Replay Magazine

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Be a contendah! Get your listing in RePlay’s Directory! If you haven’t received & returned a listing form for RePlay Magazine’s 2010 Directory Yearbook, fill this out and fax it NOW to 818-776-2888! Remember, this is the industry “phonebook” full of current listings of manufacturers, distributors, import/export firms, parts suppliers, services, one-stops & trade associations. All listings are FREE! Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: ______________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Toll-Free Phone: _________________________________________ Fax: ___________________________________________ Toll-Free Fax: ____________________________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Website:________________________________________________ Sales people you’d like listed (with titles where applicable): ________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Products/Services offered (if distributor, list lines handled DIRECT only): _______________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

For an ad in this important reference book, contact Barry Zweben at 818/776-2880 ASAP! The RePlay Directory Deadline is NOW!

phone: 818/776-2880 • fax: 818-776-2888 mailing: P.O. Box 572829, Tarzana, CA 91357 shipping: 18757 Burbank Blvd., Suite 105, Tarzana, CA 91356 email: • website:


Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Take your best shot with an ad in coin-op’s #1 slugger ...the 2010 RePlay

Directory Yearbook! (January 2010 issue)

Make your ad reservation


Be there, or hit the shower! magazine

Call Barry or Eddie at 818/776-2880 • fax 818/776-2888 • email mail: RePlay, P.O. Box 572829, Tarzana, CA 91357 ship: 18757 Burbank Blvd., Suite 105, Tarzana, CA 91356

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