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OLYMPUS BRASS OLYMPUS BRASS Via Mattei, Via Mattei, 13 13 25050 Passirano 25050 Passirano Brescia -- ITALY Brescia ITALY Info line Info line +39 +39 333 333 33 33 23 23 787 787 Tel./Fax +39 Tel./Fax +39 030 030 68 68 10 10 146 146 E-mail: olympus-brass@libero.it E-mail: olympus-brass@libero.it

Olympus Brass Bronzi d’arte

Olympus Brass Bronzi d’arte


al 1970 la Olympus Brass si occupa con impegno costante della riproduzione di originali antichi utilizzando gli stessi materiali e le stesse tecniche di cesellatura tramandate dai Maestri Italiani e Francesi, realizzando oggetti che per finiture, cesello, armonia, sanno come pochi altri riprodurre la fantasia, la maestosità e la raffinatezza dei “pezzi d’epoca”. La produzione, limitata a pochi esemplari, è completamente realizzata a mano ed è frutto dell’abilità dei Maestri Artigiani che, con esperienza, lavorano i vari pezzi rifinendoli nei minimi particolari. La continua ricerca in collezioni private, lo studio e la realizzazione di disegni, ci consentono di allestire una collezione completa fra orologi, candelabri, lampade e vasi, al fine di soddisfare tutte le esigenze della nostra clientela in materia di arredamento. Nella convinzione che i nostri oggetti resteranno nel tempo segno indelebile di un’espressione artistica, continuiamo con entusiasmo e serietà il nostro lavoro.


ince 1970 Olympus Brass has devoted herself constantly to the reproduction of original antiques, using the same materials and the same engraving techniques which have been passed on from the Italian and the French Masters, producing some fine pieces whose finish, engraving and harmony will be hard to match as they depict the creativity, the frandeur and the refinement of “epoch pieces”. The production is limited and it is completely hand fashioned, the work of Master Craftsmen who, through this experience work the various pieces and finish them in all their minutest details. The continuos research into private collections, the study and the reproductions of design allow us to present a complete collections of clocks, candle-holders, wall lamps, to meet any interior decoration demands from our customers. We are persuaded that our pieces will retain in times to come and indelible sign of artistic espression, and we continue on our working path with the enthusiasm and devotion to our work.

Ogni modello prodotto da Olympus Brass presente su questo catalogo è disponibile in differenti versioni, su richiesta del cliente. Tipologie di finiture: argento, oro antico e oro 24 Kt; Tinte per le porcellane: blu, rosso, avorio, verde, bianco con gemme di cristallo e nero con gemme di cristallo; Tinte per i cristalli: trasparente, ambra, verde, nero e lilla; Colori per i marmi: rosa, rosso, verde e nero. Each product by Olympus Brass in this catalogue is available in four different versions, at the instance of the customer. Finishing types: silver, antique gold and gold 24 Kt; Porcelain’s tints: blue, red, ivory, green, white with crystal gems and black with crystal gems; Crystal’s tints: transparent, amber, green, black and lilac; Marble’s colors: pink, red, green and black.

Finiture Finitures ga

















Porcellane Porcelains

Cristalli Crystals

Marmi Marbles


Orologi Clocks

ART. 538 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 81, b: cm 35x35 Orologio in bronzo dorato con figure finemente cesellate a mano e inserto in marmo. Clock made of bronze with finely handmade carved figures and marble insert.

ART. 1186 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, b: cm 22x22 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Candleholder made of golden bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 535 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 72, b: cm 35x35 Orologio in stile impero in bronzo cesellato e patinato a mano; inserti in cristallo color ambra. Clock imperial style made of handmade carved and coated bronze; handmade amber crystal inserts.

ART. 1186 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, ø: cm 25 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserto in cristallo ambra. Candleholder made of gold-plated bronze with amber crystal insert.

ART. 535 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, b: cm 35x35 Orologio in stile Luigi XV con bronzi finemente cesellati, placcati in oro zecchino 24 Kt; inserti in cristallo. Clock Luigi XV style, made of finely carved bronzes, 24 Kt gold-coated and crystal inserts.

ART. 533 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, b: cm 35x35 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inserti in cristallo nero. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with black crystal inserts.

ART. 519 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, b: cm 35x35 Orologio in stile impero in bronzo cesellato a mano e placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo ambra. Clock imperial style made of 24 Kt gold-plated and handmade carved bronze, with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 521 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, b: cm 35x35 Orologio in bronzo patinato a mano con inserti in cristallo color ambra. Clock made of handmade coated bronze with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 421 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 48, b: cm 25x18 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inserto in cristallo lavorato a mano. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with manually operated crystal insert.

ART. 1181 cram

Misure/Size: h: cm 52, ø: cm 25 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserti in cristallo ambra. Candleholder made of gold-plated bronze with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 437 p

Misure/Size: h: cm 52, b: cm 50x20 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inseri in limoges decorati a mano. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with limoges inserts handmade decorated.

ART. 436

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, b: cm 40x20 Orologio in bronzo dorato con figure finemente cesellate a mano. Doratura in oro zecchino con patinatura d’epoca. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with finely chiseled handmade figures. Gilding in pure gold with vintage coating.

ART. 413 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 54, b: cm 32x25 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 443

Misure/Size: h: cm 52, ø: cm 25 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Candleholder made of gold-plated bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 438 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, b: cm 50x20 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 412 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 52, b: cm 35x25 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 520 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, b: cm 35x35 Orologio in stile barocco con inserti in marmo rosso e bronzi patinati e cesellati a mano. Clock baroque style with red marble inserts and handmade coated and carved bronzes.

ART. 443 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 52, ø: cm 22 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Candleholder made of gold-plated bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 435 p

Misure/Size: h: cm 52, b: cm 50x20 Orologio in stile impero in bronzo dorato con inserti in ceramica limoges. Clock imperial style made of gold-plated bronze with limoges ceramic inserts.

ART. 449 p

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, ø: cm 20 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserti in stile limoges. Candleholder made of gold-plated bronze with limoges ceramic inserts.

ART. 613 ga

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, L: cm 35, p: cm 6 Orologio da parete in bronzo patinato e cesellato a mano. Wall clock made of handmade coated and carved bronze.

ART. 615 gd

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, L: cm 25, p: cm 6 Orologio da parete dorato con putti cesellati a mano. Gold-coated wall clock with handmade carved little angels.

ART. 480 L

Misure/Size: h: cm 60, b: cm 35x30 Orologio in radica di noce con fregi in bronzo placcati in oro 24 Kt. Clock made of walnut briar-root with 24 Kt gold-plated bronze decorations.

ART. 427 p

Misure/Size: h: cm 60, b: cm 35x20 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inserti in ceramica blu. Clock made of gold-plated bronze with blue ceramic inserts.

ART. 480 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 60, b: cm 30x15 Orologio in legno nero con fregi in bronzo dorato. Clock made of black wood with gold-plated bronze decorations.

ART. 414 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, b: cm 25x18 Orologio in bronzo placcato oro 24 kt con inserti in ceramica bianca e gemme di cristallo. Clock made of 24 kt gold-plated bronze and white ceramic with crystal gem-set.

ART. 449 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, ø: cm 20 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserti in ceramica bianca e gemme di cristallo. Candleholder made of gold-plated bronze and ceramic inserts with crystal gem-set.

ART. 446 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 58, b: cm 30x18 Orologio in ceramica bianca con gemme di cristallo incastonate e fregi in bronzo dorato. Clock made of white ceramic with crystal gem-set and gold-plated bronze decorations.

ART. 1186 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, ø: cm 32 Candelabro in bronzo dorato con inserti in ceramica bianca con gemme di cristallo. Candleholder made of white ceramic inserts with crystal gem-set.

ART. 401 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, b: cm 20x18 Orologio con fregi in bronzo dorato e inserti in ceramica bianca e gemme di cristallo. Clock with gold-plated bronze decorations, made of white ceramic inserts with crystal gem-set.

ART. 425 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 42, b: cm 25x18 Orologio con colonnine, inserti in ceramica bianca incastonata di gemme di cristallo. Clock with small columns, made of white ceramic inserts with crystal gem-set.

ART. 709 (orologio/clock); ART. 708 (consolle) Misure/Size: h: cm 200, b: cm 80x32 Orologio e consolle in stile Luigi XIV creato dall’ebanista francese Lessure. Clock and consolle Luigi XIV style made by the parisian cabinet maker Lessure.

ART. 601

Misure/Size: h: cm 185, b: cm 35x35 Attaccapanni in bronzo dorato con patina d’epoca e inserti in cristallo ambra. Coat rack made of golden bronze with vintage patina and amber crystal inserts.

ART. 801 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, b: cm 45x45 Tavolino in bronzo con piani in marmo. Table made of bronze with marble shelves.

ART. 419 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 50, b: cm 25x18 Orologio in bronzo dorato con inserti di cristallo trasparente. Clock made of bronze with transparent crystal inserts.

ART. 1182 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 60, b: cm 25x18 Candelabro in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo trasparente. Candleholder made of 24 kt gold-plated bronze with transparent crystal inserts.

Lampade Lamps

ART. 217 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con figure cesellate a mano e inserti in marmo. Lamp made of golden bronze with handmade carved figures and marble inserts.

ART. 267 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 105, b: cm 35x35 Lampada in bronzo placcato oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo lavorato a mano. Lamp made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with handmade crystal inserts.

ART. 201 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in cristallo color ambra. Lamp made of golden bronze with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 201 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, ø: cm 45 Lampada in cristallo ambra e fregi in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt. Lamp made of amber crystal and 24 Kt gold-plated bronze decorations.

ART. 260 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in cristallo ambra. Lamp made of golden bronze with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 202 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, ø: cm 45 Lampada in cristallo lilla con inserti in bronzo con patina antica. Lamp made of lilac crystal with vintage patina on bronzes.

ART. 235 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Lamp made of golden bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 211 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in ceramica decorata con cristalli. Lamp made of golden bronze and ceramic inserts decorated with crystal gems.

ART. 245 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo patinato antico con inserti in marmo. Lamp made of coated antique bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 218 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo patinato con inserti in marmo naturale.. Lamp made of coated bronze with natural marble inserts..

ART. 217 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in marmo naturale. Lamp made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with natural marble inserts.

ART. 215 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo naturale. Lamp made of golden bronze with natural marble inserts.

ART. 237 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo. Lamp made of golden bronze with marble inserts.

ART. 249 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, ø: cm 35 Lampada in bronzo patinato con inserti in marmo naturale. Lamp made of coated bronze with natural marble inserts.

ART. 215 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 85, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con figure finemente cesellate a mano e inserti in cristallo lilla. Lamp made of golden bronze with finely carved handmade figures and lilac crystal inserts.

ART. 214 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in marmo naturale. Lamp made of golden bronze with natural marble inserts..

ART. 281 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in ceramica nera con gemme di cristallo. Lamp made of golden bronze and ceramic inserts with crystal gem-set.

ART. 286 p

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo patinato con inserti in limoges decorati a mano. Lamp made of coated bronze with handmade limonges inserts.

ART. 206 vt

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, ø: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserto in vetro soffiato. Lamp made of golden bronze with blown glass insert.

ART. 207 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, ø: cm 35 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in cristallo turchese. Lamp made of golden bronze with turquoise crystal inserts.

ART. 204 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo patinato con inserti in cristallo lavorato a mano. Lamp made of coated bronze with handmade crystal inserts.

ART. 249 p

Misure/Size: h: cm 60, ø: cm 35 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in ceramica in stile limoges. Lamp made of golden bronze with limoges style ceramic inserts.

ART. 208 vt

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, ø: cm 35 Lampada in bronzo dorato con inserti in vetro soffiato. Lamp made of golden bronze with blown glass inserts..

ART. 205 vt

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, b: cm 45x45 Lampada con base in marmo naturale e inserto in vetro rosso. Lamp made of natural marble basement and red glass insert.

ART. 214 sw

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, ø: cm 45 Lampada in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in ceramica nera e cristalli taglio diamante. Lamp made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with black ceramic inserts and diamond-shaped crystals.

ART. 203 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, ø: cm 45 Lampada in cristallo color ambra con basamento in bronzo anticato con patina. Lamp made of amber crystal and old-looking coated bronze basement.

ART. 217 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 75, b: cm 45x45 Lampada in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserto in cristallo lavorato a mano. Lamp made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with handmade crystal insert.

ART. 245 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 97, b: cm 40x40 Lampada in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo trasparente lavorato a mano. Lamp made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with handmade transparent crystal inserts.

ART. 248 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 97, b: cm 40x40 Lampada in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo trasparente interamente lavorato a mano. Lamp made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with handmade transparent crystal inserts.

ART. 247 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 97, b: cm 40x40 Lampada in bronzo argentato con inserti in cristallo nero interamente lavorato a mano. Lamp made of silver-plated bronze with handmade black crystal inserts.

ART. 265/6 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 127, ø: cm 55 Lampada in bronzo patinato e cesellato a mano e inserto in cristallo color ambra a 6 luci. Lamp made of coated and handmade carved bronze with 6 lights amber crystal insert.

ART. 211 m

Misure/Size: h: cm 120, ø: cm 55 Lampada in marmo con bronzi con patinatura d’epoca. Lamp made of marble and old-looking coated bronzes.

ART. 701 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 100, ø: cm 105 Lampadario in bronzo a 8 bracci con inserto in cristallo. 8 arms chandelier made of bronze with crystal inserts.

ART. 703 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 100, ø: cm 70 Lampadario a 5 bracci in bronzo patinato con inserti in cristallo nero. 5 arms chandelier made of coated bronze with black crystal inserts.

ART. 702 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 100, ø: cm 75 Lampadario in bronzo a 6 bracci con inserti in cristallo. 6 arms chandelier made of bronze with crystal inserts. .

ART. 210 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 190, b: cm 35x35 Piantana in bronzo dorato con inserti in cristallo ambra. Floor lamp made of golden bronze with amber crystal inserts.

Vasi Vases

ART. 143 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 40, b: cm 35x35 Vaso in cristallo trasparente con bronzi placcati in oro 24 Kt. Vase made of transparent crystal and 24 Kt gold-plated bronze.

ART. 170 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 41, b: cm 25x25 Vaso in cristallo trasparente con fregi in bronzo patinato a mano. Vase made of transparent crystal with handmade coated bronze decorations.

ART. 150 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 35, ø: cm 33 Centrotavola in cristallo lavorato a mano e bronzi placcati in oro zecchino 24 Kt. Centrepiece made of handmade crystal and 24 Kt pure gold-plated bronzes.

ART. 107 vt

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, ø: cm 25 Vaso in vetro soffiato con fregi in bronzo dorato. Vase made of blown glass and golden bronze decorations.

ART. 151 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, b: cm 35x35 Portafrutta in cristallo trasparente con basamento in bronzo dorato. Fruit bowl made of transparent crystal and a golden bronze basement.

ART. 127 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 46, b: cm 30x30 Vaso in cristallo color ambra e basamento in bronzo patinato e cesellato a mano. Vase made of amber crystal and a handmade coated and carved bronze basement.

ART. 103 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 26, ø: cm 35 Portafrutta in cristallo lavorato e decorato a mano, bronzi placcati argento 1000. Fuit bowl made of handmade crystal with 1000 silver-plated bronzes.

ART. 103 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 25, ø: cm 35 Vassoio in cristallo lilla con inserti in bronzo patinato. Tray table made of lilac crystal with coated bronze inserts.

ART. 103/105 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 36, ø: cm 35 Portafrutta con coperchio in cristallo ambra con fregi in bronzo patinato. Fruit bowl with his top made of amber crystal and coated bronze decorations.

ART. 101 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 35, ø: cm 20 Coppa portacaviale in cristallo color ambra lavorato a mano e bronzi placcati in oro 24 Kt. Caviar bowl made of handmade amber crystal and 24 Kt gold-plated bronze.

ART. 109 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 20, ø: cm 35 Vassoio in cristallo color ambra e bronzi placcati in oro 24 Kt.. Tray table made of amber crystal and 24 Kt gold-plated bronzes.

ART. 108/106 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 25, ø: cm 25 Vassoio con coperchio in cristallo trasparente lavorato a mano. Traytable with his top made of handmade transparent crystal.

ART. 147 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 72, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro zecchino 24 Kt e cesellato a mano. Centrepiece made of handmade carved and 24 Kt gold-plated bronze.

ART. 142 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 72, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo patinato e cesellato con inserti in cristallo lilla interamente lavorato a mano. Centrepiece made of handmade coated and carved bronze with lilac crystal inserts.

ART. 145 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 72, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in cristallo trasparente e bronzi finemente cesellati a mano placati in oro 24 Kt. Centrepiece made of transparent crystal and 24 Kt gold-plated, handmade carved bronzes.

ART. 157 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 43, b: cm 35x35 Portafrutta in cristallo trasparente con basamento in bronzo antico cesellato e patinato a mano. Fruit bowl made of transparent crystal with a handmade coated and carved antique bronze basement.

ART. 153 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 45, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo patinato a mano e inserti in cristallo trasparente. Centrepiece made of handmade coated bronze and transparent crystal inserts.

ART. 104 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 54, ø: cm 30 Coppa in cristallo ambra con fregi in bronzo dorato. Bowl made of amber crystal with golden bronze decorations.

ART. 115/106 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo trasparente Centrepiece made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with transparent crystal inserts.

ART. 160 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 48, ø: cm 33 Vaso in cristallo trasparente lavorato a mano con bronzi placcati in oro 24 Kt finemente cesellati. Vase made of handmade transparent crystal with finely carved, 24 Kt gold-plated bronzes.

ART. 112 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt e inserti in cristallo lilla lavorato a mano. Centrepiece made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with handmade lilac crystal inserts.

ART. 115 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo argentato e inserti in cristallo nero lavorato a mano. Centrepiece made of silver-plated bronze with handmade black crystal inserts.

ART. 217 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo ambra lavorato a mano. Centrepiece made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with manually operated amber crystal inserts.

ART. 191 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 69, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola 6 piatti in cristallo color lilla, bronzi placcati in oro zecchino 24 Kt. 6 plates centrepiece made of lilac crystal, 24 Kt pure gold-plated bronzes.

ART. 191/192 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 69, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola 6 piatti in cristallo turchese e bronzi placcati oro 24 Kt cesellati a mano. 6 plates centrepiece made of turquoise crystal and handmade carved, 24 gold-plated bronzes.

ART. 191 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 69, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola 6 piatti in cristallo lavorato a mano con bronzi placcati in oro 24 Kt. 6 plates cetrepiece made of handmade crystal and 24 kt gold-plated bronzes.

ART. 163 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 56, b: cm 35x35 Vaso in cristallo color ambra e basamento in bronzo patinato e cesellato a mano. Vase made of amber crystal with a handmade coated and carved bronze basement.

ART. 165/181 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 76, b: cm 35x35 Anfora in bronzo patinato e cesellato a mano con inserti in cristallo trasparente lavorati a mano. Amphora made of handmade coated and carved bronze with transparent crystal inserts.

ART. 167/181 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 76, b: cm 35x35 Vaso in bronzo cesellato a mano con inserti in cristallo color ambra. Vase made of handmade carved bronze with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 116 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 58, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo interamente lavorati e decorati a mano. Centrepiece made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with manually operated and decorated crystal inserts.

ART. 111 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in cristallo lavorato a mano e bronzi placcati in oro 24 Kt. Centrepiece made of handmade crystal and 24 Kt gold-plated bronzes.

ART. 160/181

Misure/Size: h: cm 65, ø: cm 35 Anfora in cristallo ambra con bronzi cesellati a mano placcati in oro 24 Kt. Amphora made of amber crystal with handmade carved 24 Kt gold-plated bronze.

ART. 190 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 62, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt con inserti in cristallo ambra interamente lavorato a mano. Centrepiece made of 24 Kt gold-plated bronze with totally manually operated crystal inserts.

ART. 143 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 72, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato argento 1000 con inserti in cristallo lavorato e decorato a mano. Centrepiece made of 1000 silver-plated bronze and manually operated and hand decorated crystal inserts.

ART. 147 cr

Misure/Size: h: cm 72, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro 24 Kt cesellato a mano e inserti in cristallo ambra. Centrepiece made of 24 Kt gold-plated and hand carved bronze with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 115 gd.mp.cram

Misure/Size: h: cm 55, b: cm 35x35 Centrotavola in bronzo placcato in oro zecchino con inserti in cristallo color ambra. Centrepiece made of pure gold-plated bronze with amber crystal inserts.

ART. 153 ga.mp.crtr

Misure/Size: h: cm 43, b: cm 35x35 Portafrutta in cristallo trasparente con basamento in bronzo antico cesellato e patinato a mano. Fruit bowl made of transparent crystal with a handmade coated and carved antique bronze basement.

Olympus Brass Bronzi d’arte

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