Best Mobile Phones: Select from the Plethora of New Age Phones A survey conducted during the later part of 2011 by the International telecommunication Union shows that by the end of the year mobile subscriptions will reach an estimate of nearly 6 billion accounting for nearly 87% of the world population. This figure showcases an increase in the mobile users from the previous years.
Even with this vast data, the mobile market is still driven by the demands from the developing world. In fact India and China have together clocked 300 million mobile subscriptions by the end of 2010. The end of the 2011 has seen the mobile subscription in the developing world covering up nearly 76% of the global subscription.
However with demands pouring in from the customers, the mobile market is still growth oriented. Under such circumstances for a consumer looking to buy mobiles, it is necessary to understand the various brands available in the market and the best out of the latest mobile phones. With a plethora of new mobile phone available, reading through a number of customer reviews and technology reviews will help in zeroing on the brand and the mobile device. The reviews available on various technology oriented websites, marketing websites, consumer forums, social media as well the brands own web portals can be helpful in providing useful information.
Armed with the information gathered from the websites, consumers are just a few steps away from buying the latest mobile phones. However, with today’s status of e-commerce this is also possible from the comfort zone of ones home or office. The online shopping portals now have on offer every new mobile phone that has entered the market, be it Nokia mobile, Apple mobiles or the Samsung mobiles or smartphones. Browsing through the online shopping portals one can read reviews of the Samsung Galaxy S2 as an awesome phone. Behind a toughened glass front pane is a thin, light and a clear 4.3-inch Super AMOLED plus screen, a sure catch for any youngsters, who would not look beyond the exterior designs. Its dual-core processor gives the owner a powerful experience with a blisteringly fast web browsing facility and flash. Together with its hardware and the in-built applications this device gives a wonderful experience whether playing a game or watching a movie or even networking through Facebook or twitter, making this mobile phone one of the best mobiles phone available online. Read on - Nokia mobiles, Blackberry mobiles