enriched the society with their being; who have brought fame and respect to New Zealand and the Kiwi-Indian community. The Indian Weekender invites nominations for such personalities from the community for getting inducted into the Kiwi Indian Hall of Fame 2017. We also invite nominations for Kiwi Indian Young Achiever of the Year and Kiwi Indian Unsung Hero of the Year 2017. Nominate Online: visit or to nominate Post your nominations: Fill this form and post it to use at the address given below.

ENTRY FORM: Form for nominating candidates for Kiwi Indian Honours 2017

Nominator Details

Nominee Details

Name of the nominator

Name of the nominee


Please fill and post it to the address below

About the Nominee For how long have you known the nominee?

Professional details of the nominator

Age of nominee


Address & Contact number of nominator


Why do you think the nominee qualifies for the honour? Please state your reasons for nominating the above person. You may mention the achievements of the nominee in his/her profession.



Address & Contact number of nominee

How according to you has the Nominee brought fame and respect to the Kiwi-Indian community?

Kiwi Indian Hall of Fame Kiwi Indian Young Achiever of the year (16 to 35 years only) Kiwi Indian Unsung Hero of the year

Declaration by Nominator I have received confirmation from the nominee for this application. Yes


Nominee has accepted to appear in person for the ceremony, if he/she gets chosen for the nominated category for Kiwi Indian Honours 2017. Yes


I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I also allow Indian Weekender and the Jury to use the information provided for background checks and to contact either me or the nominee for the purpose of getting any more information.



What to do next?

Please take a print out of this form, sign and send to us at: Jury Panel, Kiwi Indian Honours 2017 Level1,133A Onehunga Mall, Auckland 1061

(Add extra pages to this form if required.) For details contact Indian Weekender on 09-6366306 or go to:

BUY YOUR Valentines Package 2x $199.00 tickets @ $398.00 2x $299.00 tickets @ $598.00 2x $399.00 tickets @ $798.00 2x $499.00 tickets @ $998.00

One Lucky couple will win the following: •Upgrade to Premium Seating •Entry to an exclusive Pre-Show Party •VIP Merchandise •Exclusive Belgian Chocolate Gift Pack by “The Chocolate Room”

There’s only one chance to grab this Package. So start purchasing Da-Bang Tickets now to get yourself into the lucky draw, to win your

Valentine a special day!


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