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India Post


Pak denies state role despite Jundal evidence Details on page 6

Australian jailed for life for killing three Indians

VOL 18, No. 930

July 13, 2012


Periodical Postage

EVEN 'GOD' HAS IGNORED INDIA SN Bose made big contribution to new find

Details on page 7

Details on page 8

Abhijeet wins US event, GM title for Venkatesh

Bhagavad Gita quiz contest in Pakistan

Details on page 9

Details on page 8

INDIA POST SURVEY This week’s question

Higgs should reply to charge of anti-India bias? Last week’s result

Can Sangma win the Presidential poll? YES 12%

NO 88

India to buy Kellenbach Gandhi archive

Obama attacks Romney on outsourcing

Details on page 8

Details on page 9

Details on page 11

Details on page 7

Pak Taliban threaten to attack NATO trucks

Working to get body back: Cognizant

Quinn & Amma inaugurate M.A. Center

ANOTHER BOSE SLIGHTED: British physicist Peter Higgs congratulates ATLAS experiment spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti on July 4 after her results presentation during a seminar on the latest update in the 50-year bid to explain a riddle of fundamental matter in the search for a particle called the Higgs boson at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Meyrin, near Geneva. However they failed to mention the contribution of Satyendra Nath Bose (right) after whom the latter part of the particle name "boson" is fashioned.

CONTENTS Bollywood ---------------------- 22-23

India Post News Service

NEW DELHI: Scientists from all over India joined in the cheers and standing ovation as western scientists at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the world's biggest atom smasher in Geneva, claimed the discovery of a new subatomic particle, calling it "consistent" with the long-sought Higgs boson, popularly known as the 'God particle'. However the Indian scientists expressed concern at how the Indian contribution in this great experiment was being downgraded and even ignored. Kolkata's Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SNIP) director Milan K Sanyal said it bothered him the way the scientific world, including the authorities at CERN, have punctuated the name of the

particle. "Higgs boson" is spelt with an uppercase H for Higgs - after Peter Higgs - but a lowercase b for boson, named after India's Satyendra Nath Bose who preceded Higgs. Ideally boson too should have been written with a capital B, said Sanyal, who added he will email his view to CERN. Bose, who worked with Albert Einstein to bring out the Bose-Einstein statistics and the theory of Bose-Einstein condensate in the 1920s, was a natural candidate for a Nobel Prize which he never got. But his work on quantum mechanics was so substantial that they named one of the subatomic particles after him. However, when science's biggest find came, Bose was missing from the limelight, even in India.

Classifieds ------------------------- 48

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India Post

July 13, 2012

July 13, 2012

India Post



India Post

July 13, 2012

India Post

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t may be soon that God will manifest himself to mankind. Pardon the usage of the masculine gender for God, but you understand it is only a manner of speaking. So, scientific research has finally reached the point where it can put a face to God and I am curious to see who God resembles - a Hindu or Christian or Muslim or Zoroastrian. Again, no offense meant. Humor apart, it is a celebratory moment for - like I've always said - nothing at all in this world happens without some Indian connection. And in this historic milestone in scientific advance, the Indian connection is as established as the existence of the God particle itself. Beginning with the name of this elementary particle to the scores of scientists directly and indirectly involved in the experiments to the manufacturing of the many parts of the equipment used in the decades of experimentation, India takes pride in being involved in a very big way. While Indians pat themselves on their collective backs for being part of this mega research, I want to come back to the question of what this means to us mortals or should I say believers. It is my understanding that the scientists concerned are in no way trying to prove or disprove the existence of God. The reference to this elementary particle as the 'God particle' is a misnomer, in that it simply refers to the elusiveness of the particle akin to the elusiveness of God. The existence of this particle at best explains the mass in the universe which came to be as a result of the big bang. But who is to say that the universe began to manifest itself only after that? Actually, like for all thinking minds, to my mind too scientific explanations are appealing and even enriching, but they are humbling too. Honestly, I would not opinionate in vain because in this context I am neither believer nor an atheist just an unabashedly excited individual who is unquestionably a part of the incredibly explicable and inexplicable scheme of things in this universe.

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Cover Story: Bose ignored Indian scientists expressed concern at how Indian contribution in Higgs boson experiment was being downgraded.

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Cover/Top Stories

July 13, 2012

India Post


SN Bose made big contribution to new find CHENNAI: As CERN scientists celebrated finding the Higgs boson, a late Indian scientist after whom the "God particle" is named, has remained in virtual oblivion. Media reports are replete with references to Peter Higgs, the British physicist who predicted the

27km tunnel under the FrancoSwiss border that hosts science's biggest hunt ever. Bose, who worked with Albert Einstein to bring out the BoseEinstein statistics and the theory of Bose-Einstein condensate in the 1920s, was a natural candidate

Bose's pioneering work in the field in the early 1920s changed the way particle physics has been studied. The work done by Bose and Albert Einstein laid the foundation for the discovery of the God particle existence of such a particle in the early 1960s. But, that a boson one of the two fundamental classes of subatomic particles - is named after Satyendra Nath Bose who preceded Higgs seems to have got buried deeper than the

for a Nobel Prize which he never got. But his work on quantum mechanics was so substantial that they named one of the subatomic particles after him. However, when science's big-

gest find came, Bose was missing from the limelight, even in India. "I believe it is a deliberate omission," says P M Bhargava, founder director of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology. "This is not the only such case." Top Indian scientists like Bhargava feel that it reflects a general lack of recognition for Indian scientists. C N R Rao, who heads the scientific advisory council to the PM, says Bose had been historically ignored, both in India and abroad. "Maybe because he was so outspoken. I remember a function addressed by Jawaharlal Nehru, where Bose disagreed with a point Nehru made," says Rao. Bose would have been more popular had he lived in the US, he says. Bose's pioneering work in the field in the early 1920s changed

the way particle physics has been studied. The work done by Bose and Albert Einstein laid the foundation for the discovery of the God

Satyendra Nath Bose

particle. While paying tribute to Bose's work, Paolo Giubellino, a

CERN spokesperson, had said back in October last year that "India is like a historic father of the project". Bose specialized in mathematical physics. A Fellow of the Royal Society, he was awarded the Padma Vibhushan in 1954. Bose was born in Calcutta, the eldest of seven children. His father, Bose, worked in the Engineering Department of the East Indian Railway Company. Bose never received a doctorate, nor was he awarded a Nobel Prize, though the Nobel committee recognized other scientists for research related to concepts he developed. - Courtesy Times of India

The India connection does Indians leave a footprint on CERN not stop at Bose KOLKATA\MUMBAI: Scientists from all over the country were at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kolkata, watching a live telecast from Geneva and cheering Indians' contribution to the discovery of a particle consistent with the fabled Higgs boson. There was cheer also in Mumbai's Tata Institute Fundamental Research. Saranya Ghosh, 23, and Rajdeep M Chatterjee, 24, PhD students at TIFR, were back from CERN in Geneva only days ago and rejoiced in the "proud moment for us all". Apart from SINP and TIFR, scientists from Harishchandra Research Institute in Allahabad and Institute of Physics in Bhubaneswar too were involved in the project. SINP scientists were involved in the Compact Meone Solinude experiment, one of two - the other is called Atlas - conducted in the hunt for the particle. TIFR leads the CMS experiment; SNIP director Milan K Sanyal said it involves 4,000 scientists from over 30 countries. And five of them were from SINP, working on it for more than a decade." "We think we have discovered the particle we have been looking for," Sanyal said. "Data collection is on... but we must say we have discovered something unknown." SINP's Suchandra Bhattacharya, who was involved in the hunt, said, "It gives me immense plea-

sure to know that we have finally achieved our target." And TIFR professor Monoranjan Guchait said, "Our intuition is that it is the Higgs boson particle." One thing that bothers Sanyal, however, is the way the scientific world, including the authorities at CERN, have punctuated the name of the particle. "Higgs boson" is spelt with an uppercase H for Higgs - after Peter Higgs - but a lowercase b for boson, named after S N Bose. Ideally boson too should have been written with a capital B, said Sanyal, who will email his view to CERN.

In Mumbai, Saranya said he had written an article in his college magazine on the Large Hadron Collider, having had "no idea" back then that he would one day be part of such a breakthrough involving the LHC. And Rajdeep said, "When the news broke today, my father asked, 'Is this what you do?' They are excited." Sudeshna Banerjee, one of the principal investigators, called it a "proud moment" for TIFR. "We saw Peter Higgs getting teary eyed and I could almost feel what he must be feeling," said Naba Mondal, senior professor. - Courtesy Indian Express

GENEVA: As all eyes focused on the European Organization for Nuclear Research, famously known as CERN, Indian scientific and technological contributions are among the many that keep the world's biggest particle physics laboratory buzzing. In a 'quantum' leap in physics, CERN scientists claimed to have spotted a sub-atomic particle "consistent" with the Higgs boson or 'God particle', believed to be a crucial building block that led to the formation of the universe. There is an intrinsic Indian

From left: Former European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) Director-Generals Christopher Llewelyn-Smith, CERN scientific director Lyn Evans, Herwig Schopper, Luciano Maiani and Robert Aymard react on July 4

connection to what is happening at CERN - Satyendra Nath Bose. It is Bose after whom the subatomic particle 'boson' is named. His study changed the way Particle Physics has been studied ever since. The Higgs Boson is a particle that is theoretically the reason why all matter in the Universe has mass. The name Higgs Boson came from a British scientist Peter Higgs and Bose. The work done by Bose and Albert Einstein, later added by Higgs, lead to this pioneering day. "India is like a historic father of the project," Paolo Giubellino, CERN spokesperson had said back in October last year when PTI visited the facility. At the core of the CERN, spread over two countries as it is situated near the Swiss-Franco border, is the 27-km long tunnel, over 70 meters beneath the ground, where the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) or commonly referred to as the Big Bang experiment was conducted last year. The experiment had aimed to recreate the conditions of the Big Bang, when the universe is thought to have exploded into existence about 14 billion years ago. The CERN runs a number of experimental projects and over 100 Indian scientists are working round the clock. -PTI


Top Stories

India Post

July 13, 2012

Pak denies state role despite Key role played by Raja Ramanna Center of Indore Jundal evidence INDORE: The Indore-based Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), a wing of department of atomic energy (DAE), played a key role in the supply of vital parts for Large Hadron Collider (LHC) of Euro-

signs of a new particle, at the level of 5 sigma, in the mass region around 126 GeV. The outstanding performance of the LHC and ATLAS and the huge efforts of many people have brought us to this exciting stage," said ATLAS

Raja Ramanna Center for Advanced Technology Pakistan Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani (L) speaks to journalists as his Indian counterpart Ranjan Mathai looks on during a joint press conference in New Delhi on July 5

NEW DELHI: Armed with evidence gathered from arrested LeT terrorist Abu Jundal, India has made it clear that taking action against the perpetrators of Mumbai attacks will be the "biggest confidence-building measure of all" by Pakistan, which rejected involvement of its state agencies in the 26/11 carnage. Pushing Pakistan to take action against the guilty in Mumbai attacks, New Delhi asserted that the ongoing interrogation of Jundal, the LeT handler of the terrorists who carried out Mumbai terror strikes, has added "urgency" to this matter. "I emphasized that terrorism was the biggest threat to peace

logical conclusion." Asked about Home Minister P Chidambaram's statement that Jundal's has revealed that Pakistan state actors were involved in the Mumbai attacks, Jilani said, "I would very strongly reject any insinuation of any involvement of any state agency in any acts of terrorism in India." However, on Jundal's revelations that Pakistan was involved in Mumbai carnage which killed 166 people, Jilani said he has assured Mathai that whatever evidence that India has should be shared with Pakistan and it will investigate the matter. Pakistan is even willing to offer "a joint investigation" in the whole affair,

On Jundal's revelations that Pakistan was involved in Mumbai carnage which killed 166 people, Jilani said he has assured Mathai that whatever evidence that India has should be shared with Pakistan and it will investigate the matter and security in the region and bringing the guilty to justice in the Mumbai terror attacks would be the biggest CBM of all....The ongoing interrogation of Abu Jundal has now added urgency to the matter. "I did take up the matter with (Pakistan) Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani and shared information with him," Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai said at a joint press interaction with Jilani here. Noting that extensive information on perpetrators of 26/11 has been provided to Pakistan during Home Secretary- level talks in Islamabad in May, Mathai said, "We will continue to pursue this matter with determination to its

Jilani said. Noting that he has shared the outcome of the ongoing investigation of Jundal provided to MEA, Mathai said India was looking forward to Pakistan for taking action on the information "conveyed". Asked if Jundal's revelations will impact on the positive strides the Indo-Pak bilateral ties have made so far, Jilani said, "We hope not. There should definitely be no setback because setback is something we are not for." Briefing reporters on their twoday parleys on peace and security, Jammu and Kashmir, including CBMs and promotion of

friendly exchanges, Mathai and Jilani said both countries recognize that terrorism poses a continuing threat to peace and security in the region. "They reaffirmed the strong commitment of the two countries to fight and eliminate terrorism in an effective and comprehensive manner so as to eliminate the scourge in all its forms and manifestations," a joint statement said. It also said the foreign secretaries had a "comprehensive exchange of views on the issue of Jammu & Kashmir and agreed to continue discussions in a purposeful and forward looking manner with the view to finding a peaceful solution by narrowing divergences and building convergences." The Foreign Secretaries were assisted by senior officials of both sides, including the Indian High Commissioner to Pakistan Sharat Sabharwal and Pakistan's High Commissioner-designate to India Salman Bashir. The two sides also talked about confidence-building measures, including in trade and travel and nuclear fields. They also decided to hold separate meetings of expert- level groups on Nuclear and Conventional CBMs to discuss implementation and strengthening of the existing CBMs and suggest additional mutually acceptable steps that could build greater trust and confidence between the two countries, thereby contributing to peace and security. India also showed the copies of the Pakistani passport and Pakistan's domestic identity cards issued to Jundal in the name of Riyasat Ali to the visiting delegation.-PTI

pean Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). It has been approved by a paper, which was presented at a recently held conference at Melbourne. At a seminar held at CERN as a curtain raiser to the year's major particle physics conference, ICHEP2012 in Melbourne recently, the ATLAS and CMS experiments presented their latest preliminary results in the search for the long sought Higgs particle. Both experiments observe a new particle in the mass region around 125-126 GeV. "We observe in our data clear

experiment spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti, "but a little more time is needed to prepare these results for publication." "The results are preliminary but the 5 sigma signal at around 125 GeV we're seeing is dramatic. This is indeed a new particle. We know it must be a boson and it's the heaviest boson ever found," said CMS experiment spokesperson Joe Incandela. "The implications are very significant and it is precisely for this reason that we must be extremely diligent in all of our studies and cross-checks." PTI

Peter Higgs' first paper was rejected P

eter Higgs is best known for his 1960s proposal of broken symmetry in electroweak theory, explaining the origin of mass of elementary particles in general

Peter Higgs

and of the W and Z bosons in particular. This Higgs mechanism predicts the existence of a new particle, the Higgs boson - which derives its first name from him. Higgs was born in Wallsend, North Tyneside, England. His father worked as a sound engineer for the BBC. Higgs was a professor at the University of Edinburgh. Higgs paper about his theory was initially rejected. But this was a blessing in disguise, since it led Higgs to add a paragraph introducing the now-famous Higgs particle. In 1964, Higgs wrote two papers on what is now known as the Higgs field. The journal Physics Letters accepted the first but sent the second back. After adding a paragraph predicting the new particle, he submitted the paper to competing journal Physical Review Letters, which published it.

Top Stories

July 13, 2012

India Post


India to buy Gandhi-Kellenbach archive LONDON: The Indian government is likely to buy a large archive related to Mahatma Gandhi's time in South Africa, including many letters throwing light on his controversial relationship with architect Hermann Kallenbach, during an auction here on July 10. According to auctioneers Sotheby's, the archive comprising letters, documents and photographs is expected to be auctioned for between 500,000 and 700,000 pounds. An unnamed highly placed Indian official told the BBC that the Indian government "was close to securing a deal" with Sotheby's after a report by experts who examined the archive here "strongly advised" the government to bid

for it. Sotheby's did not respond to the likelihood of India buying the archive, but told PTI: "The Gandhi-Kallenbach Archive is scheduled for auction at Sotheby's in London on the 10th July 2012". It also did not respond to reports that Indian experts had examined the archive. One of the experts who examined the archive is reported by the BBC as saying that it is "very well preserved and of inestimable value". The auctioneer's Catalogue Note on the archive says that it "is richly informative of the important (and occasionally misunderstood) friendship between the two

A rare picture of Gandhi and Kallenbach (middle row, centre) at Tolstoy Farm, South Africa, 1910. Pic Sotheby's

men, and is a key biographical source for Gandhi". In one of the letters, Gandhi

writes about Kallenbach on 25 March 1945: "...He used to say to me often that when I was deserted

Australian jailed for life for killing three Indians MELBOURNE: An Australian man, who killed his Indian girlfriend and her two siblings, has been sentenced to life with a minimum 35 years of jail without parole, the longest sentence handed down in Queensland history. Supreme Court judge John Byrne handed down the life sentence to Massimo 'Max' Sica, 42, for what he described as "brutal, horrific crimes in the worst category of murder". Earlier, a jury of eight men and four women found Sica guilty of killing his former 24-year-old girlfriend Neelma Singh, and her siblings - Kunal, 18 and Sidhi, 12, in 2003. The three were found dead in the spa of their parents' home at Bridgeman Downs, on Brisbane's northern fringe. Sica showed no emotion as the sentence was read out. In sentencing, Justice Byrne called Sica manipulative and deceitful and said he had shown no remorse. "These are brutal, horrific crimes in the worst category of murder," he said. The judge said the crimes had devastating consequences for the Singh family, causing them awful misery they would suffer for the rest of their lives. Sica was sentenced to serve a life sentence for each victim, and Justice Byrne said he must not be released for 35 years unless under exceptional circumstances. Crown prosecutor Brendan Campbell had submitted that Sica should serve 45 years in prison and described it as "the horrendous nature of the killings", including "the murder of an 18 and a 12-year-old in a callous, calculating way" to cover his tracks. He said Sica had showed an intent to kill, had operated nor-

mally the next day and had "an appalling criminal history". His crimes had a "devastating" effect on the Singh family, and the ensuing trial revealed "salacious" family details which added to their pain, media reports said. The 35-year non-parole period is five years longer than the previous record sentence in Queensland. Campbell read Sica's extensive criminal history to the court, including convictions for the arson and attempted arson of two Brisbane police stations when he was in his 20s.

"How could anyone so cold blooded do what was done to our children?" the victims' mother Shirley Singh wrote in her statement which was read to the court. Shirley described in detail the horrific nature of finding out her children had been killed, identifying their bodies and her devastation at the funeral. She described her daily rituals of lighting a candle in the spa and still prepares meals for her three children. "They never hurt anyone, harmed anyone or annoyed anyone. What I saw of my children

and how I saw, I pray to God no other mother will see what I saw. "My heart aches as I write this." Victims' older sister Sonia Pathik said: "My life has never been the same since the 22nd of April, 2003." Father Vijay Singh's statement asked: "How could he take their lives the way he did, taking the young and vulnerable, those who could not protect themselves?" During the trial, it was heard that Neelma died first "of asphyxiation caused by sustained manual compression of her neck ... that is, she was strangled".-PTI

by the whole world, I would find him to be a true friend going with me, if need be, to the ends of the earth in search of Truth...". Kallenbach (1871-1945) met Gandhi in 1904 in South Africa, and the two since then remained in touch. In 1910, Kallenbach purchased a 1,100 acre farm at Lawley, 20 miles from Johannesburg, which he gave to Gandhi. The two were closely involved in operating the farm. The archive for auction not only includes documents relating to the purchase but also reveals the two men acquiring and tending fruit trees, ensuring water supply, and arguing with neighbors over grazing rights, Sotheby's said. The archive is described as including "poignant letters" by the deeply troubled Harilal, Gandhi's first son, and reveals Kallenbach's deep friendship in particular with Gandhi's second son Manilal, who remained living on Phoenix Settlement in South Africa, and his third son Ramdas. "These letters, together with those by other family members, Mahadev Desai, and other of Gandhi's close associates in India, provide a detailed portrait of Gandhi's personal life in India", the Catalogue Note says. "This extraordinarily rich archive a testament to a hugely significant figure in the life of Gandhi and a key member of his inner circle," it added.-PTI

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Top Stories

India Post

July 13, 2012

Obama attacks Romney on outsourcing in new ad NEW YORK: US President Barack Obama has intensified attack on his Republican presidential poll rival Mitt Romney on the issue of outsourcing of jobs, accusing the former Massachusetts governor's old private equity firm of shipping jobs to "low-wage countries" like China and Malaysia. In a 30-second new video, Obama campaign showed a clip from a June 21 Washington Post article which says "Romney's Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas." The article goes on to say that the global expansion that began when Romney was at Bain Capital continued even after he had left, with the company opening facilities in China, Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea. It said Bain invested in companies that relied on "Asian labor." Comparing Romney to Obama, the ad says the Republican "supports tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas," while Obama "believes in insourcing" and "fought to save the US auto

industry." While Romney supports tax breaks that ship jobs overseas, Obama favors tax cuts for companies that bring jobs home, the ad says adding that "Mitt Romney's companies were pioneers in

At an election rally in Atlanta, Georgia, Obama had quoted a Washington Post article that said Romney's former firm Bain Capital, which "gave him all this amazing success was a pioneer in offshoring jobs to China and India outsourcing US jobs to low-wage countries." Obama's latest ad is titled 'Believe' and will run in nine battle-

ground states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia, his campaign said in a release. "As a corporate buyout specialist, he (Romney) made massive profits by shuttering plants, firing workers and investing in companies that pioneered shipping of good American jobs overseas," the campaign said. At an election rally in Atlanta, Georgia, Obama had quoted a Washington Post article that said Romney's former firm Bain Capital, which "gave him all this amazing success - was a pioneer in offshoring jobs to China and India." Vice President Biden too had alleged that the former Massachusetts Governor signed a USD 160,000 a month contract that paid people abroad to help poor people in Massachusetts get food stamps. "So give Mitt Romney credit: He is a job creator. In Singapore. And China. And India," he had said. -PTI

Narasimha Rao connived at Babri demolition: Nayar NEW DELHI: Yet another book has leveled an allegation that P V Narasimha Rao had connived at the demolition of Babri Masjid claiming that the late Prime Minister had sat in a puja when the kar sevaks began pulling it down and rose only when it was over. The charge relating to the demolition on Dec 6, 1992 has been made by eminent journalist Kuldip Nayar in his soon-to-be released autobiography "Beyond the Lines" being brought out by Roli Books. "My information was that Rao had connived at the demolition. He sat at puja when the kar sevaks began pulling down the mosque and rose only when the last stone had been removed" "Madhu Limaye (late socialist leader) later told me that during the puja, Rao's aide whispered in his ears that the masjid had been demolished. Within seconds, the puja was over", he said in a chapter on "Narasimha Rao's Govern-

ment" in the book. P V Ranga Rao, son of the late Prime Minister, however strongly dismissed the claim as "unbelievable and untenable". "It is unbelievable and untenable...There is no way father would have done so. He was in anguish when the Babri structure was demolished, for he loved Muslims for years and was their ardent supporter. He told us many times that it should not have happened", Rao said reacting to the reported claim of the late socialist leader Madhu Limaye. Regretting that an eminent journalist like Nayar could write such tings, Ranga Rao said "vested interests" were trying to spew venom

at his father, who is no more to defend himself. Nayar said that when there were riots in the wake of the demolition, Rao invited some senior journalists to his house. "He was at pains to explain to us how his government had made every arrangement to stop the demolition. Rao said he was betrayed by the U P Chief Minister Kalyan Singh". When asked how a small temple could have been erected overnight at the site when the Centre was at the helm of affairs having dismissed the Kalyan Singh government, Rao said he had attempted to send a contingent of CRPF by plane to Lucknow but they were unable to land because of bad weather.-PTI

Bhagavad Gita quiz contest in Pakistan KARACHI: At the time of religious intolerance in Pakistan, shlokas from Bhagavad Gita reverberated at a school here during a quiz competition to test the knowledge of Hindu boys and girls about their religion, leaving the minority community having something to cheer about. For months now the Hindu community in Pakistan's southern Sindh province has been complaining of bias and injustice over the issues of kidnappings and forced conversions but for a change they celebrated being able to organize a religious event without any problems.

a lot with us in organizing this event," Pakistan Hindu Seva (PHS) President, Sanjesh Dhanja told PTI. During the competition shlokas from Bhagavad Gita reverberated in the school. "I really enjoyed the competition and the PHS should organize more such events in future as well," Bhawan said. Yasir Kazmi one of the Muslim organizers who is attached with a NGO that deals with minorities said already another similar competition had been planned for on July 15 in Ranchore Lines which has a sizeable population of Hindus.

The quiz competition testing the knowledge of the Hindu boys and girls about their religion Sanatan Dharma - was enthusiastically participated by at the Santa Maria school in Karachi's Gizri area. "It was a big success and we are happy that in a Muslim dominated area they really cooperated

"It was an excellent event to showcase religious tolerance and respect for each other's religions," Kazmi said. He said no one from the neighborhood had complained even though during the competition the children were singing religious songs and speaking about the Bhagavad Gita.-PTI

Pakistani Taliban threaten to attack NATO trucks MIRANSHAH: The Pakistani Taliban has threatened to attack NATO supply trucks and kill its drivers if they tried to resume supplies to troops in Afghanistan, a spokesman said. Ehsanullah Ehsan told AFP the Taliban "will not allow any truck to pass and will attack it," hours after Pakistan confirmed it had decided to reopen vital NATO supply routes into Afghanistan which have been closed since November. "We will not only attack the supply truck but will also kill the drivers (of NATO supply trucks)," Ehsan added. Prior to the closure Pakistani

Taliban carried out dozens of attacks, disrupting supplies for 130,000 US-led NATO troops fighting in Afghanistan, and have repeatedly warned of more if Pakistan reopened supply routes. Following the official announcement NATO truckers said they feared more attacks and demanded security guarantees before the resumption of the supply routes. Earlier, Pakistan's new prime minister acknowledged that continuing the seven-month blockade was negatively affecting relations with the United States and other NATO member states. -AFP

Top Stories

July 13, 2012

India Post

Abhijeet wins US event, GM title for Venkatesh PHILADELPHIA, USA: National champion Abhijeet Gupta beat International Master Dean Ippolito of United States to win the Philadelphia International chess tournament, while M R Venkatesh became India's 28th Grandmaster at the event here. Gupta, part of the silver-medal winning Indian team in the Asian championship, was in his elements during the tournament and conceded just three draws besides winning six games to lodge 7.5 points out of a possible nine. There was more good news for the Indian contingent as Venkatesh made his third and final Grandmaster norm to become the 28th GM from India. Venkatesh drew the final round game with compatriot S P Sethuraman to score seven points in all and finish second in the overall standings. Sethuraman also did well for his fourth place finish making it an Indian domination in Philadelphia. The fourth notable result was obtained by Woman Grandmaster Padmini Rout who achieved an In-

Abhijeet Gupta

ternational Master norm here scoring 5.5 points in all. On an exposure trip here with the backing of Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, top-seeded Gupta was the pick of the Indians in the fray. The BPCL employee will also gain nine rating points from here which will take him closer to the 2650 rating mark once again. Playing white in the final round, Gupta faced the Queen's gambit declined by Ippolito and

Working to get body back: Cognizant NEW DELHI: IT major Cogni- signed and returned forms rezant has said it is doing every- quired by the New Jersey Medithing in its power to assist the cal Examiner's office for its release. family of one of its Indian employIt claimed that the family memees, who allegedly committed sui- bers and lawyers had demanded cide at a hotel in New Jersey in that all reports, including autopsy the US recently, in bringing the and inquest, from the US accombody back home. pany Kumar's body as a preconPawan Kumar Anjaiah, a techie dition to signing the forms. from Tumukur in Karnataka who It said though the company did faced the charge of murdering an reach out to many of the US auAmerican woman, allegedly committed suicide due to suspected drug ‘We are still waiting for the overdose on June 19. family to sign the necessary "We are still waiting paperwork so that we can for the family to sign the necessary paperwork facilitate the return of the so that we can facilitate body as quickly as possible the return of the body at Cognizant's cost. We are as quickly as possible at Cognizant's cost. We working closely with the are working closely Indian Consulate in New with the Indian Consu- York who have also been in late in New York who touch with family members’ have also been in touch with family members," Cognizant said in a statement. thorities for the details requested The bereaved family has ac- by the family, it was unable to cused Cognizant of not cooperat- obtain details due to the ongoing ing with them in bringing the criminal investigation or personal body to his home town and threat- privacy regulations. ened to take legal action. In addition, the family wanted Cognizant said its HR officials Cognizant to sponsor the visit of reminded Kumar's family that no two family members of Kumar to further action could be taken to the US and his advisor's to the bring the body back unless they US, the statement said. -PTI

proved why he is a feared opponent when it comes to basics. . By just dismantling the black's king side p a w n structure, Gupta secured a small advantage and subsequent maneuvers ensured that his position improved a lot in the middle game. Ippolito fell prey to a tactical shot, resulting in material loss.

"This was quite satisfying performance and I am also happy for my colleague Venkatesh who made his long overdue GM title here," said a beaming Gupta after the last round. Speaking about the games, the Indian was quiet satisfied and singled out the one against GM Alexander Evdokimo earlier in the tournament as his best effort. "Generally, I was able to find moves and do decently in most of the games, I suffered a little against Alonso Zapata while against Venkatesh I drew as he played solidly, last round was good too," noted the

champion. -PTI

M R Venkatesh


Top Stories

10 India Post

July 13, 2012

PV was angry over move to make Sonia Cong chief NEW DELHI: Why should the Congress party be hitched to the Nehru-Gandhi family like train compartments to the engine was how the late P V Narasimha Rao reacted to the suggestion that Sonia Gandhi be made the Congress chief after the assassination of her husband Rajiv Gandhi in May, 1991. This has been stated by veteran Congressman Arjun Singh in his soonto-be-released posthumous autobiography 'A Grain of Sand in the Hourglass of Time'. Singh has said that he came face to face with the "ugly face of politics and was truly disgusted" after hearing Rao's response to the suggestion that was made to him. The 383-page book has been brought out by Hay House India with co-author Ashok Chopra saying the autobiography should be taken as "work in progress" because Singh passed away on March 4 last year while he was still to complete writing it. Chopra said he has attempted to plug gaps in the text as faithfully as possible through interaction with his family members and some friends and associates. Singh said that "On hearing our suggestion, Rao kept quiet for a few minutes with a grave expres-

sion on his face. "Suddenly, he burst out in anger and virtually yelled out words to the effect that whether it was essential that the Congress Party should be treated like a train where the compartments have to be attached to an engine belonging to the Nehru-Gandhi family or were there other alternatives? I was dumbfounded by Rao's outburst but kept quiet," he said. The then AICC treasurer Sitaram Kesri, however, pursued the matter further and contended that it would be in the fitness of things if "we were to offer the post of the Congress president to Sonia first". The book claims that Rao realized that he had perhaps spoken too much too soon and had exposed his anti-Nehru feelings very clearly. He, therefore, thoughtfully queried, "There is no harm in making the suggestion, but will she accept it? We had no immediate answer to his query except that we would have to approach Sonia Gandhi and seek her reaction." In this regard, Singh said that Congressman, Vincent

George, M L Fotedar and he himself had approached Kesri. Kesri, an old-timer from Bihar, was not surprised at their choice of candidate and agreed to support Sonia, "although I did discern a faint hesitation in his acceptance". In a detailed chapter on "The Demolition at Ayodhya and its Impact", Singh has said that after the news of the Babri Masjid demolition came, Rao, then Prime Minister, had locked himself in his room and the scene resembled the infamous spectacle of Nero fiddling while Rome burnt. Singh has said in the book that he rang up the Prime Minister's residence on the afternoon of December 6, 1992 to talk to Rao after hearing about the demolition. -PTI

that the Supreme Court had upheld her citizenship and she was "Constitutionally" eligible.

"I have said already in the book because Constitutionally Supreme Court says that she (Gandhi) is a citizen. So, Constitutionally if the majority party says she should be appointed. But she did not... she put Manmohan Singhji. There is no controversy in my mind," he told PTI here. Kalam was reacting on the sidelines of a function when asked about the controversy generated by his book 'Turning Points' because of the mention that he was ready to swear in Gandhi as the Prime Minister despite pressure from various political leaders before she nominated Singh.

NEW DELHI: External Affairs Minister S M Krishna will undertake his much-anticipated visit to Pakistan in the first half of September. Krishna had to defer his July 18-19 visit to Pakistan to review the peace talks, which picked up after the 26/11 chill, due to the Presidential elections scheduled around the same time. "We are looking for some time in the first half of September for me to visit Islamabad before the UN General Assembly," Krishna told reporters here. His remarks come hours after the foreign secretaries of India

and Pakistan concluded their two-day talks during which they decided to carry forward the dialogue process in a purposeful and result-oriented manner. Krishna said he was scheduled to travel to Pakistan on July 18-19 but had to call off the visit as the dates clashed with the Presidential elections here. "There is some problem with reference to the dates. We had decided on July 19 as the date for me to travel to Pakistan. But we did not realize that the polling for the Presidential election would be on the same day," he said.-PTI

India, Tajikistan express concern over fundamentalism from Pak DUSHANBE: India and Tajikistan have expressed concern over fundamentalism emanating from Pakistan as External Affairs Minister S M Krishna met with Tajik President Emomali Rahmon here to discuss bilateral issues and regional matters with focus on Afghanistan and counter-terrorism. Krishna, India's first External Affairs Minister to tour strategically located Central Asian state in the last nine years, had a lengthy discussion with Rahmon. The meeting, which was earlier scheduled for 40 minutes, lasted for an hour and 15 minutes, described as a "good sign" by Indian officials.

"We discussed economy related issues and defense and security related relationship," Krishna told reporters after the talks. On the ties with Tajikistan, which shares over 1,400 km long border with Afghanistan, Krishna said "The cooperation (on various fronts) has been going on to the satisfaction of both the countries." The two leaders also expressed concern over the fundamentalism emanating from Pakistan, officials said. He briefed the Tajik President about the outcome of recently held Afghan Investment Summit in New Delhi.-PTI

P V Narasimha Rao

Sonia was Constitutionally eligible to be PM: Kalam NOIDA, UP: Former President A P J Abdul Kalam, who has been criticized by some parties for disclosing that he was willing to invite Sonia Gandhi to be the Prime Minister in 2004, has maintained

May visit Pakistan in September, says S M Krishna

NDA Convener and JD (U) President Sharad Yadav has hit out at Kalam, saying "his conscience has woken up late. It is for self-aggrandizement. We used to respect him a lot but now are very saddened after such comments." Shiv Sena Chief Bal Thackeray also has hit out at Kalam for making the statement after so many years and called him "hypocrite" and "shallow". Earlier, BJP had also criticized him for the comments. Kalam's stand on the political situation after the Lok Sabha elections lifted the veil on an episode that has been intensely speculated upon that he was reluctant to appoint the Italian-born Gandhi as the country's Prime Minister. -PTI

Jharkhand tribal body opposes ArcelorMittal project RANCHI: A Jharkhand-based tribal body said here it would continue to oppose steel tycoon L N Mittal's project in the state. "We will not allow any new steel company in Jharkhand. They (industrialists) are out to destroy forest and fertility of agricultural land. Forty villages in Gumla and Khunti districts will be affected by the ArcelorMittal project," Adivasi Moolvasi Astitva Raksha Manch chief convener Dayamani Barla said here. His statement came days after Mittal expressed disappointment over delay in his proposed steel projects in India. On June 19 in New York, the CEO of world's largest steelmaker ArcelorMittal had said, "There are understandable challenges in India relating to land acquisition and raw materials but

nevertheless the government must find a way to overcome these road-blocks more swiftly." Pointing out that of the 104 MoUs the Jharkhand government had signed, 98 were with steel companies, Barla said, "The state government talks of sustainable development. What type of sustainable development does it want? Setting up steel mills in every village?" Reacting to reports quoting Mittal that it would take five to 10 more years for progress in his company's India plans, Barla asked, "Does it mean they will set up factories after 10 years without destroying the environment?" Asked how development can take place without industrialization, she questioned, "How development took place before signing MoUs?" -PTI

Desi News OFBJP honors ministers from India India Post News Service

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ: Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) USA, organized a public reception to honor Chandrasekhar Sahu, Minister of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Labor; government of Chattisgarh, India. The program was held at Ramada Inn in New Brunswick, NJ, on Wednesday June 27. Details on page 13


Obama has failed to revive economy: Rep Dold Details on page 15

11 India Post

July 13, 2012

Governor Quinn and Amma inaugurate M.A. Center in Chicagoland

Two I-Day parades on same road, same day SUDHIR VYAS

EDISON: Indian community's worst fears are all but coming true. After intense debate and free flying allegations and counter allegations, it is now certain that Oak Tree will once again witness two India Day Parades come August 12. For all practical purposes the Oak Tree Indian Business Association (OTIBA) and the Indian Business Association (IBA) have chalked out their own separate parade paths. "The Oak Tree Road parade has become an arena where the Indians witness a bull fight and the white American officials sit and clap" observed Ramesh Shah (name changed). "It is time the leaders set aside their ego and forge unity or else we will be the losers in the years if not days to come", he told this correspondent during the kickoff party of one of the two organizers. Details on page 14

Jay Maldi Maa Temple set for expansion Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: Jay Maldi Maa Temple in Bensenville, a north side suburb of Chicago, arranged Garba and Raas on Tuesday, July 3 at Waterford Banquet Hall in Elmhurst, from 5 p.m. to midnight. Devotees and well-wishers of Jay Maldi Maa thronged to the event in large numbers, participating in Garba and Raas with unstopped DJ music. Deemed Mother of the eternal universe, Maldi Maa is an epitome of love mercy and benevolence. Jay Maldi Maa Temple has idols of Maldi Maa, Maha Kaali Maa, Durga Maa and other goddesses. Details on page 16

Gov Quinn greeting Ma Amritanandamayi

RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service

CHICAGO: Illinois Governor Pat Quinn, Ma Amritanandamayi, a world renowned spiritual saint from India, front ranking Indian community activist Niranjan Shah and hundreds of Ma followers flocked to Elburn, a 50 miles away remote place from Chicago, to attend the formal launching of Ma Amritanandamayi Center on June 30. A 7th Adventist Church sprawling on 125 acres of land has now been formally Christened MA Center with the Illinois Governor formally laying it open in a ceremony that was solemn and uplifting. To commemorate this important landmark event that is expected to bring lot of spiritual wealth and happiness not only in unincorporated area of Elburn but across Illinois, Governor Quinn declared June 30, 2012 as Mata Amritanandamayi Day. He deemed his honor to present a Proclamation to that effect to Ma Amritanandamayi during the inauguration day. Niranjan Shah, a recipient of Pravasi Bharatiya Sanman Award and CEO of Globetrotter Engineering Corporation, said that 2012 marks the 26th year of the founding of the M.A. Center, inspired by the charitable life and compassionate teachings of Mata Amritanandamayi, known

throughout the word as "Amma." He said that the M.A. Center's charitable work includes among

for the poor and homeless, providing financial and humanitarian relief following Hurricane Katrina,

To commemorate this important landmark event that is expected to bring lot of spiritual wealth and happiness not only in unincorporated area of Elburn but across Illinois, Governor Quinn declared June 30, 2012 as Mata Amritanandamayi Day other activities - the running of a soup kitchen for the past 20 years

the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the Fukushima earthquake and Tsu-

nami of 2011, and collecting and shipping hospital supplies to developing countries. Amma is an internationally renowned humanitarian and spiritual leader. Dubbed by the American media as "The Hugging Saint," Amma has embraced more than 32 million people around the world. She has been a keynote speaker at the Millennium World Peace Summit at the United Nations, and in 2010, SUNY- Buffalo awarded her an honorary doctorate in humane letters in recognition of the far-reaching impact of her charitable organizations in relieving poverty in India and around the world. Amma was one of the core of spiritual leaders attending the 100th Anniversary of World Parliament of Religions in Chicago twenty years ago. Like Swami Vivekananda, who literally stole the limelight hundred years ago during the first such Parliament, it was Amma, another saintly person from India who turned out to be the center of attraction with hundreds of seekers of truth and attendees lining up outside the hall to listen to her speaking. Amma, 58, of India, greeted attendees with her signature hugging embrace; Hugging sessions do last for hours sometimes even 20 hours in a crowded day.

Gov Quinn addressing gathering at MA Center inauguration

Cont’d on page 12

Community Across America

12 India Post

July 13, 2012

Governor Quinn and Amma inaugurate M.A. Center in Chicagoland

Kites and dances mark India American Night India Post News Service

NEW YORK: Indian American Forum presented Fourteenth India American Night on Sunday June 24 at Harry Chapin Lakeside Theatre, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow, Parking Field 6 & 6A. The program started at 2 pm with Kite Flying Festival. Gobind Munjal, Co- Chairperson organized the Kite flying competition. More than 200 people participated in flying kites. Weather was beautiful and kites were flying all over the park reaching great heights. Yoga workshops were done by Reena Kaushik from Art of Living

Gov Quinn presenting Proclamation to Ma Amritanandamayi. Seen in the picture L to R Niranjan Shah, Pratima Shah, Gov Quinn, Ma Amritanandamayi and a guest Cont’d from page 11

In inaugurating the center, Governor Quinn recognized the contributions made by Amma in terms of encouraging sustainable development, feeding the poor, performing humanitarian work, and spending her life serving the needy and underprivileged. The Governor also expressed his gratitude for these blessings, and in turn invited Amma to visit Springfield, the capital of Illinois State. The Governor described Lincoln's contributions to the state and country and invited Amma to visit the Lincoln sites in Springfield and to spend the night in the Lincoln bedroom of the Governor's Mansion, where Lincoln used to sleep.

Niranjan Shah observed that this was a singular honor to any person and it really behooved great for Governor Quinn to bestow on Amma. He told this paper that it was also important that

spiritual wealth with Amma, Swami Vivekananda and many others being great significant leaders. Since the arrival of new immigrants from India in the 1960s and

The Governor described Lincoln's contributions to the state and country and invited Amma to visit the Lincoln sites in Springfield and to spend the night in the Lincoln bedroom of the Governor's Mansion, where Lincoln used to sleep the Governor squeezed time to come to this remote place despite his very busy schedule and this is reflective of not only the fact that Amma is revered across the State but also that India has huge

1970s, not only have we done well in developing professional careers, but we've made significant contributions in promoting Indian spiritual as well as cultural values, Shah added.

Eye on India Festival returns to Chicago HARISH RAO

CHICAGO: The Eye on India Festival returns to Chicago from July 12 to 22, with a wonderful lineup of performers, internationally renowned writers and a Bollywood choreographer. The near ten days of Festival will showcase a rich blend of Indian classical and world music along with captivating Indian art and culture from the fields of literature, film, cuisine, and dance. Eye on India Chicago and Teamwork Productions India host the Eye on India Festival 2012, which is supported by the Consulate General of India, Chicago and the Indian Council on Cultural Relations (ICCR). The second edition of the Festival is organized in partnership with the Museum of Contempo-

rary Art, Chicago, the Old Town School of Folk Music, the Goodman Theatre, the City of Chicago and Columbia College, Chicago. In its second year the festival expands upon its success, presenting leading international artists and intellectuals, including India's iconic leading lady, Sharmila Tagore who will explore 100 years of Indian cinema; eminent journalist MJ Akbar; renowned feminist writer Urvashi Butalia; Indian historian Nayanjot Lahiri; and awardwinning world music group, Mrigya. Bollywood choreographer Gilles Chuyen will stage master classes and local Chef Bassim Zafar will conjure up exciting Indian delicacies as part of Taste of Chicago.

Highlights of the Festival: In Conversation with Sharmila Tagore Thursday, July 12 @ 7 p.m. North Shore Center for the Performing Arts Cuisine: Chef Bassim Bashir Thursday, July 12 @ 12:30 p.m. Taste of Chicago Bollywood Workshop by Gilles Chuyen Saturday, July 14 @ 11 a.m. Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago and Monday, July 16 @ 11 am Little Black Pearl Words on Water (Literary Panel) Sunday, July 15 @ 2 p.m., 3.30 p.m., 5 p.m, Columbia College Chicago Authors: MJ Akbar, Nayanjot Lahiri, Urvashi Butalia Dance Masters Class (By Gilles Chuyen) Monday, July 16 @ 6 PM Columbia College Chicago Mrigya Sunday, July 22 @ 6 PM Old Town School of Folk Music

Madra, Nargis Dutt Foundation; Mrs. Neeta Bhasin, CEO ASB Communications; Mrs. Sheetal Talati, CEO Rajbhog Foods, Hicksville. Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby, Nassau County Parks Commissioner Foskey, Chairman of Human Right Commissioner Zahid Syed, Deputy Commissioner for Community Affairs, Town of North Hempstead Mohinder Singh Taneja, Democratic District Leader Uma Sen Gupta, Kamlesh Mehta, Director of Business Development Nassau County and several noted members of Indian American Community were present.

Colorful folk and Bollywood dances were presented by students of Narran Rang Dance Academy of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Sadhna Pranji School of Dance, Preya Patel, Surtal Dance Academy and many other local performers Foundation. Colorful folk and Bollywood dances were presented by students of Narran Rang Dance Academy of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, Sadhna Pranji School of Dance, Preya Patel, Surtal Dance Academy and many other local performers. Nipun Marwaha emceed the program and sang various songs from Bollywood. Dr Rajpal Chopra presented a tribute to Dev Anand and Shammi Kapoor with a medley of songs. Producer of the movie Patang also attended the event and spoke about his award winning movies. This program was part of the 2012 summer concert series sponsored by Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation and Museums. India American Night is a showcase

Dr Parveen Chopra highlighted the progress on Indo-American relations. Sudhir Vaishnav from Sahara One, Andy Mansujkani, Nargis Dutt Foundation, Animesh Goenka, Board of Trustees IAF and Past President of National AIA, Kishore Kuncham, Superintendent of Freeport Schools and several other community leaders attended the event. VIP hour and refreshments from Rajbhog Sweets were enjoyed by all. Fun filled day of activities and program was sponsored by Indus American Bank, Habib American Bank, V J Technologies, Adelphi School of Business, Dr Rakesh Gupta, Innovative Financial Services, Integrated Brokerage Services, Kingfisher Airlines, Atul Kumria, Sahara One TV, Sudhir

Nassau County Executive Edward P Mangano welcomed everyone and commended the Indian American Community for their outstanding achievement of Classical Indian music and folk dances from all regions of India. Nassau County Executive Edward P Mangano welcomed everyone and commended the Indian American Community for their outstanding achievement. Following respected members of the community were presented with Nassau County Awards: Mr Jasbir Chopra, CEO Indus American Bank; Dr Sukhvinder Ranu, President India Association of Long Island; Dr Sunil Mehra, President AAPI QLI; Mr Sher Singh

Vaishnav, South Asian Times, South Asian Insider, Indian Panorama, IVS TV, Hindu Organization of Long Island. Indu Jaiswal Chairperson of IAF thanked all the participants, sponsors and volunteers - Jaya Bahadkar, Bina Sabapathy, Anu Gulati, Vijay Goswamy, Sunita Manjrekar, Damayanti Goklani, Ajay Batra, and Dr Bhavani Srinivasan for their help in making the evening successful. Ten finalists were selected from the Kite Flying Competition.

Community Across America

July 13, 2012

India Post 13

OFBJP honors ministers from India

From Left: Kalpana Shukla, Ram Kamath, Arvind Patel, Suresh Jani, Janakbhai Kotak, Chandrashekhar Sahu, Jayesh Patel, Chandrakant Patel, R. P. Singh, Sandip Patel, Actor Patel India Post News Service

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ: Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP) USA, organized a public reception to honor Chandrasekhar Sahu, Minister of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries, and Labor; government of Chattisgarh, India. The program was held at Ramada Inn in New Brunswick, NJ, on Wednesday June 27. Chandrasekhar Sahu was returning from Brazil, where he led a delegation to RIO +20, a United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held at Rio de Janeiro, during June 18-24. About 250 people from the tri-state community attended the program

by Dr. Raman Singh led BJP government to make the state numerouno in overall development, a state that boasts a huge tribal population. He talked about his initiatives in Agriculture sector and said that Chattisgarh is fast becoming a Bio-fertilizer hub in the country. He was critical of the UPA government and said that it had failed on every front. Sahu said that prices and corruption are at historic highs under the watch of Congress led UPA government. He sought support of NRIs in the development of the state and invited them to attend the forthcoming investor meet in Chattisgarh. He also gave highlights of his tour-de-mission to the UN conference and talked briefly

Chandrasekhar Sahu, in his speech praised the Indian American community for their contribution to the success of India. He talked about "Incredible Chattisgarh" a mission charted out by Dr. Raman Singh led BJP government to make the state numero-uno in overall development where the visiting mayor of Rajkot in Gujarat, Janakbhai Kotak, was also honored. The program started with the traditional lamp lighting ceremony and paying floral tributes to the pictures of the founding fathers of Jan Sangh and BJP, followed by the soulful rendition of Vandemataram led by Mrs. Kalpana Shukla. Chandrasekhar Sahu, in his speech praised the Indian American community for their contribution to the success of India. He talked about "Incredible Chattisgarh" a mission charted out

about the sustainable development while illustrating the importance of this idea in the progress of humanity. Earlier, OFBJP President Jayesh Patel welcomed the gathering and recognized the community leaders as each of them honored Chandrasekhar Sahu and Janakbhai Kotak. He thanked the audience for making it to the meeting despite it being a working day and heavy traffic. Patel talked briefly about the achievements of OFBJP in USA and listed the activities of its 21 chapters across the nation.

Rakshpal Sood, senior advisory council member said in his thoughtful speech that Kashmir is with India because of the sacrifice of Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherji. He also talked about the sacrifices made by Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay for the sake of the country and exhorted Indian Americans to live frugally and think big for the welfare of society and the nation. Later, Suresh Jani, Past President, introduced Janakbhai Kotak. Kotak talked about the massive development of Gujarat under the dynamic leadership of Narendra Modi and sought the support of Gujarati expatriates for BJP in the upcoming assembly elections. Chandrakant Patel, President Elect, who also hails from Chattisgarh, introduced the visiting minister Sahu. In his introductory speech, Chandrakant Patel

praised Dr. Raman Singh led BJP government of Chattisgarh for presenting a separate budget for Agriculture. He emphasized the special attention being given to the Agriculture sector by the BJP government in Chattisgarh. Patel listed out the special amenities such as Smart Cards, free seeds, subsidized fertilizers etc being given to farmers. Talking about Chattisgarh's surplus energy, he said that electricity is not only given 24/7 in the state but also distributed to other states. He also revealed that Sahu is representing a place (Champaran) in Chattisgarh, where Sant Vallabhacharya Prabhu was born and he touched the philosophical bonding between Chattisgarh and Gujarat. Cont’d on page 16

Community Across America

14 India Post

July 13, 2012

Two I-Day parades on same road, same day SUDHIR VYAS

EDISON: Indian community's worst fears are all but coming true. After intense debate and free flying allegations and counter allegations, it is now certain that Oak Tree will once again witness two India Day Parades come August 12. For all practical purposes the Oak Tree Indian Business Association (OTIBA) and the Indian Business Association (IBA) have chalked out their own separate parade paths. "The Oak Tree Road parade has become an arena where the Indians witness a bull fight and the white American officials sit and clap" observed Ramesh Shah (name changed). "It is time the leaders set aside their ego and forge unity or else we will be the losers in the years if not days to come", he told this correspondent during the kickoff party of one of the two organizers. And how true is the comment. Only if the two groups set aside their ego and differences, India will be able to showcase their unity at the parade. Or else it will be a clear division of man and money power with two parades on same day, at same time and on same road. One wonders what will happen if the Pakistanis living in the area also try and take out a parade on Oak Tree Road. It is an option these leaders will have to give a thought to in the near future. The OTIBA's kickoff party recently highlighted the side effects of a divided community. The audience was not enthusiastic and unappreciative. A clear cut path was not chalked out by the organizers and they lacked a definite game plan. It seemed like an ill-conceived program. Not a single speaker highlighted as to why they were in favor or against two parades. Speaker after speaker came on the dais to extend support to the OTIBA but no one dare say why.

At the OTIBA party no road map was presented as to the future of the parade. Newly elected president of the OTIBA Peter (Pradip) Kothari while reminding people of their roots and culture said "tell me why we need two parades. I will be the last person to support two parades and especially when we are celebrating Indian independence, we do not want any differences. My dream is to have one parade". However Peter never set the rules of the game and spell out his action plan which left the audience asking "if he does not want two parades then why this kickoff party"? According to Peter, "I am ready to join

party was its failure to explain to the people why they were working for a separate parade. The audience was waiting for an action plan or road map of the success of the parade. Instead the speakers reiterated what the public has been hearing so far that "we want one parade but the other group was not ready to cooperate". The other faction, the IBA is also beating around the same bush. When asked what their game plan will be now that the OTIBA has launched its kickoff party, former IBA president Mahesh Shah in a telephonic talk with this correspondent said " tell me one thing: who started the OTIBA and why?

Edison Mayor Antonia Ricigliano, who along with other Republican Party officials was also present, said she was glad in "joining this joyous occasion and hoped the parade would be as great as it used to be earlier. We will celebrate Indian independence day just as we celebrate the American Independence Day" hands with the other faction but with no strings or conditions. It should be a compromise with respect as we are not in competition with anyone person or group. We want to work together and find an amicable solution", he claimed from the podium. Edison Mayor Antonia Ricigliano, who along with other Republican Party officials was also present, said she was glad in "joining this joyous occasion and hoped the parade would be as great as it used to be earlier. We will celebrate Indian independence day just as we celebrate the American Independence Day", she said amidst applause. One of the striking features of the OTIBA

We have replied to all allegations leveled by Peter in his emails and letters. His grudge is that we do not hold elections, we do not open our doors to new membership and we do not publish our accounts. Let me make it public that our membership is open, we hold elections and that is why we have four presidents in last eight years and we public our accounts in the booklet that we publish during the parade", he clarified. According to Shah, "the bone of contention is that Peter wants to break an existing organization and start a new one and thereby create chaos. Peter was also president of several organizations and he too has not held elections, so how does he ex-

plain that", he asked. The former IBA president said that "during the arbitration /mediation meeting in front of attorneys, OTIBA office bearers including Peter, Anil Patel and Bimal Joshi had agreed that we want IBA to do parade and get the permit from Edison. It was also agreed that, we should have 5-5 member committee to supervise parade and have a unified parade. The parties shook hands and agreed but then OTIBA suddenly changed stance. An arbitration and draft was agreed upon where three members from each group will be selected with one common agreed leader and take out a joint parade but that plan was sabotaged". Asked for common ground where the two groups can come together, Shah said if we join hands with OTIBA, we would face legal issues. So ideally the OTIBA should come join hands with us and make the parade success. This action was surely not welcomed by the OTIBA. Shah also blamed the action of the Edison Mayor who he said was "behaving in an irresponsible manner and framed rules that suited her and the OTIBA. This is not how you run an office", he said adding "we had applied first for permission to hold the parade but overriding that she granted permission to the OTIBA." He said "if we are divided we will not be able to obtain anything from the county officials. We will be destroying our own self-interest if we remain divided as the county officials now know that a divided Indian community is better to rule than a united one". All said and done, the Indian community was on a self-destruction path and unless a common ground was fixed, the India-Day parade on Oak Tree Road is sure to die a slow and painful death.

Video game developer adding more Hindu deities India Post News Service


ome Hindus, who recently urged Georgia (USA) online game developer to remove

Kali and other Hindu gods from action game SMITE saying it trivialized revered deities, were in for a shock with the developer announcement of adding even more

deities. Alpharetta (Georgia) headquartered developer of online interactive entertainment, Hi-Rez Studios, which is creating SMITE, in a statement to the media, reportedly said: "‌going forward SMITE will include even more deities, not fewer." Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, in a state-

world population. Moreover, portrayal of goddess Kali, who was highly revered by Hindus, appeared like a porno star in the SMITE version shown on the company website, which was quite distressing for the devotees, Zed, pointed out. When asked about plans to include figures from other major

Jews and Buddhists have come out in support of Hindus who are protesting the inappropriate usage of Kali and other Hindu deities by the Georgia (USA) online games developer Hi-Rez Studios ment in Nevada (USA), said that a renowned company like Hi-Rez should be more understanding of the hurt feelings of Hindus worldwide over the mishandling of their revered deities like Kali. Purpose of online games was to entertain and not to offend a large chunk of

world religions, Hi-Rez spokesman was quoted in the media as saying that they "are not that interesting in character design or gameplay". Meanwhile, Jews and Buddhists have come out in support of Hindus who are protesting the

inappropriate usage of Kali and other Hindu deities by the Georgia (USA) online games developer Hi-Rez Studios. Rabbi ElizaBeth W. Beyer, prominent Jewish leader in Western USA, in a statement in Nevada said that beliefs of Hindus should be respected. "We join the Hindus in requesting the company developing this online video game to avoid trivializing the deeply held beliefs of Hindus by changing the product accordingly", Rabbi Beyer stressed. Jikai' Phil Bryan, distinguished Buddhist leader from Nevada, in a statement in Reno asked the video game developer to urgently stop the misuse of Kali and other Hindu deities and instead immerse themselves in the true meaning and depth of Hinduism. "Shame on the game-makers for denigrating these Supreme Beings, who bring hope, love, compassion, and highest benevolence to about one billion people world over", Buddhist leader added.

Community Across America

July 13, 2012

India Post 15

Obama has failed to revive economy: Rep Dold

Rep Dold with Madhu Patel, Founding President NRI Press Club.

RAMESH SOPARAWALA India Post News Service

CHICAGO: US Congressman Robert Dold said here that cutting down pile of regulations and providing congenial atmosphere for the growth of small-medium sized businesses to grow should be considered sine cure for the revival of US economy. The Obama administration has singularly failed on this score and this is the reason that the economy is still in doldrums and unemployment rate is still high over eight percent. Dold was talking to the ethnic India media at the Udupi restaurant on Devon Avenue Chicago recently. The health care reform should not aggravate the problems faced by the small businessmen. Touching upon the Supreme Court ruling on the Health care law, the Congressman observed that "while this ruling speaks to the constitutionality of the ACA, the real question is whether the 2010 law makes for good public policy. As health care reform continues to take shape, I am committed to working in a bipartisan way to find positive solutions to the rising costs of health care." The Congressman in league with a good

Rep Dold (center) with his aides Daniel Serota and Stefani Zimmerman

number of local employers has been organizing job fairs for a meaningful dialogue between the employers and job seekers. One such fair is slated on Monday July 23 at Wheeling High school in Wheeling, a northwest suburb of Chicago. "We want to put America back to the worm and we do

sue advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education to stay in the country after they finish their degree." By encouraging individuals from around the globe, India included, to pursue advanced degrees in America, and then allow

The Congressman in league with a good number of local employers has been organizing job fairs for a meaningful dialogue between the employers and job seekers. One such fair is slated on Monday July 23 at Wheeling High school in Wheeling, a northwest suburb of Chicago. "We want to put America back to the worm and we do mean it when we organize Job fairs� mean it when we organize Job fairs. There would be definite hiring of the people at the fair," he said. Congressman Dold also pointed out that he had joined with other law makers in a bipartisan move to secure jobs in the country through a Startup Act 2.0. "This should help to create jobs here in America by allowing individuals from other countries who pur-

them to stay here to startup businesses and create new jobs, we will spur the economy and get more people back to work," he said. The situation that exists now forces these educated persons to leave the country. "What happens is that these skilled professionals help the businesses in their countries to grow making them better positioned to compete with the industries in this coun-

try. We want to reverse that trend," he said. On the international front, he felt that the US administration should be keeping a close watch on countries like Afghanistan and Iraq form where it is withdrawing its troops. Not that the US should not reduce its military presence in these countries, he said, but that should not lead to the increase in insurgency and toppling of democratically elected governments or seizing power by militants again. It is a very delicate situation and "we should keep a close watch on the situation." He welcomed the idea of forging close links with the democracies like India and also expressed his willingness to go to the country whenever there is the opportunity. Dold is a friend of India and Indian community, said Madhu Patel, president of NRI Press Club which had co-hosted the media meet event on Devon Avenue. He pointed out that militant Islam presented a threat to world peace and all well intentioned people, including Muslims, should work together for common good and world peace. Congressman Robert Dold was accompanied by his aides Daniel Serota and Stefani Zimmerman.

Read your Property Tax Bill, due August 1 K RAJDA

CHICAGO: Almost 1.8 million property tax bills with a due date of August 1 will begin arriving next week across Cook County, Treasurer Maria Pappas said here. "Read your bill carefully," Pappas urged. "This tax bill is very informative but many people don't bother to examine it. It provides a breakdown of where your money is going," Pappas said. The bills are for the Second Installment of tax year 2011. The typical bill lists 12 to 20 taxing districts that claim part of the payment, along with each district's share of the payment, amount for pension obligations, and current

For those who may not have access to a computer, lists of all of Cook County's 550 taxing districts with their financial information were to be published in four major Chicagoland weekend newspapers Maria Pappas

and past-year tax rates. For even more transparency, the Treasurer's Office created an on-line research tool. An owner of a home, business or land can visit or and see the local municipality and taxing districts' financial statements and debt. For those who may not have access to a computer, lists of all of Cook County's 550 taxing districts with their financial information were to be published in four major Chicagoland weekend newspapers, and ads about the issue were prepared for community newspapers.

"Read your bill and do the simple research," Pappas said. "You have the right to know where your payment is going and how much of it is for debt such as pensions." Pappas reported that 22 taxing districts had not sent their financial data to her office's website, thus failing to comply with the county's Debt Disclosure Ordinance. "For the sake of transparency with the people and to meet the law, these taxing districts should report their data immediately," Pappas said, noting that the reporting deadline was in December of 2011.

Community Across America

16 India Post

July 13, 2012

Jay Maldi Maa Temple set for expansion Asian Media USA

CHICAGO: Jay Maldi Maa Temple in Bensenville, a north side suburb of Chicago, arranged Garba and Raas on Tuesday, July 3 at Waterford Banquet Hall in Elmhurst, from 5 p.m. to midnight. Devotees and well-wishers of Jay Maldi Maa thronged to the event in large numbers, participating in Garba and Raas with unstopped DJ music. Deemed Mother of the eternal universe, Maldi Maa is an epitome of love mercy and benevolence. Jay Maldi Maa Temple has idols of Maldi Maa, Maha Kaali Maa, Durga Maa and other goddesses. All these goddesses are called "Chosath Jogni no Darbar" and also it is believed to be in "Manisha Mataji's heart to give "Darshan" to every devoted person thru "Mataji" People throng to the temple ev-

ery day to seek Maa's blessing and goodwill in all their endeavors. Now with public demand, the temple man-

Deemed Mother of the eternal universe, Maldi Maa is an epitome of love mercy and benevolence. Jay Maldi Maa Temple has idols of Maldi Maa, Maha Kaali Maa, Durga Maa and other goddesses agement has undertaken expansion and seeks public financial assistance.

Devotees of Maldi Maa

Wyoming varsity teaching Hindu scriptures India Post News Service

WYOMING: The University of Wyoming's (UW), a prestigious Summer High School Institute (HSI) has begun teaching ancient Hindu scriptures Mahabharata and Ramayana in its Laramie (USA) campus. The curriculum of this class titled "The Hindu Epic" said: "This course will examine how the great ancient epics, The Mahabharata and the Ramayana, still shape ideas about identity and devotion in the modern world". It also included learning about Hindu gods, Hindu worship, etc. Grace Henderson, who was among over 80 top sophomores from 50 Wyoming school districts attending HSI, was quoted on the UW website in the related news item, saying: My favorite class is the 'Hindu Epic'.

Highly selective 26-years old HSI, a three-week summer residential program ending June 30, "is designed to offer intellectu-

"Wyoming's most intellectually talented sophomores" and "gifted students". "The primary purpose of the program is

The curriculum of this class titled "The Hindu Epic" said: "This course will examine how the great ancient epics, The Mahabharata and the Ramayana, still shape ideas about identity and devotion in the modern world". It also included learning about Hindu gods, Hindu worship, etc ally talented high school students a challenging and enriching educational experience on the University of Wyoming campus". It is said to be a gathering of

to draw talented Wyoming high school sophomore students to the University for an Intensive Examination of unanswered questions and unresolved challenges", ac-

cording to HSI webpage. "The Hindu Epic" class was taught by Assistant Professor Barbara Logan, while Duncan Harris and Rene Sanchez were Director and Project Coordinator respectively of HSI. University of Wyoming in Laramie, founded in 1886, is a nationally recognized research institution, ranked among the nation's top colleges and universities and is stated to be one of the top "adventure colleges". With about 13,000 students from all 50 states and over 90 countries, it offers 190 areas of study. Notable alumni include Vice President Dick Cheney, quality control pioneer W. Edwards Deming and novelist Cheryl Holt. David J. Bostrom heads its Board of Trustees while Tom Buchanan is the President.

OFBJP honors ministers from India Cont’d from page 13

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SONIA at 510-938-8688 email

He also said that OFBJP will work hard for the cause of BJP among Indian American community and in India during the upcoming assembly elections in Gujarat. The program emcee was Ram Kamat, General Secretary and the national Treasurer Krishna Reddy requested the audience to join OFBJP and be a partner in serving the community and India. R. P. Singh, Org-General Secretary; Arvind Patel, chapter coordinator and Sandeep Patel, hotelier graced the podium. V. K. Sabhapathy, Jt. Treasurer; Bala Guru, Council member; Nilesh Mehta, and Pramod Bhagat, dedicated members and Jaswant Takkar Patel helped in organizing the event. Mrs. Neelima Madan, NY leader conducted the QA session. Krishna Reddy

gave vote of thanks followed by a tasteful dinner. Notable community leaders like Chandrakant Trivedi (Chairman of Brahmin Samaj of USA and former President of FIA), Harish Mehta (Deputy Vice Chair of Democratic

Later in New York, Sahu met with the India's representative at UN mission and discussed about the UN conference In Brazil Party-NJ, and Chairman of Lions Club), Himanshu Desai, Jagdish Patel, and presidents of various seniors' organizations graced the occasion. Actor Patel

entertained the audience with his Bollywood performance talent. TV Asia and other print media covered the events. Later in New York, Sahu met with the India's representative at UN mission and discussed about the UN conference In Brazil. He also met with in-charge of economic affairs at Indian Consulate in New York and discussed about Chattisgarh related subjects. Subsequently he traveled to Washington DC and met with immediate Past President, Dr. Adapa Prasad who also hails from Chattisgarh and learned about OFBJP activities in Nation's capital. He visited the famous library of Congress at Capitol Hill and later met with Deputy Chief of Mission at Indian embassy, Arun Singh to discuss about the outcomes of UN conference before departing for India.

Community Across America

July 13, 2012

India Post 17

Grayslake Temple school caps its achievements led by Kalpana Sharma spoke on various spiritual messages behind the Hindu hymns. The middle and high school children made a slide presentation on the importance of Hindu deities and avtars. Children from age 4 and above engaged in a Hindi conversation with their teachers. Grade two to grade four sang po-

India Post News Service

CHICAGO: The Grayslake Temple Sunday school recently concluded yet another successful school year under the leadership of Professor Sanjay Mehrotra. Qualified and committed volunteer teachers of this school were honored by Congressman Robert Dold of the 10th district for their dedication and selfless effort in transferring Indian culture and human values to the children. This highly structured and one of a kind Sunday school in the Greater Chicago area graduated more than 100 children to the next level of Dharma and Hindi education. The school education places major emphasis on a non-denominational open learning environment where children laugh and giggle while they absorb the Hindu culture and heritage. With more than 20 volunteer teachers the Sunday school is a unique experiment where Hindu dharma is taught based on human values, and Hindi is taught while promoting Indian culture.

Congressman Dold encouraged children of the Sunday school by personally distributing them the graduation certificates and goodie bags. He was particularly impressed with the words of wisdom written all around the temple

Rep Dold with Prof Sanjay Mehrotra

During the annual function four year old children led by Manisha Patel sang 'hum honge kaambayab.' The second and

third graders led by Parina Mehrotra educated the audience on the wisdom of Bhagavad Gita. The early middle school children

Malabar Konkani Christians plan picnic HARISH RAO

CHICAGO: The Malabar Konkani Christian Association (MKCA) USA has announcing holding its annual picnic on July 28 at the Tennis Court Shelter in Vernon Hills Park District (Opposite Hawthorn North Middle School).

... om e t i Wr ost.c s r de ndiap a e R w.i ww


he New York Times recently highlighted a subject that, though considered taboo in the West, represents a critical human rights issue in the east: lack of access to toilets. The article, written by Jim Yardley, showcased the novel "Right to Pee" campaign in Mumbai which is working to counter menacing gender discrimination when it comes to public toilet access. Poor sanitation facilities are a pernicious problem in India, where over half of the population lacks a toilet, and open defecation is the norm. Girls and women are more acutely af-

nity. Congressman Dold encouraged children of the Sunday school by personally distributing them the graduation certificates and goodie bags. He was particularly impressed with the words of wisdom written all around the temple. Congressman Dold engaged in

Vissia D'Souza, Public Relations Officer, MKCA, said that all are welcome to join for this 'free for all' event organized in honor of everyone's support and encouragement to the growing organization. The event will include plenty to keep everyone occupied for the

whole day from Volleyball, Throw ball, Shuttle Badminton, Dog-nbone, Tug-of-war, Sack Race, Lemon Race, Musical Chairs, cricket and many more. There will be plenty of food and beverages to keep one energized and keep going till late evening.

ems and told short stories. The early middle school children performed a play, while the older children fluently spoke in Hindi about a trip to India. Congressman Dold was welcomed by the temple president Dr. Harsh Kumar and Mrs Parina Mehrotra, who also briefed him on the history and significance of Hindu traditions. Professor Sanjay Mehrotra introduced him as a great friend of the Indian commu-

wide ranging conversations with the parents and the teachers touching on issues facing the Indian community and the US economy. Congressman Dold, while enjoying Indian food, encouraged the community members to contact his office for immigration and other community related needs. The Grayslake Temple Sunday school meets from 10:00 - 12:00 am. It will start its next session from the second Sunday in September, 2012.

Youth Summer Camp


harat Sevashram Sangha, Chicago has announced hosting a Full day Youth Summer Camp from July23 to Aug 3 at 522 Garfield Ave, Aurora IL 60506. BSS has been conducting this camp for many years. The

camp includes yoga, kids participation in drama based on Ramayan, legoRobotic demonstration, quiz competition with prizes, art, craft, teaching by doctors about vegetarianism and nutritious food.

Creating access to toilets for schoolgirls fected by this issue, as they face danger and harassment when relieving themselves in the open. Furthermore, females are being unfairly and illegally charged to use public toilets by corrupt officials, compounding the myriad problems already facing the nation's poorest women and girls. But there is an even more compelling case where lack of toilet access, corruption and gender imbalances conspire to create a devastating situation in India: in its public schools. When Lotus Outreach first began our Right to Education advocacy work in the conservative, predominantly Muslim district of Mewat, Haryana, the vast majority of schools did not have toilets available to students. Lack of basic sanitation facilities for

D i s c l a i m e r

: -

I n d i a

P o s t

d o e s

girls continues to prove a seemingly insurmountable barrier to their education, as studies show that there is a direct correlation between the dropout rate of girls and the availability of toilets in Indian schools. Conservative parents in Mewat understandably do not want their Daughters - particularly adolescent girls - to relieve themselves in public. It is of therefore of little surprise that the female illiteracy rate in this region was a staggering 96% when we first began our work there in 2008. We are happy to share, however, that this bleak picture is beginning to change. Our Lotus Education as a Right Network (LEARN) - which utilizes community mobilization, legal advocacy n o t

e n d o r s e

o p i n i o n s

and public interest litigation to expand access to quality public education in rural Haryana - has met with tremendous success in ensuring adequate sanitation facilities in Mewat. Indeed, in 2010 alone, 'LEARN' oversaw the construction of 200 new toilets in public schools in our target area and we hope that by the end of this year, each of Mewat's 500 schools will have toilet facilities. The 'LEARN' project achieves these incredible outcomes on a shoestring: our community watchdogs and legal advocates merely serve to ensure that state and federal funding designated for school infrastructure - including toilets - ends up where it belongs, rather than in the pockets of government officials with sticky fingers. Our success in ensuring the e x p r e s s e d

i n

t h e

construction of toilets in public schools is facilitating a sea of change in girls' school attendance in the region. Indeed, several girls in our target area are now among the first girls in the history of their villages to reach the 10th grade, an outcome that wouldn't be imaginable if they were forced to walk 5 miles home to use the toilet during the school day. Lotus Outreach is a California-based 501 (c) (3) dedicated to ensuring the education, health and safety of vulnerable women and children in the developing world. The Brick Kiln Scholarship program is one of several successful projects it operates in India today. Dr. Michaela Haas San Diego, California

l e t t e r s .

Tech News Ratan Tata lauds business icons of Aurangabad MUMBAI: Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata has lauded the business icons of Aurangabad for their role in growth of the region and also Maharashtra. Congratulating the business icons of Aurangabad for their proud achievements and prosperity, Tata appealed to them to "spread this prosperity to the whole country". The noted industrialist was speaking after launching Lokmat's coffee-table book, `Business Icons of Aurangabad', which honors 64 eminent personalities from that city in Central Maharashtra. "There are many people in Aurangabad and in the country who are not as fortunate or lucky as we are. It will thus be a mandate for all us to play a role in spreading the prosperity we enjoy, to others, because a prosperous India will be one whose future will be assured," Tata said in a statement here. -PTI

700 families to be moved out for Posco project

BHUBANESWAR: About 718 families from six villages near Paradip in Odisha's Jagatsinghpur district will be displaced for Posco's Rs 51,000-crore steel project. The state government in separate letters to Union Ministries of Steel and Commerce said about 718 families from six villages of Dhinkia, Govindpur, Bhuyanpal, Noliasahi, Polanga and Nuagaon would be displaced for establishing the 8 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) steel plant near Paradip. The state government's status reports were submitted to separate ministries as the Centre wanted to know about the status of the Posco project, one of the biggest FDI into the country. The Posco issue also figured at the 4th meeting of the KoreaIndia Joint Investment Promotion Committee (JIPC). "The status report will also be discussed at the next review meeting by the secretary of steel ministry," a state government official said.-PTI

TechBiz 18 India Post

July 13, 2012

NYT launches Chinese news website


he New York Times an nounced that it has launched a Chinese lan guage news website in order to provide "high-quality coverage of world affairs, business and culture" for Chinese readers. The company in a statement said that the goal of the new site is to provide China's growing number of educated, affluent, global citizens with high-quality coverage of world affairs, business and culture.

Petrochemicals Investment Region to be set up in Tamil Nadu NEW DELHI: The Cabinet has approved the setting up of the country's fifth Petroleum Chemicals and Petrochemicals Investment Region (PCPIR) in Tamil Nadu, hoping to attract Rs 92,160 crore investment. The PCPIR would come up in the Cuddalore and Nagapattinam districts of the southern state on

would be the lead anchor tenants in the proposed PCPIR. Chidambaram said NOCL is setting up a six million tonnes per annum (mtpa) refinery at Cuddalore with Rs 9,660 crore investment and CPCL is planning a 15 mtpa capacity refinery- cumpetrochemical complex with Rs 40,000 crore outlay.

Chidambaram said NOCL is setting up a six million tonnes per annum (mtpa) refinery at Cuddalore with Rs 9,660 crore investment and CPCL is planning a 15 mtpa capacity refinery- cum-petrochemical complex with Rs 40,000 crore outlay over 256.83 sq km, Home Minister P Chidambaram said in a media briefing on the decision of Cabinet Committee of Economic Affairs. “A total investment of about Rs 92,160 crore is expected in the TNPCPIR which includes committed investment of Rs 22,160 crore," Chidambaram said. Nagarjuna Oil Corporation (NOCL) and state-owned Chennai Petroleum Corporation (CPCL)

The TNPCPIR plans to invest Rs 13,354 crore on building infrastructure including roads, rail, air links, ports and water supply. As per the policy, infrastructure would be created through publicprivate-partnership to the extent possible and the Centre would provide the necessary assistance through the viability gap funding (VGF). "Accordingly, government of

Tamil Nadu has sought support from the Government of India involving a commitment Rs 1,143 crore on account of VGF funding for two road-related projects, CETP and desalination plants and Rs 1,500 crore of direct budgetary support for a rail project," Chidambaram said. Of the total area, 104 sq km would be reserved for crude processing and the remaining is for residential, commercial and other social and institutional infrastructure, he said. NOCL has already started project works for its refinery and set the target for completion by September 2013. "NOCL has also finalized inhouse configuration mapping for expansion of the refinery by nine mtpa and bringing the total crude processing capacity to 15 mtpa by

2015-16," he said, adding that the company also plans to set up a Xylene production facility, purified terephthalic acid plant and a propylene unit. CPCL, the second anchor tenant

P Chidambaram

in TNPCPIR, would have a grassroot refinery along with ethylene cracker, downstream derivative units as well as aromatic complex. "The project is designed for production of 1.2 mtpa of ethylene. It envisages investment of Rs 40,000 crore beyond the period of 2015," Chidambaram said. -PTI

John Energy begins drilling in Rajasthan JAIPUR: Oil and gas sector company John Energy has begun a three well exploratory drilling program for GSPC-GAIL at its 4,613-square km NELP VI land block in Rajasthan. GSPC-GAIL 'squd' the first well on June 10 using a 1000hp John rig. It is targeting the Jodhpur sands formation and is likely to take up to 35 days to drill each well to 1,800 meters, prospecting for 'light oil'. Any 'light oil' discovered will be mixed with 'heavy oil' from two wells drilled earlier at the block in 2011. Yet another well drilled in February this year was plugged and abandoned after it turned out dry.

In total, the consortium has committed to drill six exploration

wells in Phase-I, which ends in November 2012, according to a

release here. John won the three-well assignment in April against competition from Essar, Quippo, Deep Industries and Shiv Vani. GAIL and GSPC each hold a 22.22 per cent stake at the block; HPCL has 22.22 per cent, BPCL, Hallworthy shipping and Nitin Fire Protection System each old 11.11 per cent. They signed the production sharing Contact with Government of India on March 2, 2007, the release said. The NELP-VI block is situated in Bikaner-Nagaur basin in the Thar desert, adjacent to the India-Pakistan border. -PTI

July 13, 2012

TechBiz Post

India Post


Eurasia can address India's energy needs: Krishna DUSHANBE: Identifying Eurasia as a panacea for its energy security needs, India has asked its top envoys in the resource-rich region to work on converting their country's "enormous goodwill" into "tangible economic and strategic advantage". Addressing a conference in the Tajik capital of Indian Heads of Missions of 11 countries in the region, External Affairs Minister S M Krishna underlined the importance of India's 'Connect Central Asia' policy and its engagement

External Affairs Minister Shri S.M Krishna with Foreign Minister of Tajikistan Hamrokhon Zarifi in Dushanbe

with the strategic region. He emphasized the need of 'Commerce, Connectivity, Consular and Community'- to improve its engagement with the natural-resources-rich region. "I would urge all of you to ponder over four Cs namely 'Commerce, Connectivity, Consular and Community' - related issues, and initiate innovative solutions with the sole aim of further improving the quality of our engagement with the countries of your accreditation as well as the region," he said. "I need not emphasize the significance and importance of the Eurasia region for India. As this region undergoes rapid transformation, a time has come for us to evolve calibrated and coordinated responses in our engagement with

"These meetings have enabled the Ministry to listen to the perspectives of Ambassadors on the profound and transformative changes that are taking place in the regions concerned� each of the countries as well as the region to further secure our core national interests," the minister said. Krishna, who was here on a two-day visit, identified the Eurasia region has the potential of "significantly addressing" India's energy security needs. Krishna said India's envoys in the region should deploy all available tools "to capitalize on the enormous goodwill that exists for India, and convert it into a tangible economic and strategic advantage". This was the Sixth Regional Meeting of Heads of Mission that the External Affairs Minister has addressed. In recent months, Krishna has held such meetings of the Indian envoys on a regional basis in Singapore, Cairo, Abu Dhabi, Madrid and Havana. Those present in the meeting include Indian Ambassadors to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. "Each country in the region has a unique significance for India. Our policy should be marked by deepening relationships based on political, economic and technical cooperation as a partner, and not merely as an overt contender for the region's hydrocarbon and other resources," he said. Underlining the importance of such regional meetings, Krishna said such deliberations are "very productive". "These meetings have enabled the Ministry to listen to the perspectives of Ambassadors on the profound and

transformative changes that are taking place in the regions concerned, and more importantly the impact of such changes on India," he told ambassadors. Noting that the two-way trade with the Central Asian countries are of just about USD 500 million which is way below the potential, Krishna said there is considerable ground to cover to enhance economic linkages and elevating the trade with the region, that matches India's cultural and political interaction with this region. "You need to explore innovative and practical solutions

in consultation with the local Governments to overcome the connectivity hurdle," he told ambassadors. He also said that Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-PakistanIndia (TAPI) pipeline project has made progress and a breakthrough in Central Asian energy market was achieved with the signing of a commercial agreement by ONGC Videsh Limited with the Kazakh State Company for oil block in the Caspian Sea. "I understand few more such projects are in the pipeline," he said. -PTI


TechBiz Post

India Post

July 13, 2012

Bhopal toxic waste to be disposed in Germany NEW DELHI: The government has approved disposal of about 350 metric tonnes of Union Carbide toxic waste in Bhopal to Germany. The approval was given following recommendations from a Group of Ministers (GoM) on the Bhopal Gas tragedy chaired by Home Minister P C Chidambaram, officials said. According to the proposal, the Centre will pay Rs 25 crore towards the cost of airlifting the waste, to be carried out by German agencyGIZ IS. The waste is proposed to be removed within a year. About 346 MT toxic waste is lying within the premises of the erstwhile M/s Union Carbide India Ltd (UCIL) at Bhopal. The worst-ever industrial disaster had taken place at the Union Carbide plant on the intervening night of December 2-3, 1984. According to government

data, over Rs 3,000 crore has been given as compensation in 5,295 cases of death, 4,902 cases of permanent disability, 5,27,894 cases of minor injury and 35,455 cases related to temporary disability among others. Earlier, in an interview to PTI, one of the firm's representatives here had said it would require over 4,000 special containers approved by the UN as well as trained experts for the job. "We need about 4,000-4,500 UN approved containers of 120 liters each. These containers would be purchased. All waste product will be carefully packed and sealed before shifting them to Germany," GIZ International Services' Regional Director for South Asia Hans-H Dube had said. However, he had said that a decision was yet to be made about where to dispose the hazardous waste. -PTI

Adani, QR rail project to make Australia to assess Indian outsourcing standards 'supply chain efficient' MELBOURNE: The Queensland government has said the Adani Group and Queensland Railway's (QR) decision to work on an integrated east-west rail proposal for the Galilee Basin could provide an efficient supply chain for the region. This co-operative approach was exactly what the government had sought following extensive negotiations with all proponents of mine and rail developments in the region, said Deputy Premier and Minister for State Development, Infrastructure and Planning Jeff Seeney. "By declaring two rail corridors for future mines in the Galilee Basin we hoped to facilitate this sort of progress," Seeney said in a statement, welcoming the two companies' decision to move further on the project and carry out a feasibility study. "Adani and QR National's decision to jointly evaluate an integrated rail project and accelerate work into the feasibility stage is good news for the companies and the state," he added. The state government will continue to work with all mining companies and rail proponents to progress development in the Galilee Basin which would be of great benefit to the region, the state and the nation, he said. "We agree with both companies that an integrated solution could provide an efficient and effective supply chain," Seeney said. Earlier, the two firms had said

in a joint statement that "preliminary work between the two companies under an MoU will now move into a feasibility stage. The study will assess rail infrastructure and haulage services for 60-80 mil-

"By declaring two rail corridors for future mines in the Galilee Basin we hoped to facilitate this sort of progress," Seeney said in a statement, welcoming the two companies' decision to move further on the project and carry out a feasibility study. "Adani and QR National's decision to jointly evaluate an integrated rail project and accelerate work into the feasibility stage is good news for the companies and the state" lion tonnes of thermal coal per annum from Carmichael Mine to Abbot Point Coal Terminal". The Gujarat-based Adani Group has coal mines in

Australia's Queensland province and a port at Abbot, which it had bought two years ago for nearly USD 2 billion - making it the single largest Indian investor in that country. The Queensland Government had earlier decided to have a new railway connectivity on the WestEast corridor to the existing coal network of the QR that would service emerging Galilee Basin coal mines. "A vertically integrated solution where Adani and QR National work across the mine, rail and port interfaces will result in a very efficient and cost effective supply chain," Adani Chairman Gautam Adani had said. QR National Managing Director and CEO Lance Hockridge had said, "Through preliminary work we have been doing with Adani, it became clear there was an alignment of interests in developing an integrated rail solution for their Carmichael Mine." Adani Enterprises had proposed USD 6 billion investment early this year and said it would mainly go into developing Abbot Port (Adani Abbott Point Coal Terminal) and the Galilee Basin coal mines along with constructing of a rail head between coal mines and the port that is around 500-km away. The group's Australian arm Adani Mining Pty has commenced its mining exploration in the Galilee Basin. The Australian mine is expected to begin production by January 2015. -PTI

MELBOURNE: A team of Aus- that APRA's wish to monitor the tralian Prudential Regulation Au- situation on the ground should be thority (APRA) will visit India later applauded. this year to evaluate standards of CBA has outsourced work to Indian service providers amid their companies operating out of India growing role in overseeing back such as IBM, HCL Technologies, office functions for the country's Tata Consultancy Services, HP largest four banks. and Accenture. A report quoted an APRA Harte said the emergence of spokesman as saying that all new cloud computing meant regulators and existing outsourcing arrange- need to broaden their definition ments must adhere to Prudential and assessment of outsourcing arStandard CPS 231, which came into rangements. force on July 1, and ensure that In cloud computing, end users APRA has access to the offshore are not required to buy software operations relevant to all Australian lenders. Regulated institu- Commonwealth Bank of tions must also provide Australia technology chief unimpeded access to Michael Harte said CBA had their overseas operations to APRA inspec- been involved in tors. outsourcing and off-shoring According to the reactivities for more than port by the Australian Financial Review, the 14 years team will assess the operations of companies that or devices as these are provided outsource for the financial ser- by service providers on a rental vices players, the Indian opera- basis. tions of other multinational IT sup"The fact that they are taking pliers, and the ring-fenced opera- an active interest in seeing operations of Australian institutions, tions first hand is great and consuch as ANZ Banking Group. sistent with a sensible approach," APRA's team will fly out in the Harte said. final quarter of 2012 under the lead"Cloud is another example of ership of the head of IT risk, David external provision that we are inPegrem. creasingly keen on because of the Commonwealth Bank of Austra- lower cost and greater flexibility, lia technology chief Michael Harte and regulators should be aware, said CBA had been involved in as we are, of the solid risk assessoutsourcing and off-shoring ac- ments and the bona fides of suptivities for more than 14 years, and pliers," he added. -PTI

TechBiz Post

July 13, 2012

Lack of transparency persists over lending rates CHENNAI: Concerned over the lack of transparency in bank lending rates, Reserve Bank Governor D Subbarao said the central bank has set up a working group to address the issue. "One problem that has persisted even after the introduction of the base rate system relates to the lack of transparency in the customer-specific spread charged to a borrower over the base rate," Subbarao said in his IOB Platinum Jubilee Oration Series here. "There have been complaints that the spread charged to a customer has been revised upwards without any apparent change in his/her risk profile," he said. Also, where floating rate loans are concerned, existing customers have been disadvantaged vis-avis new customers with similar credit ratings, resulting in complaints about discrimination, he said. In order to address this malady, Subbarao said the RBI has set up a working group under chairmanship of Deputy Governor Anand Sinha to determine the principles that must govern proper, transparent and non-discriminatory pricing of credit. The working group is expected to submit its report by next month, he added. To improve transparency in interest rate, RBI introduced the base rate from July 1, 2010 in place of the benchmark prime lending rate (BPLR). Base rate is the minimum lend-

ing rate below which a bank cannot lend. However, in the BPLR system, banks were allowed to lend below the benchmark rate. The BPLR was introduced by the RBI in 2003 to serve as a benchmark rate for lending. Subbarao said, "Under the new system (base rate), each bank is mandated to determine a base rate of interest to include those cost elements which can be clearly

Referring to the issue of microfinance institutions, Subbarao said, "the roll out of the new regulatory regime has run into some bottlenecks... the RBI is working on resolving these issues so that MFI operations can get back on track" identified and are common across all borrowers - cost of deposits, cost of maintaining the statutory liquidity ratio and cash reserve ratio, cost of operations, and the profit margin." Banks are allowed to determine the actual lending rate they charge on loans by topping up the base rate with other customer specific charges such as product specific operating costs, credit risk pre-

mium and tenor premium, he added. On the savings bank account, the RBI Governor said, following the deregulation, seven relatively small private banks raised their saving bank deposit rates and expectedly improved their share of this market segment. The big banks have yet to respond to this but it is expected that whenever that happens, the adjustment will be smooth, he added. "...the RBI looks forward to more active play in the saving bank segment with banks coming out with some customer friendly innovations especially aimed at attracting low income households, presently outside the banking sector," he added. Referring to the issue of microfinance institutions, Subbarao said, "the roll out of the new regulatory regime has run into some bottlenecks... the RBI is working on resolving these issues so that MFI operations can get back on track." Some MFIs are unable to comply with the qualifying asset criterion for registering as a NBFCMFI, and therefore banks are reluctant to make fresh loans to them as such loans do not qualify as priority sector lending, he said. On the issue of expansion of priority sector list, he said, "it can deliver on its promise only if the eligible sectors are restricted to a select few which are important from the perspective of improving livelihoods." -PTI

Mobile phone subscriber base inches to 929.37 mn NEW DELHI: Total mobile subscriber base grew by 8.35 million to 929.37 million users in May over the previous month, according to data by sectoral regulator Trai. Mobile subscribers were 921.02 million in April, according to the data released. Total subscriber base stood at 960.9 million and overall teledensity (telephones per 100 people) in India reached 79.28 per cent in May. Bharti Airtel added the most over 2 million subscribers, taking its subscriber base to 185.3 million at the end of May. Idea Cellular saw the second highest addition at 1.75 million users in the month. Even after cancellation of licenses, Uninor retained third po-

sition by adding over 1.52 million users. Vodafone regained its fourth position in terms of new subscribers addition by adding 1.2 million users. Aircel, Reliance Communications, Sistema Shyam added over 0.8 million, 0.5 million and 0.25 million users respectively. State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd continued to lose subscribers in May. BSNL lost 81,000 and MTNL 0.17 million users in May. In April, BSNL and MTNL lost around 0.71 million and 0.1 million users respectively from their network. BSNL and MTNL's total subscriber base stood at 97.71 million and 5.55 million, respectively.

Tata Teleservices, which had lost 0.51 million users in April, turned positive by adding over 0.3 million new users in May. Wireline subscriber base declined by 0.36 per cent from 31.89 million in April 2012 to 31.53 million at the end of May. Total broadband subscriber base has increased from 13.95 million in April to 14.31 million at the end of May 2012, there by showing a 0monthly growth of 2.6 per cent. The data released by Telecom Regulatory Authority of India shows that by the end of May 2012 about 4.2 million new subscribers submitted their requests to different service providers for shifting on to network of other operator using Mobile Number Portability facility. -PTI

India Post



1 Tum Hi Ho Bandhu: Cocktail 2 Mukhtasar: Teri Meri Kahaani 3 Humse Pyaar Karle Tu: TMK 4 Second Hand Jawani: Cocktail 5 Daru Desi: Cocktail 22

India Post

July 13, 2012


6 Thats All I Really Wanna Do: TMK 7 Dhadang Dhang: Rowdy Rathore


8 Aa Re Pritam Pyaare: Rowdy Rathore 9 Chinta Ta Ta Chita Chita: Rowdy Rathore

ohit Shetty is going through the best phase of his career! While he has signed Shahrukh Khan for his upcoming film Chennai Express, the successful director has himself confirmed that SRK will also produce the film! In a TV interview, Rohit Shetty said that he went to Shahrukh Khan and told him that he wants to work with him in Chennai Express! Shahrukh Khan said that if he (Rohit) has faith in Chennai Express, then he will do it! Rohit further revealed that Shahrukh is producing the film! Rohit then talked about how he collaborated with Karan Johar! He said that all the films that Karan has produced so far have been directed by his assistants and he wanted to make a film with an established director! As Karan told Rohit, the first name that came to his mind was that of Rohit! And Rohit readily agreed to direct a film under the Dharma Production banner!

10 Jiya Tu Bihar Ke Lala: Gangs Of Wasseypur


ctress and yum mum to a sevenyear-old, Sonali Bendre is all set to gear up for her comeback on big screen. The actor, who took a sabbatical from Bollywood, post her marriage to producer Goldie Behl, is now set to continue from where she left in films. Though Sonali has been seen in commercials and was also a part of a few telly shows as an anchor or judge, this will be her first full fledged role in films, after so many years. The actor, as she puts it, is looking forward to it. "I can now confirm that I am indeed doing Ekta Kapoor's sequel to Once Upon A Time In Mumbaai. I am sure it is going to be a lot of fun especially since it is Ekta and (filmmaker) Milan Luthria's film. The two main hurdles that I had were that of the producer and director, and in this case, everything fell into place because they are both people I know. I share a certain comfort level with them," she says.

RS. 15 cr ITEM


s Thalaivar joining the item roll call? The grapevine reports that Tamil superstar Rajinikanth has agreed to appear in an item number in Aamir Khan's delayed project Talaash. Rumor puts the And what might an appearance price tag at a of this sort by one of India's bigwhopping Rs. 15 gest stars cost? Rumor puts the crores, and price tag at a whopping Rs. 15 crores, and could be one of the most could be one of expensive item songs ever. This the most expenwill be the 61-year-old Robot sive item songs actor's first item number. ever. This will be Besides Rajini sir's fees, the the 61-year-old song will cost the production team of Talaash a whopping Rs. 50 crore. Robot actor's If reports are to believed then first item number this item number will be shot at 50 locations across 200 countries and will also feature the who's who of Bollywood, cricket legends and politicians. Talaash, which has been delayed because of Aamir Khan's TV debut, is set to release in November this year.


July 13, 2012

India Post 23


n their forthcoming film, Barfi actors Ranbir Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra play deaf-and-mute and autistic characters respectively, but they insist that the film is not about disability. The romantic comedy directed by Anurag Basu, revolves around a boy named Murphy (Ranbir), whom everyone calls

Barfi. Always ready with a prank up his sleeve, he is quite the charmer even though he can neither speak nor listen. While Jhilmil (Priyanka) plays an autistic character in the film. The film also stars Tollywood actress Ileana D'Cruz. "It is a coincidence that these two characters are deaf, mute and one is autistic. Actually it is about enjoying life, giving happiness, feeling love. It's a love story," Ranbir told reporters here at the first look of Barfi. "If you see Ileana's character you will see eternal romance, if you see the love story between Priyanka and my's heartwarming. You will not feel that the film is about disability film or mentally challenged kind of. It's not that," he said. On similar lines, Priyanka said, "When we meet differently-abled people, or people who are special, we have a view point that they have a dark, sorrowful life we feel bad for them, it is not a film about that. There are people who smile, laugh, fall in love, enjoy. Its that side of their life."



t seems like the impossible is finally happening. Salman Khan and Abhishek Bachchan are turning buddies. The two actors have finally buried the hatchet they were rumored to have, thanks to their somewhat related past. And, the unexpected happened when Abhishek decided to drop in and say a 'hello' to Salman, while both were shooting at studios next to each other. Abhishek preferred waiting for him till the shot was over. When Salman came to know about this, he at once went to meet him and while Abhishek extended his hand to greet him, Sallu went ahead and hugged Ab Jr. Then the two stars sat and were bonding like two old friends do when they meet after a long time." Well, going by this new-found camaraderie, guess it's just the right time for filmmakers to cast the duo together, as both Salman and Abhishek have forgotten the past and decided to move on!



ctors Ayushmann Khurrana and Kunal Roy Kapoor will team up for Rohan Sippy's untitled comedy film in which Abhishek Bachchan will do a cameo. The untitled venture will bring together Ayushmann of Vicky Donor fame and Kunal Roy Kapoor who became popular with Delhi Belly. The film is a buddy-comedy. "I realized that Kunal has great potential as an actor and that's why we got him onboard. Ayushmann and Kunal are new age actors who have definite connect with today's audience," filmmaker Rohan Sippy said in a statement here. For the first time Rohan would not have Abhishek Bachchan as the lead face for his film unlike his previous directorial ventures like Bluffmaster, Kuch Naa Kaho and Dum Maaro Dum. Abhishek had loved the script but has other work commitments and so he will be appearing in a cameo role, Sippy said. "He is my good luck charm. He is doing a cameo role. We are trying to shoot before he starts shooting for his upcoming action film," Rohan said.

India Post News Service


jay Devgn and Abhishek Bachchan swing into theaters across North America with their highly-anticipated comedy Bol Bachchan. The Rohit Shetty-directed film has earned a PG rating in the US from the MPAA making it the top Bollywood family entertainer of the summer. In the interviews below, actors Ajay and Abhishek sit down to talk about their outrageous new comedy:

Ajay Devgn After the blockbuster Singham, you are teaming up again with director Rohit Shetty in the comedy Bol Bachchan. What are audiences in store for? Bol Bachchan is an entertaining movie. It is a Rohit Shetty film. The audience will get all the things they like to watch the most in Ajay Devgn-Rohit Shetty movies. Apart from the entertaining portion, the film also has outrageous jokes, drama and mindblowing action. Tell us about your character Prithviraj in Bol Bachchan. This is the first time that I have played a Pehelwan (wrestler). The role has been beautifully written, and since I had never played a Pehelwan before the entire team thought it would only enhance the film. It is good for an actor to keep playing different types of roles. Also, today's audience doesn't want to see an actor play the same role time and again. How long can you entertain the audience with the same type of character? The basic idea is to entertain the audience. Now you have to decide how much entertainment you can deliver through your film. We, as a team, try to give 100 percent entertainment. With Bol Bachchan, we will be providing 100-plus percent entertainment. I can assure you my character will entertain the audience from


India Post


July 13, 2012 fore this, either the character didn't suit Abhishek or there was another reason why we didn't work together. But this time, with this title, we knew it had to be Abhishek. And everything worked just right. Since Abhishek and I have known each other for years, the chemistry on screen is outstanding. So many people have told me that we look good together on-

This is the first time that I have played a Pehelwan (wrestler). The role has been beautifully written, and since I had never played a Pehelwan before the entire team thought it would only enhance the film

” Ajay Devgn & Abhishek speak about Bol Bachchan the beginning to the end. Yes, kids love characters like these, but who says older people don't? This film is for people of all ages and we plan to deliver the fireworks on the big screen this summer. Tell us about the title track and performing with Amitabh Bachchan. People associated with the project always knew this song was part of the film. From the inception itself, we had decided to have this song on Amit-ji. It is just that we shot it after we completed the entire film. Obviously, the presence of Amit-ji, even in the song, enhances the prospects of the film. The title of the film is Bol Bachchan and it also has Abhishek Bachchan. So how can this film be complete if we don't have Amit-ji? Looking back, Rohit Shetty started his career with Zameen, which had Abhishek Bachchan and you in the lead. How was it like reuniting? Sometimes, things just fall into place and a project happens. This was not the first time Rohit thought of bringing us together. Be-

screen. Real-life bonding helps on screen.

Abhishek Bachchan We can see from the photos and trailers that there are two of you in Bol Bachchan. How fun was that? If my memory serves right, this is actually my first ever double role. I have done films in which I have had one character donning various avatars, like I did in "Bunty Aur Babli", in which I played a con man. But "BB" is the first bona fide double role that I have done. It was an intense challenge. Abhishek Bachchan or Abbas Ali which character was more challenging? Both Abhishek and Abbas Ali have unique characteristics. They couldn't overlap in any which way. Keeping the divide was difficult as they are poles apart. They are not identical twins with similar traits and I have literally played two separate characters. If you must know, between Abhishek and Abbas, the most demanding was Rohit Shetty. Cont’d on page 28

July 13, 2012

India Post


Bejewelled performance by Rangoli dancers PREM KISHORE


angoli Dancers presented "Mallari", a Bharata Natyam dance concert, produced and choreographed by dancer and visual artist, Malathi Iyengar at the Barnsdall Gallery Theater. Showcasing solos, duets, and groups the ensemble performed to ritualistic, visceral, new and classic traditional music. The evening's perfor-

mance paid homage to the collage of movement, rhythms and color of a rich spiritual Indian heritage. Malathi Iyengar, who has won prestigious awards and is Director of Rangoli Foundation for Arts and Culture, has always sought the sacred dimensions in dance and the program she offered was a joyous portrait of the wonder, energy and power of gods and goddesses. Her husband Suresh, who has an astonishing versatile career (a dentist and marathon runner), showcased elaborately sculpted, detailed deities which fronted the stage and made it a fully realized theatrical performance. A procession of dancers brought the deities with reverence accompanied by musical chants onto the stage. The highlight of the program, "Mallari" a 'jewel' as Malathi says, is an ornamented musical composition played when the presiding deity of a temple is taken in a procession, celebrating the triumph of goodness over evil. During the procession, dancers, musicians, flower girls, all become part of the devotional event. The attentive audience in

Los Angeles became part of the spiritual and aesthetic notions and truths dramatized through gesture, expression and footwork. A scintillating music and dance tribute to the universal mother goddess 'Kamakshi'

(1762 - 1827). Evocative phrasing and inspiring vocalization made it a mindful passionate offering. Other notable composers were heard throughout the evening. Dwaraki

The highlight of the program, "Mallari" a 'jewel' as Malathi says, is an ornamented musical composition played when the presiding deity of a temple is taken in a procession, celebrating the triumph of goodness over evil and South Indian art and culture was another arresting vignette of the evening. The music for 'Kamakshi Swarajathi' was a composition of the legendary Shyama Shastri

Krishnaswamy, B.R. Seshadri, Gopala Krishna Bharathi, Shyama Shastri, Muthiah Bhagavatar, Rajkumar Bharathi and the poetry of Adi Shankara.

The extraordinarily gifted Lighting Designer Eileen Cooley was imaginative and brilliant in her instinctive feel for movement, space and transition points. Luminous and deft, Eileen always makes lighting a charac-

ter on stage. Special mention must be made of the amazing focus, discipline, energy and dedication that were reflected in the performances of the young boys Chirag Sumathi and Dhruv Sumathi. Lakshmi Iyengar was supple, glowing and eloquent. Navia Natarajan Menon's footwork and form was exquisite as she interpreted the nuances of the dance. Indeed the entire cast executed artfully the inventive narrative in a fast paced program as they explored with grace and emotion and insight ,a range of the stories depicting the cosmic dance of destruction and creation, the Goddess Bhavani the giver of intelligence and Durga the mother of the universe and Lord Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles. The dancers were: Sanam Chalan, Anjali Gopalan, Lakshmi Iyengar, Hema Iyer, Shilpa Mantri, Navia Natarajan Menon, Sumathi Nanguneri, Anisha Rao, Akshaya Sekhar, Shaheen Sheik, Chirag Sumathi, Dhruv Sumathi and Nishitha Viswanathan. "Mallari" was partly supported by the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles


India Post

July 13, 2012

Sunny, Bobby Deol miss Esha's reception MUMBAI: Deol siblings Sunny and Bobby were conspicuous by their absence at the grand wedding reception hosted by their half-sister Esha and her husband Bharat Takhtani at a five-star hotel here. Esha, daughter of yesteryear stars Hema Malini and Dharmendra, entered into a wedlock with her businessman husband Bharat Takhtani at ISKCON temple in suburban Juhu on June 29. The reception, held at Hotel Lalit in suburban Andheri, was attended by Bollywood and political bigwigs. While the bride was glowing in a pink lehenga, the bridegroom was looking dapper in a black suit. Dharmendra played the perfect father of the bride at both the wedding and the reception. Though Esha's half-brothers Bobby and Sunny skipped the function, cousin Abhay Deol, who is known to be close to her, attended all the functions.

Esha and her husband Bharat Takhtani

When asked about the absence of Sunny and Bobby, Dharmendra said, "It is our personal matter". Among the glitterati who at-

tended the reception were veteran actors Dilip Kumar and his wife Saira Banu, Jeetendra, Rekha, Zeenat Aman, Salman Khan, be-

The proud parents

sides Tusshar Kapoor, Sanjay Khan, Vidya Balan, Madhuri Dixit and her husband Dr Sriram Nene, Sushmita Sen, Tabu, Kajol, Sridevi and her producer husband Boney Kapoor. Actors Fardeen Khan, Anupam Kher with wife Kirron, Shamita Shetty, Mandira Bedi and business tycoon Subrata Roy also graced the occasion. "We are very happy for Esha and Bharat. We wish them good luck," actress Saira Banu said. Politicians of all hues including L K Advani, Sushma Swaraj, Chaggan Bhujbal, Sushil Kumar Shinde, Narayan Rane, Amar Singh, Uddhav Thackeray, Raj Thackeray too attended the event. The wedding Earlier, the wedding took place in a pure traditional South Indian style. The traditional Hindu wedding ceremony was attended by the family members and celebs from the Bollywood industry. Bharat came to the place on a white horseback and then the couple took the marriage vows around the sacred fire. Hema was clad in a Kanjeevaram saree and both the parents - Hema Malini and Dharmendra were looking much excited. They welcomed the groom at the temple. Dharmendra was wearing a suit. The marriage took place at the Iskcon temple in Juhu. Esha, the bride, dolled up a Kanjeevaram saree which was the laced with the combination of red and gold. Hema reportedly bought it from Chennai which was then extra designed by

famous designer Neeta Lulla. Esha and Bharat have been dating since long and they got engaged on 12th February this year. The marriage was the climax of Esha's three-day wedding event. Salman Khan's personal security took the charge of security works at the wedding. The excited Hema Malini told the media that she was much excited and relieved now as her elder daughter was married now and most importantly she got married in Mumbai. Apart from the family

Bharat came to the place on a white horseback and then the couple took the marriage vows around the sacred fire. Hema was clad in a Kanjeevaram saree members such as parents, sister Ahana and cousin Abhay Deol, Bollywood brigade too came in to bless the couple. The personalities such as Amitabh Bachchan, Abhishek Bachchan, Vinod Khanna, Manoj Kumar, Ramesh Sippy, Vyjantimala, Anu Malik, Faredeen Khan, Poonam Sinha, Neeta Lulla and her daughter Nishka Lulla were present at the ceremony. Abhay Deol says that he was happy that Esha got settled in life. The celebs showed their blessings for the couple.

July 13, 2012

India Post


Director praises Irrfan in 'Amazing Spider-Man' MUMBAI: The Amazing Spider-man director Marc Webb says it was his dream to cast Indian actor Irrfan Khan in the movie. Irrfan essays the key role of Dr Ratha who is boss to Dr Curt Conner, the main villain in the movie. Webb was all praises about Irrfan, he says, "I have been an enormous fan of Irrfan for a very long time. I first saw him in `The Namesake`, `The Warrior` and in TV series `In Treatment`. I just wanted to be able to work with Irrfan and the first chance I got I persuaded him to do this role." Adding to which he says, "It wouldn't be wrong to say that I practically invented this role so that I could have him on board!" Enlightening on the character

Connors into The Lizard. You cannot call the character good or bad, I would say he has a job to do and he has started about doing it. For

‘For the role of Dr Ratha I needed someone who projected sophistication, had lot of strength and command and somebody with a level of intellectual sophistication as Rhys presence and Irrfan fit that bill’ the role of Dr Ratha I needed someone who projected sophistication, had lot of strength and command and somebody with a level of inof Dr Ratha, Webb says, "Irrfan's character is very important because he is the one who is pushing the transformation of Curt

Satyamev Jayate season 2 being planned


amir Khan could come back with the second season of Satyamev Jayate after September this year. Season one of the popular show which has 13 episodes has already crossed the halfway mark. The actor said that the show has received a "dream response" from the audience and added that the show's impact on society is evident and it has helped empower people with knowledge. The actor while speaking to the audience at the Big FM studio said that the show's research team is

tellectual sophistication as Rhys presence and Irrfan fit that bill. I am so inspired by Irrfan's craft, work ethic and wonderful human-

finding it difficult to find out the actual impact the show has created since so many things have happened after the show was aired. Aamir said that hosting the show has also brought him closer to the people of the country and added that it has been able to touch people's lives while addressing various issues. Satyamev Jayate has so far dealt with various social issues which include topics like female feticide, the healthcare scenario of the country and domestic violence.

ity, I am thankful he decided to do the film. And it's just not me, but other people in Hollywood are looking out for the roles to suit Irrfan!"


India Post

July 13, 2012

Outrageous comedy

Cont’d from page 24

Director Rohit Shetty has enjoyed huge success. You have worked with him in his debut film Zameen. What is the difference that you see in him since he directed you for the first time? I think Rohit has become more confident now. He is as hard working and humble as he was when we were making Zameen. He is one of the most successful directors that we have in our industry and

Hoga Tera Baap", "Jhoom Barabar Jhoom" and now this song in "BB". Coming to the bit about my not being nervous around him actually I was not nervous around him even when we did our first film together. It is every actor's dream to work with Amitabh Bachchan. And dad's greatest quality is that he puts you at ease. Being an actor and having the kind of experience he has on his side, he understands that for an My style of comedy is more deadpan and straight-faced whereas the comedy that I did in the film was very demanding as a lot of energy was required. We all had to keep our energy levels high all the time. It took me a week to adapt to Bol Bachchan. The first one week of shooting was really

if the film does well he has to send me on a holiday. (laughs) Ajay Devgn said that they literally had to groom you into their

suit the script. My style of comedy was very different from what Bol Bachchan required me to do. The two literally made me unlearn

style of comedy. What was that experience like? Ajay and Rohit taught me that there is a pitch behind every film and you have to match it. I cannot repeat my characters as it will not

what I already knew and adopt a different style of comedy which was very difficult for me. But I think audiences will be pleased plus we have a few surprises in store for them!

‘My style of comedy is more deadpan and straight-faced whereas the comedy that I did in the film was very demanding’

his track record speaks for itself. He is like a machine who works for like 20 hours a day! This is your second song with your dad after 'Kajra re'. Are you nervous at all around him? It is weird, but dad is the one co-star with whom I have done the maximum work. We've done "Bunty Aur Babli", "Sarkar", "Kabhie Alvida Na Kehna", "Sarkar Raj", "Paa", "Bbuddha

actor to perform at his/her optimum, he has to be completely at ease. If there is any tension, an actor just folds up and closes in. He is aware that people get gobsmacked in front of him, so he goes out of his way to make them feel comfortable. He does it for the sake of the film. Also when he is shooting a song, he likes to have a lot of fun. How would you define your style of comedy?

tough for me. I came with a particular mind-set for the film and Rohit wanted something exactly opposite to it. I thought this will be the easiest film to do and it turned out to be the most difficult film of my career. I have told Ajay

29 India post


This is the first among the twelve Jyotirlings. Since ancient times, Prabhas Patan has been a pilgrimage center, being the confluence of the mythological Saraswati, Hiranya and Kapila Statue of Sardar Vallabhai Patel

ome to one of the 12 Jyotirlings of India, the temple city of Somnath or Prabhas Patan is situated in the state of Gujarat on the Arabian Sea. Best time to visit: The climate of Somnath is mild with the temperature ranging between 20°C and 28°C in the winters and between 28°C and 34°C in the summers. One can visit the place round the year but the best season to visit is winters - from October to March. History: It is said that the original temple of Somnath was built by the Moon God and was made of gold. After it was razed to the ground, it was rebuilt with silver by Ravana. When the silver temple was knocked down, it was reconstructed in wood by Krishna. And when this was pulled down, an edifice of stone was erected by Bhimdev. This is the first among the twelve Jyotirlings. Since ancient times, Prabhas Patan has been a

July 13, 2012

pilgrimage center, being the confluence of the mythological Saraswati, Hiranya and Kapila. Legend has it that Lord Shiva's Kalbhairav linga is situated at Prabhas. It is also associated with the moon as the Moon God is also said to have worshipped this Shivling. This is also the reason why this temple is popularly known as Somnath, the one named after the moon. Remains found from the region and descriptions in the writings of Indians and foreigners suggest that the place was a colony of the Aryans in the ancient times. This temple of religious as well as historical significance is believed to have been built sometime around AD 4. In AD 1026, Mahmud of Ghazni first looted the temple, and then came Afzal Khan, the commander of Ala-ud-din Khilji and later Aurangzeb. It is said that the temple was looted and destroyed as many as seventeen times. Cont’d on page 30


Travel & Hospitality Post

India Post

July 13, 2012

US flaunts new initiatives to woo Indians NEW DELHI: Home to some of the world's exotic destinations, the United States is making an attempt to woo maximum number of tourists from India by flaunting its new initiatives like Interview Waiver Program under which an applicant can get visa without having to appear in person. As India is expected to cross 1 million visitor mark by 2015 and leap into the league of top 10 countries that bring tourists to that country, US promoted its favorite cities like New York, San Francisco, Chicago and California to potential tourists and tour operators at a seminar here. Inaugurating the seminar, US Ambassador to India Nancy J Powell said over 6.5 lakh people from India visited the US in 2011 and attributed the increase to strengthening of relationship between the two countries. "Travel and tourism to the US is an important way for us to expand our cultural and commercial ties and increase trade growth between our countries. Total spending by Indians traveling to the US was USD 4.6 billion last year, up 15 per cent from the year before," she said. The Ambassador noted that the "most important" aspect of travel and tourism between the two countries is not dollar figures, but the "person-to-person relation-

ships" that are cultivated. On the recent program that allows certain applicants to apply for visas being interviewed in person, Embassy officials said the program has already been implemented. The program also found mention in the Joint Statement issued after the third US-India Strategic Dialogue in Washington earlier this month. Powell said the new program will make it easier for Indian citizens to come to the US for various

Embassy officials said more than 660,000 Indians visited the US last year and it was a record year for tourists from India purposes. The Ambassador also said the Obama Administration will continue to find more ways to make travel from India to the US as simple as possible. Embassy officials said more than 660,000 Indians visited the US last year and it was a record year for tourists from India. They also said 97 per cent of the visas are processed within 24 hours and waiting time for visa appointments are currently 10 days or less across India. -PTI

Falling Re keeping Indians away from China CHENGDU, China: The number of Indian tourists visiting mainland China, the world's third largest tourist destination with 135 million inbound travelers last year, is expected to rise only marginally this year due to continuing slide of rupee, a Chinese tourism official said. "We expect only a marginal increase in the number of Indian visitors to mainland China this year at over 6.1 lakh. Last year, the number of Indians visiting mainland China stood at more than 6,06,500. But with the rupee on a downhill and the yuan on an upward spiral, we have to take this into account," the China National Tourism Office told PTI here. The rupee has lost almost 4 per cent since January this year against the dollar and nearly 28 per cent since last August making foreign travel and imports costly.

According to the latest data provided by the Chinese Tourism, the number of Indians visiting their neighbor stood at 2,45,901 during the January-May period, an increase of just 0.72 per cent over the same period last year.

The China National Tourism is targeting Indian cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata for potential tourists In contrast, 57,319 Chinese tourists visited India during the same period, an increase of 22.8 per cent over the corresponding period the previous year.

India usually ranks 13th to 15th among China's source markets for tourism. Its top source destinations are South Korea, Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam. The China National Tourism is targeting Indian cities like Mumbai, New Delhi, Bangalore and Kolkata for potential tourists and is keen to increase this year's promotional budget for the Indian market. "We are increasing our budget for the Indian market. This year we have a lot of promotional activities planned in India as we see large potential there," the official said without divulging the amount earmarked for the marketing activities. Tourism contributes about 4 per cent of Chinese gross domestic product, which stood at USD 7.49 trillion or 47.16 trillion yuan in 2011. -PTI

Kerala to go ahead with Seaplane project THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Kerala government has decided in principle to implement the seaplane project aimed at boosting tourism in the state. The public sector Pavan Hans would be entrusted with the work to carry out technical feasibility study of the project, State Minister for Tourism A P Anil Kumar said after a

meeting convened by Chief Minister Oommen Chandy to discuss it. Five companies have approached the state government expressing interest in the project, he said adding government aims to have an open sky policy instead of having monopoly for any particular company. A final decision would be taken on the project planned under Tour-

ism Development program only after conducting environment impact and financial feasibility of the project, he said. A total of 20 spots have been identified for the project now, he said. Government plans to showcase the project in the coming 'Emerging Kerala' meet to be held in September in Kochi.-PTI

Somnath: Looted, destroyed and resurrected 17 times Cont’d from page 29

The Iron man of India, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was instrumental in the construction of the present temple, an edifice reminding visitors of the splendor of the original Somnath temple. Renowned temple architect Prabhaschandar designed it and the first President of India Dr. Rajendra Prasad installed the Jyotirling in the new temple on May 11, 1951. Tourist attractions The present temple, Kailash Mahameru Prasad is built in the Chalukya style of temple architecture and reflects the inherent skill of sompuras, Gujarat's master masons. It has the shikhara, the Garbhagriha, the sabha mandap and the nritya mandap. It has been built in such a position that there is no land between the Somnath temple and Antarctica. This fact finds mention in the inscription found on the protection wall of the temple. The museum at Somnath houses the remains of the earlier temples but in the form of a clutter of old carved stones littering a courtyard. It also houses pottery shards, a seashell collection, a glass case of water bottles containing samples from the rivers Danube, Nile, St Lawrence, Tigris, Plate, Murray, and seawater from Tasmania, and

Arrow Pillar or Baan-Stambh

New Zealand. The Bhalka Tirth is the place where Lord Krishna was mistaken for a deer and wounded by an arrow while sleeping in a deerskin. The place is situated on the confluence of three rivers. There is a sun temple (Suraj Mandir) nearby that was also knocked down by Mahmud of Ghazni. The Junagarh Gate is a very ancient triple gate that Mahmud of Ghazni broke through to take the town. The Mai Puri was once a Sun temple but was later converted into a mosque during Mahmud of Ghazni's time. The Ahilyabai Temple was built as a substitute for the original Somnath Temple. Just behind the temple is the Somnath beach with pleasant sands, great sea view, camel and pony rides, coconut stalls, and snack shops. Other places of interest are Jama Masjid, Bhidiyo Pagoda, and several smaller temples. Places around: The Gir National Park is the last home of the Asiatic Lion and is situated around 43 km off Somnath. This 1400 sq km sanctuary was set up to protect the lions whose numbers at one point had come down to less than 200. Now the number is believed to have reached around 285 at the last count.

Chorwad is a new beach resort developed by the Tourism Corporation of Gujarat at a distance of around 26 km from Somnath. Veraval is a major fishing port and a base point for the visit to Somnath. Fairs & festivals: Somnath celebrates a large fair on the day of the full moon of Kartik Purnima in November/December. Maha Shivratri in the month of March is also a major festival here. How to reach Air - The nearest airport from Somnath is Keshod, 55 km away and linked to Mumbai. There are regular buses and taxis plying between Keshod and Somnath. Rail - The nearest railhead is seven km away at Veraval, which is connected by train to Ahmedabad and some other cities in Gujarat. Road - State transport corporation buses and private coaches run regular service to other cities in the region. Somnath is connected by a good road network to the other nearby places like Veraval 7 km, Mumbai 889 km, Ahmedabad 400 km, Bhavnagar 266 km, Junagarh 85 km, and Porbandar 122 km. Local transport: Private taxis, Auto rickshaws, Chhakadas, and buses are all available to move around Somnath and the other place in the vicinity.

Travel & Hospitality Post

July 13, 2012

India Post


India wants to double tourist numbers by 2016: Sahai DUBAI: India, which sees an average of six million tourists visiting the country every year, wants to double the number by the year 2016, by promoting wellness and medical tourism, Union Tourism Minister has said. India gets just over six million tourists every year and the government wants to double this number by the year 2016, Tourism Minister Subodh Kant Sahai said. He said that outbound tourists from India are four times more than inbound tourists and the government has decided to take steps to improve these numbers. He was speaking to media on the sidelines of an Incredible India Road Show which was organized here. Senior officials and tourism authorities of Assam, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttarakhand and Maharashtra were also present on the occasion. "We need 200,000 rooms in India. We need exhibition centers, convention centers, theme parks etc. "There is scope for promoting wellness tourism, medical tourism by propagating ayurveda and yoga etc. We have the Himalayas, we have 7,000 km of coastal areas that are all potential tourist attractions," the minister said. Sahai announced that a tourism promotion forum will be set up at the Indian Embassy in Abu Dhabi which will have representation from the tourism industry.

He said that around Rs 40,000 crore is needed to develop India's tourism industry. "The tourism promotion forum will suggest ways to improve things and we will act upon their suggestions," the minister said. He added that a MoU will also

of the Road Show. There has been a consistent growth of foreign tourist arrivals from the Gulf and the Middle East region to India over the last 2-3 years with year 2010 having registered an overall growth of around 17 per cent over the previous year.

There has been a consistent growth of foreign tourist arrivals from the Gulf and the Middle East region to India over the last 2-3 years with year 2010 having registered an overall growth of around 17 per cent over the previous year Subodh Kant Sahai

be signed between India and the UAE to jointly promote tourism. Speaking on the occasion, India's ambassador to the UAE M K Lokesh said there is a lot of diversity in terms of tourist attractions in India. India is the third largest source of foreign tourists to the UAE, he said. Tour operators and airline officials also attended a B2B session that was organized on the sidelines

According to India Tourism officials, foreign tourist arrivals in India touched 6.29 million in 2011. Till May this year, the number had reached 2.8 million and the foreign exchange earning during this period stood at USD 7297 million. The ministry of tourism has set an aim to increase India's share in international tourist arrivals from 0.6 per cent to 1 per cent by the year 2016. -PTI

Goa plans to attract 6 mn tourists in 5 yrs PANAJI: Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar has said the state plans to increase tourist inflow from 2.6 million to 6 million in five years and promote it as a destination which has more than just 'beaches and pubs'. "We have an average 2.6 million tourists visiting Goa annually. We are now planning to take the figure to 6 million in next five years," Parrikar told businessmen and economists at Goa Investment Forum 2012 held here. He said the state will create entertainment facilities and fix its infrastructure in the tourist belt so that more numbers can be accommodated. Parrikar interacted with more than 50 chief executive officers of top companies during the forum organized by industry body Ficci and the Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI). "We need to look at more than beaches and pubs. Today guests visiting Goa have only two enter-

tainments - beaches and pubs. We have to create more alternatives for them once they arrive here," he said. To have more alternatives, the state needs increased invest-

"We want to give more facilities to guests. The infrastructure needs to be improved, entertainment facilities should be set up" he said ments, he said, adding that the government will extend all help to investors. "The delivery is one aspect that I can assure you," he told investors. Goa Investment Forum 2012

was held for the first time in the state, which is looking at investment in Information Technology, IT enabled services, Pharmaceuticals, Bio technology, light engineering, entertainment and tourism. State Tourism Director Swapnil Naik told reporters at the sidelines of the forum that the state is in the process of fixing the infrastructure. "We want to give more facilities to guests. The infrastructure needs to be improved, entertainment facilities should be set up," he added. Naik said over the next five years, it is possible to achieve the number of six million tourist-mark. The Tourism Department has claimed that the state has enough bed capacity to accommodate six million visitors. "There is a scarcity during peak season but if tourists are evenly distributed then we have enough rooms," Naik said. -PTI

China to develop Tibetan areas close to Arunachal BEIJING: China will develop Tibet's picturesque Nyingchi prefecture, located close to Arunachal Pradesh border, into a major tourist hub with an investment of USD 63.5 million which included construction of 22 "well-off model villages". More than 400 million yuan (USD 63.5 million) has been earmarked to develop tourism in "South eastern Tibet", by China's southern Guangdong provincial government as partner assistance, official media here reported. China refers Arunachal Pradesh as "Southern Tibet" which formed part of border dispute negotiations being held between Beijing and New Delhi. "Nyingchi prefecture in southeastern Tibet, with abundant virgin forests, snow mountains, rivers and pastures, has potential golden tourism resources," staterun news agency Xinhua quoted an official in Tibet as saying. Guangdong provincial government has designated four counties in Nyingchi prefecture to develop. An international tourism town is planned for Nyingchi County

in the prefecture, which is expected to attract investment of more than two billion yuan from government and enterprises, the official said. Besides the tourism town project, 22 well-off model villages, each with an investment of 4.5 million yuan, will be built in three years to help local residents to provide family hotel

Guangdong provincial government has designated four counties in Nyingchi prefecture to develop services and increase their incomes, the official said. Tibet in recent years has become a major tourism destination for mainland Chinese tourists. In the first three months of this year, Tibet received 230,000 visitors, up 23.7 per cent from a year earlier. Tourism revenue in Tibet also rose 27.9 per cent to reach 229 million yuan (about USD 37 million) during the period. -PTI

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July 13, 2012

India Post

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Calif. firm buys St Mary's hospital in Reno

RENO, Nev.: Officials at a Southern California health care company say they've finalized their purchase of Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center in Reno. Prime Healthcare Services officials announced that they'd purchased the 380-bed hospital from Dignity Health, which was formerly known as Catholic Healthcare West. The hospital will be keeping its name and preserving its Catholic heritage. Prime Healthcare leaders say Saint Mary's will continue holding daily Mass and will maintain normal chapel hours. Company officials say the Dominican Sisters of San Rafael will continue to serve in the hospital's Spiritual Care Services. -AP

Blumenthal holds Conn. hearing on patient safety HARTFORD, Conn.: U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal said here that efforts in Connecticut to reduce medical errors should be used as a national model for the rest of the country. Earlier this year, the Connecticut Hospital Association kicked off a statewide initiative to eliminate ``preventable harm'' in hospitals. Most of the state's 30 facilities have agreed to work collaboratively to create a culture of safety and ultimately eliminate serious errors. ``Connecticut really is at the forefront. The more we can add to this movement, the better,'' said Blumenthal, who held a field hearing on behalf of the Senate Special Committee on Aging at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford. -AP

India to use Thailand's antitobacco warning NEW DELHI: Cigarette packets in India are all set to carry new anti-tobacco pictorial warning from Thailand. The new pictorial warning, which is faceless, will be notified by the Ministry of Health as a replacement for the controversial old one that bore the image of English footballer John Terry. The Government of Thailand, which owns the copyright for the said warning, has permitted India to use these on cigarette products being marketed in India. "We had sought permission from Thailand and the World Health Organization to use the new warning since they hold the copyright." -PTI

Health Science 34

India Post

July 13, 2012

WVU health sciences dean retires MARTINSBURG, W.VA.: The dean of the eastern division of the West Virginia University Health Sciences Center has retired. The school says Dr. C. H. Mitch Jacques retired on June 30 after serving as both a physician and as an instructor for more than 19 years. -AP

US approves first rapid, take-home HIV test WASHINGTON: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first over-thecounter HIV test, allowing Americans to check themselves for the virus that causes AIDS in the privacy of their homes. The OraQuick test detects the presence of HIV in saliva collected using a mouth swab. The test is designed to return a result within 20 to 40 minutes. Government officials estimate one-fifth, or about 240,000 people, of the 1.2 million HIV carriers in the U.S. are not aware they are infected. Testing is one of the chief means of slowing new infections, which have held steady at about 50,000 per year for two decades. FDA officials said the test is aimed at people who might not otherwise get tested. The company's marketing efforts will focus on populations at greatest risk of being infected, including gay and bisexual men, African Americans and Hispanics. HIV awareness groups hailed the approval as an important step in expanding testing for the virus.

``This test will allow anyone to empower themselves to know their HIV status when, how and with whom they want to,'' said Tom Donohue, founding director of Who's Positive. HIV eventually develops into AIDS, unless treated with antiviral drugs. AIDS causes the body's

A trial conducted by Orasure showed the home test correctly detected HIV in those carrying the virus only 92 percent of the time. That means the test could miss one person for every 12 HIV-infected people who use the kit. The test was accurate 99 percent in ruling out HIV in patients not car-

FDA officials said the test is aimed at people who might not otherwise get tested. The company's marketing efforts will focus on populations at greatest risk of being infected, including gay and bisexual men immune system to break down, leading to infections which become fatal. The FDA previously approved several HIV test kits designed to be used at home, although those kits which usually require a blood sample must be sent to a laboratory to be developed. FDA stressed in its approval announcement that the test is not 100 percent accurate.

rying the virus. That means the test would incorrectly identify one patient as having HIV for every 5,000 HIV-negative people tested. People who test negative should get re-tested after three months because it can take several weeks for detectable antibodies to HIV to appear, according to Dr. Jonathan Mermin, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's HIV unit.

Orasure has marketed a version of OraQuick to doctors, nurses and other health care practitioners since 2002. When used by professionals, the test is shown to accurately identify both carriers and non-carriers 99 percent of the time. While it's not clear why the test appears less accurate in consumer trials, company researchers said they expected the test's specificity to drop when used by consumers versus professionals. Orasure plans to launch the test in October, selling it through retailers like Walgreens, CVS and Walmart, as well as online pharmacies. Whereas the test marketed to health professionals costs about $17.50, Orasure expects the consumer version to sell for more. The company is not announcing a price yet, but said it would be less than $60. CEO Doug Michels said the additional cost will help pay for a toll-free call center to provide counseling and medical referrals to test users. Shares of Orasure Technologies rose 59 cents, or 5 percent, to $12.09. -AP

Mass. law may bode well for federal law BOSTON: Massachusetts has the nation's highest rate of residents with health insurance. Visits to emergency rooms are beginning to ease. More residents are getting cancer screenings and more women are making prenatal doctors' visits. Still, one of the biggest challenges for the state lies ahead: reining in spiraling costs. Six years after Gov. Mitt Romney signed the nation's most ambitious health care law - one that would lay the groundwork for his presidential opponent's national version - supporters say the Massachusetts law holds promise for the long-term success of Barack Obama's plan. Like the federal law it inspired, the Massachusetts law has multiple goals, among them expanding the number of insured residents, reducing emergency room visits, penalizing those who can afford coverage but opt to remain uninsured, and requiring employ-

ers to offer coverage or pay a fine. Supporters of the Massachusetts experiment are quick to point out its successes. An additional 400,000 individuals have gained insurance since 2006, meaning about 98 percent of residents have coverage.

State health officials also point to what they say are increases in mammograms, colon cancer screenings and prenatal care visits and a 150,000-person reduction in the number of smokers after the state expanded coverage for smoking cessation programs.

The study also found no evidence to support one fear lawmakers had when they approved the law - that employers or workers might drop coverage because of the availability of public coverage A recent study by the Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts Foundation found that between 2006 and 2010, the use of emergency rooms for non-emergency reasons fell nearly 4 percent. That was a key goal of the law, since using emergency rooms for routine care is far more expensive than visiting a doctor.

``Since Gov. Romney signed health care reform here in Massachusetts, more private companies are offering health care to their employees, fewer people are getting primary care in an expensive emergency room setting, and hundreds of thousands of our friends and neighbors have access to

care,'' said Gov. Deval Patrick, a Democrat and co-chairman of Obama's re-election committee. Another reason the law remains popular may be that so many Massachusetts residents receive insurance through work and have been largely untouched by its penalties. The Blue Cross Blue Shield study found 68 percent of non-elderly adults received coverage through their employers in 2010, up from about 64 percent in 2006. The study also found no evidence to support one fear lawmakers had when they approved the law - that employers or workers might drop coverage because of the availability of public coverage. Another indication of the law's acceptance in Massachusetts is the reduction in the number of those assessed a tax penalty for failing to have insurance despite being able to afford it. Cont’d on page 37

July 13, 2012

Health Science Post

India Post


Spin Meter: Meet the health care tax WASHINGTON: It looks like a tax, smells like a tax, and the Supreme Court says it must be a tax. But politicians in both parties are squirming over how to define the Thing in President Barack Obama's health care law that requires people to pay up if they don't get health insurance. The problem for Obama is that, if the Thing is indeed a tax, he is by definition a raiser of taxes on the middle class, which he promised not to be. If that sounds like an opportunity for

call this health care Thing. Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom strayed from Republican talking points when he told MSNBC that Romney agrees with Justice Antonin Scalia's minority opinion that ``very clearly stated that the mandate was not a tax.'' That position is at odds with congressional Republicans who are determined to portray the Thing as an Obama tax pure and simple. ``The American people do not want to

The Obama administration always shied away from calling it a tax for the obvious reason that tax increases are political trouble. But, paradoxically, his health care law only stands today because the high court considered the insurance mandate part of Congress' broad powers of taxation, therefore constitutional Republican presidential rival Mitt Romney, well, it's not that simple. Obama's health care law is closely modeled on the universal-coverage plan Romney achieved as Massachusetts governor, and that plan contains a penalty for noncompliance similar to the one in the federal law upheld by the court. So if Obama is a raiser of taxes, so is Romney. Contortions have ensued over what to

go down this path,'' House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said. ``They do not want the government telling them what kind of insurance policy they have to buy, and how much they have to pay for it, and if you don't like it we're going to tax you.'' As for the other side, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi of California and some others have taken to calling it a ``penalty for free riders.'' ``This is a penalty on free riders,'' ech-

oed Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Just as everyone loves motherhood and apple pie, no one loves a free rider. Not Democrats. And not Republicans. But Democrats didn't make that up. Some years back, Romney called his own Thing a penalty on ``free riders.'' The whatever-it-is starts in 2014, is to be collected by the Internal Revenue Service and functions like a tax in that its amount is keyed to the income of those who must pay it. The Obama administration always shied away from calling it a tax for the obvious reason that tax increases are political trouble. But, paradoxically, his health care law only stands today because the high court considered the insurance mandate part of Congress' broad powers of taxation, therefore constitutional. The court carefully parsed all of this in a migraine-inducing summary of Chief Justice John Roberts' written decision. ``The Affordable Care Act describes the `shared responsibility payment' as a `penalty,' not a `tax,''' it says. ``That label is fatal to the application of the Anti-Injunction Act. It does not, however, control whether an exaction is within Congress' power to tax. In answering that constitutional question, this Court follows a functional approach, `disregarding the designation of the exaction, and viewing its substance and application.''' In other words, the Thing is a tax. -AP


Cure migraines with coffee


rone to migraines? Try musclingup your painkiller with a coffee chaser. Whatever over-thecounter pain med you prefer, researchers at the National Headache Foundation say washing it down with a strong 12- ounce cup of coffee will boost the effectiveness of your medication by 40 percent or more. Experts say caffeine stimulates the stomach lining to absorb painkillers more quickly and more effectively.


India Post

Health Science Post

July 13, 2012

State workers may pay 20 percent of health care DES MOINES, Iowa: Gov. Terry Branstad said here that he and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds will begin paying 20 percent of their health care insurance premiums beginning Aug. 1 and he urged all state employees to follow suit. ``Hard-working Iowa taxpayers are accustomed to paying for some or all of their own health care costs, and for far too long, their tax dollars have also paid for the total cost of state employees' health care,'' Branstad said. ``I truly believe the only way we will begin improving our health as a state and controlling the rising costs of health care is by empowering Iowans to take ownership of their own health.'' The voluntary payments total $225 a month for Branstad and $153 a month for Reynolds, Branstad spokesman Tim Albrecht said. Branstad signed an executive order allowing state employees to voluntarily pay 20 percent of their own health care. The governor also asked all statewide elected officials and department heads to do the same.

for no additional pay.'' According to the governor's office, the cost for a single person on the least expensive health care plan would be $1,000 a year.

Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (left) and and Lt. Gov. Kim Reynolds lead a town hall meeting in Buchanon County

Albrecht said 88 percent of state employees pay nothing toward health insurance premiums. Lawmakers also pay no health care premiums. Senate Republican Leader Jerry Behn, R-Boone, said he would pay a portion of his health care costs beginning Aug. 1, saying it's the ``right thing to do.'' Sen. Gene Fraise criticized Branstad, saying he's ``so out-oftouch'' that he would ask state

workers to cut their own pay. ``I suppose it made some sense to the governor when he made this outrageous request, especially considering his own $130,000 salary, $50,000 state pension, free housing and transportation, and a state-funded personal chef,'' the Fort Madison Democrat said. ``Unlike the governor, these state workers have experienced furloughs, layoffs, pay freezes, and doing more work

Unions have said the no-premium coverage enjoyed by most state workers is a trade-off for the lesser pay they receive in government jobs versus the private sector Albrecht said if all eligible state workers paid 20 percent of their own premiums, the state could save more than $100 million annually. About 27,000 state employees are eligible to sign up through July 19. Last week, Branstad told The Des Moines Register he would demand that state employees be

required to pick up 20 percent of their health costs as part of union negotiations this year. The proposal is almost certain to generate heat from public employees. Iowa was one of only six states that don't require employee health care cost sharing, according to a 2009 review conducted by the newspaper. Unions have said the no-premium coverage enjoyed by most state workers is a trade-off for the lesser pay they receive in government jobs versus the private sector. Danny Homan, head of Iowa's largest state worker union, criticized Branstad, saying his demands run counter to productive union negotiations. House and Senate Republicans in February proposed that state employees pay $2,400 a year in premiums, but did not include lawmakers in that bill. The proposal didn't pass. Advocates of the premium acknowledged that previous union agreements would prohibit such a mandate without the union agreeing to renegotiate. -AP

More nuanced view of Roberts after health care law WASHINGTON: Chief Justice John Roberts could have taken down the entire, massive health care law that his fellow Republicans deride as ``Obamacare.'' He could have prevented the Supreme Court decision that largely disabled the most disputed aspects of Arizona's crackdown on illegal immigrants. He didn't do either, and in the process surprised (or dismayed) longtime court observers of every political stripe. Those two outcomes in the finals days of his seventh year on the court offer some clues for reassessing what kind of chief justice Roberts is and intends to be. Is he no longer the rock-ribbed conservative loved by supporters and jeered by opponents? Has he become a pragmatic leader mindful of the court's place in history? Is he more canny, but still solidly conservative? The measure of a justice is best taken after decades of service, rather than a few years. At age 57, Roberts could lead the court for another quarter-century. But at the very least, the end of the Roberts Court's most consequential term already is leading to revised, and in some cases more nuanced, appraisals of his leadership. Erwin Chemerinsky, a liberal scholar who is dean of the law school at the University of California at Irvine, announced that

the era of the Roberts Court had begun. ``He authored the opinion in the most important case in his seven years on the court, and did so against what was expected,'' Chemerinsky said. In truth, Roberts' vote to uphold President Barack Obama's health care law was not so much a surprise. He long had been counted among the possible votes to uphold the law. But it was widely assumed that if Roberts ultimately voted for it, so too would Anthony Kennedy, most often the decisive vote in closely fought cases. It was only the second time in his tenure that Roberts provided the deciding vote for the side favored by the court's liberals. Up until now, it had been the Kennedy Court, Chemerinsky said, ``This year, it was the Roberts Court.'' Had Roberts gone the other way, the court would have wiped away the entire health care overhaul, which is the outcome embraced by dissenting Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Kennedy. Instead, he said the individual insurance requirement at the heart of the law could be upheld as a tax. At the same time, he rejected administration arguments that the mandate was justified by the Constitution's clause giving Congress power over interstate com-

merce, which has been the authority for most federal programs since the New Deal. Some legal scholars suggest Roberts produced an essentially conservative opinion with a liberal outcome. Neal Katyal, the former acting solicitor general who argued the Obama administration's side in the health care cases in several ap-

Had Roberts gone the other way, the court would have wiped away the entire health care overhaul, which is the outcome embraced by dissenting Justices Samuel Alito, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Kennedy peals courts, said that Roberts' majority opinion opened the door to potentially important changes in the law that could restrict federal power as it has been understood since the New Deal. Ilya Somin, a George Mason University law professor, said on the Volokh Conspiracy legal blog that the health care case ``gives supporters of limits on federal power some useful ammunition, despite also dealing us a painful defeat.''

In addition, Roberts' ruling has helped refocus the public debate over the law and gave Republican opponents ammunition for calling it a big tax increase they would try to repeal. Just three days earlier, Roberts, joined by Kennedy this time, sided with three liberal justices in the Arizona immigration case. Justice Elena Kagan, one of the court's liberals, did not take part because of her previous involvement as solicitor general, when she was the Obama administration's top Supreme Court lawyer. Roberts joined in every word of Kennedy's majority opinion that struck down three contentious provisions of the law, but allowed one to go forward - the requirement that police check the immigration status of people they stop for other reasons. Roberts could have sided with the conservatives who favored allowing other provisions to take effect, but that would have left the court divided 4-4, a distasteful outcome because it amounts to a waste of the justices' time. What's more, Roberts might have reasoned that Kagan probably would side with the other liberal justices and Kennedy in some future immigration case over similar state laws that she could take part in. Such a case down the road probably would produce an outcome similar to what the court

achieved recently in the Arizona case. But if Roberts stuck with the conservative justices, that scenario would have deprived him of a chance to try to influence the majority opinion. Yet as the court followed its usual practice of issuing a torrent of opinions just days before the justices scatter for the summer, Roberts did not exactly abandon his frequent allies on the right. He wrote a sharp dissent from Kagan's majority opinion barring mandatory sentences of life without possibility of parole for people younger than 18. The chief justice and the other conservatives rebuffed pleas from supporters of campaign spending limits and from liberal justices to take a fresh look at the 2-year-old Citizens United decision, perhaps the most politically unpopular decision of Roberts' tenure. The court struck down Montana's limits on corporate campaign spending because the majority, including Roberts, said the state law conflicted with the Citizens United decision. Montana Attorney General Steve Bullock called the court just ``another political body.'' Liberal groups bemoaned the loss of a chance to carve out state exceptions to the Citizens United ruling that unleashed a tidal wave of big money contributions during this election year. -AP

July 13, 2012

Health Science Post

India Post


Mass. law may bode well for federal law Cont’d from page 34

In 2010, 44,000 Massachusetts tax filers were assessed the penalty under the ``individual mandate.'' That's a drop from the 67,000 people required to pay the penalty in 2007, the first year it was assessed. In 2010, the highest penalty was $93 a month, or $1,116 a year. In 2012, the highest penalty increased to $105 a month, or $1,260 a year. Massachusetts is the only state with an individual mandate, although the Supreme Court recently upheld the constitutionality of a similar mandate in the federal law. Despite the penalty, most polls place support for the initiative at more than 60 percent, about double the approval rate for the federal health care law. Supporters say there's a lesson there too. The more people begin to understand the benefits of the federal law, they say, the more support for the federal law should increase. ``The first lesson is that you can meet the goals we set out in Massachusetts, you can cover the majority of the uninsured and fix the broken market'' for health care, said Jonathan Gruber, who helped craft both the state law and the federal law as an adviser to Romney and Obama. ``And you can do so with broad public support,'' Gruber said. ``Based on what we've seen in Massachusetts, people like this.'' There are other indications of improving access to care in Massachusetts since the law was approved in 2006. Residents are more likely to have a place they usually go when they are sick or need advice (up 4.7 percent), more likely to have had a preventive care visit (up 5.9 percent), more likely to have had multiple doctor visits (up 5 percent) and more likely to have

had a dental visit (up 5 percent), the Blue Cross Blue Shield report found. The charge that the 2006 law has been a ``budget-buster'' in Massachusetts has also been challenged. A recent study by the business-backed Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation found that during the five full fiscal years since it was implemented, the law has cost the state an additional $91 million a year after federal reimbursements -well within initial projections. The idea of exporting Massachusetts' law to the rest of the nation has its critics too. Josh Archambault, health care policy di-

Despite the penalty, most polls place support for the initiative at more than 60 percent, about double the approval rate for the federal health care law rector for the Pioneer Institute, a conservative-leaning Boston-based think tank, said a narrower approach would be better. ``There are many unintended consequences when Washington tries to design a policy that meets the very different needs of states as diverse as Massachusetts and, say, New Mexico,'' he said. ``We need some specific federal actions to increase access to affordable health care, but the (federal law) went too far.'' There's also at least one big cautionary note: Massachusetts still struggles to slow the spiraling cost of health care for residents. -AP

Minority leader: Odds long to undo health care law ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky.: It's on his todo list, but U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says the odds are against repealing the health care law championed by President Barack Obama. The Kentucky Republican said it's hard to unravel something of the magnitude of the 2,700-page health care law, WHAS-TV reports. ``If you thought it was a good idea for the federal government to go in this direction, I'd say the odds are still on your side,'' McConnell said. ``Because it's a lot harder to undo something than it is to stop it in the first place.'' McConnell discussed the law in comments to about 50 people at Hardin Memorial Hospital in Elizabethtown. The state's senior senator was making stops at Kentucky hospitals discussing what's next since the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court's that the law was constitutional. The court upheld the law's crucial man-

date that individuals buy health insurance or face a penalty. Chief Justice John Roberts, a conservative, provided the pivotal vote in that decision by ruling that the penalty was legal under the government's taxing authority. While technically handing a political victory to Obama, Roberts' ruling invigorated Republicans eager to cast the law as a new tax. McConnell still says he'll do whatever he can to repeal the law. If given control of the Senate next year, McConnell said he would support using budget reconciliation rules to repeal it. Doing so would prohibit Senate filibusters and require only 51 votes to succeed. In 2010, Republicans lambasted Democrats for relying on these rules to pass the health care bill, calling their tactics unusual and hyperpartisan. ``I'm confident they're going to give us the votes to repeal it,'' he said of the American public. -AP

GlaxoSmithKline to pay $3 billion for health fraud WASHINGTON: GlaxoSmithKline LLC will pay $3 billion and plead guilty to promoting two popular drugs for unapproved uses and to failing to disclose important safety information on a third in the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history, the Justice Department said. The $3 billion fine also will be the largest penalty ever paid by a drug company, Deputy Attorney General James M. Cole said. The corporation also agreed to be monitored by government officials for five years to attempt to ensure the company's compliance, Cole said. ``Let me be clear, we will not tolerate health care fraud,'' Cole told a news conference at the Justice Department. ``For far too long, we have heard that the pharmaceutical industry views these settlements merely as the cost of doing business,'' Acting Assistant Attorney General Stuart F. Delery, head of Justice's civil division, said at the news conference. ``That is why this administration is committed to using every available tool to defeat health care fraud.'' Delery added, ``Today's resolution seeks not only to punish wrongdoing and recover taxpayer dollars, but to ensure GSK's future compliance with the law.'' He noted that a similar recent settlement with Abbott Laboratories also included continu-

ing compliance monitoring. It is illegal to promote uses for a drug that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration a practice known as off-label marketing. Prosecutors said GlaxoSmithKline illegally promoted the drug Paxil for treating depression in children from April 1998 to August 2003, even though the FDA never approved it for anyone under age 18. The

"Let me be clear, we will not tolerate health care fraud,'' Cole told a news conference at the Justice Department corporation also promoted the drug Wellbutrin from January 1999 to December 2003 for weight loss, the treatment of sexual dysfunction, substance addictions and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, although it was only approved for treatment of major depressive disorder. Justice Department officials also said that between 2001 and 2007 GlaxoSmithKline failed to report to the FDA on safety data from certain post-marketing studies and from two studies of the cardiovascular safety of the diabetes drug Avandia. -AP

In Brief MCSO stop leads to feds taking custody of suspects PHOENIX: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents have responded to Maricopa County Sheriff deputies' request to take custody of two suspected illegal immigrants in the Phoenix metropolitan area. Sheriff Joe Arpaio said the encounter was the first between his deputies and federal officers since the recent Supreme Court decision to uphold part of Arizona's controversial immigration law. The Supreme Court upheld the provision in the law that allows police to try to determine the immigration status of people they stop or arrest if they have a reasonable suspicion that they're in the country illegally. Arpaio says two suspected illegal immigrants were arrested by the sheriff's Human Smuggling Unit during a traffic stop north of Phoenix in which deputies developed probable cause in determining that they were in the country illegally. -AP

Ex Yugoslav charged in NY with immigration fraud BUFFALO, N.Y.: Federal prosecutors in Buffalo say a former Yugoslav security officer is charged with using fraudulent immigration documents. Zeljko Savija is accused of lying about his military and police service in the former Yugoslavia when applying for a green card. Prosecutors told the Buffalo News that Savija was in the Yugoslav military until 2001 though he claimed the contrary. According to the indictment, Savija felt it was best not to mention his service during the civil war because of fear it might lead to increased scrutiny. -AP

Customs officials arrest reggae singer at NJ home NEWARK, N.J.: U.S. immigration authorities say they've arrested a reggae singer in New Jersey on suspicion of being in the country illegally. Officers from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested Tedane Anthony Kerr at his home in Asbury Park. Officials say the 52year-old Kerr also goes by Anthony Butler and sings as Teddy Brown. The singer's website says he released a disc on the Fugitive Entertainment record label and has performed in New York, in Philadelphia and at the Jersey Shore.-AP

Immigration 38

India Post

July 13, 2012

Immigrants express shock at return of Mexico's PRI SAN DIEGO: Mexico's new president may dissuade some immigrants from returning home, despite promising economic opportunities there and a faltering U.S. job market. Details on page 40

Fraud a danger for immigrants offered work permits SEATTLE: Immigrant activists scored a major victory when President Barack Obama halted deportations of many illegal immigrants brought to the United States as children, but they now worry that young people hopeful about their futures could be deceived by others looking to make a quick buck. ``The biggest risk of a scam is right now,'' said Jorge Baron of the Seattle-based Northwest Immigrant Rights Project. ``Because right now we have to tell people, `we don't know.''' Baron said he's concerned about unscrupulous people who will ask for money to submit applications, even though there is no process yet. Or that they will try to convince immigrants who don't qualify that they should apply for a price. ``Part of the problem is because immigration law is so complex. There is this inevitability of wanting to hear good news. There are people who want to believe that,'' Baron said. Under the administration plan, illegal immigrants will be immune from deportation if they were brought to the United States before they turned 16 and are younger than 30, have been in the country for at least five continuous years, have no criminal history, graduated from a U.S.

President Barack Obama

high school or earned a GED or served in the military. They also can apply for a work permit that will be good for two years with no limits on how many times it can be renewed.

But the process of how people can apply won't be known for about another six weeks. Applicants ``need to be patient,'' Baron said, and when there is an actual process they should

He's concerned about unscrupulous people who will ask for money to submit applications, even though there is no process yet. Or that they will try to convince immigrants who don't qualify that they should apply for a price From the morning of the announcement, Baron's legal aid office has been fielding a flurry of calls from people wondering if they can apply for the new immunity.

seek qualified help. An email inquiry to the Department of Homeland Security was not answered. Even without the new immunity

rule, the country's immigration system is rife with fraud and scams. Illegal immigrants often use forged documents to get work. Then there are scammers who target the illegal immigrants desperate to get legal documents - many don't speak English, and won't go to authorities if preyed upon. In Washington State alone, 150 people were deported in 2003 after following legal advice from a woman who fraudulently advertised herself as a lawyer. Eventually, after a lawsuit, the woman was banned from providing immigration services and ordered to pay more than $47,000 to former clients. In the Latino community, warnings about the so-called ``notarios publicos'' have been sounded by many advocates. They say that these immigration assistants are often not qualified to give assistance. Between 2010 and 2011, Washington state Attorney General Rob McKenna's office brought court actions against 11 immigration assistant outfits, with many of those forced to pay fines. Mohammad Abdollahi, a member of in Washington, D.C., said his organization will use their presence on the Internet and social media to divulge critical information. Cont’d on page 40

Most provisions of Arizona law struck down CYRUS D. MEHTA


n June 25, the Supreme Court struck down most provisions of Arizona's immigration-related law, allowing to stand one provision requiring police to verify the immigration status in certain circumstances of those they have stopped, detained, or arrested and whom they suspect may not be in the United States legally. The provisions that were struck down included requiring immigrants to carry documentation, making seeking or engaging in unauthorized work a state misdemeanor crime, and allowing warrantless arrests of sus-

pected undocumented persons who may have committed a removable offense. The Court noted that the federal government is responsible for immigration and removal. Five other states (Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, South Carolina, and Utah) have similar laws, which may be challenged following the Supreme Court outcome. Heavy Demand in Employment Second Preference Category Leads to Worldwide CutOff Date for July Continued heavy demand for visa numbers in the employment second preference category has

required the establishment of a January 1, 2009, worldwide cut-off date for the month of July. The Department of State's Visa Bulletin for July says that this action has been taken in an effort to hold number use within the annual numerical limit. "Should there be an increase in the current demand pattern, it may be necessary to make this category completely 'unavailable' prior to September 30, 2012," the bulletin warns. The China and India employment second preference categories are already unavailable, and will remain so for the remainder of the fiscal year.

Grassley Letter Challenges President's Authority to Implement Deferred Action Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and a group of other Republicans sent a letter on June 19, 2012, challenging President Obama's authority to implement deferred action and work authorization for certain children of undocumented persons based on prosecutorial discretion. The Obama administration announced the new program in a directive from the Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, issued on June 15. Cont’d on page 40

Immigration Post

July 13, 2012

India Post


Goan music band denied visa for US PANAJI: A renowned Goan question of the band members music band, invited to perform staying back in the US since the at a convention in the US, has group was to visit America only been denied visa by the US aufor a musical performance. thorities. In the past, Buyao and Lorna `Buyao Theatres Goem' was have performed in Canada, UK, invited to perform at the North France, Holland and West Asia. American Goan Convention to The Goan artists were inbe held in Detroit from July 6 to vited at the convention for 8. The event has been orgathe first time. Accordingly, nized by the Goan Organization the organizers had petitioned of America (GOA). the U S Citizenship and ImSiddhanath Buyao, remigration Services (USCIS) nowned music composer and a on May 17 for visa under P3 prominent member of the band, category (for performing arttold PTI that their visa applicaists), Buyao said. tion has been rejected by the USCIS issued a clearance US Consulate in Mumbai. notice on May 30 after going Buyao was planning to per- Buyao was planning to through credentials of the form at the convention with group members. Subsequently, iconic Konkani singer Lorna perform at the convention the band members filed for P3 Cordeiro, who has more than 50 with iconic Konkani singer visa at the US Consulate in popular Konkani songs to her Mumbai, but their application Lorna Cordeiro credit. was rejected, he said. "The reason given by the Buyao said while rejecting Consulate authorities was that and they could not demonstrate the application, the Consul Of`the Applicants could not satisfy strong social, economic and/or ficer did not give any opportuthe interviewing officer that they familial ties outside the United nity to the band members to exwill depart the United States at States,'" Buyao said. plain their side on the issues the end of their temporary stay According to him, there is no raised by him. -PTI

Immigration protester in court to face charge

Groups want Ala. AG to give immigration guidance

RALEIGH, N.C.: An undocumented immigrant who disrupted a North Carolina legislative hearing earlier this year is extending the disorderly conduct case that could force his deportation to Mexico. The News & Observer of Raleigh reports Uriel Alberto of Winston-Salem entered an Alford plea, acknowledging enough evidence to convict him but not admitting

MONTGOMERY, Ala.: Civil rights groups have asked Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange to provide guidance to law enforcement officers concerning what officers can do to determine the immigration status of people detained in traffic stops. The legal director for the Southern Poverty Law Center, Mary Bauer, urged Strange in a telephone press conference to explain to officers when they can detain people and for how long in light of the U.S. Supreme Court ruling concerning Arizona's immigration law. Bauer said representatives of the SPLC, the American Civil

Alberto was one of three undocumented immigrants arrested in February for interrupting a legislative hearing on immigration guilt. Alberto then appealed the verdict, giving the 25-year-old a chance for a Superior Court trial that could be weeks or months away. Alberto was one of three undocumented immigrants arrested in February for interrupting a legislative hearing on immigration. Alberto told the panel he would not be bullied or intimidated by the committee. Alberto's parents brought him to North Carolina 17 years ago, and several brushes with the law could lead to his deportation. -AP

Liberties Union and National Immigration Law Center sent a letter to Strange asking him to provide the guidance. She said the groups have received reports of people being stopped indefinitely while police check their immigration status. Strange responded that his office would continue to follow the law. “I have great confidence that our law enforcement officers are well-trained and will implement the immigration law properly at their usual high level of professionalism. Racial profiling is not, and will not be tolerated in Alabama,'' Strange said. -AP

Convicted Calif woman found weeks after vanishing SPRING VALLEY, Calif.: A woman convicted in an illegal-immigrant smuggling case has been found by San Diego County sheriff's deputies after mysteriously vanishing last month. Sheriff's Lt. Paul Robbins tells U-T San Diego that 41-year-old Rebecca Alford of Spring Valley was found and arrested on a warrant after a brief chase. Alford disappeared a week before she was due to be sentenced in federal court for conspiracy to

transport illegal immigrants. She was located a short distance from the mobile home park where she lived and was last seen. Robbins says she was arrested on a warrant for transportation of a controlled substance. Deputies opened a homicide investigation last month when they found ``suspicious circumstances'' in her mobile home. Volunteers and cadaver dogs searched the park for nearly six hours. -AP

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Immigration Post

India Post

July 13, 2012

Immigrants express shock at return of Mexico's PRI SAN DIEGO: Mexico's new president may dissuade some immigrants from returning home, despite promising economic opportunities there and a faltering U.S. job market. The vast majority of the 40,000 Mexican expatriates who voted in election cast ballots against President-elect Enrique Pena Nieto. Many immigrants said that they were shocked his Institutional Revolutionary Party - which largely convinced them to leave their homeland - has returned to power.

``I think most immigrants kind of fled Mexico because of the PRI, and they still carry visions of a PRI that was corrupt and murderous,'' said Guadalupe Sandoval, an 18year-old San Diego college student who said she closely watched the race. ``I'm definitely surprised.'' Sandoval said her family would have considered returning if Pena Nieto's top challenger, leftist candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, had won. The PRI won only about 38 percent of the vote to regain the presidency.

Sandoval's family left Mexico a year before the PRI ended its 71-

“I'm sad,'' she said. “I really thought this election could bring changes on how things work. Now, it's the same old thing year rule in 2000. Illegal immigration has dramatically dropped

Most provisions of Arizona law struck down Cont’d from page 38

"Not only do we question your legal authority to act unilaterally in this regard, we are frustrated that you have intentionally bypassed Congress and the American people," the letter states. The letter also expresses concerns that the directive allows individuals under the age of 30 to obtain work authorization, citing the Bureau of Labor Statistics in noting that the unemployment rate for young adults aged 16 to 24 has been nearly 17 percent for the past year. The letter states that "[i]t is astonishing that your administration would grant work authorizations to illegal immigrants during this time of record unemployment." The letter poses a number of "serious questions" and asks for responses and "any relevant documentation related to this directive" by July 3, 2012. Social Security Administration Releases Guidance on Employment Authorization for Nonimmigrants The Social Security Administration recently released guidance to staff, effective May 21, 2012, on employment authorization for nonimmigrants with respect to Social Security issues. Topics discussed include the policy for nonimmigrant employment authorization, evidence proving a nonimmigrant's employment authorization, the validity period, automatic extensions of employment authorization documents (EADs), nonimmigrants with au-

tomatic EAD extensions, the procedure when a Social Security number applicant submits an EAD based on an automatic EAD extension, and the policy for employment authorization by Class of Admission (COA). The guidance includes a table listing the most recent automatic EAD extension information by country, and a table listing those who are em-

The guidance also includes a table listing COAs and descriptions of nonimmigrants who are authorized to work only with authorization from DHS ployment-authorized without specific Department of Homeland Security (DHS) authorization, such as A1 ambassadors and career diplomats, A-2 foreign government officials, H1C registered nurses, H-2A agricultural workers, J-1 exchange visitors, and others. The guidance notes that although those listed under a COA in the table are employment-authorized without DHS authorization, "employers may still ask for an EAD before the alien can start working." The guidance also includes a table listing COAs and descriptions of nonimmigrants who are

authorized to work only with authorization from DHS, and another table listing those who are not authorized to work in the U.S. Appeals Court Denies Petition for Review, Upholds BIA Decision of Abandonment of LPR Status In Lateef v. Holder, the petitioner argued that despite multiple long absences from the United States, she did not intend to abandon her lawful permanent resident (LPR) status, which also served as the foundation for her husband's and child's entry into the United States. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit denied the petition for review, holding that intent alone is insufficient to maintain LPR status and that her extended periods in Pakistan, including her final trip that lasted a year and three months, supported the BIA's finding that she had abandoned her LPR status. The court also noted that the petitioner had lied in one instance to border officials about the date of her last visit to the United States. Circuit Judge Jane B. Stranch dissented, noting among other things that errors by U.S. immigration officials were responsible for at least some of the delays in her returning, and that the petitioner's daughter in Pakistan had emotional and physical problems that compelled her to spend time in Pakistan to care for her. * Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or

since then because of the crackdown at the U.S. border after the 9-11 attacks and the slowing of the U.S. economy. More than 40,000 Mexicans voted from 91 countries in the elections. Mexican immigrants gained the right to vote in their country's elections in 2006. The vast majority voted for Josefina Vazquez Mota, of President Felipe Calderon's National Action Party, who garnered 17,169 votes from abroad, according to preliminary results from Mexico's Federal Electoral Institute. Lopez Obrador got 15,878 votes among voters from abroad, while Pena Nieto received 6,359. Pena Nieto immediately went to work to counter claims that the old PRI was back, saying in his victory speech: ``We're a new generation. There is no return to the past.'' He talked of security, commerce and infrastructure, but didn't bring up the traditional Mexican issue of U.S. immigration reform to help the 12 million Mexicans who live in the United States. Pena Nieto said he wanted ``a relationship that will allow the productive integration of North America.'' He also vowed to curb the drug violence. But 56-year-old Mexican immigrant Justiniano Rosario, who lives in New York, said he sees a downward spiral for the homeland that he left 27 years ago. ``There is too much violence and little honesty among politicians. It's a circus and with the PRI,

nothing is going to change,'' said Rosario, who works transporting boxes of food supplies for a local warehouse. ``The PRI governed for so many years and lied to the people. They are not going to resolve the problem of violence.'' He added: ``I don't believe in any of the candidates - but I believe a lot less in the PRI.'' Bricia Lopez, co-owner of the Mexican restaurant La Guelaguetza, based in Los Angeles, agreed. ``I'm sad,'' she said. ``I really thought this election could bring changes on how things work. Now, it's the same old thing. It's not fair to the people in México who don't have anything. It's upsetting. It's not fair to the poor people I see every time I go to the poor towns of Oaxaca.'' Mexicans voted in the elections for a known quantity after becoming widely disappointed that the euphoria over the ousting of the PRI in national elections in 2000 did not usher in the dramatic changes they had hoped to see. Pedro Ramos, founder of a Los Angeles-based group representing immigrants from the state of Puebla, said he understands that frustration. ``It went very badly for us the change,'' he said. ``In Pena Nieto, we see an institution that knows how to govern. Now we are hoping that he will see us (migrants) and will see that we are the ones who have sent home money and who have projected a good image of Mexico abroad.'' -AP

Fraud a danger for immigrants offered work permits Cont’d from page 38

“Since we've been using it for advocacy people already know that it's a trusted place to go,'' said Abdollahi, who added he will wait and see before applying for himself. According to the administration's figures, about 800,000 young immigrants could be impacted by the plan. Many have grown up in the U.S. and English is their first language. It's a group that has grown up in the information age. Still, Abdollahi said, they're not immune from scams or cutthroat lawyer fees. His organization plans to come up with average lawyer fees as a guideline. The last time the government undertook a major immigration program was the 1986 amnesty under President Ronald Reagan. Obama's program is quite smaller in scope and execution. Reagan's program promised legalization for illegal immigrants. It was

divided by applications for people who had been farm workers and those who weren't. Obama's plan would only provide work permits. Doris Meissner, a senior fellow at the non-partisan Migration Policy Institute and a former immigration official, said the farm worker provision of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 saw people using forged documents to get legalization because it rules were loosely written. One of the requirements for application was to have been a farm worker for 90 days. “ We're in an entirely different world today,'' Meissner said. ``Background information is available to the government. It's not an entire paper-based process...With this program, there is much more independently valid evidence that people can show. They can show school records, high school diplomas. That's not stuff that you gin up.'' -AP

July 13, 2012

India Post 41

Realty Tidbits

Bulandshahr inclusion sought in Industrial Corridor LUCKNOW: The Uttar Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation (UPSIDC) has recommended that 2,600 acres of land in Bulandshahr's Chola region be included in the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC). The decision, UPSIDC managing director Manoj Kumar Singh said, was taken because the corporation does not have the required land bank in Meerut and Muzaffarnagar, which were earlier earmarked for bringing up the engineering and manufacturing industrial areas. In a letter to chairman and CEO of Greater Noida, Rama Raman, Singh has asked him to make a formal proposal for including Chola in the DMIC project and seek the NCR Board's approval for the same. Earlier, chief secretary Jawed Usmani, after a meeting with Saurabh Chandra, secretary, department of Industrial Policy and Promotion and MD, DMIC, Amitabh Kant, had ordered that the state should decide within a month the location of sites where investment and industrial zones could come up in UP.

Cont’d on page 44

Sobha Developers appoints Ravi Menon as chairman BANGALORE: Ravi Menon was appointed Chairman of Sobha Developers by the real estate company's board of directors at their meeting here. The board has appointed the founder Chairman P N C Menon as Chairman Emeritus of the company. As part of the succession planning, P N C Menon, who has led the company for 17 years, has expressed his desire to be relieved of the day-to-day responsibilities of running the company and the board has reluctantly decided to accede to his request, it said in a statement.-PTI

Ultra-luxury Prince project in Chennai CHENNAI: Real estate developer Prince Foundations has announced its latest ultra-luxury residential project - Prince Courtyard in the city. Prince Foundations would construct 155 apartments, coming up on 1.75 acres, where the famous landmark Hotel Dasaprakash stood, Prince Foundations Chairman and Managing Director Ashwin Kumar Kamdar said.

Real Estate 42

India Post

July 13, 2012

Dubai real estate sector shows signs of recovery Details on page 44

NCR to witness 48 million sq ft new office space NEW DELHI: The National Capital Region (NCR) is expected to witness an additional supply of 48 million sq ft of office space over the next three years which may lead to fall in rentals, realty consultant Knight Frank said. The bulk of the office supply would come up in Gurgaon and Noida market, which might put a downward pressure on rentals. However, the rental values in Delhi are expected to rise on high demand and lack of new supply. "In terms of office stock, the NCR is the biggest market in the country with nearly 85 million sq ft of office space under operation … The region has seen tremendous development in the past 5 years. Fast paced growth in the

IT/ITeS sector has contributed hugely to the demand," Knight Frank said. At present, the vacancy levels range between 20-25 per cent

Rate cut must for realty's growth The RBI's policy to continue with current high interest rates in order to rein in inflation through a tight monetary policy could prove counterproductive, especially for the realty sector, ET Realty reports In a big disappointment for homebuyers, the RBI did not take any proactive measures to bring down the interest rate in the market. That means, the present high rate will continue to rule the market, which has been affecting the sentiments in the real estate sector. The RBI left all the policy rates unchanged. It left the repo rate (the overnight lending rate to banks) at 8%, reverse repo rate (the rate at which banks can park their surplus fund with the RBI) at 7% and cash reserve ratio - the portion of deposits that a bank is supposed to keep with the RBI at 4.75%. There was overwhelming expectation that the RBI would lower the repo rate by at least a quarter of percentage point to

7.75%. But because of concerns over inflation, the RBI decided not to give relief to homebuyers. In the last one year, the interest rate on home loan has gone up by one to two percentage points. This has clearly increased the burden on the average middleclass homebuyers. If the interest rate goes up by two percentage points to 11.5% from the earlier level of 9.5%, the EMI increases by almost 14% to Rs 53,321 from Rs 46,606, on a loan of Rs 50 lakh for 20 years. The increase is substantial enough to force the average middle-class buyers to postpone their decisions to buy a house. And this affects the industrial activity in the country, as the construction of one dwelling unit creates demand not only for cement, iron rods and bricks but also creates demand for hundreds of other household items like furniture, beds, curtains, curtain rods, bathroom fixtures, TVs, computers, among scores of other consumer durables.

across various micro markets in the NCR. The consultant said that the NCR is expected to witness fresh office supply to the tune of 48 mil-

lion sq ft in the coming three years. "Bulk of the upcoming supply is slated to enter the NCR market by early 2013, primarily in the peripheral business districts of Noida and Gurgaon which may put a downward pressure on the rentals," it noted. The rental values in locations across the central business district (CBD) and south business district (SBD) in Delhi are expected to witness appreciation owing to anticipated office space demand and lack of fresh supply in these micro-markets, the consultant observed. The average monthly rental in Gurgaon is around Rs 80 per sq ft and Rs 40 per sq ft in Noida. In Delhi, the rental is about Rs 160 per sq ft in CBD and Rs 130 in SBD

NOC must for sale of church land in state HYDERABAD: A letter issued last month by the chief commissionerate of land administration to all district collectors has made it mandatory that, for any church property sale to be registered, a no objection certificate from the collector has to be produced first. The directive comes as a shot in the arm for those resisting the

poration regarding illegal sale of church assets in the state. Incidentally, in March this year, a hostel for orphan children in a Lutheran Mission compound in Guntur district was sold to a private party for redevelopment into a commercial complex. Although a government order was issued a few years back putting restrictions on the sale of church property, it was soon withdrawn, pavIn March this year, a hostel ing the way for unregufor orphan children in a lated sale. The order in Lutheran Mission compound question stated that property in Guntur district was sold to church should not be alienated a private party for redeveland there even was opment into a commercial subsequent correspondence between the decomplex partments of revenue large-scale sale of church land and stamps and registration in this across the state. The letter was is- regard before the matter was put sued by the then CCLA and spe- aside. "Will these properties, cial chief secretary Minnie which were sold during the interim Mathew. period and are being transferred It states that the NOC rule has even now, ever be restored," quesbeen made binding following sev- tions Bhaskar Benny of Christian eral representations to the AP Front, calling for the cancellation Christian Minorities' Finance Cor- of these registrations.

Real Estate Post

July 13, 2012

India Post


Government gives in to builders' demands HYDERABAD: Succumbing to pressure from builders and realtors' lobby, the state government has amended the order (GO No. 45) and gave them relief from reserving 20% of developed land or housing units to economically weaker sections (EWS) and low income groups (LIG). The municipal administration and urban development (MA&UD) department issued GO Ms No 245 exempting housing projects in five acres from reserving 20% of the developed land for EWS and LIG. However, the developer or builders taking up projects in land measuring between 3,000 square (sq) meters and up to five acres have to pay 'shelter fee' to the respective municipal bodies. The GO No 45 which made it mandatory to reserve 20% of housing projects for EWS and LIG in layouts above 4,000 sq meters as

per norms stipulated under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Renewal Mission (JNNURM) drew flak from builders and developers who have stalled major projects for the past one-and-half years. To resolve the issue, the MA&UD department appointed a committee with officials drawn from Director of Town and Country Planning (DTCP), GHMC and HMDA, which submitted its report a few months ago. As per the latest amendment, if the area of a project is above five acres, builder or developer should provide 10% of the total built-up area to EWS and LIG (5% each) or 25% of the total number of housing units to the two sections (12.5 % each). However, they have the option of reserving units. The developers would get 10% concession in city-level infrastructure impact fee for the main project and total ex-

emption for the part being reserved for EWS and LIG. The state government has not only reduced the EWS and LIG reservation but has given realtors the option of taking up housing projects for the two groups within

The GO said two or more builders/developer could provide a specified number of EWS and LIG units with all civic amenities, but occupancy certificate for the main projects would be released only after completion of EWS or LIG

As per the latest amendment, if the area of a project is above five acres, builder or developer should provide 10% of the total built-up area to EWS and LIG (5% each) or 25% of the total number of housing units to the two sections (12.5 % each) a radius of 10 kms from the main project site or within five kms from the nearest aerial boundary of municipal limits in cities like Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Vijayawada.

Illegal colonies thrive in Patiala, buyers fume

Brigade ties up with GIC in Bangalore

PATIALA: Despite tall claims by learned that the colony is illegal. Punjab government about contain- The property dealer did not reveal ing the land mafia and mushroom- the truth to me. Instead of harassing of illegal colonies in the state, ing me, the administration must things seem to be taking a worse take action against the property turn in Patiala. The number of ille- dealer," said Sukhwinder Singh gal colonies in Patiala district has from Nabha. touched 464, while there are only Though Punjab government 77 approved colonies in the district. has formed Patiala Development Punjab government had imple- Authority to keep an eye and premented Punjab Apartment and vent construction of illegal coloProperty Regulation Act 1995 in nies, inefficiency of its officers November 1995 to stop mush- could be gauged from the fact that rooming of illegal colonies. Under out of over a hundred colonies in section 21 of this Act, no person can work as a promoter or estate “If no bribe has been paid agent without register- to PDA officers, then why ing as a promoter. But despite such clear in- they did not take any action structions, majority of real estate developers, despite having full details of in alleged connivance illegal colonies� with politicians and bureaucrats, have been the district, only 77 are approved constructing illegal colonies. Details show that Patiala sub- by authorities. "Since majority of real estate division tops the list in the district with 300 illegal colonies, Nabha developers pay bribes to PDA ofsub-division with 54 is second, ficers, they don't take any action. Samana and Patran sub-divisions If no bribe has been paid to PDA have 49 illegal colonies each while officers, then why they did not Rajpura has 26. Various property take any action despite having full dealers sold these colonies at huge details of illegal colonies," asked rates, claiming to provide all basic a senior officer, on condition of amenities as mandated by the Act. anonymity. When contacted, DC-cum-chief But, after getting land registered in their name, many purchasers were administrator of PDA, G K Singh, shocked to find that amenities like said they have decided to demolroads, sewage and water supply ish all illegal colonies. "In coming some days, we would start demolwere missing from the colonies. "I purchased a plot in a colony ishing the illegal colonies," he in my city. But some days back, I said.

BANGALORE: Realty developer Brigade Group has said that it has created a special purpose vehicle (SPV) with Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC) as a partner to develop a residential project in Bangalore and it will invest Rs 100 crore in the project. "Brigade group and GIC, through its affiliate Reco Begonia, have entered into a 51:49 private equity partnership through a SPV for the development of a residential project on Whitefield Road, Bangalore," the company said in a statement. The group would be developing the project and will be making an investment of over Rs 100 crore in the SPV with GIC as partner, it added. The 9.5 acre property was acquired through a bidding process from Hindustan Unilever and will have over 1 million square feet of space, which will be targeted at the higher income group segment, it added. "This for sale residential project is expected to generate revenues of Rs 750 crore over the next 3-4 years," it added. Bangalore-based Brigade Group is into developing residential, office, retail, hospitality and educational spaces.-PTI

units. Separate undertaking would have to be obtained from builders concerned by the local body. Projects taken up in an area measuring below 3,000 sq meters are exempted from both EWS and LIG

reservation and also from payment of 'shelter fee'. The shelter fee is Rs 750 per sq metre in the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) limits, Rs 600 in other municipal corporations, Rs 500 in selection and special grade municipalities and Rs 400 in other municipalities and panchayats falling under urban authorities. The shelter fee collected from the developers would be utilized for development of housing for EWS and LIG under JNNURM or any other housing schemes meant for those sections. The GO No 45 which made it mandatory to reserve 20% of housing projects for EWS and LIG in layouts above 4,000 sq meters as per norms stipulated under the JNNURM drew flak from builders and developers who have stalled major projects for the past oneand-half years.

Godrej Properties creates Rs 770cr fund MUMBAI: Realty firm Godrej Properties has said it has created a Rs 770-crore residential development platform with international investors led by Dutch firm APG Sparinvest Property Investors, to develop mid-income residential projects in the big cities. The initial commitments will be in the ratio of 29:71 by Godrej Properties and the investor group respectively, Godrej Properties said in a statement here. The fund will focus primarily on development of mid-income residential projects in Mumbai, Delhi NCR, and Bangalore. It may also consider opportunities in Pune and Chennai, the statement added. "The platform will enable Godrej Properties to capture outright land purchase transactions in the present dislocated market conditions without deviating from its asset light model and is expected

to generate substantial earnings over the next seven years, which will contribute significantly to the company's growth," the company said. Godrej Properties will be the exclusive development manager of the projects, for which it will receive a development management fee, it said. "We are excited about this association with a global investor group led by APG, which will enable GPL to source deals with large capital requirements in our focus markets of Mumbai, Delhi NCR and Bangalore. "This is an important growth opportunity for Godrej Properties which will allow us to extend the number of projects in our portfolio while maintaining our capital efficient land sourcing strategy," Godrej Properties Managing Director and Chief Executive Pirojsha Godrej said.


Real Estate Post

India Post

July 13, 2012

DLF, HUDA to develop road in Gurgaon NEW DELHI: The country's largest real estate firm DLF has said it along with its partner Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) will invest Rs 550 crore to develop a road in Gurgaon under a public-private partnership mode. The company has commenced the construction work of the 16lane 8.3 kilometer road, connecting NH-8 toll plaza with the sectors 55 and 56 in Gurgaon. "The total investment in the project will be Rs 550 crore. Out of this, HUDA will invest Rs 220 crore, while the rest will be put in by us," a DLF spokesperson told PTI. The company has awarded the development contract to IL&FS Engineering and Construction

Company for Rs 400 crore. IL&FS will construct a major portion of the road, he added. "The completion time of the project is three years, but we will try to complete it within two years," the spokesperson said. The road will be fully integrated with the upcoming Rapid Metro system and is proposed to cater to the future Rapid Metro line from Sikanderpur to end of Sector Road. "This corridor will also be signal free providing free movement for commuters on either side and will feature six underpasses, that will not only reduce noise pollution but will also prevent public inconvenience," the company said. The spokesperson said pro-

viding optimum traffic solution is a challenge, which is based on

present and projected future traffic demand.

"By reducing the travel time drastically, this initiative will provide 1.5 million residents and commuters from outside Gurgaon, who work in Gurgaon offices, a hassle free commute to their destination," said the official. DLF, which is credited to have established almost the entire Gurgaon -- one of the first MNC hubs of the country, has already set up its own fire brigade for its projects in Gurgaon. It will set up such stations in two more locations, including Chennai, making it probably the first private company to dabble into such activities. The company has procured the three hydraulic platforms -- two 90 meters and one 60 meters height - from Finland. -PTI

Dubai real estate sector shows signs of recovery DUBAI: Prices of apartments and villas have gone up by up to nine per cent and 16 per cent respectively here during the first half of this year, indicating that the real estate market is on the way to recovery after three years of decline. According to a report by the property management firm Asteco, apartment rents have risen by up to 10 per cent and sales prices by 9 per cent in Dubai, while villa rents and sales prices increased by up to 13 and 16 per cent respectively during the first half of the year. This is positive outlook for H2 especially for quality developments. Quality residential developments in Dubai bounced back during Q2 2012 after a stable first quarter, with average rent increases of 6 per cent for apartments and 9 per cent for villas. Sales prices recorded doubledigit increases in three developments, with rises of 6-8 per cent elsewhere, according to the latest H1 2012 report from the leading UAE property management company. "After three years of declining rates and limited sales activity, the real estate market is on the way to recovery, with established quality communities showing increases in values and higher transaction volumes," said Elaine Jones, CEO at Asteco. Rental rates for apartments were relatively stable through Q1 with minor declines in low quality/ poorly managed buildings in certain areas. Towards the end of H1 2012 rates in established quality communities achieved average

increases of 6 per cent. "Tenants are relocating in search of value-for-money, one-

and two-bedroom apartments as well as three- and four-bedroom villas are the preferred unit types.

In terms of rates, quality well managed developments, will continue to set the pace," Jones said.

Leasing rates for villas followed a similar trend, stable throughout Q1 2012 with an average increase of 9 per cent through the latter part of Q2 2012. "Looking ahead to the 2012 year end, sales prices will continue to rise for quality developments, especially villas. The number of owner-occupiers rose steadily in line with improved financed options offered by banks, which we expect to continue. "Further demand will also be evident from overseas buyers escaping economic woes in the Eurozone and political instability in other parts of the region," said Elaine Jones. It was a different picture for commercial space which, despite an increase in leasing enquiries in H1 2012 as the regional situation improved, creating renewed interest in Dubai as a hub for business, was hampered by oversupply and tenant-dictated contract terms. -PTI

Bulandshahr inclusion sought in Industrial Corridor Cont’d from page 42

According to the DMIC map, which includes the 1,483 km dedicated freight corridor between Delhi and Mumbai, while a general manufacturing investment region has been proposed in Greater Noida and Ghaziabad, the DMIC industrial area for engineering and manufacturing was slotted to be built in Meerut-Muzaffarnagar regions. Manoj Singh said: "Though UP was assigned Meerut and

Muzaffarnagar districts for building these industrial clusters, UPSIDC did not have enough land in the region. As a result, following consultations with the Central government officials, we have now proposed 2,600 acres of land in Chola, which is at a convenient distance of just 4 km from Bodaki station in Greater Noida, on the Delhi-Kolkata line." With the Chola proposal set to be approved in the next meeting of the NCR Board, the state government also hopes that it will be

able to attract infrastructure funding for developing dedicated industrial clusters to the region. The funds, Singh said, will also be useful to invite big investors, depending upon the regional specialization, skill development and market orientation of the region. As part of the DMIC project, the government has identified 150 to 200 km on either side of the investment region as areas earmarked for developing a dedicated freight corridor. In a May 7 meeting with DMIC officials, chief sec-

retary Usmani shared a state government survey prepared by the CEO of Greater Noida with DMIC officials. Usmani had also asked Raman to furnish complete details of the two-proposed early bird projects at Bodaki railway station and Dadri Multi Model Logistics Hub. Once planning for the early bird projects is completed, chief secretary had said the state would seek requisite approvals from the NCR Board in order to begin work on the project soon.


July 13, 2012

India Post


Your Weekly Future by Pandit Parashar

JULY 13TH - JULY 19TH (November 23 to December 22)

(March 21 to April 20)



oney will come in plenty and you may go out and do little shopping for yourself too. Your recent strategy will help overcome many hurdles and silence people causing you stress and pain for long time. This is the right time to approach the government agency for clearance. You may also visit a holy place with family this week and participate in special prayers.

hings will happen in second attempt only. You may call a trusted friend to seek advice and guidance. Some of you may go on a short trip to a nice place with family this week. Have little more patience as the right opportunity will come after few weeks only. Your claim will be passed and the check can also arrive this week.

(April 21 to May 20)

(December 22 to January 19)


resence of Venus and Jupiter in first will help resolve many issues in personal and professional life. Right eye may start to give some trouble and you may make an appointment to have it checked. Value of your stocks will appreciate and you will continue to hold on to them. You may travel to a nice place with family this week.


bstacles will be followed by excellent solutions. You will achieve your professional goals without any difficulty. Chances of addition of a new member in the family become imminent. You will attend a big party and meet some politician this week. You will be extremely lucky in all money matters. (January 20 to February 18)

(May 21 to June 20)


nalyze your response carefully and you should not think of retaliation. Its time to fine tune your talents as planets bring back the self confidence. Sun in sixth will get you the results for hard work and patience maintained in the past. A child continues to need your moral support and guidance. Contract signed now will be very beneficial.


ou will reap rich rewards for the efforts made in the past. A big contract will be in your hands finally. Some one will try to drag you into an unnecessary argument, watch out or their problem will become your problem. Prompt action will help you resolve an important issue with a government agency.

(February 19 to March 20) (June 21 to July 22)


ake a chance with some one extending not only support but good company. You can make extra money if you put your talent to work. You may find it difficult to get job done from subordinates. Proposal will be good and the bachelors should not be scared to make the commitment. A child will need your help in doing research about next step.


o not be nervous and stick to your guns, victory is all yours. Courageous actions will take you closer to your professional goals. Just handle all tools and machinery with care this week. People in business will definitely do better. Sale of a property can bring extra money in your pockets.

(July 23 to August 22)


oney wise it will be a tight week and you will need to do lots of juggling in order to meet your commitments. Slow progress will cause slight frustration in your mind but you should continue as the success is not far off. People in business will need to respond to a query from a government agency. Be careful when signing any document. (August 23 to September 22)


oney wise you will continue to do well. Some of you may initiate a legal procedure to prove your point, decision will come in a few weeks and in your favor. There will be lots of conflict in your mind but you will end up making the right choice with the help of a matured person. You may also travel to a nice place with family. (September 23 to October 22)


hings stuck in the past will start rolling in right direction. Some of you will be getting ready to move to a better location. Boss will call you to discuss an important project. You will be able to recover only a part of money stuck for long this week. It will be better to do your home work before committing to a venture in partnership. (October 23 to November 22)


ou will continue to enjoy a new relationship and wait for the right time to take it to the next level. money wise you will stay comfortable and have more than enough left after meeting your commitments. You will make some very calculated move in career. Still it will be better to have second opinion before final commitment.

Shahid, Priyanka & their Kahani


riyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor were rumored to be in a relationship. But they have both never admitted to seeing each other. Let's see what's stopping these two from dating each other. Will they make a good couple? Find out. Water attracts Water and both are Water signs. Shahid Kapoor is a Pisces whereas Priyanka Chopra is a Cancer. Pisces is the best sun sign for Cancer. Both of them are very sensitive, emotional and intuitive, so both should suit each other ideally. They will teach each other a great deal about the ways of lovemaking...and enjoy guiding one another to sensual heights. This is how the year 2012 will be for them in terms of love! Priyanka's feelings will be torn and she will not be ready to commit for anything long term even though she may be head-over-heels in love with this person. Shahid needs to communicate with his partner what he exactly wants from the relationship. He shares a harmonious relationship with the love of his life due to the positive influence of Jupiter and Sun. Towards the middle of the year Shahid is most likely to meet someone. This relationship may turn serious due to the influence of Venus and Mercury.

Pandit Parashar, CEO & COO Astro Scan USA is also available for individual consultations. He can be reached at:




India Post


July 13, 2012

Reflections on American Independence Day KANWAL PRAKASH 'KP' SINGH


he greatness of the United States of America is often overshadowed by the current rancor in state legislatures and U.S. Congress, driven by uncompromising political ideology, rather than by the urgency and collective will to resolve critical challenges that we face as a nation: jobs, national debt, health care, taxes, immigration, national security, and our future direction as a Republic. Americans are rightly outraged, dismayed, and distrustful of national leaders, elected representatives, the wasteful spenders, and unconscionable exploiters. The global community that always held America in highest esteem and envied her eternal optimism, innovative trailblazing, sacrifices, commanding leadership in times of wars and peace, triumphs and tragedies, is concerned and watching our political confrontations, divisions, shaken resolve, financial decline, and wondering about our lofty ideals, policies, and founding principles now adrift. Uncertainty has not stopped people of diverse faiths, cultures, and communities from the farthest corners of our globe from converging here, as if by providential decree, to build a "More Perfect Union." Immigrants see America's shining pioneer spirit, making the impossible dreams possible; relate to American freedoms: rights to life, liberty, and happiness; are fascinated by unimagined generosity and compassion toward others. They want to be a part of this divinely inspired experiment and give definition to their American Dream. My thoughts on the big issues of the

day are based on Punjabi-Hoosier common sense: Governance of a free society at the city, state, and national levels is sustained by the trade of goods and services and tax revenues. Taxes are people's "trust money," an assurance and insurance to receive critical services, quality of life, and accountability in exchange. The abuse, misuse, disruptions, massive over-spending and burgeoning debt is a violation of that trust.

Creation of jobs must be priority number one. A job restores a person's dignity and prosperity brings in revenues to lower the national debt. Healthcare for every American and every person, legal or illegal, is a sacred right and humanitarian responsibility. Federal takeover and dictates are infringements, troubling, and a frequent budget-buster. European countries are finding out that the spiraling costs of socialized medicine and universal healthcare are unsustainable

I remain optimistic about the innate goodness of Americans who have encouraged the winds of cultures and brilliant ideas to flow through our corridors and crossroads and harness the collective wisdom to achieve undreamed of successes in important arenas National security and safety at home demand that our borders and interests are secure and that we are mindful of hidden dangers, accompanying challenges and stresses that such large-scale illegal influx is causing to the border states and Nation. The states and cities must have sovereign mandates and responsibility to safeguard the well-being of all citizens. America should remain a Nation of legal immigrants. We must tighten our belt as a matter of national security and American dignity; make a solemn pledge to end borrowed spending from this July 4th forward. National debt is a threat to our Republic and an unconscionable burden to the generations that follow.

frightening experiments. I dream of an America: • Where brilliant ideals enshrined in our Constitution and the proud legacy of American visionaries that have few equals in the history of human civilization remain our anchor and guiding light. • Where our individual potential and collective strengths transcend the frontiers of race, ethnicity, religion, culture, gender, and dismantle all barriers that diminish our promise. • Where equality, opportunity, freedom, safety, and human dignity are not just a promise but an honored living mandate; leadership, service, and generosity reflect the true American spirit. • Where just laws reflect our time and

place, are our sacred bedrock foundation and fairly apply to all citizens. • Where universal hopes, dreams, and trust in our intertwined destiny govern our conscience; light and labor of each one enhances the gifts and promise of all Americans, fellow human beings; and the people's business takes precedent over ideology and self-righteousness. • Where learning about and from one another dispels unfounded stereotyping, and peaceful coexistence are a worthy endeavor; interfacing with diverse people, cultures, traditions, and perspectives is not a cause for fear but a rewarding opportunity to discover in solidarity the amazing "American Renaissance." To honor such a vision, dream, and prayer: I open my heart and spirit in the timehonored tradition of American greatness: do my part and be counted among those committed to making a difference in the strengths, dignity, and well-being of fellow Americans; not be an undue burden by demanding more than I contribute in positive ways to keep alive the promise of America for future generations. I remain optimistic about the innate goodness of Americans who have encouraged the winds of cultures and brilliant ideas to flow through our corridors and crossroads and harness the collective wisdom to achieve undreamed of successes in important arenas. I am proud to serve with my modest gifts and nurture the renaissance that began with enlightened Americans centuries ago to become a reality for our children.

If Modi is communal, what about Rajiv Gandhi? TAVLEEN SINGH


ow that the Chief Minister of Bihar has dragged 'succularism' into the political discourse, it is time to deconstruct it so that we can end this pointless debate once and for all. I have deliberately misspelt the word because when said in Hindi that is how it is usually pronounced. It is a hard word to write in Devnagri and the Hindi and Urdu equivalents do not quite mean what secularism has come to mean in the Indian political context. It is a foreign word that evolved in a European context when the powers of the church and the state were separated. In India, since none of our religions were led by pontiffs who controlled armies, or had vast temporal powers, we had no need to make this separation. But, the word secularism is used in India more than almost any other country. Why? Well, because when we entered our current era of coalition governments, political parties of leftist disposition found it convenient to keep the BJP out of power by saying they would only ally with 'succular phorces'. The BJP became a pariah after the Babri Masjid came down and so whenever someone like Nitish Kumar

wants to hurl abuse at the party he is in alliance with in Bihar, or one of its leaders, the 'secularism' debate gets revived. Currently, he appears to be positioning himself for prime minister in 2014 and seems to believe that he will only be in the running for this job if he can eliminate Narendra Modi before the race begins. He is not alone in this endeavor. On my wanderings in Delhi's corridors of power last week, I ran into journalists and politicians who went on and on about how Modi could never be prime minister because of the violence in Gujarat in 2002. They said pretty much what the Chief Minister of Bihar, and his cohorts, have said which is that the prime minister must be a man who is 'clean and secular'. So how do we explain Rajiv Gandhi? How should we understand why he was given the biggest mandate in Indian parliamentary history after justifying the pogroms that killed thousands more Sikhs in 1984 than Muslims were killed in Gujarat in 2002? Were Indian voters un-secular when they gave him more than 400 seats in the Lok Sabha? Courtesy Indian Express

So how do we explain Rajiv Gandhi? How should we understand why he was given the biggest mandate in Indian parliamentary history after justifying the pogroms that killed thousands more Sikhs in 1984


July 13, 2012

India Post 47





Fri July 13 • Sangeet Sabha Presents Ustad Shahid Parvez on Sitar and Shri Subhajyoti Guha on Tabla Venue: Helen Mills Theater, 137-139 West 26th Street, Between 6th & 7th Avenues, New York Time: 8:30pm Contact:

Sat July 14 • Bollywood Couples Night Venue: The Empire Room, 350 5th Avenue, 33rd Street Between, 5th and 6th ave, New York Time: 9pm Contact: 917-324-8022

Fri July 20 • Hera Pheri Comedy Thriller Venue: Hindu Temple Auditorium, 143-09, Holly Ave, Flushing, NY Time: 8pm Contact: 646-397-3374

Fri July 20






• Art of Living Course

Sat July 14

Sat July 14

Venue: Unitarian Universalist Church, 401 N Kings Highway, Cherry Hill, New Jersy Time: 6:30pm Contact: 732-668-8937

• Desi Summer Bash 2012

• Summer Picnic

• Voice of Karaoke- State lavel Karaoke Competition

Venue: The Meadows Club, 2950 W. Golf Road, Rolling Meadows, Chicago, IL Time: 7pm

Venue: Chinmaya Mission, 14451 Franklin Ave, Tustin CA Time: 1:00pm Contact: 661-317-0982

Sat July 28

Sun July 15

Venue: Lake Elizabeth Park, 4000 Paseo Padre Pkwy, Fremont, CA Time: 10am Contact: 510-713-2686

• Shradhaa Foundation Annual Event

• Eye on India Presents MJ Akbar

Sun July 15

Sat July 21

Venue: Columbia College, Chicago, 1306 S Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL Time: 4pm Contact: 630-886-0817

• Sevathon by India Community Center

• 2nd Annual Summer Sports Event

Venue: Baylands park, 969 Caribbean Drive, Sunnyvale, CA Time: 7pm

Venue: Excelsior High School Auditorium, 15711 Pioneer Blvd, Norwalk, CA Time: 8am Contact: 805-328-3932

Venue: North Brunswick township High School Auditorium, 98 Raider Rd North Brunswick Township, NJ Time: 5pm Contact: 732-713-1419

Sun Sept 23 • Viva La Music Latina! Venue: Fire N Ice- NJ, 583 Ford Ave Fords, NJ Time: 8pm Contact: 732-417-1999

Sat July 21 • Gurdas Maan- Live in Concert Venue: Copernicus Theater, 5216 W. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago, IL Time: 8:30pm Contact: 847-230-7977


Upcoming Fri July 13 • Reason to Party- Friday The 13th Edition Venue: Club Venue, 719 Main St, Houston Time: 9pm Contact: 713-632-5513

Sat July 21 • Tripadi Ganga Venue: Ashland High School Auditorium, 65 E Union St, Ashland, MA Time: 5pm Contact: 617-584-0758

Wed July 25 • World Jazz Group Natraj 25th Anniversary Show Venue: Regattabar, Charles Hotel, Harvard, Square, 1 Bennett St., Cambridge, CA Time: 7:30pm Contact: 617-395-7757

Fri July 20 • Dil Ki Awaaz

Sat July 28

Venue: India Kitchen Bar & Grill, 3872 Walnut Ave, Fremont, CA Time: 7pm Contact: 510-449-6283

• Pt. Chitresh Das performs traditional solo at the Sanskriti Festival in Pleasanton

Sun July 22 • Wedding Bells 2012 Venue: Hilton Hotel, 39900 Balentine Dr, Newark CA Time: 11pm Contact: 408-647-4697

Sat July 28 & Sun July 29 • Sanskriti Music and Dance Festival Venue: Amador Theater, 1155 Santa Rita Road, Pleasanton,CA, 94566 Contact: Highlights: Inaugural Musical Program, Opening Ceremony, Vilolin Recital, Santoor Recital, "Music Meets Bells", "Windows of The World", Documentary, Kathak Recital Classical Vocal & A Journey Through Thumris

Sun Aug 19

Venue: Amador Theater - Pleasanton,CA Time: 8:30pm Contact: 415-333-9000

Thurs Sept 27 • Ballet Folklorico De Mexico Venue: Palace Theater, 61 Atlantic St. Stamford, CT 06901 Time: 8pm Contact: 203-325-4466

Fri Nov 2 • Spirituals to Funk Venue: Palace Theatre, 61 Atlantic St. Stamford, CT 06901 Time: 8pm Contact: 203-322-9862 Highlights: Dr John And 5-time Grammy award winners Blind boys of Alabama.

• India-Independence Day Celebration

Fri Oct 19 • Royal Drummers and Dancers of Burundi

Venue: Sunnyvale Community Center, 550 E Remington Dr., Sunnyvale, CA Time: 11am Contact: 408-431-3524

Venue: Palace Theater, 61 Atlantic St. Stamford, CT 06901 Time: 8pm Contact: 203-325-4466


India Post


July 13, 2012

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July 13, 2012

India Post


Page Sponsored by Sahanis ADI SHANKARACHARYA


o be free from bondage the wise man must practice discrimination between self and non-self. By that alone he will become full of joy, recognizing himself as Being, Consciousness and Bliss. Just as one separates a blade of grass from its sheaths, so by discriminating one's true nature as internal, unattached and free from action, and abandoning all else, one is free and identified only with one's true self. This body is the product of food, and constitutes the material sheath. It depends on food and dies without it. It is a mass of skin, flesh, blood, bones and uncleanness. It is not fit to see as oneself, who is ever pure. The body did not exist before birth, nor will it exist after death. It is born for a moment, its qualities are momentary, and it is inherently changing. It is not a single thing, but inert, and should be viewed like an earthen pot. How could it be one's true self, which is the observer of changing phenomena? Made up of arms and legs and so on, the body cannot be one's true self as it can live on without various limbs, and other faculties persist without them. What is controlled cannot be the controller. While the body of the observer is of a specific nature, behavior and situation, it is clear that the



o the extent one seems to ignore or be separate from Infinite Consciousness, and operates only on the level of what the senses sense - if that is all there is to one's experience then naturally when that sensing is stopped, it seems one's entire experience has stopped. Even if a body appears to "die," Consciousness or Life Itself never is touched. Infinite I-Presence never is affected. How could that which is infinite get knocked out or killed? Where would one inject a needle into, or strike at, pure Infinite I-Presence, which has no physical structure or form and is completely undimensional? Perhaps another thought has come, "But, when the body is knocked out, I have no sense of time passing; there is no recollection of beingat all. In fact, I have no memory of having been conscious at all. So Consciousness has to have stopped." Is It really Infinite Consciousness, Being, that stops? Pull it all apart again and look at it closely. To say one had no sense of time passing is really saying what? It

nature of one's true self is devoid of characteristics. How could the body, which is a heap of bones, covered with flesh, full of filth and highly impure, be oneself, the featureless observer? The deluded man makes the assumption that he is the mass of skin, flesh, fat bones and filth, while the man who is strong in discrimination knows himself as de-

overcome his sense of 'I am this' in the body and its faculties, there is no liberation for him, however much he may be learned in religion and philosophy. Just as you have no self identification with your shadowbody, reflection-body, dreambody or imagination-body, so you should not have with the living body either. Identification of oneself with

neither its own or other people's good or bad, dependent as it is on something else. The faculty of knowledge and the mind itself constitute the mind-made sheath, the cause of such distinctions as 'me' and 'mine'. It is strong and has the faculty of creating distinctions of perception etc., and works itself through the vitality sheath. The mind-made fire burns the

True nature is internal & free from action Just as you have no self identification with your shadow-body, reflection-body, dream-body or imagination-body, so you should not have with the living body either

Adi Shankaracharya

void of characteristics, the innate supreme Reality. 'I am the body' is the opinion of the fool. 'I am body and soul' is the view of the scholar, while for the great-souled, discriminating man, his inner knowledge is 'I am God'. Get rid of the opinion of yourself as this mass of skin, flesh, fat, bones and filth, foolish one, and make yourself instead the self of everything, the God beyond all thought, and enjoy supreme peace. While the scholar does not

the body is the seed of the pain of birth etc. in people attached to the unreal, so get rid of it with care. When this thought is eliminated, there is no more desire for rebirth. The vital energy joined to the five activities forms the vitality sheath, by which the material sheath is filled, and engages in all these activities. The Breath, being a product of the vital energy, is not one's true nature either. Like the air, it enters and leaves the body, and knows

multiplicity of experience in the fuel of numerous desires of the senses presented as oblations in the form of sense objects by the five senses like five priests. There is no such thing as ignorance beyond the thinking mind. Thought is itself ignorance, the cause of the bondage of becoming. When thought is eliminated, everything else is eliminated. When thought increases everything else increases. Excerpted from Crest Jewel of Wisdom (Viveka-Chudamani)

means one didn't experience any sensations. Imagine taking away all the sensations you've had on any given day - all the sights of that day, all sounds of it, all the touches, tastes and smells. Take away all thoughts and emotions, too. Could you even say there had been such a thing as that day? No! Could you say

ness, I-Presence alone, You have absolutely no sense of time because Infinite I-Presence doesn't have fivve senses to sense time; only a body appears to. To assume the Infinite, I Am, should experience a passage of time is to not make a distinction between pure Consciousness, Being Itself - and that which is sensed

Well, exactly what is memory anyway? Memory is entirely a function of thought or a sensing mentality - it has nothing to do with Infinite Consciousness, pure Being. They're not the same at all. Memory is merely the projected thought of people, objects, places, feelings; myriad images - all of

Even if a body appears to 'die,' Consciousness is not touched Memory is entirely a function of thought or a sensing mentality - it has nothing to do with Infinite Consciousness, pure Being. Peter Francis Dziuban

there was time itself? No. It is only the experiencing of the five forms of sensation, thinking, and emotions that makes up the entire human sense of time. There's absolutely no evidence of time without these. Yet none of that is the same as formless Infinite IConsciousness being. As pure Infinite Conscious-

They're not the same at all and observable. It's not starting with Consciousness at all. Only if one identifies with senses, with what pure Conscious Being is not, does one assume there is time passing. "If Consciousness is conscious, is present, even when the body is 'knocked out,' then why isn't there any memory of the experience?" the thought may insist.

which are mental forms. The capacity to project these finite mental images is what has stopped, not Infinite Consciousness, undimensional I-Presence. Don't confuse projected thought forms with formless Consciousness - just as you never confuse the moving images on a movie screen with the screen itself.

People sleep and, when they die, they awake. -Mohammed I went from god to god until they cried from me in me, "Oh, thou I!" -Bayazid of Bistun The question is not what I should do in the future to get it, but rather, what am I presently doing that prevents me from realizing it right now? -Alan Watts Everything is perfect in being what it is. It has nothing to do with good or bad. -Longchenpa The Self, though one, takes the shape of every object in which It dwells. -The Upanishads Everything that happens, happens as it should. -Marcus Aurelius Never the Spirit is born; never the time when It was not. -A Sioux prayer The game is not about becoming somebody. It is about becoming nobody. -Ram Dass If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. -Nietzsche

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India Post

July 13, 2012

Reopening the Mansarovar, Demchuk route to China ZAINAB AKHTER


here are two routes in Ladakh, which connect India to China: the Karakoram pass in the Nubra Valley and the second through LehDemchuk to Kailash Mansarovar. The Leh-Damchuk route runs through the Demchuk village in Leh and further connects India to western Tibet in China, where the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between the two countries lies. This route has historical significance as it was used to facilitate trade between India and China. Domestic Pressure For a long time there has been a demand from the Indian side to reopen the Leh-Demchuk route to western Tibet. This route is seen as a potential route towards the economic development of both India and China. It is expected to serve the same purpose as the Nathu La Pass, which connects Sikkim with Tibet and was thrown open for trade in 2006 following numerous bilateral trade agreements. Every year the Indian government organizes the KailashManasarovar Yatra to Mansarovar Lake, which lies in western Tibet. Manasarovar Lake has religious significance as it is a place of pilgrimage and attracts devotees from India, Nepal, Tibet and the neighboring countries. At present, it takes 27 days to complete the yatra, trekking through rocks via Uttaranchal which is prone to landslides and other risks. Opening of the Demchuk-Mansarovar route will drastically reduce the journey time of the pilgrims to two hours by road transportation. On the other hand, if one decides to trek to the Mansoravar Lake along the Sindu River, it will take only four days for the completion of the yatra. The DemchukMansarovar route will be the shortest and safest way to access the Mansoravar Lake, and it will also be more economical for the pilgrims, which will consequently increase the number of visitors. Security Concerns Chinese incursions, ingressions and violation of airspace in the Demchuk sector have been reported for a couple of years. The development work on the Chinese side is taking place rapidly and the Chinese have built an airport and a metalled road to their border villages, while on the Indian side in Demchuk there is no mobile connectivity or electricity, and the roads are in a poor condition. The Indian side suspects China of using these infrastructures for a dual

purpose -both civil and military. With the building of Chinese forces along the border, India has increased its vigil as a pre-emptive measure. The opening of the Demchuk-Mansarovar route will open this border village to the outside world, which will lead to infrastructure development on the Indian side. This will help India to keep a check on the activities on the Chinese side. It is hoped that the intrusions and hovering

district of Ladakh. The LehDemchuk-Mansarovar route would further open the frontier regions of Ladakh to tourism. More infrastructure and shops will come up on both sides of the border, thereby increasing the employment opportunities for these otherwise inaccessible villagers. Besides, the Demchuk village is famous for its hot water spring, and the hydro-therapy centre has become a major attraction for

India Post Fixing economy

N The sacred Mansarover Lake

across the LAC by the Chinese will decrease to a great extent. The Ladakh Hill Development Council (LHDC) is hopeful of reopening the Leh-Kailash Mansarovar route. The "Ladakh 2025 Vision Document", which is a road map of the developmental projects to be carried out by the LHDC, also talks about the opening of the Leh-Demchuk-

The problem of connectivity between India and China can only be solved through a cooperative and inclusive approach as against a competitive and exclusive one Mansoravar route and how it can bring developmental changes in the border areas of Ladakh. The Chinese are reluctant to the idea of reopening the route. The reopening of the route can interfere in the incursion activities and it will expose the true nature of the developmental work they are carrying out in the area. Economic boost to the region Demchok is a small village and military encampment in the Leh

people from other parts of Ladakh, who throng the place in large numbers to take a dip in the spring. The pilgrims can also explore the hot springs in Ladakh, which will make it a major tourist spot in the region. The future course The people of Ladakh are insisting on the reopening of this route for years due to the economic benefits that such a move would bring to the region. The Leh-DemchukMansoravar route will be operational only when the governments of both the countries come to a concurrence. The Government of Jammu and Kashmir has convinced the Union Government of India about the potentialities of reopening the route. However, the Chinese government has not yet responded to the proposal for the reopening of this route. India needs to diplomatically negotiate with the Chinese government in order to implement this proposal. The problem of connectivity between India and China can only be solved through a cooperative and inclusive approach as against a competitive and exclusive one. Geoeconomics and geoculture must take priority over competitive geopolitics to address the problem of connectivity between the two important Asian countries. The writer is Research Intern, IPCS

ow that Pranab Mukherjee is out of finance, all the ills of the economy can be blamed on him. In fact, even the whispers within the Congress party are also saying so. Unable to fix anything, the UPA 2 is looking for scapegoats and the diminutive Pranab Da is an easy target. With the reputation of a financial wizard, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has taken over the finance ministry and it is believed by many that now everything will be hunky dory. Those who believe in the PM's wizardry and look down on the previous incumbent's capabilities need to ask themselves whether the finance ministry of a country runs in isolation? Was not Manmohan Singh in the know of things? Was he not kept in the loop when Pranab took the decision to rewrite the law so that the clever British firm Vodafone was no longer able to fool the government through loopholes of tax havens? If he now decides to go soft on the firm in view of the great storm created over the "unfair" treatment of this super rich company, would it mean that the government was wrong in its attempt to see that it is not fooled again by similar means by other parties? Since Sonia Gandhi, the Congress party supremo, never takes a stand on any issue, or at least it is never spelt out in public, one has to conjecture what is on her mind. This is a very distressing state of running a country. It is that confusion in her mind which is running or ruining the country. The indecisiveness of UPA 2 is born of the indecisiveness of Sonia Gandhi. It is believed she wants a pliant finance minister so that her populist schemes aimed at appeasing the poor masses can be financed without much ado. The Prime Minister has been keeping quiet while Pranab Da did the madam's bidding in keeping the vote banks happy. It is being said the clearance to Pranab's candidacy came only at the last minute because Sonia did not want to let him go out of the finance ministry. Her hand was forced by the upstaging trick played by the socalled allies Mulayam Singh Yadav of the Samajwadi Party and Mamata Bannerjee of the Trinamool Congress who announced a trio of names which they were willing to back. Sonia had no option but to show her hand and the suspense over Pranab was removed. Now it is believed there is pressure on Manmohan Singh to quickly appoint a new "political" finance minister so that Sonia Gandhi can use him for the fiscally unsound plans she has in her mind. Manmohan Singh as finance minister won't be able to do any wonders at this stage. But he has knowledge and credibility on his side. He will not be so easily moved to sanction schemes which may not appeal to him as sound investments. The names being bandied about as replacement finance ministers are all puny compared to Manmohan Singh. It is true the Prime Minister is burdened with onerous duties too but he still is the best bet at this time. His taking over as Finance Minister has raised expectations once again. When it comes to the possibility of a confrontation with the Congress party supremo, Manmohan is expected to quickly buckle. But the Congress chief will also think twice before pressing the man of finance on issues that he is more competent to decide. If any of his replacements are in the picture, they won't even think before complying with the "request" of the party chief.

July 13, 2012

India Post 51

52 India Post

July 13, 2012

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