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Indie Incognito Fall 2021 Issue



Author Paulette C. Jackson Op-Ed for Incognito Indie Magazine “Regular professions vs. The Music profession”

I’ve often thought about how most people view the arts and entertainment industry as a legitimate profession vs. say being a lawyer or educator. Unfortunately, most don’t think of the arts and entertainment field as a legitimate profession whether it be music, theatre, dance, etc. Oh sure, folks like to go out to live events and enjoy the works being performed on stage but, I believe a lot of people think it’s a hobby for most creatives, something to do on the side. Well, personally, that has always been a thorn in my side because I consider myself an artist, whether I am writing a song, a book or recording a radio show, etc. I consider that my true passion, my calling, my profession and anything I do outside of all this has nothing to do with who I am, it is merely a means to fund my household and business ventures until the day comes where I no longer have to perform “9 to 5” jobs (and that is all it is to me) and concentrate solely on building and working my brand.

Just like anyone that goes to school to become a doctor, lawyer, or educator, the same is true for those of us in the arts and entertainment field, you still must study and perfect your craft and the learning is on-going, it doesn’t stop in a classroom. We study or should be studying, those who have paved the way. You can’t always get the meat and potatoes of a subject out of a textbook, it’s life experiences too that are just as or more important. The arts and entertainment business are a legitimate business and has many opportunities within it to build successful careers. We as artists need to stop letting people tell us or the world that it’s not. I’m proud of my place in this industry and I am not through yet, this is my profession, it is who I am, music, dance, theatre, author, etc. Sure, I can go into an office and type, answer phones, set appointments, create documents, etc. but I choose to do it now to grow my brand. Let us not be scared to go for what is in our hearts to do. The arts and entertainment industry brings joy to many, and we are here to stay.

Just my opinion.

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