Interview With The Developer!
10 Chambers Collective
Q: What's the importance of developing a hardcore, team-based title today? Simon: We don't know if it's important, that's for others to decide. We just felt that there was a vacuum in the market there, and thought that we could create something that filled it. Q.a: While the best experience is with other friends, are there single-player options? Simon.a: We are putting all of our focus on cooperation. If you want single-player campaigns, there are many other games that will scratch that itch for you -
but if you and your squad want to be challenged in your ability to coordinate and communicate, GTFO is your jam. Q: Having the creator from the 'Payday' series, what was the biggest difference between creating a studio title and this smaller, independent game? Simon: “Payday: The Heist”, the first “Payday” game, was in fact a smaller, independent game - so, in reality, we're going back to the roots. We just felt that there was room for improvement but so much needed to be changed that
it had to be its own, new brand without any history and/or baggage. To answer your question, we'd say the biggest difference is the creative freedom, and more specifically the freedom to make choices that narrow down the game's appeal. “GTFO” is a lot more niche than any games we've previously worked on, and we love that. Q: What's a feature you're most proud of to show off and introduce to new players? Simon: Our ability to create new content rather quickly