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Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities
Everyone who recognizes and believes in the values of embracing Belief in The Only One God is called a Believer

Believers gather in a forum called Belief Organization which is diverse and spread throughout Indonesia

There are three main teachings of Belief in The
Only One God, namely Returning to the Source of Life, Becoming one with the Source of Life and Benefiting Life. These three main teachings are manifested in various terms according to their respective teachings
Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities
Do you know what it means to believe in The Only One God? Belief in The Only One God is a statement and implementation of a personal relationship with The Only One God based on faith
All of this is manifested in the behaviour of piety to The Only One God and the practice of nobility whose teachings are sourced from the nation ' s local wisdom
Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities
The diversity of believers and belief organizations gather in a national forum named the Noble Council for Belief in The Only One God in Indonesia (MLKI)
Belief in The Only One God is a spiritual culture, namely spiritual values from cultural customs and local wisdom to build human character towards spiritual maturity.
Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities
Becoming one with the Source of Life, namely human efforts to establish a relationship with God by continuing to maintain cleanliness and purity of heart.
Return to the Source of Life is that humans actually come from God and will return to the Source of Life (The Only One God)
Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities
Benefiting life, which is always striving for living behaviours that brings safety, happiness, and prosperity to the universe
Directorate of Belief in the God Almighty and Customary Law Communities
What is the history of Belief in The Only One God in Indonesia?
There are several important moments regarding the existence of Belief in The Only One God in Indonesia
Constitutively, the acknowledgment of Belief in The Only One God is stated in article 29 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution
At the Symposium of Believers in The Only One God in the area of the Assistant Governor (Ex-Residency) in 1982. The greeting "Rahayu" was agreed as one of the General Characteristics of Believers in The Only One God in Indonesia
In line with the 1945 Constitution. People’s Consultative Assembly Decree No. IV/1973 concerning the Broad Guidelines of State Policy (GBHN) recognizes Religion and Belief as the manifestation of the principle of Belief as the manifestation of the principle of the Indonesian Nation's Belief in The Only One God

The President then issued Presidential Decree No. 27 in junction to No. 40/1978, which underlies the management of Belief in The Only One God in the Department of Education and Culture, in the work unit of the Directorate of Fostering Believers in The Only One God Furthermore, the guarantee of services for the Believers’ civil rights is regulated through the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Housing Affairs and the Minister of Culture and Tourism No. 43/41 Year 2009 concerning Guidelines for Service to Believers in The Only One God

Organizationally, the National Forum for Belief in The Only One God with the name the Noble Council for Belief in The Only One God in Indonesia (MLKI) was declared at the National Symposium of Believers in 2014 in Yogyakarta.
Against the right to education for Believers. The Ministry of Education and Culture issued Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 27/2016 which guarantees the Education Service for The Belief in The Only One God in the Education Unit In regards to identity in official documents. Constitutional Court Decision No. 97/PPU-XIV/2016 granted the right of Believers to fill in the religion column on their ID cards with Belief in The Only One God
Advanced Belief Education Service opens in 2021, based on Decree of The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology No. 418/E/O/2021 concerning the Permit to Open a Study Program of Education for The Belief in The Only One God Undergraduate Program at the University of 17 August 1945 Semarang
Thus, Belief in The Only One God is an inseparable part of the Indonesian nation. Various laws, regulations and policies are formulated in order to protect the existence of Belief in The Only One God, as well as to promote, uphold and fulfil the rights of Believers in Indonesia