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Pandemic, Indonesian Spice's Momentous Awakening
Photo: Odua Images https://www.shutterstock.com/g/oduaimages History records that Mother Earth and all countries in the world must struggle to face a pandemic caused by the Covid-19 or coronavirus in 2020. The world’s battle against Covid-19 began at the end of 2019 when the Bamboo Curtain country, China, detected deadly virus infections among its citizens. The virus was thought to have originated from animals consumed by people in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. In Indonesia, the fight against the deadly virus began since the first case of Corona infection was recorded in the country in early March 2020, which was announced by the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo. However, some researchers believe that the virus had entered Indonesia earlier.
Since it was first detected, the spread of Covid-19 in the country has continued to increase. Not only in terms of the number of positive cases but also the death rate. In fact, Indonesia has become a country with a quite high percentage of death among its coronavirus infection cases. Obviously, the coronavirus problem is not trivial. This plague has had a tremendous impact on almost all corners of human life. The impact is not only felt in the health and social sectors but, more broadly, it has also a negative impact on the economic sector. Some countries have even slumped to crisis level.
Various countermeasures to prevention attempts have been carried out on a massive scale by the government to protect Indonesia and its citizens from the worst possible consequences of the Covid-19 outbreak. Restrictions on community activities are the most dominant effect felt by us as a society. However, life must go on. Public health must be maintained, and the wheels of the economy must continue to run. Thus, the term “new normal” came about. We are expected to live side by side with the plague that is invisible to the human eyes.
However, the existence of a pandemic can also become a momentum, a momentum for the revival of local Indonesian spices. Before a vaccine for the Covid-19 virus is discovered, the ideal way to ward off this virus is the application of health protocols and immune system safeguards. The best advice is to use herbs to preserve a strong immune system.
The Role of Spices Amid a Pandemic
The charm of Nusantara’s spices – as an integral part of the Indonesian identity – is very strong. From ancient times until now, spices have continued to exist in its dynamic, both in terms of utilisation, production, quality, as well as the ebb and flow of export figures. Spices are currently still on demand, processed and consumed by people in various circles. Spices are not drugs, but rather a trigger to increase the immune system.
According to herbal practitioners, there are several types of spices that are believed to be used as traditional ingredients to trigger the immune system. One example is ginger. People use this spice plant for various purposes, as a traditional medicinal ingredient, a beverage ingredient, and a cooking spice. This rhizome plant is known to have many benefits. Not surprisingly, ginger is mostly used by people as herbal medicine or traditional medicine.
Masteria Yunovilsa, who heads the research group at Center for Drug Discovery and Development of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Biotechnology Research Center, through his recent book on Covid-19, “Religious and Health Perspectives” (2020) argues that ginger – in this case, is red ginger – is an immunomodulator or an immune enhancer. On top of that, red ginger also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. According to Yunovilsa, in general, the coronavirus causes inflammation symptoms in the lungs so that the anti-inflammatory effect can be relieved by consuming red ginger.

(above) Jamu sellers waiting for customers to arrive in the pandemic era. Wedang empon that has risen in popularity during this pandemic.(below)
Photo: Odua Images https://www.shutterstock.com/g/oduaimages

Photo: Diade Riva Nugrahani https://www.shutterstock.com/g/Diade_Riva
We can explore the benefits of other spices, such as turmeric and Javanese ginger (temulawak). Each rhizome plant has its own advantages. Optimally utilising spices as traditional herbal medicine is the right choice to maintain a healthy body; of course, it must be accompanied with the application of a healthy lifestyle.
This is not just a matter of pride in domestic products. It is a fact that Indonesian spices have great benefits. As additional information, the trade in Chinese herbal medicines has actually increased during this pandemic. If Indonesia has spices that have proven efficacy and can then be planted in your own yard, why not use them as part of a body supplement that can ward off the plague. In fact, more broadly, Indonesian spices can be used as a promising export commodity. The Indonesian Ministry of Trade reported that the positive trend of Indonesian spice exports to Taiwan in the last two years had increased rapidly.
In fact, Indonesia is a major supplier of spices to Taiwan. Based on Taiwan Customs data for January – March 2020, Indonesia has exported spices amounting to USD 1.58 million, an increase of 25.57 per cent over the same period the previous year. This pandemic will undoubtedly be a momentum to fix several sectors for the smooth running of the upstream-downstream process of using spices. Thus, the image and Indonesia’s identity as a spice-producing country has also strengthened in the eyes of the world. (Taufiq Fadhilah, writing at www.rubrikpena.com and online media)