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Race of Flying Duck, Wisdom from Rice Fielders
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Race of Flying Duck Wisdom from Pematang Sawah
Unlike years ago, before the pandemic, today, Rahmad Hidayat (37) who is usually called Dayat doesn’t seem eager to talk about ducks. In fact, usually, if provoked even a little to talk about ducks, he will immediately fix his seat. Like being fanned by a duck’s wing, a bright change of hue is instantly felt on his face. Once we speak, then ten or even more in reply. Talking about ducks, he might just forget that Abaknya has asked him to buy tobacco. He also will not care about his wife’s nagging who has been waiting for the eggs he bought at the shop. In fact, he can also forget that soon he has to take his son to the Koran recital.

Why not? Because evidently it is the ducks that made his status slightly elevated in social interactions in the village. It is also because of the duck that he can stand with his arms akimbo when he is maota or boast in lapau-lapau or taverns. No! He is not a duck herder. The successful herder lays many eggs every morning. He is also not a poultry entrepreneur who produces kilograms of meat every day. Rahmad is a reliable jockey. Jockey that is hard to be beaten in every duck race.
Yes! For the people of the Nagari or Tanjung Haro village, Sikabu-Kabu Padang Panjang, Luak District, Fifty Kota Regency, West Sumatra, ducks are not only pets. Ducks are also racing animals in a game. Like horses, ducks can also be driven like that. A game of hindrance or solace that brings good luck to the owner and the jockeys. Race of flying Duck is a wisdom that starts from the rice fields. It started from a farmer and duck breeder named Jamin who lives in Jorong Padang Panjang. About 90 years ago, one afternoon, when Jamin was about to drive his ducks back to the cage, suddenly some of the ducks flew away from their flock. In fact, this had happened several times. Every time they wanted to drive home the cage, some of the ducks flew away from their herd. It certainly caught his attention. Until then he could not help but tell the people he met. Especially when drinking coffee in lapau.
At first, people just laughed a little. How come a duck can fly? Even though they have thick wings, the ducks prefer to walk around in the rice fields. At most, if in a dangerous situation, they will flutter their wings while running.
Not Only from Rice Fields -
KiwiGraphy Studio - https://www. shutterstock.com/g/ rkiwisudarso
However, he did not stop there. He just kept on telling what happened. From the continuous story, people finally believed it. Then, they caught the ducks that became the topic of the conversation. Then, they flew it. From a high place to a low place. Straight away, the ducks marked by Jamin flew far away. Even disappeared to the village heads. Flying in circles following the hills and rice fields. From there, of course, the story got worse.
Become a Duck Race Jockey
Perhaps it was the story about Jamin that inspired Dayat. Presumably, Jamin has become a kind of role model for him. Therefore, in his family, starting from his brother until he himself, they are never absent from participating in the duck flying event every year. Apparently, not many know the specialty of a field duck. Especially knowledge about feathers, body, scales, and wings. Dayat really understands that. Ducks that can fly are ducks that have neat eagle wings (small wings on the top layer of the flap). Not all ducks with neat eagle wings face up, in the same direction as the duck’s wings. If the eagle’s wings are twisted and facing downwards, do not expect it to get luck in the arena.
Dayat said, ducks that can fly like a “jet” are ducks that have thick wings. The body is rather long, and the neck is short. Ducks that can fly are ducks that have fully loaded scales on both legs. Then a requirement that is no less important is feathering. A good duck is a duck that has matching fur from the beak, body, to legs. Such ducks are hunted by the jockeys. After ducks with these criteria are obtained, keeping them is also not easy and should not be careless. The best ducks need special treatment such as; bathing them every morning and evening, taming is by rubbing their fur and “squeezing” their ass every night, adjusting their diet so that they find the ideal weight. Of course, what is needed is knowledge to determine nutritional intake, pudding, and natural medicines that can stimulate the movements of the wing muscles.
The Race of Flying ducks and their features
The race of lying duck has actually become a small community-owned festival whose management grows from the community and whose financing is sought by the community itself. Only recently has there been a form of guidance from the district tourism office.

Young and Old
Competing - KiwiGraphy Studio - https://www. shutterstock.com/g/ rkiwisudarso
This flying race has three special features, namely, first, prior to its implementation, this festival is a mutual cooperation between the organizers, supporting communities, and the community of flying ducks. The three stake holders unitedly and compactly prepared everything, from cutting bamboo to create a committee secretariat, making stalls selling for the community, cleaning the road shoulders, to making a start/finish line.
Second, when it comes to the day of the event, usually it will be difficult for us to find residents in their homes. The day becomes a kind of national holiday for the community. All people, both small and large, young and old, are all present on the racetrack. The left and right of the street will be filled with spectators. In certain locations, impromptu stalls are set up as bazaar locations. Also, small traders will organize themselves to find a safe place to sell.
Third, this festival is unique because there is a janang or master of ceremony with typical “field” jokes or jokes that add to the liveliness of the event. He will not stop inviting addicts to fly ducks to register their ducks.
The duck racing competition consists of a short distance duck race; i.e. distance of 800 meters to 1000 meters. This competition runs from morning until noon. Then, in the afternoon, a special distance duck race is held, which is 1400 to 1600 meters. This duck race is called the long way duck race. This is the pinnacle of all racing. This top winner will later be rewarded with special prizes, usually one cow and goat. Now, two years after the Covid-19 pandemic attacked the duck race, it will not be held yet. Perhaps, the spread of the virus can be prevented by shielding the health protocols. However, are the effects and impacts of a pandemic economically unavoidable? The only thing that can be done by duck racing activists like Dayat is to think. Contemplating while counting steps from the coffee table to his wife’s kitchen, occasionally, imagining Jamin, the idol, who drives ducks from one rice field to another (Roni Keron: Cultural West
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KiwiGraphy Studio - https://www. shutterstock.com/g/ rkiwisudarso