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India Post V O I C E
India calls for urgent reform of the UN Details on page 9
Sikh delegation meets Pakistan minister Details on page 8
G20 is an essay in persuasion: Manmohan
VOL 15, No. 787
October 9, 2009
Periodical Postage
IALI endorses Krishnamoorthi for Comptroller
NEW YORK: The Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act passed by the US Senate "is not a blueprint for a partnership, but a recipe for disappointment and disillusionment", said Congressman Gary Ackerman, in a statement on the floor of the House prior to the measure's passage, Sept 30.
Details on page 13
NJ moms launch unique S. Asian Culture center Details on page 14
AIA objects to 'insulting' film on Gandhi
Gary Ackerman
Details on page 8
"I fear we are again choosing to be Pakistan's patron rather than its partner. In the end, Pakistan will absorb what we offer and remain the same Pakistan. And, worst of all, they will again claim that we have failed them. But we have no choice but to pass this bill," Congressman Ackerman said. Although the Senate bill (1707) imposes stringent conditions on Pakistan requiring it to comply with monitoring by the US, it allowed a huge $7.5 billion dole over a five-year period for that country.
Details on page 13
Clinton wanted to intervene in Kargil war Details on page 6
CONTENTS INTIMATE MOMENT: Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh speaks with U.S. President Barack Obama at the Phipps Conservatory for the G-20 Summit on September 24, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Details on page 10)
Details on page 6
This week’s question
Obama approach to Pak same as Bush’s? Last week’s result
Should India shift stand on climate change? YES 63%
NO 37%
Bollywood ---------------------- 24-25 Classifieds --------------------- 44-46 Community Post -------------- 13-23 Date Book -------------------------- 47
Details on page 7
India Post News Service
Jatin Das' first one-man show in US
Dharmendra walks the ramp in New York
‘No meaningful dialogue without Pak action’
Details on page 10
Details on page 22
S M Krishna with Shah Mehmood Qureshi
Edit Page --------------------------- 50
Mallika Dutt honored with American Courage Award India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Breakthrough's Executive Director, Mallika Dutt has been honored by the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) with the American Courage Award at a ceremony at the National Press Club in Washing-
ton DC, on Oct 1. Created in 1997 by the AAJC, one of the nation's leading civil rights organizations, the American Courage Award is bestowed upon an individual, company, or organization that has shown extraordinary courage or commitment to the cause of civil rights. Contíd on page 14
Certified by “CIRCULATION VERIFICATION COUNCIL Readership 117,765”
HealthScience Post --------- 34-35 Horoscope ------------------------- 42 Immigration Post ------------- 36-39 Life Style ----------------------- 26-27 Philosophy ------------------------- 48 Publisherís Diary ------------------ 4 Real Estate ------------------------ 28 TechBiz Post ------------------- 40-41 Travel & Hospitality Post ---- 29-31
India Post
October 9, 2009
October 9, 2009
India Post
India Post
India Post
October 2, 2009
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Publisher’s Diary
ast week, as impatient scribes - both Indian and Pakistani -- waited outside a hotel suite where the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan were closeted in a bilateral meeting, about half-way through the twohour long meeting, an Indian official came out for a breather. The eager scribes immediately cornered the official and wanted to know how the meeting was proceeding. The nonchalant official said "Maahol chhanga hai" (The atmosphere is good), without realizing that some of the reporters who were on deadline, rushed to send it off as "breaking news" to their respective news desks, while others laughed in amusement at the irony that where India and Pakistan are concerned, even an innocuous sounding statement like that can be headline news. One cannot but take a cynical view on any "talks" between India and Pakistan. I mean, where do these talks take anyone? They don't stop any terrorist activities emanating from Pakistani soil against India; they don't stop successive Pakistani governments from continuing to deny their involvement in such activities; they don't stop Pakistan from building its arsenals to wage proxy wars and incursions across the border. If one thought the Mumbai terror attacks were the last straw, we recently had former Pakistani President Musharraf revealing that most of US aid given to Pakistan was used against India. Pakistan is yet to take any action on the suspects caught in the Mumbai attacks and the US has just tripled its aid to Pakistan - still, India's foreign minister met with his Pakistani counterpart, in the bilateral meeting in New York last week, in what was later described as a "useful", and if that Indian official was to be believed, in a "good atmosphere." Who are these people kidding in the name of diplomacy? While both US and Pakistan play political cards that are mutually beneficial, India invariably ends up merely registering its "protests". The latest US dole does come with conditions that Pakistan must get its act together in tackling terrorist activities on its soil. But, I am still cynical.
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Bollywood Priyanka's idol Priyanka Chopra is idolized by millions around the globe yet her own idol is none other than Shahrukh Khan.
Cover Story: Ackerman warning Congressman Gary Ackerman says the Senate Act to aid Pakistan is a recipe for disappointment and disillusionment.
Community: Backing for Raja
The Indian American Leadership Initiative (IALI) has endorsed Raja Krishnamoorthi for next Illinois State Comptroller.
Health: Good moods Michelle Obama says women should do what makes them happy after learning her family feeds off of her good moods.
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On the ramp Dharmendra, the iconic Hindi-cinema hero, had the audience in raptures as he walked the ramp in memory of Nargis.
TechBiz: Failed deal The USD 23 billion deal for the merger of Bharti Airtel and South African giant MTN has fallen through.
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Travel: Dwarka Dwarka, an important pilgrimage center, is steeped in legends associated with the life of Lord Krishna.
October 9, 2009
India Post
Cover/Top Stories
India Post
October 9, 2009
Ackerman warns on aid to Pak SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service
NEW YORK: The Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act passed by the US Senate "is not a blueprint for a partnership, but a recipe for disappointment and disillusionment", said Congressman Gary Ackerman, in a statement on the floor of the House prior to the measure's passage, Sept 30. "I fear we are again choosing to be Pakistan's patron rather than its partner. In the end, Pakistan will absorb what we offer and remain the same Pakistan. And, worst of all, they will again claim that we have failed them. But we have no choice but to pass this bill," Congressman Ackerman said. Although the Senate bill (1707) imposes stringent conditions on Pakistan requiring it to comply with monitoring by the US, it allowed a huge $7.5 billion dole over a fiveyear period for that country. The dole is conditional to a sixmonthly evaluation by the office of the Secretary of State of efforts by Pakistan to stop terrorist groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed from operating in the territory of Pakistan,
including carrying out cross-border attacks into neighboring countries, dismantling terrorist bases of operations, including in Quetta and Muridke, and taking action when provided with intelligence about high-level terrorist targets. The bill also requires the Secretary of State to certify that Pakistan has made progress on matters such as "ceasing support, in-
‘Pakistan will absorb what we offer and remain the same Pakistan. And, worst of all, they will again claim that we have failed them’ cluding by any elements within the Pakistan military or its intelligence agency, to extremist and terrorist groups, particularly to any group that has conducted attacks against the United States or coalition forces in Afghanistan, or against the territory or people of neighboring
countries." Rep. Ackerman (D-NY), the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Middle East and South Asia said Pakistan was too big and too complex to be a proper subject for the Senate's preferred Pygmalion-like approach. "Even if Pakistanis sought such a relationship -- which they very definitely do not -- Pakistan is simply beyond our shaping," he said. Ackerman further stated, "The fundamental question this legislation attempts to answer is, how can we best ensure the full cooperation of the government and people of Pakistan in our struggle against al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other sources of violence, terror and regional instability? "In the House text authored by Chairman Berman, the answer to this question was to propose a long-term partnership, one in which both sides had both interests and responsibilities; a partnership of equals who were expected to constantly, and appropriately, judge whether or not the relationship was succeeding," he said. Pakistan's interests, he said, were not very closely aligned with those of the US. "We see India as
a major ally. They see India as unalterably rapacious and inherently dangerous. We see the Afghan Taliban as a wicked, oppressive and violent group intent on returning Afghanistan to primitive theocratic darkness. They see it as a useful insurance policy. We see Pakistan's ongoing relationship with radical Islamist terrorist groups as utterly illegitimate. They
Any success for the US in Pakistan would depend on reforms taken in Pakistan by Pakistanis, Ackerman stressed see these groups as both fundamentally just and as essential leverage. We see the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as a fundamental obligation upon all civilized states. They see it as an unwarranted foreign imposition and, poten-
tially, a violation of their rights. And the list of contradictions could go on across a range of subjects from madrassas to arms sales, from state enterprise corruption to feudal land reforms." "Setting aside the differences we have with the government of Pakistan, I think we should all be very circumspect about the ability of our own government to carefully spend $1.5 billion a year in Pakistan. The history of our assistance programs with Pakistan does not inspire confidence in either the rectitude of our partners, or our own ability to spend our taxpayers' money effectively," Ackerman said. Pakistan is a country the US can ignore at its own peril, Ackerman said. "Only a fool could pretend that what happens there is not, and will not become our concern. This bad neighborhood will definitely come visit us even it we choose not to visit it." Any success for the US in Pakistan would depend on reforms taken in Pakistan by Pakistanis, Ackerman stressed. "I see little in this bill to provide any assurance that such changes are on the way.
Clinton was ready to intervene New book reflects on Indo-Pak nuclear war in Kargil war NEW YORK: During the Kargil war in 1999, the then US President Bill Clinton was ready to "jump on a plane" to prevent the conflict's escalation into full fledged nuclear warfare as Pakistan had almost prepared itself to nuke India fearing military defeat, a book has claimed. Pulitzer Prize-Winning author and historian Taylor Branch claimed in his book that at the peak of Kargil warfare, Clinton told him that Pakistan sneaked its soldiers across the Line of Control as part of its strategy to escalate tension with India and thus gain international attention. "Clinton surprised me about Kashmir... He said skirmishes there were much more serious than reported," Branch writes in his 700-page book titled 'The Clinton Tapes: Wrestling History with the President'. "If they (India and Pakistan) called tonight, and said I could end this thing by flying over there, I would have no choice but to jump on the plane," Clinton was quoted as saying in the book, which is based on the secret taped conversations between Clinton and Branch. "There is no greater responsibility for me than to reduce con-
flicts that threaten nuclear war, and this one certainly does," Clinton said. Branch says that during one of those conversations, Clinton told him that "only four months ago, the leaders of India and Pakistan had embarked on a startling peace pilgrimage, worthy of Gandhi, riding trains and buses to meet for peace talks near their border in
‘Failing mediation, Pakistan's zealots prepared nuclear attacks to stave off annihilation by India's conventional forces’ Punjab.". They pledged jointly to end the festering dispute over Kashmir, which had triggered two of their three wars since partition in 1947, the then US President told his historian. "This new crisis snatched fear from hope, showing how swiftly politics can change. Since May, said the President, Pakistan had
sneaked military units across Kashmir's de facto Line of Control into mountain "as high as eighteen thousand feet to shell Indian outposts in the populated valley below," Branch writes. "Euphoria vanished, and the governments seethed with intrigue. Civilians and generals disputed each other on both sides. Elements within Pakistan had engineered the covert war to attract international mediation, hoping to realise the popular demands of Kashmir's heavy Muslim majority for independence or annexation by Pakistan," the book says quoting Clinton. "Failing mediation, Pakistan's zealots prepared nuclear attacks to stave off annihilation by India's conventional forces. India's zealots prepared nuclear attacks to preempt Pakistan, or retaliate, or defy any mandate for India to weaken its legal rule over Kashmir," Branch quoted Clinton as saying. "Clinton said the current intelligence reports detailed by far the gravest alarm of his presidency. He could not say more, even on these restricted tapes, but Kashmir was far from over as a threat," the book says. -PTI
NEW YORK: In the event of dent', referring to the taped converIndo-Pak nuclear war, India will sations he had with Clinton in the emerge as the ultimate winner af- White House. ter wiping off Pakistan, but lose up Talbot, now president of the to 500 million of its own people, a Brookings Institute, served under book on former US President Bill the Clinton Administration during Clinton's presidential years has 1993-2001. The book claims to give claimed. an insight into the eight years of Pulitzer Prize-Winning author Clinton's presidency, which has not and historian Taylor Branch claimed been heard before. that the Indian leaders had por"He called this the one region trayed such a scenario in the event on the globe facing a serious threat of an Indo-Pak nuclear war (during of nuclear war between two nations, Kargil conflict in 1999) to the then US President Clinton told him that New Delhi would nuke Pakistan annihilating Clinton. The portion on the entire country, if anyone in nuclear warfare Islamabad triggered the appears in the chapter titled nuclear bombs against it 'Eight Missiles in Baghdad', in which the author of India and Pakistan. Their mutual the book claims that Clinton told enmity was historically constant, him that New Delhi would nuke Pa- yet chillingly erratic," Branch writes. kistan annihilating the entire coun"In private, he (Clinton) distry, if anyone in Islamabad triggered closed, Indian officials spoke of the nuclear bombs against it. knowing roughly how many "The president first scribbled a nuclear bombs the Pakistanis note to himself that Strobe Talbot possessed, from which they calowed him a report on his recent trip culated that a doomsday nuclear to South Asia," Branch writes in his volley would kill 300 to 500 mil700-page book 'The Clinton Tapes: lion Indians while annihilating all Wrestling History with the Presi- 120 million Pakistanis.-PTI
Top Stories
October 9, 2009
India Post
No meaningful dialogue without Pak action: Krishna SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service
NEW YORK: There was no question of India getting into any kind of back channel talks with Pakistan, India's External Affairs Minister S. M. Krishna told reporters at a press conference in New York on Sept 26, immediately after
Muhammed Khan as its Special Envoy for Indian Affairs to carry out informal talks, the Indian Minister said, "This question did come up (in our talks). India is of the opinion that when we are talking to each other …when the front channels are open where is the need for a back channel?" "We have understood each
Indian Foreign Minister S M Krishna and Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi at a meeting in NY on Sept 27. Pics Mohammed Jaffer/SnapsIndia
a two-hour meeting with Pakistan's Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi. Responding to a question on the recent announcement by Pakistan that it was appointing former foreign secretary Riaz
other and our positions are appreciated," the Minister added. Krishna was cryptic in his response when asked about Pakistan's accusation that India had a terror role to play in the Balochistan region, stating:
"(That issue) did not come up (in the talks with Qureshi)." Characterizing the talks as a "very useful and frank exchange between two foreign ministers" Krishna said these talks, coming as they do on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly do play their own role. "They also serve a very useful purpose in exchange of views between our two countries." On the question of whether India would continue to place a pre-condition of action against perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai terror suspects, Krishna said, "I do not think that we are in a position of no dialogue… the question is of quality of the dialogue and how meaningful the dialogue is. We have a legitimate concern that groups operating out of Pakistan continue to pose a great danger to our country. I have conveyed to Qureshi that dialogue process needs an environment free from the threat of terrorism." Pakistan, he said, has arrested 7 or 8 suspects in connection with the Mumbai attacks, "But we have a feeling that there are larger groups operating behind these individuals. So I have flagged with Qureshi that he should look into these groups which are backing these individuals on Pakistani soil." The case regarding Hafiz Sayeed is also one that concerns India, he said, as evidence available with India brings out his major role in the Mumbai terrorist attack conspiracy. "Foreign Minister Qureshi conveyed to me that the trial against those accused for the Mumbai attack would begin shortly and that the Pakistan government will take steps to see jus-
Foriegn Minister S M Krishna† speaking at a press conference at Hotel New York Palace on Sept 27
tice done. We will be monitoring developments on this score very carefully." As far as Afghanistan is concerned, India has gone there for construction and development and there was no agenda for India in Afghanistan other than helping them, Krishna said. At the onset, in a prepared statement, Krishna said that both India and Pakistan had agreed that the future direction of their bilateral relations has to be one of deeper, sustained and meaningful relations. "Being a neighbor, there
tinuing concerns about terrorists and extremist groups in Pakistan which are a national security risk for us and for our people," Minister Krishna said. "Foreign Minister Qureshi conveyed to me the seriousness of his Government in bringing to book through their legal process those responsible for the terrorist outrage in Mumbai ten months ago. Pakistan has taken some steps within its own legal system against those directly responsible for the attack on Mumbai and the processes thus instituted must gather further
50 requests for bilateral meetings
s a reflection of India's growing role in the glo bal arena, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna had more than 50 requests for various bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session in New York over the past week. In a schedule that was packed with meetings drawn out on priority, Minister Krishna attended ministerial meetings and those of different groupings that included IBSA (India, Brazil, South Africa), G5 (India, Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, China) and BRIC (India, Brazil, China, Russia). These meetings were opportune in emphasizing the close coordination India and its partners on various global issues.
He also participated in the Commonwealth Foreign Ministers meeting, the annual meeting of the G-77 Foreign Ministers and the India - Gulf Cooperation Council Ministerial meeting. Krishna met with the President of Maldives and was able to meet a number of Foreign Ministers at the plurilateral forums and at key bilateral meetings. He also attended a reception hosted in his honor by India's Permanent Mission to the UN, which was attended by the Prime Minister of Nepal, the Vice President of Suriname, and several Foreign Ministers. His bilateral meetings included the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Foreign Ministers of Sri Lanka, Nepal, Singapore, Egypt, Afghanistan, the Secretary
General of the Arab League, and Pakistan. The meeting with Pakistan's Foreign Minister Qureshi was preceded by a detailed meeting between the Foreign Secretaries of India and Pakistan. Minister Krishna also had a fruitful discussion with Foreign Minister Spanta of Afghanistan and used the opportunity to convey that India stands for political stability and comprehensive development in a democratic Afghanistan. At his meeting with the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, he said, he had the opportunity to underscore to the importance of rehabilitating and resettling the Internally Displaced People (IDPs) on priority, and India's hope to see their full integration.
With Afghan minister
is an imperative to have a mutually beneficial relationship with each other in the long term interests of our own countries and to realize our national developmental priorities. I utilized this opportunity to convey to Foreign Minister Qureshi our appreciation that for a sustained and meaningful dialogue process to succeed, it is essential to ensure an environment free of violence, terrorism and the threat to use violence." "We do have serious and con-
momentum. We remain concerned about the threat which groups and individuals in Pakistan continue to pose to us. I, therefore, underlined and reiterated in my meeting that concrete and effective steps against these individuals and entities can instill in us the confidence that commitments given by Pakistan that it would not allow its soil to be used for terrorist attacks against India would be adhered to." Cont’d on page 8
Top Stories
India Post
October 9, 2009
Sikh delegation meets Pak minister on minority rights India Post News Service
NEW YORK: A Sikh delegation led by United Sikhs met with Shahbaz Bhatti, Pakistan Minister of Minority Affairs recently to discuss minority rights and issues pertaining to humanitarian aid relief for minorities in Pakistan.
Gurdwaras. The Minister welcomed the comments the Sikhs made at the meeting and urged them to continue working together with the Government of Pakistan to resolve these concerns, and stressed the importance of the international Sikh communities' involvement in
Sikh delegation with Pak minister
The delegation also discussed how Sikhs in the United States and elsewhere can advise and promote dialogue between the Sikh community and the Government of Pakistan to recognize, restore, and preserve historic sites and
advising and supporting the Government's efforts. The Sikh community was represented by United Sikhs, Voices for Freedom, Guru Gobind Singhji Foundation, Sikh Youth of America, American Gurdwara Prabandhak
Committee, and Sikh Gurdwara of Greater Washington. Commenting on the effort, Harpreet Singh, United Sikhs Legal Director said, "We have been working for the last three months to help and provide aid for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Pakistan. “We will continue to work with United Nations and the government of Pakistan to help and improve the lives of these innocent families who are victims of hatred and extremism." United Sikhs has been working extensively with IDPs in Pakistan who have been affected by the ongoing violence and instability on the western border of the country. Harpreet Singh discussed the situation of the Sikh families of the Orakzai and Khyber Agencies who are now living in Peshawar. These Sikh families have lost their homes due to continuous harassment and blackmail by the Taliban, and are yet to receive IDP status. Harpreet Singh also highlighted the problems faced by Christian families in Gojra who have been victims of the misuse of Sections 295 (b) and (c), and 298 (a), (b), (c) of the Pakistan Penal Code. Minister Bhatti assured the delegation that he is aware of the problems faced by these minorities and will look into the matter personally. He highlighted a number of efforts
that his ministry is currently involved in to provide support to the minorities in Pakistan. These efforts include empowering the Pakistani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committees to maintain and preserve the Gurdwaras, prevent the taking of Gurdwara land from being sold for commercial purposes or profit, reservation of 5% jobs in the government for minorities, establishment of Baba Nanak University to promote research on Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Sikh history in Pakistan, pres-
troduction of the Minority Protection Act in the Pakistani Parliament that will safeguard the rights of all religious and other minorities in Pakistan. Bhatti elaborated that this Act will reserve jobs in all levels of the Pakistani Government. Commenting on the meeting, Balwinder Singh, President, Sikh Gurdwara of Greater Washington stated, "We appreciate Pakistan's understanding for our religion and hope that they will provide
These Sikh families have lost their homes due to continuous harassment and blackmail by the Taliban, and are yet to receive IDP status. Harpreet Singh also highlighted the problems faced by Christian families in Gojra ervation of Sikh texts, and creation of an Interfaith Complex in Islamabad to highlight different faiths and to show diversity. Bhai Bakhshish Singh, Representative, American Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee (AGPC) commented, "As many important Sikh historical sites are located in Pakistan, the Sikhs globally have an interest in proper preservation and treatment of these sites." Another prominent issue discussed in the meeting was the in-
the Sikhs full co-operation and support to maintain our history and preserve our roots." While commenting on the importance of the meeting, Dr. Ranjit Singh, Director, Voices For Freedom stated, "Pakistan has a sizable minority population; we are encouraged to see that efforts are being made by the Pakistani Government, as well as the international community to make sure Sikhs and other religious minorities are represented."
No meaningful dialogue without Pak action: Krishna Cont’d from page 7
On US aid to Pakistan Earlier at an informal interaction with the media at a reception hosted in his honor at the Permanent Mission of India, the External Affairs Minister said that with reference to Pakistan using US aid money against India, "Considering the statement of former Pakistan President Musharraf himself that aid provided to Pakistan by the US has been used for directing its hostile operations against India, it really bothers us. We have drawn the attention of the US government that India's concern is only that aid has to be appropriated for the purpose for which it is provided by US. As long as they monitor the aid given to Pakistan we have no problem." On India's stand on NPT Responding to questions on the UN Security Council's recent resolution that all non-signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty must sign the treaty, Krishna said India has consistently supported the issue of nonproliferation and nuclear disarmament. "So far as the draft resolu-
With Bhutan minister
With Nepal minister
With Singapore minister
With Oman minister
tion in the UN Security Council is concerned -- the fact that India is sui generis is well known. We have also been assured by the US that this resolution is not directed at India." Krishna continued that India's record on non-proliferation is exemplary even though it is not a member of the NPT. "We have always approached non-proliferation issues with the highest sense of probity in contrast to others. However, non-proliferation cannot be an end in itself; it has to be linked to effective nuclear disarmament. India remains committed to the goal of global non-discriminatory and complete elimination of nuclear weapons. In this context we welcome the renewed global debate on achieving a world free of nuclear weapons." India's stand on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty remains unchanged, Krishna said. "India has taken a position on NPT and we do not see any reason to change that stand; we have taken a principled stand and so the question of India revising its stand depends on a number of other developments which would address our concerns."
Top Stories
October 9, 2009
India Post
India calls for urgent reform of the UN
External Affairs Minister S M Krishna addressing the UN General Assembly. Pics Mohammed Jaffer/SnapsIndia
NEW YORK: The need for change and reform at the United
been under negotiation at the UN for more than 15 years. "To strengthen the international legal framework of the fight against terrorism, India had proposed a Com-
mindless terrorist acts. It is our collective responsibility and duty to work together to ensure that terrorists, organizers, perpetrators and supporters of such crimes are brought to justice." Reiterating India's commitment to safeguarding of international peace and security, Krishna said, "Over the past five decades, we contributed more than 100,000 peacekeepers and have suffered the highest number of casualties in these decades. Strengthening the normative basis for peacekeeping operations and giving major Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) a greater say, will serve to make peacekeeping more effective." On the regional front, peace, security, stability and welfare of India's neighborhood was vital for the country, he said. "There is a new beginning in Sri Lanka; in Nepal strengthening the peace process is in our collective inter-
TALL & SHORT: S M Krishna (External Affairs Minister of India) with President Obama (and Michelle Obama) at a reception hosted by President Obama at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City on the sidelines of the 64th UNGA on September 23
With Foreign Secy Nirupama Rao and Shyam Saran
Nations was the thrust of India's message at the general debate of the 64th UN General Assembly that took place at the UN headquarters in New York this past week. Addressing the session on Sept 26, India's External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna said the global order has changed dramatically since the establishment of the UN 65 years ago. "The UN must also change and reflect contemporary reality. The thrust of my message was therefore the need for change at the UN." In that context he said he underscored the need for an expansion of the UN Security Council, both in its permanent and its nonpermanent seats. "The reform and restructuring of the global governance architecture is the critical need of our times and the voice of the developing world, including the small island nations and of Africa, is of principal and core relevance, if we are to have truly participatory and global responses to global challenges," he said. In his address, he also urged the urgent adoption of the Comprehensive Convention against International Terrorism, which has
prehensive Convention on International Terrorism (CCIT)," the minister said. "Discussions on the draft have gone on for far too long.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon meeting with S M Krishna
est; and in Afghanistan, the international community must remain
Ambassador Meera Shankar offering ësaagí to Krishna at Luncheon meeting† at Indian Consulate in NY on Sept 27
It is time that the Convention be finally adopted. India earnestly calls upon all countries to make serious efforts in the next few weeks to arrive at a consensus on the text." With reference to the barbaric terrorist attack on innocent people of Mumbai on Nov 26 last year, Krishna said, "There cannot be any justification whatsoever for such
intensively engaged and support rary realities. "Four years after the its development efforts and the 2005 World Summit, there has not maintenance of peace and stability. India is committed to establishing good neighborly relations and resolving all outstanding issues with Pakistan through peaceful dialogue." Highlighting the pressing challenges that are being faced by the world such as the economic crisis and climate change, Krishna S M Krishna being welcomed at a Community called for greater rereception hosted by Indian Ambassador†Meera sponsibility on part of Shankar (middle) in NY on Sept 27. Sant Chatwal Chairman Indian American Democtrats can be the developed counseen in the pic tries to help the developing countries, which are im- been much progress even as newer and more global crises and probpacted the most. Stating that at the centre-stage lems have emerged," he said. "We of multilateralism and international should not let slowness of action cooperation is the United Nations, weaken the organization in the face the minister reiterated India's com- of such challenges. Rather, we mitment to working with member must work in concert to make it states to making the UN more rel- more robust and capable of effecevant and tuned in to contempo- tive response."
S M Krishna with American Jewish leaders
Top Stories
10 India Post
October 9, 2009
G20 is an essay in persuasion: Manmohan Singh SRIREKHA N. CHAKRAVARTY India Post News Service
NEW YORK: The just concluded G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh was not meant to be a trillion dollar summit, but was just a follow up to review what has happened since the last G-20 Summit in London in April this year, according to India's Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh. "As of now the Group of 20 is an essay in persuasion," Prime Minister Singh told the media at a post-Summit press conference in Pittsburgh on Sept 25. "Whether this essay in persuasion really succeeds in achieving its objectives, only time can tell." Heads of State of the Group of 20 countries met through Sept 2425 in Pittsburgh, PA for a third round of discussions since the first was held in Nov 2008, in Washington DC following the global financial meltdown. This time around, Singh said, the Summit was a very productive one in which there was a comprehensive discussion on a wide range of economic issues among the world leaders. The most important conclusion that emerged from the Summit, Singh said was that the Group of 20 would henceforth be the premier forum for international economic issues. "This is an important development to broadening the global governance structure, to incorporate major developing and emerging countries into the new framework," Singh said. No single country, however powerful, can take on the burden of economic decision-making in
‘The United States and other European countries have been very appreciative of the role that India has played in Afghanistan’ today's interdependent world, Singh said. And for that reason, Europe and the US realized that the G8 was ill-equipped to handle all global issues. "With the rise of Asia, with the growth of India, China and Brazil, the economic decision-making has to take into account the views of these countries if it is to have an optimum impact," Singh said. Underscoring the significance of the G20 meetings for the common man in India, Prime Minister Singh said, "If the world economy
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in a group photo of the Heads of Delegations of the G-20 Summit, at Pittsburgh, USA on September 25
collapses, there is obviously some effect on our country. Already the rate of growth of our economy, particularly our exports, has suffered. This has led to a decline in exports of important labor-intensive products like gems and jewelry, leather goods, textiles. In the increasingly interdependent world that we live in, it is a necessity for India to ensure that the global economic system continues to progress. We need an external environment which is conducive to the growth of our exports; which is conducive to the increasing flow of capital to increased flows of technology. All these things have a bearing on the rate of growth of our economy." Institutionalization of the Group of 20, plus the agreement that countries which have adopted stimulus should not prematurely withdraw, has a very significant impact for the growth of Indian economy, Singh said. "India needs an international environment in which its economy can grow. That means, if the world economy is growing, if the world trade is growing, that certainly will help to improve our own growth reforms," he stressed. In that context, Singh said India was "obviously worried about protectionism raising its ugly head" in many developed countries including the United States. "I think things could be worse with regard to protectionism," he said. "There is an evidence of creeping protectionism but it has not reached an alarming point. Therefore, it is necessary to wield international pressure to restrain and to restrict the growth of protectionism." Financial institutions in the in-
dustrialized nations would now be subject to monitoring by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Singh said. "There was an agreement in today's meeting that the Group of 20 economies will be monitored by the IMF through an independent process of evaluation, and there will be a sort of peer review. So, obviously if the process of peer review gets going, it will provide opportunities for all G20 countries to exchange views, discuss, analyze the weaknesses and the strength of the economies of various countries
those reports and the Government of India has officially taken note of that. We have brought this to the notice of the US Government. Even in the past whenever sophisticated weaponry was made available by the United States to Pakistan, we have always known that the only country against whom these weapons can be used is India." Further on Pakistan's actions on Mumbai terror suspects, Singh said the only obstacle to normalizing relations with Pakistan is that Pakistan should give up its old
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh addressing a press conference on the G-20 Summit, in Pittsburgh, USA on September 25
including the strength of their financial system, the banking system included." On Pakistan Reacting to reports that Pakistan had utilized US aid for military purposes, and the recent US Senate's okay to tripling aid to Pakistan despite these revelations, Singh remarked: I have seen
attitudes regarding the use of terror as an instrument of state policy. "We hope that they would carry out investigations based on the material that we have supplied to Pakistan regarding the massacres that took place in Mumbai in November. Although the tragedy took place in India, the conspiracy was hatched in Pakistan, and that
has been admitted by Pakistan Government. We sincerely hope that they would carry forward this process of investigation and bring to book all the culprits. If that is done, I have said it in Parliament, we will move an extra mile in order to normalize our relations. We are neighbors, and as neighbors we have an obligation to work together." To a question on reports doubting India's role in Afghanistan, Prime Minister Singh said, "The United States and other European countries have been very appreciative of the role that India has played in Afghanistan. We have not supplied any armed forces; we are there to assist Afghan people in reconstruction and development. We are helping to finance some of the most important projects in the area of power, road transport, health, education. Till today we have committed about 1.3 billion dollars. Not only the Government and the people of Afghanistan appreciated but whenever I have had an opportunity to discuss with the European leaders and the leaders of the United States, they have been of the same view." On NPT Responding to a question on President Obama piloting a resolution in the UN Security Council that all countries must sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Singh said, "We have been assured that this is not a Resolution directed at India; and that the US commitment to carry out its obligations under the Civil Nuclear Agreement that we have signed with the United States remains undiluted. Cont’d on page 11
Top Stories
October 9, 2009
India Post 11
No security guarantee for CWG Conference on spirituality held on UNGA sidelines athletes: Aussie chief SYDNEY: Casting a security shadow over the Commonwealth Games in Delhi in October next year, the Commonwealth Games chief of Australia Perry Crosswhite has said that he could not guarantee the safety of his country's athletes. Australia, a major sporting nation whose athletes will be among the top draws at the Delhi Games, had recently pulled out of a Davis Cup tie in Chennai and Crosswhite said athletes would have to decide for themselves whether they want to participate in the multidiscipline event. "We have said to all the sports that the decision on whether athletes go or not is their decision," Crosswhite said. "If some of them think it's not secure enough, they're going to make that decision. We can't guarantee anyone's safety. All we can say is we've checked it out and we think it's as safe and secure as it can be," he said. The organizers of the Games have promised foolproof security measures in place for the October 3-14 Games following last November's terror attacks in Mumbai which left 172 people dead. Crosswhite's reluctance to give a security assurance to the athletes comes barely three weeks after Commonwealth Games Federation chief Mike Fennell had made scathing remarks against the
Perry Crosswhite
The organizers of the Games have promised foolproof security measures in place for the October 3-14 Games following last November's terror attacks in Mumbai organizers for their tardy preparation. Crosswhite was of the view that a clearer picture about Delhi's preparation for the Games would emerge after the CGF General Assembly in October. "They'll probably get some
more people on board, throw some more resources at it, get the security right, get the venues finished," he was quoted as saying by AFP. "It will be a fantastic opening ceremony, while behind the scenes there will be a lot things that happen at the last minute. "The sports will go ahead, the technical officials will make sure that works, the broadcasters will muddle through and somehow technology will catch up," Crosswhite said. The Australian official, however, remained skeptical that the Delhi Games may not match the high standard set in the earlier editions of the event. "Everybody will go to it and have a pretty good time and go away and say they did it the Indian way and it was a success. "But overall maybe it won't be as good as Manchester (2002) or Melbourne (2006)," he said. Crosswhite's remarks are bound to create a flutter among the organizers in Delhi who have all along maintained that the Games would be held on schedule and all security aspects would be taken care of. Fennell had sought an appointment with Indian Prime Minister to brief him about the delays and had hinted that the Games could be a "partial failure" if foreign experts were not taken on board immediately.-PTI
Obama's first state dinner for Manmohan Singh WASHINGTON: The honor of being the guest at the first state dinner hosted by President Barack Obama would go to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and it will be held during his upcoming state visit scheduled for November 24. Obama, who has been a great admirer of Manmohan Singh for his visionary role in steering India from a developing country to a major economic power, has invited the Prime Minister for the first State Visit of his Administration. Incidentally, Manmohan Singh had the distinction of being the first State Guest of the Second Term of the Bush Administration. As such the Prime Minister would be the guest at the Blair House, across the White House, one more time. It is apparently in recognition of importance of India as an emerging world power as well as New Delhi being perceived as a new
close and stable ally by the US, the sources said. As the Obama Administration endeavors to "deepen" its strategic ties with India, a lot of effort is being given in making this State visit an important milestone in the Indo-US relationship. Early this month, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton held an interagency meeting to review the preparation of the up-coming visit of the Prime Minister. . During the brief meetings Manmohan Singh had with the US President at the last week's G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, Obama is believed to have told the Prime Minister that he was looking forward to his visit to the White House in November. A formal invitation for the State Visit was extended by Clinton during her visit to India in July. State visits are the highest form of diplomatic contact between two na-
tions and are marked by ceremonial pomp and diplomatic protocol. An important part of this State Visit is the State Dinner hosted by the US President, wherein the Prime Minister would be the guest of honor. Officials said details of the visit is still being worked out and it would be too early to roll out any menu list for the State Dinner. -PTI
India Post News Service
NEW YORK: A working group of the NGO Committee on Spirituality, Values and Global Concerns, New York, presented a conference on 'Spirituality and Governance' at the United Nations Church Center, New York, on Sept 23, coinciding with the ongoing United Nations General Assembly. Speaking at the conference were Rajyashree Chaudhuri, Secretary General, Institute of International Social Development (IISD), an international NGO based in India having Special Consultative Status with ECOSOC of the United Nations; and Shomik Chaudhuri, United Nations Representative of the organization in New York. Shomik spoke about the sci-
ence of spirituality, human existence and potential and the effects of spirituality on leaders and its necessity in bringing about good governance. Rajyashree spoke on the characteristics of the ideal nation and how it can be replicated in today's world. She also gave glimpses of how one of IISD's several projects was helping eradicate poverty among the tribal population in India and also preserve and promote exclusive Indian handicrafts and arts of the indigenous people of India. She is credited with organizing the first ever exhibition of Indian handicrafts at the United Nations in a two-month-long exhibition. Sharon Hamilton-Getz, the CoChair of Spirituality, Values and Business Working Group, moderated the session.
G20 is an essay in persuasion: Manmohan Singh Cont’d from page 10
That, we have been assured officially by the United States Government." Birthday Wishes At the conclusion of the press conference, Prime Minister Singh graciously accepted wishes for a happy birthday (Sept 26) from a correspondent on behalf of the people of India, stating, "I am very grateful to the people of India that they have given me this unique opportunity to serve them. I completed the first five years that they have given me this opportunity for. They have renewed their confidence in me and it is a debt I can never repay. The only way I can make even an effort to repay is to rededicate myself to the service of the people of India to the best of my ability." Important conclusions of the G20 Summit: 1. There will be no pre-mature withdrawal of stimulus. 2. The emergency financing for the International Monetary Fund has been successfully completed. The Group now has to address the
issue of the IMF quota increase by early 2011. They agreed to shift 5 per cent share to countries that are under-represented in the IMF. 3. They agreed to help the World Bank and other regional development banks to find the necessary resources based on a review of their capital needs to be completed in the first half of 2010. 4. They agreed on a new framework for discussing global macro balances, and the contributions individual countries can make through their own policies with a new process of peer review or discussion in the Group of 20. 5. They discussed the important issue of climate change. The G20 have called for a successful outcome in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change at Copenhagen. 6. They agreed to work for an early resolution of the Doha round of trade negotiations so as to counter protectionism. The success of the Delhi Ministerial meeting in reviving the process of negotiations was appreciated by all countries.
Benefits of atomic energy should not remain confined: PM NEW DELHI: Seeking international cooperation in its efforts for a major expansion in the nuclear program, India has said benefits of atomic energy should not remain confined to a "privileged few" as it was vital to meet power requirements of developing countries. "We need the concerted and collective efforts of the international community to promote
peaceful uses of nuclear energy as widely as possible," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said at a function where IAEA chief Mohammad ElBaradei was conferred the coveted Indira Gandhi Peace Prize. He said India is now poised for a major expansion of its nuclear program in which international cooperation will be an important
component. Noting that nuclear energy was vital to meeting the energy and development needs of developing countries like India, he said, "Its benefits should not remain confined to a privileged few." Singh cautioned that the growth of nuclear energy must go hand in hand with measures to reduce and eliminate risks of misuse.-PTI
Top Stories
12 India Post
October 9, 2009
ElBaradei honored with Indira Gandhi Peace Prize NEW DELHI: Mohammad ElBaradei, Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), was today honored with the prestigious Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for his "impassioned opposition to use of nuclear energy for military purposes". President Pratibha Patil gave away the Prize which carries a Rs 25 lakh purse and a plaque to the IAEA chief at a function at Rashtrapati Bhawan attended by Vice President Hamid Ansari, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Congress chief Sonia Gandhi. Accepting the Prize, ElBaradei said: "India has become a beacon of hope to the developing world ...I trust that India will spare no effort in practicing and advocat-
ing the highest standards of nuclear safety and security." The International Jury of the Prize, chaired by Singh, had decided to confer the honor on him in November last year. The IAEA chief was being recognized for "his impassioned opposition to the use of nuclear energy for military purposes and his steadfast espousal of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, sustained over many years". ElBaradei played an important role in India clinching the Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA, a prerequisite for New Delhi's re-entry in international nuclear commerce. A lawyer by training, ElBaradei began his career in the Egyptian Diplomatic Service in 1964 and served in the UN both in New York and Geneva. -PTI
Bollywood crushes independent cinema: Dev Benegal NEW YORK: His 'Road, Movie' has already created a buzz in international film circuits with its rich portrayal of Indian landscape but filmmaker Dev Benegal believes that Bollywood has no place for independent directors like him. "There is no future for independent films in India. The only thing that survives is Bollywood or Bollywood Lite," Benegal told PTI in an interview. The filmmaker says that so called "independent movies" in
Dev Benegal
Bollywood are really just low budgeted imitations of mainstream cinema. "It's the same formula, the same structure without A-list stars," he adds. Benegal's latest film 'Road, Movie' starring actor Abhay Deol, Tannishtha Chatterjee and Satish Kaushik, was the only film to be picked up by leading global sales agent Fortissimo Films at the Cannes this year despite the presence of Bollywood heavyweights
like 'Kites' and 'Kambakkht Ishq'. It is also the only Indian movie to have debuted as a "Special Presentation" at the recently concluded Toronto International Film Festival. The movie is now headed for Tokyo Film Festival, where it has been nominated in the competition section. Benegal shot to fame with his debut movie 'English August', which was released in 1994 and won the National Film Award for the Best Feature Film in English. The film starring Rahul Bose was about a disgruntled yet curious new recruit into the Indian Administrative Service. The Cambridge University graduate also assisted his uncle Shyam Benegal on several of his movies before carving a niche for himself with 'English August' and 'Split Wide Open', which have created a platform for independent cinema in India. Benegal's latest film tells the story of a young Vishnu who escapes his family's hair oil business and travels across the country in a truck with a striking gypsy woman and two old film projectors. "It's about the incredible beauty and the raw, rugged quality of the Indian landscape and finding love and laughter," says Benegal, adding the film is inspired from his own travels as young filmmaker in India.-PTI
President Pratibha Devisingh Patil giving away the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development-2008 to D.G., IAEA, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei for his impassioned opposition to the use of Nuclear Energy for Military purpose, in New Delhi on September 30
Dada Saheb Phalke award for Manna Dey NEW DELHI: Legendary playback singer Manna Dey, the immortal voice behind songs like 'Poochho Na Kaise' and 'Zindagi Kaisi Hai Paheli', will be honored with the prestigious Dada Saheb Phalke award for the year 2007, it was announced here. The 90-year-old singer, who has more than 3,500 songs to his credit, has been named for the honor for his outstanding contribution in the field of cinema, a statement issued by the Information and Broadcasting Ministry here said. Dey will receive the award, which carries a cash prize of Rs 10 lakh, a swaran Kamal and a shawl, by President Pratibha Patil on October 21 during the National
Film Awards function. I&B ministry officials told PTI that Dey's name was finalized ear-
Manna Dey
lier this week by a four-member committee.
Dey's name was recommended by the committee consisting of veteran Telugu actor A Nageshwara Rao, film maker Yash Chopra, Vijaya Mulye and Sarod maestro Ustad Amjad Ali Khan. Born to Purna Chandra and Mahamaya Dey on May 1, 1919, Dey dominated the Hindi music industry from the 1950s to 1970s with his distinctive voice. Inspired by his youngest paternal uncle Krishna Chandra Dey, the musician took singing lessons from his uncle, Ustad Dabir Khan, Ustad Aman Ali Khan and Ustad Abdul Rahman Khan. Dey also performed a solo penned by Sachal Dev Burman 'Upar Gagan Vishal', in the 1950 movie "Mashal".-PTI
IAF to induct killer drones in two years NEW DELHI: The IAF will induct lethal killer drones within two years, providing itself the capability to hit high value targets such as enemy missile and radar sites, and even terrorist hideouts. A senior IAF officer said here that Israeli-made 'Harop' unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV) would join the IAF by 2011 and it will enhance the warfighting capabilities of the IAF,
both conventional and low intensity conflict. Harop will be IAF's first unmanned aerial vehicle for offensive strikes, though it already possesses a fleet of 'Searcher' and 'Heron' UAVs to perform surveillance and reconnaissance roles. The Harop will provide IAF the capability to take down enemy positions without having to send its manned fighter aircraft
to hit ground targets. Developed by Malat, the UAV division of the Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI), the Harop UCAVs were bought by India recently through a reported USD 100 million deal for up to 10 drones. Harop, which is usually launched from ground- or seabased canisters, can be adapted for air-launch too. -PTI
Desi News NJ moms launch unique South Asian Culture Center India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: Two enterprising young New Jersey moms Archana Athalye and Vanessa Taneja opened Kulture Kool -- a "unique and cool" South Asian Arts and Culture Center to cater to the Tri-State community. Kulture Kool's model, a first of its kind, teaches a comprehensive time table of Indian arts and languages under one roof. The defining factor is fun; teaching traditional and popular Indian music, dance and other arts in a way that kids and adults enjoy and absorb. Details on page 14
Nurturing one Sikh child at a time India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: As the packed conference hall took a break, side conversations continued to excitedly flow about topics like The Importance of Language Education, Engaging Teenagers, School Bullying, Teaching Experiences and Mental Health in the School Setting. While these sound like the topics of an established best practices in education convention. Details on page 16
'Freedom’ music festival hosted by Sapna HARI RAO
CHICAGO: Sri Annamacharya Project of North America (SAPNA) hosted the Lakshminarayana Global Music Festival recently at Harris Theatre in Chicago in presence of large number of music lovers, both Indians and Americans. Titled Freedom Symphony, the music concert was presented by artists Dr L.Subramaniam, Kavita Krishnamurti, Leipzig Conductor Dr Michael Koehler with the newly formed Chicago Global Orchestra and Voice of Tomorrow Bindu Subramniam. the Concert Master. Details on page 18
13 India Post
Dussehra celebrated with fervor at Fremont Temple
October 9, 2009
Details on page 20
IALI endorses Krishnamoorthi for Comptroller India Post News Service
NEW YORK: The Indian American Leadership Initiative (IALI) has endorsed Raja Krishnamoorthi in his campaign to become the next Illinois State Comptroller. "Raja Krishnamoorthi would be the first Indian American elected to statewide office in Illinois," said Kathy Kulkarni, IALI's president. "IALI is proud to back a groundbreaking candidate such as Raja, and Raja will work to bring much needed transparency and reform to Illinois state government." IALI, established in 2000, is a national organization seeking to connect, promote, and invest in Indian American Democrats. Krishnamoorthi is running in the February 2, 2010 Democratic primary to be the Chief Fiscal Officer of the State of Illinois. "A loyal Democrat, Raja has what it takes to make state dollars work for taxpayers in Illinois to create jobs," said Shekar Narasimhan,
IALI Advisory Council Member. "Raja is passionate about public service, and he is supremely qualified to be the chief fiscal watchdog for the State of Illinois." Krishnamoorthi served as Deputy Treasurer of Illinois from 2007 until earlier this year when
out scandal or favoritism. "I am very honored to have IALI's endorsement," Krishnamoorthi said. "IALI is doing critical work to raise the profile of Indian Americans in politics throughout the United States, and I welcome IALI's support in my
‘IALI is proud to back a groundbreaking candidate such as Raja, and Raja will work to bring much needed transparency and reform to Illinois state government’ Raja Krishnamoorthi
he stepped down to run for elected office. As Deputy Treasurer, Krishnamoorthi helped bring significant reforms and oversaw the custody and administration of billions of dollars in state funds with-
campaign." Krishnamoorthi, a Democrat, grew up in Peoria and went to grade school and high school in the Peoria Public Schools, graduating in 1991 as a valedictorian at
Richwoods High School in Peoria, where he also played junior varsity football. Prior to becoming Deputy Treasurer, Krishnamoorthi served as a Special Illinois Assistant Attorney General, helping to establish an anti-corruption unit in the office. As a board member and audit committee chairman of the Illinois Housing Development Authority, Krishnamoorthi helped thousands of Illinois families find affordable housing. A lawyer and policy expert, Krishnamoorthi worked on President Obama's successful 2004 campaign for the US Senate, serving first as issues director and then as a senior adviser. Krishnamoorthi also advised Obama during his presidential campaign and his 2000 congressional campaign. With the help of financial aid, Krishnamoorthi attended and graduated with honors from Princeton University and Harvard University Law School.
AIA objects to 'insulting' film on Gandhi MADHU PATEL
Naren Patel, President AIA and Prof Ghanshyam Pandey, Chairman AIA Trustee Board
CHICAGO: Two veteran Indian community activists, Prof Ghanshyam Pandey and Naren Patel, heading one of the oldest Indian American organizations, the Association of Indians in America, Chicago (AIA) have taken strong exception to Mahatma Gandhi being featured as a baseball hitter for New York Yankees in 1933. An 11-minute short film titled "Gandhi at the Bat", a faithful recreation of a black and white 1930sstyle newsreel showing Gandhi as rookie hitter, is going around in film
Illinois ‘Gandhi at the Bat’, a black and white 1930s-style newsreel showing Gandhi as rookie hitter, is going around in film festivals world over festivals world over, has won numerous awards, and even played at Baseball Hall of Fame. Cont’d on page 15
India Post
Community Across America
NJ moms launch unique South Asian Culture Center India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: Two enterprising young New Jersey moms Archana Athalye and Vanessa Taneja opened Kulture Kool -- a "unique and cool" South Asian Arts and Culture Center to cater to the Tri-State community. Kulture Kool's model, a first of its kind, teaches a comprehensive time table of Indian arts and languages under one roof. The de-
New Jersey fining factor is fun; teaching traditional and popular Indian music, dance and other arts in a way that kids and adults enjoy and absorb. Taneja said, "Our method of imparting this knowledge is fun and thoroughly interactive, so that the students remain hooked and ask to come to class instead of being forced into it." Kulture Kool is not just for South Asians, but it is expected to
popularize Indian culture to mainstream American audiences without 'bollywoodising' it. Athalye says, "We want Indian and Indophile parents and children to
Kulture Kool is not just for South Asians, but it is expected to popularize Indian culture to mainstream American audiences without 'bollywoodising' it know that Indian culture is much more deep and fascinating than Hindi films. Bollywood dance and its jhatka-matkas are great too therefore we will be teaching a very structured and comprehen-
sive program in Bollywood dance at Kulture Kool taught by Hollywood's best known Bollywood choreographer- Rujuta Vaidya." The various courses are designed and executed by stalwarts like Archana Joglekar (Kathak) Anahita Sarabhai (Folk Dance), Rujuta Vaidya (Bollywood Dance) Anurag Harsh (Hindustani Classical Music), Preeti Vasudevan (Bharatanatyam), Indumathi Arvind (Carnatic Vocal) Anil Khare (Tabla), Gaurav Bali (Guitar), Partha Sarathi Chaterjee (Sitar) Jennifer Keating (Yoga for kids) and Arun Prakash (Hindi). Kulture Kool offers a host of programs for toddlers and preschoolers including Ma and Me Yoga, Ma and Me Bollywood Dance and a unique program in Indian classical music called Little Ustaads. Kulture Kool will also be offering Ethnic-themed birthday parties like Indian Princess, Krishna and Friends and Jungle Book.
Mallika Dutt honored with American Courage Award India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Breakthrough's Executive Director, Mallika Dutt has been honored by the Asian American Justice Center (AAJC) with the American Courage Award
ticularly in the aftermath of 9/11. Most recently, Breakthrough has partnered with the AAJC, along with 25 other leading orga-
tional attention to the harsh impact of unfair detention and deportation policies on immigrant communities. "I am deeply honored to be the
New York at a ceremony at the National Press Club in Washington DC, on Oct 1. Created in 1997 by the AAJC, one of the nation's leading civil
Dutt has a long history of activism and commitment to social change and has addressed global issues rights organizations, the American Courage Award is bestowed upon an individual, company, or organization that has shown extraordinary courage or commitment to the cause of civil rights. Dutt has a long history of activism and commitment to social change and has addressed global issues ranging women's rights to racial justice and immigrant rights. For the last decade, she has been spearheading efforts to stop the erosion of fundamental human rights in the United States, par-
October 9, 2009
‘Best Bollywood Film’ category at Oscars sought HARISH RAO
Madhu Patel & Nand Kapoor
CHICAGO: In the wake of a surge in interest for Bollywood films globally and the Indian industry becoming the largest film industry in the world, Indian Americans across USA have asked American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to introduce a new award category of “Best Bollywood Film” for films made by the industry.
Illinois In Chicago, prominent Indian Americans including former presidents of Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) Bhailal Patel and Sohan Joshi, former president of Association of Indian Americans (AIA) Nand Kapoor and founder chairman of NRI Foundation Madhu Patel, feel that an Oscar for a Bollywood made film would be a belated recognition to one of the foremost film making industries in the world. This is especially so in the context that Indian film makers are signing a number of Hollywood artists for their films and an increased appearance of Indian artists in the films made here. Buttressing the general demand for Oscar, Rajan Zed, presi-
tional arena, as it was long overdue. He further said that cinema in India, based in Mumbai and various regional centers, reportedly produced much more films and drew much larger audience globally than Hollywood (which released only 610 movies in 2008). It was unfair for such an influential cinema not to have its own category at Oscars. Foreign Lan-
An Oscar for a Bollywood made film would be a belated recognition to one of the foremost film making industries in the world guage Film Award at Oscars, where only one picture was accepted from each country did not do justice to such a large industry, he observed in a statement. Academy, launched in 1927 and dedicated to the advancement of the arts and sciences of motion pictures, has over 6,000 artists and
Breakthrough's Executive Director, Mallika Dutt
nizations, to produce Restore Fairness, a powerful documentary that calls on the government to bring back due process to immigration in the United States. Restore Fairness features interviews with Members of Congress, Immigration Judges, and individuals directly affected by unfair immigration policies. Restore Fairness follows the successful launch of the groundbreaking video game ICED - I Can End Deportation (, and interactive website End Homeland Guantanamos (, two multimedia initiatives that have brought na-
recipient of the American Courage Award," said Dutt. "We hope that our collective efforts will result in new immigration policies that respect fundamental American values of fairness and due process." Breakthrough is an innovative, international human rights organization using the power of popular culture, media, and community mobilization to transform public attitudes and advance equality, justice, and dignity. Through initiatives in India and the United States, Breakthrough addresses critical global issues including violence against women, sexuality and HIV/AIDS, racial justice, and immigrant rights.
Sohan Joshi and Bhailal Patel
dent of Universal Society of Hinduism said that India had the largest film industry in the world and thus it deserved at least one category in Oscars where its movies could compete among themselves. This gesture would bring more credibility to Oscars also in the interna-
professionals as honorary members. India made film “Slumdog Millionaire” (Danny Boyle) was the best film at 81st ceremony in February last. Earlier, much hope was pinned on Lagaan but it did not get the coveted foreign film prize a few years ago.
October 9, 2009
Community Across America
India Post 15
AIA to celebrate Gandhi Jayanti MOHAMAMD GHOUSE
CHICAGO: Association of Indians in America (AIA) Chicago chapter has slated celebration of Gandhi Jayanti (the birth day of Mahatma Gandhi) on Sunday October 11 at Ashyana Banquet Hall in Downers Grove at 5 p.m.
Illinois Naren Patel, AIA president said that the guest speakers at the event will be Prof Kathleen D. Morrison of University of Chicago and Indian Consul General Ashok Kumar Attri. There will be a small cultural entertainment pro-
gram followed by dinner. Meanwhile, Indian Americans across Chicagoland have urged Montblanc, a globally renowned manufacturers of writing instruments, to donate a part of the profits generated from the just launched Mahatma Gandhi limited edition pens to charities involved in promoting Gandhi's works, and philosophy. These white-gold writing instruments depicting Gandhi holding lathi (cudgel), inspired by Gandhi's 241-mile 1930 Dandi March, are priced up to about $29,000, and include a hand-
AIA objects to ‘insulting’ film on Gandhi Cont’d from page 13
It describes Mahatma, icon of peace and non-violence wearing his trademark khadi dhoti and pinch-hitting for the New York Yankees in 1933. AIA is the only Indian American body in Chicagoland that has been celebrating the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi regularly every year in a grand style inviting guest speakers and community members to sustain Mahatma's legacy in the present day violence afflicted world. Describing Mahatma as a baseball player is not only disturbing emotionally but also insulting intellectually to a large number of his admirers and followers, says Naren Patel, AIA President. The short film is directed by Stephanie Argy (Scene) and Alec Boehm (Trailer Park of Terror), and is produced by Mental Slapstick. The script is penned by Chet Williamson, and it narrates the incident (totally fictional) of Mahatma pinch-hitting for Yankees and includes over 75 effects shots. Delfin Labao (Timeline) portrays Mahatma while Crystal Reel award winner Lee Perkins (The Whole Town is Sleeping) plays Mickey 'Black Mike' Cochrane (famous catcher/manager known for his fiery temper). Patel said that Mahatma is one of the most respected Indian figures among Americans here with leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. vowing to be his followers and the US President Barack Obama publicly saying that one of his dreams would be to have dinner with Mahatma. A film on Mahatma, Gandhi won Oscar laurels and grossed billions of dollars in revenue. He was on Time magazine covers in 1930, 1931, and 1947 and
was the Time Person of the Year in 1930. Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) however had never set his foot on American soil, and now to depict him as Yankee player is highly disturbing, Patel added. Prof. Ghanshaym Pandey, chairman of AIA Trustee Board, pointed out that Gandhi Ji was one of the few leaders in history to fight simultaneously on moral, religious, political, social, economic and cultural fronts. Further, there is a renewed interest world over in Mahatma
‘It describes Mahatma, icon of peace and non-violence wearing his trademark khadi dhoti and pinchhitting for the New York Yankees in 1933. Describing Mahatma as a baseball player is not only disturbing emotionally but also insulting intellectually to a large number of his admirers and followers’ Gandhi and his ideas. The need is to look deeper into Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence, his commitment to world peace, and his work for social harmony and of the downtrodden, he added AIA would again be hosting a big event celebrating the Mahatma's birth anniversary on October 11 on a big scale at Waterford Banquet Hall in Elm Hurst, a west side Chicago suburb, Naren Patel said.
Indian Americans across Chicagoland have urged Montblanc, to donate a part of the profits from the Mahatma Gandhi limited edition pens to charities
crafted rhodium plated 18-carat gold nib. Mahatma Gandhi, says Rajan Zed and Indian American from Nevada, worked for the welfare of all and in the same spirit, Montblanc should go beyond the mercantile consideration of making money and help the organizations working to spread Gandhi's message of peace and
welfare for the downtrodden. Montblanc, launched in 1906, and based in Hamburg (Germany) with operations in over 70 countries, has been known as maker of sophisticated highquality writing instruments, but it has now added luxury leather goods, jewelry, eyewear, fragrance and watches to its products list.
India Post
Community/New Jersey
October 9, 2009
Nurturing one Sikh child at a time India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: As the packed conference hall took a break, side conversations continued to excitedly flow about topics like The Importance of Language Education, Engaging Teenagers, School Bullying, Teaching Experiences and Mental Health in the School Setting. While these sound like the topics of an established best practices in education convention, the conversations marked the first time Sikhs across North America came together in an open forum to discuss issues related to Sikhi Education and establish a network linking together Khalsa School teachers, administrators, mental health professionals, and parents across USA & Canada. This Sikh Education Conference (SEC) pioneered by the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) took place on September 26-27 at Bridgewater Khalsa School in New Jersey, USA. The SEC, which Jasmine Kaur, SikhRI’s Director of Education & SEC lead, shares “aimed to facilitate a Sikh Educators Network to help Sikh educators at large work together on issues pertinent to Sikhi edu-
cation” was an extraordinary success! Focused on “Sikh Education: Road Map for the Next Decade”, this conference brought together over 80 current Sikh educators from California, New Jersey, Connecticut, Ohio, Minnesota, New York, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Texas, British Columbia, Ontario, and Alberta. Knowledgeable and engaging presenters from a variety of
This Sikh Education Conference (SEC) pioneered by the Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) took place on September 26-27 at Bridgewater Khalsa School in New Jersey, USA disciplines including mental health, Montessori education, research methods, language acquisition, counseling, teaching, and developmental specialists came together at the SEC. These presenters provided current edu-
cators with practical tools & trainings to inspire both children and other educators. “It was an amazing feeling watching participants’ eyes light up as something the presenters said really got through to them. It motivated me to see my parents’ generation so passionate about furthering education”, comments Jaspreet Singh, SikhRI intern & co-presenter for Ujjal Didar Singh Memorial Foundation in Los Angeles, CA. Kuldeep Singh (Sikh Youth Federation) served as keynote speaker for the conference and praised SikhRI for providing a fo-
rum where dialogue about education thrived. Achint Kaur, Sojhi/Education Council Lead at Bridgewater Khalsa School in Basking Ridge, NJ echoed those sentiments, “The SikhRI Sikh Education Conference has been, like all other SikhRI events, an immense, learning experience. If I can adopt an ounce of what I learnt from this conference, it would help me improve as a Sikh parent and teacher. It has been rewarding to also be able to meet people from other Khalsa school(s), hear their views, and exchange ideas. I look forward to more such opportunities.” Creativity and passionate conversations were the keystone to the SEC as attendees continued after the sessions to the Langar Hall and even car & plane rides back home. “I was absolutely blown away by their (the presenters) insights and thoughts as well as the content they were all sharing…. I wish I had double the time to digest that… I plan to go back and share this with all the faculty” expresses Ranjit Singh, School Coordinator from Guru Gobind Singh Academy in Norwalk. SEC made artistic classroom resources available for educators such as vendors
offering books & paintings as well as gifts of My Gurmukhi Khajana, published and created by SikhRI and Cultural Safari of Kaur Foundation. One highlight of the conference was three year old Bani Kaur singing a poem during a session on “Bringing Creativity to the Sikh Classroom”.
wonderful experience for all who attended. Thank you very much for your endless support for all of this.” says Baljinder Kaur from Vancouver, who serves on SikhRI Board of Advisors. “We would also like to thank all the inspiring presenters and the Sikh Spirit Foundation for their support in making this
Creativity and passionate conversations were the keystone to the SEC ‘I was absolutely blown away by their (the presenters) insights and thoughts as well as the content they were all sharing…. I wish I had double the time to digest that… I plan to go back and share this with all the faculty’ expresses Ranjit Singh, School Coordinator from Guru Gobind Singh Academy in Norwalk The two-day conference started with an Ardas and included time for getting together as a Sangat to do Rahiras Sahib. This atmosphere of Sangat and thankfulness is what made the conference such a success as everyone worked towards a common goal: Nurturing One Sikh Child at a Time. “I do not have the words to express our appreciation for the Bridgewater Khalsa School team. Under the leadership of Principal Sumandeep Kaur, and Vice-Principal Avtar Singh, all teachers & volunteers, the Gurduara Sahib Management committee as well as the Bridgewater Sangat made this a
education conference a reality,” she adds. Baljinder Kaur closed the conference on the note, “And may we not just imagine more conferences, but may we establish more institutions, firmly grounded in the Sikh way of life. Let us imagine North America’s first Sikh University, where we can train our teachers and future scholars. Let us envision a world where Sikh children are never bullied because Sikhi is taught in schools alongside other faiths. Let us shape a world where our bi-lingual children are eager to explore the treasure that is the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.”
Community Across America
October 9, 2009
India Post 17
Sitarist Adesh Widmar to NJ schools curriculum to include Sikhism perform in Chicago
Standards for all middle school students in the state: "Compare and contrast the tenets of various world religions (e.g., Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Taoism), their patterns of expansion and response to the current challenges of globalization."
CHICAGO: Sitar wizard Adesh Widmar will be performing in Chicago for the first time, offering two concerts at Unity in Chicago on Wednesday, October 14. The evening's performance, entitled
Illinois Songs of the Soul, celebrates the music of Indian spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy. The concerts are free. "Songs of the Soul" is a musical journey which celebrates the music of Sri Chinmoy. Adesh, ac-
Adesh Widmar
companied by his wife Ajita on tabla, performs in the classical Indian style, creating beautiful, improvisational creations based on Sri Chinmoy's melodies. In the spirit of Indian ragas, Adesh's style is very introspective; the listener is led into the spontaneous flow of meditation. His classical Indian interpretation fuses the exotic rhythms of ancient India with Sri Chinmoy's haunting melodies.
As part of a spiritual quest, Adesh studied Indian classical music with late P.V. Nandasiri, one of the most gifted musicians in Sri Lanka. In 1987, he became a student of Sri Chinmoy, which encouraged both his meditation and musical studies. Sri Chinmoy, who passed away on October 11, 2007, taught that music can be a vehicle to communicate spiritual consciousness. He believed that when music is created from the spiritual heart, then it can carry the listener beyond barriers of race, language and culture. "It is through music," he wrote, "that the universal feeling of oneness can be achieved in the twinkling of an eye." Sri Chinmoy himself performed more than 750 concerts free of charge at many prestigious venues. In a creative odyssey that included music, art, literature and sports, Sri Chinmoy composed a monumental total of 21,000 songs-13,000 of which were written in his native Bengali. Adesh uses Sri Chinmoy's melodies as a raga source and improvises with the songs in the Indian classical style. The blending of the ancient raga rhythms of India with Sri Chinmoy's haunting melodies creates beautiful seamless meditative improvisations. He began performing his music, accompanied by his wife Ajita on tabla and vocals in 1992, and has performed across Europe.
Hindu leaders to gather for Hinduism Summit India Post News Service
NEW JERSEY: The first ever Hinduism Summit (Hindu Dharma Sabha) in the NJ-NY-PA area will be held by the Forum for Hindu Awakening (FHA) and Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS), with sup-
New Jersey port from noteworthy Hindu and spiritual organizations on Kartik Shukla Shashthi 5111 (24 October 2009) at the Marathi Vishwa Community Center in NJ. The Summit aims to bring together Hindu leaders across the Tri-state area to foster education about Hinduism. This Hindu
Dharma Sabha follows the success of a recent similar Dharma Sabha held in Virginia by FHA, and over 100 such Dharma Sabhas held all over India by HJS. At this Summit, renowned Hindu leaders will speak on various topics including understanding the unique spiritual science and scientific history of Hinduism, awakening to the misconceptions about Hinduism, living Hindu concepts in daily life and preserving the sanctity of Hinduism from denigration and distortion. This ground breaking event will commence and conclude with auspicious recitations from the Vedas and ancient Hindu Scriptures, and will be webcast live from FHA and HJS sites.
New Jersey Sikh Coalition and sevadars meet with members from the Board of Education. India Post News Service
TRENTON, NJ: The New Jersey State Board of Education (NJBOE) has voted to adopt a state-wide curriculum standard that includes Sikhism. The adoption also marks the first time the Coalition has worked with the community to persuade a state to adopt curriculum standards that include Sikhism.
The Sikh Coalition has commended the State Board of Education and has urged all state Boards of Education to take similar measures. "This is an important first step towards ensuring that Sikh parents and students do not solely carry the burden of educating students on Sikhs and Sikh practices," it said. The NJBOE voted to adopt the following social studies Content
In New Jersey, Content Standards provide the basis by which local school districts create curriculum and lesson plans for their students. Local school districts also use the Content Standards as a guide to purchase the textbooks used in their schools. The adoption of this particular standard means that all New Jersey public school students must learn about Sikhism and its tenets in relation to other world faith traditions during middle school.
Community Across America
India Post
October 9, 2009
Enthralling 'Freedom Symphony' hosted by Sapna HARI RAO
CHICAGO: Sri Annamacharya Project of North America (SAPNA) hosted the Lakshminarayana Global Music Festival recently at Harris Theatre in Chicago in presence of large number of music lovers, both Indians and Americans. Titled Freedom Symphony, the music concert was presented by artists Dr L.Subramaniam, Kavita Krishnamurti, Leipzig Conductor Dr Michael Koehler with the newly formed Chicago Global Orchestra and Voice of Tomorrow Bindu Subramniam. They were accompanied by Violin virtuoso Ambi
Illinois Subramaniam, Mahesh Krishnamurthy on Mridangam and Satish Pathakota on Kanjira. The Chicago Global Orchestra was conceived and put together by Corky & Holly Siegel of Chamber Blues fame assisted by Doyle Armbrust as the Orchestra Coordinator and Aurelien Pederzoli as the Concert Master. Emcees Dr Viji Susarla and Mrs. Melina Adore welcomed the guests while the Founder- Chairman Dr Sriram Sonty introduced the SAPNA mission statement. He said that the objective is to preserve, promote, propagate & perpetuate Indian classical fine arts, and also the concept of the Center for Indic Cultural Traditions in Chicago towards which the proceeds from this concert will be used. Dr Saradapurna Sonty,
Artists with SANA founders Dr Sriram Sonty (Founder- Chairman -SAPNA), Kavita Krishnamurti Subramaniam, Dr L.Subramaniam (both artists), and Dr Sarada Purna Sonty (Founder- Executive Director -SAPNA)
Founder-Executive Director presented the concept of music as a healing modality for higher spiritual development and for a richer
Annamacharya of the 15th Century. They were accompanied by Ambi Subramaniam on violin, Mahesh Krishnamurthy on
The concert was started by Kavita Krishnamurti and Bindu Subramaniam with an invocation through a beautiful rendering of ‘Srimannarayana’ by Saint Annamacharya of the 15th Century. This was followed by the piece de resistance by Dr L.Subramaniam and Ambi Subramaniam ‘Brova Samayamide’ integration of peace and harmony. The concert was started by Kavita Krishnamurti and Bindu Subramaniam with an invocation through a beautiful rendering of "Srimannarayana" by Saint
Mridangam & Satish Pathakota on Kanjira. This was followed by the piece de resistance by Dr L.Subramaniam and Ambi Subramaniam "Brova Samayamide" a Tyagaraja Kriti in
Raga Gowri Manohari. This kriti was in the South Indian Carnatic Music form with improvisations by Dr L Subramaniam and Ambi Subramaniam as a violin duet. This duet elevated the audience to a musical ecstasy. The Second part of the concert included "Brandenburg Concerto No.3" by Johan Sebastian Bach played by the 30 member Chicago Global Orchestra conducted by the Leipzig Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor Dr Michael Koehler. This Western Symphony brought the audience to great harmonic heights. The main content of the program was "Freedom Symphony," a composition based on a unique
concept of taking Four Patriotic Themes from the four corners of India and weaving them into a powerful symphonic poem. There were Four short lyric extracts in four different Indian Languages (Jairam Jairam Jaijai Ram in Sanskrit, Raghupathi Raghava Rajaram in Hindi - Mahatma Gandhi's Favorite, Acchamille Achammille in Tamil by Subrahmanya Bharathiar , Jobi tale , a Bengali text by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore followed by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyaya's Vande Mataram). This 'Freedom Symphony' was rendered by Kavita Krishnamurti, Bindu Subramaniam (voices) assisted by the Chicago Global Orchestra conducted by Dr Michael Koehler and also the Indian percussionists. The concert concluded with Dr L Subramaniam's composition "Flight of the Humble Bee". Words of Gratitude were expressed by Jatinder Singh Bedi. This Freedom Symphony was supported in part by the Sonty Renaissance International (SRI) Foundation, Consulate General of India-Chicago, Jatinder Singh Bedi, Natya Dance Theater, Enfotech, Kalapriya Center for Indian Performing Arts, Sun Microsystems, Illinois Arts Council, Rama Advanced Music Academy, Bharathee Theertha, Kasinadhuni Foundation, Corky & Holly Siegel- Chamber Blues, India Classical Music Society and other individual donors.
3rd South Asia Heritage Fair big success ASHWIN PATEL
Shopping spree (Pics:
ST. LOUIS: The Third South Asia Heritage Fair was recently conducted at St. Charles Convention Center in St. Charles, MO and it met with grand Success. In spite of the economic downtime, public attendance was very encouraging. Variety of vendors participated in the event. Vendor stalls selling ethnic art,
handicrafts, jewelry, clothing and food were present. Cultural programs enthralled the audience. Carnatic Music by Mrs. Malathi Janardhana reflected the authentic musical treasure of South Asia. Children had more fun this time. Apart from the play area, couple of vendors sold children items.
Cultural event during SAH Fair in St. Louis
"It is good to see more people coming to the event every year" said Rao Chilakala, the organizer of South Asia Heritage Fair. He thanked all the people, vendors and sponsors for making the event successful. The event was sponsored by Mayuri India Restaurant and cosponsored by and
Shri Vardhaman Jewelers. A vendor from New Jersey who has set up dress and jewelry collection said, "We had a good business and we will be back next year". As every year, this event was supported by all the local businesses and South Asian organizations.
October 9, 2009
Community Across America
India Post 19
Jagran TV celebrates Navratra HARI RAO
CHICAGO: Jagran TV celebrated 1st Navratra Jagran on Sept 19 at Radhey Shyam Temple in Bloomingdale, conjointly with the temple. 101 families co-sponsored this devotional celebration. The Jagran started with Pooja at 6
jagdamba bhavani." Avi Varma was accompanied by the members of his Bhajan Group, Bhavna Sharma, Dharamvir Sharma, Veena Aghi and Ramesh Patel. The Navratra concluded with a final Jagran in Bloomingdale at Dharma
devotees from the Chicago Hindu community by holding Mata Rani Chowki at Shree Radhey Shyam Temple in Bloomingdale for the last eight years. There has never been a charge to have a Chowki at the Temple or at Devotee's home. He has hosted renowned Mata bhajan singers like Narender Chanchal, Geeta
Illinois Peshawaria, Lakhbir Singh Lakha and Narender Aanchal to the US in the past. He runs the only non commercial religious TV show Jagran TV in Chicagoland. He led the international protest to keep Tina Turner away from playing the role
Jagran at Radhey Shyam temple
of Maa Durga in Ismail Merchant's movie "The Goddess". The upcoming Jagran Prayers
Avi Verma holding live Deepak in his palm while singing bhajan.
pm and concluded at 11 pm. over 300 devotees attended the Jagran and sought the Goddess' blessings. Devotees performed traditional Garba dance with great fervor praying the Universal Mother to bless them as Avi Verma sang Maiya's glory in bhajans. Devotees joined the chorus and sang, "ab ke navrat mere angna padharo,
Vir's residence. Devotees from Devon Ave. also held a special Chowki at Indo American Center in Chicago on Sept 20. Avi Verma accompanied by Puran Lal Vyas on Dholak and Bipin Shah on Harmonium delighted the devotees by singing many songs in praise of the Mother. Avi Varma has been serving the
Brown University offers new Sanskrit program India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Brown University, an Ivy League private university located in Providence, Rhode Island is now offering a Ph.D. in Sanskrit Language and Literature in the Classics Department.
New York Also a new Ph.D. in South Asian Religions in the Department of Religious Studies has been approved in its Asian Religions Traditions track. Both new programs are accepting applications now for graduate study to begin in the Fall of 2010. Brown University has engaged
in the study and teaching of Sanskrit for over a century, but these two Ph.D. tracks in Classics and Religious Studies are new. The Brown Sanskrit program is now under the leadership of the Purandara Das Professor of Sanskrit in Classics, James L. Fitzgerald, a scholar of ancient Indian religions, literatures, and philosophies. Fitzgerald is a specialist in the ancient Indian epics, particularly the Mahabharata. He is joined by Senior Lecturer Peter Scharf, who is a specialist in Indian traditions of grammatical analysis (particularly the Pa?inian tradition), philosophy of language, and paleography.
Virtuoso sitarist
Adesh Widmar performs arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s music with Ajita Widmar on tablas
will be on Oct 9 at Bhartiya Temple Troy, Michigan and on Oct 31 at Evansville, Indiana.
India Post
Seniors attend 'India calling' show at the Bowl India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: A group of Indian seniors recently enjoyed the spectacular "India Calling!" program at the Hollywood Bowl. The Los Angeles Philharmonic presented this program which featured renowned musicians and dancers with strong ties to India. Maestro Ravi Shankar, Anoushka Shankar, Malkit Singh, Kailash Kher and other talented artists entertained over 15,000 guests. Rhythm of Rajasthan and Yogen's Bollywood Step Dance Troupe also dazzled on the festive stage. Details on page 21
Jatin Das' first one-man show in US
October 9, 2009
Dussehra celebrated with fervor at Fremont Temple India Post News Service
FREMONT: Dusshera was celebrated with religious fervor, gaiety and peace at Fremont Hindu Temple on September 28 amid
Pandit Govind Srinivasan performed the Aarti and Puja with Vedic mantras and shlokas and did the tilak to Ram. Over 500 people, attired in their festive best, witnessed the spectacular fireworks
India Post News Service
SAN FRANCISCO: Well-known Indian artist Jatin Das has mounted his first ever one-man show in the United States from Sept. 20 to Oct. 20 at The Artist Alley Gallery in downtown San Francisco. The art show is presented by the Consulate General of India in San Francisco. In a press release, the CGI says the prominent Indian artist Jatin Das has been painting for more than 45 years. Born in 1941 in Mayurbhanj, Orissa, India, Jatin studied at the Sir JJ School of Art, Bombay. In addition to being a professional artist, Jatin Das has lectured extensively at many art and architectural colleges and museums in India and abroad.
burning of an effigy of Ravana and presentation of Ramlila depicting the victory of good over evil. Children were dressed up as Ram, Laxman, Hanuman, Ravan
Details on page 22
Mahamati Prannath's path of universal religion MOHAN PRIYACHARYA
bout 400 years ago Mahamati Prannath had pleaded for religious harmony and put forward the concept of Universal Religion for the welfare of mankind. His teachings are still relevant in the present world and worthy of recalling on his birthday. Mahamati was born as Meheraj Thakur in the family of Keshav Thakur and Dhan Bai at Jam Nagar in the year 1618 AD. Since childhood he was very religious. He was blessed at the age of 12 years with Tartam Mantra by Sadguru Devchandra. For almost 25 years he concentrated hard on religious studies under the guidance of his guru. Details on page 23
and Ram Sena. Raj Bhutoria dressed up as Ram led the procession. Devotees chanted Jai Shri Ram and danced to the tune of dhol. The temple was colorfully deco-
rated and lighted. The 12 feet effigy of Ravan was built in the temple. Pandit Govind Srinivasan performed the Aarti and Puja with Vedic mantras and shlokas and did
the tilak to Ram. Over 500 people, attired in their festive best, witnessed the spectacular fireworks after the towering effigy came crashing to the ground. Temple Management Commit-
tee members Rajesh Verma, Ajay Bhutoria and Manorma Joshi highlighted the importance of the day and greeted the public. Devotees were served Preeti Bhoj in the temple kitchen.
October 2, 2009
India Post 21
Seniors attend 'India calling' show at the Bowl India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: A group of Indian seniors recently enjoyed the spectacular "India Calling!" program at the Hollywood Bowl. The Los Angeles Philharmonic presented this program which featured renowned musicians and dancers with strong ties to India. Maestro Ravi Shankar, Anoushka Shankar, Malkit Singh, Kailash Kher and other talented artists entertained over 15,000 guests. Rhythm of Rajasthan and Yogen's Bollywood Step Dance Troupe also dazzled on the festive stage. This memorable trip was organized by the Indo-American Senior Heritage organization, known as IASH. IASH promotes the educational, cultural and spiritual interests of South Asians residing in Southern California; in particular, the group fosters the social interaction of local South Asians over age 50. The IASH members who attended this show were duly impressed; they expressed gratitude for the presentation of such intoxicating Indian classical and folk music here in the U.S. It was an evening with moods which ranged from nostalgia for Sufi poetry to excitement for the modern fusion of international musical styles. The audience was galvanized by the dynamic Punjabi pop of Bhangra king Malkit Singh and soothed by Anoushka Shankar. Outside the amphitheater, a traveling village of Indian artisans
sold exquisite handicrafts and art. IASH organized member attendance for this event. They chartered a bus to the Hollywood Bowl which departed from Sanatan Temple on Sunday afternoon. The group arrived in advance of the show so that they could browse through the Indian arts village. A vegetarian dinner was provided by IASH on-site. IASH has a nominal membership fee and
The IASH members who attended this show were duly impressed; they expressed gratitude for the presentation of such intoxicating Indian classical and folk music here in the U.S offers many free programs to its members. The group usually meets twice a month for dinner and entertainment. They are able to provide such great services because they receive generous donations and the services of committed and energetic volunteers. For example, Mr. Raj Dhani and Mr. Ashok Desai led the volunteer effort for this India Calling! event.
Orange County college application essay workshop India Post News Service
GARDEN GROVE: The Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA) in partnership with Orange Coast College will presents Do The "Write" Thing: A College Application Essay Workshop. Youth will learn how to make their personal statement for college more lively, decide which topics are compelling and avoid common mistakes many college applicants make. Volunteers will be available to review personal statements. The workshop will be held at Orange Coast College (Fine Arts 116) at 2701 Fairview Road (cross street is Merrimac Way) in Costa Mesa on Saturday, October 17 from 10 am-12 pm. "Many brilliant youth in our community struggle with the college application process, especially on the essay portion. We want to create more opportunities, especially for our underserved communities in the Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander com-
munity, to realize their dreams of getting to college," said Mary Anne Foo, OCAPICA Executive Director.
‘Many brilliant youth in our community struggle with the college application process, especially on the essay portion. We want to create more opportunities, especially for our underserved communities in the Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander community’ The workshop is entirely free of charge through generous funding from Orange County United Way.
Sikh Arts & Film Festival from November 13 India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: Sikhlens offers its inaugural-and independent-Sikh Arts & Film Festival which will open with a ritzy gala on Friday November 13 in Tinsel Town's oldest and most
magnificent cinema venue, the exquisite Egyptian Theater. The three-day Festival celebrates Sikh culture and heritage and will offer a variety of avenues for contributors to share their alent. Cont’d on page 23
India Post
October 2, 2009
Sheriff launches 'Safe drug drop off program'
India Post News Service
LOS ANGELES: A new "Safe Drug Dropoff" program has been developed to provide an opportunity to residents to safely and anonymously drop-off expired or unused prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, syringes (sharps), and any other controlled substances. At the program launch at the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department's Lomita Station, Sheriff Lee Baca was joined by members of the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County and Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors, along with various city officials from the South Bay. The Sheriff's Department participated in the program to ensure that residents have a safe way to dispose of these items. It said in a press release, "The practice of flushing medicines down the drain can have an adverse impact on aquatic wildlife. Wastewater treatment plants are not able to test or treat for pharmaceuticals. Therefore, the drugs end up in our rivers, streams, lakes, groundwater systems and oceans. "Saving unused or expired medications can lead to improper and illegal use if they
fall into the wrong hands. Children and others may access these medications from medicine cabinets and either use them in-
cations to the designated drug drop-off box at Lomita Sheriff's Station. This 30-day pilot program will hope-
Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County and the Los Angeles County Department of Beaches and Harbors. "We have come together to prevent water pollution and waste pollution and
‘The practice of flushing medicines down the drain can have an adverse impact on aquatic wildlife. Wastewater treatment plants are not able to test or treat for pharmaceuticals’
appropriately, sell them or give to others for illegal and unintended uses." Sheriff Baca said a safer solution for the environment is to bring your old medi-
fully expand throughout each station in the county. The Sheriff’S department said, "This effort could not have been accomplished without the support of the
to propose a new way or alternative to dispose of illicit or prescription drugs and needles," stated Judy Mitchell, Mayor of Rolling Hills Estates. After the conclusion of the press conference, four eager individuals dropped off expired prescription drugs, including one person from the Torrance area.
Jatin Das' first one-man show in US India Post News Service
SAN FRANCISCO: Wellknown Indian artist Jatin Das has mounted his first ever one-man show in the United States from Sept. 20 to Oct. 20 at The Artist Alley Gallery in downtown San Francisco. The art show is presented by the Consulate General of India in San Francisco. In a press release, the CGI says the prominent Indian artist Jatin Das has been painting for more than 45 years. Born in 1941 in Mayurbhanj, Orissa, India, Jatin studied at the Sir JJ School of Art, Bombay. In addition to being a professional artist, Jatin Das has lectured exten-
sively at many art and architectural colleges and museums in India and abroad. He is the settler and founder Chairman of the JD Centre of Art, which is being built in Orissa. Several of his works have been donated to charity in India and abroad. Jatin Das has held more than 55 one-man exhibitions and is well known in India and England. In July this year, he held a show and completed a mural at the Chelsea Arts Club in London. Jatin Das has also done several murals and sculpture installations, including a mural in the Parliamentary Chambers of the Indian Legislature. He works in oil, watercolor, ink, graphics and
Jatin Das has held more than 55 oneman exhibitions and is well known in India and England conte. His works now feature in several public and private collections in India and abroad and have been auctioned by major international auction houses, including Sotheby's Christie's and Osian's. Jatin Das had his one-man shows in India, Dubai and UK during 2006 to 2009.
Indian artist Jatin Das
October 9, 2009
India Post 23
Mahamati Prannath's concept of universal religion MOHAN PRIYACHARYA
bout 400 years ago Mahamati Prannath had pleaded for religious harmony and put forward the concept of Universal Religion for the welfare of mankind. His teachings are still relevant in the present world and worthy of recalling on his birthday. Mahamati was born as Meheraj Thakur in the family of Keshav Thakur and Dhan Bai at Jam Nagar in the year 1618 AD. Since childhood he was very religious. He was blessed at the age of 12 years with Tartam Mantra by Sadguru Devchandra. For almost 25 years he concentrated hard on religious studies under the guidance of his guru. For further promulgation of the spiritual teachings he traveled far and wide in the country and abroad. He sailed to Basra and Baghdad (Iraq), Muscat (Oman) and Abbas (Iran) and Thattha Nagar (now in Pakistan). He journeyed extensively on foot to many places in India in the States of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Finally he settled at Panna in Central India and established Padmavati Dham there. His poetic verses of spiritual knowledge, numbering 18,758 in all, descended to him in a natural manner during his long journey from Jam Nagar to Panna. These verses are collected in 14 books, namely Ras Prakash, Shatritu, Kalash, Sanandh, Kirantan, Khulasa, Khilvat, Prikarma, Sagar, Sinagar, Sindhi, Maraphat Sagar and Kyamat Nama. In this literature he has severely condemned
the prevailing problems of society at large like untouchability, blind faith in religious rituals, caste system, arrogance and dif-
It will be a sumptuous treat that will light up all senses with a diverse assortment of films, books, art, performance pieces, and music that is "Sikh-centric." In a Press release, Sikhlens said, "To mark the 25th anniversary of the anti-Sikh riots of 1984, we will have a special dedication with rare photographs and independent documentaries on 1984 riots; and lectures and a panel discussion by es-
ent religions worship God by variety of names and also wear different dresses. Knowing well He is One still they fight with each other. All religious scriptures, despite being composed in different languages, propagate the concept of one God, yet the
It was Chhatrasal Bundela who became the disciple of Mahamati and carried forward the teachings of his guru. Mahamati blessed him and granted a bestowal of existence of diamond mines in that region. He also offered a sword to Chattrasal for fighting against injustice
Mahamati Prannath
ferentiation due to color and creed, spread all around are in the name of religion. The real gist of the religious teachings of love for mankind and
Sikh Arts & Film Festival from November 13 Cont’d from page 21
belief in one God are ignored. He strongly highlighted the necessity of creating feelings of endurance and awakening of the souls
teemed speakers from around the world. The festival premieres stirring documentaries, book signings by notable authors, creations from world-renowned artists, and a special event showcasing youth performing music, poetry, rap, and everything else their creative imagination can conjure. We want to prove that "Sikhs' Got Talent." You will also get a chance to take a piece of our culture home through a silent auction."
of everyone. In this connection he says, "The followers of differ-
people keep quarrelling." He has emphasized the importance of good behavior, fair dealings, vegetarianism and keeping away from bad habits of smoking, drinking etc. About enlightenment of inner self he has written, "If you do not have good feelings in your heart there is no point in taking bath
with water again and again to keep the physical body clean." Mahamati called upon a number of rulers, masses at the large, the sages and the intellectual persons of that time to join in his mission. At that time the throne of Delhi was occupied by Aurangazeb. Mahamati made earnest efforts to convince the emperor about the true meaning of the Quran. The emperor had a meeting with him but was not prepared to renounce the Islamic rituals. Mahamati tried to awaken king Jam Ranamalji of Jamnagar, Jaswantsingh Rathor of Jodhpur, Rajsingh Rana of Udaypur, Bhavsingh of Aurangabad and Chhatrasingh of Ramnagar. It was Chhatrasal Bundela who became the disciple of Mahamati and carried forward the teachings of his guru. Mahamati blessed him and granted a bestowal of existence of diamond mines in that region. He also offered a sword to Chattrasal for fighting against injustice. Mahatma Gandhi was also inspired by the teachings of Mahamati Pran Nath. The popular song recited in the prayer meetings of Gandhiji "Iswhar Allah tero naam, sabko sanmati de bhagwan" carried the same message as advanced by Mahamati "Soi Khuda soi Brahma". Putli Bai, the mother of Gandhiji was a follower of Pranami faith and the lessons taught by her to Gandhiji were close to his heart all through his life.
Bebo -Do Knot Disturb
1 Jao Na - Whats Your Raashee
2 Koi Na Koi Chahe - Radio
7 Chiggy Wiggy - Blue
3 Iktara - Wake Up Sid
8 Maula Unplugged - Baabarr
4 Vaada Raha - Vaada Raha
9 Kyon - All The Best
5 Dont Say Alvida - M A Mrs Khanna
10 Ji Jala - Pankh
India Post
October 9, 2009
riends turning foes and vice versa is not uncommon in Bollywood. The relationship between Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan turned sour after the clash at Katrina Kaif's birthday last year. However, Salman surprised everyone on his television show 10 Ka Dum by heaping praise on his arch rival. He said that Shahrukh is the best when it comes to romantic scenes. He added that the intensity in his eyes is really romantic and could make anybody go crazy. As if that is not enough, he went on to say that Shahrukh is great professionally. Generally, people in Bollywood are like politicians. They don't let their hearts speak and in fact say what circumstances dictate. Salman however is a plain speaker and doesn't give the whole world a damn. So it must not come as a surprise when he decided to praise his archrival whom he has called every name during the last so many years. It may be a turning point in Indian cinema. If SRK decides to reciprocate, their animosity may come to an end. And well, by some chance we may be able to see them again together in a new blockbuster!
ormer Miss India Sayali Bhagat won't need to stretch her acting skills too far in her next movie as she will be playing a glamorous actress! Rapidly developing a reputation in comedy following her role in Paying Guest, which starred Shreyas Talpade and also featured Celina Jaitley, Riya Sen and Neha Dhupia, Sayali's next movie Chaloo is also a comedy. Well known for her social activism, Sayali has raised a good deal of money for mobile hospitals and orphans. She recently attended a charity function in Uganda where she presented a cheque to the Ugandan Prime Minister Dr Appolo Nsimbabi. "I have been to South Africa but Uganda is so unlike the perception we have of Africa," she says, "People were so warm and friendly. Also in my speech, I mentioned that I envy people and other Indians living there as they have an opportunity to live so close to nature, eat fruits and vegetables without fertilizers and pesticides and live without pollution. I earned a lot of respect being an Indian, as they love Mahatma Gandhi."
riyanka Chopra is idolized by millions around the globe yet who is it that the actress herself sees as her idol? It's none other than the King of Bollywood, Shahrukh Khan of course. "Shahrukh Khan is my idol and has always been. He has been a favorite actor of course, but I really look up to him also as a person. Looking at where he came from and how he became who he is today, I find it extremely fascinating," Priyanka said in a recent interview. The stunning ex-model went on to explain that she admires him for how he made it in a notoriously difficult industry which often relies on nepotism. "He started with theatre, did plays, got a break in TV - he turned from a regular college kid to a mega superstar... and all that completely on his own with no help from anybody in the film industry. I admire a lot about him and I think it's just fantastic," said the actress who has bagged the youth award icon for entertainment. The actress starred with SRK in the remake of Don and hopefully their next joint project is not too far.
October 9, 2009
India Post
oha has finally eaten her words. In Vishesh Films production 'Tum Mile', Soha Ali Khan has given in to director's demand to kiss the hero, Emraan. Unwilling, she went ahead to smooch Emraan as the script required the pair to do so. The director, Kunal Deshmukh, said that the actress was initially very reluctant to do it but she later agreed. "I told Soha at the outset that the script demanded a kissing scene since the couple are into a livein relationship and they need to look romantically involved, so she agreed to do the kissing scene," said the director. However, after finishing the kiss scene, the director realized that one more scene needed a kiss. Describing the incident, Soha said, "I had reservations as this was the first time but after discussions with the director, we went ahead with it. It wasn't in the script, that's why it took me by surprise. But it is a very sweet, tame kiss and is shot in good taste." 'Tum mile' tells the story of lovers who are caught in the 2005 Mumbai deluge.
hey are both showing off their well-toned body in their movie 'Dil Bole Hadippa.' While Shahid is sporting a bare-chest within an open shirt, Rani grabbed headlines with her sizzling image makeover in the movie's music video. Shahid was really gaga over
ollywood Superstar couple Abhishek and Aishwarya Bachchan seem to be making it pretty big on the international scene by appearing together at various events around the world, be it at premieres or at the Cannes festival or even on talk shows. This time though the couple were on Oprah Winfrey's 'Meet the Most Famous People in the World.' "They stopped production on eight major movies and flew eight thousand miles to be here for their first ever television interview together. The movie star couple more famous than anybody else in the world - even more than Brad and Angelina ... anybody," the queen of talk shows told the audience while introducing the couple.
Rani's change and very much awed at her slim figure. And the charming actress seemed to have shared her secret. Yoga. Shahid said that now he is willing to take the path of yoga hereafter. Rani has inspired him to get into Yoga. "When I saw the way Rani looks now, I was awestruck. It's amaz-
ing how yoga can help you get such a great body. It is natural and thus healthier than any other form of training. I think power yoga will help me relax and become more flexible since I'm a dancer too," Shahid stated. Rani has also suggested to the actor her personal yoga instructor, Payal Gidwani.
India Post
India Post News Service
silhouettes and elaborate embroidery squired seductive hues and mesmerizing cuts to evoke a celebration of femininity steeped in rich indulgence. Dharmendra, the iconic Hindi-cinema hero, had the audience in raptures as he walked the ramp during the fashion show of Sahil Collection in tribute to the memory of Nargis Dutt. He wooed the crowd with his quirky dances and walked again to
NEW YORK: The Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation's 28th Annual Fundraising Dinner on Sept 20, at Marriott Long Island, New York was an evening of glamour, opulence and extravagance. Fashionhouse Sahil's Timeless Fashion Show themed 'Moulin Rouge' perfectly captured the excess of 18th century Paris. Classy
October 9, 2009
continue to hold a special place in my heart." Trishala, daughter of Sanjay Dutt also joined Dharmendra on the stage with her grandfather Kailash Sharma, also the honorary president of the foundation, she cited, "This has been the best year so far for the Foundation and we have raised 30% more money from last year." Commenting on
Dharmendra walking the ramp at the Nargis Dutt Memorial Foundation on September 20 in New York
Pics Gunjesh Desai
what provocative, the flamboyant costumes characterized the culture of belle ĂŠpoque Paris. This medley of Broadway, Tango, Ballet and Jazz together with the stars was the brainchild of Shruti Tiwari of MediaSphere, an integrated PR and Event Management firm.
Dharmendra walking the ramp with Pooja Batra
the beats of his most memorable songs. The show-stopper was Bollywood actress/model Pooja Batra. Extending support for this benevolent cause of cancer care, Dharmendra articulated, "Today I am here to represent the charitable foundation instituted by Sunil Dutt. This organization was a dream of Nargis Dutt, later materialized into reality by her husband, Sunil Dutt." Brimming with emotion he continued, "Both Sunilji and Nargisji cherished me as a brother; they
participation from common people, Trishala said, "You can be a part of the foundation by attending the gala, donation, or getting involved with the activities of the Foundation. Everyone is free to volunteer if they want to be involved." One of the highlights was a dazzling performance of modernized Can-Can dance by Rujuta Vaidya, a leading influence in contemporary Bollywood dance in unison with Pranav Tailor, runway choreographer. Intended to be a little risquĂŠ, and some-
Bhavesh Patel CEO of Sahil Collection, walks with Pooja Batra
October 9, 2009
India Post
Sikhs colors come alive at film festival
His Excellency Ambassador Hardeep Singh Puri, Indiaís Ambassador to the UN and his wife Lakshmi Puri presenting the award for Leadership to Analjit Singh Founder & Chairman Max India Group of Companies at the Cipriani Gala Dinner
Renowned painter MF Husain at the Asia Society, flanked by Harmeet Bharara, Gala Chairperson on the left and Hansdip Bindra, Marketing Chairperson and Shruti Tiwari Publicist of SIFF India Post News Service
NEW YORK: Over a thousand guests witnessed firsthand the rich and vibrant traditions, culture
val at the Asia Society on Park Ave on Sept 18. This was followed by the Feature Session where prominent British artists - The Singh Twins presented 1984 and the Via
PILLARS OF THE SIKH ART & FILM FOUNDATION: (L-R) Presidetn Teji Bindra, Film Festival Chairperson Dr Paul Johar, Foundraising Chairperson Mandeep Sobti along with Gala Chairperson Harmeet Bharara on September 18 Opening Night Gala at Asia Society
and heritage of the Sikhs over the September 18-19 weekend in New York City. Hosted by the Sikh Art & Film Foundation, the Sikh International Film Festival and Heritage Gala were completely "Sold Out" events, second year in a row. The festivities started off with filmmakers, celebrities, artists and jury members walking the Red Carpet Reception for the Film Festi-
Dolorosa Project to mark the 25th anniversary of the genocide in India when thousands of innocent Sikhs were killed in the aftermath of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's assassination. This somber and emotionally charged film was followed by the first documentary funded by the Sikh Art & Film Foundation - an upbeat World Premiere of Flying
Sikhs: A History of Sikh Fighter Pilots, directed by the acclaimed Navdeep Kandola. This film documented the valiant contributions of Sikhs towards the Allies victories in WW I & II. Flying Sikhs reminded the audience that Sikhs with their characteristic turbans were at the forefront of defending the freedoms and liberties of the western world, while sixty years later in the present US armed forces Sikhs cannot serve for the very same reason - the turban. Capping off the screening of thirteen great films over the two days was the closing night Heritage Gala at the luxurious Cipriani Wall Street hosted by the talented PBS World Focus news anchor Daljit Dhaliwal. The highlight of the festival was the award presentation for the best films as well as for community leadership. Explaining the success of the Film Festival this year, Hansdip Bindra, Marketing Chairperson said, "We built on the tremendous success of last year by further expanding our partnerships, online and new media presence to reach out to the targeted audience. We had guests who flew out all the way to NYC from southern Cali-
Boogie Woogie Chalo America is back India Post News Service
NEW YORK: In its seventh year running in America, Sony Entertainment Television Asia (SET Asia) will present the opportunity for those who think they can dance to participate in the prestigious and most entertaining dance competition - Boogie Woogie Chalo America. It all begins with the New York Finals at the South Street Seaport Deepavali Festival in New York City on Oct 4.
Last year, the competition was held in ten locations throughout the US. This year, in addition to New York City, the local finals will take place in: New Jersey, Chicago/ Illinois, North Carolina, Connecticut & New England, Florida, Dallas, TX, Michigan, Washington, DC, San Francisco/ Northern California, Los Angeles/Southern California and Houston, TX. A winner each from the junior category and senior categories will be chosen at each location. The next step for the lucky two are the
National Finals in Chicago, where juniors and seniors will try to dance their way to the prestigious International Finals taking place in London. The winners from the International Finals will join the 2008 hall of fame winners, Sagar Patel from California who won the junior category dancing to Bachna Ae Haseeno and Tandav music and the senior category winner, Tershalya Pillay from South Africa who danced to a medley of Nimbooda and Kahe Ched Mohe.
Shelley & Donald Rubin, Co-Founders & Chairs, Rubin Museum of Art receiving award in Vision Category from Thomas P. DiNapoli, Comptroller of New York State on right along with Mr Teji Bindra President of the foundation
fornia and Chicago for the weekend events! The Sikh International Film Festival has established itself
as the worldwide leader for showcasing independent films about the Sikh Diaspora."
KIRANíS PAINTINGS: Chitramayee State Gallery of Fine Arts, Hyderabad organized the show ëThe Great Indian Desertí displaying the artworks of Kiran Soni Gupta, artist, writer and an activist administrator. She is presently Divisional Commissioner, Jaipur in Rajasthan. The show was inaugurated by Governor of Andhra Pradesh N D Tiwari on September 22
Realty Tidbits
Raymond to enter real estate biz
MUMBAI: Shareholders of Raymond, which is mainly into textile business, have approved the company's move to enter the real estate sector. The shareholders passed a resolution to this effect through postal ballot, Raymond said in a filing with the Bombay Stock Exchange. The shareholders passed special resolution under Section 17 of the Companies Act, 1956, to amend the Object Clause of the company to include "Real Estate Development" as a business. Shares of the company closed at Rs 208.50, down 1.58 per cent from the previous close on the BSE. -PTI
DB Realty to raise Rs 1,500 cr NEW DELHI: Mumbai-based real estate developer DB Realty will raise Rs 1,500 crore through an initial public offer and has filed the draft prospectus with market regulator SEBI for the same. DB Realty is into developing residential and commercial projects, including parks and villas. Sources said the company intends to offload 10 per cent of its equity and has filed the Draft Red Herring Prospectus (DRHP), joining the club of players in the sector who collectively are looking at raising over Rs 11,000 crore from the capital market. The issue would also comprise a green shoe option of up to 10 per cent. Realty players like Sahara Prime City, Emaar MGF and Lodha have filed DRHPs to raise over Rs 11,000 crore. -PTI
Ansal Properties allots 2.91 cr shares
MUMBAI: Real estate developer Ansal Properties & Infrastructure Ltd has said its shareholders have approved allotment of over 1.26 crore equity shares to Mauritius-based firm IPRO Funds Ltd on a preferential basis. The shareholders also gave their permission to allot 1.65 crore equity shares to promoters on preferential basis at its 42nd annual general meeting. The shareholders passed a resolution to pay a dividend of 50 paisa per equity share of Rs 5 each for the year ended March 31, 2009, it said. The AGM also gave its nod to re-appoint Lalit Bhasin and P R Khanna as directors liable to retire by rotation, it said. -PTI
Real Estate 28 India Post
October 9, 2009
MoU signed for protecting heritage buildings AHMEDABAD: Gujarat Institute of Housing and Real Estate Developers (GIHED) has signed an MoU with the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation for preservation of heritage buildings in the walled city. "MOU was signed between GIHED President Shekhar Patel and Municipal Commissioner AMC I P Gautam for creation of Ahmedabad Heritage Foundation (AHF), a body that would undertake preservation of heritage buildings in the walled city," former GIHED president Jaxay Shah said. -PTI
Bailout can help you buy a home STEVE MCLINDEN
he primary feature of the housing portion of the 2009 Obama economic stimulus package features an $8,000 firsttime homebuyer refundable tax credit for qualifying buyers who purchase a home between Jan. 1, 2009 and Dec. 1, 2009. The total tax credit a homebuyer can get in this initiative is equal to 10 percent of the purchase price, or a maximum of $8,000 -- to get the full $8,000 credit, the property must cost at least $80,000. This is a refundable tax credit, which is far better than a tax deduction. If the total taxes you owe the IRS for the year -- whether withheld from your pay or not -are less than $8,000, you will get a refund for the balance. As an example, if you buy a house as a first-time buyer for say $85,000, you are entitled to an $8,000 tax credit. If your total tax owed for the year is $10,000 and
you've already paid in $6,000 (still owe $4,000) you will not have to pay the $4,000 and you will get another $4,000 refunded to you. "If you have been thinking about buying your first home, I can't think of a better time to do so," says mortgage expert Rodney
an interest-free loan that required repayment over 15 years. That was not widely utilized, in part because it was voluntary for banks. Because the new Stability Initiative rewards banks for participating, the new credit is becoming widely available, Anderson says.
Married couples making less than $150,000 in modified adjusted gross income -- with some sliding reductions beyond that income total -- are eligible. Both spouses must be firsttime homeowners Anderson, managing partner of Plano, Texas-based Rodney Anderson Lending Services. Anderson says the program differs greatly from last year's $7,500 housing tax-credit program for firsttime buyers, which was essentially
Basics of the tax-credit plan • Married couples making less than $150,000 in modified adjusted gross income -- with some sliding reductions beyond that income total -- are eligible. Both spouses must be first-time homeowners,
however. For unmarried people making a joint purchase, only one party (the claimant) must be a firsttime homeowner • Individuals making less than $75,000 in taxable income are eligible, with sliding reductions above that. • Participants can't have owned a principal residence in the last three years. Individuals who have owned a rental or vacation home in that period may still qualify. • Condos, town homes, newconstruction homes and mobile homes qualify. • Participants can get the tax credit for the purchase on either their 2009 or 2008 taxes. Owners can move this savings into the 2008 tax year even if they've already filed for the year, by amending their returns (IRS Form 5405). "That way, homeowners can use this early credit to help fund their home purchases," Anderson says.
Parsvnath raises Rs 168 cr through QIP NEW DELHI: Realty firm Parsvnath Developers has raised 35 million dollars (about Rs 168 crore) through private placements of shares to reduce its debt and complete ongoing projects. Parsvnath raised 35 million dollars through qualified institutional placements (QIP) route, which was launched last week, sources
In the last few months, many realty firms have raised funds through QIPs to improve their cash flow
Omaxe to invest Rs 1,500 cr in 4 projects NEW DELHI: Realty firm Omaxe has said it will develop four new housing projects at an investment of Rs 1,500 crore over the next three years and is mulling increasing prices of existing projects within three months. "We will launch four projects in the next two months... Our plan is to develop a total of about 2,000 units in these projects," Omaxe Chairman and Managing Director Rohtas Goel told reporters on the sidelines of a National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) event here. The company would launch the projects in Faridabad, Indore, Allahabad and Chandigarh within
the next two months and it has already acquired the land. "The total investment will be about Rs 1,500 crore and we are expecting a revenue realization of Rs 2,300 crore over the next 30 months," Goel said. The National Capital-based company would consider increasing the prices of its products within this year. "I guess demand will be such that I may have to raise prices in my existing projects within this year," Goel said. Asked about the quantum of possible price hike, he said it would be in single-digit, but "in future, it may be more". -PTI
said. The QIP was launched at Rs 121.25 per share, they added. Earlier, Parsvnath had said that it would raise 100-150 million dollars in the first phase. The company's board of directors had approved raising of up to Rs 2,500 crore through various instruments. Parsvnath will utilize the funds raised through QIP to cut debt, which stands at about Rs 1,600 crore, and complete the existing projects, sources said. The company aims to reduce debt to about Rs 600-700 crore by the end of this fiscal.
Parsvnath has a land bank of about 193 million sq ft, of which 80 million sq ft are under construction. It operates in all the verticals of real estate, including housing, retail, offices, SEZs, hotels and integrated townships. In the last few months, many realty firms have raised funds through QIPs to improve their cash flow. Unitech, the country's secondlargest developer, raised 900 million dollars in two tranches. DLF promoters sold nearly 10 per cent stake in the company to raise about Rs 4,000 crore. -PTI
warka is situated in the extreme west of the Indian state of Gujarat in the Saurashtra peninsula on the Arabian Sea. It lies on 20°22' north latitude and 69°05' east longitude. The city is built on the right bank of Gamut creek. Dwarka is an important pilgrimage center. It is steeped in legends, being associated with the life of Lord Krishna. In Puranic times, present-day Dwarka was known as Kushasthali or Dwaravati and enjoyed pride of place as the most important spot on the Saurashtra coast. It is said that Lord Krishna, after slaying Kansa, left his abode at Mathura and traveled with the entire Yadava community to the coast of Saurashtra where he founded a town and named it Swarnadwarika. Vajranabh, Lord Krishna's successor and great grandson, is believed to have built the present temple Dwarakanath, also called Trilok Sundar. Many Hindus fervently believe that the temple was erected in one night by a supernatural agency, under Vajranabh's direction.
29 India Post
October 9, 2009
Lord Krishna's city lies buried under the sea. Excavations have revealed that the sea swallowed five settlements, the present-day Dwarka being the sixth in line
WARKA Steeped in legends of Lord Krishna
Legend has it that when dying, Lord Krishna asked his devotees to leave Swarnadwarika so that the sea could engulf it. Until this day, Lord Krishna's city lies buried under the sea. Excavations have revealed that the sea swallowed five settlements, the present-day Dwarka being the sixth in line. In this region, the original inhabitants are said to be Kabas, Modas, and Kalas, The Kabas and Modas now seem to be extinct, but the present-day Vaghers are said to have descended from the Kabas. Tourists attractions: The temple of Dwarkadheesh, also known as Jagat Mandir,
is built on the north bank of the Gomti Creek. The temple dates back to 2,500 years. Architecturally the temple is constructed on the same plan and system as most of the Hindu sacred edifices of antiquity. Sixty columns support the roof of the audience hall of the Jagat Mandir. The main temple is five-story high with the lavishly carved conical spire rising to a height of 157 feet. There is the one-meter tall, four-handed black idol of Ranchhodrai, the ruler of Dwarika. Amongst the large number of temples belonging to different periods in the history of Dwarka, the most popular with pil-
grims is the temple of Rukmini, Lord Krishna's wife, who is considered an incarnation of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and beauty. In addition to its temples and legends, Dwarka is also sanctified as the seat of Adi Shankaracharya, who established four seats (muths) in four different directions in the country. Research work in Sanskrit is carried on at the Shankaracharya's seat known as Sharad Peetha. Places Around: Thirty-two kilometers from Dwarka lies Shankhoddar Island. Also known as Bet Dwarka or Dwarika isle or Ramandip, this island is supposed to be the place where Lord Krishna and his family
lived. Dwarika isle is also believed to be the spot where Lord Vishnu slew the demon Sankhasura. The temple of Ranchhodrai stands on the island, as does the Matsyavatar Temple. Pilgrims are ferried to and from the island in boats manned by boatmen who claim a long lineage. Near the island is the ancient Gopi Lake and further ahead lies Dwarikavan or forest of Dwarka. In the forest is located the famous Naagnath (Shiva) Temple. It is recorded in the Purana (ancient texts) that 12 jyotirlingas or columns of light representing Lord Shiva manifested themselves in different parts of the country. Cont’d on page 30
British Airways takes US travel agents to Hyderabad A.Q. SIDDIQUI INDIA POST NEWS SERVICE
US Travel Agents in Hyderabad with British Airways Director Sales Marie Hilditch & Consumer Sales Manager John Richey (extreme right), George Jacob and Shahrukh both of Greaves Travel
CHICAGO: British Airways led a team of travel agents from major cities across North America selling Hyderabad destination to a familiarization(FAM) trip to the City on the occasion of Jumatulvida (last Friday of Ramadan). Hyderabad, the historic South Indian city, has a fascinating look for visitors throughout the holy month of Ramadan. The last few days of Ramadan including the last Friday (Jumatul-Vida) are full of activities. Both side streets from fa-
mous Charminar to Medinah building are encroached by shopping stalls and inhibited for vehicular traffic. It is a human melee around Charminar that remains till midnight on last few days of Ramadan as thousands turn up for Eid and festive shopping. Muslims and nonMuslims throng to Charminar for the festival shopping. The Indian American travel agents hailing from different cities of India, except Siddiqui of Evia Travel an Air India Hyderabad employee, were stunned to see the crowd at Charminar and famous Mecca Masjid. Cont’d on page 30
Travel & Hospitality Post
India Post
October 9, 2009
British Airways takes US travel agents to Hyderabad Cont’d from page 29
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The Jumatul-Vida (last Friday of Ramadan) was a ritualistic experience for all. Evia Travel Inc Chicago was among the invited agents. The travel agents were amazed to see the Hindu-Muslim culture of Hyderabad in the month of Ramadan. The Haleem - a special dish prepared only in the month of Ramadan was a unique treat for the visitors. The Hyderabad destination selling travel agents were flown from New Jersey, New York, Washington, Miami, Houston and Chicago to London and boarded the London to Hyderabad non-
stop flight. As soon as the London to Hyderabad flight was air borne, an announcement was made in En-
The Haleem - a special dish prepared only in the month of Ramadan was a unique treat for the visitors glish and Hindi for Muslim passengers advising that they can break Ramadan fast on board at 5.30 pm U.K. time as reflected on
their watches. This announcement reflected British Airways' concern for the travelers and fostered its unmatched customer service. Later at the end of FAM Trip British Airways Sales officers Marie and John held an exclusive meeting with travel agents and exchanged views to promote sales and tourism to Hyderabad. The trip was sponsored by British Airways' handling agent Greaves Travel. Geroge Jacob and Shahrukh from Greaves Travel led the team of travel agents. British Airways offers convenient connections from all major US cities to its LondonHyderabad non-stop flight.
Dwarka: Steeped in legends of Lord Krishna Cont’d from page 29
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The jyotirlinga is enshrined in the temple of Naageshwar Mahadev and attracts thousands of pilgrims all through the year. Fairs & Festivals: Janmashtami (birthday of Lord Krishna), celebrated in the month of August/ September, is a major festival of Dwarka. How to Reach Rail - Dwarka is a station on the Ahmedabad-Okha broadgauge railway line, about 137 km from Jamnagar, 217 km from Rajkot and 378 km from Ahmedabad. Road - A state highway with Jamnagar and Okha also connects it. Air - Nearest airport is Jamnagar, from where flights for Mumbai can be taken. Luxury coaches are available from Dwarka to other important cities of Gujarat. Best time to visit: October to March
Travel & Hospitality Post
October 9, 2009
Adventurers reach Nepal from Goa in auto rickshaws KATHMANDU: Some 128 adventurers from 13 countries, including India, have reached Pokhra, a famous tourist city, after covering a distance of 3,000 km from Goa in auto rickshaws to promote Nepal as a popular tourist destination. The tourists, participating in a rally organized by UK based League of Adventurists, arrived in the city situated in the foothills of Fish Tail Mountain, for two days. Nepal targets to attract around one million tourists before its Tourism Year in 2011, an official at Tourism Board here said. There are plans to raise 60,000
sterling pound from the tour to be spent on aid activities against hu-
Nepal targets to attract around one million tourists before its Tourism Year in 2011, an official at Tourism Board here said man trafficking in Nepal and to help a water project in India, said
Neeraj Lama, the convener of the tour, who hails from Darjeeling. "We have organized the event to have experience of all types of environment and for sight seeing purposes," he said. Meanwhile, tourists in the country are facing tough time in view of the short supply of paper currency by the Central Bank of Nepal to Automated Teller Machines. Besides, China has stepped up security measures, especially along the Tibet border, in the face of its 60th anniversary and restricted movement of tourists into Tibet. -PTI
AP plans film tourism projects in state HYDERABAD: Andhra Pradesh Tourism Ministry is contemplating starting film tourism projects in the state and it will soon hold official discussion in this regard, State Tourism Minister J Geeta Reddy said here. "We have several picturesque locations to take up film shootings and with a view to start film tourism projects a meeting of officials and film industry will be convened soon," Reddy said addressing a program on 'World Tourism Day' celebrations and 'Presentation of Awards for Excellence in Tourism' organized by the AP Department of Tourism here. She said the government had decided to develop 43 sites at irrigation projects taken up under 'Jalayagnam' as tourism spots by creating ba-
sic infrastructure for tourists. The much-awaited 'Night Bazaar' which offers a complete shopping experience and a wide range of cuisine, would shortly be in-
augurated by Chief Minister K Rosaiah at Shilparamam here, the Minister said adding that the bazaar would be kept open from 3 pm to 3 am. -PTI
India Post
October 9, 2009
India Post
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„ Health
Allegheny County forced to cut no smoking programs
PITTSBURGH: A lack of state funding is forcing a halt to most of Allegheny County's smoking cessation programs. Tobacco Free Allegheny says it's facing a 50 percent cut in state funds, so it plans to dismantle nine of its 12 contracted programs. Executive director Cindy Thomas said that tobacco prevention and cessation programs statewide will again see a reduction in the share of money they get as part of a settlement with the tobacco industry. She says the programs reduce health care costs, because there are fewer tobacco-related diseases when people quit the habit. -AP
„ Report examines Neb. impact if health reform fails WASHINGTON: A new report projects that if federal policymakers don't enact health care reforms, health care costs and the number of uninsured people in Nebraska would surge over the next decade. Within 10 years, as many as 293,000 Nebraskans could be uninsured, up from 220,000 this year. That's according to a report released from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a philanthropic organization that supports health care reform. The report says health care spending could rise as much as 60 percent over the decade for the average Nebraskan. -AP
„ New Jersey prepares to meet flu resurgence NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ: In anticipation of the arrival of the swine flu vaccine, more than 250 New Jersey health officials and emergency responders are meeting to prepare their response to a possible resurgence of cases this fall. The meeting in New Brunswick is the fifth and final pandemic influenza workshop sponsored by the state Department of Health. Health officials expect to start receiving vaccines sometime this month. Gov. Jon Corzine has said New Jersey will guarantee free swine flu vaccines to the state's 1.3 million uninsured residents. The state's largest health insurers also have said they will cover members' costs for getting a swine flu shot. -AP
Health Science 34
India Post
October 9, 2009
Panel rejects govt health insurance option WASHINGTON: In a long-anticipated showdown, liberal Democrats twice failed to inject a government-run insurance option into sweeping health care legislation taking shape in the Senate, despite bipartisan agreement that private insurers must change their ways. - AP
More than half million kids get bad drug reactions CHICAGO: More than half a million US children yearly have bad reactions or side effects from widely used medicines that require medical treatment and sometimes hospitalization, new research shows. Children younger than age 5 are most commonly affected. Penicillin and other prescription antibiotics are among drugs causing the most problems, including rashes, stomachaches and diarrhea. Parents should pay close attention when their children are started on medicines since ``first-time medication exposures may reveal an allergic reaction,'' said lead author Dr. Florence Bourgeois, a pediatrician with Children's Hospital in Boston. Doctors also should tell parents about possible symptoms for a new medication, she said. The study appears in October's Pediatrics.
It's based on national statistics on patients' visits to clinics and emergency rooms between 1995 and 2005. The number of children treated for bad drug reactions each year was mostly stable during that time, averaging 585,922. Bourgeois said there were no deaths resulting from bad reac-
ing ear infections, strep throat, depression and cancer. Among teens, commonly used medicines linked with troublesome side effects included birth control pills. Bad reactions to these pills included menstrual problems, nausea and vomiting. Children younger than 5 ac-
Children younger than age 5 are most commonly affected. Penicillin and other prescription antibiotics are among drugs causing the most problems, including rashes, stomachaches and diarrhea tions to drugs in the data she studied, but 5 percent of children were sick enough to require hospitalization. The study involved reactions to prescribed drugs, including accidental overdoses. They were used for a range of ailments includ-
counted for 43 percent of visits to clinics and emergency rooms; followed by teens aged 15 to 18, who made up about 23 percent of the visits. Similar numbers of hospitalized children - about 540,000 yearly - also have bad reactions
to drugs, including side effects, medicine mix-ups and accidental overdoses, recent government research suggests. The new report indicates children at home are just as vulnerable. Michael Cohen, president of the Institute for Safe Medication Practices, said a common problem involves giving young children liquid medicine. Doses can come in drops, teaspoons or milliliters, and parents may mistakenly think those amounts are interchangeable. Cohen said doctors should be clear about doses and parents should be sure before leaving the pharmacy that they understand exactly how to give liquid medicine. The study was funded by the National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. -AP
Michelle Obama to women: Do what makes you happy WASHINGTON: First lady Michelle Obama says women should do what makes them happy, a lesson she says she learned after realizing her two children, her husband and her physical health feed off of her good moods. In an interview appearing in the November issue of Prevention magazine, Mrs. Obama discusses the meaning of good health, aging and her exercise, diet and beauty routines. She sat for the interview at the White House in late July. Mrs. Obama says she learned ``what not to do'' from her mother, Marian Robinson, who now lives at the White House. ``She'd say being a good mother isn't all about sacrificing. It's really investing and putting yourself higher on your priority list,'' Mrs. Obama said. She said Robinson put her own two children first, sometimes to the detriment of herself. ``She encouraged me not to do that,'' Mrs. Obama said.
First lady Michelle Obama
The first lady said there are many facets to good health physical, internal, emotional, diet - and all are intertwined.
women's health monthly. ``So I have freed myself to put me on the priority list and say, yes, I can make choices that make me happy, and it will ripple and benefit my kids, my husband and my physical health.'' ``That's hard for women to own. We're not taught to do that,'' she added. ``It's a lesson that I want to teach my girls.'' Asked for a definition of happiness, Mrs. Obama said it's when daughters Malia, 11, and Sasha, 8, ``are good and when my family is
'She'd say being a good mother isn't all about sacrificing. It's really investing and putting yourself higher on your priority list,' Mrs. Obama said. She said Robinson put her own two children first, sometimes to the detriment of herself "Throughout my life, I've learned to make choices that make me happy and make sense for me. Even my husband is happier when I'm happy,'' Mrs. Obama said in her first interview with the
whole.'' She expressed relief that early in the year after moving from Chicago the girls came and told her they liked living in the White House. ``My happiness is measured
against theirs. When they're in a good place, I feel really good,'' she said. Mrs. Obama, who is 45 and appears on the magazine's cover, also said she has no fear about getting old. ``To me, with age, everything has gotten better,'' the first lady said. She strives to be ``on the cusp of being in the best shape that I can be'' in, but has found she needs to work a little harder at it the older she gets. As a result, she has begun to incorporate more Pilates moves and stretching into her workouts to maintain flexibility. Mrs. Obama is also working on balancing out her diet, which she said has ``no absolute no's.'' ``Overall, it's good, but there are some great bakers'' at the White House, she said, noting that pie is always available. ``So for me, it's about setting up new boundaries. I had some challenges with that, but I'm balancing out.''-AP
Health Science Post
October 9, 2009
India Post
Va girl to help educate about food allergies NORFOLK, Va.: Six years ago, Donna Sadler gave her 18-monthold daughter, Rylee, a taste of her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Spots popped up on the child's face, and within seconds, her eyes swelled shut. Rylee's doctor suspected the cause and testing confirmed her theory: Rylee has a deadly allergy to peanuts, as well as sesame seeds and all tree nuts. Ingestion triggers the most serious reaction, but simply coming in contact with a trace of peanut residue could cause her skin to react. Donna and Michael Sadler turned to doctors, advocacy groups and other community resources to learn how to live with their daughter's potentially lifethreatening allergy. Now Rylee, 7, who lives with her family in Ocean View, wants to help others who share her condition. The second-grader and her parents are going to Washington, D.C., where she will serve as a junior ambassador for the 2009 Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network Kids' Congress.
Rylee was one of about 80 children, ages 6 to 18, selected nationally to meet with legislators, including Sens. Mark Warner and Jim Webb and U.S. Rep. Glenn Nye, to share her experiences with food allergies. With her mother's help, Rylee filled out a junior ambassador application, complete with an en-
The reason for the increase is not known, although one theory is that Americans' immune systems are repressed by our 'antibacterial' culture dorsement letter from Nye, a family friend on whose campaign Rylee worked last fall. FAAN, which advocates on behalf of more than 12 million Americans with food allergies, hopes the children will encourage lawmakers to pass allergy legislation for schools and fund food-allergy research. Rylee plans to talk about her
reactions, the restrictions she faces and how she has helped her classmates learn about food allergies. ``Every year, my mom and I hold a special meeting at school,'' Rylee said. ``We make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an allergic reaction.'' As a result of her efforts, the school pulled all peanut products from its cafeteria. Many schools throughout the country now tout themselves as ``peanut free,'' as the incidences of peanut allergies in children doubled between 1997 and 2002, according to FAAN. The reason for the increase is not known, although one theory is that Americans' immune systems are repressed by our ``anti-bacterial'' culture. Some food allergies, such as to milk, are often outgrown, but others, especially allergies to peanuts, can last a lifetime. Rylee has managed to avoid a major reaction since her first, but danger lurks everywhere - on shopping carts, in restaurants, on airplanes, even in products that don't actually contain peanuts. -AP
Arizona prepares order for swine flu vaccine PHOENIX: A first batch of roughly 60,000 doses of the new swine flu vaccine are due to arrive in Arizona, state health officials said here. Arizona Department of Health Services Director Will Humble said his office is collecting orders from county health departments for submission to the federal Centers for Disease Control. Arizona likely will get the first doses of a nasal spray vaccine from vendors sometime next week, he said. The CDC is coordinating the allocation of about 3 million initial doses to states, which will be distributed according to population. Arizona has about 2 percent of the nation's population, meaning the state will get roughly 60,000 doses initially. Humble's office says the spray is only approved for healthy people between 2- and 49-yearsold. The doses will likely be given to health care workers or people who care for or live with infants under 6 months old. Health departments in each of Arizona's counties will decide how to allocate its vaccine. Maricopa County, the state's
most populous at about 4 million residents, expects to receive about 40,000 doses, county health department spokeswoman Jeanene Fowler said. None of the county's doses are targeted for the public. Instead, Fowler said, they will be distributed to health care workers and emergency medical providers.
None of the county's doses are targeted for the public. Instead, Fowler said, they will be distributed to health care workers With such a limited supply, county officials decided it was most critical to protect workers who care for others. In much smaller Coconino County, Health Department Director Barbara Worgess said the 1,200 flu spray doses expected next week will go to pediatric physicians for their patients or workers and to hospitals for their workers. -AP
In Brief Man asks to be deported, can't afford US FRAMINGHAM, Massachusetts: Police say an illegal immigrant from Guatemala entered a police station, told officers he had stolen another man's identity and asked to be deported because he could no longer make ends meet in America. Police told The MetroWest Daily News they arrested 29-yearold Carlos Boc after he confessed. Lt. Paul Shastany says Boc told police he wanted to return to Guatemala but can't afford a ticket. He told police he has no job or money and is worried about surviving the winter. He told police he came to the US 13 years ago. A not guilty plea was entered on Boc's behalf at his arraignment in Framingham District Court on charges including identity fraud.-AP
Ga. deputy accused in 2 slayings back in jail DECATUR, Ga.: Authorities say a former DeKalb County sheriff's deputy charged with killing his wife and a day laborer last year is being held in the county jail after being captured in Central America. Derrick Yancey is accused of shooting 44-year-old Linda Yancey and 20-year-old Marcial Cax Puluc, an immigrant from Guatemala he had hired to work at his Stone Mountain home. He resigned from the sheriff's department shortly before he was indicted on murder charges and was under orders to stay at his mother's home in Jonesboro when he removed his ankle monitor and left. Officials say they received a tip that Yancey was in Belize, where he was arrested a week ago. He was brought back to Georgia over the weekend. -AP
Trial delayed in massive illegal immigration case JACKSON, Miss.: A trial related to the nation's largest workplace raid on illegal immigrants has been postponed until January. Jose Humberto Gonzalez is accused of knowingly hiring illegal immigrants, some with stolen identities, to work at Howard Industries in Laurel. The plant was raided Aug. 25, 2008. Nearly 600 suspected illegal immigrants were detained. Gonzalez was first indicted in May on conspiracy and employee fraud charges. A new indictment was issued Sept. 16 and included charges of aggravated identity theft. -AP
Immigration 36
India Post
Texas immigrant smuggler pleads guilty McALLEN, Texas:Aman abruptly pleaded guilty on the second day of his trial to running stash houses for illegal immigrants, an operation that led to the 2004 deaths of nine immigrants who drowned after the car they were being transported in plunged into a Texas canal.
October 9, 2009
Details on page 38
NYC terrorism suspect denies wrongdoing NEW YORK: Authorities know the identities of three people believed to be in on a terrorist scheme targeting New York City, a law enforcement official has confirmed, as an Afghan immigrant accused of plotting with them to try to turn common chemicals into explosives is due in federal court. Najibullah Zazi is to be arraigned in a Brooklyn courtroom on charges he conspired to use weapons of mass destruction. The 24-year-old airport van driver and former coffee cart vendor has denied any wrongdoing. A letter filed by Brooklyn prosecutors argued that that Zazi should be jailed indefinitely because, as an Afghan immigrant with ties to Pakistan, he could flee, and because he ``poses a significant danger'' to the community. Evidence gathered including bomb-making instructions found on his laptop computer shows ``Zazi remained committed to detonating an explosive device'' until he was arrested, the letter said. The law enforcement official, who spoke on condition of ano-
nymity because the investigation continues, confirmed the bombing plot might have targeted mass transit in the New York area. Authorities released a flurry of terrorism warnings for sports complexes, hotels and transit systems even while saying the plot was disrupted before it become an immediate threat. The official who spoke to The
dients for homemade bombs, authorities have said. Before the raids, police detectives showed a source a Queens imam at a mosque where Zazi had once worshipped photographs of him and three people considered possible suspects, court papers say. It was unclear whether those three were the same ones suspected of traveling to Denver.
Evidence gathered including bomb-making instructions found on his laptop computer shows ‘Zazi remained committed to detonating an explosive device’ until he was arrested Associated Press declined to comment further about the co-conspirators, and there have been no reports that the bomb-making materials have been recovered. The accomplices are suspected of traveling from New York City to suburban Denver this summer and using stolen credit cards to help Zazi stockpile beauty products containing hydrogen peroxide and acetone, which can be key ingre-
Spokesmen James Margolin for the FBI, Edward Mullen for the New York Police Department and Robert Nardoza for the U.S. attorney's office in Brooklyn declined to discuss the case. Prosecutors allege that Zazi has admitted that while living in Queens, he traveled last year to Pakistan and received explosives training from al-Qaida. Security videos and store receipts show that
when he returned and moved to Aurora, Colo., he and three others bought several bottles of beauty products over the course of several weeks, court papers said. On Sept. 6, Zazi took some of his products into a Colorado hotel room outfitted with a stove on which he later left acetone residue, authorities said. He repeatedly sought another person's help cooking up the bomb, ``each communication more urgent in tone than the last,'' the papers said. The FBI was listening to Zazi and becoming increasingly concerned as the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and a New York visit by President Barack Obama approached, officials said. They decided to track him on Sept. 9 when he rented a car and drove to New York. On Sept. 10, Zazi told the Queens imam in an intercepted phone call that he feared he was being watched, court papers said. The imam later tipped Zazi off, saying police had come around and asked questions, the papers said. -AP
Definition of 'begin'could affect PERM application - Part II CORA-ANN V. PESTAINA
(Continued from last week's article) n a notice of proposed rulemaking for the PERM regulations, the ETA sought to explain the need for specific PWD validity periods and stated: 2. Validity Period of PWD We are proposing that the SWA must specify the validity period of PWD on the PWD form, which in no event shall be less than 90 days or more than 1 year from the determination date entered on the PWDR. Employers filing LCA's under the H-1B program must file their labor condition application within the validity period. Since employers filing applications for permanent labor certification can begin the required recruitment steps required under
the regulations 180 days before filing their applications, they must initiate at least one of the recruitment steps required for a professional or nonprofessional occupation within the validity period of the PWD to rely on the determination issued by the SWA.
form of recruitment (any recruitment, not the earliest recruitment) within the PWD validity period in order to continue to rely on the PWD after its expiration. The final rule contains no substantive changes to this proposed rule. Considering the ETA's intent,
We are proposing that the SWA must specify the validity period of PWD on the PWD form, which in no event shall be less than 90 days or more than 1 year Clearly, the ETA never contemplated a requirement that the earliest recruitment be conducted within the PWD validity period. On the contrary, from the above notice of proposed rulemaking, the ETA's obvious goal was to have the employer conduct at least one
the DOL's extremely narrow interpretation of 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) is baffling. Under the DOL's current interpretation it would be perfectly permissible for an employer to obtain a PWD with the minimum 90day validity period, begin the first recruitment on the 90th day of that
validity period, and file the labor certification 179 days later, just before the maximum 180-day recruitment period expires. All other requirements being met, because that employer technically "began the earliest recruitment" within the PWD's validity period, the labor certification will be certified despite the fact that the PWD was 179 days old on the date the labor certification was filed and was possibly completely irrelevant even while the employer conducted recruitment. On the other hand, an employer who began the first recruitment just before obtaining the PWD, and continued to run several other forms of recruitment within the PWD's validity Cont’d on page 39
Immigration Post
October 9, 2009
India Post
Latinos bank on bilingual US census form The bilingual forms will be mailed out to neighborhoods where at least a fifth of households report speaking primarily Spanish and little English, said Adrienne Oneto, assistant division chief for content and outreach at the Census Bureau in Washington. More than a quarter of the
Traditionally, experts say, the Census Bureau has undercounted minority and immigrant communities, who are harder to reach forms will be distributed in California, with Los Angeles County topping the list. The Miami and Houston areas will also receive sizable numbers of the questionnaires. Automatic mailing of the bilingual forms debuts in 2010. No other language besides English is as widespread in the U.S. as Spanish. Roughly 34 million
people reported speaking Spanish at home in the United States in 2007, more than all the other languages combined except English. Eighty percent of the U.S. population reported speaking only English at home. The question is whether the bilingual forms will help overcome immigrant fears of federal authorities after seeing friends and family swept up in immigration raids over the last few years. ``It is a difficult time for immigrants and I could see where there might be concern where being counted might lead to future negative consequences,'' said Clara E. Rodriguez, professor of sociology at Fordham University in New York. There are also concerns that the recession has dried up funding used to encourage people to fill out their census forms. Telemundo to help get the word out. The network's telenovela ``Mas Sabe el Diablo'' (The Devil Knows Best) will feature a character who applies to be a census worker. Cont’d on page 38
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LONG BEACH, California: US census officials are mailing out millions of bilingual questionnaires next year for the first time, betting that sending a Spanish language option directly to homes will lead to a more accurate count of the country's population. The decennial census will be distributed in Spanish and English to 13.5 million households in predominantly Spanish-speaking neighborhoods. Latino advocates hope the forms will win over the trust of immigrants who are often wary of government and may be even more fearful after a recent surge in immigration raids and deportations. ``If the government is reaching out to you in a language you understand, it helps build trust,'' said Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials. ``I think the community has become really sensitive to political developments, and the census is the next step in this movement that we're seeing of civic engagement in the Latino community.'' In addition to Spanish, census forms will be made available in Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Russian upon request. That's similar to the 2000 census, when participants could request questionnaires in several languages. The forms were not sent directly to homes without request. Traditionally, experts say, the Census Bureau has undercounted minority and immigrant communities, who are harder to reach because of language barriers and distrust of government. Latino advocates hope the bilingual forms will help show their strength in numbers to underscore their growing political influence and garner more in federal funds that are determined by population. Census officials say they designed the bilingual forms after extensive research, using the Canadian census questionnaire as an example. Over a six-year testing period, officials said the forms drew a better response in Spanishspeaking areas.
Immigration Post
India Post
October 9, 2009
Taiwan-born John Liu wins NYC primary runoff NEW YORK: Taiwan-born John Liu took a big step toward becoming the first Asian-American elected to citywide office in New York City when he won a Democratic primary runoff election for the nomination for city controller. In the runoff, Liu, a Queens City councilman, beat fellow Councilman David Yassky by 56 percent to 44 percent, according to complete but unofficial returns. Liu, whose family emigrated to the U.S. when he was a child, was the City Council's first AsianAmerican representative when he was elected in 2001 and has worked as a manager at the global consulting firm PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Liu noted how he and his parents ``came here with hope and determination.'' ``There is much at stake for the future of this city,'' he said. In the runoff for the nomination for public advocate, Bill De Blasio,
a Brooklyn city councilman who has worked for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and was Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign manager for her U.S. Senate run in 2000, defeated Air America radio president Mark Green by 62.5 percent to 37.5 percent.
Both Liu and de Blasio are favored in the Nov. 3 general election against their lesser-known Republican opponents Green held the job of public advocate when the position was created in 1993. The comptroller is the chief financial officer of the city, analyzing the budget, auditing city agencies and overseeing the $80 bil-
lion municipal pension system. The public advocate acts as City Hall watchdog and steps in if the mayor cannot serve. Turnout was about 7 percent to 8 percent in both races, meaning that a relatively small number of the city's 3 million registered Democrats decided the nominees. Both Liu and de Blasio are favored in the Nov. 3 general election against their lesser-known Republican opponents. The seats were open because Comptroller William Thompson Jr. is running for mayor against billionaire incumbent Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum decided not to run again. Bloomberg is a former Republican who is no longer registered with a party. The runoff came two weeks after a primary in which Liu and de Blasio failed to get 40 percent in their crowded respective contests.-AP
Texas immigrant smuggler pleads guilty McALLEN, Texas: A man abruptly pleaded guilty on the second day of his trial to running stash houses for illegal immigrants, an operation that led to the 2004 deaths of nine immigrants who drowned after the car they were being transported in plunged into a Texas canal. Jorge Hernandez Hernandez, 38, pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to transport illegal immigrants, prosecutors said. Hernandez was originally charged with 12 counts for his role in an illegal immigrant smug-
gling organization, but the remaining counts will likely be dropped at sentencing. U.S. District Judge Randy Crane accepted his plea and scheduled his sentencing for Dec. 15. Hernandez could face up to life in prison and a fine reaching $250,000 when sentenced in December. The plea came a day after Armando Campos, who was driving the vehicle when it crashed, testified that he had his lights off to avoid detection the night of Aug. 9, 2004. He said he misjudged a turn for a bridge over a
canal near the Rio Grande before the car plunged into the water upside down, trapping the immigrants from Honduras and El Salvador. Campos said he had been working as a driver and scout for the smuggling operation for several weeks, shuttling immigrants every day to stash houses he said were run by Hernandez. Prosecutors said Hernandez's stash houses in the Edinburg area took in many illegal immigrants each day and later transported them to Houston. -AP
Latinos bank on bilingual US census form Cont’d from page 38
Adding to the challenge of getting more people to participate is a boycott of the census called by Latino Christian leaders. They want illegal immigrants to abstain from filling out the forms to pressure communities that depend on their numbers to support immigration reform. Census officials say they don't expect a backlash from English speakers because those likely to receive bilingual forms are used to hearing the two languages side by side. Rob Toonkel, a spokesman for the pro-English advocacy group U.S. English, said he supports census outreach in a myriad of languages but worries that sending bilingual questionnaires only in Spanish and English might rub some immigrants the wrong way. ``When you start saying, well, this is our preferred immigrant group whatever group that may be it sends a very dangerous message,'' Toonkel said. ``It would be the same thing if they started send-
ing (it) to New Hampshire in French or Detroit in Arabic.'' Joe Kasper, a spokesman for Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter, said the forms should be sent only in English to encourage people to learn the language. ``Taxpayers should not have to carry the additional expense of providing bilingual questionnaires,'' Kasper said. But many say the bilingual forms make practical sense especially since youngsters may speak English even if their parents prefer Spanish. In Teresa Ocampo's neighborhood in central Long Beach, Mexican immigrants live in a dense stretch of bungalows and twostory apartment buildings alongside African-Americans, Asians and whites. Children playing in the street call out to each other in English, then respond to their parents in flawless Spanish. That's how Ocampo, who is originally from Mexico, said she would have filled out the English census questionnaire if she had to. -AP
Nashville police say newborn abducted at home NASHVILLE, Tenn.: Nashville police say a woman posing as an immigration worker has abducted a 4-day-old boy at his home. A statewide Amber Alert was issued after the incident. Police said the woman demanded the mother give her the baby, and when the mother re-
fused, the woman stabbed her approximately eight times. The mother was taken to a hospital with non-life-threatening wounds. The baby was identified as Yair Anthony Carrillo. Officers said the abductor fled in a sedan described as looking like a police car. -AP
Immigration Post
October 9, 2009
Definition of 'begin'could affect PERM application - Part II Cont’d from page 36
period, thereby ensuring that the PWD still corresponded to the occupational classification, and who filed the labor certification soon after the PWD has expired, will have the labor certification denied due to an excessively hypertechnical interpretation of 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) which is actually contrary to the intent behind the regulation. The DOL might argue that requiring the employer to conduct its earliest recruitment within the PWD validity period prevents the employer from deterring qualified U.S. workers by offering them a low wage. However, this argument will fail because 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c) allows the employer who began recruitment well prior to obtaining the PWD, to simply file the labor certification within the PWD's validity period. Thus, the employer could possibly have deterred several US workers from the position prior to obtaining the PWD, filed the labor certification within the PWD validity period and received certification provided there was no audit. Clearly, there is a lack of justification for the erroneously narrow construction of 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c). Moreover, an employer must attest at the time of filing the PERM, regardless of when the recruitment was conducted or whether the PWD is still valid, that it lawfully rejected US worker applicants when it offered the job at the prevailing wage. In Matter of Redheads Bistro & Bar, 2008-PER-00216 (1/5/09),
the Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals ("BALCA"), in affirming the denial of a labor certification where the PWD expired in December 2005 and the employer commenced recruitment in February 2006, stated: …The Employer's application was clearly not in conformity with the regulatory requirement to conduct the recruitment or file the application within the validity period of the SWA prevailing wage determination…Even if the Employer's error was uninten-
The employer could possibly have deterred several US workers from the position prior to obtaining the PWD tional, however, its application included a substantive violation of the regulation. Moreover, the prevailing wage determination had expired months before the Employer began its recruitment in support of the PERM application or filed the application. Under such circumstances, we find that the CO properly denied certification and that equitable relief from the error is not warranted. It is very significant to note that, in affirming the denial, BALCA never stated that the employer ought to have begun the earliest recruitment with the PWD validity period. It would have been very easy to affirm the denial on this clear basis, if the regulations al-
lowed for it. On the contrary, BALCA's statements reaffirm that under a plain reading of 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c), the employer must merely conduct recruitment within the PWD validity period. Moreover, BALCA held that the fact that the employer's PWD had expired months prior to the commencement of recruitment or the filing of the labor certification was too substantive an error to overlook. Thus, it can be inferred that had the employer's error not been so grievous, perhaps had the employer commenced recruitment closer to the PWD validity period, that BALCA would have agreed with the employer that its recruitment efforts "…met the spirit if not the substance of the recruitment requirements…." The regulation at 20 C.F.R. §656.40(c), the ETA's intent behind it and BALCA's interpretation of the regulation are all very clear. It is erroneous for the DOL to impose a new, unintended and hypertechnical interpretation of the regulation onto employers who, in good faith, fully comply with the regulation and who, in so doing, achieve the goal that the ETA sought to achieve in setting forth the regulation. Going forward, one can only hope that a well-crafted Motion to Reopen and Reconsider a denial based on this particular issue will bring forth an even more definitive statement from BALCA very soon.
* Cyrus D Mehta, may be contacted at 212-425-0555 or
India Post
Tech News So Cal Edison hails CPUC energy efficiency move
India Post News Service
ROSEMEAD, CA: Southern California Edison (SCE) will be able to significantly enhance its industry-leading energy efficiency programs with a new commitment from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). The Commission approved a three-year, $3.1 billion budget for SCE and the state's other investor-owned utilities. SCE's portion is $1.2 billion. The budget, which spans 2010 to 2012, is the largest commitment to energy efficiency by any state. "Southern California Edison admires the Commission's innovative thinking and groundbreaking work on this decision. We are looking forward to helping all our customers save energy, money and the environment by participating in our energy efficiency programs," said SCE Senior Vice President of Customer Service Lynda Ziegler. "We appreciate the collaboration with the Commission - this commitment to California's clean, green energy future is a win for our customers and the environment." SCE customers will benefit directly from this funding through new statewide programs that will pay incentives for reduced energy use. Developers will be encouraged to construct zero-net energy usage homes and businesses, and perform public-sector building retrofits. Cont’d on page 41
India's services sector favored by foreign investors NEW DELHI: India attracted USD 2.14 billion FDI in the services in the first four months of the current fiscal, the highest among all sectors. Despite the economic downturn, the country managed to attract USD 3.47 billion foreign direct investment (FDI) in July, while it was USD 2.24 billion in the year ago month, according to official data. India's total FDI inflow during April-July 2009 was USD 10.49 billion, down 15 per cent from USD 12.32 billion in the same period previous year, the data said. According to an UNCTAD report, the FDI in India may erode sharply from the record USD 42 billion in 2008 with trans-national corporations (TNCs) going slow on expansion plans following the global financial meltdown. The services sector, including financial and non-financial segment, attracted 20 per cent of the total foreign direct investment inflows in the April-July period. -PTI
40 India Post
Fujitsu plan to further increase footprint in India Details on page 42
October 9, 2009
Bharti calls off telecom deal with MTN NEW DELHI: The USD 23 billion deal for the merger of Bharti Airtel and South African giant MTN, which would have been the world's largest in the telecom sector, has fallen through. Sunil Mittal-led Bharti called off discussions with MTN citing the South African government's rejection of the proposed merger structure, which would have created the world's third largest telecom company with combined revenues of over USD 20 billion annually and a subscriber base of over 200 million. The issue of dual listing of MTN to maintain its identity in the merged company appears to have been the deal-breaker during the tough negotiations lasting well over four months. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had strongly backed the deal which he took up with South African President Jacob Zuma at the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh last week. While announcing the calling off of the talks, Bharti in a statement expressed the hope that the
South African government "will review its position in the future and allow both companies an opportunity to re-engage". This is the second time in just over a year when Bharti has been forced to abandon talks for amalgamation of the two organizations in a complex deal that also hinged on Indian government's clearance
cusing the South African entity of reneging on its commitment and presenting a different structure, Anil Ambani- led RCOM had entered into negotiations with MTN for a deal. This was also called off after Anil's elder brother Mukesh Ambani asserted the first right of refusal and threatened a legal ac-
The issue of dual listing of MTN to maintain its identity in the merged company appears to have been the deal-breaker during the tough negotiations lasting well over four months for dual listing. "This transaction would have been the single largest FDI into South Africa and one of the largest outbound FDIs from India," Bharti statement said, adding "the structure needed an approval from the government of South Africa, which has expressed its inability to accept it in the current form". After Bharti had called off negotiations with MTN last year ac-
tion. As per the proposed structure, Bharti would have acquired 49 per cent shareholding in MTN and in turn MTN and its shareholders would acquire about 36 per cent economic interest in Bharti. The South African government had demanded dual listing of MTN in order to protect the character of MTN as a South African entity. While starting the negotiations
for the second time in May this year, Sunil Mittal had said "we see real power in the combination and we will work hard to unleash it for all our shareholders." According to statement of National Treasury, Government of South Africa, MTN has said the two firms have mutually decided to terminate discussions on the proposed merger, as "they have not been able to conclude all outstanding matters to enable the transaction to proceed". "The South African government believes that the structuring of such partnerships is best left to the companies themselves, who must make their decisions on commercial grounds. However, when companies structure their relationships outside the current exchange control regulatory framework for such transactions, they require the approval of the Minister of Finance. This was the case with the proposed MTN-Bharti merger, which required certain exchange control and other approvals," it said. -PTI
India, China most optimistic about economic recovery India Post News Service
xecutives in Asia lack confidence in the economic outlook and are therefore trying to streamline their internal operations in order to drive efficiencies rather than investing in new markets or hiring new staff. So suggests a survey of 258 senior executives from Asia, conducted in June and July 2009 and summarised in research published by the Economist Intelligence Unit: From hindsight to foresight: Improving business transparency in the wake of the financial crisis. The study, which looks at what the region’s enterprises did right and wrong in managing through the crisis, was sponsored by SAP. Facing an unpredictable business and economic landscape, 47% of respondents say their organisations are focusing on internal issues such as increasing the frequency of internal reporting, placing more emphasis on forward-looking analysis and transparency, and strengthening mar-
ket intelligence gathering tools and processes. Asked which function or department is the focus of efforts to increase visibility and transparency, 73% pointed to the finance department. These internal issues are dominating Asian companies’ agendas, with innovation, market and product development all taking a back seat. Half of the survey respondents say the priority will be to
set prices to make an acquisition over the next 12 months. “While short-term adjustments are important, companies need to look beyond survival,” says Manoj Vohra, director of research with the Economist Intelligence Unit. “Businesses should aim to take advantage of the downturn by acquiring quality talent and assets, improving focus on innovation, reinventing business mod-
The most optimistic respondents are based in India and China, where six out of ten believe the recovery under way in their country is sustainable streamline existing operations and systems. Only 24% are taking advantage of the downturn to hire new staff, despite the improved availability of a pool of skilled labour. Outward expansion is seen as important, but it is evidently a secondary priority. Only 31% of respondents surveyed are likely to take advantage of distressed as-
els and looking for new markets. A recession is a unique opportunity for a company to improve market focus and reinforce its capabilities.” “In unpredictable times, companies need internal and external clarity,” says Simon Dale, Senior Vice President, SAP Asia Pacific Japan. “Clarity not only helps busi-
nesses achieve internal transparency and accountability, but also allows them to pursue growth opportunities by realigning business strategies and operational execution.” Other key findings of the study include: • Companies in Asia are ambivalent about the apparent economic recovery; India and China are the bright spots. While about onethird of respondents believe they are seeing a sustainable rebound in their country of residence, another one-third question whether the recovery is sustainable. A sizeable 27% do not even think there is a recovery. The most optimistic respondents are based in India and China, where six out of ten believe the recovery under way in their country is sustainable. The most pessimistic are based in Japan—44% of respondents there think the recovery will falter, while another 44% say there is no recovery in the country at all. Cont’d on page 41
TechBiz Post
October 9, 2009
India Post 41
So Cal Edison hails CPUC energy efficiency move Cont’d from page 40
The decision also will result in the creation of 15,000 to 18,000 skilled green jobs. With the adoption of these programs and budgets, the CPUC has authorized SCE to implement the most aggressive energy efficiency portfo-
lio to pursue the highest electricity savings goals of any utility in the nation. Over the next three years, SCE will partner with its customers to help them save more than 4.7 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity usage. That is enough to power nearly 650,000 homes while
eliminating 1.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. The programs include rebates for customers when they purchase energy efficient appliances and lighting, free energy-efficiency surveys, and free energy-efficient appliances for lower-income customers.
India, China most optimistic about economic recovery • The majority of the region’s companies did not anticipate how badly the financial crisis would affect them. Seven out of ten respondents say the global recession has brought home the fact that their firm is vulnerable to market risk, while 59% pointed to credit risk and 53% singled out liquidity risk. Forty percent say the crisis has exposed their company to the risk of relying on internal reporting that has turned out to be of poor quality in terms of accuracy, timeliness and completeness. • The quality of risk management in the region needs to be improved. While six out of ten of the executives surveyed are satisfied with the riskmanagement function’s success in complying with regulatory requirements, there is a significant level of dissatisfaction with technology infrastructure and the quality of stresstesting and scenario planning. The respondents recognise that it will not be easy to improve risk management, citing such barriers as inadequate business systems and processes, lack of a culture of risk in the broader business, lack of accountability for risk management, and insufficient and poor-quality data.
• The majority of survey respondents are optimistic that the changes they are making now will result in big gains when the recession ends. Seven out of ten see a rise in revenues, 63% predict improvements in operational efficiency, and 59% expect increased market share. They also believe that the various initiatives will improve risk management capabilities (55%) and transparency and reporting (54%). • In preparing for the upturn, the region’s companies are focused on internal consolidation rather than on innovation, new
markets and products, and processes. Half of the surveyed executives say the priority will be to streamline existing operations. Only 24% are taking advantage of the downturn to hire new quality staff. Outward expansion is evidently a secondary priority: 35% are identifying new markets, 30% are developing new products and services, and another 30% are intensifying the focus on innovation. Only 31% of respondents surveyed are likely to take advantage of distressed asset prices to make an acquisition over the next 12 months.
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42 India Post
October 9, 2009
ARIES Mar 21-Apr 20 Mars and Ketu in fourth can cause slight disturbance in the house. Every body will have different ideas and it will make hard to take any decisions. Tension at work will reduce as you will finish previous projects before deadline. Advertising bills for people in business will be high. You will be selected among many for an important position.
LEO Jul 23-Aug 22 Wrong planning or miscalculation can bring you under lots of financial pressure. There is a long distance trip in the air for you in immediate future. Developments will take place fast and you will barely have time to sit down and think. You should not take any chance with law for next few weeks. You will call an old friend for advice.
October 9 to October 15
Efforts made recently will start to show some results. Things will once again start to turn around. Financial pressure is about to come to an end. Your fighting spirit will make other side to agree to your terms. You will enjoy an evening with old friends this week. Some body will send you some nice and valuable gift.
Fujitsu plan to further increase footprint in India
apanese computer hardware and IT services company Fujitsu has announced the appointment of Progressive Infotech as its Select Partner in order to further increase its foot print in India. Progressive will promote Fujitsu's broad range of IT infrastructure products and solutions that include Servers, Storage, Workstations and Clients in India. With a presence at 6 regional offices, 10 area offices and 110 service locations, Progressive has an extensive reach to serve the customers more effectively. P. Raghuraman, General Manager, Channels & Volume Products Business, Fujitsu India said "With Progressive Infotech's market credentials and its experience particularly in the storage and server space in India, we will be able to further strengthen our market penetration. Its network will provide us enhanced market reach to cater our customers better." "With our infrastructure domain
experience, market knowledge and good geographic reach together with support from Fujitsu, we are confident of adding value to the customers," added Prateek Garg, Managing Director & CEO, Progressive Infotech.
Progressive will promote Fujitsu's broad range of IT infrastructure products and solutions that include Servers, Storage, Workstations and Clients in India The business association aims at addressing the growing business requirement among the enterprises across the length and breadth of the country. Both the companies are looking at bringing the best of the breed solutions to the customers.
TAURUS Apr 21-May 20 Concentration of four planets in angle will provide the much needed boost in life. Dreams can become reality. There should be sensational kind of developments in career. Opportunity should open new doors for increased revenues also. You will take family out to a nice place for dinner. You may feel some pain in right arm or receive minor injury.
VIRGO Aug 23-Sept 22 Favorable planets in first will help you achieve goals easily. Things will start rolling once again creating lots of optimism in life. You may seek advice to resolve an important issue involving a child. Its time that you stop dreaming and become very practical in life. A dream job or position in the organization can turn into reality.
CAPRICORN Dec 23-Jan 19 Planets in house of luck are bent on fulfilling all your dreams as long as they are within legal parameters. Benefits will be for long terms. You may finally let a relationship go. Some one in house will receive minor injury. You will feel strong as people around will start paying attention. Keep an eye on your health also.
GEMINI May 21-Jun 20 Planets are favorable to launch your ideas. New doors will open. Little threat will get the job done and money will be recovered. Any changes in career at this point will prove to be lucky. Your image in social circle will improve and you will be recognized because of your extra ordinary talents. Tons of money if you play your cards right.
LIBRA Sept 23-Oct 22 Decisions will lack confidence. Your plans will be good but you need to work on details and backup too. Be patient when participating in any discussion. You will be spending lots of money on buying valuable gifts for family and close relations. Do not ignore any legal notice or the problem will grow bigger.
AQUARIUS Jan 20-Feb 18 Concentration of planets in eighth could be little tricky. Do all investigations and have second opinion before making any big financial commitments or will not be able to handle the pressure in time to come. You may be in touch with a learned person to have some insight into what's next. You will more than your budget.
CANCER Jun 21-Jul 22 You will take a well calculated risk and it will pay off. Changes will take place in career at a speed and you will be slight shaky from inside. You may have to answer a legal query from a government agency this week. Money will go on buying gifts for family and close friends. Do not ignore any sign and take good care of your health immediately.
SCORPIO Oct 23-Nov 22 Planets in eleventh will help you make lots of money. Your projects will start to yield rich rewards. You will gain friendship of an influential person who will immediately offer to help. You will be full of many smart but little risky ideas. Phone bills will be high but worth every penny. Trip will be entertaining and fruitful.
PISCES Feb 19-Mar 20 Opportunity will come sudden and in a strange manner. You will save lots of money by twisting facts only a little bit. You will have to opportunity to spend quality time with very successful people and learn the ropes. Irregular food habits will cause some problem in stomach. You will be invited to a big party arranged by an old friend.
October 9, 2009
India Post 43
India Post
October 9, 2009
Parents looking for a groom for their beautiful daughter, American Citizen, 31years, 5'3" tall, Caste No Bar. Please send your picture and biodata to P.O.Box # 342, India Post 29274 Union City Blvd.,
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Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #900667 for Environmental Consulting Services, Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 10:00 a.m. ñ Lakeside Plaza Building, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Room 222, 2nd Floor, Oakland, CA NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFP #900667 for Environmental Consulting Services, Thursday, October 15, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ñ Public Works Agency, 4825 Gleason Drive, Main Conference Room, Dublin, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on November 19, 2009 County Contact : Stefanie Taylor (510) 208-9610 or via e m a i l : Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications and bid copies regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA-Purchasing Department or the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 10/9/09 CNS-1700137#
Notice is hereby given that sealed competitive bids will be accepted in the office of the GSA-Purchasing Department, County of Alameda, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Suite 907, Oakland, CA 94612 NETWORKING/NORTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFQ #900614 for Mineral and Road Building Materials, Monday, October 19, 2009, 10:00 a.m. ñ General Services Agency, 1401 Lakeside Drive, Rm. 1107, 11th Floor, Oakland, CA NETWORKING/SOUTH COUNTY BIDDERS CONFERENCE RFQ #900614 for Mineral and Road Building Materials, Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 2:00 p.m. ñ Dublin Public Library, 200 Civic Plaza, The Program Room, Dublin, CA Responses Due by 2:00 pm on November 12, 2009 County Contact : Jeff Thomas (510) 208-9613 or via e m a i l : Attendance at Networking Conference is Non-mandatory. Specifications and bid copies regarding the above may be obtained at the Alameda County GSA-Purchasing Department or the Current Contracting Opportunities Internet website at 10/9/09 CNS-1704474#
October 9, 2009
India Post 45
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India Post
October 9, 2009
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October 9, 2009
India Post 47
NEW YORK Upcoming
Fri Oct 9
Sun Oct 11
Fri Oct 9
Sat Oct 10
• Indian Ocean at BB Kings
• Run A Marathon
• Musik Waves Presents Loose Talk 2
• Yaatra
Venue: BB King Blues Club and Grill, 237, West 42nd Street, New York Time: 8pm to 11pm Contact: 201-8667242
Venue: Grant Park, Chicago, Illinois Contact: 312-904-9800
Sat Oct 17
Venue: Ukranian Cultural Center, 135 Davidson Ave, Somerset, New Jersey Time: 8:30pm Contact: 732-277-6687
Venue: American Dance Institute, 1570 E Jefferson St, Rockville, Maryland, WDC Time: 6pm Contact: (301) 469-8529
• Diwali Celebration
Sat Oct 10
Venue: Gayatri Gyan Mandir, Itasca, Illinois Time: 7pm to 11pm Contact: 630 - 250- 8400
Sat Oct 10 • Anoushka Shankar feat Ravi Shankar Venue: Carnegie Hall, 881 Seventh Avenue, New York Time: 8pm Contact: 212-584-7514
• Bridal Expo Venue: Ukranian Hall, 135 Davidson Ave, Somerset, NJ Time: 6pm Contact: 732-763-0118
Sat Oct 24 • Bihar association Diwali & Eid Celebration
Sun Oct 11 • Sitar Maestro Ustad Shahid Parvez Khan Venue: Community Center Auditorium, Hindu Temple Society N.A., 143-09 Holly Avenue, Flushing, Queens, NY Time: 7pm to 10pm Contact: 6464834935
Sun Oct 18
• Yoga of Breath Seminar
• Hinduism Summit (Hindu Dharmasabha)
Venue: San Francisco Zen Center, 308 Page Street, Cross Street Laguna, San Francisco, California Time: 7pm to 8:15pm Contact: 415-869-8777
Sat Oct 24
• Diwali 2009
Sat Oct 31
Venue: GSU Cafeteria, University of Hartford, 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, Connecticut, NY Time: 5:30pm to 9pm Contact: 860-335-5853
• Bhangra & Gidha Competition
• Diwali Santram Satsang Celeberation Venue: Diwali Santram Satsang, Essex County College, 303 University Ave, Newark, New Jersey Time: 11:30am to 7pm Contact: 732-906-0792
Venue: Waterford Banquets, 933 S. Riverside Dr, Elmhurst, Illinois Contact: 312-226-4425
Tues Oct 13 • Ohlone College: Transfer Day Venue: Room 6104, Building 6, first floor, Fremont Campus, CA Time: 10am to 3:15pm Contact:
Sat Oct 24 • NRI Global Summit 2009 Venue: India Community Center, 525 Los Coches St, Bay Area, California Time: 1pm Contact:
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Upcoming Every 4th Sat every Month • Durga Mata Ka Jagaran
3676 Delaware Drive, Fremont, CA, 94538 Tel:
Thurs Oct 8
Sat Oct 24 Venue: Marathi Vishwa Community Center, 143 State Route 35, Laurence Harbor, NJ Time: 2.30pm to 6pm Contact: 1866 303 3FHA Highlights: Exhibition of posters on sattvik living, Treasure of books on topics of spiritual practice (sadhana), Dharma, sattvik pictures of deities and sattvik products
Venue: Eola Community Center, 555 S Eola Rd, Aurora, Illinois Time: 6pm to 10pm Contact: 630-830-5038 Highlights: An evening filled with fun, music, games and good food!!!
(510) 659-0655
Venue: 2335 S. Diamond Bar Boulevard, DBC Center, Diamond Bar, CA Time: 6:30pm Contact: 909-519-1579, 626-810-2345
Every Sat (start from Sat Aug 8)
Weekly Services Open M-F 8:30 AM-1PM, 4 PM-8 PM, Sat & Sun 8:30 AM to 8 PM DAILY AARATI 9 AM MORNINGS AND 7:30 PM EVENINGS. Sunday Services: 11am to 1pm, Aarti at 1:15pm followed by Prasad & Pritibhoj EARLY MORNING Bhajans by Khanna, Surendra @ 10 AM DATE
BHAJAN GROUP (11 AM - 11:45 AM)
PRITIBHOJ (1:30 PM - 3:00 PM)
• Gurukul Classes for Children Venue: Sindhu Center, South California Time: 2pm to 4pm Contact: 818-541-1754 & 909-576-1114 Highlights: Children between the ages of 5 and 18. Children will be taught the Fundamentals of Hinduism, Prayers, Shlokas, Bhajans and Values of our culture.
Sat Oct 10 • Bollywood Canteen Venue: Hollywood Canteen, 1006 Seward Street, LA Time: 10pm to 2pm Contact: 310-855-0000
Sat Oct 17
UPCOMING TEMPLE EVENTS YOGA CLASS: MON.-FRI. 7 TO 8 AM SAT. 8 TO 9 AM GEETA CLASS: SAT. 11:00 AM TO 1:00 PM Gayatri Mantra Saturday - 11 AM - To 12 PM by Gayatri Pariwar Contact: Naresh Sethi (For Jagrata). TEL: 510-825-1927, 510-487-2544
Sundar Kand Ka Paath on 3rd Saturday of everymonth from 10:30 am to 12: 00 pm Karva Chauth on 7/10/09 Pooja at 4:00 pm - 7:00pm Dewali celebration 10/17/09 Mata ka Jaagraata 10/24/09 7pm to 10 pm
• A College Application Essay Workshop Venue: Orange Coast College (cross street Merrimac Way), 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Time: 10am to 12pm Contact: (714) 636-9095
Sat Oct 17 • LA Temple Anniversary, DIwali & Kumbha Mela
Sun Oct 18 • Inner Healing
Thurs Nov 5 • International Youth Conference
Fri Nov 6 • Kalpataru- Cerritos,CA
Mon & Tues Nov 7 & 8 • Nithyananda Spurana Program Venue: Nithyananda Vedic Temple, 9720 Central Ave, Montclair,CA - 91763 Contact: 909-625-1445 Highlights: Paramahamsa Nithyananda(Swamiji) will be giving a discourse, conducting a Meditation and giving the Darshan.
Sat Oct 24 to Sun Oct 25 & Sat Oct 31 to Sun Nov 1 • Fun at "Boo at the Zoo" Venue: Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Gardens, 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90027 Time: 10am to 4pm Contact: (323) 644-4200 Admission: $13 for adults and $8 for children ages 2 to 12. This event is free with paid Zoo admission.
Fri to Sun Nov 13 to Nov 15 • Sikh Art and Film Festival Venue: 6404 Hollywood Blvd, Suite 304, Los Angeles, CA Contact: 323 466-5000 Highlights: The Festival celebrates Sikh culture and heritage, and will offer a variety of avenues for contributors to share their talent.
India Post
October 9, 2009
Page Sponsored by Sahanis forehand and is able to avoid them as well. This is what Krishna talks about when he says that there are fewer obstacles on the path of nishkam karma. More than half of the obstacles disappear the day you transform to Mr. Intelligent Das. The rest get better because you now act intelligently. Touchy feely people still complain. They say that Intelligent Das has lost emotions (bhavana). There is a difference between emotions (bhavana) and being touchy feely.
running out for all of us. Every day of our life is bringing us closer to our death. Both, TF Das Jr. who did not go on the path of meditation and Awareness Das (TF Sr.) who followed path of meditation), are coming to meet the eventuality of death. Mr. Toucy Feely Das Sr. has now become Awakened Das. TF Jr. continues to be the same. His life is always up and down. Emotions abound. It is not that TF Sr. has lost sensitivity; he has grown to be wise. Life continues. Time
Contd from last week F Das Sr. one day meets a friend. This friend talks to him about meditation and a Guru who teaches meditation. TF Sr. is getting fed up with his life as it is and wants to check it out. He meets this Guru and starts meditation. He learns about Sanyas and wants to take this sanyas. The Guru gives him a new name. The name now is Mr. Intelligent Das. ID now realizes that the land mines were not all there. In fact most of them were placed by his own mind. The touchy feely mind is placing the land mines itself. Mind is playing games all the times. Traffic jams will happen. There is no need of road rage. One has to deal with traffic jams without getting disturbed. The disturbance is not coming from outside. It is coming from inside. Meditation helps him deal with this effectively. Because he is now Mr. Intelligent Das, he takes time to study traffic jam patterns be-
Awareness Das TF Sr. whose new name is Intelligent Das continues to meditate. There comes a subtle transformation in his personality. He becomes Awareness Das. He is getting to understand many things. His level and scope of awareness is getting broader and deeper. We will focus on three aspects of his awareness: 1. Non attachment 2. The soul is indestructible 3. Out of body experience. Time is running out. Time is
does not stay put. Both are getting older. TF Sr. would have liked to become Enlightened Das but time is running out for him. He is also not ready for it to happen. Both are coming close to the time of their eventual death. TF Sr. has had a balanced life, a fulfilled life and has had a very contented life especially since he became Awakened Das. He also had three meditative experiences: 1. He has had some experience of being out of his physical body. This way he is able to distinguish
My first love story The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along.
Two insomnias When I am with you, we stay up all night, When you're not here, I can't get to sleep. Praise God for these two insomnias! And the difference between them.
Telling of love I have phrases and whole pages memorized, but nothing can be told of love. You must wait until you and I are living together. In the conversation we'll have patient...then.
Difference between emotions & being touchy feely DR KRISHNA BHATTA
Traffic jams will happen. There is no need of road rage. One has to deal with traffic jams without getting disturbed. The disturbance is not coming from outside
Romantic and spiritual love poems of Rumi MEVLANA JELALEDDIN RUMI
The test Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity. The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death. Tomorrow, when resurrection comes, The heart that is not in love will fail the test.
his physical body from his ethereal and astral body. Let us call it a non-physical body. He may have had only minor explosions of these experiences, yet these have been real entities for him. 2. He can truly understand the principles of non-attachment and this leads to understanding and living of nishkaam karma. 3. He also has been able to understand the true existence of his non-physical body. This cannot be burnt or cut or destroyed like a physical body.
The 802nd birth anniversary of Mevlana Jelaleddin Rumi was observed on September 30 Drunken sweetheart Suddenly the drunken sweetheart appeared out of my door. She drank a cup of ruby wine and sat by my side. Seeing and holding the lockets of her hair My face became all eyes, and my eyes all hands.
A Smile and a Gentleness There is a smile and a gentleness inside. When I learned the name and address of that, I went to where you sell perfume. I begged you not to trouble me so with
4. This one is not an experience. Have trust (faith) in some people who you feel inside can guide you. This could be Krishna or Christ, a Guru or a friend. Learn to think about them while in this life. The pundit or priest asks you some questions in every puja that you take part in. What is your ancestry, who is your ishta (could be Ganesha, Hanuman or Shiva) etc. All these start making sense while life ends and the unknown journey starts. To be continued
longing. Come out and play! Flirt more naturally. Teach me how to kiss. On the ground a spread blanket, flame that's caught and burning well, cumin seeds browning, I am inside all of this with my soul. Let the lover be Let the lover be disgraceful, crazy, absentminded. Someone sober will worry about things going badly. Let the lover be. Brightest mirror When your chest is free of your limiting ego, Then you will see the ageless Beloved. You can not see yourself without a mirror; Look at the Beloved, He is the brightest mirror.
The mind is only a bundle of thoughts. The thoughts have their root in the I-thought. Whoever investigates the True "I" enjoys the stillness of bliss. -Ramana Maharshi God is not external to anyone, but is present with all things, though they are ignorant that he is so. -Plotinus There is nothing higher than Brahman. Everything in the universe is strung on Brahman like jewels on the thread of a necklace. - Bhagavad Gita Life has no meaning in itself,but only in the meaning we give it. Like the clay in the artists hands, we may convert it into a divine form or merely into a vessel of temporary utility. -Lama Anagarika Govinda The thinking mind, the ego, the "me" are all the same. They are different names for the same thing, which is an illusion. -Ramesh Balsekar The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the Spirit lies its greatest joy. If, then you experience mental resistance during meditation, remember that reluctance to meditate comes from the ego; it doesn't belong to the soul. -Paramahansa Yogananda
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October 9, 2009
India Post 49
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October 9, 2009
India Post 50
India’s Pokharan II: The incestuous debate PR CHARI
ormer Defense Research and Development (DRDO) scientist K. Santhanam's disclosure that the thermonuclear (hydrogen bomb) test in 1998 failed to reach expectations was known earlier. Initial doubts emerged among weapons designers abroad whether Indian nuclear scientists could have contained the yield of the thermonuclear (TN) device at 45 kilotons (KT) in it its very first test. Scientific opinion in the West was divided on this question with
terrence. The question whether the TN device malfunctioned and its yield was far lower than the designed yield has to be satisfactorily resolved. Two sets of data exist with the DAE and DRDO. They need to be placed before a peer group from India and/or abroad to ascertain the truth, which is the accepted tradition to resolve scientific controversies. This however, may not happen. Why? The 1998 nuclear tests were conducted during the NDA regime
Vajpayee and others at Pokharan-II
skeptics claiming that this containment of the yield was very difficult in the first TN test; others urged that the passage of years and availability of open data had enabled Indian scientists to fashion a low-yield TN device; it was triggered by a fission core with a fissile 'blanket' around it to provide the second stage fusion reaction. Principal Scientific Advisor to Govt. of India R Chidambaram had initially denied that a boosted fission device had been used, but later informed that it had, indeed, been the trigger for the TN device. These technical details about the bomb design must be recollected, since doubts have surfaced regarding the occurrence of a TN explosion and its actual yield. It was estimated in the West that around a 25 kiloton yield had accrued based on seismic data. What the author heard from privileged sources at the time was that the first-stage boosted fission trigger functioned, but the second stage fusion reaction did not occur, resulting in a low yield of 2025 KT being recorded. This unhappy fact is now being aired by Santhanam. The scientific community has ranged itself on both sides of the argument. Some others have not taken a stand on these technical issues, preferring to highlight the irrelevance of yield considerations for providing the matrix of nuclear de-
with the BJP milking this event for its political dividends. But the successor UPA regime has remained content to let sleeping dogs lie, without trying to appreciate the strategic significance of a possibly failed TN device. Unfortunately, both the national strategic
This multitude of doubts, in fairness, requires an independent analysis of the TN test yield. An RTI application could be filed. It would be interesting to see if the Government denies this information on the 'national security' pretext and political leadership in India are 'babes in the wood' as Santhanam colorfully described MK Narayanan. Reverting to the scientific inquiry for estimating the yield of the TN device, the accepted methodologies used are seismic evaluations and radiochemical analysis. It is alleged that DRDO relied only on the seismic method (closein acceleration), since radiochemical analysis was done by the DAE. In a PIB handout Chidambaram said, "The DRDO data had anoma-
lies and had to be rejected." Santhanam argues that the DRDO estimated the yield of all the five nuclear devices tested during Pokharan II. The DAE accepted all these estimates, except for the TN device, suggesting selectivity in utilizing the DRDO data. Santhanam further argues that the crater formed by the TN device was 25 meters in diameter, consistent with a 25 KT nuclear explosion; in fact, he has also said that only a small depression was formed in the shaft mouth. Chidambaram explains that the crater size depends "on the depth of burial and the rock medium around the shot point, and the rock medium and the shot point." How did these obvious facts escape the attention of DRDO? Coming to radiochemical analysis, which is the most reliable method available, Santhanam only quotes what other DAE scientists informed him. As stated earlier, radiochemical analysis was only carried out by the DAE. Why DRDO did not undertake this analysis is a mystery. Chidambaram informs that sharp increases in the isotopes Mn-54 and Na-22 were found in rock samples taken from the TN test site, suggesting a thermonuclear reaction occurring. Besides, the Mn-54/Ce-144 ratio was consistent with a fission-fusion reaction. Without access to the spectroscopic data, assertions in this regard can only be speculative. There is another aspect to this matter. The yield of the PokharanI device is believed to have benchmarked the yields of the Pokharan-II devices. Raja Ramanna and Chidambaram estimated its yield to be 12 kilotons in January 1975, but serious doubts emerged about this claim, with a yield as low as 2 kilotons being suggested. Radiochemical analysis was apparently conducted, but the results were not made public. This controversy is significant since the seismological data from Pokharan-I was used to calibrate the yield of the Pokharan-II devices. Inflating the Pokharan-I yield would naturally affect the Pokharan-II test results. This multitude of doubts, in fairness, requires an independent analysis of the TN test yield. An RTI application could be filed. It would be interesting to see if the Government denies this information on the 'national security' pretext. The writer is Research Professor, IPCS
India Post Catching small fish
t is intriguing how the US makes laws for the world which it doesn't itself follow. The Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) is one such discriminatory law which was sought to be given a new lease of life at the recent Security Council meeting with the Big Five "unanimously" endorsing the resolution on non-proliferation. It seeks to restrict possession of nuclear weapons and related technology to as few countries as possible. The Big Five - the US, Russia, Britain, France and China - have made no attempts to cut their nuclear arsenals but found it appropriate to impose this law on the rest of the world. The fear of nuclear terrorism had exercised the previous Bush administration also but it recognized that the NPT would not and had not helped the US in facing the new challenges of the 21st century. It has not worked on bringing on board nuclear rogues like Iran and North Korea. The NPT is like catching the small fish while letting the larger ones like China to go free in spite of their proliferation record. The US has right from the beginning winked at the known nuclear proliferation between China and Pakistan which ultimately forced India to go nuclear. Musharraf's government made disgraced scientist AQ Khan the scapegoat and went on pretending that his government was not aware what Khan was doing. Fearing elimination, the "Father of Pakistan's nuclear program" revealed in a letter to his wife Hendrina Khan that all the activities (including exchanging and passing blue-prints and equipment to China, Iran, North Korea, and Libya) were done on the orders of the Pakistani government and military, and he was forced to take all the criticism that had followed. India had always suspected this but the dismay is over the US knowing about complicity of the Pakistani establishment and not doing anything about it. And now when there is real danger of Pakistani nuclear arms falling into wrong hands, the US has decided to go back to an effete treaty which aims at "disarming the unarmed." The madness of the Pakistani Generals during the Kargil war has been highlighted in a new book on Clinton years by Pulitzer Prizewinning author Taylor Branch, who says Clinton was amazed by how casually they talked about nuking India to prevent defeat in the war. As for the aim of the Kargil adventure, he claimed that Mr Clinton told him that Pakistan sneaked its soldiers across the Line of Control as part of its strategy to escalate tension with India and thus gain international attention. There has been no remorse in Pakistan about Kargil nor about the more recent Mumbai attacks or about the masterminding of the whole episode by LeT chief Hafiz Saeed. Even AQ Khan has been put behind bars with great reluctance. If anything, the China-Pakistan nuclear cooperation might have gone more clandestine. No wonder then that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had to reiterate India's stand at an international conference on peaceful uses of atomic energy saying, "the global non-proliferation regime has not succeeded in preventing nuclear proliferation. Its deficiencies in fact have had an adverse impact on our security. Global nonproliferation, to be successful, should be universal, comprehensive and non-discriminatory and linked to the goal of complete nuclear disarmament." Singh also said that India remained committed to its voluntary, unilateral moratorium on nuclear testing and that it was proud of its non-proliferation record. Indeed, in this month of Mahatma Gandhi's birth anniversary, the US also needs "to be the change it wishes to see."
October 9, 2009
India Post 51
52 India Post
October 9, 2009