Market Research Report for Planet Sarbez

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Market Research Report For

Prepared by India Stephenson, Mieke McQueen, Kaitlin Pulvino, Landon Clair, and Sarah Alkhoury

April 23, 2014


Table of Contents I.

Executive Summary


Project Objectives


Target Audience Profile


Qualitative Research i. Observation ii. In-depth interviews iii. Focus Groups


Quantitative Research i. Survey Research ii. Survey Results with Charts and Percentages




Conclusions and Recommendations

VIII. Appendix a. Research Proposal b. Survey c. Sample interview questions


Executive Summary This report provides an analysis and evaluation of research on Flagler College students age 18-25 opinions, beliefs, knowledge, and attitudes about Planet Sarbez and what they are looking for in a venue in order to help Planet Sarbez better understand and market to this target audience. Methods of research include qualitative forms of observation, interviews, and focus groups, and quantitative forms of surveys. Results and data analyzed show that students are unaware of Planet Sarbez or uninterested in going. Our research attempts to unveil these problems and make suggestions as to how they can be solved. The report finds that there are many ways Planet Sarbez could improve their marketing strategy to better reach 18-25 year old Flagler College students. The major areas of weakness require further examination and remedial action by management. Recommendations discussed include improving Planet Sarbez’s appearance, improving their marketing presence, as well as finding and sticking to a niche within the market.


Introduction: Planet Sarbez is owned and operated by Ryan Kunsch, and opened in St. Augustine, FL on January 11th, 2014. It is a large venue space located on the east side of the Bridge of Lions on A1A. Planet Sarbez serves many purposes. It is a venue space/consignment art gallery/coffee shop/and bar. It specializes in custom made T-Shirts and local consignment artwork with a reasonable price point of around $20-$30. The shop provides a selection of grilled cheeses and a variety of beverages including, but not limited to: sodas, coffee, beer, and wine, all priced between $3 and $7 dollars. Planet Sarbez also provides a space for people to come and listen to local musicians play at night. The business is open from 9am- 2am. The owner’s vision for this space is to create an establishment in which patrons may utilize the space, enjoy good conversation, and create positive vibes. Planet Sarbez wants to provide a space for everyone to come and enjoy themselves and hopes this initiative will increase awareness and educate people about what this space is and what it is used for, as well as bring more people in, including local Flagler students, to utilize the space. Planet Sarbez has struggled to define and reach a target audience. Previously they were attempting to market to everyone, but are now trying to target 18-25 year old Flagler College students. Their marketing techniques weren’t working in order to create awareness not only of their location, but also about who and what they are and did. Their online presence and promotions were not drawing in as many customers as they would have liked. Internal factors that influenced their marketing situation were that their marketing efforts were unproductive. Due to their small team of staff, limited marketing knowledge, and small budget they seemed to lack the resources necessary to advertise Planet Sarbez. The funky eclectic interior and

4 atmosphere of their shop also seemed to confuse potential customers about what Planet Sarbez was and did. External factors that influenced the their marketing situation included their location, and the target audience’s budget and willingness to try new places. Planet Sarbez is located across the Bridge of Lions, this may deter those who don’t have a bicycle or a car. It is also located across the street from the Standard, a popular nightclub, which could potentially drive traffic either to or away from Planet Sarbez. They also struggle to bring in customers because many are reluctant to try a new or different place. Planet Sarbez has requested that India Stephenson, Mieke McQueen, Kaitlin Pulvino, Landon Clair, and Sarah Alkhoury implement practical market research on Flagler College students ages 18-25 to determine their attitudes and beliefs about Planet Sarbez and what these students are looking for in a venue. Ultimately, the results of this study will be used to make changes and adjustments to Planet Sarbez’s marketing strategy. In defining the limits of this study, several areas were identified including: determining the target audiences attitude towards Planet Sarbez, defining the target audience’s behavior relative to its decision to go to Planet Sarbez, determining what services, selection, or other variables the target audiences prefers most when attending a venue like Planet Sarbez, identifying the extent to which the target audience attends Planet Sarbez, and determining the target audience’s media habits. To complete this project, our team employed a methodology that included several research techniques including both qualitative and quantitative research in which we performed direct observation of Planet Sarbez, in-depth interviews with Flagler students,

5 a focus group with Flagler students, and an online survey distributed to Flagler students for the purpose of finding conclusions and making suggestions as to how Planet Sarbez can implement changes in order to better market to 18-25 year old Flagler students.

Project Objectives: Based on quantitative and qualitative research of 18-25 year old Flagler College students, this study provides comprehensive information on awareness, use, and evaluation of Planet Sarbez. In this way, this report provides helpful market information for future planning purposes. The following objectives will be met through the research: 1. To define a target audience of 18-25 year old Flagler College students 2. To measure Flagler students awareness of Planet Sarbez 3. To determine the beliefs and attitudes that Flagler students have about Planet Sarbez 4. To understand which products Planet Sarbez should focus on offering. 5. To understand which services Planet Sarbez should focus on offering. 6. To understand product and service needs and preferences of Flagler students. 7. To uncover any difficulties Planet Sarbez may have in marketing to Flagler students 8. To guage the effectiveness of Planet Sarbez’s marketing efforts to Flagler Students thus far 9. To determine how Planet Sarbez should market to Flagler students


Target Audience Profile Name: Connor Madden Age: 22 Education: Currently a senior at Flagler College Income: Part-time about $200 per week Hobbies: Connor’s hobbies include hanging out with his friends, going to the beach, listening to music, and anything that involves a sense of adventure. Connor is all about trying new things and is always looking to keep things fresh. Interests: Connor is interested in doing things with his friends; any group activity grabs his attention. Playing guitar himself, he particularly enjoys live music and atmospheres that embrace music the same way he does. He likes to play sports and spend his weekends on the beach with his friends where he hangs out, listens to music and occasionally drinks. When it comes to study time, Connor prefers to get his studying done in quiet places like a library or coffee lounge. Bio: Connor Madden is a soon-to-graduate senior at Flagler College from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. He came to Flagler in search of a college experience that was unique and off the beaten path yet still close to the beach. He works a part time bar back position at a local bar/restaurant a few days out of the week and spends his free nights either playing intramural sports or hanging out with friends at home. Connor is an athlete but is also a student and dedicates a large portion of his free time towards his studies. After graduating Connor plans on moving back to Cape Cod and then eventually begin to make his way back down to Florida.


Methodology This research was conducted over a 6-week period in the first quarter of 2014 by our research team. We implemented both qualitative and quantitative research in the forms of observation, in-depth interviews, focus groups, and surveys on Flagler College students ages 18-25 to gain insight and perspective on their what they are looking for in a venue, as well as their knowledge, attitudes, and opinions about local venue Planet Sarbez.

Qualitative Research Our team took a humanistic/interpretive approach and conducted qualitative research among 18-25 year old Flagler College students in order to obtain culturally specific information from this audience about their values, opinions, behaviors, and social contexts in order to make suggestions for application to Planet Sarbez’s marketing strategy. We implemented direct observation research, interviews, and focus groups in order to get rich, in-depth, and personal information regarding the knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes that 18-25 year old Flagler students have towards Planet Sarbez, and what they were looking for in a venue like Planet Sarbez, in order for us to make suggestions about what Planet Sarbez can do from a business and marketing perspective in order to better target this audience. Direct Observation Our team conducted naturalistic observation on Planet Sarbez. We sent two of our team members to observe the activity at Planet Sarbez during operating hours. This methodology was appropriate in order for us to get a grasp of the location, exterior, interior, atmosphere, menu, and activities that go on during a typical day at Planet Sarbez. Key observations that our team made while observing the natural environment at Planet Sarbez were that while Planet Sarbez has a great location, just across the Bridge of Lions, close to many popular bars, it has poor signage, lighting, and appears closed from the outside. We entered Planet Sarbez, a large open space with clothing racks, jewelry, and artwork, attempting to build a path through the building to reach the counter. The walls and floors are hand painted in detailed, colorful, funky imagery. While our observers got an artsy, eclectic vibe from the atmosphere, they also mentioned that it seemed grungy and cluttered in an attempt to fill up the large space. The lighting was very dim in many areas, making it hard to see the art displayed. On the stage at the front of the shop, two longhaired boys were playing guitars. However, there were no customers in the shop. Friends of the owner stopped in to say hello but no one came in to make a purchase. The owner sat behind the counter and another employee was asleep on one of the couches. The owner was incredibly friendly and offered us drinks as we sat and observed. Planet Sarbez also had pool tables and games in another room. Their menu was hand written on a whiteboard above the counter, slightly over cluttered with options and difficult to read. The general theme of the shop was that of a makeshift place to hangout. The lighting made it hard to see all the different features that make Sarbez so unique, such as local

8 artist’s work, jewelry and apparel. We did not order food, and left after an hour of observation.

In-depth Interviews Our team implemented 50 face-to-face in-depth interviews. This type of interview involved asking informants open-ended questions and follow up questions wherever necessary to obtain as much information as the interviewer deems useful. The respondents were asked a series of questions pertaining to their knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes towards Planet Sarbez. Half of these interviews were central location intercept interviews with randomly selected Flagler College students, conducted in the Proctor Library. The other half of the interviewees were Flagler students whom one of our team members knew, and were conducted in the privacy of their own homes. About half of the interviewees were male and the other half female. Each interview took about 10-15 minutes to conduct with each interviewee. When asked if they had heard of Planet Sarbez, most students had heard about it from their friends at Flagler. Others had heard via Instagram and driving by the storefront, and a few simply had not heard of it. Half of the interviewees attended Planet Sarbez in the afternoon and half attended at night. 2/3 of the interviewees did not go back to Planet Sarbez after their initial visit. When asked why, many responded cleanliness, weird atmosphere, unfriendly staff, and loudness influenced their decisions not to return. However, of those 1/3 that did return to Planet Sarbez after their initial visit said they did so because they liked the clothing/jewelry/products, enjoyed the grilled cheeses, or had friends that worked there. Those who at at Planet Sarbez all at in the evening and had grilled cheese. Nearly all of the interviewees stated that they were not greeted upon entering Planet Sarbez, and did not understand the concept of Planet Sarbez, as explained by the owner to our marketing research team, after they visited the shop. When questioned about employee/customer interaction, more people explained that the employees seemed uninterested than neutral or welcoming. Nearly all of the interviewees mentioned the lack of organization within the shop. While most interviewees had positive things to say about the interior art and dĂŠcor of Planet Sarbez, there were mentions that it was to much or not their style. When questioned whether they would go to Planet Sarbez to study, all interviewees responded no because of the loud rock/electronic music and poor lighting. Half of the interviewees said they would go to Planet Sarbez to drink and listen to a band and would like to see hipster bands playing. Focus Group Our team orcastrated a focus group of 20 participants. This type of qualitative research was necessary in order for us to gain insight about the perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes that Flagler students ages 18-25 have towards Planet Sarbez and what they look

9 for in a venue. This was an important tool for acquiring feedback from their experiences and acquiring suggestions from the target audience themselves as to what Planet Sarbez could do to better serve and market to this target audience. The focus group took place in Dr. Hoffman’s COM403 Theory and Research Class, and consisted of 20 Flagler College students age 18-25 and lasted for 30 minutes. We implanted a dual moderator focus group, where one moderator ensured the session progressed smoothly, while another ensured that all the topics were covered. Of the 20 participants, only 5 had heard of Planet Sarbez and were all female. One participant in particular had been there and is going again for a concert. She said “its really artsy and you can buy grilled cheeses”. Words that were thrown out when asked about the overall feeling of Planet Sarbez were: eclectic, artsy, hangout spot, grilled cheeses, relaxed, and conversational. Because so many participants had never head of Planet Sarbez, our second moderator explained where Planet Sarbez was and what products and services it offered. Many participants felt confused that they offered so many different things and expressed a need for them to find a niche. Some of the participants explained that they would go to Planet Sarbez if it served good, fresh coffee, comfortable seating, had quick service, and was spacious. They were looking for somewhere with a good atmosphere and a tasty product. Some of the participants said that they drive by Planet Sarbez all the time, and know that they serve grilled cheese and beer, but have never been. However, the majority had a positive feel about the business, with the exeption of one participant who thought that Planet Sarbez was “too artsy and hip” for them to go there. Participants explained that college students are cheap and need incentives to go to a venue. They suggested that Planet Sarbez run 2 for 1 specials, 10% Flagler discounts, and free coffee with purchase promotions. Half of the participants agreed that they would want to receive promotions through social media, especially through Twitter, and were interested in seeing more images of Planet Sarbez’s interior posted to social media. However, nearly all of the participants agreed that Planet Sarbez needs a real website for information as opposed to just its social media sites. The focus group participants agreed that they would go to Planet Sarbez for live music but would pay no more than a $5 cover. They were also willing to pay between $12-$15 dollars for a t-shirt designed by a local artist. Participants expressed a want for craft beer and outdoor seating. They also agreed that they would be willing to spend $5-$10 on food/drink at Planet Sarbez, and would be interested in unique sides to go with the grilled cheeses as well as tacos, quesadillas, mac & cheese, milkshakes, french fries, and nachos. On a final note, the participants of this focus group seemed most excited about Planet Sarbez being a “late night” venue similar to the Taco Shop, and exclaimed “everyone wants drunk food!”.

Quantitative Research: Our team took a scientific/positivistic approach and conducted quantitative research among 18-25 year old Flagler College students in order to gain understanding about what they value when visiting a venue as well as their attitudes, beliefs, and opinions about Planet Sarbez. This type of research provided a numerical representation of the target

10 audience. This quantification allowed for a more precise analysis and ease in summarizing data and making inferences. Survey Research: Our team designed a descriptive self-administered survey of ten questions that was uploaded to an online survey service called Our team formulated the survey questions in order to find what the target audience, Flagler students ages 1825, were looking for in a venue, as well as their knowledge and attitudes towards Planet Sarbez. These surveys were distributed via web links through our individual Facebook pages to Flagler students, as well as through email from three Flagler College communications teachers who offered their students extra credit for taking the survey. This study collected data among 50 Flagler students over a five-week period. Completed surveys were analyzed by, the same service used to distribute the online survey. More females(64%) took the survey than males(36%). Students appeared to be more interested in attending a bar(38%) or restaurant(38%) than a coffee shop(24%), an art gallery(8%), or a music venue(22%). Students highly agreed that their ideal pregame was a house party(82%) as opposed to a bar(18%). When attending a venue, they seemed most concerned about the price(58%) and the atmosphere(56%). Atmosphere(58%) and discounts(42%) also ranked highly on what made students want to attended a venue that offered coffee, food, alcohol, music, and art, and nearly all of the participants said they would want to attend a venue like this in the evening(94%). Less than half of the survey participants participate in St. Augustine Artwalk(74%). While nearly half of the survey population had not heard of Planet Sarbez (44%), some had heard of it but had not gone(32%) but less had heard of it and been(24%). The majority of the participants would go to Planet Sarbez to hangout(58%), eat(44%), and drink(42%), but very few said they would shop(10%) or study(10%) there. While lots of the surveyers agreed they would not like to be contacted by Planet Sarbez for promotions(40%), the others favored Facebook(36%), then posters around campus(30%), and then Instagram(20%),

11 Survey Results with charts and percentages: Question 1.

Question 2.

12 Question 3.

Question 4.

13 Question 5.

Question 6.


Question 7.

Question 8.


Question 9.

Question 10.


Limitations: As with any research project, this one had serveral limitations. These limitations include but are not limited to distribution bias, budget and time constraints as non-availability of qualified staff and services. While the online surveys were free to create and distribute and allowed respondents to maintain their anonymity and reconsider their responses, there was a low response rate and potential respondant bias. The surveys also allowed for multiple choices for each question to be made as opposed a single option. This may have skewed both the results and our analysis. There may also have been a bias in who the survey and focus group was administered to, as it mainly reached students in communication classes and may not represent a random sample from the Flagler College student population. Our lack of budget constrained the amount of questions we could ask on our online survey via To add more than ten questions we had to pay a fee. Time contraints also effected this research project due to the amount of time we had for online surveys to be completed as well as the constraints on the amount of time available in class to administer our focus group. Finally as college students, we used our resources to the best of our abilities, however, we do not have the resources, knowledge, experience, and qualifications of those at large market research corporations.

Conclusions and Recommendations: The data analysis in this report yields three major conculsions that hold implications for future marketing and communication efforts of Planet Sarbez. They do not reflect the opinions of the researchers, but the factual reseach performed on the target audience. They also do not reflect the market as a whole but only findings among those chosen as respondents for this study. This includes suggestions based on factural research findings on how Planet Sarbez can better market to and serve Flagler College students ages 18-25. Appearance. Through our research, it became apparent that Planet Sarbez should focus on their appearance and presence throughout the Flagler College population. Planet Sarbez is a venue that many students pass on their way to school everyday, yet lots of students have never seen or heard of it. Increased signage outside of the building, and along A1A may help to create an identity and recognition of the location of the shop. Other suggestions include an increase of lighting inside the shop, which may help to make it look open, and diminish the dark, grungy, ideology that some research participants mentioned. Incorporating a system where customers could come in and see an overview of the businesses new installments and specials could greatly help the misunderstanding of the business. Marketing Presence. As stated above, Planet Sarbez is still little known among the Flagler College student population. An official website with a menu, concert information, and hours of operation may be beneficial to the business. Many respondents showed interest in being contacted via social media, consequently, we suggest searching Flagler College tags on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and sending friend requests and invites to all of these students. This may greatly increase Planet Sarbez’s contact with Flagler College students, and make them more accessible to reach with information and

17 promotions, such as 2 for 1s or 10% Flagler discounts. Another effort to reach the target audience would be to hold an event on the Flagler campus, selling merchandise and grilled cheeses while spreading the word about their business and it’s location. Finally, participants of the research efforts suggested an increase of Planet Sarbez flyers on campus. These flyers could include promotions, prices, and events. This media may help establish a recognizable image for the business so that more students are aware of what Planet Sarbez is, and an incentive for them to go. Find a niche. Through our research, it became apparent that Planet Sarbez needs to find a niche. It seems as though Planet Sarbez is trying to do too much and market to too many audiences. On some days, the business is open from 9am until 2pm, and offers a vast array of products and services. Many of the students we met with expressed their concerns with the overload of choices they were given regarding the food, apparel, art and drink. Most of our research participants had been to Planet Sarbez in the evening, consequently, cutting down hours and only opening in the evening may be financially beneficial to the business. Many participants expressed more interest in attending a restaurant and bar venue at night so cutting down art, coffee, and apparel efforts could be suggested.


Appendix A: Research Proposal


! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

! ! ! ! Request!for!Research!Proposal!! February!19,!2014! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


! ! Introduction!and!Brief!Organizational!Overview! Planet'Sarbez,'owned'and'operated'by'Ryan'Kunsch,'opened'in'St.'Augustine,'FL'on' January'11th,'2014.'It'is'a'large'venue'space'located'on'the'east'side'of'the'Bridge'of' Lions'on'A1A.'Planet'Sarbez'serves'many'purposes.'It'is'a'venue'space/consignment' art'gallery/coffee'shop/and'bar.'It'specializes'in'custom'made'TJShirts'and'local' consignment'artwork'with'a'reasonable'price'point'of'around'$20J$30.'The'shop' provides'a'selection'of'grilled'cheeses'and'a'variety'of'beverages'including,'but'not' limited'to:'sodas,'coffee,'beer,'and'wine,'all'priced'between'$3'and'$7'dollars.'Planet' Sarbez'also'provides'a'space'for'people'to'come'and'listen'to'local'musicians'play'at' night.'The'business'is'open'from'9amJ'2am.'The'owner’s'vision'for'this'space'is'to' create'an'establishment'in'which'patrons'may'utilize'the'space,'enjoy'good' conversation,'and'create'positive'vibes.'Planet'Sarbez'wants'to'provide'a'space'for' everyone'to'come'and'enjoy'themselves'and'hopes'this'initiative'will'increase' awareness'and'educate'people'about'what'this'space'is'and'what'it'is'used'for,'as' well'as'bring'more'people'in,'including'local'Flagler'students,'to'utilize'the'space.'' '

Current!Marketing!Situation! Planet'Sarbez'has'struggled'to'define'and'reach'a'target'audience.'Previously'we' were'attempting'to'market'to'everyone,'but'are'now'trying'to'target'18J25'year'old' Flagler'College'students.'Our'marketing'techniques'aren’t'working'in'order'to'create' awareness'not'only'of'our'location,'but'also'about'who'and'what'we'are'and'do.'Our' online'presence'and'promotions'are'not'drawing'in'as'many'customers'as'we'would' like.'Internal'factors'that'influence'the'current'marketing'situation'are'that'our' marketing'efforts'are'unproductive.'Due'to'our'small'team'of'staff,'limited' marketing'knowledge,'and'small'budget'we'seem'to'lack'the'resources'necessary'to' advertise'Planet'Sarbez.'The'funky'eclectic'interior'and'atmosphere'of'our'shop'also' seems'to'confuse'potential'customers'about'what'Planet'Sarbez'is'and'does.' External'factors'that'influence'the'current'marketing'situation'include'the'location,'

21 and'the'target'audience’s'budget'and'willingness'to'try'new'places.'Planet'Sarbez'is' located'across'the'Bridge'of'Lions,'this'may'deter'those'who'don’t'have'a'bicycle'or'a' car.'It'is'also'located'across'the'street'from'the'Standard,'a'popular'nightclub,'which' could'potentially'drive'traffic'either'to'or'away'from'Planet'Sarbez.'We'also'struggle' to'bring'in'customers'because'many'are'reluctant'to'try'a'new'or'different'place.'' '

Scope!of!Work!and!Budget' The'selected'bidders'will'conduct'qualitative'and'quantitative'market'research'of' 18J25'male'and'female'Flagler'College'students'to'determine'what'they'desire'in'a' coffee'shop/cafe/art'gallery/bar'as'well'as'how'to'improve'awareness'and'increase' customer'traffic'to'Planet'Sarbez'in'order'for'Planet'Sarbez'to'better'improve'our' marketing,'advertising,'sales,'and'customer'service'efforts.'Primary'activities'may' include'creating,'distributing,'administering,'recollecting,'and'analyzing'interviews,' focus'groups,'and'surveys'of'Flagler'students'as'well'as'engaging'in'observation' efforts'in'the'Planet'Sarbez'venue.'We'are'interested'in'targeting'18J25'year'old' male'and'female'at'Flagler'College'students'who'are'looking'for'one'or'more'of'the' following'criteria:'a'place'to'study,'coffee,'alcohol,'food,'live'music,'and'art.'The' selected'bidder'will'work'with'Planet'Sarbez'owner,'Ryan'Kunsch,'and'our'four' shop'employees.'Marketing'research'activities'including'but'not'limited'to'research,' strategy,'planning,'and'executing'will'be'required'to'discover'Planet'Sarbez’s' strengths'and'weaknesses'in'order'to'implement'changes'and'better'target'our' market.'There'is'no'money'in'the'budget'for'research,'so'bidders'should'be'creative' and'flexible.'

' Anticipated!Deliverables! Bidders'are'required'to'submit'all'anticipated'deliverables'to'Planet'Sarbez'no'later' than'April'21,'2014.' •




22 '

Proposal!Requirements' •






Recommended'approaches'and'research'methods'to'achieve'objectives'and' goals' '

References' The'bidder'should'include'at'least'three'references'to'completed'research'with' previous'clients'pertaining'to'target'markets'age'18J25'and'the'food/service' industry.'Bidders'should'include'contact'information'including'names,'phone' numbers,'and'eJmails'of'the'previous'clients'they'choose'to'use'as'references.''' '

Selection!Criteria!and!Process' Planet'Sarbez'owner'and'staff'will'select'the'appropriate'bidder'based'on'ability'to' meet'the'proposal'submission'deadline,'comprehensiveness'of'proposal,' qualifications,'references,'and'background'and'previous'research'relevant'to'the' project.'

' ! ! ! ! ! ! !


! Submission!Guidelines' Each'bidder'is'required'to'submit'a'proposal'that'is'received'no'later'than'March' 15th'(5:00'p.m.'EST).'Proposals'may'be'sent'via'PDF'by'email'to''or'by'mail'to:' ' Planet!Sarbez' C/O'Ryan'Kuntz,'Owner,'Planet'Sarbez' 115'Anastasia'Blvd.,' Saint'Augustine,'Florida'32080' Phone:'631J830J7550' Email:''

! Addendum! This'Request'for'Research'Proposal'was'formulated'on'behalf'of'Planet'Sarbez'by' India'Stephenson,'Mieke'McQueen,'Kaitlin'Pulvino,'Landon'Clair,'and'Sarah' Alkhoury'for'the'spring'semester'of'Professor'Hoffman’s'COM'403'Theory/Research' class'at'Flagler


Appendix B. Sample Survey

25 Planet Sarbez 1. Are you male or female? o Male o Female

2. Which one are you more interested in attending? A coffee shop o

A restaurant


An art gallery


A bar


A music venue

3. Where is your ideal pregame? o

A house party


A bar

4. What are your biggest concerns about attending a venue? o





Exterior appearance


Quality of food/beverage



5. What would make you want to attend a venue that offers coffee, food, alcohol, music and art? o










6. Would you prefer to attend a venue that offers coffee, food, alcohol, music and art in the: o

Not at all





7. Do you participate in St. Augustine Artwalk? o




8. Have you heard of Planet Sarbez/ been to Planet Sarbez



Yes I have heard of it, but never been


No I have never heard of it, never been


Yes I have heard of it and I have been

9. Would you go to Planet Sarbez to: o

Not go at all











10. Would you be willing for Planet Sarbez to connect with you via social media for promotions? o



Yes, Facebook


Yes, Twitter


Yes, Instagram

o Yes, Posters around campus Name, class and professor that you are receiving extra credit for completing this survey

Powered by SurveyMonkey


Appendix C. Sample Interview Questions


Sample Interview Questions 1. Have you been to Planet Sarbez? 2. When did you first attend the shop? 3. Did you go back after you initially visited? 4. What made you not want to go back? 5. What made you want to go back? 6. How did you feel as you walked into the shop? 7. Where you greeted upon entering? 8. Did you understand the concept of Sarbez after you visted the shop? 9. How did the employees interact with you as a customer? 10. How was the organization and cleanliness? 11. Do you participate in Art Walk? 12. Have you purchased clothing, jewelry, or merchandise from Planet Sarbez? 13. What do you think of the art and dĂŠcor? 14. Did you eat at Planet Sarbez? 15. Would you want to study inside Planet Sarbez? 16. What kind of music was playing while you were there? 17. Would you go to Planet Sarbez to drink and listen to a band? 18. What kinds of bands would you pay to see at Planet Sarbez? 19. Would you study in a place where you listened to bands and drank alcohol?

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