indige•zine '#NoDAPL'

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Aly McKnight

What do you have to say to young people, indigenous and non-indigenous alike, trying to make a difference in their communities? Persevere and stay balanced because it's really easy to forget about yourself in these movements and these fights. Remember yourself, remember to self-care, to care about your spirit. You can't heal other people or heal the land if you're not healed yourself. It's like getting in a relationship with two broken people – you just keep breaking each other down. Remember to show yourself some compassion because it gets draining. -Nataanii Means

gray water. Kelatztli Mendoza in that tall tale of taught masculinity they lost what our ancestors found about duality not written in so called books of history but in that beautiful mystery the sabor of abuelas caldo de pollo: divinity abuelo catching the hen & raising the corn: reciprocity not typeface or spelled out in ink but in our bones that genetic memory quiet down with water take a drink let the balanced voices in u speak. fire & water. sky & earth. first light, night. death & birth.

“This land: is not your land, was not your land, will never be your land.� -R.I.S.E. Indigenous


screen printing workshop cattaraugus indian reservation, new york 12/7/16 Chauncey Tails

Weshoyot Alvitre

Product Sarah Stern I am a product Of colonization Within decolonization Of broken Within complete Of fighting and loving I am a product Of guns pointed at heads Demanding land, resources, Cultural practices, "tricks" I am a product Of America Constantly at war with your neighbor Not agreeing to listen Until one day I stopped and listened to myself I became the sculpture of my own product. Molded together by my past but in charge of my future In charge of sharing Or not In charge of loving Or not But in charge Of my own decolonization

Braudie Blais-Billie

Christi Belcourt

In The Palm of Our Hands Alyssa Richardson The sacred lands at Standing Rock Rest between the palms of our hands Our NDN hands hold water Water is life; it is our life we hold The pipelines will pollute it And damage our hands Our hands are dainty but fierce We are the protectors of water So when we cusp our hands We are protecting our lands The lands that we belong to – the Oceti Sakowin belong to I am not Ocetic Sakowin I am Haliwa-Saponi But as a Southerner it is vital to protect my Midwest people We chant with the cusping of our hands “NO DAPL” We are the hands, fingers, and palms We will not let go our guard We will continue to cusp our hands To demonstrate this is important to us That is why it is in the palm of our hands As NDNs to protect our lands and water


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