6 minute read
CLAUDE STATEN, JR Mr Perseverance
When I seek my cover features for Indie Incognito Magazine, I look for a full package story. Am I going to get to write a story that will be a great read, intoxicating, enlightening, entertaining, and maybe even a little controversial. Well, I got all of that and more with the one and only Claude Staten, Jr. This young brother embodies all of the elements that Indie Incognito stands for. An independent spirit. A take charge, get it done at all costs mentality and the persistence of a zen master.
I first met Claude Staten, Jr via a few messages on face book. My media partner made me aware of a young man who seemed to have a lot on the ball. Claude ended up giving me a call and in the midst of our first conversation, I could sense what I was told about him. He told me about his tough upbringing in Brooklyn. How he was lost in a world of uncertainty and turmoil with no direction. Claude spoke with complete transparency and I was touched by his complete lack of reluctance, feeling we were immediately bonding.
I was listening to a young man who had been through the ringer. Who understood his future was in his own hands. We talked about the relationships he has built over the past few years as his career has blossomed. Claude has learned how to see, feel and sense the insincere nature of many who approach him. This young man is savvy beyond his years, understands his value and never settles for less. Claude hit me with this nugget. “ Tony, I'm an intellectual Jacker. I jack people for their intelligence. I put my floppy disk and the hard drive in and take in all the information I can. What I can use and apply I apply it, or whatever else I never throw it away”. Never lacking confidence, Claude Staten, Jr is poised for greatness and will tell you so at every opportunity.
Tell our readers about the early years growing up in NY
I grew up in the East Flatbush section of Brooklyn to a single mother. She was of Chinese and Portuguese descent. My grandfather instilled a lot of seeds of greatness in me. He is not my biological grandfather but he is the only one I know and love. He gave me his last name and he is just an amazing man. I would spend my summers with him at his home in New Bern, NC, from the ages of 4 to 11. My grandfather instilled seeds of greatness in me that have allowed me to be the man I am today. This great man suffered prostrate cancer and the fatal effect on him came very fast. What I know Tony, is that God made sure that my grandfather left me with the skills, courage and commitment to excel and do good works. Needless to say, my grandfather is the greatest man I have ever known.
Why have you never signed with a big boxing promoter?
OWNERSHIP. That is why I never signed with De La Hoya, Mayweather or any of the other promotional companies that wanted me to sign contracts with them. As humbly as I can say this,with my intelligence I cannot allow myself to be under anyone’s confines. I love my liberty and freedom.
Claude, tell me about your philanthropy and community work, Where does that drive come from?
It cam from the fact that I can directly relate to poverty. I have been a brand ambassador for certain companies that feed the critically ill and homeless.I know those pains and shame that can come with it. I empathize and have immersed myself into those causes and projects that foster giving and caring.
What’s in store for the Cladie Boy Brand?
Well I have recently began a rigorous training campaign. I am going back into the ring undefeated and hope to have 3 more fights this year. The objective is to get that elusive title shot.

Spending your summers in the country and then coming back to NY, how were you able to handle the differences of the two environments?
Seven, eight or nine, I could see and understand the differences and I just naturally adapted. Tony I have been adapting my entire life. I began to notice how the people back in NY would ask “ How do you know this and that?” Where does that insight come from? Well, I think it could have been genetics or the realization that I was listening to my elders all along and I have always been an expressive person.
Tell us how did you begin your boxing career?
A Muslim brother in the neighborhood would see me hanging around, asking tons of questions and reading books. I would always throw punches in the air and shadow boxing. This man told me to take my ass to the gym and stay off of the streets. I listened to this man, walked into Gleason’s gym. From there is was director to Kingsway gym, a very popular gym in Manhattan. I was just a natural at the sport and was winning the NY City Golden Gloves and representing my city in the Golden Glove Nationals. All within 12 months.
How did you handle that quick change in your life?
It was a struggle. I was 18 years old trying to start at the bottom and work my way up. Actually I call it rock bottom and what many do not understand is how amazing a journey that can be. It’s amazing to me because it is hard. It’s a great foundation to build on because it is necessary. Despite my surroundings and negative influences, I still had a spark in me to do the right thing. I realized how easy it was to rob, steal and sell drugs. What I grew to understand that it takes a strong man to do the right thing. It takes courage and commitment. A coward cuts corners. I have done a lot of bad things in my life but I am not a coward. So, that’s how boxing became my Distraction From
What parallels did you find between managing your boxing career and then managing your businesses and brand?
That’s a great question. Well with regards to disclosing the companies I own, it’s strictly on a need to know basis. As far as the parallels, I’d say I always want to reflect quality over quantity. I did not have a ton of amateur fights but my skills allowed me to blossom anyway. With my business ventures, I have moved in the same lane. Representing the best and delivering the best. Quality over quantity for real. I am committed to owning my boxing career and my business enterprises, simultaneously.
So 2022 you’ll be looking for that title shot?
Probably 2023 but late 2022 is possible. It does get more difficult with maintaining full focus on boxing because of the success of my business ventures. However, as long as have the desire and passion to wake up in the morning and train to perfect my craft, I will do so,
What would be your number one piece of advice for my readers?
I would say what we do in life, echos in eternity. Be mindful of what we say, do and embody because God is watching.

Claude with our publisher, Tony Smith in Los Angeles. Photo by Thomas Howard