Buy Srimad Bhagawat Gita (New) by Na Online

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Buy Srimad Bhagawat Gita (New) by Na Online “The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity.” Aldous Huxley Srimad Bhagawat Gita has been translated by many into English. Charles Wilkins first translated it into English in the year 1785. Similarly, Schlegel translated it into Latin in 1823, Von Humbolt into German in 1826, Lassens into French in 1846 and Galanos into Greek in 1848. Today the translations of Bhagawat Gita are available in almost all languages including Japanese, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Dutch, Hebrew, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi and Bengali. The latest in the series is the Srimad Bhagawat Gita (New) by Na. An Na was born in Korea and grew up in San Diego, California. A graduate of Amherst College, she received her MFA in Writing Children’s Literature from Norwich University. A former middle school English and history teacher, she now divides her time writing in Oakland, California and Warren, Vermont. ‘A Step From Heaven’ is her first novel. Srimad Bhagawat Gita is one of the most revered texts of the Hindus. Known as ‘The Lord’s Song’ or ‘The Song Celestial’, it is sometimes called Gitopanishad. It is a religious text within the Mahabharata, one of the sacred texts of the Hindus written by Ved Vyasa. Consisting of 700 verses, it is the conversation between Lord Krishna and the Pandava prince Arjuna. Written in Sanskrit, it holds the truth to human existence. Found in the Bhishma-Parva section of the Mahabharata (chapters 23-40), it consists of 18 chapters called as yogas, where each yoga reveals the path for attaining the Ultimate Truth. Srimad Bhagawat Gita is more than a mere text because the message that reverberates throughout the text is universal and not individualistic. It holds the formula for successful living; a principle that is suitable for all time. It explains very clearly the purpose of human existence, the immortality of the soul and our eternal relationship with God. According to Bhagawat Gita, for human beings to establish eternal relationship with God, it is very essential to establish a divine relationship with Him at first. And Bhagawat Gita advocates three paths to establish the divine relationship and those are 1.

the yoga of perfect actions


the yoga of perfect devotion and


the yoga of perfect knowledge

Bhagawat Gita throws light on the six evils or arishadvargas that people should abstain from in order to attain moksha and they are


kama (lust)


krodha (anger)


lobh (greed)


moha (deep emotional attachment)


mada or ahankar (arrogance) and


matsarya (jealousy)

Bhagawat Gita is actually an abstract of the various facets of the vedic, vedantic, yogic and tantrik philosophies. Srimad Bhagawat Gita (New) is now available online in online shopping stores. Those who want to easily understand the Gitopadesh, buy books online Srimad Bhagawat Gita (New) by Na today itself. Also read on - Ruskin Bond, Wings Of Fire by A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM

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