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India Post


Andhra hosts AAPI Healthcare Summit Details on page 34

VOL 17, No. 905

January 20, 2012


Periodical Postage


Soumitra Dutta named Dean of Cornell school Details on page 45

INDIAíS PRIDE: Pravasi award winners (back row) pose with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamala Persad Bissessar and other senior leaders at the tenth Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012 in Jaipur on January 8. Fourth and fifth in the back row are award winners from the US, Prof. Surendra Kaushik of New York and Dr. Kalpalatha Guntupalli of Houston, Texas

Top Treasury official leaves DC for India Details on page 12

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

PBD awards are fair ? Last week’s result

Mitt Romney will eventually take Republican nomination ? YES 77%

NO 23%

ndia Post News Service

NEW YORK: Two Indian Americans are among the 14 distinguished persons honored with the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman award by President of India Pratibha Patil during the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas celebrations held in Jaipur, Rajasthan January 7-9. Dr. Kalpalatha Guntupalli of Houston, Texas and Prof. Surendra Kaushik of New York received the highest award conferred by the Indian government on non-resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin and institutions run by them for their contribution in serving the Indian Diaspora and enhancing India's image in different parts of the world. Dr. Kalpalatha Guntupalli, a native of Andhra Pradesh in southern India, is professor and chief of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston.

Insurance scheme for overseas Indians JAIPUR: Fulfilling a long-standing demand, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced a novel pension and life insurance scheme for overseas Indian workers that is expected to benefit over 5 million workers, especially those in the Gulf, and help them save for their return, resettlement and old age. Addressing the second day of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in this Rajasthan capital, Singh also sent a message of comfort to the Diaspora saying that his government is "acutely conscious" of the safety and security of Indians living abroad, particularly in Gulf and West Asia.

Details on page 6

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CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 24-25 Classifieds ------------------------- 47 Community Post -------------- 14-19 Date Book -------------------------- 20 Edit Page --------------------------- 49 HealthScience Post --------- 34-37 Horoscope ------------------------- 31 Immigration Post ------------- 40-43 Life Style ----------------------- 38-39 Philosophy ------------------------- 48 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate -------------------- 21-23 TechBiz Post ------------------- 44-46 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 26-30


India Post

January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012

India Post



India Post

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January 20, 2012

IndiaNewsweekly Post Mission Statement To empower the Indian Diaspora and make their voice strong and effective in countries of their adoption. RJ Media conglomerate offers a credible, professional and complete package of news, opinion, entertainment, networking and information.

Publisher’s Diary


ow that's what I call a balancing act. The American economy is now on a precarious tight rope with the country's national debt having equaled the national GDP. Commentators are calling it a symbolic tipping point: The money the federal government owes its creditors, combined with IOUs to retirement and other programs, now tops $15.23 trillion; and the value of all goods and services the US economy produces in one year is $15.17 trillion as of the latest estimate. What it means for us as a global economy is that we are now on par with Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan and Portugal, all of which have debts larger than their economies. And what it means to you and me is that each of us now owes about $46,000 to the country's creditors. Economists, however, are not panicking yet. Some of them say the debt amount includes money owned between different government agencies, and that the real debt is around 70% of the GDP. That's hardly reason to dance about because the new budget the President is about to present will likely seek over a trillion dollars more for spending and as one blogger says, it's beginning to look like we are running out of other people's money. But what does the government care when money printing has become as easy as printing sale flyers. It might soon end up becoming a 'going-out-of-businesssale' if the American dollar ceases to be accepted as a global medium of exchange. President Obama seems to get it. He just announced the 'insourcing' of jobs to America - creating jobs is the only way to keep the economy moving. But does anyone have a plan on how to get that 800-pound, or rather, the $15 trillion gorilla to slim down? Even if someone has ideas, there's a huge hitch: Congress. Yes, with Congress and the Administration standing at opposite ends of the pole on how to reign in the debt, we might as well resign to carry that burden on our back - for the rest of our lives and that of our children and their children.

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Tabu Cruises Tom Cruise seemed to be pretty impressed with talented actress Tabu and spent a lot of time with her at the Mumbai party.


Cover Story: PBD award Two Indian Americans are among the 14 distinguished persons honored with the PBD award by President of India.

Community: Killed in India Four members of a prominent Naperville family have been killed in a tragic traffic accident while on vacation in India.

Health: AAPI Summit Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Reddy inaugurated the fifth Indo-US Healthcare Summit of AAPI in Hyderabad.


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Cover/Top Stories

January 20, 2012

India Post


PBD 2012

President confers PBD awards on 14 overseas Indians

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh lights a lamp to inaugurate the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas conclave in Jaipur on January 8. Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and Overseas Indian Affairs Minsiter Vayalar Ravi are also seen

JAIPUR: President Pratibha Patil conferred the "Pravasi Bharatiya Samman" awards to 14 eminent overseas Indians, including Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar, and a Canada-based institution, for their outstanding contributions in enhancing India's image globally. From the US, the two honored with the award were Surendra Kumar Kaushik and Kalpalatha K. Guntupalli. "Indian overseas community is not only large, but is becoming increasingly influential in the economic, professional and political fields in the country in which they are now living. We are proud of their accomplishments," Patil said while addressing the valedictory function of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here. Pravasi Bharatiya Samman is the highest award conferred by the Indian government on Non-resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and institutions run by them for their contribution in serving the Indian Diaspora and enhancing India's image in different parts of the world. Bissessar, a person of Indian origin who became the first female prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago, is the most prominent among this year's awardees. Congratulating Bissessar for her outstanding achievement, the president said Indian community world-wide would applaud her achievements. "I would like to congratulate all the winners... It is an extremely distinguished list and we are honored by the presences of the awardees at this function," Patil said after conferring the award. The other Pravasi Bharatiya Samman awardees include: P.V Radhakrishna Pillai from Bahrain, Sachchidanand Sahai from Cambodia, Deepak Naraindas

Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi addressing a session on Global Indian: State Initiatives and Opportunities

President Pratibha Devisingh Patil presenting the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman Award to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla Persad-Bissessar

Shivdasani from Cote D'Ivoire, Victor Shahed Smetacek from Germany, Prakash Lohia, chairman of Indorama Corporation, Jose Parayanken from Mozambique, Kiran Navinchandra Asher from Oman, Hassan Abdulkarim Chougule from Qatar, S.R. Nathan from Singapore, Khorshed Noshir Ginwala Rustomjee from South Africa and Rajesh Kumar Saraiya from Ukraine. Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce and Industry was also honored for its contribution in bettering business and economic relations between the two countries. So far, 133 NRI and PIOs and three institutions run by NRIs or persons of Indian origin have been conferred the award.

Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi said the 10th edition of the annual Diaspora meet saw the highest participation. Over 2,000 delegates from 59 countries participated at the three-day event. The closing day of the event marked the 97th anniversary of homecoming of Mahatma Gandhi. The father of the nation had come back to India from South Africa Jan 9, 1915. "Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is a celebration of Indians living abroad. It is an occasion to welcome them to the land of their ancestors, to the country of their origin to interact with them and to reacquaint ourselves with each other," the President said.-PTI

Bissessar touches President Patil's feet JAIPUR: Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar surprised everyone when she touched the feet of President Pratibha Patil after being presented with the 'Pravasi Bhartiya Samman' award. Bissessar, who was the first to be awarded with the 'Pravasi' medallion and a citation by the President, made hundreds of NRIs and PIOs remember their traditional roots as she bent down to touch the feet of Patil who immediately held her by her shoulders and hugged her in a gesture of blessing. A number of Overseas delegates broke into thunderous applause and were seen wiping tears trickling down the cheeks when they saw the gesture. "It is like a daughter meeting her mother...she did the gesture with so much humility and displaying her Indian roots," an NRI from Canada said. Bissessar's

family hails from Bihar before they migrated to the Caribbean nation. Bissessar, who was also the chief guest of the three-day event being held here, announced to the crowd that she made it a point to wear a traditional Rajasthani saree and decked up with jewellery, 'bindi' and vermilion, the way married Indian women dress. "I asked a local resident present in my security detail to suggest to me a Rajasthani dress...this is what I was suggested and I am wearing," Bissessar said, drawing even a big applause from Patil. Patil, in her speech, made a special mention of Bissessar and said "somebody very close has come (to meet us)."She has become the first woman Prime Minister of her is an achievement that the world-wide Indian community applauds and I thank her for coming all the way to be with us," Patil said.-PTI

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad-Bissessar touches the feet of President Pratibha Devisingh Patil after being presented with the Pravasi Bharatiya award


Top Stories

India Post

January 20, 2012

PBD 2012

PBD award for two Indian Americans India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Two Indian Americans are among the 14 distinguished persons honored with the Pravasi Bharatiya Samman award by President of India Pratibha Patil during the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas celebrations held in Jaipur, Rajasthan January 7-9. Dr. Kalpalatha Guntupalli of Houston, Texas and Prof. Surendra Kaushik of New York received the highest award conferred by the Indian government on non-resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin and institutions run by them for their contribution in serving the Indian Diaspora and enhancing India's image in different parts of the world. Dr. Kalpalatha Guntupalli, a native of Andhra Pradesh in southern India, is professor and chief of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. She is also pulmonary service chief at Ben Taub General Hospital, Houston. In her current role as section chief, Dr. Guntupalli has enabled departmental growth through recruitment of several faculty members who have contributed significantly to the field of Pulmonary and Critical Care. Dr. Guntupalli earned her medical degree from Institute of Medical Sciences, Osmania Medical College, Hyderabad, India. She completed

President Pratibha Devisingh Patil presents Pravasi Bharatiya Award to Dr. Surendra Kaushik (L) and Dr KalpaLata Gundapalli during the closing ceremony of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012

her residency in internal medicine at the District of Columbia General Hospital, Washington, D.C., and fellowships in pulmonary medicine at Georgetown University and in critical care at the University of Pittsburgh Health Science Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Some of her major honors include being inducted as president of the American College of Chest Physicians at the 75th annual international scientific assembly of the college.

It is the highest award conferred by the Indian government on non-resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin and institutions run by them

She has also received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine, Master of the American College of Physicians MACP, American College of Physicians, and the Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. Dr. Guntupalli, who was formerly president of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI), is well known

and respected in the Indian American community for her active participation in social and community activities. Dr. Surendra Kaushik Dr. Surendra Kaushik, a native of Malsisar in Rajasthan, and Professor of Finance at the Lubin School of Business, Pace University, New York, is better known in the Tri-state Indian American community for his pioneering contributions to education in India. He is founder and chairman of the Helena Kaushik Women's College in Jhunjhunu, Rajasthan, which is affiliated with the University of Rajasthan. The College was named for his American wife who had visited India five times before being paralyzed by a stroke in 1991. Dr. Kaushik has earlier been awarded the Aruna Asaf Ali Sadhbhavana Award of the Minorities League of India, Hind Rattan Award of the NRI Society of India, Shiromani Rashtriya Vikas Award of the Delhi Telugu Academy, The New York State Assembly Legislative Resolution in April 2009, and New Jersey General Assembly Resolution in May 2010. He received a Ph.D. in economics from Boston University in 1976 and has taught at Pace University in New York since 1981 where he is a professor of finance, Boston University, Northeastern University, Lowell Technological Institute and Babson College.

PM announces pension, insurance scheme for overseas Indians JAIPUR: Fulfilling a longstanding demand, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh announced a novel pension and life insurance scheme for overseas Indian workers that is expected to benefit over 5 million workers, especially those in the Gulf, and help them save

living abroad, particularly in Gulf and West Asia. "I am happy to inform you that the government has decided to introduce and sponsor a new Pension and Life Insurance Fund for overseas Indian workers. The scheme will encourage, enable

Under the scheme, the government will co-contribute Rs 1,000 per annum for all subscribers who contribute between Rs.1,000 and Rs 12,000 per year. Women overseas workers will enjoy a special additional co-contribution of Rs 1000 a year for their return, resettlement and old age. Addressing the second day of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in this Rajasthan capital, Singh also sent a message of comfort to the Diaspora saying that his government is "acutely conscious" of the safety and security of Indians

and assist overseas workers to voluntarily save for their return and resettlement and old age," he told over 1,900 delegates from 60 countries. The scheme, which was recently cleared by the Cabinet, will also provide a low-cost life insurance cover against natural death,

Singh said, adding that this fulfils a "long pending demand of our workers abroad." Under the scheme, the government will co-contribute Rs 1,000 per annum for all subscribers who contribute between Rs.1,000 and Rs 12,000 per year. Women overseas workers will enjoy a special additional co-contribution of Rs 1000 a year. He also said his government has taken a number of initiatives to engage the Diaspora like voting rights for Non-Resident Indians. Welcoming the Chief Guest and Indian-origin Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad Bissessar, Singh heaped praises on the Caribbean nation and said "our shared passion for cricket is well known." "Which Indian sports fan does not know the names of cricketing legends like Brian Lara or Sonny Ramadhin," Singh noted. Singh also said India has told countries of Gulf and West Asia, some of whom have witnessed an

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressing at the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya divas 2012, at Jaipur, in Rajasthan

upheaval in the recent past, that it has a stake in the peace and stability of this region and asked them to appropriately look after the interests of its citizens in these countries. In his 18-minute speech, the Prime Minister said the people of India and the government recog-

nizes and "greatly value" the important role being played by Indian communities living abroad. "We believe that the Indian Diaspora has much more to contribute to the building of modern India. We propose to facilitate, encourage and promote this engagement," he said.-PTI

Top Stories

January 20, 2012

India Post


PBD 2012

Patil pitches for private investment in health, education JAIPUR: President Pratibha Patil pitched for harnessing private investments in the crucial areas of health, education and skill development at a time of "economic uncertainty" and asked the overseas Indian community to be partners in the country's development. Addressing the valedictory session of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here, Patil said

"We also need to harness private investment in these areas at a time of economic uncertainty and profound change in the world. We will continue to actively engage with the overseas Indian community as partners in the development and progress of India," she said. Patil also said efforts to promote greater exchanges between

India deeply cherishes its relationship with the Diaspora and the Government is keenly interested in the well-being of the people of Indian origin living overseas, she said India has lifted tens of millions of its people out of abject poverty but the country still has a "very long way to go." "Health, education and skill development were key areas of the strategy of inclusive development in India's 11th Plan, and they will continue to be focus areas in the 12th Plan. We must ensure that these sectors receive adequate resources and to ensure that resources are spent to achieve maximum efficiency in terms of outcomes," she told over 1,900 delegates from 60 countries across the globe.

the youth as an important aspect of forging linkages and maintaining the tradition of close bonds should be maintained. Lauding the contributions of overseas Indians, Patil said the footprints of the Indian Diaspora are widespread and its presence felt in every continent. "The Indian overseas community is not only large, but is becoming increasingly influential in the economic, professional and political fields, in the countries in which they are now living. We are proud of their accomplishments," Patil said.

Noting that the human society faces the daunting yet inspiring task of forging "sustainability," in all its activities in this century, Patil said while meeting current human needs, the requirements of future generations are also safeguarded. "It is a great challenge. You all can play a decisive role with the knowledge and experience you have gained as academics or scholars, scientists and technologists, professionals or businessmen," she said. India deeply cherishes its relationship with the Diaspora and the Government is keenly interested in the well-being of the people of Indian origin living overseas, she said and noted the major development in West Asia and North Africa, which is a region of great importance to India because of its traditional warm ties and also because a large number of Indian nationals live there. "The Government of India had to evacuate about 19,000 Indian nationals from Libya and Yemen. The Government sent special aircraft and ships to these countries to bring back Indian citizens free of cost. Similarly, special flights were flown out of Egypt for more than 700 Indian tourists and Indian nationals working with various companies there," she said. Patil also said the Indian Com-

munity Welfare Fund, originally established in 18 countries to provide timely succor to overseas

young overseas people of Indian origin to India, with a view to promote awareness on different fac-

President Pratibha Devisingh Patil delivering the valedictory address at the tenth Pravasi Bharatiya divas 2012, at Jaipur, Rajasthan on January 09

Indians in distress, has now been extended to all Indian Missions and congratulated Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi and the Ministry for their "keen concern" for the welfare of Overseas Indians. She also noted that the 'Know India Program' brings groups of

ets of life here and the progress made by India in various fields. "I have had the occasion to meet some of the groups coming under this Program, and in my interaction with them, I have spoken about their abiding links with the country of their origin - India," she said. -PTI

Chaos rules on Day 2 of NRI event JAIPUR: Chaos ruled the second day of the prestigious Pravasi Bharatiya Divas as several delegates virtually ran from pillar to post even to find a place to sit. The main hall at the Birla Auditorium, the venue of the inaugural function, was full half an hour before the start of the program where Prime Minister Manmohan Singh delivered his inaugural address and those who came later were asked to go to the balcony. The capacity of the hall was around 1,400 and there were nearly 1,900 delegates who came to attend the event. Miffed NRIs got into arguments with police personnel and volunteers who were managing the crowd inside the hall while organizers drew flak for the space crunch. There were also reports that cricket legend Brian Lara, part of the delegation of Chief Guest of the event the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, was taken to the auditorium after a delay as there was no space inside. Within a few minutes, the balcony also was full and there were no chairs

Delegates at a session on Global Indian: State Initiatives and Opportunities during the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012

even for delegates to sit forcing a few of them to look for space on the ground floor of the auditorium. The event's host Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot admitted as much in his speech. "I am aware that there is limited space in the hall, which troubled some of the delegates. I assure you that next time we will

have these kind of events at much bigger venue," he said. Many people, including delegates, kept standing on the stairs on the ground floor prompting announcements to be made by the organizers that the Special Protection Group will not allow the Prime Minister to come to the stage unless everyone take their seats as

West Indies former cricket captain Brian Lara attends the closing ceremony

it is a security issue. Many people had to run from the balcony to the ground floor to find a place to sit. For journalists, who had turned up in large numbers, it was no different as they had to sit at the back of the hall through the inaugural session. "I came to the venue at 8.40 AM. I was asked to go to the bal-

cony, but I could not find a place there too. I kept running and finally had to sit on the stairs and listen to the speakers," a delegate from Malaysia said on condition of anonymity. The delegates blamed the organizers for the chaos and said they should have found a larger space for the program or restricted the number of invitees to the event.-PTI


Top Stories

India Post

January 20, 2012

PBD 2012

Modi attacks Center, says opposition-ruled states neglected

Gujarat Chief minister Narendra Modi speaking during the Global Indian state initiatives and opportunities session of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012 in Jaipur on January 9

JAIPUR: Using the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas platform to attack the Center, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi suggested that states ruled by Opposition parties do not have its "blessings" and said whatever his state has achieved on the development front was on its own resources. Enthused by the applause from the audience, Modi dumped his prepared speech copy and criticized the Centre in front of the overseas Indians and said there was no response from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on his suggestion to set up Solar Production Units in desert areas in

Rajasthan and Gujarat along the border with Pakistan. "Rajasthan Chief Minister said he has the blessings of the Central Government and the Prime Minister. But we are not fortunate enough. We don't get anything. We have to do everything on our own," he said in his address at the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas. Modi was given a standing ovation by the audience after his 30-minute speech during which he highlighted the growth achieved in his state. Claiming that Gujarat does not seek money from Centre for its developmental projects, the chief

minister said he once wrote a letter to Singh asking him to provide Gujarat a satellite but the Centre was "confused" on what should be done. "I wrote a letter to the Prime Minister last year. Usually what will a Chief Minister write to a Prime Minister? He will seek funds. But I never write letters seeking funds. This letter was asking the Prime Minister to allot a satellite for Gujarat. But they were confused on what to do," he said. However, he said the state received a full-fledged transponder of 36 MHz Q-band on Indian Space Communication Satellite, which will enable the state implement long distance education system across 12 sectors at a time that will used to improve governance, distance learning program and telemedicine. On the setting up of solar production units, Modi said, "I once suggested to Prime Minister to set up solar energy units in desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat along the international border to achieve dual objectives of protection of border and generation of solar energy." "You know what happened," he said, without elaborating. Modi also said the Centre should convert the economic slowdown into an opportunity through scale, speed and skill. "The recession can be converted into an opportunity for the country by following the principles of scale, speed and skill," he said. "During the 2008 slowdown, I suggested to Prime Minister to hold a round-table meeting. The Prime Minister appreciated the suggestions. Since we cannot wait for a longer period, we took an initiative on our own and orga-

Modi offers to host 2015 PBD in Gujarat JAIPUR: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi has expressed his preparedness to host the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas in 2015 to commemorate the centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's return from South Africa. Addressing the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here, Modi said Gujarat was willing to host the 2015th session of the annual event. "Gujarat should host the 2015 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas to mark the centenary of Mahatma Gandhi's return to India from South Africa on January 9,

2015," he told the audience which erupted into huge applause. The Pravasi Bharatiya Divas is celebrated every year from January 7 to 9 to mark the return of Gandhi from South Africa. "Everyone should come to Gujarat to make the event a big success," he said. Modi also appealed to Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi to announce the hosting of 2015 edition of Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in Gujarat. -PTI

MAN OF STEEL: Lakshmi Mittal Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ArcelorMittal, the world's largest steelmaking company attends the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012 (Overseas Indian Conference) in Jaipur on January 9

nized a Global Investors Meet in which delegates from 100 countries participated and MoUs worth USD 450 million were signed," he said. Modi also said that his state was generating far more solar power than Rajasthan. "Rajasthan receives 8500 MW power in all. But we are surplus in power by 4,000 MW. By the end of 2012, we will have a surplus energy of 7,000 MW," he said. "People in Gujarat would be surprised if there is a power cut unlike other states," he said to

the sectors of non-conventional energy sector, agriculture, industrial growth, education and presented a different picture. Gujarat is the first state to take several initiatives that included launching of a solar policy, setting up of University of Forensic Science and security agencies from across the globe are working with the university," he said. Modi said that NRIs and people of Indian origin have set up temples in their host countries but the temples lack priests, so he decided to make available

Modi said, ‘I once suggested to Prime Minister to set up solar energy units in desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat along the international border to achieve dual objectives of protection of border and generation of solar energy’ drive home his point that the state is power surplus. In his written speech, Modi suggested that his state's model where people are made "equal partners" in development process could be emulated to achieve inclusive growth. Modi, often touted as the development mascot of the western Indian state, said one should stop limiting terms like 'development' and 'growth' only for economic development and should learn to formulate ideas for the future. "Our vision is to develop the country as a whole while focusing on development in our state of Gujarat which has seen tremendous progress. We turned crisis into opportunities and presented a new model before the country," he said. "We took major initiatives in

priests by preparing them in an institute for temple management. "We trained priests and are proud to have exported priests to 15 countries. Not only this, we are now looking for exporting teachers to strengthen cultural ties with the Indian Diaspora. In this direction, we set up a separate university to prepare teachers and we have a vision to send them abroad on high salary packages," he said. Talking about agricultural development, he said that at a time when the country's agriculture growth is around 3 per cent, Gujarat has seen agriculture growth of 11 per cent during the last decade. He said that milk production has also increased by 60 per cent and milk and vegetables are being exported.-PTI

Top Stories

January 20, 2012

India Post


PBD 2012

States seek more investments by overseas Indians JAIPUR: Chief Ministers of several states, including Gujarat, wooed more investments from overseas Indians by flaunting developmental initiatives launched by their respective governments and concessions offered to entrepreneurs. The leaders also assured the Non-Resident Indians and Persons of Indian Origin at the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here that their states would be more than willing to facilitate if they wish to invest in any sector thus contributing to the overall development. The Chief Ministers deviated from their prepared speech copies and went all out to woo the NRIs and PIOs as they explained the development initiatives being taken by their respective governments in achieving inclusive growth. They specially mentioned schemes launched to empower womenfolk in their states. Speaking on the occasion, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi punched holes in the current development model calling it as one based on exploitation and suggested emulation of his state's model where people have been made "equal partners" in the process to achieve inclusive growth. Deviating from the prepared speech, Modi concentrated on the model adopted by his administration to achieve inclusive growth and explained how his state became a power surplus state in a span of just few years. Modi, whose speech was lapped up by the delegates from 60 countries, lauded the contributions made by overseas Indians in the country's development and particularly mentioned Gujarati Diaspora. "Our vision is to develop the country as a whole while focusing on development in our state of Gujarat which has seen tremendous progress. We turned crisis into opportunities and presented a new model before the country. "We took major initiatives in the sectors of non-conventional energy sector, agriculture, industrial growth, education and presented a different picture. Gujarat is the first state to take several initiatives that included launching of a solar policy, setting up of University of Forensic science and security agencies from across the globe are working with the university," he noted. . Another BJP-ruled state Jharkhand, which has rich mineral resources, sought investments from the

Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, Union Minister for Overseas Indian Affairs Vayalar Ravi, Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi and Kerala Chief Minister Oommen Chandy at a session on Global Indian: State Initiatives and Opportunities during the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012 conclave in Jaipur

overseas community in areas like hospitality and air taxi services. Listing the initiatives being taken to put the state on the development path, Chief Minister Arjun Munda said Jharkhand needs investments in quality and specialized healthcare and diagnostic units, hospitals, medical colleges and para-medical institutions.

He said the government wants to involve more private partners in these sectors and that it has already identified 800 acres of land for a 'Knowledge City' which will host all such institutions including biotechnology and pharmaceutical park. "I assure you that the State will extend all necessary help for mak-

ing, Jharkhand "a first choice for your valued investment, along with the use of world class efficient green technology," he told overseas Indians. With majority of the non-residents of the state are unskilled and semiskilled workers, Chief Minister Ommen Chandy devoted his speech to the initia-

tives taken to protect them and to promote Kerala as an investment destination. Chandy said the state wants investments in IT and IT-enabled service, tourism, healthcare, knowledge, trade and retailing and infrastructure development. He asked the overseas Indian community to 'actively' participate in taking Kerala and India on the fast track of growth and prosperity. Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot said his state was one of the few states to achieve power generation targets more than desired in the past few years and that his administration was continuously concentrating on developing high quality of road and transport infrastructure. He also announced setting up of Rajasthan Infrastructure Development Board to develop world-class infrastructure. Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda lauded the contributions of the overseas community and asked them to partner in the state's growth.-PTI

Trinidad & Tobago offers to host Pravasi Bharatiya Divas JAIPUR: Indian-origin Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla Persad-Bissessar expressed readiness to host the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas in her country, saying it would help in sharing "new understandings" and developing appreciation for the Diaspora. Bissessar, the Chief Guest of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here, said small countries like hers would benefit immensely from such events.

"I wish to sincerely urge that consideration be given to holding of Pravasi Bharatiya meet in the Caribbean and for which I pledge the support of my country," she said in her address. In doing so, Bissessar said, "Countries can share new understandings, and develop appreciation for Diaspora in their adopted homelands. "It will become a type of pilgrimage that combines tourism, education, education and business development." -PTI

Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamala Persad Bissessar speaking during the opening ceremony of the tenth Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2012 in Jaipur on January 8

India needs to fully tap potential of NRIs, PIOs: Pranab JAIPUR: Citing example of China, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee said here that India too needs to fully tap the investment potential of NRIs and their entrepreneurial skills and promote inclusive growth. "We have not yet reaped the full benefits of India's great Diaspora. The most obvious area remains that of investment and entrepreneurship. For instance, in China a large chunk of foreign direct investment has come from overseas Chinese," he said, while addressing the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here. Though there have been "large

ticket investments" by NRIs and PIOs, he said, "it is far less than the potential and perhaps too concentrated on the formal sector. Rather, we must pursue an al-

Overseas Indians, he said, should increase their contribution in social and economic areas like education, healthcare, and skill development and supplement the ef-

Though there have been ‘large ticket investments’ by NRIs and PIOs, he said, ‘it is far less than the potential and perhaps too concentrated on the formal sector’ ternative model. One that is more balanced and holistic in a socioeconomic sense".

forts of the government to promote inclusive growth. The non-resident Chinese

have been playing a major role in the development of China and invest substantial in the domestic economy. Indian government, Mukherjee said, has been trying to improve the access of the poor and the vulnerable to vital public services by creating entitlements backed by limited legal guarantees which include the right to information, the right to work in rural areas and the right to education. Efforts, he added, were made to put in place right to food law which would ensure subsidized foodgrain for the poor population. -PTI

Top Stories

10 India Post

January 20, 2012

PBD 2012

Pilot highlights investments opportunities in IT sector JAIPUR: Giving an insight on opportunities in IT infrastructure, Minister of State for Telecommunications and IT Sachin Pilot pre-

Sachin Pilot

sented the Indian Diaspora a perspective of investment possibilities in the sector. He said the Indian community

living abroad can come and work on abundant opportunities in the field of IT, as he invited investments in the sector.

nologies are made a reality even in small villages and distant places of the country," Pilot said in a session titled 'Diaspora & Investment: Driving Innovations?. "Political stability is one of the most important factors that ‘We have every single investor or a corchallenges and porate has to look at. We have challenges and continue to continue to have them but in India we are proud to have a robust demochave them but racy and it is one of the comin India we are fortable factors," he said. On the country's mobile network, he said, the sector proud to have probably provided the largest footprint for any mobile neta robust work in the world with cheaper democracy’ call rates. He also mentioned that IT companies in Silicon Valley and West Coast have "We in India are committed to shown interest in developing locreating a system where innova- cal content for need-based applitions, technology development cation in rural areas of the county. and access to cutting edge tech- -PTI

Gandhian philosophy relevant today: Pitroda JAIPUR: Gandhian philosophy and thoughts are relevant in today's changing world and can help in finding the solution to any problem, adviser to the Prime Minister, Sam Pitroda said here. "Gandhian philosophy and thoughts are relevant in the changing world of today and can help in difficult time, and the philosophy is also important for global peace," Pitroda said at a plenary session of the 10th Pravasi Bhartiya Diwas here. "The life of Gandhi inspires everybody for self evolution," Pitroda, the Adviser to Prime Minister on Public Information, Infrastructure and Innovations, said. Mauritius's Minister of Arts

Sam Pitroda

and Culture, M Choonee, Harinder Takhar, Minister of Government Services in Canada, were

the other speakers in the 'Shared Connectivities: Message of the Mahatma Gandhi' session. -PTI

Social entrepreneur encourages youth to promote culture JAIPUR: Noted social entrepreneur Lakshmi Pratury, who featured in the list of the hundred most powerful women by Forbes Asia 2010, has called upon youths to carry forward the legacy of culture. "Indian youths are the future of not only India, but of the world

as they have capability, vision and energy," she said at an interactive session organized on the occasion of Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas. Other famous Non Resident Indians who have excelled in various fields also inspired young students and professionals at the session.

Among the panelists were the 8th Chancellor of the University of Houston system and the 13th President of University of Houston Renu Khator, Lord Karan Bilimoria - the Deputy President of London Chamber of Commerce and Industry and others. -PTI

Gehlot asks next generation NRIs to stay connected JAIPUR: Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot appealed to the Indian Diaspora attending the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas (PBD) here to return with the pledge that they will keep sending the next generation of NRIs to the country to help them stay connected with their roots. Addressing the plenary session, he said the new generation of NRIs should visit India or they should be sent by their elders, so that their association with their own tradition, culture and rituals remains alive. Claiming better law and order situation and political stability in Rajasthan than before, Gehlot said the state should lure visitors and investors alike with its rich fund of minerals and a number of tourist destinations. "Peace, harmony, political sta-

bility, hospitality, minerals, tourist places, culture, handicraft have given the state a special place," he said. "Rajasthan today is leading in power generation and rising as a solar power hub. Due to our solar power policy, a numbers of people are coming to state to invest," he added. Gehlot said the Government of India's important dedicated freight corridor's 39 % portion will be passing through Rajasthan which will increase the possibilities of investment. He said for higher level infrastructural development, the state is contemplating a move to introduce Rajasthan Infrastructure Development Act and a transparency act to bring transparency in tendering process. -PTI

Special program for young PIOs, NRIs JAIPUR: In order to lure the younger generation of Persons of Indian Origin and NRIs, Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has announced a special program under which the state government will fund 90 per cent of the travel of such people to the desert state once a year. The government will also bear the cost of local transport and accommodation of 18-20 years age group under the "Know your Rajasthan (Apne Rajasthan Ko Janiye)" program, Gehlot announced at the formal inauguration ceremony of the 10th Pravasi

Bharatiya Diwas here. The state government will bear 90 per cent of airfare for youths coming to visit the desert state once in a year, he said highlighting several programs and initiatives taken by the state government for the welfare of people which included affordable housing policy, free generic medicine scheme, Janani Shishu Surakha Yojana and others. He said that the government has focused on IT, Infrastructure development, power sector and agriculture. -PTI

Raj govt officials discuss investment options with delegation JAIPUR: Representatives of Rajasthan government discussed with a Canadian delegation investment options in different sectors of the state. During an interactive session with the Indian Diaspora on the sidelines of the 10th Pravasi Bharatiya Divas here, senior officials briefed them of possibilities of tie-ups in sectors like girls' education, technical education and IT among others. Veenu Gupta (Principal Secretary, School and Sanskrit Education), Vipin Chandra Sharma (Principal Secretary, Technical Education), Ashwini (Director

Rajcomp) and representatives of Rajasthan State Industrial Development and Investment Corporation (RIICO) and FICCI interacted with the delegation. The president of Indo-Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC), Satish Thakkar also invited industrialists and businessmen of the state to Canada for investment opportunities. Mayor of Markham town, Frank Scarpitti said the chamber and the administration of the town were committed to promoting Markham as a globally competitive business destination. -PTI

Top Stories

January 20, 2012

India Post


Indo-US bilateral meeting held on health issues

HEALTHY DEBATE: US delegation led by the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius and Indian delegation led by Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare, Ghulam Nabi Azad at their talks in New Delhi on January 11 India Post News Service

NEW YORK: A high level delegation from the United States led by United States Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, met the Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad for a bilateral meeting on health issues. The hour long discussions held Jan 11 in New Delhi focused on the progress of the US India Health Initiative launched in 2010. Azad welcomed the delegation and reaffirmed the ongoing cooperation in the field of health "but also to find new avenues to further broaden and deepen the commitment to ensure better health at affordable costs for our people". Azad said that Government of India has been implementing health care reforms in the field of infrastructure, human resources, health research and disease surveillance with the intention of pro-

viding better service delivery at grass root levels. Expressing satisfaction particularly at the progress of Polio containment efforts, Azad said "we are excited

Azad welcomed the delegation and reaffirmed the ongoing cooperation in the field of health ‘but also to find new avenues to further broaden and deepen the commitment’ and hopeful, at the same time, vigilant and alert". The Health Initiative is an inter-agency umbrella organizing mechanism for bilateral discus-

sions between the United States and India on health collaborations and program implementation. To take the agenda further, four Working Groups had been constituted namely Working group on Non Communicable Diseases, Working group on Infectious diseases, Working group on Maternal and Child Health and Working group on Strengthening Health System and Services. These Working Groups include representatives from the US side as well as Indian side. The Working groups have been discussing ways of leveraging each other's strengths on identified areas - like the Working group on Non Communicable Diseases has discussed issues of Tobacco control, Cancer control, Human resources, mental health and prevention as areas of collaboration. The Working group on Infectious diseases has been deliberating on vaccination preventable

diseases, innovations in technology whereas the Working group on Maternal and Child Health has been focusing on Human resources for MCH response, regis-

The Working group on Strengthening Health System and Services discussed issues on public and private health care, management information system etc tries of vital records like the Mother and Child Tracking System. The Working group on Strengthening Health System and Services discussed issues on public and pri-

vate health care, management information system etc. The Indo-US collaboration has successfully taken place in the last several decades in the areas of medical research such as tuberculosis, nutrition, cancer, neurosciences, mental health, maternal and child health, HIV/AIDS, environmental and occupational health. This collaboration has led to infrastructure strengthening, transfer of technology and publication of several scientific findings. As a follow up of joint statements and joint working groups, particularly in the last twelve years, more than 450 research projects in various areas of health research have been pursued. Collaboration with institutes resulting in agreements such as the India-US agreement on Global Disease Detection Program has been useful in capacity building, training and strengthening of services.

HAF condemns anti-Huntsman political ad India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) strongly condemned a new political advertisement criticizing Republic presidential candidate, Governor Jon Huntsman. The ad, which repeatedly questions Gov. Huntsman's "American values," makes frequent reference to his ability to speak fluent Mandarin and describes him as "China Jon" and the "Manchurian Candidate." The Foundation was especially appalled by the ad's reference to Huntsman's adopted Indian daughter, Asha Bharati, who is being raised in her na-

tive Hindu faith, ining Governor Huntssinuating that he man, he should be apdoes not share Ameriplauded for being open can values and is not minded enough to raise a "man of faith." Gov. his adopted daughter Huntsman, who is a as a Hindu." practicing Mormon, The advertisement, is seen in the ad with which was posted on his daughter wearing You Tube earlier this a tika, or sacred mark week, was purportedly associated with the produced by divine and commonly NHLiberty4Paul, a worn during Hindu group of supporters of ceremonies. Republican presidential "This deplorable candidate Ron Paul. ad is blatantly racist While it is unclear and religiously intolwhether this group has The Huntsmans with daughter Asha Bharati erant and crosses all any connection to the lines of acceptable political dis- HAF's Managing Director and Ron Paul campaign, his campaign course," said Suhag Shukla, Legal Counsel. "Instead of vilify- spokesman Jesse Benton came

out on Friday to condemn the ad, describing it as "disgusting" and requesting that it be removed "immediately." Jon Huntsman's daughter, Abby Huntsman Livingston, also spoke out against the ad, calling it "vile" and expressing concern that her sisters were mentioned in the ad. The Huntsmans have seven children, two of whom have been adopted from India and China. "To attack a candidate's family, particularly his young daughters, is completely unacceptable and should be denounced by all Americans," said Samir Kalra, HAF Director and Senior Fellow for Human Rights.

Top Stories

12 India Post

January 20, 2012

Top Treasury official leaves DC for India's financial sector WASHINGTON: Anil Kakani, who held a senior Treasury position in the Obama Administration, has decided to move to India to take up a private sector job with an Indian company. Kakani, who till December served as Senior Advisor for India at the US Department of Treasury for nearly two-and- a-half years, this month moves to Indian city of Mumbai to take up a senior level position in a mid-size boutique investment bank Anand Rathi and Co. Kakani has joined as Executive Director of cross border initiatives, Anand Rathi, and will team up with investment banking CEO Praveen Chakravarty and his team of bankers that are very India focused to help bring infrastructure related technology into India. "In my new role I will be working with American and other foreign companies looking to enter

the Indian market through acquisition or partnership with midmarket Indian companies, as well with Indian companies looking to access foreign markets, technol-

Kakani has joined as Executive Director of cross border initiatives, Anand Rathi, and will team up with investment banking CEO Praveen Chakravarty and his team ogy, talent, and capital," Kakani told PTI in an interview. It is one of the rarest occasions that a senior administration

official has decided to move to India to take up a private sector job with an Indian firm. "I think it is really driven by the opportunity. Through my relationships with mid-market companies and large MNCs on both sides, I have a strong feeling for the opportunities and perceived challenges for unique technology acquisitions involving US and Indian companies," Kakani said. Kakani believes that there is great opportunity in the mid-market space for American technology companies to enter through acquisition of assets in that market. "I think there are only a handful of firms that can bridge that gap." Kakani says there is tremendous potential for the economic relationship between India and US. "There will continue to be challenges and bumps along the way. But I think on both sides there is

recognition that there is much more potential in this bilateral relationship. The question is how you help achieve this potential," he observed.

In addition to developing the structure and roadmap for multiple working groups of the Partnership, he led two major visits by Treasury Secretary Geithner to India Kakani was instrumental in launching the Economic and Financial Partnership between India and the US in April 2010, and also

during the historic India visit of the US President, Barack Obama, in 2010. Kakani also traveled to India as part of the White House team during President Bill Clinton's 2000 visit. As Senior Advisor for India at the US Department of the Treasury, a position he was recruited for to build the US-India Economic and Financial Partnership (EFP), Kakani spearheaded the highest level economic policy summit ever between the two countries bringing together central bank governors, securities and commodities regulators, and other key economic policy principals. In addition to developing the structure and roadmap for multiple working groups of the Partnership, he led two major visits by Treasury Secretary Geithner to India. -PTI

50 lakh students across MP participate Good news for economy; FDI in 'Surya Namaskar' up 56 pc in November BHOPAL: Notwithstanding opposition protests and fatwa by Muslim clerics, a record number of 50 lakh students across Madhya Pradesh today took part in the yogic exercise Surya Namaskar, with Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan leading from the front. By the feat, Madhya Pradesh government is aiming to set a world record of collective performance of the yogic exercise. The School Education Department had made elaborate arrangements for ensuring grand presence in the event which is being organised every year in the state since 2007 on the occasion of Swami Vivekanand's birthday. "Nearly 50 lakh students across the state took part in the Surya Namaskar exercise, which is a record in itself," officials said. Defending the decision to organise the event, Chouhan told reporters after the exercise, "Surya Namaskar is not associated with any particular religion. It is a yogic exercise having a unique coordination of mind and body aimed at keeping a person perfectly alright." However, he said the participation was not mandatory. He also clarified that the exercise was not organised merely with an aim to get the feat registered in the Guinness Book of Records. Large number of students took part in the sun salutation exercise in the entire state with Ministers leading it at divisional and district

headquarters. The minority community heads had strongly opposed the move and issued "fatwa" directing people not to take part in the Surya Namaskar exercise. Main Opposition Congress also termed the move as an attempt to please the RSS leadership as part of its saffron agenda.

The Isai Mahasangh also issued a statement terming the government's move "unconstitutional" and added that they will approach the Guinness authorities asking them not to include the state-sponsored Surya Namaskar exercise in its records as it is aimed at promoting communal discord in the multi-religious society. -PTI

SECOND TERM: Governor Bobby Jindal gives a toast with his wife Supriya and their children Selia and Slade durning his Inaugural Ball at the Renaissance Hotel in Baton Rouge, LA., Sunday, Jan. 8. Gov. Bobby Jindal is beginning his second term in office with a focus on education and a pledge not to rest on the accomplishments of his first four years.

NEW DELHI: Foreign direct period, the FDI was up by 62.81 investment (FDI) into India went per cent from USD 14.02 billion a up by an impressive 56 per cent year ago. to USD 2.53 billion in November "At this rate we would be able 2011, signaling improvement in to cross USD 30 billion figure by investor sentiment. end of the current fiscal," the offiThe cumulative flows of USD cial added. 22.83 billion for the April-NovemIn 2010-11, FDI into equity had ber period have crossed USD dipped 25 per cent to USD 19.43 19.43 billion which came in the full billion, from USD 25.6 billion in fiscal of 2010-11, according to officials. Analysts feel that if If the trend continues, the FDI the trend continues, the FDI in the current finan- in the current financial year cial year would well cross USD 30 billion, a would well cross USD 30 billion, development which will a development which will have a positive effect on rupee in the foreign have a positive effect on exchange market. rupee. In the face of selling In the face of selling pressures in the stock pressures in the stock market market from the foreign institutional investors from the foreign institutional and rising trade deficit, investors and rising trade the rupee has declined by about 15 per cent deficit, the rupee has since August. declined by about While the FII inflows are considered "hot 15 percent since August money", the FDI is quite stable. The improvement in FDI in- 2009-10. In 2008-09, FDI stood at flows in November comes after USD 27.3 billion. two months of declining trend. Mauritius, Singapore, the US, The country had received USD the UK, the Netherlands, Japan, 1.62 billion overseas investment Germany and the UAE are major in November 2010. sources of FDI for India. In September and October, the Sectors which attracted the inflows were down by 16.5 per maximum funds include services, cent and 50 per cent year-on-year construction activities, power, respectively. computers and hardware, telecom During the April-November and housing and real estate. -PTI

Top Stories

January 20, 2012

India Post


Chindia drives 50% of global China looks to step up ties with India in 2012 growth: Report DUBAI: Despite slowing down, China and India continue to contribute more than half of the world's economic growth, a new report by an investment management and advisory services firm has claimed. BlackRock Investment Institute's (BII) report, ''The Year of Living Divergently'', says 2012 will offer investors a slow growth world in which the United States will face headwinds, yet still achieve positive economic growth, and Europe will likely slip into recession while avoiding more dire financial contagion. Robert C Doll, Chief Equity Strategist for Fundamental Equities at BlackRock, said growth will continue to be hampered by the lingering effects of the global "credit bust", including ongoing deleveraging partially offset by the forces of accommodative monetary policy in much of the world. According to the report, emerging market economic growth continues to be a critical part of global growth in both the short

and long-term. "China and India are especially important given both their size and growth rates. And while growth in both countries is likely to be slower in 2012 than it was in 2011, together these two countries

‘China and India are especially important. While growth in both countries is likely to be slower in 2012 than it was in 2011, together these two countries will account for more than half of 2012 global growth,’ it said will account for more than half of 2012 global growth," it said. "We expect China will account for more than 40 per cent of global growth, with India and the US accounting for about 15 per cent

each. Until recently, increasing inflation in emerging markets has caused policymakers to raise interest rates and/or reserve requirements in an attempt to slow inflation, with the effort of dampening growth. We expect that process will begin to reverse itself sometime in 2012," it further said. According to Doll, the most significant global risk remains the financial breakdown in Europe, which would tip the entire developed world, if not the emerging world, into a new recession. "In 2012, the big swing factor for the world economy will be the success of the continuing effort to fix Europe's debt and credit issues," Doll said. "Failure to advance this effort could be disastrous," he said. "At the same time, we don't need Europe to solve all of its problems in 2012 for the world to achieve an ''okay'' year," Doll said. "Since there is already such a significant ''crisis premium'' baked into the markets, just avoiding disaster could be enough," he said.-PTI

BEIJING: China has said it will tive push for the bilateral ties, make concerted efforts with India which last year faced a string of to push for better and faster de- challenges. velopment of bilateral strategic The two countries signed off and cooperative partnership in 2011 on a positive note sorting 2012 despite recurring hiccups out their differences on a host of casting a shadow over ties. issues including the vexed staple "China is willing to make joint visa issue for Kashmiris and reefforts with India to continuously sumed defense ties after China implement the important consen- reversed the policy after a year sus reached between leaders of long hiatus. the two countries, maintain highA second Indian defense dellevel exchanges, enhance strategic mutual trust, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation ‘China is willing to make in various fields and properly handle issues joint efforts with India to concerning the bilateral continuously implement the relationship," Assistant Foreign Minister important consensus Liu Zhenmin said. "China hopes that reached between the two sides will support each other and leaders of the two countries’ learn from each other, so as to push for better and faster development of Sino-Indian egation is due on January 10 here strategic and cooperative partner- after another visa row over China ship," Liu told state-run Xinhua declining to grant visa to an IAF news agency. official from Arunachal Pradesh. The interview exclusively foIndia reduced the delegation cusing on China-India ties was re- strength from 30 to 15 to show its garded significant by analysts displeasure over Chinese move. here as it was rare for reticent Chi- The two countries also agreed to nese officials to speak candidly hold 15th round of border talks evincing interest to give a posi- later this month. -PTI

No assurances against military coup in Pakistan: US

TOP US TEAM: Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee with US Senator Mark R. Warner (3rd L), co-chair of the US Senate's India Caucus, and his delegation after a meeting in New Delhi on January 9

'Not another coup, please': Pakistani media tells army ISLAMABAD: 'Not another coup, please', was the advice given by the Pakistani media to the powerful military, which is engaged in a major stand off with the weak civilian government over the memo scandal. The standoff - which reached a head after the army warned that Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's recent remarks could have "grievous consequences" and Gilani sacked the

Defense Secretary - dominated the front pages of newspapers. The media suggested both the military and the government to address their differences in an atmosphere of sanity to end the standoff bedeviling the country. Noting that Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani's criticism of the army and ISI chiefs' actions as "unconstitutional and illegal" would have resulted in a coup 10

or 15 years ago, the influential Dawn newspaper said: "But with a raucous media and a fierce Supreme Court now in the mix, the space for a direct and unconstitutional intervention by the army appears to have been eroded." "One week the country pulls back from the brink; the next week it is back on the brink none of it adds up to a prediction that can be made with any degree of certainty. -PTI

WASHINGTON: The US has said it has neither sought nor received assurances that the Pakistani army will not stage a coup, even as it made it clear that it supports a "civilian-led government" in the country. Acknowledging that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen Martin E Dempsey has talked on phone to Pakistani Army chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, a Pentagon spokesman said: "I'm not aware that we've sought any assurances, and I don't think we're aware that we've been given any." "This is a matter for Pakistani officials and the government leaders there, military and civilian, to work out," Pentagon spokesman Navy Capt John Kirby said in first comments by US officials on the ongoing tussle between the army and government in Pakistan. Echoing the sentiments that the developments were the internal matters of Pakistan, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said the US supports a

"civilian-led government" as it maintains "strong relations" with the Pakistan military. "We want to see all parties in Pakistan behave in a manner consistent with the country's constitution with the democratic process and civil discourse," she said after a meeting between Pakistan's new ambassador Sherry Rehman and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at the State Department. Nuland called the meeting a "chance talk" to "getting our relation back on the track in all its elements in the New Year. Asked about Pakistan's political instability, she said US diplomats in Islamabad were monitoring the situation but insisted that these were internal matters. . The Pentagon acknowledged that there is a near-open conflict between civilian and military leadership in Pakistan but the spokesman declined to provide details of the conversation between the two military chiefs, merely saying it was their first contact since December 21.-PTI

Desi News Hari Om temple celebrates New Year ASIAN MEDIA USA

CHICAGO: Hari Om Mandir in Medinah, a north west suburb of Chicago, celebrated New Year with Pooja by the temple priests on Saturday, December 31 with more than 400 devotees and their families attending the event. The participants had Akhand Ramayan Path that went on for full 24 hours and ended on January 1st 2012. Around midnight several devotees came to Mandir to celebrate New Year. At around 11:45pm. Subhash Sharma and Mrs. Rama Kapoor along with Bhagat Mandli started Satsang and Chanting "Jai Shree Ram" till dawn of the New Year. Details on page 16

NJ school district considering Diwali holiday India Post News Service


indus have applauded Bernards Township School District (BTSD) in New Jersey (USA) for considering Diwali as a school holiday, calling it "a step in the right direction". The official summary of its Board of Education December 19 meeting says: "A request by a group of Indian American parents and students to make Diwali (the Indian New Year) a school holiday was referred to the Board's Policy Committee for further consideration". Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, in a statement in Nevada (USA), commending Bernards for Diwali holiday consideration. Details on page 17

Vedic Day Care Center celebrates Christmas K RAJDA

CHICAGO: One of the unique day care centers that offer training to Indian American kids in oriental surrounding, the Chicago based Vedic Day Care Center held its annual Christmas celebrations on December 24 at its premise on Devon Avenue in Chicago. About 100 people attended the event that lasted over two hours. There were different performances by the children of the day care. Details on page 18


Gurpreet Sohal takes over as Fremont Postmaster Details on page 19

14 India Post

January 20, 2012

Wadhwani Foundation ties up with Virginia Foundation for education India Post News Service

NEW YORK: The Wadhwani Foundation (WF) and the Virginia Foundation for Community College Education (VFCCE) USA signed a memorandum of understanding Jan 10, in New Delhi. The memorandum was signed by Dr. Ajay Kela, President and CEO of Wadhwani Foundation and Dr. Glenn DuBois, member, Virginia Foundation for Community Colleges Education and Chancellor of Virginia's Community Colleges. Union Minister of HRD for India, Kapil Sibal and US Senator Mark Warner, Co-chair of the Senate India Caucus who is visiting India with his delegation were also present on the occasion. Speaking on the occasion Sibal underlined the requirement for

enhanced skilled development in the country. He said that considering the high rate of growth India needs massive skill upgradation to prepare for the jobs that will be created. He congratulated the

bined expertise of Virginia's Community College system in running industry relevant professional education sharing technical and organizational know-how, curriculum/courseware and teacher train-

As part of the memorandum, the VFCCE and the WF will together identify high-impact skill development programs in India that need such support Wadhwani Foundation and Virginia Foundation for Community College Education on the signing of the MoU. The Wadhwani Foundation and Virginia Foundation for Community College Education partnership seeks to leverage the com-

ing to enhance such programs in India. As part of the memorandum, the VFCCE and the WF will together identify high-impact skill development programs in India that need such support. These partnerships could be forged with government

or private initiatives and would involve vibrant exchange of ideas and technology transfer, adapting US expertise to position Indian institutions to meet local needs. Virginia Community College experts will serve as consultants, sharing best practices. The Wadhwani Foundation will provide local support and co-funding for this capacity building. "Virginia's two-year community colleges play a vital and unique role in our workforce training efforts," Senator Mark Warner said. "This partnership agreement will allow Virginia's Community Colleges to share their expertise and materials as we work with the Wadhwani Foundation to expand skills-based job training for India's young people" he further added.

Habib family meets tragic death in India India Post News Service

NAPERVILLE: Four members of a prominent Naperville family have been killed in a tragic traffic accident while on vacation in India. Nizar Jiwani pored over the

There was a horrific crash. The driver survived, but killed were all four members of the Habib family, including 6year-old Ahshaz, and 10-year-old Fareeza. Now their friend Jiwani prays for them Facebook page of Iqbal Habib, remembering his friend of many years, and the family that perished with him. It was a terrible accident in the

Habib family visiting Taj Mahal

Kirawali area of Agra District, Uttar Pradesh, India. Habib had taken his wife, Zeenat, from their home in Naperville on a sight-seeing trip of his native India. It was the first trip there for their two children.

"We were hearing about the trip and they were having a great time. They talked about how much they enjoyed the Taj Mahal," Jiwani told CBS 2's Mike Parker. The driver of their vehicle is said to have lost control. There

was a horrific crash. The driver survived, but killed were all four members of the Habib family, including 6-year-old Ahshaz, and 10-year-old Fareeza. Now their friend Jiwani prays for them. Cont’d on page 16

Community Across America

January 20, 2012

India Post 15

City of Sparks issues Diwali proclamation India Post News Service

SPARKS CITY: Incorporated in 1905, Sparks City issued an official proclamation for Diwali, most popular festival of Hindus, on January nine during its Council meeting. Mayor Geno R. Martini stated

ness and lighting up lives, and symbolizes the victory of good over evil‌hereby proclaim Diwali a festival celebrated in the City of Sparks." Mayor Martini then presented the proclamation to Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, who, the proclamation

Sparks, whose city slogan is "It's Happening Here", is a custom-made town, tailored ordered by the Southern Pacific Railway Company. Shaun Carey is the City Manager in the proclamation carrying the city seal: "Diwali is the most popular festival celebrated by one billion Hindus worldwide, as well as Sikhs, Jains, and some Buddhists‌Diwali, the festival of lights, aims at dispelling the dark-

said, "has made laudable efforts to promote interfaith harmony." Rajan Zed thanked Mayor Martini and City Council for the Diwali proclamation and for celebrating diversity. Sparks, whose city slogan is

Just before Diwali proclamation at Sparks City Council, from left to right are Council Members Ed Lawson, Ron Smith, Julia Ratti; Hindu leader Rajan Zed; Mayor Geno Martini; and Council Member Mike Carrigan.

"It's Happening Here", is a custom-made town, tailored ordered by the Southern Pacific Railway

NY FIA elects 2012 Executive Committee

Company. Shaun Carey is the City Manager. Notable people associated with Sparks include: actress

Jena Malone, political pundit Karl Rove, swimmer Brian Retterer, and cartoonist Brian Crane.

FIA announces Republic Day dhamaka HARISH RAO

Left to Right (of 2012 Executive Committee) Haresh Shah, Bipin Patel, Ramesh Patel, Kanu Chauhan, Kurang Shah, Sanjay Amin and Srujal Parikh. India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Kanu Chauhan, a past president of the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) Tri-State, has been elected once again as President of the organization for 2012. A successful businessman and Bollywood Stage show promoter of repute, Chauhan was also past president of the Jackson Heights Merchant Association. At the annual general body meeting of the FIA on Dec 30 in New Jersey, Chauhan requested the attendees as well as supporters and sponsors to continue their support and solidarity for FIA and thanked them for showing confidence in his leadership by electing him. The general body agenda included the overall performance and activities of FIA during the year 2011 including its financial report as well as to announce the election results and elect the new executive commit-

tee for the year 2012. Immediate past President Bipin Patel announced the upcoming India Republic Day Celebration event "Dance Pe Chance" a dance competition to be held at the State Theatre in New Brunswick NJ on January 28. The Election Committee comprising Yash Paul Soi, Ram Gadhvi and Mangal Gupta addressed the attending members regarding the election of the new executive committee for the year 2012. Since nominations for each position received were single, all members were elected uncontested. The other members of the executive committee include: Executive Vice President Kurang Shah; Vice President Sanjay Amin; Secretary Srujal Parikh; Treasurer Shakir Ahmed; and Jt. Secretary Haresh Shah. FIA is the pioneering nonprofit umbrella organization comprising diversified Indian associations.

FIA Chicago team

CHICAGO: The Federation of Indian Associations headed by Satish Gabhawalal has announced hosting a grand celebration of Indian Republic Day on Fri-

pected to be attended by Chicago celebrities and elite, according to Keerthi Ravoori, a spokesman. The FIA headed by Gabhawala is the "real" FIA and is recog-

The nearly three hours program starting 7.30 pm envisages dazzling cultural dances with a grand musical dhamaka and is expected to be attended by Chicago celebrities and elite day January 27 at Meadows Club in Rolling Meadows, a northwest suburb on Chicago. The nearly three hours program starting 7.30 pm envisages dazzling cultural dances with a grand musical dhamaka and is ex-

nized as such by Indian Americans in Chicagoland, says Ravoori Gabhawala, the FIA President, has already initiated legal steps against a rival body calling itself FIA too, for using the FIA name.

16 India Post

Community Across America

January 20, 2012

Hari Om temple celebrates New Year ASIAN MEDIA USA

Left to Right: Temple Priest Shastri Yogesh, Pandit Dinesh, Executive Board President Rajeev Bharel, Raja Krishnamurthy, BOT Chairman Ayodhia N Salwan. (Pic: Asian Media, USA)

CHICAGO: Hari Om Mandir in Medinah, a north west suburb of Chicago, celebrated New Year with Pooja by the temple priests on Saturday, December 31 with more than 400 devotees and their families attending the event. The participants had Akhand Ramayan Path that went on for full 24 hours and ended on January 1st 2012. Around midnight several devotees came to Mandir to celebrate New Year. At around 11:45pm. Subhash Sharma and Mrs. Rama Kapoor along with Bhagat Mandli started Satsang and Chanting "Jai Shree Ram" till dawn of the New Year. The Path ended on January 1st around 11 a.m. Several volunteers came forward to read the Ramayan during the day and night. Kitchen was

open during the entire event and devotees kept coming to worship and assist in the kitchen. Outgoing president Nirmal Bagga thanked all the volunteers and devotees for their help during her tenure. Ayodhia N Salwan, Chairman Board of Trustees, welcomed the new president of the Executive Board, Rajeev Bharel.

rest of the Executive Board, Brij Sharma, Vice President, Gopal Tiwari, Treasurer, Mrs. Sneh Choudhary, Secretary, Sunil Saxena, Property Management, Swappan Kumar, Publication, Parking & Volunteer team head, Mrs. Anshu Paul, Education, Anil Saxena, Special Events and Ramesh Bhardwaj, Food.

Several volunteers came forward to read the Ramayan during the day and night. Kitchen was open during the entire event and devotees kept coming to worship and assist in the kitchen In his speech, Rajeev appealed to the gathered devotees to spare some time and help in Mandir activities. Then he introduced the

Life Time Achievement Awards were given to Satish Sachdev and Avtar Bhandari for their valuable contribution and unconditional

support to the Hindu Society (Hari Om Mandir). Ayodhia Salwan and Mrs. Nirmal Bagga were honored by the Religious Committee Chairman Subash Sharma and Mrs. Rama Kapoor for their dedication and commitment to the Mandir's religious programs. Rajeev Bharel invited Vipan Wadhera to honor Ayodhia Salwan for his dedication to the Hari Om Mandir. Ayodhia Salwan introduced Raja Krishnamurthy, candidate for US Congress, to the congregation. Krishnamurthy emphasized the importance of voting and requested everyone who is eligible

to vote, to register themselves. There was a lucky draw competition and Krishnamurthy gave away the prizes. Hari Om Mandir has been organizing Hindi classes for quite some time. Both Beginners and Advanced level classes are offered to the devotees of Hari Om Mandir. There is no age bar for these classes, which means kids, teens, adults, and senior people are all welcome to participate. Hari Om Mandir has two learned priests available for Poojas, Havan, Kathas etc in the temple and at home.

Habib family meets tragic death in India Cont’d from page 14

"That gives us comfort, knowing, remembering that we all go back to God and our souls are always eternal," he says. Grief counselors have been at work at Spring Brook Elementary School where the two children went to school. "They were a wonderful family. We're just grieving. The students and teachers are really shaken up," Principal David Worst says. Jiwani too was grieving as he

looked at that Facebook page with the photos and messages from the family on that tragic trip. "It's great to be able to see their faces and remember them. But it's a little bit hard to know that you won't be seeing them again all the time," he says. Iqbal Habib owned two fastfood restaurants in the suburbs and was active in community life. His wife was a mortgage counselor for JP Morgan Chase. A private funeral service would be held at Ridgewood Cemetery in Des Plaines. (Courtsey CBS)

Community Across America

January 20, 2012

India Post 17

NJ school district considering Diwali holiday India Post News Service


indus have applauded Bernards Township School District (BTSD) in New Jersey (USA) for considering Diwali as a school holiday, calling it "a step in the right direction". The official summary of its Board of Education December 19 meeting says: "A request by a group of Indian American parents and students to make Diwali (the Indian New Year) a school holiday was referred to the Board's Policy Committee for further consideration". Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, in a statement in Nevada (USA), commending Bernards for Diwali holiday consideration, said that all school districts in New Jersey, one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse states, should declare Diwali as school holiday. Zed argued that awareness about other religions thus created by such holidays like Diwali would make the Bernards and New Jersey pupils well-nurtured, well-balanced, and enlightened

citizens of tomorrow. It would make District and State look good also besides bringing cohesion and unity in the community. Rajan Zed said that since it was important for Hindu families

Zed argued that awareness about other religions thus created by such holidays like Diwali would make the Bernards and New Jersey pupils wellnurtured, well-balanced, and enlightened citizens of tomorrow to celebrate Diwali day together at home with their children, we did not want our children to be deprived of any privileges at the school because of thus resulting

absences on this day. Closing schools on Diwali would ensure that. About 28,500 students, including about 20% Asians, attend Bernards schools and 11 Indian languages are spoken as principle language in their homes. BTSD, which believes "Children learn in different ways", has been ranked by Forbes magazine as one of "America's Best School Districts for Your Housing Buck". Susan Carlsson, Susan McGowan and Priti Shah are President, Vice President, and Member respectively of its Board of Education while Valerie A. Goger and Regina Rudolph are Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent respectively. Bernards Township in Somerset County, chartered in 1760, which calls itself "A Caring Community", is known for "The Devil's Tree" and "Zip the Pinhead" (well known turn-of-thecentury side-show performer born here). Mary Pavlini is the Mayor while Bruce McArthur is Administrator. South Brunswick School District and Passaic City School Dis-

New Year at St Louis Hindu temple ASHWIN PATEL

Pooja at St Louis Hindu temple on New Year day

ST LOUIS: Hindu Temple of St. Louis celebrated New Year's Day with Ganesha Pooja on January 1st at 11 am. A large number of devotees attended the pooja besides many coming in throughout the day. After the pooja, annadanam (lunch) was served to more than 1000 devotees.

Next big event will be Mahashivrathrin on Sunday, Feb 19. The Temple will be open all day & nights. Various Rudrabhishekam will be starting on 4 a.m, 9 am, 6 pm & 11 pm. Hindu Temple's Annual general body meeting and elections will be held on Sunday January 29 at 1 pm.

trict, both in New Jersey, have already declared Diwali as holiday. Los Angeles Unified School District (California) lists Diwali in its "Calendar of Commemorative Dates and Observances", while

An official Diwali reception has reportedly been held at the New Zealand Parliament for the last few years. Two east London boroughs (Waltham Forest and Newham) have announced Diwali as school closure day New Jersey Department of Education includes Diwali in its "List of Religious Holidays Permitting Pupil Absence From School". US President has observed Diwali at

White House. An official Diwali reception has reportedly been held at the New Zealand Parliament for the last few years. Two east London (United Kingdom) boroughs (Waltham Forest and Newham) have reportedly announced Diwali as school closure day in all the community primary and secondary schools. Universal Society of Hinduism has already urged Edison Township Public Schools (New Jersey), Woodbridge Township School District (New Jersey), Queen Bee Schools District and Marquardt School District in Glendale Heights (Illinois), Fremont Unified School District (California), Sunnyvale School District (California), Cambridge School Committee (Massachusetts) and Burlington School Board (Vermont) in USA to add Diwali on their respective holiday calendars. New Jersey is most densely populated and second wealthiest state in the country and Gujarati, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, etc., are spoken in its various parts.

Community Across America

18 India Post

January 20, 2012

Malabar Christians raise funds for distressed women India Post News Service

CHICAGO: The 10th annual Natal Fest, organized by Malabar Konkani Christian Association on December 17, 2011, with the aim of helping women in distress, turned out to be a great success with the association raising over $2200 towards the noble cause. President Godwin Rego said that the amount would be sent to 'Shubhada Society', a facility for a short stay for women in distress

in Mangalore. He specifically extended thanks to those who donated in cash and checks, members who cooked and donated authentic Mangalorean dishes and Kuswar items; and each and everyone who made Natal Fest a grand success by your presence. The executive team consists of President Godwin Rego, Vice President Lawrence Mascarenhas, Secretary Steven D'Souza, Joint Secretary Royan Misquita and Treasurer Eric Fernandes.

Vasant Panchami at Gayatri Chetna Center SURENDRA ULLAL

Gayatri founders Pujya Gurudev, Goddess Gayatri and Pujya Mataji

CHICAGO: Gayatri Chetna Center, a no profit socio religious organization in Illinois, has kept up its tradition of hosting Vasant Panchami celebration this year also. It has announced a Grand Vasant Panchami program at its Itasca facility on Fri-

day, January 27 starting 6 p.m. The program, according to Harendra Mangrola, spokesman, involves Akhand (non stop) Gayatri Jap for 12 hours from 6 a.m. in the morning to 6 p.m. in the evening which will be followed up

with a Grand Saraswati Pujan with devotional music on Sunday January 29 at the Itasca facility The program, Mangrola added, will end with Virat Deep Yagya. Mahaprasad will be served after the program.

Vedic Day Care Center celebrates Christmas K RAJDA

CHICAGO: One of the unique day care centers that offer training to Indian American kids in oriental surrounding, the Chicago based Vedic Day Care Center held its annual Christmas celebrations on December 24 at its premise on Devon Avenue in Chicago. About 100 people attended the event that lasted over two hours. There were different performances by the children of the day care. The children sang devotional songs, Christmas carols

Vedic Day Care Center children celebrating Christmas

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and performed a drama about the birth of Christ. They exchanged gifts amongst themselves, which brought joy to them. Along with the Christmas program, the Vedic Day Care also celebrated Gita Jayanti. Bhagavad Gita books were distributed amongst the parents and teachers. The celebration was joined by friends and family. The finale of the day was a Christmas lunch. It was a day to celebrate with excitement and was enjoyed by the people that attended the program. The Vedic Day Care celebrates each occasion with great enthusiasm, which brings enjoyment to the children. It is a well known school in the Chicago land area. The director, Vrashbha Das, of the Vedic Day Care Center offered thanks to Dr. Agarwal, Dr. Devika Arya, Dr. Modi, Kal Patel, and Dr. Mehta for their financial support. A special thanks was given out to Swati restaurant along with Jay Hind restaurant for providing the prashad.


January 20, 2012

India Post 19

Gurpreet Sohal takes over as Fremont Postmaster India Post News Service

FREMONT: It may not be the last bastion that Indian Americans will have made a mark on, but early last month, Gurpreet (Gopi) Sohal was sworn in as Postmaster of the Fremont Main Post Office in Fremont, California. On December 9, Sohal, followed a proud tradition dating back to 1960 when Rueben Z. Clements

postmaster, she held the position of Officer-in-Charge at the Moraga, Alameda, Walnut Creek and Fremont Post Offices. In 2007, Sohal served as manager of Post Office Operations. She held postmaster positions at the Moraga and Walnut Creek Post Offices prior to being appointed as the Fremont Postmaster. "As the new Fremont Postmaster, it is an honor and privilege to

In 2007, Sohal served as manager of Post Office Operations. She held postmaster positions at the Moraga and Walnut Creek Post Offices prior to being appointed as the Fremont Postmaster was appointed the first Fremont Postmaster. Sohal began her US Postal Service career in 1986 as a letter carrier in Fremont. She began her managerial career in 1996. Prior to this appointment, Sohal held the position of supervisor of Customer Service at the Richmond Post Office and the Moraga Post Office. In preparation for becoming a

be appointed to this important civic position," said Sohal. "I am looking forward to serving the Fremont community with reliable and dependable service. It is really all about personal service. I believe we must put a very public face on the Postal Service. "In addition, it all begins with a positive effort to make all our customer interactions personal, whether across the counter or on

Gurpreet ĂŹGopiĂŽ Sohal delivers a speech

the street," she said. "Excellent customer service comes from taking personal pride in the work you do through a spirit of teamwork, which ultimately shows how the Post Office will remain the gateway to the American household. Serving the community also means being a part of the community through involvement and per-

sonal activity." Sohal resides in Pittsburg with her husband Jit and her son Miccey, 31, and daughter Preety, 29. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, surfing the web for new information, and spending time with family. She is an avid achiever of knowledge and enjoys learning new information

about all lifestyles, and she believes in living every day to the fullest. As Fremont Postmaster, Sohal oversees 270 employees who process and deliver daily mail volume of more than 395,000 pieces to 79,397 delivery points (addresses), 134 routes and 4,633 Post Office boxes, six days a week.


20 India Post

January 20, 2012





Sat Jan 21

Wed March 7

• Desiliciouse Starlust partyBollywood

• Loves Got a hold on me

Venue: Pacha NYC 618 W. 46 Street, New York Time: 10pm Highlights: Bolly Dance Music by Ashu Rai Bolly Visuals by Neeraj from London.

Venue: Freedom Hall, 410 Lakewood Boulevard, Park Forest, IL Time: 7pm Contact: 312-572-9373

Sat March 17

Sat Feb 4

• Tufaan 2012

• Kartik Seshadri-Masters of Indian Music

Venue: Cahn Auditorium, Northwestern University, 600 Emerson Street, Evanston, IL Time: 6pm Contact: 617-827-5581

Venue: Peter Norton Symphony Space 2537, Broadway@ 95th Street, New York Time: 8pm Contact: 212-545-7536

Sat April 7 • Best of the Best 2012 Venue: Tribeca Performing Arts Center, 199 Chambers Street, New York Time: 6:30pm

Sat March 10 • FAM Entertainment Theater Company Presents ìChicagoís 2012 Breaking the Cycle Da Venue: Ford City Mall, 7601 S. Cicero, Chicago Time: 8:30am Contact: 312-572-9373





Fri Jan 20 • Musik Waves Presents A tribute Concert to Jagjit Singh Venue: Edison Hotel, 3050 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, New Jersey Time: 8pm Contact: 732-277-6687

Sat Feb 4 • Fusion Beats Presents Ladies Night Out! Venue: Ramada Inn, 999 Route 1 South North Brunswick, New Jersey Time: 7pm Contact: 732-422-6480

Sat March 31



Thurs Jan 19 ï Classical Indian Vocal Music & Dance Venue: Samsung Hall 200 Larkin St. San Francisco, CA 94102 Time: 7pm Contact: 415-581-3500

Sat Jan 21 • Kasturi Media Presents Swara Sanjeevini Venue: Spangenberg Theatre, Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Rd, Palo Alto, CA Time: 4pm Contact: 510-402-4633

Sun Jan 22 ï Natya Yoga: The Yoga of Bharatanatyam Venue: Cultural Integration Fellowship 2650 Fulton St San Francisco, CA Time: 11am

Sat Jan 28

Sat Jan 21

• Dhol Di Awaaz

• IAGB Republic Day Celebration

Venue: Center of Performing Arts 255 Almaden Blvd, San Jose, CA Time: 6pm

Venue: Burlington High School, 123 Cambridge Street, Burlington, MA Time: 4pm Contact: 781-325-8171

Sat Feb 4 • Pongal Vizha-2012 Venue: Littleton High School Auditorium, 56 King Street, Littleton, MA Time: 3pm

Sat April 7 • Swar Bahaar Venue: Littleton High School Auditorium, 56 King Street, Littleton, MA Time: 4pm Contact: 617-905-4305

Upcoming Sat Jan 21

• Arif Lohar/Sanam Marvi Ensemble Venue: Pollak Theater, 400 Cedar Ave, West Long Branch, New Jersey Time: 8pm Contact: 732-263-6889


Sat Feb 4 ï Teacher Workshop: New Year Celebrations Venue: Asian Art Museum 200 Larkin St. San Francisco, CA Time: 9:30am

Sun Feb 5 • Year of the Dragon Celebration Venue: Museum Wide 200 Larkin St. San Francisco, CA Time: 11am

• HTHF Annual Dance & Dinner Gala Event 2012 Venue: Arcadia Community Center Hall, 365 Campus Drive, Arcadia, CA 91006 Time: 7pm Contact: 626-991-4789

Sat Jan 28 • Garba with Attitude Venue: Segerstrom Center of the Arts, 600 Town Center Drive, 92626 Time: 1pm Contact:

Fri Feb 3 to Sat Feb 25 • Buddha: Triumph & Tragedy in The Life of the Great Sage Venue: Bootleg Theater, 2220 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057 Time: 7:30pm Contact: 800-838-3006 Highlights: Written & Performed by Evan Brenner, Directed by John C. Reilly, Presented by the Bootleg Theater

Sun Feb 05 • South Asian Wedding Expo 2012 Information Venue: Pacific Palms Hotel & Conference Center, 1 Industry Hills Parkway, CA Time: 11am Contact: 714-493-7900

Sun Feb 11 • Passage Meditation Retreat in Encino Venue: Holy Spirit Retreat Center, 4316 Lanai Road, Encino, CA Time: 9am Contact: 800-475-2369

Sat Feb 18 • Mehfil Entertainment Presents Valentine 2012 Bollywood Musical Eve Venue: Royal Delhi Palace, 22323 Sherman Way, Canoga Park, CA Time: 6pm

Realty Tidbits

Taj Group to offer new brand

Real Estate


he Indian Hotels-owned Taj Group has planned to announce a new brand, to add to its current bouquet. While the name is under wraps, it is likely to be a category between their Gateway and Ginger ones. Ginger is the budget hotel grouping, with daily room rates up to Rs 2,500. Gateway is a notch above, with rates between Rs 5,000 and Rs 7,000. Taj has opted for a gradation strategy in recent years. Vivanta was the last such branding exercise. Meant for the workhard and play-hard variety, it was supposed to follow the launch of Gateway hotels in 2008, but got delayed to 2010, first because of the economic slowdown and then the November 2008 terrorist attack.

Gurgaon apartment sold for Rs 5.63 crore NEW DELHI: In one of the recent transactions in Gurgaon, a 5,200 sq.ft apartment was transacted at a price of Rs 5.63 crore. This transaction took place in Unitech World Spa, a luxury condominium complex located in South City I. This 5BHK apartment is located on the 3rd floor in one of the apartment towers. The unit comes with three car parking spaces. The group housing project is built on 21 acres of land and has amenities like 100% power backup, unlimited water supply, exclusive club house, 24/7 security system, swimming pool, spa facilities and jacuzzi, among other

Santacruz (W) apartment sold for Rs 3.8 crore MUMBAI: A 1,285 sq.ft. resale apartment at a premium residential project at Santacruz (W) was transacted at Rs 3.8 crore. This price is inclusive of two car parks. This unfurnished apartment is housed in a 12-storied building located in one of Santacruz West's premium residential pockets. The building has two wings with 2- and 3- bedroom apartments with only four spacious flats per floor. It is one of the few buildings in the city that offers a wide array of amenities and an ideal location. Santacruz (West) is strikingly more affluent than the eastern part of the suburb. It is bordered by Khar, Juhu and Vile Parle.


India Post

January 20, 2012

Noida banks urge SC to extend date NEW DELHI: Nineteen nationalized banks have urged the Supreme Court to extend the February 5 deadline to move out of residential areas of Noida, saying elaborate security arrangements and scrupulous adherence to guidelines laid by Reserve Bank of India and Central Vigilances Commission had to be followed in selecting and operationalising branches in new locations.

Real estate firms drop overseas plans


eal estate companies, which started venturing overseas around 2006-07, are reviewing their global plans. With the slump in international realty markets, many domestic companies are either withdrawing from weak markets or putting their global plans on hold. Raheja Developers, for instance, has shelved plans to enter markets such as Mauritius and Colombo. Hiranandani Group, which has a major presence in Dubai, has changed its strategy. It's stopped launching new projects, and is focusing on completing existing projects for other developers on a contractual basis. Omaxe has already exited Dubai. Darshan Hiranandani, director and chief executive officer, Hircon International, a joint venture between the Hiranandani group and ETA Star, says the company was not launching any new project in Dubai due to the slump. "Our strategy is to complete the incomplete projects for other developers on a contractual basis." According to him, 23 Marina

in Dubai, which was recently completed, has been sold out. However, the launch of Business Bay, which the company says 'coming soon' on its website, will not be for sometime. He was optimistic the market would recover soon. But Nayan Raheja, director, Raheja Developers, is not so

"There is negative sentiment internationally. At this point, we are not even considering venturing out," Raheja said. Tata Housing is one of the few companies looking overseas at this point. After establishing itself in the Maldives, the company is looking at Colombo in Sri Lanka. Its managing director and chief

Tata Housing is one of the few companies looking overseas at this point. After establishing itself in the Maldives, the company is looking at Colombo in Sri Lanka hopeful about prospects of the international market. The Dubai market would not recover, at least in the next five years, he said. "Nobody should be looking at the Dubai market as of today," said Raheja. Raheja Developers, which was evaluating opportunities to enter Mauritius and Colombo, is giving it a miss in the wake of the global economic and realty gloom.

executive, Brotin Banerjee, said, "We are confident of finalizing a few projects in Sri Lanka this financial year - Colombo will be one of the locations. All these international projects are being planned through separate special purpose vehicles formed for each country or project." Banerjee said the company was in the final stages of due diligence for two mixed-use devel-

opment projects of two million square feet each in Colombo. Of this, one could be affordable housing. "With peace returning to the island nation, real estate will be a big growth story there," Banerjee said. Tata Housing has earmarked Rs 1,000 crore for various ventures in 2011-12. "We work on a multi-city strategy and projects targeting all customer segments and hence, a slowdown in some geographies or customer segments does not adversely impact us," said Banerjee. Omaxe Group entered Dubai in 2007, with a goal of expanding in West Asia. But after investing Rs 50 crore (the first installment of a Rs 1,600-crore project) through a joint venture with Dubai World's property developer, Nakheel, Omaxe withdrew from the market due to a near lull. "We got the investment back, as Nakheel put the projects on hold indefinitely," said Rohtas Goel, chairman and managing director, Omaxe. And now, the company has no plan of expanding outside India. Cont’d on page 23

Realty companies becoming more professional NEW DELHI: When you think of real estate, the image that comes to your mind is one of an unorganized industry run by some promoters and their family members in an unprofessional manner. But with so much construction activity happening in the past few years, that impression is slowly changing. The real estate business in India has grown manifold in recent times, and companies have also increased their scale of operations. From doing just one or two projects, today, many companies are involved in multiple projects, often across many cities. So, builders are not only scaling up their operations, they are also trying to improve their image. In the past one year, many real estate firms like Orris Infrastructure, M3M India, Logix Group, The 3C Company and others have hired professional chief executive officers, finance chiefs and business heads to run their operations in a more professional manner.

While steps to improve transparency and professionalism have been taken in the past as well, it is much more evident now. "Developers can get professionals on board but their seriousness to change will be seen only if they can retain and grow these professional teams," says Anckur Srivasttava, chairman of property

Noida. "Having a professional team adds to the overall reputation of the company, even in the eyes of private equity funds and other investors," says Shakti Nath, managing director of Logix Group. Since the new CEO has come on board, the company has already secured 80 crore of funding for a

Many real estate firms like Orris Infrastructure, M3M India, Logix Group, The 3C Company and others have hired professional chief executive officers, finance chiefs and business heads advisory firm GenReal Property Advisers. Noida-based developer Logix Group, for instance, has hired a professional chief executive officer about six months ago when it was expanding its business and was executing some of its biggest projects in the Delhi suburb of

new project in Noida from ICICI Prudential AMC. Today, global search firm Stanton Chase is helping three promoter-driven real estate companies in south India search for professional CEOs. "These companies have grown organically and have built a platform. Now

they want to grow and probably list on the bourses," says Priya Chetty-Rajagopal, vice president, Stanton Chase. "Real estate companies grew too fast between 2006 and 2008 because of the boom, but without adequate support infrastructure," says Ravi Ramu, the former chief financial officer at Puravankara Projects. Realising the fast pace of growth, the Bangalore-based firm had hired Ravi Ramu in 2006, just before it went for its initial public offering in 2007. When Ramu came in, part of his brief was to prepare for an IPO. He and other professionals brought in a host of other changes, like putting in place an ERP system and centralized accounting and finance, which were a pre-requisite for expansion and growth. "Professionals bring in a fresh external perspective, which is not just from real estate but also from other industries," he says. Cont’d on page 23


Real Estate Post

India Post

January 20, 2012

Slum-free cities: Freeing slums Builders to make buyers pay for FSI in future or freeing lands?


lums have been in perpetual state of persistence in political parlance and policy promises. From slum removal in seventies to slum-networking in 2000, there has been a paradigm shift in addressing slums in urban Indian context. By 2000, it was a realization that formal systems government or private, has failed in addressing affordable housing to nearly half of urban population. On the other end, individual initiatives by slum-dwellers have managed to find them basic shelters if not decent housing without any external help. What they have not been able to provide are collective infrastructure and what they do not have is legal tenure of land. The first deficiency makes them defined as slum with squalid conditions while the latter condition describe them as squatments through illegal ownership of land. The UN defines slums as a building, a group of buildings or area characterized by overcrowding, deterioration, unhygienic conditions or any one of them endangering health, safety, or morals of its inhabitants or the community. This refers to squalid conditions of living and not the legality of land ownership. By this defini-

tion even sizeable part of old cities in India, like Shahjahanabad in Delhi or Pols in Ahmedabad will get included in it, which are well-known holistic living environments. What then is the hue and cry about slums in current times? How much of the debate today revolves

By this definition even sizeable part of old cities in India, like Shahjahanabad in Delhi or Pols in Ahmedabad will get included in it, which are well-known holistic living environments around improving quality of housing versus freeing up of priceless land on which they locate? Slums of India, unlike those in Latin American cities, do not concentrate in suburbs. They often occupy pristine lands of the cities. Real estate appreciation due to

BPTP buys out Merrill Lynch stake in Gurgaon


eal estate developer BPTP is buying back Merrill Lynch's 49% stake in its Crest office building in Gurgaon for Rs 180 crore. The developer has its corporate office in the same building. Merrill Lynch had invested Rs 100 crore in the project in 2007 at the peak of the real estate cycle in India. Now, Merrill Lynch's Asian real estate assets, including those in India, are managed by Blackstone. BPTP recently raised Rs 270 crore through lease rent discounting of the 625,000 sq ft office building in Gurgaon that has tenants such as Deloitte, Fidelity as well BPTP itself, a person close to the development said on condition of anonymity. The company is using a part of this money to buyback the stake from Merrill. The asset is valued at Rs 530 crore, including a debt of Rs 170 crore. Net of debt, the value of the asset is Rs 360 crore. The source said BPTP has used the money raised to repay this debt. A Blackstone spokesperson refused to comment. Email sent to BPTP remained unanswered. "Merrill has been looking at exiting its in-

vestments in India after the buyout by Blackstone to show returns to investors," said Amit Goenka, national director (capital transactions) at property consultancy Knight Frank India. Besides Merrill Lynch, other in-

BPTP recently raised Rs 270 crore through lease rent discounting of the 625,000 sq ft office building in Gurgaon that has tenants such as Deloitte vestors like Citi Property Investors and JP Morgan have bought stakes in BPTP's projects as well as at the entity level. In 2008, Citi had invested Rs 640 crore to buy 40% stake in four of BPTP's special economic zone projects.

city's growth becomes their enemy. Gulbai Tekra, which started of as camp for construction workers, and domestic help living by the riverfront are such examples in our city. These settlements applied themselves on unwanted, innocent and perhaps inhabitable lands of the city. But as city developed, they became a part of urban agglomeration and caught attention of real estate hawks. Housing shortages amounting to 24.7 million corresponds with about 40% of urban households. Almost 42.6 million or 15% of urban population live in slums. Ahmedabad has little below quarter (23%) of its population as slum-dwellers. In Mumbai, over 55% population live in slums. The irony is that this populace occupies only 8% of Mumbai's total land. If half of the Mumbaikars manages to live in such a small area of land and solve their housing troubles themselves, do we still need to eye these lands for further economic equations? How about we grant these spaces to these dwellers? Security of tenure alone is good enough for people to invest their own resources and improve quality of housing.


low sales may force builders to hold on to prices, but expect the extra cost to be passed on in the future. The Maharashtra government's recent decision to make developers pay a premium for any floor space index (FSI, the ratio of the total built-up area allowed on a plot vis-a-vis the plot size), eliminating the earlier concessions on this, is likely to have two consequences. One is to push up property prices, though this may not happen right away. Said Deepak Parekh, chairman, Housing Development Finance Corporation, "Developers won't be able to increase property prices in this market. Owing to the slowdown, I don't think the market can absorb any rise in prices at the moment." With a sluggish market, developers may not pass on the extra cost to buyers for now. Affordable housing projects may be an exception. The calculation of total area (carpet area versus super built-up) will be more transparent. In turn, there may be a rise in the habitable/usable area of the flat. Additional free of cost parking for developer won't bring buyers much relief.

As a result, builders may have to absorb the additional cost and see an impact on profit. However, come boom time, the cost will definitely be passed on to consumers for all projects, adds Parekh. Anyway, the so-called 'free FSI' areas were never really 'free' for buyers. As Parekh explains, "Ev-

Builders may have to absorb the additional cost and see an impact on profit. However, come boom time, the cost will definitely be passed on to consumers ery developer was charging the customers based on super builtup area, whereas he was paying the government for the construction permissions at rates based on carpet areas. This move is just the government's way of doing away with the loophole being exploited by the developers and increasing their revenue."

Hotels shed specific properties


few hotel chains are look ing to sell specific proper ties, while one hotel chain is looking for equity infusion. Luxury hospitality chain Leela, for instance, is looking to exit its Chennai venture. JW Mariott Chennai and the Royal Orchid chain are among the others scouting for investors, according to people with direct knowledge of the scenario. There are at least three more luxury hotels in Delhi and Goa reportedly wanting to sell off properties, but their top managers have denied such a move. "Companies for whom hospitality is not the main business will consolidate and some may exit the sector. 2012 will definitely see a lot of transactions," said Kaushik Vardharajan, MD, HVS India. HVS India is a hospitality consultant, which has received many enquiries for such transactions from domestic as well as international companies. The deals are taking longer than expected to fructify over issues of pricing. According to banking sources, the asking price for properties like the Leela (Chennai) is Rs 1,000 crore. Viceroy-owned JW Marriott,

Chennai, is likely to be on sale with an estimated price of Rs 800 crore. The Leela Hotels and Resorts declined to comment on the matter. Viceroy Hotels, too, did not comment. The promoter of a Goa chain, that is learnt to have definite plans to offload equity, quipped, "Where are the buyers?". Royal Orchid Hotel chain,

There are at least three more luxury hotels in Delhi and Goa reportedly wanting to sell off properties, but their top managers have denied such a move

which has 20 hotels across India, is looking for partners to offload equity in its Hyderabad property as a part of its overall strategy to reduce debt exposure by Rs 100 crore this year, according to a top

company executive. The chain has a debt exposure of Rs 300 crore. "We want to raise some funds for the chain's expansion as we want to have a hotel in Mumbai and Delhi. Other than that, we want to retain management contracts," said Chander Baljee, chairman and MD, Royal Orchid Hotels. The biggest real estate company of India, DLF, too is in talks with potential buyers for Aman Hotels and Resorts. The company's strategy is to divest stake in non-core businesses to reduce debt. "It is a buyer's market, not a seller's market," a senior industry executive pointed out. According to experts, there is quite a lot of international money coming into the hospitality sector with several private equity players sitting on funds which would be forced to deploy this year. Also, those who missed the chance to invest in hospitality assets during the 2008-09 slowdown, may get an opportunity in the coming months due to the weak economic and real estate scenario. Sale of hotel at the project stage is also expected as many have failed to take off.

Real Estate Post

January 20, 2012

India Post


Serviced offices offer workspace solution


emant Paliwal, managing partner at HPACS Con sulting, has an office in Delhi, but two years ago, he decided to set up another, more impressive, one in a business-centric area. "Our office wasn't at a prime location and we wanted one befitting international standards," says Paliwal. However, he discovered that setting up such an office in a 500sq-ft area would cost him at least Rs 2 crore. He fished around for a better alternative and zoomed in on a serviced office space provider. A serviced office can be considered a plug-and-work option for any type of business. From fully equipped private offices, meeting and conference rooms, with the latest video conferencing technology, to cafe, pantry and business lounges, a serviced office has everything a company needs to operate. The service provider also offers the customer the staff necessary to keep the workspace running. These include secretarial support, a reception team, infotech support, building maintenance and cleaning. A 24-hour security service is also included. You only need to pay a fixed fee depending on the number of days for which you use the corporate workspace. Some of the older players in this segment are DBS Business Centre and Apeejay Business Centre, while other prominent names include Regus, The Executive Centre, ServeCorp, Stylus, New Bridge Centre and Vatika Business Centre. Says Paliwal: "The serviced office is in the heart of Delhi and I only pay as per my usage. So, if I use it for only 10 days in a month, they bill me accordingly." He pays around `7,000 a day to his service provider for a 220-sq-ft fully furnished office, which has the latest office equipment and is situated at Eros Corporate Towers at Nehru

Place. Paliwal handles his entire operations from the other office in Vasant Vihar, but while dealing with overseas clients, he prefers to use the serviced office. How cost-effective is it? Compared to a regular office, a serviced one can deliver big savings for customers, especially when you consider the lifecycle of an office. In case of a serviced office, you pay only for what you need and when you need it. There

The service provider also offers the customer the staff necessary to keep the workspace running. These include secretarial support, a reception team, infotech support, building maintenance and cleaning is no upfront cost to set up the office and it is managed on your behalf. According to Anuj Puri, chairman & country head, Jones Lang LaSalle India, serviced offices make sense for companies that are just setting up business or established firms that want to cautiously expand to new territories. They are an excellent way of managing investment risk, while offering a cost-effective and flexible solution to start-ups and firms that require off-site office space. "In the serviced office model, you only pay for what you really need. The shared and centrally managed IT infrastructure, secretarial services and conference facilities can re-

duce costs significantly," says Puri. Madhusudan Thakur, regional vice-president, South Asia, Regus, says that many customers prefer the flexibility and ease of use. "When you consider the overall cost, a serviced office offers savings of up to 60%," he claims. The company can also save significantly from not having to hire a large, permanent staff. It also cuts down on the management's time since it doesn't have to worry about recruitment and retention issues. The company also doesn't have to bother about salaries, electricity and telephone bills, etc. Is it better than a virtual office? The main difference between the two is that while a virtual office provides only services, a serviced office also offers physical space. So, a virtual office provides a different type of solution since it offers the benefits of administrative support and pay-per-use access to facilities such as meeting rooms. It is ideal for specific industries that employ consultants or for home-based businesses, which want a professional address and access to top-class facilities but do not need full-time workspace. Virtual offices are even more cost-effective than serviced offices as there is no rent to pay. This makes it ideal for small, home-run businesses. One can start with a virtual office and once the business picks up to the desired level, one can easily upgrade to a serviced office. For instance, a serviced office in Mumbai can cost `24,000-40,000 per person a month, depending on the location, with a significant discount available for shared workspaces. The price of a virtual office starts from `4,700 in the same city. What are the drawbacks? The biggest problem is that serviced offices do not offer any scope for customization or visible

Realty companies becoming more professional Cont’d from page 21

Fast-growing firms can then grow even faster as promoters then don't need to be involved in day-to-day functioning of the company. "One can then concentrate on the strategic aspects of the business," says Nitesh Shetty, chairman and managing director of Bangalore-based Nitesh Estates, who brought in professionals at different levels early in the life of his business. In 2007, when the

company got private equity funding, the private equity team also guided the company to bring in professionals to improve efficiency and transparency. For banks, PE funds, partners and vendors, dealing with professionals in a company give that required comfort factor. Four months ago, Gurgaon-based Orris Infrastructure hired former private equity executive Manish Gupta who has helped the company secure a debt of 80 crore from Kotak Real

Fund. "He is the face of the company in the market," says Amit Gupta, managing director. It's been a challenge for promoters to attract professional talent into their real estate firms but once they are able to bring in a professional on board, things change. "It helps portray an image and then professionals attract other professionals," says Sanjay Dutt, chief executive officer, business at property consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle India.

company branding, as is provided by leased or owned offices. There is less visibility for your business as it is unlikely to appear on the building's main lobby directory, though most serviced offices offer directory listings on their premises. Also, such an office cannot be counted as a company asset. While you are paying for the office, you don't actually own it. So, going for a serviced office might

There is no cost for setting up the business or fee for estate agent/solicitor. All your outgoing amount is tax-deductible and treated as standard operating expense. You don't need to sign a longterm commitment be a good solution for a short duration, but may not make for a costeffective option in the long run. Benefits of a serviced office

A flat monthly fee takes care of everything you need to run your business-space and services. You can move into a fully furnished office suite within 24 hours. This provides an immediate solution to your office requirement. It gives the flexibility to expand or contract office space as business grows or reduces. There is no cost for setting up the business or fee for estate agent/solicitor. All your outgoing amount is tax-deductible and treated as standard operating expense. You don't need to sign a longterm commitment for lease agreement. Services & players Fully furnished private offices, with phone, photocopier, fax machine, high-speed Internet access, state-of-the-art lighting, furniture, air conditioning. Meeting and conference rooms, with the latest video conferencing technology. You also get access to cafe, pantry and business lounges. Staff for secretarial work, IT support and building maintenance is provided. The players in this segment include DBS Business Centre, Apeejay Business Centre, Regus, The Executive Centre, ServeCorp, Stylus, New Bridge Centre and Vatika Business Centre.

Real estate firms drop overseas plans Cont’d from page 21

According to Sunil Dahiya, managing director of Vigneshswara Developers and vice-president of the National Real Estate Development Council, it is not just real estate developers, but also construction companies, which are withdrawing from the Gulf. "Indian companies in West Asia, especially into construction projects, are experiencing a near

lull, as no major work is happening there. The contractors are not being paid," he said. At least 10 to 15 construction companies present in the Gulf are suffering from the slump. Real estate consulting firm Cushman & Wakefield's chief executive for Asia Pacific, Sanjay Verma, said, "For those over expanded, it would be a sensible move to focus on their core strength at this point."


1 Ooh La La: The Dirty Picture 2 Saddaa Haq: Rockstar 3 Ishq Sufiyana: The Dirty Picture 4 Kun Faya Kun: Rockstar 5 Subha Hone Na De: Desi Boyz 24

India Post

January 20, 2012

6 Jazba: Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl 7 Dil Ke Liye: Ghost 8

Hai Yeh Maya: Don 2

9 Jhoom Jhoomta Hun Main : Players 10 Dil Yeh Bekarar Kyu Hai : Players


ollywood actor Tom Cruise seemed to be pretty impressed with our talented actress Tabu and spent a lot of time with her at the party thrown in his honor. Tabu is working with Ang Lee's next project titled 'Life of Pi' and it was this fact that aroused Cruise's interest in Tabu. Tom is a huge Ang Lee fan and when he met Tabu he discussed a lot of things with Tabu including the facts about shooting in India and the actress' experience with Ang Lee. Tom had heard a lot of Tabu's work including the amount of appreciation she garnered with her work in 'Namesake'. So, while the Bollywood biggies were vying for Cruise's attention at the party, Tabu obviously grabbed the stuff easily.

Open secret

R Awesome projects


here is no fun to be a part of films which are not liked by the audience, Deepika Padukone told a news agency on her birthday last month. Well by "films which are not liked by the audience", Deepy meant films like Aarakshan and Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey. Year 2012 is going to be different, she says, where she will be seen in three awesome projects. Cocktail with Saif Ali Khan, Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani with Ranbir Kapoor and the multi-starrer Race 2.

ani Mukherjee was recently spotted in the airport, with the Chopras, including Aditya Chopra, returning from London, after a lavish new year bash. Spotted were Rani Mukherjee, Aditya Chopra, Uday Chopra and Yash Chopra. If buzz is to be believed, Rani and the Chopras welcomed 2012 in New York and then flew to London. Interestingly, this is the first time in a long time that Rani did not hide her herself from being photographed. Surprisingly, the actress even smiled for the picture. Well, this time, Aditya Chopra also didn't shy away from being clicked. Rather, Adi walked confidently, while the cameramen were doing their job. Now, this makes us wonder. Are Rani and Aditya planning to make their relationship public?

January 20, 2012



ausam starring Sonam Kapoor and Shahid Kapoor was a dud at the box office and guess what Sonam had to say about the film. Well, rumors have it that the actress has trashed the movie as too slow. Sonam Kapoor was quoted to have told a film magazine, "I think the pacing of Mausam was its biggest flaw. It wasn't something young kids would like to watch." However, the actress denies all such reports. Clarifying it on Twitter, Sonam tweeted, "I love every film I've been part of! And the journalist who wrote that horrendous article has a bone to pick with me." She added, "Mausam is one of my most memorable films, and having some jerk trying to pull it down is a terrible feeling."

Kissing choice New perfectionist!


anbir Kapoor seems to be following Aamir Khan's footsteps, to becoming the new Mr Perfectionist in Bollywood. We saw his awesome work in Rockstar. Now the actor is busy preparing for his next flick, Barfee. It is heard that the actor has taken over the task of shooting his own close ups in the film from cinematographer Ravi K Chandran. A source from the sets of the film said, "Since Ranbir plays a mute character, he needed to get his expressions perfect. Through his eyes and other facial expressions Ranbir needed to convey a limitless range of emotions that go from thoughtful to funny. And to capture the exact expressions at the exact time, Ranbir suggested he operate the camera himself on himself." What's more interesting is that Ravi Chandran, who is known to be a perfectionist in his field, has given this liberty to Ranbir. "That's because Ravi and Ranbir go back a long way. Ravi shot Sanjay Leela Bhansali's Black where Ranbir was an assistant. Coincidentally Black was also about a deaf-and-mute protagonist. So Ranbir and Ravi know how difficult it is to get the right expressions on camera at just the right moment," explained the source.


hen Jacqueline Fernandez was asked to lock lips with John Abraham, the actress just couldn't say no. The actress will be seen opposite John in AbbasMustan's Race 2. A source close to the film, "Jacqueline will be playing John Abraham's love interest in AbbasMustan's Race 2. She is going to shoot for an intimate lip-lock scene with John soon." If buzz is to be believed, Jacqueline has once refused to kiss the Greek God of Bollywood, Hrithik Roshan. Now, that she has accepted to lock lips with John, it has come as a surprise to many. Well, it is heard that Sajid Khan who is currently dating the gorgeous actress, must have influenced her decision as he is a very good friend to John.

India Post



The park's original inhabitants - the rhino and the elephant being the most noticeable - now thrive in a serene environment to the sheer delight of nature lovers


aziranga National Park, situated in the northeastern state of Assam, is one of the most picturesque wildlife parks in India. The natural habitat of the one-horned rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis), Kaziranga lies on the southern banks of the Brahmaputra River, northeast of Assam's capital Guwahati. Originally established as a game reserve in 1908, which included specific portions of Assam's Sibsagar district, Kaziranga was declared a sanctuary in 1940 to counter excessive poaching. In 1974, the Indian Government declared it as a protected site. The park's original inhabitants - the rhino and the elephant being the most noticeable - now thrive in a serene environment to the sheer delight of nature lovers. Viewing wildlife at Kaziranga Park because of its vast open spaces, the presence of the mighty Brahmaputra, and adjoining Mikir hills makes a trip to Kaziranga a complete 'jungle' adventure.

nuary 20, 2012

Best time to visit: Weather in Kaziranga is pleasant throughout the year. There are no extremities in terms of temperature variation; the winters (November-January) are cool and summers warm (temperature does not exceed 38°C). Monsoon (June-July) season is dominant and lasts for a long time in this area. Mild showers may be experienced throughout the year. Tourist attractions: Apart from being the home of the one-horned rhino, it is also the natural habitat of wild buffaloes, wild boars, elephants, Barasinghas (swamp and hog deer), leopards, tigers, hoolock gibbons, capped langur, rock python, monitor lizards, various species of eagles, partridge, bar-headed geese, whistling teals, florican storks, herons, pelicans and water fowls. Cont’d on page 28

January 20, 2012

Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post 27

Indians help surge in Lanka tourism COLOMBO: There was a surge in the number of foreign visitors to Sri Lanka, with Indians being the largest group of holiday makers last year amid efforts by the government to boost the sector following the end of a three- decade ethnic conflict in 2009. The number of Indians visiting Sri Lanka last year jumped 35.1 per cent to 171,374 in 2011 compared to 126,882 in 2010, the Tourism Development Authority said. Overall, the number of tourists visiting Sri Lanka increased to 855,000 from 654,000 in the previous year, official figures showed. There was a significant increase in the number of Chinese tourists. They accounted for a modest 16,308, but their increase over 2010 was a staggering 56.4 per cent showing the growing Chinese interest in the country. The number of Pakistan tourists recorded an even bigger increase with 14,724 arriving in 2011, up 61 per cent from the 9,148 arrivals in 2010. Officials were concerned that the new online-visa system which replaced the visa on arrival from the start of this year may affect the tourist traffic from South Asian nations as well as European markets. Nationals from SAARC countries must pay USD 10 as visa processing fee while others must pay USD 20 with the exception

Air Tours Inc. wishes you a very

of Singaporeans and Maldivians who have been exempted from the system on a reciprocal basis. According to earlier reports, Sri Lanka has laid out plans to transform its tourism sector into a leading driver of economic growth, with the government aiming to woo FDI to the tune of USD 3 billion over the next five years, after decades of ethnic conflict the industry hard hit.

The number of Pakistan tourand a very HAPPY TRAVELING

ists recorded an even bigger increase with 14,724 arriving in 2011, up 61 per cent from

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the 9,148 arrivals in 2010


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According to the 'tourism development strategy 2011-2016', Sri Lanka is aiming to raise its tourism earnings by USD 2.25 billion by the year 2016 by increasing tourist arrivals by almost 2 million. The tourism sector, which is regarded to have great potential, had been hit due to decades of militancy in the country, which finally wiped out the LTTE in 2009, ending the 30-year-old conflict. -PTI

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Travel & Hospitality Post

28 India Post

January 20, 2012

Indian tourism fared better in 2011 Countries promise funds NEW DELHI: Indian tourism fared better than other countries in Asia and the Pacific in 2011 with 6.29 million foreign tourist arrivals, recording a growth of 8.9 per cent over the previous year figures. In a statement the tourism ministry said Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India during 2011 were 6.29 million compared to 5.78 million FTAs the previous year. A growth of 8.9 per cent in numerical terms was witnessed in 2011 while there had been a growth of 11.8 per cent during the year 2010, the ministry statement added. The growth rate of 8.9 per cent in 2011 for India is better than the United Nations World Tourism Organization's projected growth rate of 4 to 5 percent for the world in 2011 and 7 to 9 percent for Asia and the Pacific, the ministry said. The month of December, 2011 had been good for the tourism industry, the ministry statement said. Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) during the month of December, 2011 was 7.15 lakh as compared to FTAs of 6.80 lakh during the month of December, 2010 and 6.16 lakh in

December, 2009, the Ministry of Tourism said in a press statement. There has been a growth of 5.2 per cent in December, 2011 over December, 2010 as compared to a growth of 10.4 percent registered in December 2010 over December, 2009, the ministry said. The growth rate in December

The growth rate in FEE in US$ terms in December 2011 over December 2010 was 8.3 per cent as compared to the growth of 3.2 % in December 2010 over December 2009 2011 is higher than 4.7 per cent growth rate observed in November that year, the statement said. Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE) during the month of December 2011 were Rs 8870 crore as compared to Rs 7039 crore in December 2010 and Rs 7042 crore in

Meghalaya seeks investment in tourism SHILLONG: Meghalaya Chief Minister Mukul Sangma called for investments in tourism, nursing, agro-based and food processing sectors, besides horticulture at the two-day 7th North East Business Summit held in Delhi. "Investors can benefit from tourism as the state boasts of one of the best hill stations in the World," Mukul said. "With the presence of high literacy rate among its women, Meghalaya has the potential to

take a lead in nursing industry," he added. The Chief Minister also pointed that agro-based, food processing and horticulture are the other critical areas where the state can provide lucrative opportunities for profitable investment. "The state's environment is suitable for growing pineapples and oranges which is used for developing honey, popularly referred to as Orange Honey across the world," he said. -PTI

December 2009. The growth rate in FEE in Rupee terms in December 2011 over December 2010 was 26 per cent as compared to no growth in December 2010 over December 2009. FEE from tourism in rupee terms during 2011 were Rs 77591 crore with a growth of 19.6 per cent, as compared to the FEE of Rs 64889 crore with a growth of 18.1 per cent during the year 2010 over 2009, the ministry said. FEE in US Dollar terms during the month of December 2011 were US$ 1688 million as compared to FEE of US$ 1558 million during the month of December 2010 and US$ 1510 million in December 2009. The growth rate in FEE in US$ terms in December 2011 over December 2010 was 8.3 per cent as compared to the growth of 3.2 % in December 2010 over December 2009. FEE from tourism in terms of US$ during 2011 were US$ 16564 million with a growth of 16.7 per cent, as compared to US$ 14193 million with a growth of 24.6 percent during the year 2010 over 2009. -PTI

for Bihar tourism

NEW DELHI: With countries like China, Taiwan and Japan promising to invest more than Rs 200 crore, the Bihar government is preparing to transform the state into a world-class destination for religious and historical tourism. While the state government has already chalked out plans for revamping the tourism industry on priority basis, dedicated funds have started to pour in for various destinations after the recent visit of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar to Bhutan and China. "Taiwan has promised to invest Rs 100 crore in restoring the tourist sites at Betiyah and Nandangarh, popularly known as part of the Buddha Trail. Similarly, China has proposed equal investment for Nalanda - the ancient centre for higher learning," state Tourism Minister Sunil Kumar Pintu told PTI. "Bihar is the birth place of religions such as Buddhism and Jainism. It is also the birth place of Goddess Sita and Sikh Guru

Gobind Singh. It also has a special significance for believers of Sufism," he said. Meanwhile, Japan, besides showing interest in developing the tourist sites, has promised financial support for other projects in the state. "Japan is ready to support all kinds of projects starting from roads, infrastructure and education," the Tourism Minister said. "Bihar has undergone some much needed image makeover in last five years. Now the focus is going to be on tourism which has been declared as the top priority area," Pintu said, adding that the budget allocation for tourism department will be more than doubled in the next fiscal. To cater to the rising number of tourists, the state government has started to empanel hotels, guest houses and other places of accommodation after ensuring that they fulfill the basic needs for catering to international visitors. -PTI

Indian tourists top spenders in Singapore SINGAPORE: Even as the whole world is talking about economic slowdown, Indians traveling abroad seem to have thrown the worry to the wind that is if one goes by the figures of the Singapore Tourism Board (STB). Spending by Indian tourists visiting Singapore increased by 41 per cent to SGD 296 million in the third quarter of last year, said the STB. Indians were the top growth market in terms of tourism receipts, boosted by increase in business traffic during the third quarter, said

the STB. STB data showed that a total of 641,000 Indian tourists visited Singapore in the first nine months of last year, a six per cent increase on the year. The Indian tourists had spent SGD 808 million during the January-September period, it said. The STB said India remained the fifth largest tourist generating market for the city state, which is also popular among Indonesians, with 1.925 million visitors recorded during the January-September period, an increase of 14 per cent on

the year. The STB recorded the biggest increase of 39 per cent in visitors from China, totaling 1.23 million during the nine months of 2011. Tourist visitors from neighboring Malaysia increased by 13 per cent to 817,000 and Australia 10 per cent to 717,000 visitors during the period. The five countries accounted for 54 per cent of the total visitors to Singapore, totaling 9.8 million for the period, an increase of 15 per cent from corresponding period in 2010.

Kaziranga National Park: Natural habitat of the one-horned rhino Cont’d from page 26

Large areas of the park comprise marshland interspersed with large pools fringed with reeds, patches of elephant grass, scattered trees, and thickets. In November 1999, the Kaziranga National Park was selected for the millennium award by the World Wildlife Fund-Tiger Conservation Program (WWF-TCP) for being one of the best-managed parks in the country. The Park earned this award for the second time in succession. The areas adjoining the park, though they sound like tough terrains, are easily accessible on the backs of elephants. Mihimukh is the starting point for the park and elephants can be hired from here to enter the sanctuary. An elephant-ride during early hours of dawn awards an excellent opportunity for seeing wildlife at a close

range. Elephants are managed by authorized mahouts (trainers), who guide visitors through the park. Contrary to what one may have heard, rhinos browse past visitors nonchalantly. The rhino is a peace-loving animal and, in-

ephant rides, several watch towers have been set up for elevated viewing of the wildlife park. Pleasant boat rides at the nearby Rhinoland Park can also be availed by tourists. Sunset is a pleasant sight as well with

Contrary to what one may have heard, rhinos browse past visitors nonchalantly. The rhino is a peace-loving animal and, instead of batting an eyelid about peaceful tourists who have invaded its territory, it keeps itself busy grazing stead of batting an eyelid about peaceful tourists who have invaded its territory, it keeps itself busy grazing in the wild. Moreover, the conditions at Kaziranga are ideal for the rhino to survive. In addition to el-

the birds returning to their nests. After sunset, a pleasant conversation and personal experiences can be exchanged with other fellow tourists once the day's adventures come to a close.

Convention and norms are limited and the beauty of the regional flora and fauna can be enjoyed at its closest best. It is precisely for this reason that many tourists feel drawn towards Kaziranga National Park. How to Reach Air: The nearest airport here is Jorhat that offers regular flights to Kolkata. Rail: The nearest railway station is Furkating which is well-connected to Guwahati on the broad gauge line. The trains that connect this place are Brahmaputra Express to Delhi and Kamrup Express to Howrah (Kolkata). There is also the facility of an Intercity Express train that interlinks Furkating with the towns of Dibrugarh and Guwahati on a daily basis. Road: The nearest National Highway to this park is NH-37. Kaziranga is located at a distance of 217 km from Guwahati, of 96 km from Jorhat and 75 km from Furkating.

Travel & Hospitality Post

January 20, 2012

India Post 29

Sanchi Stupa, Gwalior Fort Hungary to speed up visa processing Hungary has as- of road shows across India, he ports. "There are excellent oppordesigns at Dubai festival suredCHENNAI: India it would speed up visa said. tunities for India in areas like waDUBAI: A high facade embodying Gwalior Fort and a theatre incarnate designed in form of Sanchi Stupa are the special attractions this year at India Pavilion in a shopping festival here, which showcases a wide range of products from the country. More than 100 craftsmen came from India to construct the 90

officials. The pavilion every year gives opportunity to Indian promoters to promote Indian goods. This year, some tourism companies are also trying to introduce tourist destinations in India. The pavilion resembles a small village where funfair ambiance prevails and carnival music is played and a wide range of popular cuisines are

processing and it targets to issue 10,000 of them by this year-end. "Last couple of months we have done a lot changes like adding personnel and outsourcing of visas to India. One of our ideas is to make visa procedures as fast as possible," Hungarian Ambassador to India Janos Terenyi told reporters here. He said 4,000 visas were issued in 2011 and by this year end, the target is to issue 10,000 Visas. Besides this initiative, the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry plans to conduct a series

"By September, the road shows will be conducted in key cities, including Chennai, where chamber members will participate", Terenyi who assumed office in August 2011, said. On bilateral trade relations between the two countries, he said it was on the threshold of touching USD 1 billion. It is now USD 670 million and India's share in Hungary's foreign trade is one per cent. He said India has opportunity to tap Hungary's resources on knowledge-based exports and im-

ter treatment, technology pertaining to climate change and also in the field of nano-technology. We would like to find Indian partners on how to use Hungarian know-how in these areas", he said. On the tourism front, he said Budapest is a huge tourist destination, which India's film industry can utilize to the fullest. Indian companies like Tata Consultancy Services, Satyam, Genpact, Cognizant, Wipro are among those who have a presence in Hungary. -PTI

Sahai exhorts people to join 'Clean India' campaign NEW DELHI: Tourism Minister Subodh Kant Sahai has asked people to join 'Clean India' campaign in large numbers to promote the country as a major tourist des-

Gwalior Fort

meter long and 11 meter high facade. Another unique feature adorning the pavilion this year is a theatre incarnate designed in form of Sanchi Stupa, world-renowned Temple located in Sanchi city in Madhya Pradesh. A theatre has been built to host cultural performances during the festival. Sanjay Verma, Consul General of India in Dubai, inaugurated the pavilion in the presence of several number of Global Village

Sanchi Stupa

offered. It is one of the largest pavilions in Global Village this season. “By attracting over 45 countries and growing every year, Global Village is the ideal place for us to participate and present our goods to the audience,� Verma said, after inaugurating the pavilion. -PTI

tination. Inaugurating a 3D show related to the campaign at the India Gate here, he said every section of the society should join the campaign.

"Students and young people should come out in large numbers to promote the message of clean India," an official statement quoted him as saying. -PTI

30 India Post

Travel & Hospitality Post

January 20, 2012

Indian hotels in China's Yunnan province

NEW DELHI: Indian Hotels Company has said it has signed a memorandum of co-operation (MoC) to form a joint venture with China-based Yunnan Tourism for developing two hotels in the Yunnan province of South-West China. As per the agreement, the joint venture will develop, construct, operate and manage two hotels under the brands 'Taj' and 'Vivanta by Taj' in Kunming Expo Garden in Southwest China. "The Indian Hotel Company's presence in Kunming is critical for our selective global expansion plan because of its strategic location with access to key markets like Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Laos," The Indian Hotels Company Executive Director Abhijit Mukerji said in a statement.

The MoC has been done with the support of Strategic European Investment Management Ltd (SEIM) which is the representative of IHCL in China, the company

‘The entry of Taj and Vivanta by Taj brands in Kunming offers an exciting opportunity to establish the brands in the Chinese market’ said. "We are delighted to partner with The Indian Hotels Company Limited to bring the Taj legendary service to the Yunnan province and

China," Yunnan Tourism Co General Manager said. "The entry of Taj and Vivanta by Taj brands in Kunming offers an exciting opportunity to establish the brands in the Chinese market," Mukerji said. While the new Taj hotel will have around 200 rooms, Taj 'Vivanta by Taj' will have around 300 rooms. Kunming Expo is a major communication and transport hub in China having good connectivity with the domestic Chinese tourism circuit. Taj already has management contracts for 'Taj Temple of Heaven Beijing', in close proximity to the Temple of Heaven Park in Beijing. It will also manage a 300key luxury resort in Hainan Island, the premium resort destination in China. -PTI

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MUMBAI: Gujarat Tourism, which is holding the 22nd international kite festival between January 10 and 14, said it has lined up Rs 5,500 crore to ramp up the infrastructure of 37 projects in the next two years. "We have got Rs 5,500 crore budget allocation to develop our infrastructure in next two years for 37 projects.

These include an artificial lake at Saputara and developing a Buddhist circuit in the state," Tourism Corporation of Gujarat (TCGL) Chairman Kamlesh Patel told PTI here. TCGL is also spending another Rs 170 to develop 14 new beach resorts in the state by June this year, he said adding, "The work is already in progress and we are

hoping to develop these beaches by June 2012." The state, which saw around 2 crore tourists in FY11, expects over 2.25 crore visitors, including foreign and domestic travelers, in FY12, he said. "Overall, we are expecting more than 2.92 crore visitors, a growth of 30 per cent, to the state in FY13. Among the overseas visitors, we expect a growth of 17-22 per cent during the next fiscal," he said. People from eight states and 23 countries are going to participate in the International Kite Festival this month. When asked if the state tourism sector will face a negative impact due to the global economic crisis, Patel said, that since Gujarat is mostly visited by tourists from the US and Asia, it would not be much affected. The TCGL is also exploring new geographies like South Africa to promote Gujarat tourism. "There is a lot of potential in South Africa. We are exploring promotional activities there to attract tourists to our state," he added. On the domestic front, he said, Gujarat is mostly visited by people from the adjoining states, the southern states and West Bengal. -PTI


January 20, 2012

India Post


Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar

JANUARY 20TH - JANUARY 26TH (November 23 to December 22)

(March 21 to April 20)



our actions and decisions will reflect confidence. You will have the wisdom to differentiate between right and wrong. Bright idea you have been working on will cause major changes in career soon. Spouse will be working hard and may have some aches and pains in joints. Money wise it looks like a very favorable week.

ou will be spending extra hours at work. Important leads and benefit coming from some one lot younger in age. You may make money through stocks and may win some money in lottery also. Right eye may give some trouble and you may need to have your eyesight checked. You will be full of some bright ideas.

(April 21 to May 20)

(December 22 to January 19)


ew opportunity could take you towards financial freedom. Presence of Mars in fourth and Rahu in seventh is disturbing for personal life. You will need to show lots of patience with partners, whether its life or business partner. People in business will continue to gain ground and edge over their opponents.


xpect some headache from a government agency. More paper work is needed to get the clearance. You will continue to make wise choices in life. Spouse may buy several items for the house. Over the counter medications can resolve the health issue. There will be tremendous progress in ongoing legal matters.

(May 21 to June 20)

(January 20 to February 18)



trong Venus in first will help you achieve professional goals. A dream job or assignment within your reach. Spouse may give you some good news. You should throw all fears out and work on your plans. You will be making preparations for an upcoming important event. Value of stocks purchased recently will appreciate.

nternally you may have a hollow feeling and miss someone who was too close at one time in life. Week very favorable for all financial matters. You should try your hands at lottery. You should let the past go and focus on career as planets can take you closer to your goals if you take some initiative at this point.

(February 19 to March 20)

(June 21 to July 22)



ou Will be looking for ways to generate money to fulfill your previous commitments. Expenses will come down a lot with the new strategy. You are going to enjoy an evening with close family and some old friends. It is another favorable week for people looking for a change in career or trying to start a new venture.

ind will be restless as you will be looking for ways to make some serious changes in life. You may develop taste for hot and spicy food temporarily. Financial pressure will escalate because of fresh commitments. You may have to keep nagging a friend to get the work done. One of your vehicle may need some repairs.

Marriage on cards for Bipasha Basu this year

(July 23 to August 22)


ou are going to enjoy an evening with family and old friends. Planets will help find easy solution to all problems big and small. This could be the beginning of a fantastic relationship for Bachelors. Business will improve a lot and people in job will also do better and have lots of time for recreation on hands. (August 23 to September 22)


oney wise you should be careful. Increased commitments and less revenues will cause panic in your mind. You will be calling overseas more frequently to check progress on projects. You may be in touch with an expert to seek guidance and valuable advice. Your commitments and expense on children will increase. (September 23 to October 22)


ommitment from other side will make every one happy. You may also join college part time to acquire masters. Money wise looks a better week. Phone calls and mail will bring instant positive response. You will be slowly getting ready for an upcoming big event. You will spend an evening with powerful people.

(October 23 to November 22)


ew relationship or partnership will be lucky. You may travel to a nice place to attend to some important business. Some money will go towards legal fee also. Pressure at work will increase little and you may bring some work home also. You can have big changes in career with your new and bright ideas.


ipasha Basu was born on 7th January 1979. So primarily she is ruled by Number 7 (Ketu), Number 8 (Saturn - Capricorn) and her destiny number also adds up to Number 7. Since she is ruled by Number 7, she is automatically ruled by Number 2 (Moon) as Numbers 2 and 7 always go hand in hand. In this case, she is ruled by this number twice", explains Bhavikk. "Bipasha now enters the 34th year of her life, which indicates marriage in BLOCK LETTERS in her chart. Just like her ex-beau John Abraham, she might also take the plunge and walk down the aisle by end of this year as she is likely to meet her Mr.Right by mid 2012", predicts Bhavikk on a serious note. "Even on the film front, things are looking up for Bips as her work in 'Players' and her international project 'Singularity' will be highly acclaimed. But it will be 'Raaz 3' and 'Race 2' which will not only give her appreciation for her work, but will also ensure commercial success".

Pandit Parashar, CEO & COO Astro Scan USA is also available for individual consultations. He can be reached at:

Bipasha Basu

"Wearing a Cat's Eye on a Thursday midnight set in silver on her smallest finger will help her ward off negativity (read people) and ill vibes (energy) around her which she is so much surrounded with", advices Bhavikk strongly.




January 20, 2012

India Post

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January 20, 2012

India Post 33

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Seniors worry about cuts to in-home care

LOOMIS, Calif.: Gov. Jerry Brown is proposing reductions to California's In-Home Supportive Services program, which helps about 435,000 California seniors and people with disabilities stay in their homes. As part of his budget proposal, Brown wants to eliminate in-home services for people who live with someone else. The move would save the state about $164 million in the fiscal year that starts July 1. The move would affect 60 percent of the program's recipients, who live with parents or other family members. The cut would affect recipients such as Anthony Muli, a 24-yearold from Loomis, near Sacramento. He was born with spinal muscular atrophy, a genetic disease that prevents muscle development. -AP

Health Science 34

India Post

January 20, 2012

Health dept. confirms Carlsbad dog had rabies CARLSBAD, N.M.: The state health department has confirmed that a Carlsbad dog was infected with rabies after being bitten by a skunk and the family of its owners must now receive a series of rabies vaccine injections. -AP

Andhra Pradesh hosts AAPI Healthcare Summit

Kan. health officials issue annual fish warning WICHITA, Kan.: State health officials are warning people not to eat the fish caught in some Kansas lakes and rivers. The Wichita Eagle reported that people are being warned not to eat bottom-feeding fish taken from the Arkansas River between the Lincoln Street dam in Wichita and Cowskin Creek near Belle Plaine. They're also suggesting that people limit their consumption of any species of fish taken from the Little Arkansas River between Valley Center and the river's confluence with the Arkansas River in Wichita. A monthly maximum of one eightounce serving for adults or one four-ounce serving for children is recommended. -AP

Flu death reported in Nebraska OMAHA, Neb.: Douglas County health officials say an 80year-old woman has died of complications from the flu. Officials say the woman died this week at a hospital. Her death is believed to be the first flu-related death in Nebraska this flu season. Nebraska confirmed its first case of the flu in November. Lab tests confirmed influenza A in a Douglas County man in his 30s who had traveled outside the U.S. Health officials recommends flu vaccinations for everyone 6 months and older. -AP

AAPI President Dr Sunita Kanumury, Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy and Health Minister Dr Ravindra Reddy India Post News Service

HYDERABAD: Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Nallari Kiran Kumar Reddy has said the State would consider making sports compulsory for children in schools as a means of preventing lifestyle diseases. Inaugurating the fifth Indo-US Healthcare Summit of the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) on Jan 3, he expressed concern over the lack of physical activity among children and their preference to junk

food. Both the discipline and dedication that get inculcated through sports activities were missing

Sunita Kanumury and AAPI Chair of Board of Trustees with Andhra Pradesh Minister Ponnala Lakshmaiah

Admitting that Andhra Pradesh had highest infant and maternal mortality rates among

He expressed concern over the lack of physical activity among children and their preference to junk food. Both the discipline and dedication that get inculcated through sports activities were missing among today's children. Making sports compulsory would ensure physical fitness and prevent early onset of diseases, he added.

the Southern States, he said 4,000 Nutrition and Day Care (NDC) centers were started in the State as against the total re-

quirement of 38,000. There was a reduction in IMR and MMR wherever the centers were started, he added. He said the government was laying a lot of stress on education and health and added that that through the Aarogyasri scheme, the costs for 400 different surgeries were being covered for the Below Poverty Line (BPL) families. The government was spending Rs.1000 crore each year under the scheme and 1.3 million surgeries had been performed so far. Cont’d on page 36

Bristol ups hepatitis C game in $2.5B acquisition NEW YORK: Looking to angle in a market that is growing fast, Bristol-Myers will spend $2.5 billion to acquire hepatitis C drug developer Inhibitex Inc., which saw its share price double in one day recently on early stage data of a treatment it is developing. About 3.2 million people in the U.S. have Hepatitis C, a bloodborne disease linked to 12,000 deaths a year. The current twodrug treatment for the virus cures only about 40 percent of people. The disease, the primary cause of liver transplants in the U.S., is expected to affect an increasingly large percentage of the population as baby boomers age.

There is so much potential, Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. said it would pay $26 per share, a 163 percent premium to the stock's last trading price of $9.87, to get access to the company's hepatitis C

tant investment in the long-term growth of the company.'' For Inhibitex, based in Alpharetta, Ga., the acquisition provides a launching pad for its drug.

About 3.2 million people in the U.S. have Hepatitis C, a blood-borne disease linked to 12,000 deaths a year. The current two-drug treatment for the virus cures only about 40 percent of people treatment, INX-189. ``There is significant unmet medical need in hepatitis C,'' said CEO Lamberto Andreotti. ``This acquisition represents an impor-

In the last full year of reported operations, the company posted losses of more than $20 million as it continued to develop INX-189.

``This transaction puts INX189 and the company's other infectious disease assets in the hands of an organization that can more optimally develop them and which believes as strongly as we do in INX-189's potential in the treatment of chronic HCV,'' said Inhibitex CEO Russell Plumb. Bristol-Myers, based in New York, already has its own treatment for hepatitis C under development. Company researchers told the Wall Street Journal that Bristol-Myers may be able to combine its own drugs under development with that of Inhibitex to create more effective regimen. -AP

January 20, 2012

Health Science Post

India Post


Moldovan man makes long health care journey GREENFIELD, Mass.: It's a 400-mile commute Sergei Ivantchev makes twice a week to and from the Greenfield duplex that he and his wife have shared with their two daughters as well as his parents since 1998. But the trip, to the Waterville, New Brunswick, Canada, hospital where the 47year-old Greenfield transplant works as an anesthetist, is just a small part of the journey he's made since leaving his home country of Moldova. Ivantchev had already successfully completed six years of medical school after college before he and his wife, Lucia who had chemistry training and worked in a perfume factory left the Moldovan capital, Chisinau, with their baby daughter. Their adventure, which included a hastily-arranged 1992 Cuban ``vacation'' on an Aeroflot flight and their defection from the former Soviet republic during a refueling stop in Gander, Newfoundland, is described in Ivantchev's new self-published memoir, ``The Journey.'' In the 98-page book, which is sold at World Eye Bookshop in Greenfield, Ivantchev recalls his first encounter with a map of Canada during a sixth-grade geography lesson. ``Wow'', I said to myself, ``this country has plenty of wheat, and probably they have never had to endure lack of bread on their tables.'' Here my thoughts flew back in time to my grandparents' and my mother's stories about their family not having enough bread because of Stalin's forcible collectivization of people, and their deportation to Siberia as enemies of the state. After a few more minutes I heard the teacher's light steps. Should I tell him that I was almost ready or about the desire to go to Canada and see it with my own eyes? I didn't think it was a good idea, because we students were supposed to be the pioneers, the future of the youth communist party. ``We were told we should not bother with the westerners, where the capitalist system is standing with one foot on the edge and with the other foot stepping in the cleft.'' In the Gander Airport terminal, where Ivantchev and his family refused to re-board the plane, along with 75 other passengers, they explained through an interpreter that they were seeking religious and political refugee status. Ivantchev, who had to bribe embassy officials in the Ukraine with cognac and cash to get the papers necessary to leave Moldova, had been warned by a co-worker at the 300-bed hospital in Chisinau, that the Moldovan medical degree he'd earned would not be recognized on this side of the Atlantic. And unfortunately for Ivantchev, his arrival in Canada coincided with a reduction of all postgraduate physician training. ``So I said, OK, I'll become a nurse,'' and enrolled for two years of nursing training at Algonquin College in Ottawa starting in 1995. But first, he and his wife, granted Canadian refugee and ``independent immigration'' status, had to attend English classes in Newfoundland. He got a simple job delivering advertising fliers for a restaurant ``No Name Pizza'' which also turned into a job delivering pizzas, cutting vegetables and folding boxes, and he began an overnight newspaper delivery route for the St. John's Telegram. In 1995, while in nursing school, he worked in a pizzeria owned by an Afghan

immigrant who taught him to make dough. He also won one of roughly 50,000 chances to immigrate to the United States as part of the green card lottery. He worked briefly in an Ottawa nursing home with quadriplegics. But once his U.S. immigrant visa was approved, he began making arrangements to move to the United States. A truck-driving friend from Moldova who was already living in Pittsfield had even arranged for him to be offered a job driving trucks. But a worker in the U.S. consulate in Toronto had

Queens University in Kingston, Ontario, which trains and certifies general practitioner anesthetists to practice in areas other than neurosurgery and cardiology, he said. That limited training, unlike the four-tosix year anesthesiologist training is not accepted in the United States, but it landed him three job offers in suburban Toronto and a position about five miles from the Houlton, Maine, border in Waterville, N.B. when the 70-bed Upper River Valley hospital opened there. ``The only inconvenience is a little bit of

"Wow'', I said to myself, "this country has plenty of wheat, and probably they have never had to endure lack of bread on their tables.'' Here my thoughts flew back in time to my grandparents' and my mother's stories about their family not having enough bread because of Stalin's forcible collectivization of people assured him, ``Oh, you will do well in the U.S. as a physician.'' After winning the green card lottery, Ivantchev had contacted another Moldovan friend who had immigrated to Greenfield six months earlier. ``Come to Greenfield You'll like it, I promise! It is very green,'' she said. U.S. immigrant visa in hand, Ivantchev got a job in June 1997 as a registered nurse at Buckley Nursing Home and later as a nursing supervisor at Baystate Franklin Medical Center, working 3 to 11 p.m. Then he went to work from 2001 to 2004 at Valley Medical Group's Greenfield Health Center and pursued a two-year nurse practitioner program at the University of Massachusetts. His wife, Lucia, meanwhile, had parlayed her training in Ottawa as a hair stylist at Arch Street Salon and began working as a hairdresser in Greenfield and also working as an English as a Second Language tutor in the Greenfield Public Schools, while helping raise their two daughters the second, Nicole, born in Greenfield. After three years of working for Valley Medical Group, Ivantchev said he was faced with the requirement that he either buy into the group practice or leave. ``I couldn't do that because of my longterm goal to go back to residency,'' said Ivantchev, who had been preparing to take medical licensure examinations in both the United States and Canada. The US State Department offered Ivantchev a position as a nurse practitioner in its Foreign Service Health Program in its embassy in Moscow. The Russian speaking Greenfield resident, who would provide medical care alongside a physician for about 300 embassy workers, completed specialized training in Washington, D.C., and was issued a diplomatic passport. But 10 days before he was ready to leave, with his wife eager to see her relatives back in Moldova, he got what seemed like an even better offer: Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, had matched him for a spot in its family medicine residency. If that two-year-long residency wasn't enough, Ivantchev also enrolled for 15 months of anesthesiology training at

driving,'' said Ivantchev, who works there four days a week and is also on call one weekend a month. Otherwise, it's a six-hour drive that he said takes him straight up Interstate 95 through Maine, including a 110mile stretch north of Bangor with a 75 mph speed limit. The job allows him to spend time with his family, although when he's home, he also works a couple of shifts a month in the emergency room of Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington.

The Ivantchevs are also deeply involved in the Moldovian Baptist Church of Greenfield, which Ivantchev said he's also happy to get back to when he returns here on weekends. With another three years of residency at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, he maintains, he could practice anesthesiology in this country. But he shakes his head at that notion. ``I don't want to do that. I have been a resident for too many years. I'm not young any more. By that time, I will be at least 50,'' said Ivantchev, who said he loves doing anesthesiology and plans to remain at the New Brunswick job and maybe find a closer alternative to the occasional Great Barrington job. The ``downside'' to Ivantchev's multiyear drama, including over seven years of additional training, is in all of the time that he was away from his family in Greenfield. ``Professionally, I'm accomplished. I have probably more degrees than anyone else after my name RN, LNP, BS, MD,'' said Ivantchev, comparing himself to some of the long-distance truck drivers he knows who work away from their immigrant families for days at a time to help support them. ``Family-wise, spiritually I am not at the level where I wish to be. Now (his daughters) are big they understand, but when they were younger, I was in all this training, and since 2005, I haven't been with them on a regular basis. Some weekends I've been on call. My wife did very well, managing.'' -AP


Health Science Post

India Post

January 20, 2012

Proposals seek to address Kansas’ dentist shortage HUTCHINSON, Kan.: Dental care is so sparse in some parts of Kansas that 13 counties have no dentists at all, and several proposals are being considered to address the issue. The most controversial plan would allow a new type of dental worker, called a registered dental practitioner, to work in underserved areas and perform routines services such as cleanings and fillings under the supervision of a dentist. Complex procedures would be left to dentists, the Hutchinson News reported. Fort Hays University wants to offer a program to train registered dental practitioners. It would require approval from lawmakers and the Kansas Board of Regents. But the Kansas Dental Asso-

ciation is objecting, raising concerns about safety and the creation of two levels of care. Instead,

Fort Hays University wants to offer a program to train registered dental practitioners. It would require approval from lawmakers and the Kansas Board of Regents the group wants to encourage more dentists to accept Medicaid patients and create incentives for dentists to locate in rural areas.

“In the instance of extracting teeth, there are procedures that appear to be simple, but once you begin to perform the procedure you see other issues,” said Kevin Robertson, executive director of the Kansas Dental Association. “We fear that a practitioner could get into those issues that they aren’t familiar with and at that point they could be hundreds of miles from a dentist and don’t have anyone to back them up.” Christie Appelhanz, vice president of public affairs for Kansas Action for Children, said mid-level providers practice in more than 50 countries around the world as well as in Alaska and Minnesota. “There are no studies that show that mid-level providers do not provide safe care,” she said. President Ed Hammond sent

his faculty to Minnesota to learn about its dental therapist program. The university plans to use pri-

The economics of making a dental practice work in sparsely populated counties, where there is neither the volume of patients nor the income base to support a dentist, is tricky vate funds to start the training program and will not request state funding. “Almost everyone we’ve

talked to recognizes the need and also sees the mid-level professional as a reasonable solution,” Hammond said. Hammond said the economics of making a dental practice work in sparsely populated counties, where there is neither the volume of patients nor the income base to support a dentist, is tricky if not impossible. “I’m not convinced that dentists who are going to school for seven years with the limited practice and income capability will be willing to locate in western Kansas,” he said. “Dentists want to go someplace where they can maximize the return on their investment. I don’t fault them for it, but then don’t stand in our way when we are looking for a solution that works.” -AP

Andhra Pradesh hosts AAPI Healthcare Summit Cont’d from page 34

Health Minister Dr. D.L. Ravindra Reddy sought the cooperation of AAPI in combating Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), non-communicable and vectorborne diseases, both in rural and urban areas in the State. He said that 56 per cent of the women in the State were anemic, which was leading to higher maternal and infant mortality rates. Both the Centre and the State government were taking several measures to reduce IMR and MMR, including creation of infrastructure and neonatal facilities. AAPI president Sunita Kanumury said that AAPI would collaborate with the State government on maternal and child health issues as also in overcoming the challenges posed by diabetes and cardio-vascular diseases. The AAPI emergency medical care experts were also training doctors here in emergency medical services. Dr. Sunita Kanumury, president of AAPI said the organization had launched its fifth edition of Indo US Healthcare summit to strengthen existing initiatives, and have made some bold moves by launching AAPI Telemedicine Network across 17 AAPI sponsored clinics in India with international "We Serve" Foundation a US based charitable organization and the I - Grandee Software Technologies in Mumbai. "We have enormous challenges of healthcare globally such as heart disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, cancer, maternal and infant health, and mental health, nutritional and infectious diseases. Addressing this problem

constitutes one of the greatest challenges of our times and failure to do so properly will have dire consequences on our economy and social fabrics," Dr. Kanumury said. "For the past 5 years, AAPI has demonstrated the will and courage by bringing the best minds from across the ocean combined with the best and brightest locally in seeking to form a truly global partnership. Many lessons have been learnt during the last four years and we are still learning. We have made progress with few initiatives and a lot needs to be done."

AAPI president Sunita Kanumury said that AAPI would collaborate with the State government on maternal and child health issues as also in overcoming the challenges posed by diabetes and cardiovascular diseases Dr. Kanumury further said, "We have some successes, particularly in maternal & child health, which is an outstanding example of public and private partnerships with support of people that are passionate about the cause. The other is Sewak project - a great example of in Gujarat of helping to identify and manage people with diabetes in rural areas. There are several other examples of individuals working and volunteering their time and resources in helping India."

Dr Sanku Rao, Dr Sunita Kanumury, US Consul General Katherine Dhanani, Dr Pratap Reddy and Dr Ramesh Mehta on the concluding day of the Summit

AAPI is collaborating with ECFMG and had invited Dr Steven Seeling to help Indian medical graduates learn how to navigate the US Healthcare system. AAPI will also examine based on the US flex nurse standards. "As we deliberate on some of the issues of clinical relevance, it is my hope that we will develop a plan and specific recommendations to implement projects which are significant and yet economically viable and have a potential for broader scope," Dr. Seeling said. "I believe that the test before us as physicians and as global citizens is not whether our commitments match our will and our courage; but whether we have the will and the courage to match our commitments. The presence of Indian American and India based physicians is a testimony of commitment to this partnership - working together with medical professionals, industry partners, and governmental agencies - to follow the compass and achieve our collective dream of a healthy world."

"We would like to continue the journey of collaboration and sharing the best practices between various fields of medicine between US and India. This collaboration brings combine efforts where we can better leverage our resources making our organizations like AAPI, APMG and GAPIO work as a team as we embark on a new path of implementation and success," he added. US Consul General in Hyderabad Katherine Dhanani was the guest of honor on the third day deliberations. Dr Ramesh Mehta, SecretaryGeneral of GAPIO (Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin), said there are clear signs of reverse brain drain as one-fourth of 40,000 doctors of Indian origin in the UK's National Health Services were going to retire soon. Recently, Kelly Services, which tracks human resources movement trends across the globe, estimated that about three hundred thousand Indian professionals (cutting across different streams)

are likely to come back in the next five years. "New generation doctors are not finding jobs because of recession. They are looking at India jobs. New colleges and institutes are coming up here and they might need experienced people. Those who aspire for the best positions and not getting them too are trying to come back," Dr Mehta said. On the other hand, India desperately needs doctors. "It is short of six hundred thousand doctors and 10,000 nurses," he said, pointing out that any reverse drain of doctors would quite be handy for India. Indian doctors abroad are not in small in numbers. As many as five hundred thousand doctors have made foreign countries abroad their home. Dominated by the US with over one hundred thousand in the US, geographies where Indian doctors have settled in significant numbers include the UK, Australia and New Zealand, said Dr Prathap C. Reddy, Chairman of Apollo group of hospitals.

Health Science Post

January 20, 2012

India Post


Govt defends core of health Move mentally ill youth from lockups: Report care overhaul WASHINGTON: Defending President Barack Obama's signature health care overhaul, the administration is urging the Supreme Court to uphold the contentious heart of the law, the requirement that individuals buy insurance or pay a penalty. The administration filed a written submission with the court describing the 2010 law as an appropriate response to a ``crisis in the national health care market.'' The justices will hear arguments in the high court's biggest case this term over three days in late March. The outcome, expected in late June, has the potential to affect President Barack Obama's bid for re-election. One federal appeals court struck down the so-called individual mandate as exceeding Congress' power under the Constitution. But two other federal appeals courts upheld the law and agreed with the administration's argument that Congress was well within its power to adopt that requirement. Florida and 25 other states, as well as the National Federation of Independent Business, told the court in separate briefs that if the

justices strike down the individual requirement, they should invalidate the rest of the law as well. Thirty-six Republican senators echoed the states' argument in their own filing. The law is aimed at extending health insurance coverage to more than 30 million previously unin-

This provision was struck down by a divided panel of the Atlanta-based 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the only appeals court that has ruled against the law sured people and would, by 2019, leave just 5 percent of the population uninsured, compared with about 17 percent today, according to the Congressional Budget Office. About half of the increase would come from the individual requirement; the rest would come from an expansion of Medicaid and other provisions.

The health care law has attracted intense opposition from Republicans, including the party's presidential candidates, all of whom have vowed to repeal it if elected. The individual insurance requirement has been a particular lightning rod because it forces people to buy a product from a private insurer whether they want to or not, or pay a penalty for failing to do so. This provision was struck down by a divided panel of the Atlantabased 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the only appeals court that has ruled against the law among the four appeals courts that have considered it. One appeals court held that it was too soon to rule on the law. But the administration said the requirement falls within Congress' power under the Constitution's Commerce Clause because health care is an issue of supreme national importance that consumes nearly 18 percent of the U.S. economy. People may lack insurance, but they still get health care, and the costs get passed on to the insured, the administration said. -AP

COLUMBUS, Ohio: The state should transfer mentally ill juvenile inmates to psychiatric facilities as soon as possible and find money for their treatment, according to a new report on the status of Ohio's youth prison system. The Department of Youth Services holds some of the most acutely mentally ill youth in the state, who would be transferred to more appropriate psychiatric treatment facilities if they were hospitalized or in other settings outside detention, the report said. The report filed in federal court also said repeatedly placing mentally ill youth in seclusion affects decisions about whether they should be held beyond the end of their sentences. Under a court settlement, Youth Services must ``strive to prevent deterioration or exacerbation of mental health symptoms and needless isolation for behaviors caused by mental health issues,'' according to the report by court-appointed monitors Will Harrell and Terry Schuster. Youth Services and a state interagency committee on mental health and juvenile justice are looking at long-term fixes. The re-

port raised the point of more immediate action. The state said it ``provides comprehensive behavioral health services'' to youth including two mental health units for boys and one for girls, each staffed with fulltime psychologists and social workers, according to DYS spokeswoman Andrea Kruse.

Under a court settlement, Youth Services must "strive to prevent deterioration or exacerbation of mental health symptoms" Ohio has procedures to move mentally ill offenders to psychiatric hospitals, Kruse said, but added: ``because of the violent behavior that many of the youth present, it is often difficult to find placement.'' The report is the third annual summary reviewing Youth Services' efforts to make prisons safer following a 2004 lawsuit that alleged a culture of violence. -AP


India Post

January 20, 2012

ading into the debate over the appearance of Sunny Leone on reality show Bigg Boss, Press Council of India (PCI) chairperson Justice Markandey Katju has said the American porn star's past should not be held against her if her behavior in India is "socially acceptable". Sunny, when she was in America had not broken any American laws and that Indians were broad minded and liberal people who should take the matter in that spirit, he said. "Sunny Leone was earning her livelihood in USA in a manner acceptable in that country, though it is not accept-


by her, and she later became his disciple." "Similarly, Mary Magdalene was a fallen woman (according to the Gospel of Luke as interpreted by Pope Gregory) and Jesus allowed her to wash his feet and she later became his disciple," he noted. There is no saint without a past and no sinner without a future, Katju said. A complaint over the Broadcast Consumers Complaint Council's (BCCC) inaction over the appearance of Leone which had been sent to Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni had been marked to Katju as well, sources said.

able in India. Hence if she conducts herself in India in a manner which is socially acceptable in India and does not breach the social moral code in India, we should not treat her as a social outcast," Katju said in a statement. The Press Council chairperson also said that he had not been shown anything to suggest that she is indulging in pornography while in India. Citing historical and religious figures, he said, "Lord Buddha stayed with the courtesan Amrapali and ate food served

Leone's appearance on the Colors Channels show Bigg Boss has been a subject of controversy for quite some time. BCCC had recently directed that Leone does not use the show to promote her pornography business. The BCCC, however, had not found anything in the content of the show Bigg Boss 5 which by itself was violative of self-regulatory guidelines. As many as 38 complaints had been made to the BCCC regarding Leone's appearance. -PTI

International porn star of Indian origin Sunny Leone has created a lot of buzz after a short visit to India, becoming the most searched celebrity during her Colors channel Bigg Boss 5 stint and even earning a lead role in Producer Mahesh Bhatt's Jism 2. Her remarks created friction with Bigg Boss housemates and she faced lot of harsh comments in the industry. However she has found a big savior in Press Council of India (PCI) chairperson Justice Markandey Katju

She's fooling Indian public, says Amar


V star Amar Upadhyay, who was one of the contestants in TV show Big Boss along with international porn star Sunny Leone, is angry over the remarks she has made against him. She rubbed him the wrong way by alleging that the actor had tried to get too 'touchfeely' with her during the tasks in the Bigg Boss' house. Amar says, "What the hell have I done to her? I merely kissed her hand in a task! And what does she think she will have to do in Jism 2? Wahan hath nahin bahut kuch kiss karenge! The fact is that XXXporn star Sunny Leone is trying to fool Indian public! Bringing her in a family show like Bigg Boss doesn't augur well for Indian culture. Just read the 250-plus comments that have been posted on the Bigg Boss' website on that particular episode of Sunny and me. Women have openly blasted her for making false accusations against me. She is ruining the

yahan apne paap dhone aayi hai? After doing all those pornographic activities in front of public along with her so-called husband - who is a lukha and sporting those silly tattoos - she is now accusing me of trying

‘Hindi film producers should think 100 times before considering Sunny. Tomorrow she may accuse them of sexual harassment for shaking hands with her!’ Amar Upadhyay

psyche of 12-year-old boys in India, who are now doing google search on her after reading about her pornographic escapades and seeing her on telly." Seething, he goes on to add: "I wonder why has Sunny come to India? Kya woh

to be physical with her? Excuse me! I have worked with actresses like Divya Seth, Smriti Irani, Aditi Govitrikar, Raima Sen among others. And till date, all these women adore me! I'm here in this industry for 18 years, and I have earned people's respect as a man of character. I had participated in a game show

like Bigg Boss to play a mind-game and not to make relations or for anything else! I was angry with myself when my basic decency made me keep quiet even as I was being accused of weird things in the house because I didn't want to disrespect a woman on national TV, even if she is a porn star." Producers beware! The actor cautioned all the Bollywood producers to tread with caution. "Hindi film producers should think 100 times before considering Sunny. Tomorrow she may accuse them of sexual harassment for shaking hands with her! She only wants publicity," he thunders. Ask him if these allegations made by Sunny have disturbed his wife Hetal, and pat comes the reply: "Hetal is not disturbed at all! She knows I'm a one-woman man and I love her because she has won my trust, and I value her beyond everything else!"

January 20, 2012

India Post


Who is Sunny Leone, asks Imran Khan S

he became the most searched celebrity during her Bigg Boss 5 stint. But talk about adult star Sunny Leone and actor Imran Khan, who made an appearance on the show recently, pleads ignorance. "Sunny who?" he asks, and when we tell him about her claim to fame, he says, "Unfortunately, I haven't followed her career (chart)." Fill him on the fact that she is doing the sequel to Jism and he is indifferent. "Oh is she? Very good," says the happily married actor, who is more pepped up about his next, Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu (EMAEK), with Kareena Kapoor. "I've always wanted to work with Kareena you know. It's something very special. She doesn't come with any stress. She will do this beautiful job and she is not worried about herself," says Khan, adding, "And this one is not just a boy meets girl and they lived happily ever after story. It is much beyond that." One, however, can't fail to notice his filmography boasts of chocolate boy roles with outings such as Jaane Tu... Ya Jaane Na, I Hate Luv Storys, Break Ke Baad, Mere Brother Ki Dulhan and now this one. "It's more of a result of how I look at it. Generally, producers and directors look at me like that, so I get offered these roles. And I've always had a lot

"Unfortunately, I haven't followed her career (chart)." Fill him on the fact that she is doing the sequel to Jism and he is indifferent. "Oh is she? Very good," says the happily married actor, who is more pepped up about his next, Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu (EMAEK), with Kareena Kapoor of success. Most of my great successes have been in that area. As an actor, you wish to play many roles but in my case it doesn't really connect." Buzz is that EMAET has references to Hollywood flicks such as The Hangover and What Happens in Vegas. But Khan retorts, "There's nothing really close to that."

Madhuri Dixit's wax statue worth ÂŁ150,000 Priyanka Chopra on MUMBAI: Madhuri Dixit will now be joining the likes of Amitabh Bachchan, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan and Kareena Kapoor with her own wax statue at Madame Tussauds, London. The statue is most likely to be unveiled in March 2012. Madame Tussauds, London revealed that they will be adding Madhuri Dixit Rene's wax statue this year. They stated," The Madame Tussauds team are so excited about 2012 - and we've got another new figure announcement for you. The next Bollywood star to join Madame Tussauds London will be Madhuri Dixit-Nene. She will be joining the attraction in March 2012." Speaking to the media, a very delighted Madhuri says, "It's a real mark of achievement and recognition for one's art and work. It's also wonderful to be following in the footsteps of other Bollywood stars and some of my personal heroes!" The actress will be collaborating with the Tussauds team for the pose and will also be donating a Manish Malhotra sari for her figure to wear. It is learnt that the figure will cost ÂŁ150,000 to create and take a team of sculptors, hair, make-up and wardrobe experts four months to create.

a 'peace mission'?

Ranbir Kapoor caught in Auto Expo brawl


he 11th edition of the Delhi Auto Expo witnessed the presence of many Bollywood stars who had noth ing but praise for the exposition, but not all went well when Ranbir Kapoor paid a visit to hall number 18. As usual, the actor was surrounded by a huge crowd of fans, but things got ugly when a group of security guards, who had brought some of their friends hoping to get their pictures clicked with the actor, began to act rowdy. Despite the security guards stationed at the pavilion to keep the crowd at bay, and Ranbir's own security personnel, problems cropped up when he tried to leave the expo. The guards started banging on Ranbir's car bonnet and got into a scuffle with his personal security guards - just for a picture.

"Ranbir hall number 18 par aaya tha, woh 40-45 minutes ke liye ruka tha. Baad mein jab woh nikal raha tha, toh uski gaadi ko Group 4 aur CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) ki security ne roka. Gautam Sharma, the head of the Group 4 security team, was the main guy who created the problem. The guards wanted Ranbir to pose with their friends for a picture. When he refused, they lost it, surrounded his car. They refused to let the car move and started banging on the bonnet. There was complete chaos. It's only when the guards at hall 18 intervened, that he could leave," said a source. "Ranbir pehle bhi aa chuka hai, lekin tab there was no problem. This time, somehow, the news became public and this ruckus was created," added the source.


riyanka, who is amongst the most followed celebs on a social networking site, is on a complementing spree, of sorts. She started by praising Kat's latkaas and jhatkaas online, and said it was the best way to launch the promotional campaign for Agneepath. Next, she wished Deepika luck for the upcoming year. Two days later she wished Bipasha, and called her a 'hottie'. The Bong babe was humbled by her compliment and replied saying she was the real hottie. What's up with the beauties of B-Town? C'mon, what's life without catfights!

In Brief Ariz. Legislature returning amid new circumstances PHOENIX: Expect more of the same substance from the Arizona Legislature during lawmakers' 2012 regular session but maybe not as much sound and fury. High-profile policy issues such as illegal immigration and gunowners' rights will be back in the annual session, but how legislators tackle those headline-grabbers will evolve from last year. The result may be less drama after a recall election loss led to the departure of former Senate president and noted illegal immigration foe Russell Pearce. Also, other legislators face election-year political sensitivities of their own because of redistricting. The Republican-led Legislature is expected to again take a tightfisted approach on writing a new budget. But that work likely won't be as controversial because the state's finances have improved after years of crisis. -AP

Effort to block California 'Dream Act' falls short SACRAMENTO, Calif.: The drive to block a California law allowing illegal immigrant college students to apply for public financial aid has fallen short of the signatures needed to qualify for the ballot. Republican state Assemblyman Tim Donnelly, who led the repeal effort, said that opponents fell about 57,000 signatures short of the more than 500,000 they needed. When the law takes effect next year, it will allow illegal immigrants to apply for state-funded college scholarships and aid at public universities. A second portion of the California Dream Act took effect this year. It permits such students to apply for private scholarships and loans. Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, a Los Angeles Democrat who authored both bills, says the failure of the referendum drive shows that California ``leads our nation forward, not backwards.'' -AP

Fla. lawmaker pushes immigration bill for 2012 TALLAHASSEE, Fla.: Florida lawmakers will likely have another battle over immigration during their upcoming session. Cont’d on page 42

Immigration 40

India Post

January 20, 2012

Texas teen deported to Colombia reunites with mom DALLAS: A Texas teenager who was deported to Colombia after claiming to be an illegal immigrant was returned to the United States and remains at the center of an international mystery over how a minor could be sent to a country where she is not a citizen. Details on page 42

Obama plans change in immigration rule on waivers WASHINGTON: The Obama administration has proposed a rule change to reduce the time that illegal immigrant spouses and children are separated from their American relatives while they try to gain legal status in the United States. Currently, many illegal immigrants must leave the country before they can ask the government to waive a three-to 10-year ban on legally coming back to the U.S. The length of the ban depends on how long they have lived in the U.S. without permission. The new rule would let children and spouses of citizens ask the government to decide on the waiver request before they head to their home country to apply for a visa. The illegal immigrants would still have to go abroad to finish the visa process, but getting a provisional waiver approved in advance would reduce the time they are out of the country from months to days or weeks, said Alejandro Mayorkas, director of U.S. Citizen-

ship and Immigration Services. The purpose is ``to minimize the extent to which bureaucratic delays separate Americans from their families for long periods of time,'' Mayorkas told reporters. The waiver shift is the latest

President Barack Obama

move by President Barack Obama to make changes to immigration policy without congressional action. Congressional Republicans repeatedly have criticized the administration for policy changes

they describe as providing ``backdoor amnesty'' to illegal immigrants. The proposal also comes as Obama gears up for a re-election contest in which the support of Hispanic voters could prove a de-

Immigrants who do not have criminal records and who have only violated immigration laws can win a waiver if they can prove their absence would cause an extreme hardship termining factor in a number of states. The administration hopes to change the rule later this year after taking public comments. Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, accused the President of putting the

interests of illegal immigrants ahead of those of Americans. ``It seems President Obama plays by his own rules to push unpopular policies on the American people,'' the House Judiciary Committee chair said in a statement. Immigrants who do not have criminal records and who have only violated immigration laws can win a waiver if they can prove their absence would cause an extreme hardship for their American spouse or parent. The government received about 23,000 hardship applications in 2011 and more than 70 percent were approved. It currently takes about six months for the government to issue a waiver, Mayorkas said. Immigrant advocates have long complained about the current system, which can split up families for months or years. And since there's no guarantee a person will win a waiver to return, many immigrant families refuse to take the risk of going abroad to apply for one. Cont’d on page 42

Per-country limits legislation put on hold CYRUS D. MEHTA


espite the fact that on November 29, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 389-15 in favor of ending per-country numerical limits (caps) on employment-based visas and the Senate was expected to take action also, Sen. Charles Grassley (RIowa) has placed a hold on the bill. Sen. Grassley said that he has "concerns about the impact of this bill on future immigration flows, and am concerned that it does nothing to better protect Americans at home who seek highskilled jobs during this time of record high unemployment." The bill would eliminate a current provision stating that employmentbased visas issued cannot exceed seven percent of the total for any one country. The measure was expected to benefit skilled Indian and Chinese workers and high-tech companies in the United States. A hold is an informal practice

and the majority leader need not follow it, but a hold indicates that the opposing senator may filibuster any motion to proceed. The companion Senate bill, introduced by Sen. Mike Lee (RUtah), is S. 1857. USCIS Changes Stand-Alone I-130 Filing Locations

Lockbox or the Phoenix Lockbox, depending on where they reside in the United States. There will be no change in filing locations when submitting an I-130 along with Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status. Individuals filing these forms together

The bill would eliminate a current provision stating that employment-based visas issued cannot exceed seven percent of the total for any one country U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that effective January 1, 2012, it has changed the filing locations for Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative. Domestic petitioners should mail their stand-alone I-130 applications to either the Chicago

should continue to mail them to the Chicago Lockbox facility. Petitioners filing from overseas addresses in countries without USCIS offices should also continue to file at the Chicago Lockbox facility. Petitioners residing in a country with a USCIS of-

fice may send their I-130s to the Chicago Lockbox, or may file their I-130s at the international USCIS office having jurisdiction over the area where they live. Those who submit their I-130 packages to the incorrect Lockbox location may experience a delay in processing. The new filing locations are available on the Form I-130 Direct Filing Locations webpage. USCIS Seeks Business Experts for 'Entrepreneurs in Residence' Initiative U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has begun accepting applications from business experts to serve on its "Entrepreneurs in Residence" tactical team. The purpose of the tactical team, USCIS said, is "to bring business experts in-house to work alongside USCIS staff to ensure that current immigration laws' potential to attract foreign Cont’d on page 43

Immigration Post

January 20, 2012

India Post


SAALT welcomes changes Arpaio asks for facts to back up civil rights case to immigration rules India Post News Service

NEW YORK: South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT), a national immigrant and civil rights organization, welcomed the recent proposed changes announced by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) that would promote family unity in cer-

minimizing lengthy separation between loved ones in certain mixed status families going through the immigration process, SAALT said in a statement. Under current law, many undocumented spouses and children of US citizens apply for a green card based on these family relationships and are required to re-

The proposed rule change from USCIS would allow individuals to seek a provisional "extreme hardship" waiver while still in the US and before going abroad to complete their visa interview. The proposed changes would shorten processing times significantly tain immigration cases. South Asians are a predominantly foreign-born community, which includes a significant number of families that have both undocumented and US citizen family members, known as "mixed-status families." These proposed changes are a step in the right direction towards

turn to their country of origin in order to obtain their visas. For certain undocumented individuals required to return to their country of origin, those who have been undocumented in the US for more than six months are prevented from returning back to the US for three or ten years, unless they

obtain a waiver demonstrating that this lengthy separation would cause "extreme hardship" to their qualifying US citizen family member. Under current procedures, this waiver application process begins abroad and an individual can wait months or even years outside the US before finding out if it has been approved. The proposed rule change from USCIS would allow individuals to seek a provisional "extreme hardship" waiver while still in the US and before going abroad to complete their visa interview. The proposed changes would shorten processing times significantly and ensure that families are not unnecessarily separated for lengthy periods of time as they await the results of their waiver application. The changes proposed by USCIS last week are a muchneeded step towards promoting family unity within the immigration system - a reform that SAALT and other immigrant rights organizations have been advocating around for years.

PHOENIX: An Arizona sheriff whose office has been accused of a wide range of civil rights violations has conditionally agreed to take part in discussions with federal officials about ways to correct the alleged violations. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said that his office first needs the U.S. Justice Department to provide facts to back up its allegations that his office racially profiles Latinos, bases immigration enforcement on racially charged citizen complaints and punishes Hispanic jail inmates for speaking Spanish. The self-proclaimed toughest sheriff in America has been a national political fixture who has built his reputation on jailing inmates in tents and dressing them in pink underwear, selling himself to voters as unceasingly tough on crime and pushing the bounds of how far local police can go to confront illegal immigration.

``I have a suspicion that politics might be involved in this, but we want to resolve (the case),'' Arpaio said. Joseph Popolizio, one of the lawyers representing the sheriff's office, said in a letter to Justice officials that Arpaio was ready to go to court if federal authorities refuse to provide the information to back up their claims. The Justice Department didn't have any immediate comment on the letter. The sheriff's office said it doesn't discriminate against Latinos and that Justice Department didn't provide facts to support its allegation that Arpaio's office has a culture of disregard for basic constitutional rights. Popolizio said in his letter that constructive talks between Washington and the sheriff's office could occur only if the Justice Department backs up its allegations. Cont’d on page 42

United Sikhs helps destitute immigrants in UK India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Krishna Rani (not her real name), a destitute immigrant, flew out to Amritsar last October after the United Sikhs Help Desk arranged for her free air ticket through the UK Border Agency (UKBA). She has a son and husband back home. She came to the UK on a visitor's visa and ended up overstaying so she could earn some money for her family. She became ill so could not work. Her sister made her sleep by the toilets in her house as that was the only place available because there were 15 men sharing the house. She got beaten by her sister a couple of times too. She could have ended up on the streets if her friend had not told her about the United Sikhs Help Desk in Southall. Very soon, S Singh, who has previously been homeless on the streets of Southall and would have ended up taking shelter under the 'bridge' with other homeless immigrants, will leave for Delhi on a ticket arranged by the Help Desk at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara in

Southall. The United Sikhs at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara at Park Avenue, Southall, was set up in response to an acute problem two years ago when an influx of young students

The United Sikhs at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara at Park Avenue, Southall, was set up in response to an acute problem two years ago when an influx of young students from Punjab found themselves destitute from Punjab found themselves destitute because they were unable to find jobs to support themselves. Last year, Tuesday mornings saw a queue of hundreds of people who traveled to the United Sikhs Help Desk from as far as Newcastle to register with the

government's Legacy Scheme, under which failed asylum applicants could have their case reconsidered. Presently the organization has over 70 asylum seekers waiting for the outcome of their registration under the Legacy Scheme. United Sikhs at their Help Desk have helped hundreds of immigrants through their valuable advice, help in filling forms and other related services. Over the last 18 months since the weekly Help Desk at the Singh Sabha Gurdwara in Southall was launched, air tickets were arranged through UKBA for about 50 immigrants voluntarily returning to India, who had been struggling to survive in the UK. Air tickets for about another 40 waiting for their travel documents to return are also being arranged. "The homeless Asians of Southall made the headlines recently, however, the problem will not go away because of their immigration status. But we must help them on humanitarian grounds," Harbans Kaur, United Sikhs Community Service Director said.

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Immigration Post

India Post

January 20, 2012

Texas teen deported to Colombia reunites with mom DALLAS: A Texas teenager who was deported to Colombia after claiming to be an illegal immigrant was returned to the United States and remains at the center of an international mystery over how a minor could be sent to a country where she is not a citizen. Jakadrien Lorece Turner's family has questioned why U.S. officials didn't do more to verify her identity and say the 15-year-old is not fluent in Spanish and had no ties to Colombia. While many facts of the case remain unclear, U.S. and Colombian officials have pointed fingers over who is responsible. Jakadrien arrived in Dallas and was reunited with her family. She was flanked by her mother, grandmother and law enforcement when she emerged from the international gate at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport shortly before 10 p.m. ``She's happy to be home,'' the family's attorney, Ray Jackson, said, adding that the family would not be issuing any statements. He said the family was ``ec-

static'' to have Jakadrien back in Texas and they plan to ``do what we can to make sure she gets back to a normal life.'' Immigration experts say that while cases of mistaken identity are rare, people can slip through the cracks, especially if they don't have legal help or family members working on their behalf. But they say U.S. immigration authorities had the responsibility to determine if a person is a citizen. Jakadrien's saga began when the teen ran away more than a year ago. Houston police said the girl was arrested on April 2, 2011, for misdemeanor theft in that city and claimed to be Tika Lanay Cortez, a Colombian woman born in 1990. It was unclear if she has been living under that name. Houston police said in a statement that her name was run through a database to determine if she was wanted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement but the results were negative. She was then turned over to the Harris County jail and booked on the theft charge.

The county sheriff's office said it ran her through the available databases and did the interviews necessary to establish her identity and immigration status in the

An ICE official said the teen claimed to be Cortez throughout the criminal proceedings in Houston and the ensuing deportation process, in which an immigration judge ultimately ordered her back to Colombia country, with negative results. A sheriff's office employee recommended that an immigration detainer be put on her, and upon her release from jail she was turned over to ICE. U.S. immigration officials insist

Obama plans change in immigration rule on waivers Cont’d from page 40

Laura Barajas, a 42-year-old stay-at-home mom in Orange County, Calif., is due to travel to Ciudad Juarez in two weeks to try to get her papers. She and her U.S. citizen husband are trying to stay positive, but she is afraid to leave him and their two young children behind. ``I don't want to be separated for a long time from my children,'' said Barajas, who came to the U.S. illegally to find work, then met her future husband and stayed. ``I'm not going to risk taking them to a place that I don't even know after 18 years.'' Pro-immigration activists and lawyers embraced the change, saying it would keep families together and encourage more people in the United States illegally to emerge from the shadows and apply for visas. Some called for the change to be extended to spouses and children of legal residents, not just U.S. citizens. Kelly Alfaro, of Washington State, said her husband, Guillermo, waited in Mexico for eight months last year after he had his visa interview in Ciudad Juarez, a hotbed for drug-fueled violence. ``I was terrified for his safety because I know how dangerous it

is there and I had no way of knowing how long he would have to stay in Mexico,'' she said. Democratic lawmakers welcomed the Obama administration's move to change the immigration system by rulemaking after efforts at a legislative overhaul failed. ``Has it taken a while? Yes. Is it happening? Yes,'' said Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill., who has encour-

Congressional Republicans have decried the policy changes, arguing that the Obama administration is circumventing Congress aged such changes. ``Am I looking forward to telling people to vote for him? Absolutely.'' Immigration has become a difficult issue for Obama ahead of the November election. As a presidential candidate, he pledged to change what many consider to be a broken immigration system. To that end, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano

announced plans last year to review some 300,000 pending deportation cases in an effort to target criminal illegal immigrants, repeat immigration law violators and those who pose a national security or public safety threat. Napolitano said the DHS would delay indefinitely the cases of many illegal immigrants who have no criminal record and those who have been arrested for only minor traffic violations or other misdemeanors. A pilot program is under way to begin reviewing the case. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director John Morton also issued a memo in June outlining how immigration authorities could use discretion in deciding which illegal immigrants to arrest and put into deportation proceedings. Congressional Republicans have decried the policy changes, arguing that the Obama administration is circumventing Congress. Several attempts at an immigration law overhaul have failed in recent years, including the socalled DREAM Act, which would have allowed for some young illegal immigrants brought to the U.S. as children to earn legal status if they went to college or joined the military. -AP

they followed procedure and found nothing to indicate that the girl wasn't a Colombian woman living illegally in the country. An ICE official said the teen claimed to be Cortez throughout the criminal proceedings in Houston and the ensuing deportation process, in which an immigration judge ultimately ordered her back to Colombia. Standard procedure before any deportation is to coordinate with the other country in order to establish that person is from there, the ICE official said. The ICE official, speaking on condition of anonymity due to not being authorized to discuss additional details of the case, said the teenager was interviewed by a representative from the Colombian consulate and that country's government issued her a travel document to enter Colombia. Jakadrien was issued travel documents at the request of U.S. officials using information they provided, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. Colombian officials are investigating what kind of verification was conducted by

its Houston consulate to issue the temporary passport. The girl was given Colombian citizenship upon arriving in that country, the ICE official said. According to the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the girl was enrolled in the country's ``Welcome Home'' program after she arrived there. She was given shelter, psychological assistance and a job at a call center, a statement from the agency said. ``If she looked like an adult, and she told them she was a 21year-old Colombian citizen, and she didn't show up in their databases, this was inevitable,'' said Albert Armendariz, an immigration attorney from El Paso. Jakadrien's family says they have no idea why she ended up in Colombia. Johnisa Turner said the girl is a U.S. citizen who was born in Dallas and was not fluent in Spanish. She said neither she nor the teen's father had ties to Colombia. Jakadrien's grandmother, Lorene Turner, called the deportation a ``big mistake somebody made.'' -AP

Fla. lawmaker pushes immigration bill for 2012 Cont’d from page 40

State Rep. Gayle Harrell, RStuart, has filed a bill that would require employers in the state to check the status of new employees against a federal database also known as E-Verify. The new requirement would start in January 2013 if lawmakers approve the bill. Last year the GOP-controlled Legislature debated a tough immi-

gration bill that was backed by several leading Republicans. But the House and Senate could not agree on the bill and the measure died. Since that time neither Gov. Rick Scott nor other legislative leaders have spoken much about the need for legislation this year. Harrell said the bill is needed to ensure jobs in Florida are going to legal residents. -AP

Arpaio asks for facts to back up civil rights case Cont’d from page 41

``We are merely requesting the opportunity to conduct our own weighing of the reliability of the evidence in your possession,'' Popolizio said. The changes in the sheriff's office that Justice officials were seeking include training in constitutional policing and dealing with jail inmates with limited English skills, collecting data on traffic stops and immigration enforcement, and establishing a comprehensive disciplinary system that permits the public to make complaints against

officers without fear of retaliation. The civil rights allegations have led some Arpaio critics to call for the sheriff's resignation. Arpaio has said he won't resign and intends to seek a sixth term this year. Separate from the civil rights probe, a federal grand jury has been investigating Arpaio's office on criminal abuse-of-power allegations since at least December 2009. That grand jury is examining the investigative work of the sheriff's anti-public corruption squad. -AP

Immigration Post

January 20, 2012

India Post


NJ union questions immigration detention agreement NEWARK, N.J.: A union representing correction officers at a New Jersey jail is criticizing an agreement between county and federal officials that establishes one of the newest immigration detention facilities in the nation. Joe Amato, president of PBA Local 382, which represents officers at the Essex County Correctional Facility in Newark, sent a series of letters to Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo Jr. complaining that the agreement, signed in mid-December between the county and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, violates union provisions and isn't being properly administrated by the county.

In a Dec. 27 letter, Amato argued his membership was being forced to assume added responsibilities to deal with the ``pampering'' of immigration detainees while being given no additional benefits. He added that county officials weren't allocating enough resources from the deal with ICE to allow jail employees to properly implement it. ``Jail management needs to be allowed to stop jumping through federal hoops and concentrate on what's best for all inmates regardless of their classification,'' Amato said. The county executive's chief of staff, Philip Alagia, said that no union grievances had been filed over the ICE agreement and that

the letter from Amato lacked specific examples or demands. ``What we're asking is for some-

DiVincenzo has said the agreement will generate millions of dollars in badly needed revenue for the county thing specific; we'd be glad to answer it,'' Alagia said. DiVincenzo has said the agreement will generate millions of dollars in badly needed revenue for

Heller tells Hispanics he won't back DREAM Act LAS VEGAS: Republican US Sen. Dean Heller buckled down against immigration reform that would grant illegal immigrants amnesty, telling a Hispanic group in Las Vegas that he does not support the DREAM Act. Heller's appearance at a monthly Hispanic in Politics meeting was supposed to be an

olive branch toward the Hispanic community. Some Hispanic leaders accused Heller of shunning the Latino community after he cancelled a meeting with the Latin Chamber of Commerce in October. But Heller repeated his opposition to the DREAM Act several times during the meeting, even as

Hispanic leaders warned him that the stance could alienate Latino voters. Heller is running for re-election against Democratic Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, who represents many of Nevada's Hispanic neighborhoods. Hispanics represent nearly a third of all Nevadans. -AP

Per-country limits legislation put on hold Cont’d from page 40

entrepreneurial talent is fully realized. The tactical team will help us develop policy guidance and training tools that support our decision-makers." USCIS said it will hire business experts via the Department of Homeland Security's Loaned Executive Program. The application period ends on December 31, 2011. ICE Issues Memo on Next Steps in Prosecutorial Discretion and Immigration Enforcement U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently released a memorandum on next steps in the implementation of prosecutorial discretion and immigration enforcement priorities. ICE said it has launched a comprehensive training program on the appropriate use of the June 2011 Prosecutorial Discretion Memorandum. Also, beginning in November, ICE agents nationwide are reviewing all incoming cases in immigration courts. ICE said

that the reviews are designed to identify the cases most clearly eligible or ineligible for a favorable exercise of discretion and are focused on cases appearing on the master calendar and cases that have not yet been filed in immigration court. The initial "test run" of this review of cases will end on January 13, 2012. Also, beginning on December 4, 2011, ICE and the Department of Justice (DOJ) will launch pilot programs in two jurisdictions to testrun a process for reviewing all cases pending in immigration courts. Over the course of six weeks, an intra-agency team of attorneys from ICE, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, and U.S. Customs and Border Patrol will review the cases on the non-detained dockets in the Denver and Baltimore immigration courts based on the Prosecutorial Discretion Memorandum and guided by a set of more focused criteria. During that time, DOJ's Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) has agreed to shift judges from the

non-detained docket in those jurisdictions to hear detained cases, to enhance processing of the latter. At the end of the period, DHS will promptly review that data and other implementation outcomes and, where appropriate, consult with DOJ to determine, on an expedited basis, the best methods to implement these processes on an ongoing basis nationwide. * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

the county. ICE has several similar agreements across the nation with local jails and private contractors to rent bed space for immigrants awaiting deportation or other court-related matters. The immigrants are classified as administrative, not criminal, detainees. Immigration advocates have opposed the expansion of the Essex County facility since it was

proposed, submitting a petition to stop the jail from increasing its number of immigrant detainees and questioning why management of the contract was granted to a politically connected firm that was the sole bidder. Federal immigration officials had been seeking a new or expanded detention facility to serve the New York metropolitan area. -AP

Pa. undergraduates help asylum seekers PHILADELPHIA:Aunique seminar at Franklin and Marshall College is giving undergraduates a chance to work on asylum cases, and see U.S. immigration policy in action. Associate Dean Susan Dicklitch calls the class ``Human Rights/Human Wrongs.'' Her students help nonprofits and immigration lawyers work on individual asylum claims. They've helped win 25 of 63 cases since 2002.

Two recent wins involve a Coptic Christian student from Egypt and a teen from Darfur who was arrested and tortured over regional feuding. F&M senior Andrew Berg of Newburgh, NY, plans to attend law school, like many seminar students. He helped gather evidence in the Egyptian case and notes that America's founders came here to escape similar persecution. -AP

Tech News Samsung bringing super-size smartphone to US

TechBiz 44 India Post

LAS VEGAS: South Korean electronics giant Samsung announced plans to bring its supersize smartphone, the Galaxy Note, which also features a stylus for taking notes, to the United States. With a 5.3 inch (13.46-centimeter) touchscreen, the Galaxy Note is considerably wider than most smartphones on the market today. Apple's latest iPhone, the 4S, for example, has a 3.5-inch (8.85centimeter) display. In an announcement on the eve of the giant Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, Samsung said it will partner with AT&T to sell the Galaxy Note in the United States and it will run on the US telecom carrier's 4G network.-AFP

Nokia declares war in US smartphone market

LAS VEGAS: Nokia declared war in the US smartphone market with a Microsoft-powered handset tailored to take on Apple iPhones and Google-backed Android devices. Microsoft chief executive Steven Ballmer joined Nokia boss Stephen Elop to reveal the Finland-based mobile phone titan's plans to hit the US market in coming months, with a Lumia 900 smartphone designed for the media-gobbling habits. The price and release date for Lumia 900 was not disclosed, but it will be offered exclusively on the latest generation 4G LTE network of US telecom giant AT&T. Lumia 900 runs on Windows mobile software and will tap into the growing trove of hip, fun, or functional mini-applications for handsets based on Microsoft's latest mobile software. "We believe the industry has shifted from a battle of devices to a war of ecosystems," Elop said.-AFP

January 20, 2012

Facebook forces 45,000 users to change passwords


acebook has forced 45,000 users to change their passwords and login credentials after a worm known as the Ramnit attacked the social networking site. The worm was detected in early 2010 and since then spread continuously. The worm targets user accounts and steals login credentials for various financial services including online banking. Seculert, an Israeli security firm said that the worm is spreading fast and is currently affecting a lot of French and British citizens.

Kalam gives away Infosys Science awards to six BANGALORE: The Infosys Science Foundation has awarded winners of the Infosys Prize 2011 in recognition of their outstanding achievements and contributions in scientific research. Former President A P J Abdul Kalam felicitated the six winners in five categories - Engineering and Computer Science (Prof Kalyanmoy Deb), Life Sciences (Dr Imran Siddiqi), Mathematical Sciences (Prof Kannan Soundararajan), Physical Sciences (Prof Sriram Ramaswamy) and Social Sciences (Prof Raghuram G Rajan) and Chief Executive at the Center for Policy Research, New Delhi, Dr. Pratab Bhanu Mehta, at a ceremony here, a company statement said. Speaking at the occasion, Kalam stressed on encouraging productive academic pursuits that would boost the confidence of researchers in physical, biological and social sciences and related fields. The prize in each category comprises a 22-karat gold medallion, a citation expounding the laureate's work and Rs 50 lakh as prize money, the statement said. Infosys Science Foundation Board of Trustees President T V

Former President APJ Abdul Kalam greets Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen as Infosys Chairman Emeritus N R Narayan Murthy, UIDAI Chairman Nandan Nilekani and award winners look on at the Infosys Awards 2011 in Bangalore

Mohandas Pai said the award is to motivate the research community and persuade bright young people to adopt careers in research. The Infosys Science Foundation announced introduction of a sixth category for the Infosys Prize 2012. The new category will cover Philosophy, History, Archaeology, Linguistics and Literary Studies,

the statement said. The jury, comprising noted scientists and professors from across the globe, evaluated their achievements against the highest standards of international research, it said. "Scientific research is the bedrock of social and technological progress of any economy. There is a significant depth of scientific talent in this country and the ob-

jective of the Infosys Prize is to identify and encourage such outstanding talent," Pai said. The Social Sciences category will continue to include Economics, Political Science, International Relations, Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology, it added. The winners of Infosys Prize 2011 were announced on November 16 last in Bangalore.-PTI

Chatwal to open 52 hotels across India S

Pic: SnapsIndia

ant Chatwal, the New Yorkbased hotelier, announced elaborate expansion plans to open 52 lifestyle hotels across India over the next five years. The new hotels under the brands 'Dream' and 'Night' will be managed by the global hospitality major Wyndham Hotel Group. The idea is to invest around Rs 2,000 crore over the next five years which would come through internal accruals and will go into buying equity in individual hotel properties, according to Chatwal, chairman and CEO of Hampshire Hotels & Resorts.

There would be a tripartite arrangement between Chatwal's group hotels, the Wyndham Group and the hotel property owner in a revenue share agreement where new hotel properties would be developed though franchisee route. The group has already signed deals for 18 hotels that would come up in cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Goa, Pune, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Raipur, Coimbatore, among several others. Over the next ten years the company aims to have around 100 hotels in India.

TechBiz Post

January 20, 2012

India Post


Soumitra Dutta appointed dean of Cornell business school India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Soumitra Dutta, a professor of business and technology and founder and faculty director of a new media and technology innovation lab at INSEAD in Fontainebleau, France, will become the eleventh dean of the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University effective July 1, 2012, Cornell President David J. Skorton announced. In appointing Dutta, Johnson becomes the first major business school in the US to hire a dean from a business school outside the country. INSEAD, with campuses in Fontainebleau, France; Singapore,

Soumitra Dutta

and Abu Dhabi, UAE, is one of the top-ranked graduate business schools worldwide. Dutta himself has served visiting professorships in Haas School at UC Berkeley, Oxford Internet Institute at University of Oxford, and Judge School at University of Cambridge in England, as well as advising several governments with their national information and innovation policies and has consulted with leading international organizations. He has lived and worked in the US, Europe and Asia, including stints as an engineer with GE in the US and Schlumberger in Japan. "Professor Dutta's appointment is a natural fit with Johnson's increasingly global outlook," said Skorton. "He has expertise in new and emerging media, he has studied the conditions that promote innovation and he has extensive experience on the international stage. Among other qualities, these prepare him well to oversee the education of our next-generation business leaders and entrepreneurs. Johnson students, Cornellians who take courses at Johnson and, in the very near future, aspiring entrepreneurs at our

new tech campus in New York City will benefit from this appointment." "I am delighted to welcome Dr. Dutta to the position of dean. His global focus and his outstanding research in the areas of innovation and technology position him well to lead the school today and in the future," said H. Fisk Johnson '79, MBA '84, PhD 86, CEO and chairman of S. C. Johnson. Dutta is the Roland Berger Chaired Professor in Business and Technology at INSEAD. He is the co-editor and author respectively of two influential reports in technology and innovation, the Global Information Technology Report (co-published with the World Economic Forum) and the Global Innovation Index (to be co-published with the World Intellectual Property Organization). Both reports have been widely used by governments around the world in assessing and planning their technology and innovation policies. Dutta is a member of the Davos Circle, an association of long-time participants in the Annual Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum and has engaged in a number of multi-stakeholder initiatives to shape global, regional and industry agendas. In addition to teaching and research, he has published twenty books and monographs. He has held several deputy dean-level management responsibilities at

‘His global focus and his outstanding research in the areas of innovation and technology position him well to lead the school today and in the future’ ship and innovation, and business sustainability, but also because as an early adopter of approaches such as performance learning, the school itself exemplifies innovative thinking in business," said Dutta. "I am excited about the close connections the school has to the broader university and especially the opportunities available through collaboration on the tech campus. I am eager to take up the leadership position building on the strong foundations laid by Dean Thomas." "Having excelled in a premier management school in academia and in administration after being a top technology researcher, Professor Soumitra Dutta brings a rare combination of vision, aspiration, networking, management, engineering rigor and excellence to Johnson," said N.R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman Emeritus of Infosys Limited, and an Emeritus Member of the Cornell University Board of Trustees. "Professor Dutta is highly respected in the academic and business communities globally, and will transfer a wealth of knowledge and expertise to Johnson. Booz & Company is proud to have built a

Dutta is a member of the Davos Circle, an association of long-time participants in the Annual Davos meeting of the World Economic Forum and has engaged in a number of multi-stakeholder initiatives INSEAD, including handling global executive education with total annual revenues of $110 million. He is on the advisory boards of several international business schools. He has co-founded two firms and is on the board of several start-ups. "This appointment is an exciting opportunity for me, in part because of Johnson's commitment to global perspectives, entrepreneur-

working relationship spanning two decades with Professor Dutta through a number of joint initiatives pertaining to strategy, innovation, and dissemination of technology centric models," said Joe Saddi, MBA '83 and Chairman of Booz & Company. "I am delighted that Professor Dutta will be joining us," said Thomas. "His extensive research on global business and the condi-

tions that encourage innovation make him the right leader to carry forward our strategic plan, and I look forward to working with him as he assumes his new role as dean of Johnson." Dutta received a B.Tech. in electrical engineering and computer science from the Indian Institute of Technology and an M.S. in business administration, an M.S. in computer science and a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California at Berkeley. He is married to Lourdes Casanova, a

native of Spain. She currently is a lecturer in INSEAD'S strategy department, where she specializes in international business, with a focus on Latin America and multinationals from emerging markets. The couple has a daughter, currently studying at Oxford University. Founded in 1946, Johnson at Cornell University offers both a two-year and accelerated Masters of Business Administration program, as well as two executive MBA programs designed for midcareer professionals.


TechBiz Post

India Post

January 20, 2012

CII flaunts 'mismanaged' auto fair as king of trade shows

Crowd of visitors admire motorcycles on display at 11th Auto Expo 2012, Pragati Maidan in New Delhi

NEW DELHI: Free-loaders in the much-hyped Auto Expo here went missing as the crowd thinned with opening of the ticket sales costing Rs 200 each, even as organizers-CII sought to make a virtue out of "mismanagement." Over 1 lakh "pass-holders" thronged Pragati Maidan on an earlier day which was reserved for media resulting into a chaos, so much so the top industry leaders like Anand Mahindra resented reportedly saying it looked like a "Kumbh Mela." According to CII's Trade Fair head Virendra Gupta, about 60,000 people visited the Fair which is showcasing top car models by glo-

bal firms. He said the "mismanagement" resulted from the exhibitors giving away huge number of free passes. CII, in a statement, tried to make a virtue out of the reported "Kumbh Mela" remarks of Mahindra and Mahindra Group CEO. "Just as the Kumbh Mela is the king of all melas in the country, the Auto Expo is king of all trade shows in India... It is quite natural to have huge crowds," CII said adding the challenge was to manage the high visitor levels, "Keeping in mind the infrastructural constraints that the trade fair grounds have."

The chamber said that the visitor level has been restricted to 70,000 per day as 30,000 people are also manning the exhibitors' halls. The statement quoted Hero MotoCorp Joint Managing Director Sunil Kant Munjal stating "Wow, what a response...even though visitors may inconvenienced... augurs well for the economy." However, Chairperson and CEO of the Tractors and Farm Equipment Ltd Mallika Srinivasan was quoted as saying the crowds... give a serious pointer that in the currently available infrastructure the show has outgrown its size. PTI

Kingfisher plans to resolve the lapses, discrepancies NEW DELHI: After a rap from the aviation regulator for neglecting safety issues, Kingfisher Airlines has submitted a detailed response to DGCA giving timebound plans to resolve the lapses and discrepancies identified. As Civil Aviation Minister Ajit Singh asserted that there would be no compromise on aviation safety, Kingfisher officials submitted the airline's response at the headquarters of the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) here, but no details were available. A long list of discrepancies and violations by various airlines, including Kingfisher, had come to light in a financial audit carried out by DGCA which directed them to

resolve all issues in a time-bound manner. The DGCA asked the carriers to respond to the findings this week and take urgent action to rectify the situation. "The Civil Aviation Ministry will not tolerate any violation of safety norms. There will be no compromise on air safety," the Minister told reporters here. "Basically, you need more training for pilots and crew. All airlines have to do that. But this business has grown so fast in the last few years that some delays are taking place," Singh said in response to questions. Pointing out the lapses and violations by Kingfisher, the financial surveillance report had said "a

reasonable case exists for withdrawal of their airline operator permit as their financial stress is likely to impinge on safety." It had also come down heavily on Air India Express, saying "a prima facie case exists for restricting their operations in view of safety issues." Among various issues, Kingfisher was asked to submit a plan on recovery of its flights and recapitalization of the airline. The airline has cancelled 157 flights in this winter out of a total of over 400 allotted to it. Kingfisher CEO Sanjay Aggarwal had earlier told PTI that the DGCA had carried out two safety audits of Kingfisher in the

Satyam sues former directors, Price Waterhouse for fraud MUMBAI: Satyam Computer Services, which has been acquired by Tech Mahindra, has filed a suit against its former Board of Directors, certain employees and the company's audit firm Price Waterhouse in a Hyderabad Court seeking damages for perpetrating a fraud three years ago. "The company filed a suit in the City Civil Court, Hyderabad, against the past Board of Directors, certain former employees and Price Waterhouse, the former statutory auditors, its affiliates and partners, seeking damages for inter-alia perpetrating fraud, breach of fiduciary responsibility, obligations and negligence in performance of duties," Satyam, now Mahindra Satyam, said in a filing to the BSE. In January 2009, Satyam founder Chairman B Ramalinga Raju had admitted to the accounting fraud at the IT firm. Termed as India's own Enron scam, the alleged Rs 14,000 crore scam cast shadow of doubt on the credibility of the Indian IT sector. The government soon stepped in and set up a new board, following which Tech Mahindra bought 46 per cent stake in Satyam through a formal public auction process. The company was later July 2009 was rechristened as Mahindra Satyam. "We believe the company suffered incredible loss....We suffered losses in customers, we suffered reputational loss, specific losses in terms of class action suit,

what we had to pay to Upaid and the fines SEC imposed on us," Mahindra Satyam Chairman Vineet Nayyar told a private news channel. So, these are all significant damages and the company is seeking compensation, he added. Nayyar, however, did not disclose the amount of damages sought. "We know the damages caused to us in terms of penalties, class action suits, penalties by SEC and

past three months and there were "no significant findings". Twenty of the 64-aircraft fleet of the Vijay Mallya-owned airline are grounded for a "multitude of reasons", including want of engines, spares or reconfiguration of

seats, he said. The DGCA, which found all Indian carriers were neglecting safety due to widespread sickness in the industry, made it clear that no airline would be allowed to take a "short-cut" on the safety front.-PTI

Upaid...on top of loss of business," Nayyar added. Last year, Mahindra Satyam had agreed to pay USD 125 million (over Rs 587 crore) in an out-ofcourt settlement to end a bunch of class action suits filed in the US. It had also agreed to pay USD 70 million in a legal settlement with British firm Upaid Systems. The Indian tax authorities have also made an income tax claim of about Rs 2,500 crore. -PTI


January 20, 2012

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India Post

January 20, 2012

Page Sponsored by Sahanis MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI


s long as this fascination to achieve this and achieve that continues, so long will continue the cycle of birth and death. Because if all the desires are not satisfied and this machinery fails to function, that means we have some unfulfilled desires there in the mind, those desires can not be fulfilled through this body because now it is ceasing to function. It doesn't matter if this house is falling down; we erect another house. So if there are desires and the body is not able to satisfy them because the body is dying out, because it is ceasing out, going out of function, we create a new body just as we build a new house. So we build a house - the purpose is to fulfill all desires. We build the house, from the childhood we build the house and then go on, gradually experience all those unfulfilled desires of the past life for which we took this body. This is the theory of Karma. Karma, we did some action and those actions created an impression of their value in the mind and they are the impressions - some time when we have seen this flower and we found it smells very good and when we see the flower now the desire to smell the flower makes the hand touch the flower GEORGE IVANOVICH GURDJIEFF


dentification' is so common a quality that for purposes of observation it is difficult to separate it from everything else. Man is always in a state of identification, only the object of identification changes. "A man identifies with a small problem which confronts him and he completely forgets the great aims with which he began his work. He identifies with one thought and forgets other thoughts; he is identified with one feeling, with one mood, and forgets his own wider thoughts, emotions, and moods. In work on themselves people are so much identified with separate aims that they fail to see the wood for the trees. Two or three trees nearest to them represent for them the whole wood. "'Identifying' is one of our most terrible foes because it penetrates everywhere and deceives a man at the moment when it seems to him that he is struggling with it. It is especially difficult to free oneself from identifying because a man naturally becomes more easily identified with the things that interest him most, to which he gives his time, his work, and his attention. In order to free himself

and smell it. Again the impression of the value goes in the mind, again some flower appeals and again the action is done. So the action, the experience leaves an impression in the mind, and that mind comes up, rises up as a desire to do the action again. That action is again done. That experience leaves an impression again, again the desire comes up.

impression and at the time of death again that impression comes up as a desire - continue the cycle of birth and death as long as will continue the cycle of impression and action and desire. When through meditation we experience the bliss of the Self, the mind becomes contented. When the mind is contented through the experience of great happiness, all

enced but nothing is remembered. That becomes the status. When there is bliss all the time, everything is experienced in the outside world but nothing carried home gone to the market, everything seen but nothing brought home. This is the condition when that great experience of the bliss comes to be lived continuously, for all times, day and night,

Meditation can counter the influence of past karma

Your humanity is like a disguise, an incarnation you have taken on to be here in this world. Inwardly you are God, outwardly you are a person -Douglas Harding

If there are desires and the body is not able to satisfy them because the body is dying out, going out of function, we create a new body just as we build a new house

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

As long as the action will leave the impression of the value in the mind, so long will continue the chain of action and impression and desire. As long as the action and impression and desire continue, so long will continue the cycle of birth and death because at the time of death the desire will come up and that desire will lead us to take birth again, get a fresh framework, get a fresh body. Through that body fulfill the desire, that desire again leaves an

desires are satisfied. There is no chance for any desire to rise up because the sweet taste of a sweet meal which is of a lower degree cannot wipe out the impression of the saccharine of the tongue and make it an impression. So all that which we begin to experience in the world is just like that experience where you pass through the market, you see thousand things but because of that idea reaching quick captivating the mind, everything is experi-

through the wakeful state and dreaming state. All stages of life when it comes pervaded, then the man is said to rise to Cosmic Consciousness. By the regular practice of Transcendental Meditation supplemented by the power of charity and virtuous deeds, the negative influence of past karma can counteracted. The 95th birth anniversary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi was observed on January 12

from identifying a man must be constantly on guard and be merciless with himself, that is, he must not be afraid of seeing all the subtle and hidden forms which identifying takes. "It is necessary to see and to study identifying to its very roots in oneself. The difficulty of struggling with identifying is still fur-

identifying. If people could see what the state of identifying means they would alter their opinion. A man becomes a thing, a piece of flesh; he loses even the small semblance of a human being that he has. In the East where people smoke hashish and other drugs it often happens that a man becomes so identified with his pipe that he

lect, his beauty, his cleverness, his wit, his presence of mind, his originality, and all his other qualities. Various writers, actors, musicians, artists, and politicians, for instance, are almost without exception sick people. And what are they suffering from? First of all from an extraordinary' opin-

Identified with small problems, man forgets his great aims Identifying' is one of our most terrible foes because it penetrates everywhere and deceives a man at the moment when it George Ivanovich Gurdjieff

ther increased by the fact that when people observe it in themselves they consider it a very good trait and call it 'enthusiasm,' 'zeal,' 'passion,' 'spontaneity,' 'inspiration,' and names of that kind, and they consider that only in a state of identifying can a man really produce good work, no matter in what sphere. In reality of course this is illusion. Man cannot do anything sensible when he is in a state of

seems to him that he is struggling with it begins to consider he is a pipe himself. And for this, hashish or opium are entirely unnecessary. Look at people in shops, in theaters, in restaurants; considering is wholly based upon 'requirements.' A man inwardly 're-quires' that everyone should see what a remarkable man he is and that they should constantly give expression to their respect, esteem, and admiration for him, for his intel-

ion of themselves, then from requirements, and then from considering, that is, being ready and prepared beforehand to take offense at lack of understanding and lack of appreciation. The 128th birth anniversary of George Gurdjieff was observed on January 13 Excerpted from 'In Search of the Miraculous' by Gurdjieff disciple P D Ouspensky

No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now. -Alan Watts Experience is a worthless and transient existence unless the experiencer is known. -Richard Rose A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe. -Wayne Dyer Dying is something we human beings do continuously, not just at the end of our physical lives on this earth. -Elisabeth KublerRoss A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. -Abraham Maslow Acceptance is not love. You love a person because he or she has lovable traits, but you accept everybody just because they're alive and human. -Albert Ellis

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January 20, 2012

India Post


Likely American strategy for Pakistan in 2012 ARYAMAN BHATNAGAR


elations between the US and Pakistan were frayed throughout 2011, however, it was the NATO strikes at the Salala check-posts in November that forced Pakistan to reassess its alliance with the US. Pakistan is expected to put forward new terms of engagement with the US later this month. Against this background, this commentary seeks to examine the likely American approach towards Pakistan in 2012. Would the US reconcile with Pakistan? What would be the nature of this reconciliation? Pakistan is still viewed as a partner that Washington may not trust but cannot afford to lose, especially because of its objectives in Afghanistan. Improved relations with Pakistan are essential for ending the blockade imposed by Pakistan on the NATO supply trucks since December 2011. Moreover, Washington's battlefield strategy to break the momentum of the Taliban in order to improve its negotiating position at the table cannot be realized without Pakistan's assistance. In 2012, Washington will definitely reconcile with Pakistan. Ever since the November NATO strikes, Obama's administration has attempted to mend fences with Pakistan. The US State Department spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, said "We want to get back to normal and get into full counterterrorism relationship again." However, Pakistan insists on changing the equation between the two countries and urges for relations based on mutual respect, with clearly drawn lines. It is clear that in order to ensure that relations with Pakistan normalize Washington would have to accept certain demands put forth by Islamabad. This may include a reduction in the number of US military personnel in Pakistan, additional tolls or taxes on NATO supply trucks and possible charges for the use of Pakistani airspace, reassurance to Islamabad that unilateral Abbottabad-style raids would not occur in the future, and also accept responsibility for the NATO strikes.

Will the US now toe Pakistan's line? While the above measures may be important to ensure that the strategic alliance with Pakistan endures, it is unlikely that Washington would toe Islamabad's line. There would be ample space even in the new US-Pakistan equation

for Washington to maintain the pressure on Islamabad to safeguard its own interests. For instance, while the NATO supply routes through Pakistan are important, they account only for one-third of the cargo that enters Afghanistan, and NATO has repeatedly claimed that it has sufficient alternative routes to supply its forces. The efforts to build up the Northern Distribution Network, the supply route that passes through Russia and Central Asia, have made considerable progress.

national defense authorization bill, which seeks to suspend 60 per cent of the US$ 1.1 billion military aid to Pakistan. Any unconditional US aid in the future is unlikely and there are growing demands in the US to penalize Pakistan by reducing the aid further unless it steps up its campaign against the militants on its soil. The reduction in aid has undoubtedly had an adverse affect on Pakistan's crumbling economy. Moreover, there is increasing fear in Pakistan that antagonizing

NATO supply trucks wait for clearance from Pakistani officials to cross into Afghanistan.

Moreover, increased taxes on the Pakistani supply routes would decrease their attraction as cheaper options for NATO. In light of this, the threat of closing such routes again in the future can hardly be a deterrent for the US, in

Reports are already suggesting that NATO may resume its drone program, especially with the looming threat of the newly formed Taliban shura, which has vowed to attack American troops in Afghanistan case it decides to increase pressure on Pakistan. The US continues to remain one of the major financial backers of Pakistan and its military, a role that even China is neither capable nor willing to fulfill. As a result, the tactic of withholding aid to Pakistan will be a definite leverage for Washington to maintain pressure. Already, Obama has signed the

Washington could lead the latter to use its influence with international financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank to hurt the country's economic interests. Finally, as the defeat of al Qaeda and its affiliates continues to remain a high priority for the US, Islamabad's efforts to curb the activities and presence of such militants in the region would be closely monitored by Washington. This suggests that in addition to suspending aid to Pakistan, the drone program - considered by many American officials as the most effective way of fighting militancy in Pakistan - is going to remain a vital strategy option. Reports are already suggesting that NATO may resume its drone program, especially with the looming threat of the newly formed Taliban shura, which has vowed to attack American troops in Afghanistan and was allowed to be formed due to the temporary halt in drone strikes following the Salala incident. Given that this is the US presidential election year, both the Democrats and the Republicans would be keen to demonstrate that they are willing to take stern steps against Pakistan. Despite any pacification of Pakistan, the US is unlikely to reduce its pressure or demands on Islamabad to 'do more'. The writer is Research Intern, IPCS

India Post Speculations on UP


ttar Pradesh is a prize that most political parties covet. With 80 seats in Parliament and more than 400 in the Assembly, it has given a chance to most of the North Indian parties but none has been able to take it out of the caste-religion rut that the rest of the country is moving out of. Will it continue to run - or not run - on the same calculations even after this election set for next month? There is a churning on, say pollsters. According to the India Human Development Report 2011, the rural mobile penetration in the state is 99 percent. Based on this statistic alone, it is being surmised that the people of UP are also becoming aspirational which fact will hit the caste and religion based formulations. Rahul Gandhi, the crown prince of Congress, has been on the campaign trail in UP for a long time berating the Mayawati government's lack of governance and BJP's plans. The Samajwadi Party crown prince Akhilesh Yadav is also addressing the aspirations this time, reading the mood of the public. In the previous election, Mulayam Singh Yadav's party was campaigning against introduction of English and computers in education. This time they are careful not to repeat it. Like Bihar, education has become a major aspirational tool in this state also. Corruption is also a big issue and the BJP has mud on its face going against the current by inducting the tainted and BSP-expelled leader Babu Singh Kushwaha. Though in public BJP has recanted its decision, privately BJP officials say he still remains the saffron party's calling card in the Bundelkhand's OBC belt where the BJP drew a blank last time. It hopes to cash in on his influence in the region. This flies in the face of the anti-corruption campaign of senior leaders like L K Advani. Another factor going against the BJP is that they don't have a single credible person who can be projected as leader in UP. "Ever since the collapse of the big alliance forged by Kalyan Singh between non-Yadav OBCs and upper castes, BJP has been struggling,'' says political columnist Swapan Dasgupta, adding, "the biggest problem before the party is that it has ceased to be a contender for government in UP. As a result, it is looking for sectional issues to revive its fortunes.'' Encouraged by the campaigning of Rahul Gandhi and sensing the aspirational mood of the electorate, some analysts are predicting a century of seats for the Congress. But even this number will not help the party as, together with the BJP, it is out of contention on ruling the state. Whether the Samajawadi party can come back on the shoulders of Mulayam's son is also very doubtful. Being a family-based party, it has not been attracting talent and even the redoubtable Amar Singh has left it in the lurch. In the midst of this chaos, BSP's sole and supreme leader Mayawati is playing a very shrewd role. Sensing the anti-corruption mood of the polity, she has sacked at least four important ministers and nearly half a dozen party MPs or legislators following charges of corruption and misuse of funds. She is also feeding the community's fears by highlighting that their champion is being targeted by the ruling party from Delhi, subjecting her to insults and discriminating against their state because it is being headed by a Dalit. She has also made moves on reforms in land acquisition laws, food security to electricity and road infrastructure. With her compact vote bank and quick response to people's demands, it looks like Mayawati could be set for another term in office.

50 India Post

January 20, 2012

January 20, 2012

India Post 51

52 India Post

January 20, 2012

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