Online Shopping - The Changing Trend
Got no time for shopping in retail stores, shop online when you are free at your convenience as online shopping portals are open 24x7. Shopping online is fast, convenient, and what you order is delivered right to your door -- no car trips required navigating the rush; both on the road and in local brick 'n mortar stores. The one key factor that motivates shoppers to make online purchases is the consumers' ability to compare prices across multiple outlets, thus getting value for money. Products that are popular in esales include gems and jewellery, books, accessories, apparel, gift products, mobiles and accessories and electronics. Now, Apple iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy Tab III have made navigating and shopping for products much easier, so much so it has ushered in a new of online binge shopping or impulse shopping. According to Sucharita Mulpuru of Forrester research, “Consumers are likely to spend more time shopping from a tablet than from other types of devices as users are generally more affluent and knowledgeable about the latest technology, product images look more vibrant on tablets and most importantly, people tend to use their tablets during idle hours. This not only increases the overall amount of time online, but the state of mind is more leisurely, when people are more inclined to browse, add more things to their shopping cart, wait for pages to download, discover items”. According to the 2012 Research Inc. State of Retailing Online survey, 49 percent of merchants reported their average order value from tablets now exceeds Web sales from laptop and desktop computers and Smartphone’s. Now you find big retailers also extending online to attract customer for online clothes shopping, shopping for books, mobiles etc, as they are realizing the importance of being present in the virtual world. As we are living in the age of the customer, you can longer sell them what the customer does not want. Online shopping portals with their numerable assets can only sell when they embrace the trends of the customers. All major online shopping portals are going all out to attract customers to shop online this festive season with superb marketing campaigns both via advertising through social networking sites and e-mails. Many are making their presence felt via audio-visual and print campaigns. Whatever the trend maybe, for the net savvy person their computer screens are slowly replacing retail shops as they are getting huge variety at a much better price. So go ahead you netizen shopaholics choose to buy goods at the click of a mouse. Know more on: ● ●
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